Hitler's presence, of course, would have alienated some Beatles fans, but are there other people in that group on the cover who shared similar views when it came to racism, antisemitism or the Eugenics movement?

Some people consider Karl Marx's work "On The Jewish Question" to be antisemitic.

Although he didn't target a specific group of people, George Bernard Shaw said some shocking things about people "who are more trouble than they are worth."

H.G. Wells was a believer in Eugenics.

In discussing Francis Galton's work, H.G. Wells said, "I believe .. It is in the sterilization of failure, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies."
Aldous Huxley wrote: So far as our knowledge goes, negative eugenics - or the sterilisation of the unfit - might already be practised with tolerable safety. On the positive side we are still very ignorant - though we know enough thanks to Mr Fisher's admirable work, to foresee the rapid deterioration, unless we take remedial measures, of the whole West European stock. Eugenics are not yet practical politics. But propaganda could easily make them practical politics, while increase in knowledge will make them also purposive and far-sighted politics. (Source)

I guess it all depends on whether you see Huxley's "Brave New World" as a warning or a blueprint.
Sir Robert Peel had an interest in Genetics (and probably Eugenics) and is even credited for the development of the Tamworth Pig.

Marlon Brando portrayed a scientist performing eugenic experiments in the film "ISLAND OF DR MOREAU," which was based on a story by H.G. Wells.

According to the book "Controversies in Psychology" by Philip Banyard, Sigmund Freud (partially obscured on the cover of Sgt. Pepper) believed that "it is possible to divide people into leaders and those who are led. The led 'constitutes the vast majority: they need a high command to make decisions for them, and to which they for the most part offer an unqualified submission.'" Banyard said that Freud advocated educating the best and brightest to lead the masses.

Freud's colleague C.G. Jung was accused of having sympathy for the Nazis, especially after he said, "Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. His body does not suggest strength. The outstanding characteristic of his physiognomy is its dreamy look. I was especially struck by that when I saw pictures taken of him in the Czechoslovakian crisis; there was in his eyes the look of a seer. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler's is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, and unreasonable."

Jung vehemently denied accusations that he was a Nazi sympathizer.
Eugenics devotee Edgar Rice Burroughs is not on the cover of Sgt. Pepper, but his creation Tarzan is.

In his memoir, Tony Curtis felt the need to clarify his well publicized comment that kissing Marilyn Monroe was like kissing Hitler.

Curtis wrote: “After the scene on the yacht, some of the crew and I stood around to watch the rushes, and afterwards they wanted to know what it was like to kiss her. I figured a question that stupid deserved a stupid answer, so I flippantly responded by saying, ‘Kissing Marilyn is like kissing Hitler.’ I was right—it was a stupid answer. What I should have said was ‘What do you think kissing her is like, birdbrain?’ Or I could have had the good sense to just say nothing. But my thoughtless comment became public knowledge, and the story still makes the rounds. So let me set the record straight once and for all: I hated Hitler. As a Jewish kid in New York, I threw condom bombs on pro-Nazi parades. I loved Marilyn Monroe. And she was a terrific kisser.”

If this all sounds like a conspiracy tabloid, please remember that I am resisting the temptation to suggest that Marilyn Monroe was a victim of Operation Monarch, a CIA project involving former Nazi scientists. I also won't say anything about rumors that actor Errol Flynn was a bisexual Nazi spy who had an affair with Sgt. Pepper character Tyrone Power. And if you look hard enough, you can find a website that claims that Hitler was replaced by Aleister Crowley. I refuse to stoop that low even in the month of April.

It is important to note that The Beatles were once unfairly accused of being racist when someone dug up an ancient outtake from the "Get Back" sessions.

John Lennon was once questioned about an unfortunate remark that he allegedly made to Maureen Cleave regarding a relationship between show business and the Jewish religion. Journalist Larry Kane said that he was once angered by a slur about Jewish people from the back of a plane where the Beatles and Derek Taylor were seated. Kane seemed to believe that one of the Beatles said it even though Derek Taylor took the blame. But there is very little evidence that any of the Beatles really believed in any kind of racial or ethnic superiority.
There are in fact several people on the cover of "Sgt. Pepper" who fought for human rights, including Marilyn Monroe, Shirley Temple, and Marlon Brando (not to mention John, Paul, George and Ringo). Albert Einstein was hated by the Nazis. Marlene Dietrich, star of "Judgment at Nuremberg" recorded anti-Nazi songs. It is just that whenever you try to find connections between some of the individuals on the Sgt. Pepper cover, some surprising patterns emerge.
1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»Good day, sir.
Can't believe I'm the first, but here I am.
I Will make the comment that "YOU-GEN-X" is as American as apple pie. Alex Jones did a piece showing the first hospital to to a little eugenics was on.....
Long Island.....
strangely enough, that seems to be where all the Hilters went after WWII!
I knew I hated L.I. for some reason.
I had always wondered what Tony Curtis meant when he said that kissing Marylin was like kissing Hitler. Thank you for posting the explanation, tafultong.
I think that the multiple implicit references to genetics
serves the same function as all the visual and verbal references to sex in the Magical Mystery Tour movie: They wanted people to make the connection to the possibility of humans having been already genetically engineered, even though it "officially" has yet to occur.
