The new video "All Together Now" gives those who haven't seen "Love" a glimpse of the spectacular show, and those who were lucky to catch the show in Vegas a reason to relive the experience. But, it is the compelling subplots within the documentary that make this DVD worth having. You get to watch Dominic Champagne approach the enormous task of directing this production, which was virgin territory in terms of staging and sound.
You can feel Champagne's anxiety as he prepares for the first time Mr. McCartney visits to see how the production is going. And you are happy for him when Paul completely puts him at ease immediately and soaks up the entire production with wide-eyed enthusiasm. Ringo Starr was an immediate supporter as well as he challenged Giles Martin to get even wilder with the remixes of the Beatles tracks. In fact, it was Olivia and Yoko who put the most pressure on the team. Olivia's intervention was more understandable since this entire project was George Harrison's idea. But it was a bit unsettling to see Yoko frantically scribbling down pages of notes about what she wanted changed. The conclusion drawn by those who had put so much into the show was "She hates it." In fairness, Yoko did have a point with the one argument that you see unfold on camera. She was offended by the sleaziness of the dance routine for "Come Together." Yoko, quite accurately said, "'Come Together' is not a sleazy song."
There is a great moment when Dhani Harrison reacts to the gigantic smile he sees from his lookalike dad on the projection screen. Another great moment is when we see George Martin sitting back in his surround sound chair in the huge theater absolutely loving what he is hearing. It was also fun to see the sound control room. On the wall behind the elaborate equipment was a Beatles Poster from the 1968 Mad Day Out Session. On the counter in between all of the monitors like an icon overseeing the production was an open gatefold cover of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album.
The Bonus Features of the DVD are excellent. One item in particular features Giles Martin and his dad sitting in front of a mixer and going through some of the various tracks that made up "Love." It is obvious that Giles was the creative force behind all of the remixes. And as he goes through the "I took that from here and put it there" explanations of several of the tracks, you'll be compelled to hit the pause button and pull out your Beatles CDs.
I think this DVD will be enjoyed by all Beatles fans, even the ones who still don't understand the concept of mixing the Beatles, Vegas and Cirque du Soliel.

The other new Beatles DVD, "Magical Mystery Tour Memories" is a simple documentary not unlike those you see in discount bins, but there are two key differences. This one is focused on one particular period in Beatles history and the interviews are of much higher quality than the usual cheaply made Beatles DVD.
The show is hosted by the always entertaining Victor Spinetti. Other guests include Michael McCartney and Spencer Davis. The DVD contains the sparse amount of Magical Mystery Tour home footage that exists, along with some still pictures. Video collectors have probably seen most, if not all of it before, but the participants do a good job of providing context for the images.
One of the more interesting comments in the documentary came from Michael McCartney, who revealed that there was some seriously dangerous driving going on during the racing scene and that he was worried that some vehicles might roll over on some of the quick turns.
My favorite part is when Victor Spinnetti reenacts his famous nonsense talking scene. The camera alternates between Spinnetti's recreation and Michael McCartney's humorous imitation of the same event.
It is worth the effort to find this video, which for some reason seems to be having trouble making it into stores. However, it is widely available to order online.

And finally, Maccaspan2008 has provided a preview consisting of snippets of each song on the new Fireman Album, "Electric Arguments." NPR recently called Paul's upcoming release "inspired," and these clips reinforce that assessment.
In other news, you have this:

Minor Iamaphoney Update:Regarding sigil magic, I never felt that this was at the center of the Rotten Apple series, but I have always wondered about the meaning of the item below, which appeared in a few videos:

IAAP has updated his discription from 1/5 to 1/4
and changes the berlin video to:
Berlin suitcase in circulation
i also posted the first item as a background to my channel.
it's also in the new video.
why cant we see all the items?????????I mean come on show us!!!!
its barely an 'item'. its just the cover of the 1966 christmas record available everywhere on the internet.
i don't have them yet.
i will post them when i have them.
listen here:
how can you post an item if you don't have "them" yet?
there was 1 item in the folder.
i forgot to add it the first time.
I wish some people had half a brain.
good and sorry mike.i didn't know.im am just exited
to take a look at the things in the briefcase
i know, me too... been refreshing my youtube PM inbox way too many times :P
PS; anyone know which video has been removed from the iamaphoney page? there were 79, now only 78
MikeyNL1038 wrote:
anyone know which video has been removed from the iamaphoney page? there were 79, now only 78
I think it might be "32 60 re - run" unless that was deleted previously.
about sigil magic read the last comments on the previous post. it's all there. iamaphoney is (are) the magickians not paul.
they use every possible strategy that is known as magick (or magic). the briefcases (or the items) function as
so called sigils. so do the videos. they are mind influencing strategies. thats why there are magical sigils shown in them, they empower the forces. you feel drawn to them? some do some don't. they certainly get more attention then they should
ohh, that one.
