This is the first in a series of occasional reviews of past Rotten Apple videos.

The first voice you hear in the Rotten Apple series is that of Joel Glazier, the author of the article "Paul Is Dead...Miss Him, Miss Him," that appeared in the January 1979 issue of the fanzine “Strawberry Fields Forever.” Glazier shared his expertise as a guest on “The Beatle Years” radio show hosted by former Lennon Publicist Elliot Mintz in 1993. In the audio clip Glazier is explaining how to place a mirror over the words “Lonely Hearts” on the Sgt. Pepper bass drum to reveal the secret message “1 ONE 1 X HE ^ DIE.”
Several still pictures, some of which came from the “Paul Is Dead” sequence of the film “Braverman’s Condensed Cream of Beatles” accompany Glazier’s explanation. Braverman had used an out of context picture of Paul in a swimming pool and an old World War II photograph to "illustrate" the "Paul Is Dead" phenomenon. This technique of using unrelated images to help tell a story would be borrowed by Iamaphoney on many occasions.
Glazier's speech is followed by a bit of the promo film for "Strawberry Fields Forever." After a few familiar bars, the audio is reversed. Unlike most backwards audio, you don't need to have the creativity of Sunssol or the "Sleepy Red Moose" guy to hear understandable words in this clip. "We'll sing it, man. We'll be reverse." Admittedly, the sentences don't make a ton of sense, and the word "reverse" in particular sounds as if it was spoken by a toddler. But you don't have to be crazy to interpret it as an invitation to listen to Beatles music backwards.
Then other visual and audio clues are presented in a somewhat random manner until we see some John and Yoko footage and hear John debunking the "I buried Paul" claim. His "cranberry sauce" story is then contradicted by Apple executive Allen Klein's "On that particular take, his guitar buried Paul's sound" excuse. That sound bite and the one that follows came from a television show produced in 1969 by RKO. The program centered on a mock trial featuring lawyer F. Lee Bailey interviewing some of the principle characters in the "Paul Is Dead" rumor story.
One of those characters was Paul McCartney's close friend Peter Asher. Peter, the brother of Paul's ex-girlfriend and member of pop duo Peter and Gordon is heard admitting "It sounds like John is saying 'I buried Paul.'" While this is happening, we see video footage of Beatles Road Manager and "Castle Keep" Neil Aspinall moving his lips. This of course, can only be classified as misleading, deceptive and blatantly dishonest, because I'm sure it caused some people watching to think that it was Aspinall speaking. What was the name of the person who made this video containing such a unapologetic misrepresentation? Oh yeah, Iamaphoney. That's cool.

The next image we see is the overhead shot from the Magical Mystery Tour book rotated 90 degrees. Glazier suggested in the "Strawberry Fields" article that the rotated picture resembled a human skull. The sound is the "I Buried Paul" ending of the song "Strawberry Fields Forever" as it was heard on the WNEW-News Closeup with Christopher Glenn from November of 1969. The video concluded with another quick backwards clip of "Blue Jay Way" interpreted as "Paul is bloody."
The description of the video states: "I`m preparing the world for the revelation" and "We'll sing it, man. We'll be reverse." Although appropriate, it may be apocryphal. I'm not sure that Iamaphoney was using this "revelation" language this early on in the series. Say what you want about his questionable manner of fudging evidence, it is a tribute to his artistry that many are still around two years later, still curious about what he intends to do next. It is also a tribute to the mystical quality of the Beatles music that has fired the imagination of the world for decades. The link below is an unsolicited ad with the hope that they will allow me to continue to use that wonderfully ironic picture of a beheaded guy wearing a backwards "Paul Is Dead" tee shirt.

I guess that IS Neil Aspinall.
Up to now, I'd always thought that was Dick Lester.
You use the words "misleading, deceptive and blatantly dishonest" and then talk about artistry.
I'm less impressed with Iamaphoney's artistry than I am his "fudging evidence", as you describe it, and how it affects viewers psychologically.