Iamaphoney has clearly suggested in some of the RA videos that Egyptians of antiquity were brought to life through genetic engineering, imo.
And, for my two cents, the Wings song "Spirits of Ancient Egypt" is definitely intended to suggest that the ones "talking on the telephone" in the present were the incarnation of the deities of ancient times.
The point being that we have come full circle: The beginning back then, and the end (now). Humanity, as we have known it, has run its course. Evidently we're about to become something else: a new improved version of ourselves.
[i]The caterpillar sheds his skin to find a butterfly within. - Donovan[/i]
As Phoney has said,"If the Beatles had wanted to play Hitler's game, they could have." (As nearly as I recall the quote in the video.) So the point of Pepper isn't about a master race as much as the re-introduction of the ancients into the present reality, to re-aquaint us with them, and move on with the evolution.
What do you mean by "interview", Mike?
Reach for the stars.
"Baby you're a rich fag jew."
-John Lennon
Has this happened yet?
Oops, it's already downloadable:
what was that pid video that showed ringo saluting nazi's?
27:23 In the Lynch video
Ringo (talking about their time in India): ...I couldn't understand it.
Paul: I don't remember it.
I presume Ringo's shirt says "LIFE"; the way his jacket covers it all we've got is "IF"!!
Reminds me of a certain license plate... LOL
This will see to come out of left field but I'm something of an expert on Errol Flynn. He was certainly not a homosexual nor, and even more preposterous, a Nazi spy. I doubt he could focus his attention long enough to handle something as complex as espionage. What he was was a man who took his partying seriously, was terribly irresponsible when it came to the ladies and without question a fine actor.
Would you say he was portayed correctly in "Chaplin"?
.... or was that Barrymore?
I don't remember now.
As Phoney has said,"If the Beatles had wanted to play Hitler's game, they could have." (As nearly as I recall the quote in the video.) So the point of Pepper isn't about a master race as much as the re-introduction of the ancients into the present reality, to re-aquaint us with them, and move on with the evolution.
April 3, 2009 11:20 AM
You've got to be kidding, really?
As with most of the musical groups and young people of the 60's, the mindset of the times was to go against the flow; Antiestablishmentarianism, i.e. the Hungry Generation. The Beatles were no exception, and expressed this ideology through there music and art.
Vince, I think you mean Douglas Fairbanks who was a friend of Chaplin's and who, along with Mary Pickford, formed United Artists pictures. It's an easy mistake to me as both men played swashbuckling roles although Fairbanks was from the previous generation. In fact Fairbanks starred in the silent version of Robin Hood which was a big influence on Flynn's 1939 technicolor version. This Nazi spy nonsense is the result of Charles Higham's sensationalist biography. Think of him as the Errol Flynn's very own Albert Goldman. There was of course a very real scandal that Flynn was involved in and the lurid details are also in Higham's book.
As with most of the musical groups and young people of the 60's, the mindset of the times was to go against the flow; Antiestablishmentarianism, i.e. the Hungry Generation. The Beatles were no exception, and expressed this ideology through there music and art.
April 3, 2009 2:04 PM
Agreed. I think it is safe to say that most of the individuals presented on the "Pepper" cover were in some form or fashion nonconformists. They were individuals that didn't cling to what society perceived as the "norm". I believe this is what The Beatles were trying to express; a revolution not necessarily evolution. Think of Pepper in the "coming of age" concept; from childhood to an individual, the exploration of life for oneself not accepting what the establishment has laid down as good for you; "She's Leaving Home". The 60's was a time for getting away from the basic idea that life had nothing more to offer but going to church, working 9-5, and raising a family; not that these were bad concepts, just not necessarily right for everyone.
"You've got to be kidding, really?
As with most of the musical groups and young people of the 60's, the mindset of the times was to go against the flow; Antiestablishmentarianism, i.e. the Hungry Generation. The Beatles were no exception, and expressed this ideology through there music and art."
Fair enough, but I think their focus was a bit more long term.
Songs like "A Day in the Life" and "Within You/Without You" point to life as more than just the daily drudgery of going to work and coming home.
I think they wanted people to think about a bigger picture. Not just "the meaning of life" in a personal sense, but what it means to be alive in terms of where the human experience overall was going.
They may have been saying, in effect, "Remember your beginnings. Remember who you were when this all began."
That may sound absurd, but the cover of Pepper has the serpent on it, representing the beginning, and Shiva (the destroyer or transformer) representing the end and transformation.
More blatant representations of life and death are portrayed on the cover, and so the theme of the album seems to be THE LIFE of which we are all a part; not just Paul's life, or our own individual lives.
(A similar theme was expressed in the song "Why Don't We Sing this Song Altogether?" on the Rolling Stones' album "Their satanic Majesties Request" which came out a few months later; the evolution of humanity from cave men to space/time travellers or spirit travellers.)
Going against the flow (or following the wishes of the establishment) was to gain a sense of self, and moving beyond merely being a sheep in the herd. So the call to antiestablishmentarianism of the times was also a wake up call to remember and contemplate who and what you are/were.
And the time will come
when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you
and without you
Oops, it's already downloadable:
Anyone notice Ringo's remark: "It's not like going to France, or Denmark, hahahahaha....
I can't believe this is going to take another week.
"I think they wanted people to think about a bigger picture. Not just "the meaning of life" in a personal sense, but what it means to be alive in terms of where the human experience overall was going."
