Saturday, March 28, 2009

California Scheming

John Lennon said, "Sgt. Pepper is Paul after a trip to America when the whole West Coast long-named group thing was coming in. You know, when people were no longer the Beatles or the Crickets. They were suddenly Fred and his Incredible Shrinking Airplanes. I think he got influenced by that."

Paul explained, "At that time there were lots of those sort of bands that you know, 'Laughing Joe and his Medicine Band Thank You Wham Bam Ma'am', kind of group names. 'Colonel Tucker's Medicinal Brew & Compound.' So I just thought, if there was a band, what would be a mad name for it?"

Yes, Paul must have seen something he really liked out in California when he went there with Mal Evans. Paul reportedly even attended a Beach Boys session April 11, 1967 with the likes of Rodney Bingenheimer and Charles Manson. At least that's how Rodney Bingenheimer remembers it (Thanks F). This crazy place and crazy time could have inspired The Beatles' most mysterious album, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." In fact the rabbit hole we have been looking for may be in California's Hollywood Hills.

The only problem is the timeline. Paul's California trip, as chronicled in Mal Evans' home movies took place at the beginning of April of 1967. By this time the Sgt. Pepper album was pretty much finished and the cover pictures had been shot. The thing we don't know is what all took place during The Beatles 1966 tour when their standard operating procedure included "borrowing a couple millionaires' houses." I seem to remember a mysterious character from the Laurel Canyon mafia in the shadows of a Beatles Press Conference in 1966.

A strange cast of characters congregated in the Hollywood Hills where lots of rock bands seemed to be emerging into the spotlight at the same time. Countless rumors have materialized about what was really going there. Some people interpret the song "Hotel California" to be about the excesses of the Rock and Roll lifestyle, and as Don Henley put it, "The underbelly of the American Dream." Others have put forth theories about Satanism, ritualistic child abuse, Illuminati conspiracies, and mind control.

Much of the rumor mongering was linked to two mysterious houses located in the Laurel Canyon portion of the Hollywood Hills: The Houdini House and the Log Cabin. The two houses had an interesting history. According to Dave's Web there were rumors of suspicious activity in the two houses going back to the time they were built, sometime before 1920.

The Houdini House was an imposing castle-like structure built in the early 1900s. There is some dispute over whether or not the famous magician actually lived there, but that doesn't really matter. The long history of the house includes stories of murder, seances and paranormal experiences. And since its ruins and accompanying ghost stories are recognized by the tourist industry, it will forever be linked with Houdini. Harry Houdini spent a great deal of time debunking spiritualists in his life, but he also spent a significant amount of time trying to find the bridge between the living and the dead. This practice continued after his death when the departed Houdini was the focus of numerous seances.

Another structure was originally called the Laurel Tavern, but it would become better known as the Log Cabin. Frank Zappa lived in the Log Cabin and hosted a varied cast of players. Zappa even helped make some of them famous. Interestingly, despite being at the epicenter of the artistic movement that exploded in the summer of love, I don't think Frank Zappa ever thought of himself as a flower child. In fact, his artistic response to Sgt. Pepper, was less than complementary.

But long before flower power, there were legends about hidden passages and secret caves linking the Houdini House and the Log Cabin.

When you look at the cover of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, some surprising connections with the Hollywood Hills emerge. The man in the white hat behind the wax figure of Paul McCartney is actor Tom Mix who owned the Log Cabin for a while and lived there briefly.

Harry Houdini is not on the cover of Sgt. Pepper, but guess who is. Tony Curtis played the famous magician in the movie "Houdini."

And is it really that much of a stretch to suggest that the inclusion of comedian Stan Laurel could be a veiled allusion to Laurel Canyon?

According to Dave McGowan of Dave's Web, in addition to suspicious deaths, fires are a common occurrence in the Hollywood Hills. The Harry Houdini house burned on Halloween of 1959. The Log Cabin burned on Halloween of 1981. I could not find any information on the Fireman's whereabouts on those two dates.

Like many pictured on the cover of Sgt. Pepper, Tom Mix died prematurely. He was killed in a car accident on an Arizona Highway near a military installation. The date of the crash was October 12, 1940, Aleister Crowley's 65th birthday.

Strangely, it was not the impact of the crash itself that resulted in Mix's death. As objects started flying around inside the car, Mix was plonked in the back of the head --- by a suitcase.


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Anonymous said...

Always freakin first

Anonymous said...

wanna hear my "Houdini" story?? oh and it fits rrright in. Did you know that part?

Tafultong said...

Do tell...

I just had to look said...

having read the book

BIll said...

Anonymous said...

Bill will be reprimanded for bad linkage

Anonymous said...

cond=sider the pilots of PALM


Anonymous said...

I thought Mix was the guy Hearst shot, thinking it was Chaplin, while they were on Heart's boat? Well, that's from the movie, "Cat's Meow", so, it could be wrong.