I hope that this does not end badly for either the "artist", his fans or the subject involved.
thanks tfltong, this is what I've been longing for.
Very good indeed and worth the wait.
looking forward to more reviews.
Excellent job Tafultong!
Look forward to your next flashback installment!
more more now this is interesting stuff!
I like it! More Tafultong(tm) flavor then "Taf", less work then typing the extra "a" and "u"!
jammie +2
Rotten Apple #1
Video duration
1 minute 54 seconds
Tafultong RA#1Flashback
Word count 698
The average rate for reading is between 200 - 250 words per minute.
Article duration
Read time: 2:48-3:30
Time it took me to prepare this comment
so, the score this evening is
(with rolling rock bonus round for well thought out and executed article)
jammie +2
(for handy and trendy "tfltong" nickname)
need to improve my time to prepare comments... need a cool nickname for tafultong or to write two cool articles to get the magic +33 rolling rock bonus round to get back in the running.
Likelyhood of that?
which for those of you keeping score means satan.
which for those of you keeping score means satan.
March 6, 2009 12:19 AM
Going over to the darkside?
how else am i going to get back in the running but to start worshiping satan damn it!
yeah, worked for alister crowly and paul
1:54 minutes...
time to watch RA#1
2:48-3:30 minutes...
time to read RA#1 Flashback
Time to worship Beelzebub?
Eternity in hell
Value of your soul?
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's PIDMasterCard."
Whats in YOUR wallet?
MasterCard actually registered Priceless as a trademark.
You are skating on thin ice funnyman
You should not joke about things like this. Repent for the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory!
" repentforthekingdom said...
You should not joke about things like this. Repent for the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory!
March 6, 2009 12:42 AM"
somewhere vince is channeling his silent burning rage against the Las Vegas Christian community into a novel about a talking grilled cheese sandwich that looks like the face of Jesus Christ, auctioned on eBay for $34,000 to a Indian gaming casino in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Some memorable
Cheese Christ Sandwich quotes from the book
"“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Care for a cheese sandwhich?"
"“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. And give them a cheese sandwhich!"
more Cheese Christ quotes....
"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Why am I in a casino on an Indian Reservation? IN SOUTH DAKOTA? I came back to create the New Jerusalem!
"Take this bread, for it is my body.
Take this cheese for it is my blood. And if you play the nickle slots, play on that machine next to the bathrooms, for people do not play them religiously and they are likely to pay off. Be kind to one another. Especially be kind to your dealers and waitresses, for the white man stole their land."
You are going to HELL for adding to the word of the Lord!
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
<< Deuteronomy 4:2 >>
King James Bible
Jesus didn't eat cheese!
google says otherwise.
Anonymous said...
Jesus didn't eat cheese!
March 6, 2009 12:59 AM
Anonymous said...
google says otherwise.
March 6, 2009 1:02 AM
Read your Bible NOT google!
What does this have to do with Taf's article??????
Cheese Christ is nothing but a Zionist Leninist/Marxist Jew!
Don't you know it's gonna be? all right !
so phony actually started the whole revelation thing with a never heard before clue like that we sing it man we be reverse it is amazing nobody heard it before almost supernatural nice interesting writing tafultung
Dhami just joined the game
look at thenewno2 new album cover
the suitcase warriors
Cheese Christ Sandwich said...
somewhere vince is channeling his silent burning rage against the Las Vegas Christian community into a novel about a talking grilled cheese sandwich that looks like the face of Jesus Christ, auctioned on eBay for $34,000 to a Indian gaming casino in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
March 6, 2009 12:50 AM
Actually, i'm doing research on Madalyn Murray O'Hare, the famous atheist who was found dead, with her head cut off.
No, I don't think Entertainment Weekly ever covered it.
"the famous atheist who was found dead, with her head cut off."
Better than being found alive with her head cut off!
The t shirt should be printed on the inside too.
And as for fortune, and as for fame,
I never invited them in,
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired.
They are illusions!
They are not the PID solutions they promised to be.
The answer was here at Tafultong's Blog.
