UPDATE: I had some misgivings about the title of this post, but apparently I was dead on.

Sorry, but I don't think this is going to help the cause.

MikeNL said...
10 minutes left.
got the video an hour ago. did a VERY quick edit.
NOW. go to my channel.
Hopefully this is just a temporary malfunction!
No, I'm sure it will be available in a few minutes.
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»Uploaded (processing, please wait)
*Mike is still waiting*
i've put it on private for just a minute to check if the aspect ratio is ok.
will be on pretty soon.
stay tuned.
People (and I am referring to the reasonable ones) are going to want to know exactly why you felt the need to edit this. I hope that you will be forthcoming.
Is this the stuff from the first suitcase?
Whoever has it has the arms of a young kid. Probably a teenager. Dig those reproductions of "documents". All these years later and the paper is still pure white with a few carefully placed wrinkles to try to make them look "old". Try harder next time, kids.
Anonymous said...
Is this the stuff from the first suitcase?
Ha ha ha. That was just me trying to get a reaction from Iamaphoney...which I did. Thanks for the comment about my elbows, but trust me, I wasn't trying that hard.
So that little writing on the bottom corner of the Magic Christian LP that everyone at NIR thought was handwritten by Paul/Faul is actually on your copy of the album and was therefore it printed on all copies of the album?
i didn't actually edited what they send me... i just imported it.
what's going on Mike?
Anonymous said...
what's going on Mike?
October 27, 2008 1:26 PM
i think youtube got it's servers a little bit overloaded. so it takes a while before this video gets its turn to be encoded.
tell us mikey what is in the video????
Is it real???
why don't you jot down your impressions of the contents while we wait?
of course it's real.
otherwise i wouldn't be uploading it :- )
Well it's up...
Yenz is kinda cute. Otherwise, same old nonsense.
How long you gonna milk this, Mike?
Just Some kid giving us the finger? I think I miss the dude in the rubber monster mask now.
i beg you mike!!!!!!!!!!please tell us what is inside it?
Actually, monster mask guy was cuter.
Hey I really am curious
"Tafultong, so that little writing on the bottom corner of the Magic Christian LP that everyone at NIR thought was handwritten by Paul/Faul is actually on your copy of the album and was therefore it printed on all copies of the album?"
mike doesnt know whats inside it. someone sent him a video of them recovering the case.
Anonymous said...
i beg you mike!!!!!!!!!!please tell us what is inside it?
October 27, 2008 1:55 PM
i don't know yet.
right now they are making a video with the contents.
He could have told us days ago. Hey Mike! Look at my pretty bird.
when will we see the contents?
didnt they say anything about whats inside<+
Tafultong is holding up the same album that 65If found in the first suitcase. It's The Magic Christian soundtrack. If the writing from Paul is on both albums then either it was part of the package design or 65If sent Tafultong his personal copy of the album or 65If and Tafultong are the same person?
Why did you have to put all that junk in there, Mike? so he sent you a three second video?
This is retarded.
Come on Mikey! Hurry and get all those photocopies and crappy artifacts in that suitcase so you can video it for us! It is WAY past your bedtime!
You really got one over on us haters!
"Why did you have to put all that junk in there, Mike? so he sent you a three second video?
This is retarded."
Let me reiterate.
Doesn't anyone find it kind of convenient that after all this time the suitcase was still in the same spot? NO ONE came along and picked it up? That would go for any of the other suitcases. Give me a break! STAGED, STAGED, STAGED!
* NM *
i smell bullshit said...
Let me reiterate.
Doesn't anyone find it kind of convenient that after all this time the suitcase was still in the same spot? NO ONE came along and picked it up? That would go for any of the other suitcases. Give me a break! STAGED, STAGED, STAGED!
October 27, 2008 2:08 PM
of course dude... everyone looks in bushes! it's my daily job. looking in bushes for no reason.
suitcase was still there because NOBODY LOOKS IN THE BUSHES!!!
It's the only part of the "story" I could possibly believe.
The rest, however is pure bullshit.
Was it a burning bush?