I really can't tell if Frank was really 'slagging' Pepper, though. It REALLY IS his best album. Actual SONGS on this! I LOVE IT!
Meanwhile, I know 'they' keep saying Paul really liked the "FREAK OUT!", album, but I can't really see the influence.

Anywhooo, keep up the great WOK, Taf!!!


Anonymous said...

OH, and here's a yahoo article about rock-n-roll hoaxes.... dumb, but I thought it of 'interest':


Tafultong said...

Thanks Vince. I was hoping our resident Zappa expert would share an insight.

Anonymous said...

David Crosby part of the Laurel Canyon mafia?

Hey man, don't diss the Byrds!

Anonymous said...

You might wanna mention that Tom Mix, Tony Curtis and Stan Laurel were all pop culture icons at the time too.

Imaliar said...

"'they' keep saying Paul really liked the "FREAK OUT!", album, but I can't really see the influence."

Well after he heard "Wowie Zowie" he wrote "Silly Love Songs" and "Jet".

EliasCrowe said...

Satanic Hollywood! ;)

Interesting stuff, Taf.

Anonymous said...

Go to Hollywood now, and there's a satanic doo-dad shop on every other corner. It's the status quo there.

Was the Sgt. Pepper cover partially a coded report on what was happening in Laurel Canyon? While Paul was focusing on how to top Brian Wilson, John may have been trying to tell us something. The demon that appears when the cover is side-mirrored, and the "Beatles SOS" seem to agree with this theory.

Some believe that Manson was a mind-control slave that was used to kill Sharon Tate, who was starting to pull away from the Polanski cult. Having Charlie point the finger at the Beatles for inspiration would prevent any further such messages from them.

May Pang did report John's screaming about "It's all Roman Polanski's fault" during a drunken rant. Why, John, why?

65if2007 said...

George Reeves also died mysteriously in the Hollywood Hills, though his home was in Benedict Canyon, not Laurel Canyon.

He died -- either as a suicide or as a homicide victim -- by gunfire, not in an automobile.

There's no obvious "Pepper cover" connection to George Reeves though -- and no "Benedicts" on the cover -- but there is Carl Jung.

Jung had an interest in Nietzsche's concept of the "superman" and considered the comic book superhero in connection with his interest in symbols.

In the words of one commentator, "Another aspect of Superman is his duality... According to Carl Jung, Superman/Clark Kent suffers from the common dissociation. His “conscious” persona is the Clark Kent piece. This side lives a life that is a farce...His “unconscious” persona is the piece that is Superman. He cannot deny his powers and moral obligations, even if it interferes with his conscious, Clark Kent. This part of his personality reflects his true self and his true nature."

The theme of "dual identity", of a false image hiding one's true identity, of course, is a staple theme of the comic strip and is also standard PID fare.

What about it? Will Paul come back as Superman?

Anonymous said...

Great article Taf!

Anonymous said...

Tafultong said.....The only problem is the timeline. Paul's California trip, as chronicled in Mal Evans' home movies took place at the beginning of April of 1967. By this time the Sgt. Pepper album was pretty much finished and the cover pictures had been shot. The thing we don't know is what all took place during The Beatles 1966 tour when their standard operating procedure included "borrowing a couple millionaires' houses."

Tafultong, bands like Big Brother And The Holding Company and Quicksilver Messenger Service formed around 1965 and were "in" bands in the Ca music scene by the following year. If Paul hadn't heard about them by 67 I'm sure the Beatles read the hip music magazines of the era. I don't think they existed in a bubble.

Anonymous said...

65If2007 said.. "Jung had an interest in Nietzsche's concept of the "superman" and considered the comic book superhero in connection with his interest in symbols."

Fun to be sure but Jung is better known for his dream analysis and Lennon claimed to be a fan (although I doubt John got as far as the back cover of any book). Considering all the dream stuff in Beatles music (Yesterday come to Paul in dream, "And I fell into a dream" from a Day In The Life, John's own #9 Dream, calling himself a "dreamer" in Imagine) I'd say it's a safe bet that it was Jung's dream interpretation theories that got the Beatles attention.

The George Reeves death is still a mystery evidently. There was a movie about it a few years ago with Ben Afflek.

Anonymous said...

Before anyone rushes to John's defense based on the above comment I made about him not getting as far as the back cover of a book I'll make myself clear. I don't think that John was an intellectual no matter how desperately he wanted to convince the world that he was. I'd say he was clever and bright at best and the same goes for all the Beatles which goes a long way to explaining part of their appeal. I've read comments on NIR where various members are linking Beatle lyrics to the Sphynx and ancient rituals and that to me is so over the top and ridiculous it beggars belief. Beatle lyrics are pretty mundane and simplistic. Lennon might have thrown around a few Spike Milligan inspired puns here and there but the Beatles were more adept pop craftsmen than great thinkers of the age which is why they relate to the common man and have proven so popular over the years. I enjoy and appreciate the craftsmanship of their music but there's not much to depth to their lyrics. To see them dissected for clues to the apocalypse or the coming of Christ is like watching someone getting dinner recipes from a cartoon. There are so many other lyricists in pop music who offer much more profundity than Lennon and McCartney.