Nick Name said...
about sigil magic read the last comments on the previous post. it's all there. iamaphoney is (are) the magickians not paul.
they use every possible strategy that is known as magick (or magic). the briefcases (or the items) function as
so called sigils. so do the videos. they are mind influencing strategies. thats why there are magical sigils shown in them, they empower the forces. you feel drawn to them? some do some don't. they certainly get more attention then they should
There is certainly some evidence to support what you say. It does operate like an obsession. Even those who complained and criticized seemed to be obsessed to do so.
I have also observed many incidences of the obsession releasing itself abruptly. And there were many who never were enticed by it in the least, which mystified the "believers."
If it turns out to be true, what was the motive?
Mike said: YEAH SHOW US!!!
Here's one boner boy.
the motive is most certainly the enjoyment of any kind of power.
power can mean making fun of other people, power can mean influencing other peoples thoughts and minds, power can be controlling peoples actions.
the thing about this kind of magic is, that it is hard to be controlled.
it gets an obsession even for those who produce it. and the story they made up became reallity for some and for many
Mike said: YEAH SHOW US!!!
Here's another from eBay. Oh, wow! You can buy this and stick it in a suitcase of your choice! Imagine that!
eBay item# 260306680450
Go to eBay and look up the item number.
nick name:
What caused you to suggest this answer now after two years?
Here Mike, Just in case you missed it:
Mike said: YEAH SHOW US!!!
Here's another from eBay. Oh, wow! You can buy this and stick it in a suitcase of your choice! Imagine that!
eBay item# 260306680450
Go to eBay and look up the item number.
why would i want to buy an album to put in a suitcase, which i don't have?
just hold up those conclusions people!! till the contents have been shown.
Anonymous wrote:
Here's another from eBay. Oh, wow! You can buy this and stick it in a suitcase of your choice! Imagine that!
eBay item# 260306680450
Go to eBay and look up the item number.
I'm sorry. I don't get the point you are making. The first suitcase contained an LP that you can get on Ebay too. What are you saying exactly?
tafultong said...
nick name:
What caused you to suggest this answer now after two years?
I think that it is time to reveal something about their intentions. the game is just getting nasty and i don't like it very much, it has what they call a bad karma.
I am only watching and following with full attention since a year or so. but the videos have changed a lot with time. they became more and more "magickal". i followed that trail for a while and later realized that there is a lot of calculated confusion produced on this blog. that hit me as another magickal strategy. I have a bad feeling about that kind of actions but also believe that the video-team will have to cope with the consequences sooner or later.
nick name wrote:
i followed that trail for a while and later realized that there is a lot of calculated confusion produced on this blog. that hit me as another magickal strategy.
You must have missed the "calculated confusion" that rocked the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group. They probably appreciated that I brought some of the madness over here.
But, I think it is really important that you do not be like "them." Please be clear about the "consequences" you are talking about.
Mike said: "why would i want to buy an album to put in a suitcase, which i don't have?
just hold up those conclusions people!! till the contents have been shown."
Why be like phoney and change things around. You are the one that said:
Well, I showed you. I don't know why you would by another album and put it in a suitcase either.
We'll hold on. Like you have said hold on for the interview??
Tafultong said:
But, I think it is really important that you do not be like "them." Please be clear about the "consequences" you are talking about.
Well, every act of magic has consequences. It's the natural balance. manipulate someone into doing what you want and it will have consequences you don't anticipate at first. I do not now if they really know what they are doing or if it's just fooling around. But either way they will be confronted with some kind of consequences
nick name said: "Well, every act of magic has consequences. It's the natural balance. manipulate someone into doing what you want and it will have consequences you don't anticipate at first. I do not now if they really know what they are doing or if it's just fooling around. But either way they will be confronted with some kind of consequences"
That cleared things up. Thanks. The best way to answer a question you have no answer for is to be as vague as possible. Sounds like you are talking out your ass to me.
that was my honest answer. if that is not enough for you, then i am sorry. but believe me, i am talking out of my mouth, not out of my arse.
I was talking to tafultong anyway.
There have been countless posts accusing IAAP team of being the only real magickians to worry about(not Paul). Some would call it "magick," others, like myself, "propaganda." Both seek to influence people through appeals to emotion rather than intellect. IAAP, intentionally or not, follows practically every textbook manipulation used by propagandists.
(compare with Rotten Apple series)
1. Repetition of idea, slogan ("Paul is Dead" "Grace took Faul").
2. Appeal to fear (EVIL = LIVES)
3. Black & White fallacy (Paul is either Good or Evil--you either are PID or PIA)
4. Demonization of opponent
5. Disinformation (includes forgeries and/or alterations of photos, videos, sound recordings)
6. Intentional Vagueness
7. Quotes of out Context
8. Name Calling to arouse fear and prejudice ("Faul," "Billy")
9. Red Herring
10.Testimaonial (quotations, in or out of context, espcially cited to suppport or reject a given . . .action, personality."