There is no writing from Paul printed on the Magic Christian album sleeve. There are quite a few copies of that particular version of the album with that same cover on sale at EBay for less than 20 dollars. It's not hard to come by. I would guess that Tafultong copied and pasted the Macca doodle from the photos on 65If's version after he posted photos on NIR and stuck it on his own copy of the record to get IAAP's attention.
Naughty naughty.
dirty sanchbeeb said: "of course dude... everyone looks in bushes! it's my daily job. looking in bushes for no reason.
suitcase was still there because NOBODY LOOKS IN THE BUSHES!!!"
Don't you have to go to bed so you can get up and get ready for school? You really should further your education and stop playing "Iamaphoney".
Taf. Did you get married when you were, like, 10?
Anon said: "Taf. Did you get married when you were, like, 10?"
LOL Does he live in Kentucky?
Cousin Taffina
The Little Dutch Boy said:
"of course dude... everyone looks in bushes! it's my daily job. looking in bushes for no reason.
suitcase was still there because NOBODY LOOKS IN THE BUSHES!!!"
You don't? I love to look in bushes.
Anonymous said...
So that little writing on the bottom corner of the Magic Christian LP that everyone at NIR thought was handwritten by Paul/Faul is actually on your copy of the album and was therefore it printed on all copies of the album?
No no no. I did not intend to be misleading. I never advertised any of those videos because a) They are horrible and b) They were just intended to elicit a reaction from Iamaphoney. I did get a response, but unfortunately not the answer I was looking for. I was hoping he would drop me a hint about the significance of the fake mustache.
That is my copy of "The Magic Christian Soundtrack" but I just put a copy of the writing inside the shrink wrap. Couldn't you tell?
Anyway, please don't place any importance on any videos on the goo3joob channel unless you read about them here. Sorry for the confusion. I'm really embarrassed by those videos, but I couldn't convince myself to take them down.
Maybe Mikey prefers to look in poles?
That is OK if that is what you like. Love is love......right?
I must have young arms. Anyway, goo3joob is my only alternate pseudonym in the PID world. I recently made the Tafultong channel on YouTube to reduce confusion. I really thought everybody knew that I was goo3joob, but they were just being polite since the videos were so poorly made.
I found Tafultong's video when I typed in "Iamaphoney suitcase" on YouTube. I was looking for the new one but saw all the old ones. At least it wasn't that bird this time. Just a guy flipping us off. I guess we deserve it.
the middle finger? why? why flip us off?
I am surprised that the CERN suitcase has not been found. It was placed near a water spigot. The grounds crew may have found it by now.
mike sucks.
the middle finger? why? why flip us off?
October 27, 2008 2:37 PM
I think the video team is telling us something by that gesture. This game may end just on plain rudeness.
I feel let down by your video Mike
Taf, here's where your mysterious lyric sheet came from in the last post. Just type in "Beatles auction", "Lennon auction" and "Beatles handwritten lyrics" in google image search and tons of stuff pops up.
Hey Yenz_ -
Don't YOU have anything to say?
anon said: "I am surprised that the CERN suitcase has not been found. It was placed near a water spigot. The grounds crew may have found it by now."
NO, No, No!!!!! It is in the bushes, just ask Mike. NO ONE LOOKS BY SPIGOTS!
Germans, Swedes, Frenhmen, Italians, etc. wouldn't be suspicious of anyone walking around ....filming....hiding a suitcase. Especially since they never have problems with terrorism!
OMFG did you ever!
check out lennon's fixation w/ the walrus and the carpenter in his "anthology.
Germans, Swedes, Frenhmen, Italians, etc. wouldn't be suspicious of anyone walking around ....filming....hiding a suitcase. Especially since they never have problems with terrorism!
October 27, 2008 2:46 PM
That is a very good point
Yenz is pretending he is not the one who got it.
"OMFG did you ever!"
OMFG you are right!
Anonymous said...
Taf, here's where your mysterious lyric sheet came from in the last post. Just type in "Beatles auction", "Lennon auction" and "Beatles handwritten lyrics" in google image search and tons of stuff pops up.
That's the lyrics to "All You Need Is Love" that I got off the web to show John's handwriting. That was never presented as an Iamaphoney-related document.
um in case you haven't noticed, the haters are all thats left.
new suitcase video is tragically bad
"Yenz is pretending he is not the one who got it."
easily remedied, yenz...