65if2007 said...

And in "God", Lennon says, "I was the dreamweaver".

But Pepper was primarily McCartney's project and McCartney might have been interested in Jung's interpretation of symbols.

There are a number of authors, playwrights, and one poet featured on the Pepper cover, so someone is affecting a literary bent.

Also, I'm not sure that I would call either "I Am The Walrus" or "Lucy in the Sky" mundane or simplistic.

"Mundane and simplistic" is a better description of the early Beatles. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

GW said...

"wanna hear my "Houdini" story?? oh and it fits rrright in. Did you know that part?"

Bring it on!!

the truth at last said...

"The George Reeves death is still a mystery evidently. There was a movie about it a few years ago with Ben Afflek."


from wiki:
"Misfortunes befalling the Aflac Duck include falling into the Grand Canyon, getting hit by a train, sliding off a snowy rooftop and onto a snowman, getting placed on an intense roller coaster, and being hit by a falling automobile."

There ya havit: Paul was the Aflac duck!

Anonymous said...

Methinks perhaps Zappa was speaking right to the HEART of the matter:
The Beatles were 'kept alive' after they had disbanded in 1966
"for the money".

Anonymous said...

"It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
"To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!"

Anonymous said...

Houdini hid the key to the lock in his mouth.

D. abolo said...

Hey Taf,

interesting article. I would say John just got that wrong.

here some interesting background information on the development of the pepper project:

and probably the best:

keep on postin'

Diabolo :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice comments above.
The Zappa album cover, etc.

The L. Canyon stuff is an interesting read.

There was so much in the way of oddity over the years it's just amazing.

If there was a push to establish this 'movement' the music, etc would be integral parts to this.

Evidently the byrds and other bands
really weren't that good (at least to start).
It's pointed out that people went to see vito and the freaks dance at the clubs and this was the show - not so much the bands themselves.
Just to shore up the point-
The byrds first record was just them singing (with lots of tweaking) but studio guys actually playing. Roger (Jim) Mcguinn seemed to be the only one that could really play guitar.

There are just layers of strangeness to the whole canyon saga.

Tell me MO said...

A measly 28 comments? Let's at least go for 100!

Anonymous said...

Actually the Byrds came into being as "Wanna-Beatles".
They saw "A Hard Day's Night" and decided that was
the life for them! Hence the situation you described.

it's not dirty! said...

69 to go.

Anonymous said...

From dave's-
"Carl Franzoni perhaps summed it up best when he declared that “the Byrds records were manufactured.” The first album in particular was an entirely engineered affair created by taking a collection of songs by outside songwriters and having them performed by a group of nameless studio musicians (for the record, the actual musicians were Glen Campbell – yes, that Glen Campbell, who also briefly served as a Beach Boy – on guitar, Hal Blaine on drums, Larry Knechtel on bass, Leon Russell on electric piano, and Jerry Cole on rhythm guitar), after which the band’s trademark vocal harmonies, entirely a studio creation, were added to the mix.

As would be expected, the Byrds’ live performances, according to Barney Hoskyns in Waiting for the Sun, “weren’t terribly good.” But that didn’t matter much; the band got a lot of assistance from the media, with Time magazine being among the first to champion the new band. And they also got a lot of help from Vito and the Freaks and from the Young Turks, as was previously discussed."

Anonymous said...

The byrds first record was just them singing (with lots of tweaking) but studio guys actually playing. Roger (Jim) Mcguinn seemed to be the only one that could really play guitar.

Yeah, with the same musicians who played on The Monkees, Mamas and the Papas,The Beach Boys, Sonny and Cher. The unit was called Hal Blaine and the Wrecking Crew. They did all those records. This is show business. Labels didn't trust bands to do it themselves. If you got a hit out of the box then they might let the guys play. The Byrds only used Hal Blaine's crew for the first single, after that they played everything as they got better.

Anonymous said...

65if2007 said...

Also, I'm not sure that I would call either "I Am The Walrus" or "Lucy in the Sky" mundane or simplistic.

No, I'd call that pretentious slop that any college kid could write. There are commenters on this board who are more creative. The music is great. the lyrics to either of those are not impressive. Take those two sets of lyrics and compare them to "When The Music's Over" by the Doors. Same year.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From dave's-
"Carl Franzoni perhaps summed it up best when he declared that “the Byrds records were manufactured.” The first album in particular was an entirely engineered affair created by taking a collection of songs by outside songwriters and having them performed by a group of nameless studio musicians (for the record, the actual musicians were Glen Campbell – yes, that Glen Campbell, who also briefly served as a Beach Boy – on guitar, Hal Blaine on drums, Larry Knechtel on bass, Leon Russell on electric piano, and Jerry Cole on rhythm guitar), after which the band’s trademark vocal harmonies, entirely a studio creation, were added to the mix.