11. Transfer ("technique of projecting positive or negative qualities . . .of a person.
Nick said:
"I was talking to tafultong anyway."
Well call him on the phone then. Here, you are talking to everyone.
Nick(Mike) said: "that was my honest answer. if that is not enough for you, then i am sorry. but believe me, i am talking out of my mouth, not out of my arse."
Oops. Forget to use uppercase letters at the beginning of your sentences? You know, to make it look like someone else writing?
Sorry folks. I seem to be feeling a little hostile. I must be under the spell of the phoney.
good god. i am not Mike. and i see no point in posting here, if you start the same tiring game with me now. what did i post that upsetted you so much?
But thats magic i suppose. nice chatting with you Tafultong, you seem to be a reasonable guy. I really hope you are not into the game! GB, Nick
Mike said (Well, I will just call him Mike anyway): "good god. i am not Mike. and i see no point in posting here, if you start the same tiring game with me now. what did i post that upsetted you so much?"
I am not unsettled. I believe you are the one that got rattled. First of all, what you post here is for everyone, not just one individual. You want to leave a private message for "Magick eyes only", then here is not the place. Secondly, you talk about consequences from phoney's magic, but you don't describe what kind of consequences; just consequences. You could have at least googled us an answer. If you are going to play the game, make it someone believable.
Oh and Nick, you are playing the game.
Anyway, red herring argument people, the Propaganda Theory is correct. The series is an exercise in propaganda by videomakers who believe it to be an exercise in magick.
"red herring argument people"
How lame. Everyone that disagrees is a "red herring". That makes you AOK? Just like the word "troll" gets thrown around when someone doesn't fall into step and jump on the "phoney" bandwagon. Nice.
i am not "nick name".
this whole thing about who is who is really rediculous.
if you don't want to believe that i only post as Mike, and not as nick or whoever... then that's fine with me.
"i am not "nick name"."
That helps.
Ironic how the twenty or so NIR and Miss Him Miss Him people think of themselves as insightful crusaders for Truth against a world of manipulators when in reality the PID few are the ones who are being manipulated most.
"if you don't want to believe that i only post as Mike, and not as nick or whoever... then that's fine with me."
You have already said that you don't always post under "mikeNL". Besides, you do care, or you wouldn't have commented.
anon said: Ironic how the twenty or so NIR and Miss Him Miss Him people think of themselves as insightful crusaders for Truth against a world of manipulators when in reality the PID few are the ones who are being manipulated most.
Good entertainment, isn't it?
yes, except the occasional anonymous post that i only do when i don't think it's important to log in.
"Ironic how the twenty or so NIR and Miss Him Miss Him people think of themselves as insightful crusaders for Truth against a world of manipulators when in reality the PID few are the ones who are being manipulated most."
So true. Know why? Those that believe are the easiest to manipulate.
ok, one last post. why are you so angry? i posted with good intentions.
and i did not tell you which consequences exatctly, because i just don't know. How should i? It's just a principle of nature and magic that one has to cope with the consequences of his actions. thats all. are you still mad with me?
"yes, except the occasional anonymous post that i only do when i don't think it's important to log in."
Your digging a hole for yourself. Stop before you are buried.
Mikey, we all know the series jumped the shark with the first briefcase and has perceived bite. For a few weeks there, it seemed as though Phoney was onto something and the mob was ready to string up Faul. Now, with countless screw ups combined with excellent counter arguments here and on Phoneys site, virtually no one thinks of Paul as being evil anymore. The skeptics managed to talk most of the paranoids down. Fewer still think Paul's actually dead now, and no one takes IAAP seriously anymore. And that is the worst thing for the series, because it's "relevance" was proportional to its supposed connection to McCartney or some Beatle insider. Take away the insider element, and you have NIR. Take away the entertainment value, and you have guys with suitcases.
I guess it's over.
"ok, one last post. why are you so angry? i posted with good intentions.
and i did not tell you which consequences exatctly, because i just don't know. How should i? It's just a principle of nature and magic that one has to cope with the consequences of his actions. thats all. are you still mad with me?"
I am not angry. If you think I am angry now, my guess is you wouldn't want to be around me when I get angry. "What goes around comes around." That is a vague statement in itself. The "What" can vary quite a great deal. I spread good things around, good comes back. I give a car away, a car comes back, etc., etc. What type of consequences? It is not that complicated if you know what you are talking about. Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
it's just starting.
Regarding this conversation about sigil magick which I confess to only learning about today, I've long felt that Iamaphoney's magick (for lack of a better word) appeals to the conspiracy theorists who look for conspiracies behind everything and certain kinds of Christians.
What I am about to write is by no means an attack on Christianity which I have the utmost respect for.