Anonymous said...
um in case you haven't noticed, the haters are all thats left.
October 27, 2008 2:51 PM
I am afraid you may be right
mike actually did go and get the Berlin suitcase. It was a fake beard.
mikey ran the camera, friend played dress up
This is still stupid. Up there with the April Fools fiasco.
Congrats, team phoney. You have outdone yourselves.
Ohhhh! So mikeys friend was flipping MIKEY off! Now it all makes so much sense.
No Jude, that guy on the Berlin suitcase video, he was flipping YOU off.
When is the interview with IAAP? Or is it going to be DEEEEELAAAAAAAID?
Anonymous said...
No Jude, that guy on the Berlin suitcase video, he was flipping YOU off.
October 27, 2008 2:57 PM
Anon said: "Ohhhh! So mikeys friend was flipping MIKEY off! Now it all makes so much sense."
You're starting to smell it too!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
No Jude, that guy on the Berlin suitcase video, he was flipping YOU off.
October 27, 2008 2:57 PM
October 27, 2008 2:59 PM
I thought Jude was the only one authorized to say "F*ck YOU!"
Anonymous' said...
No Jude, that guy on the Berlin suitcase video, he was flipping YOU off.
October 27, 2008 2:57 PM
Oh crap! Here we go!!
all u ha8zrs R gwwana eat UR WORDZ!
Mikey! Show em da rist o da vid! BLO DER MINDZ! BLO DEM AWAYYY! Den we smOHk sum mour buds! We git hiii! While dey git LOW! lik the byrd ur bud fliped. 2 alll da ha8zrs! AWWWSUM!
Jude, we are all sorry! Don't start in! Please! I beg you! I can't take a drawn out post! Not now!
Mary, Joseph, Jude, and baby Jesus, PLEASE DON'T!
Jude wont rant anymore. He silently internalizes his rage. Be glad you wont be around when he finally bursts. Pray to Jebus for his family.
you people are mean! leave jude alone!
Mikey said: "you people are mean! leave jude alone!"
Get tpo bed already! You need sleep to do good in school!
MikeNL said...
Respectively, your triumphant "proved em all wrong" proclamation is premature. You are now walking up a steeper hill. But you prove my point. Paul is Alive.
Well, at least Paul is used to losing money on art. The viral campaign was a Monty Python experiment. Much cheaper then all the cash stole wasted squandered at Apple. Tax write off.
anyone know when the interview is? the new one? based on the dominoes falling from the Berlin suitcase?
you people are a tough crowd! the mikey video was as good as any of the recent PID style videos
Are you even serious with that question? LOL
"you people are a tough crowd! the mikey video was as good as any of the recent PID style videos"
whoever said they were good?
except mike and jude?
Just how completely disconnected is Iamaphoney from his audience? Does he have absolutely NO CLUE AT ALL about what his fans want or how to regain his status at NIR? It would certainly appear that way. It's just been one flop after another. He once had us in the palm of his hand and now he's just the butt of jokes.
itss ok mikey, round two you knock em out. its whats in the suitcase thats important thats where you shine
For your consideration (only if Mikey is not an IAAP member):
1. Mikey and or pals go to get the Berlin suitcase.
2. Suitcase is not there.
3. Not to look foolish for previous "haters" comments, they round up there own suitcase, make a very short film.
4. They fill suitcase withe crappy copies of Beatle artifacts, and make another short film.
5. They save face in the PID community, PROVE ALL THEM HATERS WRONG, help there daddy Phoney continue on, while hoping to pass the audition.
mikes corner said: "itss ok mikey, round two you knock em out. its whats in the suitcase thats important thats where you shine"
Damn Mike! Get to bed! It is going on 11:30 pm!
IAAP couldnt have picked a more articulate bunch for world wide revelation of important hidden information. At the press interview expect them to be flipping the middle finger at any available camera, and any reporter should brush up on the spelling of several anglo-saxxon epithets. "Can I quote you on that? You said "F*ck you"??"
Paul isn't laughing. He is a really cheap bloke, and this was money burned in the rubbish bin.
Go ahead, Mike, post the rest of the video.
Hi Paul!
Anonymous said...
Paul isn't laughing. He is a really cheap bloke, and this was money burned in the rubbish bin.