Wow! Aside from getting the Wrecking Crew members names right this above quote is ignorant to the extreme. What a moron this guy is!

"a collection of songs by outside songwriters".?

Well...yeah....Bob Dylanbut the majority of those songs on the Byrds first album were written by Gene Clark who, by the way, was in the band and their lead singer. Doh! Gene also wrote songs for the Turtles and left the Byrds after the second album to persue a solo career.

No wonder a lot of people here have a slightly retarded perspective on 60's rock if you're reading this braindead shit.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Tambourine Man" (Bob Dylan) –2:29
"I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better" (Gene Clark) –2:32
"Spanish Harlem Incident" (Bob Dylan) –1:57
"You Won't Have to Cry" (Gene Clark/Jim McGuinn) –2:08
"Here Without You" (Gene Clark) –2:36
"The Bells of Rhymney" (Idris Davies/Pete Seeger) –3:30
"All I Really Want to Do" (Bob Dylan) –2:04
"I Knew I'd Want You" (Gene Clark) –2:14
"It's No Use" (Gene Clark/Jim McGuinn) –2:23
"Don't Doubt Yourself, Babe" (Jackie DeShannon) –2:54
"Chimes of Freedom" (Bob Dylan) –3:51
"We'll Meet Again" (Ross Parker/ Hughie Charles) –2:07

Wow look at all those "outside songwriters". Who the hell is this Dave's web guy? Is he an idiot?

Anonymous said...

Tafultong do you do any research at all before you provide these links?

Anonymous said...

I see now that Davesweb is a site with an axe to grind and the facts be damned! "No bullshit!" he's got at the top of the page, except of course for his own bullshit. Mike Nesmith's First National Band was made up of Elvis Presley's backing musicians? In what other dimenion did tht happen? Nesmith didn't use thm until later in 1972. Notice Davesweb lists rock stars with alledged "blublood" origins and throws in that "Nesmith inherited a fortune of $25 million" as if he came from long line of the wealthy. No, it's because his mother invented liquid paper! Y'know the tuff that secretrys use to correct typing mistakes! Who the hell doesn't know this by now?

And it goes on and on. One mistake after another and apparantly it's being done on purpose to push an agenda.

Tafultong I'm ashamed of you. I thought you would be the sort of person to add a disclaimer to somthing that has unreliable information and a host of inaccuracies. You usually do that ith Iamaphoney vids with false info, why did you let the bullshit go unchecked here?

Anonymous said...

My new favorite line from Dave's Web:

"Though initial press reports held that Cass had choked to death on a ham sandwich, the official cause of death was listed as heart failure. Her actual cause of death could likely be filed under “knowing where too many of the bodies were buried.”

And the proof of this statement. Oh that's right. There is no proof.

Yeah, y'know that obesity thing, that's actually healthy for ya.

Can we expect a link to the Weekly World News next?

I'm being too hard on you Tafultong. I know that but come on man! Do you not see that this is propaganda?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Tambourine Man" (Bob Dylan) –2:29
"I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better" (Gene Clark) –2:32
"Spanish Harlem Incident" (Bob Dylan) –1:57
"You Won't Have to Cry" (Gene Clark/Jim McGuinn) –2:08
"Here Without You" (Gene Clark) –2:36
"The Bells of Rhymney" (Idris Davies/Pete Seeger) –3:30
"All I Really Want to Do" (Bob Dylan) –2:04
"I Knew I'd Want You" (Gene Clark) –2:14
"It's No Use" (Gene Clark/Jim McGuinn) –2:23
"Don't Doubt Yourself, Babe" (Jackie DeShannon) –2:54
"Chimes of Freedom" (Bob Dylan) –3:51
"We'll Meet Again" (Ross Parker/ Hughie Charles) –2:07"

Am I counting this right? 7 out of 12 are from outside writers?
I don't know if Dave was saying ALL
of what was written was others.
But, here the majority is I guess.

And evidently it is outside musicians.
He does give credit to Gene for his writing ability (and Roger for playing).

The Monkees really couldn't play save for Nesmith. And I'm not sure they wrote a lot of stuff early on.

Yet, they were considered sort of a joke because they were manufactured. (Though, a family member saw them live later, and they played, so they learned that's for sure.)
It's a fairly close parallel with the Byrds situation.

It's not really logical to acknowledge the Monkees were manufactured, and not do the same with the Byrds; especially given the close circumstances with both bands.
Not saying it's exactly the same, so yeah one could find different things happening.
But again, pretty close parallel.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "Am I counting this right? 7 out of 12 are from outside writers?
I don't know if Dave was saying ALL
of what was written was others.
But, here the majority is I guess."

I acknowledged Dylan. That was the point of the Byrds. To bring Dylan's music (and folk) into pop music.