Well said Byrds.
Byrdsmaniac said
Songs like "A Day in the Life" and "Within You/Without You" point to life as more than just the daily drudgery of going to work and coming home.
I read somewhere that George didn't actually write Within You Without You. That he got the lyric verbatim from a Hare Krishna handbook or lecture. Anyone remember this?
I think you've got some good ideas there but I don't think the Beatles were capable of thinking like that but maybe.
my favorite part in this vid is the wild hand signaling @ 2:56
so funny
the callingHD/NL said...
He never said the new suitcase would be in HD, but I for one would love to get the call that it was and was going to be on April 10
April 3, 2009 9:25 AM
Jack Nicholson said...
The new suitcase will be positively 3D!
April 3, 2009 1:35 PM
Anonymous said...
This will see to come out of left field but I'm something of an expert on Errol Flynn. He was certainly not a homosexual nor, and even more preposterous, a Nazi spy.
Exactly. That's why I refused to mention it. I don't think that the person who created rumors ever dreamed that there would be an internet to keep them alive forever. Always good to hear from an Errol Flynn expert. Thanks for the comment.
Anonymous said:
I read somewhere that George didn't actually write Within You Without You. That he got the lyric verbatim from a Hare Krishna handbook or lecture. Anyone remember this?
Is it possible that you are thinking of "The Inner Light" which came from Lao-tzu's Tao-te Ching?
Your article gave lots to ponder Tafultong. Well done!
Same old hippies.
"The rules" aren't good enough for "me" when they would inhibit me, but they're good enough for me when I would seek refuge in them, and they're always good enough for those whom I would command.
McCartney got on TV in 1967 and inveighed against "the rules", but as his musical empire grew, he had no problem establishing dietary rules for those who reported to him.
Now the argument also is that the Beatles were groovy because they SUPPOSEDLY inveighed against such Middle American atrocities as going to church, working 9-5, and raising a family (except that Desmond and Molly Jones seemed establishment enough).
The horror! What was the matter with us before the Beatles came along? Why weren't we all kicking that square 9-5 routine, growing moptops and becoming best-selling rock musicians, acquiring millions of dollars in possessions, even as we were imagining a world without any? Were we too repressed and conformist? The horror! The horror!
However, I think that all of the Beatles, like Desmond and Molly Jones, did take a stab at "raising a family".
And it would have been interesting to see how McCartney would have responded if any of his kids had run away from home at a young age as a means of achieving personal liberation.
It would STILL be interesting to see how the security guards on any of his fashionable estates would respond if the Fool on the Hill came down from the top of the hill and attempted to make himself at home.
And Harrison, by the way, was renowned for his musical attempts to find God.
So, in the end, perhaps even the hipsters, to some extent, found something reassuring in "the rules". Maybe love needs a foundation of sorts before it's really worth anything. Maybe, in and of itself, it's NOT all you need.
This is the show that comes on before the apocalypse.
So that is why I am so tired!
Achtung Baby
So, in the end, perhaps even the hipsters, to some extent, found something reassuring in "the rules". Maybe love needs a foundation of sorts before it's really worth anything. Maybe, in and of itself, it's NOT all you need.
April 3, 2009 10:27 PM
It is called growing up, which The Beatles, and most hippies eventually did.
Most young people vow to not be as there parents, but it always catches up to them, and in some fashion or another seem to "get back" to there roots.
Taf, that post is a fffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch
It is called growing up, which The Beatles, and most hippies eventually did.
Most young people vow to not be as there parents, but it always catches up to them, and in some fashion or another seem to "get back" to there roots.
April 4, 2009 2:00 AM
All those dayglow freaks who used to paint the face
Theyve joined the human race
Some things will never change
Taf, that post is a fffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch
April 4, 2009 2:25 AM
.....and the whole iamaphoney concept isn't?
"The horror! What was the matter with us before the Beatles came along? Why weren't we all kicking that square 9-5 routine, growing moptops and becoming best-selling rock musicians, acquiring millions of dollars in possessions, even as we were imagining a world without any? Were we too repressed and conformist? The horror! The horror!"
I'm looking through you, where did you go.
I thought I knew you, what did I know?
Being repressed and a conformist has nothing to do with it. You have to have a hell of a lot of resolve to kick the 9-5....having a special skill is helpful as well.
Lennon wasn't knocking material possessions. He was imagining what it would take for this world to have peace; remove the things that cause people to fight.
.eseht fo eno ylno era snoissessoP
Unfortunately, without some form of divine intervention, man will always find a reason to fight.
"It would STILL be interesting to see how the security guards on any of his fashionable estates would respond if the Fool on the Hill came down from the top of the hill and attempted to make himself at home."
Actually I know someone who did that. He was by the McCartney estate in Scotland, and he accidentally on purpose meandered over on to the farm, with the plan to play dumb, feigning being lost if caught.
The guard must have been off that day, because he was "caught" by Faul, who invited him in for tea.
After ten minutes of small talk he was chauffered to the gate with directions to the main road.
Someone's going to ask what they talked about, so I'll just say that it was really stupid.
"Oh wow! You're Paul McCartney?! Wow, who woulda thunk it?
Golly Gee Whiz!
Lovely place you got here>"
"One lump or two?"