October 27, 2008 3:29 PM
He had to do this to inoculate himself from the Heather Mills suitcase, that had the real damaging information. This way, should that information ever come to light, they can point to this fiasco and use it as a publicity shield.
Actually a shrewd move, thinking several steps ahead.
Pounce on 'em, tiger!
( personally, I ain't holdng my breath)
The Heather Mills suitcase is the real key. It contains the "beyond belief" betrayal information.
It still exists. Heather was intelligent enough to retain it as a insurance policy. The Macca crowd is simply hedging the bet that it is someday discovered, and planting these seeds for the future to discount the impact and steal the thunder.
The boys have been duped into this chess game as unwitting participants. They made history, but not the way they had hoped.
Thinking back to that note from John?Paul? whoever? about Allan Williams' book "The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away", if these documents are supposed to belong to Mal Evans who died in 1976 then what's he doing carrying around a note about a book that was published a year after he died?
This is like some super hero movie where the bad guy can't seem to help telling the hero the dastardly plans before leaving while some easily escapable machine lazy attempts murder only to be foiled at the last minute.
Why tip their hand here? Why?
How do you know this is a Heather Mills suitcase diversion?
You don't! You are participating in the fiction that is Paul is Dead.
Yeah Paul freaked out when he saw Heather breastfeeding and said "those tits are mine!" or something like that. Some of Heather's stuff was leaked to the press like how he refused to buy her an expensive bedpan so she had to get up to go to the toilet at night.
publicity shield said: "He had to do this to inoculate himself from the Heather Mills suitcase, that had the real damaging information. This way, should that information ever come to light, they can point to this fiasco and use it as a publicity shield.
Actually a shrewd move, thinking several steps ahead."
Heather had several documents. Some concerned Paul and his behavior:
Mr Rosen said: "The conduct was not relevant and didn't factor in the judgment. But that doesn't mean to say it is not relevant at all to her and what people may think of her.
"She just wants the public to have the full facts of the case. She wants people to know that she was a good mother and a good wife."
The other documents concerned the paparazzi, media, etc., about the threats they made toward her. These were the documents she was to have released if something happened to her.
This is just to kill time while mike is at Walgreens buying props.
I am a true genuine believer. Mikey can do no wrong. His latest suitcase video was much better then CATS. I am going to watch it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again
Some of Heather's stuff was leaked to the press like how he refused to buy her an expensive bedpan so she had to get up to go to the toilet at night.
October 27, 2008 3:44 PM
Yeah. Paul didnt want to smell the bullsh*t either
Well Paul already had a bunch of kids with Linda so I think he would be okay with a woman breastfeeding.
Stop picking on Mikey. He's just the messenger.
Fire bad! Mikey GOOOOD! Suitcase BAD! MIKEY GOOOOOOOOD!
We've created a monster. FrankenMikey.
Suitcase Yoda would never have flipped us off!!!
C3PO where could he be??
Mike better then CATS said...
I am a true genuine believer. Mikey can do no wrong. His latest suitcase video was much better then CATS. I am going to watch it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again
October 27, 2008 3:46 PM
Frankenmikey said...
Fire bad! Mikey GOOOOD! Suitcase BAD! MIKEY GOOOOOOOOD!
October 27, 2008 3:50 PM
way to go on the SNL references! PHIL HARTMAN IS DEAD
thanks Vince!
PID=Phil is Dead
PIA=Phil is Alive
PWR=Phil was replaced
曰 月 木 欠
止 歹 殳 毋 比 毛 氏 气 水
"He said ching chang chong but I didn't get the meaning" - Tom Green
"He said ching chang chong but I didn't get the meaning" - Tom Green
October 27, 2008 3:58 PM
That's RACIST!
A messenger is supposed to deliver the message. Not unwrap it, edit it, and dole it out as he sees fit. It's called tampering, and it's federal felony.
Mike would not make the good postal worker his parents had hoped for.
Stop it! How are we supposed to get the secret message meanings that are left here if you are all just cluttering up the blog with this shite!
曰 月 木 欠
止 歹 殳 毋 比 毛 氏 气 水
Periodic table of the elements?
Anonymous said...
曰 月 木 欠
止 歹 殳 毋 比 毛 氏 气 水
Periodic table of the elements?
