On Volume One, Disc Two of the bootleg "Miss Him Miss Him Miss Him," there is a rebroadcast of the "Paul Is Dead Special" from WPLJ-FM in New York City. The show focused on the debunking of "Paul Is Dead" theories. The tone of the host, Bob Lewis (aka Bob-a-Loo) was rather insulting to those who found clues in the Beatles music. He called them "cluesters" and "clue freaks" throughout the broadcast. Some of his explanations to discredit Paul is Dead theorists were more bizarre than the sinister interpretations of the clues.

The liner notes indicate the date of the original broadcast was 1969, but a rebroadcast from the mid 1970s is what served as the master for the CD. The mid-1970s introduction of the rebroadcast dates the original from the fall of 1969. The web site Gary Pfeifer's Radio Airchecks identifies the original air date as November 14, 1969. If that is correct, then the mirrored drum was in fact discovered during the initial wave of "Paul Is Dead" hysteria. Bob Lewis dismissed the drum clue by suggesting that there was a Beatle who died on the cover, and his name was Stu Sutcliffe.
The rebroadcast was followed by a much more sympathetic review of the major clues and had no input from Bob Lewis, who had apparently moved on by then. So, I am convinced that the Sgt. Pepper drum clue was part of the original broadcast. That proves that the mirrored drum was discovered in 1969, but it doesn't identify who found it. Lewis credited the discovery to those "Paul Is Dead" freaks, but doesn't give a specific source.

If the drum clue was known in 1969, it is surprising that it did not come up in the RKO television special "Paul McCartney: The Complete Story, Told For the First And Last Time." This TV Special, which aired Thanksgiving weekend of 1969, was in the form of a mock trial to determine the truth behind the McCartney rumors. The show featured an amazing group of "witnesses" including Russ Gibb, Peter Asher, Allen Klein, and Fred LaBour. Audio clips from the special can be found on Brian Moriarty's Excellent Web Site. The drum clue also did not appear in a "Paul Is Dead" Special from WKBW-AM, Buffalo, NY, despite the fact that it included a lengthy segment on the Sgt. Pepper cover art.
Bob Lewis must have heard that clue somewhere in 1969, but it doesn't seem to be available in any of the recordings known to still exist from that time period.
Nice one Tafultong! Thank you!
Crazy people dont muck up this post please, stay on topic
iamamikey first!
nice taf!
you are awesome
billishir still there?
good job tafultong
i am still waiting for the new suitcas video? anyone from east-africa posting here? very unlikely
they did good job in NAIR0BI
i have a question much the same to the mentioned readers question about the drum.
i recently got the newer release of the white album and the pictures of brian epstein in the corner of the full size poster appear to have the question marks and ect blanked out.. like they tried to erase them.
i was wondering if this is the same way the original white album poster was printed. i have seen pictures that show them in bright pink (like a marker of some kind.) i've been wondering about this since i bought the album a number of weeks ago.
any help would be appreciated.
keep up the good work Tafultong!
But Stuart Sutcliffe died, not on I ONE IX, but on I ZERO IV and the arrows on the drum are pointing at "Paul", not at Stuart.
Sutcliffe was right-handed, not left-handed, and the left-handed bass at the foot of the drum is composed of flowers -- which are not spelling out the name "Stuart".
And so on.
iWASyou66 said...
i recently got the newer release of the white album and the pictures of brian epstein in the corner of the full size poster appear to have the question marks and ect blanked out.. like they tried to erase them.
i was wondering if this is the same way the original white album poster was printed.
I have a few versions of the White Album Poster, but I don't recall any differences. I'll check that out and get back to you.
haha paul is dead said...
But Stuart Sutcliffe died, not on I ONE IX, but on I ZERO IV and the arrows on the drum are pointing at "Paul", not at Stuart.
Lewis mentioned "He Die" only without connecting it to the other characters or any other clues. His interpretations were all over the place. He also said that most of the references to death were about Brian Epstein. I don't think his special even convinced his colleagues at the radio station judging from the tone of the updated clue review in the mid 1970s.
vince, here.
I had taped the WPLJ special on a cassette, and played it a lot.
It was the first time I heard the 'run-out groove'!
When he said, "Maybe, it's YOU!", it kinda 'freaked me out'. Then again, I was only 10 or 11 at the time.
Anywhoo, I finally saw "El topo" & "Holy Mountain"
It's funny; even though "Holy Mountain" does kinda peter out at the end, my brain kept thinking,"Boy, THIS looks expensive." I kept wondering how much Allen Klien/ABKO/ Apple/John& Yoko money was actually SPENT!!!