"I always liked 'Hi Hi Hi'.
Oh gosh golly.
How's Linda? Is she here?" etc.
Martha the dog liked him.
It is called growing up, which The Beatles, and most hippies eventually did.
Most young people vow to not be as there parents, but it always catches up to them, and in some fashion or another seem to "get back" to there roots.
April 4, 2009 2:00 AM
April 4, 2009 2:42 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Taf, that post is a fffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch
April 4, 2009 2:25 AM
.....and the whole iamaphoney concept isn't?
April 4, 2009 5:40 AM
Oh yes it is.. very much so.
always returns to original shape
's Coming Up!
like Ma Belle Fleur?
You want a better kind of future
One that everyone can share
Youre not alone, we all could use it
Stick around were nearly there
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Love is Real.
Real is Love.
Code is Real.
Real is Code.
Code is love!!!
I STILL say a kid like ME, in my age bracket, and class would've NEVER known who William S. Burroughs was...
i feel richer for the experience...
it's more a question of, "Here they are, sheep! These people are here. You may have heard of them, you may not have heard of them. But, nonetheless, here they are."
The free choice for the millions who bought the record to find out for themselves who these people are, is really saying something!
Just my opinion, of course.
65if2007 said...
"Same old hippies.
"The rules" aren't good enough for "me" when they would inhibit me, but they're good enough for me when I would seek refuge in them, and they're always good enough for those whom I would command.
McCartney got on TV in 1967 and inveighed against "the rules", but as his musical empire grew, he had no problem establishing dietary rules for those who reported to him.
Now the argument also is that the Beatles were groovy because they SUPPOSEDLY inveighed against such Middle American atrocities as going to church, working 9-5, and raising a family (except that Desmond and Molly Jones seemed establishment enough)."
You act like the Beatles invented that. Ever hear of the Beatniks in those fabulous fifties? Why on earth would anyone take stock in anything a 20 year old would say? It's a well known fact that you don't no shit about anything until you hit 35-40. Try telling that to someone under 35-40 and they'll scoff at you as you would expect anyone that age to do.
"So, in the end, perhaps even the hipsters, to some extent, found something reassuring in "the rules". Maybe love needs a foundation of sorts before it's really worth anything. Maybe, in and of itself, it's NOT all you need."
Lennon said so himself as he got older.
April 3, 2009 10:27 PM
no wonder you are unemployed
Anonymous said...
no wonder you are unemployed
April 4, 2009 4:05 PM
I, a KID like VINCE, would also rather watch THE VENTURE BROS then work. And now that I am unemployed as well, I, a kid LIKE Vince but not, am writing books as well.
əɔuıʌ, the anti-vince
vince will be happy to know that I too am gaining a visceral dislike of Christians. For they are the ones who created this economy to turn bad and lose my job. So soon əɔuıʌ will be like vince. Matter will meet anti-matter.
So soon əɔuıʌ will be like vince. Matter will meet anti-matter.
April 4, 2009 4:15 PM
i read about this in revelation!
Anonymous said...
This is the show that comes on before the apocalypse.
April 3, 2009 11:24 PM
do you live in las vegas?
You work on that all day? Bravo
For they are the ones who created this economy to turn bad and lose my job. So soon əɔuıʌ will be like vince. Matter will meet anti-matter.
April 4, 2009 4:15 PM
What poor grammar you Satanists have!!
"created this economy to turn bad"???
No wonder Christ hates you!
hey grammer nazi?
How do you feel about "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Master Race"
Anonymous said...
hey grammer nazi?
How do you feel about "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Master Race"
April 4, 2009 4:28 PM
I am ready to join!
And you spelled my name incorrectly.
"grammer nazi"????
Sure wish "Spelling Nazi" would show up here and duel it out with "Grammer Nazi". And yes, I realize that I spelled your name incorrectly "Grammer Nazi".
Wanted to give you and spelling nazzi some common ground.
See what I did there spelling nazzi?
Do you see? Do you really see?
Going to include this chapter in my book...
"əɔuıʌ, the anti-vince, defeats the nazzi's"
You will call me Sir Winston Ohhboggie Churchill after you read it.
Only take out the "Church" from Churchill, thank you very much!
"Only take out the "Church" from Churchill, thank you very much!
April 4, 2009 4:36 PM"
if Vincent were here we would approve. Let's take the "Church" out of Churchill!
You will find, when you wikipedia it, that Alister Crowley taught Winston Churchill the "V" sign.
It is actually SATANIC!
thanx for the links mates!
great laughs here at the in and out burger here in vegas.
catch you later at Tabu, wearing a
"paep si lnad" tshirt. free drink if you get here in the next thirty minutes!
free drink if you get here in the next thirty minutes!
April 4, 2009 4:48 PM
free DRINK? not drinks?
has anyone expressed concern about your drinking problem?
no, the hookers and intravenous drug use usually take precedence
are you a fiend of bill w?
friend of Billy S.
Anonymous said...
are you a fiend of bill w?
April 4, 2009 5:11 PM
sure wish grammer nazzi and spelling nazzzzi were heree to clean this mess up!
fiend? fiend of bill w?
FRI with an END on the end.....
fiend? fiend of bill w?
FRI with an END on the end.....
April 4, 2009 5:16 PM
if you do it right, they call you a fiend. look it up. on google.