Christians are taught from the beginning that the world is evil and that they are to be "not of this world" and aspire to the higher teachings of Christ, and yet there are many Christians who are attracted to evil, to looking at it and exploring it. For some this becomes a passion that consumes them, so much so that it becomes the focus of their belief system rather than Christ himself. What can happen is that they leave themselves open to demonic influences, even moreso than someone who is not saved.
Whether or not Iamaphoney is a Christian or a Satanist I have no idea but I do believe that his work shows the influence of a demonic force. I do not know if he or they are consciously aware of this manipulation. The agenda seems to be to promote as much ill will as possible against one person namely Paul McCartney which strikes me as an evil agenda regardless of whatever personal feelings pro or con one might have toward McCartney. The fact that this ill will is spread using dishonest methods i.e. overdubbing of horror movie music and reediting of clips to show McCartney in as bad a light as possible makes the agenda transparent to most viewers.
There is however the delicious lure of evil that causes many Christians to return to the videos, to watch them repeatedly and examine every frame, like an addict who can't get enough of his opiate. Some here would argue that in acknowledging the existence of evil these Christians are only reaffirming their belief and trust in God but one need not allow themselves to be mesmerized by evil in order to acknowledge it. That would be like a devout Christian kissing a drawing of Satan before he went to bed every night.
Is there anyone here who can honestly say that after becoming enthralled with this series that when they see images of McCartney or the Beatles in the news or on video that there isn't some small part of them that thinks about Iamaphoney or this series? Call it propaganda or magick that is the definition of systematic influence.
Mikenl said: "it's just starting."
Here you go again. Just got to dig that hole!
The problem is, the people that come up with this kooky shit do so without a plan b or c. You come up with a good idea, something that will fool the vast majority of those that fall into the subjected category, but your planning is half-assed, and you eventually back yourself into a corner, and fall flat on your face. That is what has happened with the RA series. It has gotten way out of hand. Totally ridiculous. Who would really have such information and or knowledge (as claimed by phoney), and release it over the internet? In such a ridiculous manner? It is absurd!
Anonymous said...
October 28, 2008 2:06 PM
Nah. It is probably Mike's dad who has agreed to do this for him when he goes out of town on business.
My opinion is that iaap took and "established" concept and twisted it to his own means. As far as "his" influence goes, no- it hasn't bored a hole any chink in the Beatle armour...those who perceive it so have other issues, and use this as an excuse for their own particular shortcomings.
As for this "magik" crap--- where's the proof? Alistar Crowley died a destitute drug addict. Some poster child for his own crusade. "I am perplexed" ? Only says he didn't know dick. (well, he did know "dick" as he was a passive role homosexual, and that kinda says it all)
God, I hate the christian slant.
"You gotta get saved or else you'll go dark-sided with the evil, and the demons, and the psychics, and the tarot cards!"
To be fair I hate the other side's slant too. Both sides are crazy.
to be fair:
iaap & Co better actually deliver something mind blowing with the contents of the suitcase( as PrOmIsEd)
....and do youselves a BIG FAVOR phonies and leave the special effects to George Lucas.
Most of the people that fell for IAAPs editing tricks either already believed in PID or were predisposed to believe. As conspiracy theorists, they are predisposed to accept and believe anything contrary to the status quo, no matter how poorly argued--even when the argument is as manipulative as the supposed Cabal conspiring against them.
anonymous said: "My opinion is that iaap took and "established" concept and twisted it to his own means. As far as "his" influence goes, no- it hasn't bored a hole any chink in the Beatle armour...those who perceive it so have other issues, and use this as an excuse for their own particular shortcomings."
Of course it hasn't damaged the Beatles or rather the image of the Beatles because as I pointed out most viewers take no serious notice of the series outside of maybe leaving a silly comment if they feel motivated to do so. They see it for what it would appear to be and move on. To the certain types I've pointed out it is perhaps a different story. The existence of this blog bears witness to that. For example can Tafultong answer that question with a no? Can he enjoy Beatles music and videos without thinking for a moment about the series? He even imagined an Iamaphoney connection to Ringo's recent video where none existed (not to pick on you Taf).
"As for this "magik" crap--- where's the proof? Alistar Crowley died a destitute drug addict. Some poster child for his own crusade. "I am perplexed" ? Only says he didn't know dick. (well, he did know "dick" as he was a passive role homosexual, and that kinda says it all)."
The resuts of Magick and the occult are never successful or happy ones in the long run because it is the wrong path to take.
Christianity is the belief in Jesus Christ of The Bible; a person that professes to be a follower thereof. Most people use "Christian" out of context. Most of the time, they should be saying "religion".