"And evidently it is outside musicians."

On the 1st single. Not the album. He's wrong there.

"He does give credit to Gene for his writing ability (and Roger for playing)."

This is true.

"The Monkees really couldn't play save for Nesmith. And I'm not sure they wrote a lot of stuff early on."

Wrong. Mickey Dolenz was in a band called Mickey and the One Nighters prior to joining the Monkees. Both Nesmith and Davy Jones released records prior to being in the Monkees (and Jones was on Broadway in "Oliver"). Peter Tork was the most accomplished musician. While the Monkees did not play on their first two albums, they did tour immediatly and played every song themsleves in concert. By the time of their third record, the Monkees played every note on the album. Nesmith was writing songs as early as the first record ("Papa Gene's Blues", "The Kind Of Girl I Could Love"). The others would follow suit in 1967.

"Yet, they were considered sort of a joke because they were manufactured. (Though, a family member saw them live later, and they played, so they learned that's for sure.)
It's a fairly close parallel with the Byrds situation."

Not really. The Monkees was a TV show based on "A Hard Day's Night". The point of the music was to provide something for them to sing on the show. Ironically it was the music that gained more popularity than the show. The Byrds were a band with no TV show roots. The Byrds criticized the Monkees' "synthetic origins" in the song "So You Want To Be A Rock And Roll Star".

"It's not really logical to acknowledge the Monkees were manufactured, and not do the same with the Byrds; especially given the close circumstances with both bands.
Not saying it's exactly the same, so yeah one could find different things happening.
But again, pretty close parallel."

It's not logical to make connections based on half truths and folklore or poor research which is what Dave has done..

65if2007 said...

One man's "pretentious slop" is another man's genius.

Hemingway's simplistic writing style is readily imitable, and every year, hundreds, if not thousands, of people do so in one sort of contest or another.

But that doesn't mean that they write like Hemingway.

Anyone can draw a painting of a Campbell's Soup can or a Coca Cola bottle too, but if and only if Andy Warhol's genuine signature is on the bottom of the painting is it "art".

Anonymous said...

The "manufactured" label associated with the Monkees dogged them for their entire career. It WAS appropriate in that the band was created by two TV producers, Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider, for the express purpose of creating a television comedy show. It was also inappropriate in so far as that the Monkees COULD play and write music. This was not important to their musical director Don Kirschner. It was Mike Nesmith who told the media that they did not play on the albums and he did it to force Kirschner's hand into letting them do it. Since the band were on tour and WERE playing together, Nesmith felt they had proven themselves capable. The subject was raised on the TV show itself. Nesmith said "A reporter came up to me before a concert and said 'is it true you don't play any of your instruments' and I told him 'I'm fixin' to walk out in front of 50,000 people if I don't know how to play my instrument I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble!'."
The deal struck with Kirschner was that the Monkees would play and sing on the b-side of their next single. By this time Rafelson and Schneider were backing the Monkees' desire to prove themselves. Kirschner issued the single and refused to use the Monkees created track and was fired. From that point on, the Monkees decided what they would play and write (and as Mickey Dolenz says "and record sales plummeted but we didn't care because it was our music!".)

Anonymous said...

65if2007 said...Anyone can draw a painting of a Campbell's Soup can or a Coca Cola bottle too, but if and only if Andy Warhol's genuine signature is on the bottom of the painting is it "art".

Ugh. Don't get me started on the useless art of Warhol.

Anonymous said...

It's not logical to make connections based on half truths and folklore or poor research which is what Dave has done..

March 29, 2009 5:43 PM

I agree 100% anonymous.

The same could be said about iamaphoney and PID; half truths, folklore, and poor research.

Anonymous said...

The glass is half full on that

Anonymous said...

After Don Kirschner was fired by the Monkees he cut a deal with Archie comics to create "The Archies" TV show.

A cartoon rock group that couldn't give him any lip!

Anonymous said...

True, a half truth isn't good.
But I think Dave points out that
it's a theory.
And, that it's a work in progress.
So I wouldn't get too worked up.

Corrections can be made along the way.

But, I agree, something unsubstantiated shouldn't be presented as complete truth.

However, I think his stuff can
get a person to ask themselves some questions -
Does one accept the hippie and
Canyon story (as told) hook, line and sinker?
Was there more to it than meets the eye?

I certainly wouldn't call the history of that place normal by any
wild stretch.

Tafultong said...

Anonymous wrote:

I'm being too hard on you Tafultong. I know that but come on man! Do you not see that this is propaganda?

I usually take my lumps without trying to defend myself on things like this, but I'm confused. Yes, I did link to Dave's web, but what exactly in my article is inaccurate?

And for the record, I happen to like both the Byrds and the Monkees. And when I was very young I wrote:

I don't know where they're going
Or where they're comin' from
But while we've got 'em let's thank God
For Crosby, Stills, Nash & Yum.

Anonymous said...