"...Christians. For they are the ones who created this economy to turn bad and lose my job."
Uh, no. Where did you get that idea?
"Alister Crowley taught Winston Churchill the "V" sign."
What? He couldn't figure it out for himself?
And who is this "Alister" Crowley anyway?
"Can't believe I'm the first, but here I am."
Well there you are! The AlfA and the Omega Oil.
Anonymous said...
"...Christians. For they are the ones who created this economy to turn bad and lose my job."
Uh, no. Where did you get that idea?
April 4, 2009 5:17 PM
from the Bible.
The money changers in the temple
And who is this "Alister" Crowley anyway?
April 4, 2009 5:21 PM
thats how you spell it when you want spelling nazzzzi and grammar/er nazzi mad as hatters
"...Christians. For they are the ones who created this economy to turn bad and lose my job."
Uh, no. Where did you get that idea?
April 4, 2009 5:17 PM
from the Bible.
The money changers in the temple
April 4, 2009 5:27 PM
now you have pissed off the yshiva10 the centennial of Jerusalem!
Actually, Defender of Israel
Isreal is nothing.
Saul was replaced!
I am the walrus!
Ya know....
There are some interesting tie-ins of Tennessee Tuxedo with the Beatles.
1. The cartoon featured a walrus and an (elementary) penguin.
2. It aired on CBS from 1963 to 1966. (Same as the Beatles!)
3."Tennessee and Chumley regularly escaped from the zoo, only to find trouble in the outside world.
When faced with more trouble than they could bear, the pair would turn to their friend, a college professor named Phineas J. Whoopee...
Mr. Whoopee, as he was known, was extremely knowledgeable on all subjects, and would frequently lecture the pair on such diverse topics as the physics behind the hot air balloon, to how musicians become popular."
(source: wikipedia)
Consider: Dr. Winston O Boogie /
Dr. W inston O Boo ("g" inverted is "p") ie
W oo p ie = Whoopee !!
(continuing from wikipedia)
"The pair would ....invariably end up in more trouble with Stanley Livingston, who typically punished them in different ways — ranging from forcing them to work at the rock quarry..."
They were QUARRYMEN!
This bears further investigation a from Mr. tafultong!
"Ya know....
There are some interesting tie-ins of Tennessee Tuxedo with the Beatles."
If anything, The Beatles may have borrowed a few things from the cartoon.....not vice-versa.
let's give ol' tennessee credit fer music-
they play it up in nashville every day!
let's give ol' tennessee credit fer music-
they play it in that old hillbilly way!
Ya know....
There are some interesting tie-ins of Tennessee Tuxedo with the Beatles.
"The pair would ....invariably end up in more trouble with Stanley Livingston, who typically punished them in different ways — ranging from forcing them to work at the rock quarry..."
Okay, I'll play. The name Stanley Livingston is probably based on the famous meeting between H.M. Stanley and Dr. David Livingstone. That is why the Beatles put Dr. Livingstone on the cover of Sgt. Pepper. Just in case you missed the point, they added Stanley Laurel to the cover as well.
Tennessee Tuxedo was named after the state which features the city of Memphis, which was named after the ancient Egyptian capital where a spaceship crash landed in 3000 B.C.
Livingstone's job was to find the spaceship, which contained the "Living Stones" that is the stone-like frozen eggs that would eventually become John, Paul, George, Ringo and surprisingly, the prematurely hatched Tommy Handley. Handley's song "Down in the Jungle Living in a Tent" might have been a hint to the Illuminati to help them find the location of the Beatle eggs, although that part of the story might be a stretch.
holy shit tafultong just gave the revelation
holy shit tafultong just gave the revelation
April 4, 2009 9:05 PM
OMG! I knew he was an insider!!
"Handley's song "Down in the Jungle Living in a Tent" might have been a hint to the Illuminati to help them find the location of the Beatle eggs, although that part of the story might be a stretch."
Better yet, Mccartney's Mrs. Vanderbilt:
Down in the jungle living in a tent
You don't use money you don't pay rent
You don't ever know the time
But you don't mind
Ho hey ho...
Tafultong actually gives us much more than Iamaphoney ever has. Iamaphoney should have a Tafultong tribute blog...
Tafultong actually gives us much more than Iamaphoney ever has. Iamaphoney should have a Tafultong tribute blog...
April 4, 2009 11:32 PM
Doesn't Mike link to it? lol
"Handley's song "Down in the Jungle Living in a Tent"
Tafultong, I can't find info about that song on the net.
I presume it is from a movie?
I think people may find some very interesting
"synchronicity" to the plot of the Handley movie "Time Flies" and some of the Beatle material.
"Handley's song "Down in the Jungle Living in a Tent"
Tafultong, I can't find info about that song on the net.
I presume it is from a movie?
I think people may find some very interesting
"synchronicity" to the plot of the Handley movie "Time Flies" and some of the Beatle material.
April 4, 2009 11:46 PM
The Beatles have been a very powerful influence to many a musician, as well as to Hollywood. Does anyone really find it odd that other artist's songs and some films have Beatle-ish references?
My kids watch the Nickelodeon TV show I-Carly. In one episode the Carly character mumbled "I buried Paul" during some random ramblings. I suppose most here would see that as some sort of clue too?
OMG! What's happening? I'm a scared!