October 27, 2008 4:01 PM
nope. Mandarin Chinese unicode ascii equivalents. it says ching chang chong.
"FMIKE said...
A messenger is supposed to deliver the message. Not unwrap it, edit it, and dole it out as he sees fit.
October 27, 2008 3:59 PM"
This is why Shakespear said first thing we do is shoot all the messengers. or was that lawyers?
"Stop it! How are we supposed to get the secret message meanings that are left here if you are all just cluttering up the blog with this shite!"
Um in case you haven't noticed the secret message meanings are shite
You people want to come on my show? Iaap needs an intervention. I kin help youse.
Don't you get it yet.......
Poll numbers are out for Mikey Favorable ratings
Positve 99%
Negative 1%
Postive 100%
Negative .0001%
+/- 100%
By our statistical analysis
Mikey wins over Obama by a landslide.
Congradulations President Mikey!
King of All Media Mikey
DR Phil says:
"How's that working out for you?"
Suitcase 333
I am only half Evil
Mikey is only half satanic? Jebus!
"Don't you get it yet.......
iaap is the Pope? I thought he was le Pepe!
Yes this is true and it's nobody's fault but his own.
DR Phil says:
"How's that working out for you?"
October 27, 2008 4:10 PM
Mikey said
"All is according to plan, don't be a whiner!"
this suitcase video is a train wreck Mikey
Mikey is going to prove all you NEW haters wrong!
SHOW EM Mikey!
Anonymous said...
Mikey is going to prove all you NEW haters wrong!
SHOW EM Mikey!
October 27, 2008 4:18 PM
Cant wait!
"this suitcase video is a train wreck Mikey"
No. The suitcase vid is a dike with a hole in it.
Suitcase Retrieved=FAIL
I live in the Show me State of Missouri
Show me the footage Mikey
Show me the footage Mikey
October 27, 2008 4:20 PM
Show me yours I'll show you mine!
Anonymous said...
Suitcase Retrieved=FAIL
October 27, 2008 4:19 PM
GENUINE! A genuine fail
If Mike likes Dikes, is he still gay?
I think Iamaphoney would have more success if he left suitcases in SecondLife next time.
Catcher in the Rye
Catcher in the Rye
Catcher in the Rye
The Bridge on the River Kwai?
You did well Mikey
I am so proud of you!
Keep up the good work!
Proving the point
that Paul is Alive!
ladybugtab, aren't you dudes? Just asking, man....or ma'am.
walls and bridges
fences and gates
mikeynl smokes cock
anon said "mikeynl smokes cock"
I'm no. 666 in line. What place have you?
So to "answer" the alleged mysterious Beatle clues IAAP has made 8 thousand videos that, instead of answering anything, contain their own obscure clues. He leaves a suitcase that Mikey "finds" (are you KIDDING ME? rhetorical, I know)and then Mikey, instead of showing the contents, makes yet ANOTHER video of himself ala IAAP in yet ANOTHER pseudo-mysterious gambit. What's next? Mikey gives the contents to GRULK, who makes a IAAP like video about how he retrieved the contents from Mikey, until every man, woman, and child has made an IAAP like video of themselves picking up suitcases? Can ANYONE say ANYTHING around here without making another f-ing VIDEO about it?
If Apollo was here, he'd say some thing like THIS:
"The story unfolds before your eyes and ears for those that connect the dots. Many of you see things that are not there. Much energy spent on ghosts that fail to materialize. Questions asked that lay unanswered which will add a crucial piece of the puzzle. Too many people doing too many things to notice the key that lies at your feet.
Get back to the basics. Tread old ground, for there are truly flowers in the dirt."
Yeah, whatever. More "the answer lies before you, fools!" malarkey. If you already know this Great Secret, why have you been following IAAP and NIR? Write a book and retire. This PID pseudo-mysticism and sophistry is more than annoying.
it's as plain as the nose on your face, nothing cryptic about it
You say there is nothing cryptic about it, and yet in the post earlier you said there are other dots to be connected and other pieces to the "puzzle." A puzzle is by nature cryptic. You point to the Pepper grave and what you see as "BEAT LIES" with the addition of the rugby trophy (yeah, it's a rugby trophy and not Saturn George).
so it IS a grave
You know, songwriters and directors and poets often use life, death, and religion in their art because those are the three of the most popular themes of history. Hmmm. . . .that would mean there are shocking death "clues" in practically every movie, book, and album ever made!!