Your article is not inaccurate but the Daves web manifesto is. I'm not a fan of hippies either but there are too many factual errors in that article to cite it without a caveat in your article mentioning the flaws.
To some it looks like you're endorsing unreliable info.

This statement regarding Mama Cass...."Her actual cause of death could likely be filed under “knowing where too many of the bodies were buried.”.... should indicate that Dave is playing fast and loose with facts.

Anonymous said...

Tafultong only wrote "according to Dave's Web" and it was not in relation to either the Monkees or The Byrds.

With that said, it does seem to be a rather extremist website.

Anonymous said...

Bet phoney likes this part:

DAVID: That organ is exactly how I used to see him. I used to picture him as a maniac from the seventeenth century: one of those brilliant composers who'd suddenly been reincarnated into this century, let loose with modern technology. A lot of people thought Paul McCartney was shallow. I didn't see him as that at all, I saw him as very very deep. He had this open fire with a big settee in front of it, there would be no lights on, and he'd be playing music at top volume. I used to sit there watching him for hours. I think that's the real him; this real deep, dark ... I thought, Who knows what he could do if they'd leave him alone for a bit? Because he could absorb a lot without encountering any mental block, he could express that Machiavellian, European horror.

This part too:

The funny thing about that was the night when we were going to record it, at Regent Sound Studios at Tottenham Court Road. I brought a guy who was Jesus. A guy arrived at my front gate and I said 'Yes? Hello' because I always used to answer it to everyone. If they were boring I would say, 'Sorry, no,' and they generally went away. This guy said, 'I'm Jesus Christ.' I said, 'Oop,' slightly shocked. I said, 'Well, you'd better come in then.' I thought, Well, it probably isn't. But if he is, I'm not going to be the one to turn him away. So I gave him a cup of tea and we just chatted and I asked, 'Why do you think you are Jesus?' There were a lot of casualties about then. We used to get a lot of people who were maybe insecure or going through emotional breakdowns or whatever. So I said, 'I've got to go to a session but if you promise to be very quiet and just sit in a corner, you can come.' So he did, he came to the session and he did sit very quietly and I never saw him after that. I introduced him to the guys. They said, 'Who's this?' I said, 'He's Jesus Christ.' We had a bit of a giggle over that.

Anonymous said...

"This statement regarding Mama Cass...."Her actual cause of death could likely be filed under “knowing where too many of the bodies were buried.”.... should indicate that Dave is playing fast and loose with facts."

I think Dave throws a little humor into his writings.
I don't know if that's the case here
but I didn't read this as a 'fact'
in any event.
I think he likes to throw things out there at times.
The Cass comment - case in point.

It's just a statement to masticate on.
Not necessarily a sworn oath utterance where perjury could be

And taf didn't write his stuff.
Give him a break.
He just linked to it.

I like the Byrds too. I mean really like some of their songs.
But, I should be flexible enough to
maybe entertain the thought things didn't go down as most of the populace believe.

I get the feeling some people want to keep the bubble intact and not want to get too close to something that might upset the apple cart
in their world.
Even if Dave isn't entirely correct, let's not think too much about it.
It's safer that way.
The apples could hit the deck, and
that wouldn't be good.

Anonymous said...

"I introduced him to the guys. They said, 'Who's this?' I said, 'He's Jesus Christ.' We had a bit of a giggle over that."

And then, of course, Mick Jagger came to the next session. (Wink wink)

Anonymous said...

"plonked in the back of the head --- by a suitcase"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I see now that Davesweb is a site with an axe to grind and the facts be damned! "No bullshit!" he's got at the top of the page, except of course for his own bullshit.

Uh, dude? We're here, 'coz some guy makes a bunch of 3 to 6 minute videos claiming Paul McCartney to be some 'evil being'!
You're like those people who watch "LOST", and say, "What a CROC! How could Siyeed shoot Ben, and yet still be alive?", while they spent the whole first two seasons believing in a 'SMOKE MONSTER"!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and Taf,
"Crosby, Stills, Nash, & YUM"?

very funny.... that put a smile on my face this morning.


Anonymous said...

Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air.

Anonymous said...

"We’re giving away two premium tickets and a chance to meet David Lynch the night of the show. Enter now at DLF.TV"

Anonymous said...

Complexity and supposed "profound" content are not and should not be measures of artistic merit, especially when it comes to rock and roll. The lyrics to "Blue Suede" shoes are obviously simple--but they are incredibly difficult to come up with--as jillions of other writers trying to capture essence or mood in a few short strokes have discovered. Even early Beatle songs like "Can't Buy Me Love" have fantastic pop lyrics--the more obviously lyrical songs like "Norwegian Wood" or "She's Leaving Home" are as good as anything written by anyone in the field, and all you have to do is listen to what the Beatle's peers have said about their superior melodic (and yes, lyrical)artistry.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your article is not inaccurate but the Daves web manifesto is.