Chumley the Walrus
☆ chum (c̸hum)
fish or mollusks cut into pieces and scattered in the water to attract game fish to a fishing area
Etymology: < Scot chum, food
"Leeward is the direction downwind from the point of reference. The side of the ship towards the leeward is its lee side. If the vessel is heeling under the pressure of the wind, this will be the "lower side".
chum - lee
Didn't anyone notice Taf's first sentence in response to the Tenn. Tuxedo bit? It was Okay, I'll play.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think his response was to be taken too seriously.
Chumley the Walrus
☆ chum (c̸hum)
fish or mollusks cut into pieces and scattered in the water to attract game fish to a fishing area
Etymology: < Scot chum, food
"Leeward is the direction downwind from the point of reference. The side of the ship towards the leeward is its lee side. If the vessel is heeling under the pressure of the wind, this will be the "lower side".
chum - lee
April 5, 2009 1:42 AM
Bruce Lee - actor, martial artist
Bruce (bro̵̅o̅s)
a masculine name
lee (lē)
1. shelter; protection
2. a sheltered place, esp. one on that side of anything away from the wind
3. Naut. the side or direction away from the wind
bruce - lee
Yes, only Kubric, and Lynch are to be taken seriously in that regard. ;)
"Anonymous said...
Yes, only Kubric, and Lynch are to be taken seriously in that regard. ;)
April 5, 2009 1:52 AM"
Bully, Macca does it better. Like my tie?
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think his response was to be taken too seriously."
It's too late now! LOL!
3 more will make it 100!
Here's one!
"In one episode the Carly character mumbled "I buried Paul" during some random ramblings."
"In one episode the Carly character mumbled "I buried Paul" during some random ramblings."
"In one episode the Carly character mumbled "I buried Paul" during some random ramblings."
April 5, 2009 8:47 AM
"In one episode the Carly character mumbled "I buried Paul" during some random ramblings."
April 5, 2009 8:47 AM
Now with double post value coupons!
vince will be happy to know that I too am gaining a visceral dislike of Christians. For they are the ones who created this economy to turn bad and lose my job. So soon əɔuıʌ will be like vince. Matter will meet anti-matter.
April 4, 2009 4:15 PM
There are Christians (those that follow the teachings of Christ) and there are people who call themselves Christians; just using the guise to hide their misdeeds. Don't stereotype. This can be said for any religion, not just Christianity.
Please try to get a copy (maybe try to bittorret, if you don't want to buy) of Negativland's "It's All In Your Head FM" CD!
For more on religious insanity !
More info:
Please try to get a copy (maybe try to bittorret, if you don't want to buy) of Negativland's "It's All In Your Head FM" CD!
For more on religious insanity !
April 5, 2009 9:52 AM
You know Vince, you don't have to have a religious bone in your body; nobody is forcing you to believe anything you don't want to. Why do you feel the need to razz those that choose to believe? Just seems like there is something wrong with that to me.
No razz, just try it.
I've been handed Chick Trackts, and The Watchtower, and read them......
Think of it like that.......
Honestly, I'm not trying to be insulting, and if I have, in any way, I apologize.
I'm just saying......
No razz, just try it.
I've been handed Chick Trackts, and The Watchtower, and read them......
Think of it like that.......
Honestly, I'm not trying to be insulting, and if I have, in any way, I apologize.
I'm just saying......
April 5, 2009 10:38 AM
OK, I get ya. The way I saw your comment....let me put it to you this way, if I knew you were an atheist, and it seemed you were adamant toward that specific belief, I wouldn't hand you a Gideon's Bible in the off chance it might harsh your dream (or mine) mellow. Know what I mean?
It's cool.
Basically, I just get tired of hearing Christian this, Jew that, Muslim this. It gets very old after awhile. People shouldn't blame other's for their own shortcomings. Why can't everyone just believe what they wish, talk to those that wish to be talked to, and leave everyone else alone. That goes for religious and non-religious peoples alike.
Basically, I just get tired of hearing Christian this, Jew that, Muslim this. It gets very old after awhile. People shouldn't blame other's for their own shortcomings. Why can't everyone just believe what they wish, talk to those that wish to be talked to, and leave everyone else alone. That goes for religious and non-religious peoples alike.
April 5, 2009 11:21 AM
At least, with the Flop-Tops (Negativland), there's an air of good-natured comedy & entertainment to their 'statements'.........
I also suggest them, 'coz their not that famous, (except for the infamous 'run-in' they had with U2 and their lawyers) I always try to give them a little 'plug'.
There is no need to bash Christians.
There is no need to bash Satanists.
There is no need to bash people.
All are selfish.
All are hypocrites.
All look in the mirror and see their god.
Everybody wants to change the world.
Everybody wants to mold you into their image.
Everybody wants power and a need to influence and control.
In the end, the love you make never equals the love you make.
In the end, is the beginning of the new aeon.
In the end.
I don't think it was a matter of the person taking me seriously. I think they knew me well enough to know that I would put real references in my tongue and cheek response.
I have seen several references to "Down in the jungle living in a tent" on forums related to old time British Radio Shows. I thought it came from ITMA which starred Tommy Handley, a character on Sgt. Pepper. Paul of course grabbed that line for the song "Mrs. Vande(r)bilt."
Max Miller (from the Sgt. Pepper cover) was another old time radio guy.