Except Mikey's video of course.
Anon said: "(yeah, it's a rugby trophy and not Saturn George)"
Thank you for that anon!
George is Saturn. I know! I found out! All by myself, with the help of no one! Blah, blah, blah.....
Calling George Kush.....George Kush.....order up for one straight jacket.
Anon said: "You know, songwriters and directors and poets often use life, death, and religion in their art because those are the three of the most popular themes of history. Hmmm. . . .that would mean there are shocking death "clues" in practically every movie, book, and album ever made!!
Except Mikey's video of course."
I don't know about that. It sucked so bad it almost killed me!
Well, Mike should be asleep now. It is almost 2:00 am. I hope he passes his test tomorrow.
"If Apollo was here, he'd say some thing like THIS:......"
Congratulations! You were hoaxed by the masters of hoaxers. Apollo and his band of merry men who sometimes pose as PIAers and sometimes PIDers. They don't believe in anything other than seeing what they can slip into the discussion and what they can get conspiracy geeks to parrot back to each other for fun. The whole PID discussion has gone way WWWAAAAYYYY off the fucking mark because of this stupid game. You don't have a clue what's going on here, do you? They played the part of PID and they played the part of PIA. Don't matter. Same game.
you know this because? what?
Does johncharles2007 ring a bell?
Let me clarify. I've played the part of PIA and I've played the part of PID. Who else here has?
And no I'm not JohnCharles2007. He would put his name on this if he were here. He showed his hand months ago.
Well, let's see......
NIR has been around for:
4 years, 8 months, 15 days, 20 hours.....
....and as far as PID, they have come up with? Nothing.
Phoney has been at it for over two years......
....and as far as PID, they have come up with? Nothing.
The list can continue.
That's an ambiguously clear statement.
Is that your intention?
Anonymous said...
Thinking back to that note from John?Paul? whoever? about Allan Williams' book "The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away", if these documents are supposed to belong to Mal Evans who died in 1976 then what's he doing carrying around a note about a book that was published a year after he died?
Great observation, but I think it is a possibility that if the note is real (big IF) it could be interpreted as something that would have been written before publication.
The conversation suddenly got interesting. Did it scare all the jokers away? Hmmmmm
Anon Taf said:
"Thinking back to that note from John?Paul? whoever? about Allan Williams' book "The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away", if these documents are supposed to belong to Mal Evans who died in 1976 then what's he doing carrying around a note about a book that was published a year after he died?
Great observation, but I think it is a possibility that if the note is real (big IF) it could be interpreted as something that would have been written before publication."
October 27, 2008 6:11 PM
Although I can't find any proof of the document as yet, John Lennon did endorse Williams' book. If that is truly john's writing, it is likely nothing more than that; an endorsement. I also don't see any relevance to it and Paul or PID/PIA. Just more PIDgame type nonsense.
smell wrote:
Although I can't find any proof of the document as yet, John Lennon did endorse Williams' book. If that is truly john's writing, it is likely nothing more than that; an endorsement. I also don't see any relevance to it and Paul or PID/PIA. Just more PIDgame type nonsense.
I agree that none of these documents on the surface seems to have any connection to the rumor that Paul McCartney died in 1966.
Old news but put the pieces together
Taf said: "I agree that none of these documents on the surface seems to have any connection to the rumor that Paul McCartney died in 1966."
The only relevance for these notes and documents; IAAP trying to make people believe that he has Beatle related items. This is suppose to lend credibility to his case. The problem is, these documents can be forged, some found on the net, in books, etc. It proves nothing when displayed here on the internet. If IAAP was a credible source for anything PID, PIA, PWR, he would have come clean already. He would have went public. What is he waiting for? What is he afraid of? Nothing. He is a phoney. Plain and simple.
smell wrote:
The only relevance for these notes and documents; IAAP trying to make people believe that he has Beatle related items. This is suppose to lend credibility to his case. The problem is, these documents can be forged, some found on the net, in books, etc. It proves nothing when displayed here on the internet.