I love you, and hope you love me!
Don't cry for me Velveeta
Have I said too much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you.
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true!
MANSFIELD, Conn. – Peter Tork, a former member of the 1960s pop group the Monkees, says he has a rare form of head and neck cancer, but the prognosis is good.
"The answer was here at Tafultong's Blog."
What was the answer?
Anonymous said...
"The answer was here at Tafultong's Blog."
What was the answer?
"You gave me the answer,
to love eternally,
I love you, and,
you, you seem to like me."
"Life is one long enigma, my friend
So read on, read on, the answer's at the end."
I assume IAP was planning on comming out of his hidie-hole on this date anyway, but 9/9/09 is the official release date for the Beatles edition of the Rockband game. I suppose Apple and Harmonix just picked that day at random, not because the upside-down triple six thing.
Cheers for an entire generation too fucking dumb and lazy to learn all them crazy 7th chords like the millions of us from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. Fuck, even that athsmatic kid from last season of American Idol could play Imagine on a real piano.
Oh really?
Vince, the only reason that you're researching Madalyn O'Hair's death is because you're hoping she was killed by a Christian, thus giving one more reason for your illogical, and much-pronounced (on this blog) hatred of Christians.
Let Wikipedia save you some time:
"She was murdered in 1995 along with her son and granddaughter, for reasons unrelated to her public image and activism."
What else did I learn from the article? That she was insane. Some interesting facts about your "hero":
- O'Hair filed a lawsuit with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in regards to the Apollo 8 Genesis reading.[10] O'Hair wished the courts to ban US astronauts — who were all Government employees — from public prayer in space
- In 1980, William Murray was baptised at a Baptist church in Dallas, where he took up work as a preacher. This led to a permanent estrangement between mother and son. As she put it, "One could call this a postnatal abortion on the part of a mother, I guess; I repudiate him entirely and completely for now and all times...he is beyond human forgiveness."[21]
Murray spoke critically and regretfully of his mother after her disappearance:
"My mother was an evil person... Not for removing prayer from America's schools... No, she was just evil. She stole huge amounts of money. She misused the trust of people. She cheated children out of their parents' inheritance. She cheated on her taxes and even stole from her own organizations. She once printed up phony stock certificates on her own printing press to try to take over another atheist publishing company....Regardless of how evil and lawless my mother was she did not deserve to die in the manner she did."
It was wrong people to send her death threats, strangle her cats, throw rocks at her windows, etc.
But it sounds to me like she was such a certifiable psychobitch she almost deserved it.
And before you ask: No, I'm not a Christian. But a few of my friends are, and while they haven't convinced me yet to take that leap I do commend them for their uprightness. Even though I am not fully a man of faith nothing pleases me more than to defend the freedom of religion from raving atheists who possess many, if not all the same character flaws as the religious that they so illogically seek to defame.
All the same, as her son William pointed out even Madalyn didn't deserve to die such a horrible death.
At least justice was served in that her murderers were caught and sent to jail for the rest of their lives.
The Unapologetic Apologist
Here's who dunnit and why:
(from wikipedia)
"Ultimately, a murder investigation focused on Waters, who had worked as a typesetter for American Atheists and was the organization's office manager at the time the three vanished...
Police concluded that Waters and his accomplices had kidnapped all three O'Hairs, forced them to withdraw the missing funds, went on several huge shopping sprees with the O'Hairs' money and credit cards, and then murdered all three people. Danny Fry, an accomplice, was murdered a few days after the O'Hairs; his body was found on a riverbed with its head and hands severed....
In January 2001, Waters informed the police that the O'Hairs were buried on a Texas ranch, and he subsequently led them to the bodies. When the police excavated there, they discovered that the O'Hairs' bodies had been cut into dozens of pieces with a saw. The remains exhibited such extensive mutilation and successive decomposition that identification had to be made through dental records, by DNA testing and, in Madalyn O'Hair's case, by her prosthetic hip....
Waters died in prison of lung cancer on January 27, 2003"
And now you know the rest of the story
PS - I'm not dead!
why are we knowing this?