Then why watch the series at all godwarrior? It's loaded with distorted Christian themes and religious overtones right down to Iamaphoney inserting a crucifix into the name Beatles. Not discussing it would be like ignoring the elephant in the room.
anonymous said: "Christianity is the belief in Jesus Christ of The Bible; a person that professes to be a follower thereof. Most people use "Christian" out of context. Most of the time, they should be saying "religion"."
This is true but some who have commented on these videos profess to be Christians. I'm taking them at their word and I'm speaking directly to the Christian "fans" of this series of which there were once quite a few.
"Then why watch the series at all godwarrior? It's loaded with distorted Christian themes and religious overtones right down to Iamaphoney inserting a crucifix into the name Beatles. Not discussing it would be like ignoring the elephant in the room."
I think what he was trying to say is that Religion (The professed Christian religions) claim that if you aren't saved, you will surely become evil. I know plenty of non-christians/religious people that aren't evil, they are everyday, ordinary people, just trying to do the best THEY can in life.
the "T" thing has not to do with a "Crucifix" ....but the "equinox"
think of the Beatles "T" phoney obsesses on---oooohhh scarey magik!
.... a symbol, or SIGIL, for "as above, so below"
but fuck phoney, yeah, phoney we know your game....
Hey Mike
if you produce another slick video, you DO know the game is over, Right?
anonymous said: "I think what he was trying to say is that Religion (The professed Christian religions) claim that if you aren't saved, you will surely become evil. I know plenty of non-christians/religious people that aren't evil, they are everyday, ordinary people, just trying to do the best THEY can in life."
I'm sure they are and theologians disagree over the concept of what it mens to be saved. Protestant Christians believe that if one has not accepted Christ as messiah they will be punished in the afterlife while Catholicism teaches faith and works, wherein someone who is Christ-like in their behavior can achieve paradise. In any event this is off the topic as I was specifically referring to the Christian fans of this series.
anon said: "This is true but some who have commented on these videos profess to be Christians. I'm taking them at their word and I'm speaking directly to the Christian "fans" of this series of which there were once quite a few."
Why the curiosity toward any Christian fan? Do you feel they are being hypocritical in their beliefs by participating? And if so, why do you care?
Not only are the themes distorted, many of IAAPs followers (and the NIR crowd) are unwitting yet practicing cabalists very much like the early Christians eager to reinforce their beliefs with any sort of clues, real or imagined. Check out Mirror Image by ykmn231.
amazing parallels.
Oops! I take that back. Mirror Image is now on johncharles2007 site. YKMN took most of his videos down! There was one that described the basis of magical techniques, foremost among them the search for clues, correspondences, and connections--PID in a nutshell.
Ah, to see a soundless, boring home movie again... nothing else compares. Didn't you "magik" people learn ANYTHING from Crowley?
wait a second, opps
( case of student outdoing the "master"
I am Perplexed.
*brought to you by the Alpine Club*
Anonymous said: "Why the curiosity toward any Christian fan? Do you feel they are being hypocritical in their beliefs by participating? And if so, why do you care?"
I'm curious by nature but yes I do believe that some Christian fans of this series are being hypocritical in their beliefs by accepting and embracing this series just as I would if they bought the Satanic Bible, drew a pentagram on the floor and put a poster of Crowley up over their beds. I would say that something is definitely wrong with that picture. As for why do I care? why not. That's a flippant response though. I could devote more time to the first group of people I mentioned in my first post, the conspiracy theorists who look for conspiracies behind everything, but that particular subject has been covered well here.
Why the constant Pick on the NIR'ers?
Get a real target.
" Anonymous said...
the "T" thing has not to do with a "Crucifix" ....but the "equinox"
think of the Beatles "T" phoney obsesses on---oooohhh scarey magik!
.... a symbol, or SIGIL, for "as above, so below"
but fuck phoney, yeah, phoney we know your game...."
I agree, totally. Thank you anon.
LOL di you see that new background on
Iamaphoneys new Nairobi-acount?
"I'm curious by nature but yes I do believe that some Christian fans of this series are being hypocritical in their beliefs by accepting and embracing this series just as I would if they bought the Satanic Bible, drew a pentagram on the floor and put a poster of Crowley up over their beds. I would say that something is definitely wrong with that picture. As for why do I care? why not. That's a flippant response though. I could devote more time to the first group of people I mentioned in my first post, the conspiracy theorists who look for conspiracies behind everything, but that particular subject has been covered well here."
Do you practice the Christian faith? I am not asking if you are a Catholic, Baptist, Church of Christ etc., are you a Christian? What productive reason do you have other than to bash Christians? Not that your intention is to do so. People of faith are just people. They still make mistakes. Becoming a Christian by no means makes a person instantly perfect as Christ. Christians are to strive to be Christ like, not to be Christ. As long as human beings are flesh, they will always be tempted with fleshly things. Granted, a lot of professed Christians set bad examples. That is why you shouldn't look to man for the answers.
anonymous said: "Do you practice the Christian faith? I am not asking if you are a Catholic, Baptist, Church of Christ etc., are you a Christian? What productive reason do you have other than to bash Christians? Not that your intention is to do so. People of faith are just people. They still make mistakes. Becoming a Christian by no means makes a person instantly perfect as Christ. Christians are to strive to be Christ like, not to be Christ. As long as human beings are flesh, they will always be tempted with fleshly things. Granted, a lot of professed Christians set bad examples. That is why you shouldn't look to man for the answers."