I maintain that I believe that the documents that Iamaphoney sent me are unique items. I have the books and I know my way around the net. Now, maybe someone will grab them off this blog and upload them tonight, but I believe these documents are either authentic or they are forgeries. They are not something that Iamaphoney found on a Google image search.
But, I have already granted you that they prove nothing.
MikeyNL1038 (6 hours ago)
What's In That Suitcase?
Mikey is asking Himself now. Clever!
(yeah, it's a rugby trophy and not Saturn George).
October 27, 2008 5:29 PM
GeorgeKush dreamed the world up on his last mushroom trip right after asking someone if it was safe to eat it. "I found this mushroom in my backyard, is it safe?" He became God, and forgot he had to ask someone how to get there in the first place. So next time you dream, know that GeorgeKush is now God, and he thought you all up.
You better copywrite that.
"GeorgeKush dreamed the world up on his last mushroom trip right after asking someone if it was safe to eat it. "I found this mushroom in my backyard, is it safe?" He became God, and forgot he had to ask someone how to get there in the first place. So next time you dream, know that GeorgeKush is now God, and he thought you all up."
That is almost something Lennon would say. LOL
That is almost something Lennon would say. LOL
October 27, 2008 7:13 PM
Funny you should mention that....
jebus cryst
stop that Homer!
stop what?
jebus cryst! do I have to spell it out for you?!
Who are "they" that our Deep Throat guy is alluding to?
Beatle fans?
I've always found it strange that IAAP makes all these videos about how evil the Beatles and Paul are and yet he's still a fan.
You guys have to understand...
i uploaded this to prove that the suitcase has been retrieved.
it takes some time to make a video about those contents... i don't know when that video is done, but i guess it'll be within 2 days.
Not to mention that musically IAAP is a big fan of the Beatles from Pepper onwards. Like most musicians who are influenced by the Beatles it's never the early days but only the later stuff.
mike, it would be MUCH nicer to see the vid un-bastardized. why can't you just leave it alone?
Mike, what the hell are you doing up at 3:50 am ? You have a test tomorrow!
Mike said: "You guys have to understand...
i uploaded this to prove that the suitcase has been retrieved.
it takes some time to make a video about those contents... i don't know when that video is done, but i guess it'll be within 2 days."
October 27, 2008 7:39 PM
You see, the whole RA series is about just that.....video.....not content.
Mike, what the hell are you doing up at 3:50 am ? You have a test TODAY!
Anonymous said...
this suitcase video is a train wreck Mikey
October 27, 2008 4:16 PM
worth not repeating, mike
If it weren't for the video editing, phoney's content would be lame. The content has to be chopped and diced first. That is his story. He has successfully taken a turd and molded it into something else. That should account for something....I suppose. But, a turd, whether it is shaped like one or not, is still a turd.
mike, why are you still up at 4:00 in the morning? bopping the baloney to porn?
C'mon guys...does this video really deserve 189 comments?
"C'mon guys...does this video really deserve 189 comments?"
You left one.
Mikey, why do you need to make a video? IAAP left the case for anyone to find. The contents, presumably, are something anyone in PID land could discover and understand. Surely he didn't expect that the person who found it would have to then make yet another video (and by doing do you are tampering with the goods, which casts even more doubt on its authenticity and your role in this).
Mike, take pictures like 65if. Doh!
I told you why he has to make a video.
If they don't spice up the find, all they have is a turd! Nobody likes a turd!
A Nihilist Reneger Sos
'jebus cryst! do I have to spell it out for you?!"
No, since apparently you can't even spell Jesus Christ.
Anon said: jebus cryst! do I have to spell it out for you?!"
No, since apparently you can't even spell Jesus Christ."
October 27, 2008 11:54 PM
You are blonde headed, right? Doesn't anyone here watch The Simpsons? Homer Simpson.....always saying "Jebus". Sorry dude, but in this case, it is spelled correctly. If it offends you, just say so. Don't try to make piss-poor come-backs or jokes.
Jebus is Jerusalem.
See Judges 19:10
cool. i hope THAT is a genuine IAAP statement. i doubt it, but it would be funny!!
suitcase contents later today.
if not, then tomorrow.
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