Because Paul and Charlie Manson did it!
The Clown Code was a song. clever, it was.
"Because Paul and Charlie Manson did it!"
did what?
"it" what? penny for your thoughts
Yes Paul was close friends with Charlie Manson. The two of them built gigantic magnets that over the years have pulling Planet X closer to us. The entire Abbey Road album is encoded with symbols from the Mayan Calendar. At the stroke of midnight on 2012 a giant hologram of a UFO will appear over the skies of Washington D.C.. At that moment all government officials will shed their synthetic skin to reveal the reptillian creatures lurking beneath and Elvis Presely will descend from the heavens and declare peace on earth.
Grilled Cheese Christ frowns upon your shenanigans friend of Christian!
Leave poor defenseless Vince alone! You should be defending his right to watch Venture Bros and rant about Las Vegas Christians like the rest of us. Have you ever been to Las Vegas??? Those Las Vegas Christians are the most annoying Christians BECAUSE MOST OF THEM WORK AT CASINOS OR GO THERE. Talk about hypocrites!
Also, grilled Cheese Christ just told me to tell you to tell your friends they need to work harder at converting you. He said of your friends... and I quote
"Tell those slacker Christians to get off the couch and convert that dude, he is more then half way there!
Also tell him we have nummy little sandwiches made of Me and a swig of wine on sundays, unless you are Mormons."
"Leave poor defenseless Vince alone! You should be defending his right to watch Venture Bros and rant about Las Vegas Christians like the rest of us."
Yeah us Atheists should stick together. And um, friend of Christians, hate to tell you this, but your "friends" believe in their hearts that if you DONT convert and accept their beliefs, you are going to Hell.
I don't know about you, but nothing screams friend like that....
vegas christians are annoying. have to admit, i do like a good grilled cheese christ sandwich every now and again. while watching.... the venture brothers....
Let's make a distinction between actual Christians and those psychotics who believe the RA series is in the book of Revelations and Paul McCartney is the AntiChrist. Thanks.
To change HEART to STONE:
In 2000, some people published stuff and called it Me Head. Lots of people read it and laughed, and then it disappeared.
Some people cried.
It's okay, though. Things that disappear come back.
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud
We'll be forwarded.
"The entire Abbey Road album is encoded with symbols from the Mayan Calendar."
No, that's RAM.
"Elvis Presely will descend from the heavens and declare peace on earth."
That much is true.
Madelyn O'Hair will have some 'splainin' to do.
Oh Lucy! (I "heart" Lucy!)
(sung to the tune of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", more or less)
Picture yourself being Ricky Ricardo
With gray suit and trumpet, and red-headed wife
your wife is asking you, if she can be in the show.
You say no, and wetten her eyes
You have neighbors, one of whom's Ethel
The other one is just a Fred
Look at the heart with just one letter "I"
The theme song
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Lucy cries]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Ricky: "You've got some 'splainin' to do!"]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
You're the bandleader at the Tropicana
Lucy was a clown, hit with pie.
Everyone smiles as Lucy gets into trouble;
Laughs grow so incredibly high:
Lucy Ricardo appears in the show
After you tell her "No way!";
Club is the place where you recognize her in the show
and you're gone!
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Lucy: "Vita-meata-vegamin!"]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Lucy sings a sour note]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
The show is still on many TV stations;
It's been syndicated all of their lives.
Suddenly you see yourself, Fred, and Ethel,
And the girl with the big red O'hair!
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Candy Factory Boss: "Speed it up a Little!"]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Ricky: "You've got some 'splainin' to do!"]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Lucy cries]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo!
[Ricky: "You've got some 'splainin' to do!"]
Lucy is your wife, Ricardo! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
mmmmm chocolate!
so phony actually started the whole revelation thing with a never heard before clue like that we sing it man we be reverse it is amazing nobody heard it before almost supernatural.
So because it sounds sort of like "we'll be re-vorce" is almost supernatural? Oh brother.
Miles is Deod.
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