I do not profess to be a Christian but I have tremendous respect and empathy for Christianity and it was not my intention to bash it and I don't feel that I have. I was speaking specifically of Christian fans of this series who have identified themselves as such. Of course Christians are not perfect and yes some set bad examples but as you rightly point out Christ has already provided the example to live by. I would be very interested to read about Christians who have woken up to the manipulation and demonic overtones of this series because, as you mentioned, Christians do make mistakes. I would hope that Iamaphoney himself or themselves wake up also,
You can't possibly say more on the subject of Christianity!
Thanks! now the rest of us are free to re-read the blog.
I'll use the less controversial and sensitive analogy of Star Trek and Star Wars. If you joined a Star Trek forum, identified yourself as a Star Trek fan and then spent an awful lot of time on that forum attacking Star Wars and blaming George Lucas for razzle dazzling the minds of a generation of Sci Fi fans with the inferior product of Star Wars, I would rightly assume that you were a devoted Star Trek fan with a personal bias against anything Star Wars related.
Then when you invite me over the house and your place is packed with Star Wars action figures, Star Wars posters, Star Wars bedsheets and you yourself are dressed up like Darth Vader I would be more than a little confused.
That is how I perceive the Christian fan who accepts the evil or "magick" of the series.
I will reiterate my feeling that the series is basically an anti-NWO rant with Paul as the figurehead--at least symbolically. It's the idea that Tavistock created the Beatles to brainwash people. People into the NWO are usually more concerned with uncovering and fighting the conspiracy than reading the gospel of John.
speak for yourself
One more dead or alive rockstar ain't gonna change anything.
magik is a contrived solution in the "netherlands" of the phyche.
Neither here nor there, as much as "The" "christianity" and "the" "devil" are subjective to human thought.
All on par, all equally weightless.
I'm sure there's something better. Unthought of, and if I'm wrong sobeit. What it is or when it is or why it is is pointless to try and fathom. And that's totally ok with me. In the mean time, I'll ty to live my life.
Because where ever your are, you are HERE.
Is the Christian guy gone now so that we can all go back to making jokes about Iamaphoney?
"'netherlands" of the psyche"...heh heh
glad you "got" the "joke"
anon said: "Is the Christian guy gone now so that we can all go back to making jokes about Iamaphoney?"
"'netherlands" of the psyche"...heh heh
Amen, and amen! On with the show!! Mikey, you still up?
he's gotta get his top hat first
might take a few to screw it on his fat head....
you people are MEAN! stop making fun of of Mike!
mike is cool he doesnt care he will win
Yeah, he wins a prize! A lifetime supply of Keebler chocolate chip cookies. AFTER the revelation that is.
Yenz is THE pimp! F*ck the world muddaf*ckers! Middle finger to the world! I gotz me the suitcase, you can't stop me now! One hand on the suitcase, the other on my 9mm, the other on my b*lls!
"I gotz me the suitcase, you can't stop me now! One hand on the suitcase, the other on my 9mm, the other on my b*lls!
October 28, 2008 7:19 PM"
how many hands you got yenz? Jebus!
"I gotz me the suitcase, you can't stop me now! One hand on the suitcase, the other on my 9mm, the other on my b*lls!
October 28, 2008 7:19 PM"
Save one of those hands for another middle finger on the next video. That's what an IAMA.O.G would do!
Are you O.P? Original Phoney?
never shake hands with a pimp
they use one of those hands to stab you
I think Yenz is the new face of IAAP. A big middle finger to all of us. I interpret it as meaning "That's what you get for pinning your hopes and dreams on some jackass with a video camera. Now sit and spin muthafuckas!"
I hate to say it but this guy Yenz doesn't come off as the most responsible person in the world if you know what I mean. I can't believe the coming revelation rests on the shoulders of a guy who looks like an extra in a Snoop Dog video.
So how did you like the post?
Okay, anyway, I'm sorry I had to leave my conversation with nick name. I appreciate you putting your thoughts out there. I had to leave, and it looks like you received some harsh comments in my absence.
I just want to add some thoughts of my own. I left the conversation because I had business to attend to in the real world. At this point, I am able to do that without much effort at all.
This idea of why a religious person (note that I refuse to name a specific religious orientation) would be attracted to the Rotten Apple Series is interesting, but it's hard to talk about without psychoanalyzing someone you don't know. That's not a good approach.