The title of the John and Yoko album "Life With The Lions" was another nod to old time radio. There was a show called "Life With The Lyons."
To make matters more confusing, I found a website that said the "Down in the Jungle" line actually came from Charlie Chester and a show called "Stand Easy." Hey isn't that what John yells in the song, "I'm Scared"?
Going back to "Down in the jungle living in a tent," I found several references to Tommy Handley's ITMA, but now I'm beginning to think they were wrong.
Funny thing though...As I was trying to get an answer to this question today, I read this statement:
Yes, that was ITMA - & 'It's That Man Again' originally meant Hitler, who was always depressingly and boringly in the news from the 30s onwards, but it came only to mean Tommy Handley!
Oh God, here we go again! Here are some links. Maybe you can figure it out.
Radio Comedy of the 40s and 50s
An Indirect Reference
Another Reference
I don't know if this means anything, either, but
an American radio guy, Stan Freeberg, made a record called "John & Marsha" that bears an uncanny resemblence to "John & Yoko" from "The Wedding Album".
The same idea: the two people calling out each others name, only Stan's was a lot shorter. Stan had records on the American Capitol label in the late 50's- early '60's, so i wondered if John had ever heard "John & Marsha"!
Yes, John referred to the record "John & Marsha" in an interview at the time the "Wedding Album" was released.
"He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree."
Ezekiel 17
Somehow, I can't see Jules saying that just before he puts a cap in someone's ass!
Cool, Taf!
You never cease to amaze me!
"Stan Freeberg, made a record called 'John & Marsha'"
Yes, he did, put it actually predates him.
There was a 78 RPM record with it,
presumably from the 30s or 40s.
I don't know the artist.
Just sayin.
Taf, thanks for the follow up, btw.
Correction: The 78 version was Stan Freeburg. It came out in 1951.
My mistake
Oops. Freeberg
Stan Freberg is a pioneering satirist. His parodies of soap operas (John and Marsha....yes, there were soap operas on the radio), Dragnet and Ed Sullivan made him a comedy giant. He also lampooned the history of the United States on two bestselling comedy albums. He's remembered more these days as one of the few actors besides Mel Blanc who worked on Looney Tunes cartoons.
BTW Taf nearly all of the Britsih radio shows you mentioned are available for free download on the Internet Archive.
new iamaphoney April 10th release preview!
Every ladder
Leads to heaven
Call it ransom
I'm holding the suitcase for ransom.
Makes you feel important, does it?
Let him carry his own suitcase.
let who carry their own suitcase?
I can help if it's too heavy for "him" ;)
Anonymous said...
BTW Taf nearly all of the Britsih radio shows you mentioned are available for free download on the Internet Archive.
April 5, 2009 4:15 PM
thanks. I'll check it out.
They don't even know nuttin about good music here!
OK, that last post came out all messed up, so disregard it.
They don't even know nuttin about good music here!
April 5, 2009 6:56 PM
Don't touch that squirrel's nuts!
it'll make him crazy!
Paul & Ringo at the David Lynch show:
thanks vince
Peace, remember peace
is how we make it.
Here within your reach
If you're big enough to take it.
I was watching on youtube the rotten apple 72..and at 3:28 paul´s hat doesn´t look a little(from behind) like a Pope´s hat or something ?
this post is a bore. your blog is best in finding weird stuff by strange beatles/conspiracy freaks. your homegrwon sgt pepper musings are stupid and repetitive.
Pay no attention to that troll.
Your columns are great, Taf!
Tag's a great host, but someone has to make a beer run.
What's happening with Friday? Any details?
Well, gang,
The last episode of The Resident's "The Bunny Boy" happened today......
The main character (the 'singer') went to Patmos, Arkansas to meet his brother and FIGHT THE DEVIL, but DID HE WIN???
Well, after the 'typical' Residents ending, it's hart to tell. But, it's a rather funny ending, to say the least.
I'm gonna watch the whole thing from the beginning today, maybe as one whole thing, it'll be more entertaining, but, then again, not your typical 'entertainment'!
I know not many of you are Residents fan, but they deserve to be commended for STILL trying different things . They've been doing it for over 35 years now, and they're still in the 'mind-blowing' business!
Enjoy, if you want.
yay Residents. the true heirs to the beatles
please everybody, if we haven't done what we could've done, we've tried
You two know the score!
Ever hear Santa Dog by The Residents? That won't go big over here on this blog. Ha!
is it really only 4 more days? my how the time flies. what was supposed to happen again? an interview? a video?
09 April 10
If nothing happens, it will be the greatest stunt ever! I vote nothing!
iaap is so bad *ss, has hisself a handful of nothin'!
sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand
A Real Cool Hand... R.I.P. Paul Newman
R.I.P. Paul !!!!!!!
O M *%F&* G
/bluelinkspecial for the pilots out there
the only new IAAP vid will be the iamaphoneyHD one
it can't not happen
Flashback 2008
Flashforward 2009 April 10
Flashforward 2009 April 10
April 6, 2009 2:59 PM
Whatever dude, u r just jealous! the revelation is going to be so massive that it will make the heather mills suitcase look like that geraldo rivera special @ al capones vault
"This is an adventure you and I are going to take together!"
I will have you know that the Geraldo Rivera Al Capone vault TV show was the highest rated television experience of all time.