Go debate Dave and leave Taf alone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..I get the feeling some people want to keep the bubble intact and not want to get too close to something that might upset the apple cart
in their world.
Even if Dave isn't entirely correct, let's not think too much about it.
It's safer that way.
The apples could hit the deck, and
that wouldn't be good.

Nope and that tired refrain is echoed every time by conspiracy someone questions the accuracy of what's written on a website.

Anonymous said...

I would rather debate it here because Dave just ignores me. Tafultong responds. Do you see? Do you really see?

Tafultong said...

Anonymous wrote:

Tafultong responds. Do you see? Do you really see?

Yes, I see. I really see.

Silly Me said...

I dont know why you silly people do all these silly things and believe this silliness! I dont know why I need to keep reminding you of how silly you all look.

Silly me!

Impatient Complainer said...

Tafultong said...

Anonymous wrote:

Tafultong responds. Do you see? Do you really see?

Yes, I see. I really see.

March 30, 2009 1:06 PM

See! Dave doesn't do that!
That's why I Love you Tafultong!
Instantaneous responses!
It took me longer to respond to him then he took to respond to me!

from the Impatient Complainer

65if2007 said...

By the way, the "foorp" is gone from Iamaphoney's YouTube page.

It looks like April 10 of this year will not, after all, bring about the long-awaited revelation (for which he has been preparing the world since November 10, 2006).


Biggest Whiner said...

Who will win the award for
"Biggest Whiner"? A new reality based PID show where talented complainers from the world over line up for valuable cash equivalent prizes.

The Runners up so far are......

20. Anonymous
19. Anonymous
18. Anonymous
17. Anonymous
16. Anonymous
15. Anonymous
14. Anonymous
13. Anonymous
12. Anonymous
11. Anonymous
10. Anonymous
9. Anonymous
8. Anonymous
7. Anonymous
6. Anonymous
5. magillnancy
4. Anonymous
3. Anonymous
2. Anonymous
1. Anonymous tied with Anonymous

Its neck and neck! Tune in tonight for the dance off and swim wear portion of the competition!
You wont believe how they will complain about THAT!

magillnancy said...

"5. magillnancy"

lizten u derby kilters! I want to offend the kilters,
not anybody who s reading, of course,
but the kilters and pain/creators know who they are... I should the being the #1 and getting the all cash equivalent prizes! For the best complainers there are none the besters then some one named the me!

Also the notice how I includeding the link for all of you Palm Pilot whiners! YOU CANNOT BEAT ME BY WHINING ABOUT THE LINKS NOT BEING THERE FOR I GAVE YOU THE LINKS YOU DURBY KILTERS!

drinking early said...


P. Alm Pilot said...

according to the picture the caption should read


magillnancy said...

you re disgusting zombies
you re valueless
you re Taints
you deserve the worst of the worst

stopping the vengeances against the durbys! leaving the hats alone you durby kilters!

Kilter said...

Why did you call me a "taint"?

/shout out to Palm Pilots, lnx 4 U!

david lynch foundation said...

Joined: June 21, 2008
Last Sign In: 15 Minutes ago
Videos Watched: 7,722
Subscribers: 29
Channel Views: 1,763

Movies and Shows: My favourite director: David Lynch

No wonder she is pissed off. Lynch has gone over to the dark side with McCartney....

Lurking Aja said...

I see what you did here and I disapprove of your shenanigans!

/props to the lurking palm pilots! we shall lurk together!

Anonymous said...

65if2007 said...
By the way, the "foorp" is gone from Iamaphoney's YouTube page.

It looks like April 10 of this year will not, after all, bring about the long-awaited revelation (for which he has been preparing the world since November 10, 2006).


uhhh I already cleared my schedule for Wednesday Fooly day

Anonymous said...

Um...can someone explain the connection between lonelygirl15, Iamaphoney and cassieiswaiting? Mikey?

Anonymous said...

there is none

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Sure about that?

Anonymous said...


Really sure about that?

Anonymous said...

yeah, very sure

Anonymous said...

Is it easier to deal with this if you freak yourselfs out? is that it?
Fat waste of time.

Anonymous said...


Same plot

Anonymous said...

There's something suspicious about this "game" referencing Manson, the eye of Horus, Paul McCartney, etc. Not to mention the editing style.

Anonymous said...

Grain o' salt in that half full glass.

Anonymous said...

So I gather these YouTube games started around 2006 and still continue as other pick up the fictional threads? That seems to be the point of it. They all mention specific dates when something "big" is going to be revealed and then nothing happens. Just the next carrot is dangled to string everyone happily along. Reverse speech? Crowley?Manson? Occult? Beatles? Too many similarities here for us to exclude Iamaphoney from this YT game phenomena. He either was inspired by the videos or they were inspired by his. After all, who was supposedly leaving suitcases in places where we "the players" were supposed to find them. Where there's smoke............

I 'm looking thru you said...