I think that Jungian Psychology explains why a pious person might have a greater temptation to explore the other side. I am still of the opinion that if you want a guilty pleasure, you could do a lot worse than the Rotten Apple Series.
I also feel that the series has not done any harm to the reputation of the Beatles or Paul McCartney. If anything, it might have gotten some people to investigate the music or to revisit it. If the music is in fact filled with LOVE, it will transcend the sinister portrayals from Iamaphoney. But there are some people who felt it has a sinister side before there was ever a Rotten Apple Series, NIR, or even the internet.
Someone said that they hope I am not part of the game. Although I am not involved in any inside knowledge of where all this is going, I am sure on some level, I am playing some part in this game. I guess it depends on how successfully I am being manipulated.
I don't regret getting pulled into to plot to the point that I "heard" the name "Iamaphoney" in the background of Ringo's video. Let that be a lesson to anyone who is worried about getting pulled in too deeply. Someone had posted a comment that instead of "Iamaphoney" the background sounded like "Asshole." I must admit that I also hear "Asshole" clear as a bell. Is that person controlling my mind now?
Yenz is pimpin' this PID game
Ohhhhh yeah that's right, I said it!
Mike the NL and Yenz 2008 bringing the real new really real. Kicking it ol skool, new skool, westside, eastside, from the Windows to the Walls!
I can't believe the coming revelation rests on the shoulders of a guy who looks like an extra in a Snoop Dog video.
October 28, 2008 8:07 PM
This is such a good point!
Yenz, DJ DangerMouse you are not. You and Mike are not producing the next "Grey Album". Flipping us off was not a very stylish move. It was arrogant and eroded your credibility. You will get no second chance on a first impression. Do us a personal favor and burn the suitcase.
Do us a personal favor and burn the suitcase.
October 28, 2008 9:56 PM
whatever dude. i bet you watch it just the same when it comes up. whine whine whine whine whine is all you can do.
please don't burn the suitcase. pretty please with sugar on top. and please flip us off again. U R the best.....
"whatever dude. i bet you watch it just the same when it comes up. whine whine whine whine whine is all you can do."
Got to be Mr. Anonymous "Dig a hole" Mike.
That's right. Dr. Asshole is back. And, I am here to give you a good, refreshing, "feeling of accomplishment" enema.
If only socash could come here and save the day. Obisocash help us, you are our only hope.
Got to be Mr. Anonymous "Dig a hole" Mike.
October 28, 2008 10:01 PM
He doesn't do that. Mike never has done anything remotely like that. Ever. Nor would he. Ever.
Read his previous comments on other blog posts. He never does it.
Only sometimes.
When the time is right and situation warrants it.
Only then.
But never, never ever at anytime. Except when he does. And EVEN then Never.
Let me be the first to say that the most fertile comic minds out there contribute to this blog and I read the comments with great amusement every night. I thought I was the only one who revelled in Iamaphoney's lunacy until I found this. A hearty thank you to all of ya.
anon said: "He doesn't do that. Mike never has done anything remotely like that. Ever. Nor would he. Ever.
Read his previous comments on other blog posts. He never does it.
Only sometimes.
When the time is right and situation warrants it.
Only then.
But never, never ever at anytime. Except when he does. And EVEN then Never."
Yeah, my bad. He never posts as anyone else other that MikeNl either. Except for the times he posts as anonymous, but only then when what he has to say is bullshit, which is hardly never more than a few posts per night. Only then, mind you, and only as MikeNl or anonymous, but never as anyone else, which he has admitted to doing a few times, but then just for shits and giggles. But what do I know, I am just an asshole.
MikeNL is like a steam boat captain on the Mississippi river. Legally, he can marry people on his ship, he can arbitrate disputes, he can make up words in scrabble games, he can post anoymously, he can post under aliases, he can change the channel on the TV you are watching and leave the room.
If you question in anyway anything he does, you will be ignored or marginalized, or thrown off the ship.
get it right, whiners
"There can be only one!"
Taf, I don't know why you felt I was so hard on that Nick Name guy. What consequences is he talking about? It was his idea. With that said, why wouldn't he have some sort of clue? All I was asking was how extreme he felt the consequences were going to be? Is Phoney going to get killed by a bus that looks like the Magical Mystery Tour bus? Is he going to stub his toe on a curb while planting another suitcase? What kind of consequences are involved with such magic? Will he merely lose his magical powers? Will his dog run away? Get what I am asking? I am being as serious as possible. Do I need to write Dear Abbey for a clearer perspective of "magical consequences"?
That takes me back to "when people make shit up, they have no answer".
BRB I have to go punch in some Pepsi Stuff codes.
From another time, comes a man of great power.
"You talk funny Mike, where you from?"
MikeNL "Lots of different places"
A Warrior of incredible strength
"Because you were born different, men will fear you AND TRY TO DRIVE YOU AWAY"
A man, uncertain of his future, and haunted by his past.