Guess what? This is bigger then that. Move over Geraldo!
Gerardo had to sing a song at the end of it if it failed...
What does IAAP have to do?
Sing Bohemian Rhapsody?
"Ieez dis de reel lieeee-ife!"
/wondering when iamaphoney will start a MikeyNL1038HD channel and enhance the hell out of them
We can even play them easy;
made geraldo rivera a bankable media star and a household word.
sometimes failure is success. Notice how IAAP has more subscribers now then last year after the interview fiasco!
IAAP Suitcase + Interview Fiasco
Al Capone Vault
Join the I.M.O.W Association!
Anonymous said...
We can even play them easy;
April 6, 2009 3:13 PM
My God! So you mean Ringo was behind it all! All along!
/wondering when iamaphoney will start a MikeyNL1038HD channel and enhance the hell out of them
April 6, 2009 3:09 PM
mike is iamaphoneyHD! HE ALREADY TOLD US THAT! You're not even trying anymore! Or paying attention!
Heather mills suitcase? Huh?
My God! So you mean Ringo was behind it all! All along!
April 6, 2009 3:16 PM
Did you mean this as a question?
My God! So you mean Ringo was behind it all? All along?
April 6, 2009 3:16 PM
The new iamaphoney video will be even bigger than when that little gizmo with the camera went up the airshaft in the Great Pyramid on live TV, and drilled through the door and found.....another wall!!!
Yep, it will at least compare favorably to that momentous event.
I promise!
Sgt Peppers Lonely Master Race is getting larger
1. Spelling Nazi
2. Grammar Nazi
3. Punctuation Nazi
4. Authority Nazi
When Truth Nazi shows up, this show is over...
Authority is not truth!
1. Spelling Nazi
2. Grammar Nazi
3. Punctuation Nazi
4. Authority Nazi
Authority Nazi???? When did he show up?
Authority Nazi???? When did he show up?
April 6, 2009 3:23 PM
If we get Geraldo Rivera at the Giza Pyramids drilling open a dusty iamaphoney suitcase THEN WILL YOU BELIEVE THIS!!?!?!?!?!?
The answer is YES!
You cannot deny this then!
Call Don King for promotion!
Bigger then the Thrilla in Manilla!
April 6, 2009 3:25 PM
cheap shot!
Don King once killed a guy for $600.
The man's name.....
Brian Epstein
You didn't know how deep this goes
Orions Suitcase said...
If we get Geraldo Rivera at the Giza Pyramids drilling open a dusty iamaphoney suitcase THEN WILL YOU BELIEVE THIS!!?!?!?!?!?
Put it on the moon with diamond fabric weaved Sgt Pepper costumed Cirque du Soleil dancers and yes, yes I Will!
Put it on the moon with diamond fabric weaved Sgt Pepper costumed Cirque du Soleil dancers and yes, yes I Will!
April 6, 2009 3:37 PM
Funny you should mention that......
The lawyers say its on...
IAAPLawyer on Twitter,
oh yes....
Yes they did
Don King once killed a guy for $600.
The man's name.....
Brian Epstein
You didn't know how deep this goes
April 6, 2009 3:32 PM
His hair turned white after this, he never served jail time for it.
This is as close to Beatles as Don King ever got.... M.Jackson!
Don king w/Jackson said...
This is as close to Beatles as Don King ever got.... M.Jackson!
they would like you to think that
"Ram Sees the Phoney said...
The new iamaphoney video will be even bigger than when that little gizmo with the camera went up the airshaft in the Great Pyramid on live TV, and drilled through the door and found.....another wall!!!
Yep, it will at least compare favorably to that momentous event.
I promise!"
man, I had such hope for that airshaft.
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Baby I'm amazed.
here I go, agaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn!
3 days and a wake up
you'll see
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Heather mills suitcase? Huh?
April 6, 2009 3:20 PM
yes, you read it correctly...
" the revelation is going to be so massive that it will make the heather mills suitcase look like that geraldo rivera special @ al capones vault"
If I am wrong, I am going to sing a song of your choice, just like Geraldo Rivera did.
It has to be a blues song.
In the key of C.
And it has to be done on a weekend when I can drink heavily.
I will do it in any karaoke bar in my town of Boston that you wish, but it has to have a large Asian contingency.
The Asians are very forgiving. I need this because I am sure you will choose the most embarrassing blues song ever written in the key of C that has ever been sung. I will drink Sake with the Asians and since they are already wearing "Engrish" type t-shirts, they will be unaware of my butchery of the song, the horrible horrible song I KNOW YOU WILL PICK
And they will take pictures... oh god will they take pictures....
the song will play on youtube
in asia
for like famous people that do zany commercials in Japan, I cannot be seen in america being humiliated.
Now, IF I AM RIGHT....
what are YOU PREPARED TO DO?!?!??
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i saw the preview and it is insanely good. take that h8tzers
Maybe there is, and maybe THERE IS!
Joined: July 23, 2006
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mine says 11 minutes... why does yours say 7 minutes?
there is a four minute time zone?
internet lag...
the international herpes timezone lag
So the S3ANL3NNON account is actually Jude? Well that clears that up.
the answer is said...
Authority Nazi???? When did he show up?
April 6, 2009 3:23 PM
April 6, 2009 3:25 PM
told you
when truth nazi shows up, its all over
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