Anonymous said...

So we can all try to link Paul to Satan, Crowley and Manson but God forbid we wonder if IAAP is playing a YT game?

Anonymous said...

You might also want to look into hashems films

Anonymous said...

so simple

Anonymous said...

"as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day"

Anonymous said...

CSN and YUM!

the hashem film sound said...

Anonymous said...

You might also want to look into hashems films

March 30, 2009 5:21 PM

good point on this, listen for that particular "sound" that iamaphoney lifted from hashem films.

/no link, tease the palm pilots

Anonymous said...

And you know it will. :)

Anonymous said...

/no link, tease the palm pilots

half your audience, you D cide

Anonymous said...

when you see the Southern Cross for the first time.........................

Palm Pilot"er" said...

come on man! i am stuck in traffic on my freaking palm pilot dont tease me with the hashem sound! it is bad enough that there is going to be no revelation on april 10 that FOORP/PROOF is gone. listen, that other palm piloter is right, we are half your audience and you are losing it right here. if this damn phone wasnt so expensive i would chuck it out the window. give me the hashem sound! link it!
See, i will show you how easy it is, even i can do it! you can too! DO IT!
this traffic jam needs the hashem sound that iaap stole! i will blue tooth it to everyone!

Pilot tease #45 said...

"thats pretty neat but i AM a palm pilot
heh heh"

Half the audience? So there are 2 of you?

/hashem sound held hostage till you get home

2 can play@this game said...

Thats right smart guy, yuck it up. I don't even care now about your dumb hashem sound. Keep it all to your lonely miserable self.
That sound doesn't even matter. None of this does. In fact, maybe hashem ripped it off from iaap, DID YOU EVEN EVER THINK OF THAT??!?

kick sand in your FACE said...

my palm pilot is a desk top. they call me arnold. Schwarzenegger. Do you get it? From lugging around a desk top computer which is much heavier then your wimpy girly palm pilot.
listen! it is the sound of your flabby basement living muscles crying out for the love of the women they will never see!

Anonymous said...

See? Yet?

Anonymous said...

Do you see? Do you really see?!

XRAYfultong said...

Tafultong said...

Anonymous wrote:

Tafultong responds. Do you see? Do you really see?

Yes, I see. I really see.

March 30, 2009 1:06 PM


Total recall bone...R said...

Seems to me that we saw through you in Total Recall there Arnold, if that is your real name!

/feast your palm pilot eyes on the bones of your oppressor! arnold the hashemsound hoarder!

arnold took the red pill said...

"California Scheming"

Arnold is the GOVERNOR of



He also took the RED PILL!

blue link goes to red pill

arnold lives with parents said...

hey arnold the hashemsoundhoarder!
looks like your muscles are now basement living flabby as well! and they are crying for the love you are getting... shriver looks like a MUMMY ALIEN! no offense to either mummies or aliens implied...

/link goes to fat arnold/ripped arnold comparisons.

Free Base of Ace said...


I, I got a new life
You would hardly recognize me
I'm so glad

Why would a person like me care for you?
Why do I bother
When you're not the one for me?
Is enough enough

TAF saw the sign
And it opened up his eyes
He saw the sign!

Life is demanding
Without understanding
TAF saw the sign
And it opened up his eyes
TAF saw the sign
No one's gonna drag him up
To get into the light where he belongs
But where do you belong?

Under the pale moon
For so many years
I've wondered who you are!
How can a person like you bring me joy?
Under the pale moon
Where I see a lot of stars
Is enough enough

TAF saw the sign (etc.)

cash equivalent prizes said...

I am about ready to drop kick this phone till next tuesday you wanton palm pilot tease! Look, the Arnold pics are not helping. Only the lost Hashem sound that iaap uses will do.
Your sophmoronical mean spiritedness is what is destroying america and ruining any chance of any decent resolution to this whole rotten apple series! The public has the right to hear the Hashem sound and to know the reason why iaap uses it! Is it a clue to a wider conspiracy? Is it a key to understanding the Love Code? Are there cash equivalent prizes at the end of this sick rainbow?
Do I win tonights Whiner Award? I better!

386Elvisenagger said...

The ladies still love Arnold. He is now like Elvis, only without the jumpsuits.... yet.

There isn't a red blooded american female who wouldn't want the man on the right of this picture and you know it. Get a real palm pilot, a lead lined x386 Desktop with honking CRT monitor and lug that around for a week, or should I say WEAK. Make a man out of you.

ARNOLD > computers said...

Why have computers gotten smaller and ARNOLD GOTTEN LARGER?!?!??

Someone call Japan and get them cracking on this problem

/subtle math joke on the blue link for you cerebral comedy lovers out there

Hashem 4 truth said...

I see that you are trying to cover up the importance of the Hashem Sound that IAAP uses. The truth will come out! You can't stop it!

rotten apple sound said...

if you want to hear the sound, watch a rotten apple video. you will hear it.

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