"The hippest 'tax dodge' in the history of 'tax-dodges'!
Vince wrote:
Anywhoo, I finally saw "El topo" & "Holy Mountain"
It's funny; even though "Holy Mountain" does kinda peter out at the end, my brain kept thinking,"Boy, THIS looks expensive." I kept wondering how much Allen Klien/ABKO/ Apple/John& Yoko money was actually SPENT!!!
"The hippest 'tax dodge' in the history of 'tax-dodges'!
That's not all. The Apple Soundtrack Album to "El Topo" came with a lavish gatefold cover and color booklet.
You can't stop there. You need to check out Santa Sangre
Tried the link, but all it shows is a commercial, and then, my Safari cuts out.... I guess it's not mac-friendly, huh?
Works for me on a Mac running Firefox. I'm sure there is a clip on YouTube. Just do a search. It's worth it. In some ways Santa Sangre is weirder than the other two.
I really did like the first half of "Holy Mountain".
Weird & wonderful!
The HE DIE clue, which is the best and most clever of them all, is either a really cool coincidence or a planted clue. If it was planted, I would wager that the Beatles had to tip people off about it--not sure if anyone would have figured that one out without some help. Hindsight is 20-20. If they tipped people off, you'd have to find the person that was tipped, and by whom, and that would might lead to proof that it was deliberate (although not proof that PID).
Not an easy task, I realize.
NAIR0BI 43 60
From: NAIR0BI1966
Added: 20 October 2008
(less info)
coming home
Category: Entertainment
Tags: iamaphoney mccartney evans lily 1966
why is one of the suitcases in berlin?
As I have mentioned previously, the tattoo on the actors' arm, which they made sure we saw, is almost definitely a Nuremburg Eagle, which is to say a Nazi tribute, in keeping with my theory that IAAP is an anti-NWO crusader of the to761983 variety (i.e., the "liberal" and "Jews" and "bankers" run the world). Once again, watch the video with Kucinich and the Peace Tower. Clearly a typical NWO interpretation of the light tower, which to paranoid types represents Lucifer (because Lucifer means "Light Bearer").
Keep your eyes on the ball, kids.
first and last time
how did they know?
they erased the tape afterwards
IAAP just logged in. i think the official video will be uploaded soon
Bettina Krischbin is a nurse?
11/9 he die
9 is the number of magus, 10 is the number of god in kaballah.
11 is to be over god. It's a defy to god.
Why do you think that iaap & "wanabees" shows all the Crowley stuff?
Paul is dead is witchery.
watch the arrivals in youtube, there is a explanation
Bettina Krischbin is a nurse?
really? thats weird!
Steve Riks is a lot better than this one :)
i know, it's funny because he like an old hippie john. but he is a bad impersonator! :-)
first post :) regarding NAIR0BI1966
so what could be the deal with that new vid?
it's called "coming home" - that could refer to the idea that Faul was "made" in Kenya (main city: Nairobi). I always thought that Faul could be South-african (his accent).
then there was that manuscript of mal evans (?), which mentioned nairobi and a job that was done there. does mr. tafultong now more about this? sorry for my english! ;)
what that supossed to mean mikenl?
Faul is Elvis? ;-P
just kidding!
i googled nairobi and found this, hahaha
Please look out for W. Shear
Molly Jones wrote:
so what could be the deal with that new vid?
it's called "coming home" - that could refer to the idea that Faul was "made" in Kenya (main city: Nairobi). I always thought that Faul could be South-african (his accent).
then there was that manuscript of mal evans (?), which mentioned nairobi and a job that was done
Welcome! It is all theory and speculation at this point. Paul McCartney and Beatles' Roadie Mal Evans vacationed together in late 1966, although there is some dispute over the actual dates. Wiki can give you the basic background about Mal Evans. A popular theory is that it was actually Paul's lookalike who went to Kenya with Mal. Some have even suggested that the impostor was groomed for the part and may even have had plastic surgery in Nairobi.
So, "home" may refer to the birth of the lie rather than the physical birthplace of the replacement.
Mal's manuscript for a book went missing when he died. The Rotten Apple videos seem to suggest that Iamaphoney is in possession of that document, and that it holds the key to the whole "Paul Is Dead" mystery.
Can't help but think of THIS when someone mentions NAIROBI!!!!!!
When you think state-of-the-art plastic surgery, you think Nairobi in 1966.
If you sniff a bottle of ammonia and stand on your head and listen to the Chipmunks LP of Beatles covers in reverse at half-speed, you hear clues that Alvin was replaced by John Wayne.
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