"I am immortal!" MikeNL
A hero, who is about to face his greatest challange.
For he, is not alone.
Highlander MikeNL
MikeNL sounds like that guy from the highlander movie.
"There can be only one.... phoney"
When the servant becomes THE MASTER
Did IAAP know that mikenl would take this whole deal over?
"whatever dude. i bet you watch it just the same when it comes up. whine whine whine whine whine is all you can do."
I will watch it. If you think that I am not going to stick around until the end, your nuts(smell like cheese). Someone has to be here to rub it in when phoney goes down(like Hanoi Hannah). You bet your ass. I'll be here.
there can be only phoney
Please pardon my bellicosity. You see, I have this ulcer, and I've been pukin', spittin', and belchin' blood all day.
The Ha8tzrs are going to eat the words! Mike Rulez!
I like Halloween. Nothing like a hot vampire chick.
Sorry, got a little of topic there.
Mikey told me the end of this game
him and Yenz jump out of a german
chocolate cake in hitler drag and
"The Aristocrats"
MikeNl said: "PS; anyone know which video has been removed from the iamaphoney page? there were 79, now only 78"
Isn't this the same dude that posted all iamaphoney's videos on one YouTube channel? Doesn't he eat, sleep, and shit rotten apples? Why play dumb? If that is a little over the top, count me out(in).
Aristocrats said: "Mikey told me the end of this game
him and Yenz jump out of a german
chocolate cake in hitler drag and
"The Aristocrats"
Now that is just going a little too far! I have a very picturesque mind, and I could envision that quite clearly! Let me tell you, it wasn't a pretty site!! Heil Mikey!
No wonder mikey is taking so long to edit THAT video. "German Shiza"
Heil Mikey! There can be only ONE!
him and Yenz jump out of a german
chocolate cake in hitler drag and
"The Aristocrats"
Just saw this on TV. Hilarious!
Yeah, you've seen it, but watch it again.
Look Mikey is practicing his part! You have to watch for at least 50 seconds.
If 65if had found this suitcase, we would have already seen how bogus it was. That makes me think "Hans and Gretel" are trying to embellish this one a bit. They can't let there "Crowley" want-to-be down.
paul is dead - nothing is real 333 *update
another middle finger!
that never gets old!
Didn't Obama do a speech there?
Does Obama know that Mikey already won the presidency? Zogby Mikey, any numbers on that?
79% of likey viewers expect a middle finger to be used in the next video.(proven 100% accurate by 333 update)
100% of Obama have never heard of MikeyNL or Yenz. Obama is asking for a recount.
100% expect Mikey and Yenz to flip off Obama
100% expect Yenz and Mikey to flip off the world at the Inauguration.
Phoney was cast down from Heaven to forever roam the Earth, casting his voodoo sigil magic upon the unsuspecting teens of the Netherlands, forcing them to dress in drag, pop from out of cakes, and fulfill his insatiable desires of the flesh. Phoney's a pimpin' them hoes!
its not easy at the top
when you want to be #1 you have to forge your own path
you have to be willing to take chances
you have to be willing to take risks
you have to give everything you have
you have to give the middle finger
you cant listen to the whiners
you cant give in to pressure from the haters
on top of this mountain, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE
I think it's kind of charming how these handful of believers cling to the S.S. Iamaphoney as she sinks to the murky waters below. What are there, like, 3 Iamaphoney believers left? How many years of "Here it comes...the revelation!" and "You'll all be proven wrong" only to be left holding the suitcase and looking like the world's #1 fool? It's really amazing. That blind fanboy mentality.
If you claim to have or know something, you better produce some evidence.....and don't take 2 years to do it, or you will suffer the consequences.
Q: What consequences?
A: I will tell you.
Q: Surely you jest!? You know the consequences!?
A: Of course I do. I am the one making the remark.
Q: Please do tell!
A: Don't mind if I do. The consequences will surely be distrust and ridicule. Why would a person claim to have that which he has not?
Joke of the day:
Q: Why did the Mikey cross the road?
A: Because he was stuck up the phoney's ass!
Settle down!! It is all in fun! You are having fun?
someday messiah mikey will come and make you understand the Love Code.
will he bring cookies?
just wait till yenz and mikey blow the worlds minds just you wait
....and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait....you get the idea.
Just noticed that 90210suitcase's YT channel account has been closed.
it's been closed for a few days now... that and a few others
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Grant Morrison explains sigil magic
one to the two to the three to the four to the plug to the five
"Treason doth never prosper," wrote an English poet, "What's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
It must be an exciting time at Phoney Central, with the Berlin suitcase in circulation and what not, eh wot?
Pins and needles as the world holds it's breath. Like Jay and Silent Bob in Dogma, all of the world is placed in the Hands of Anonymous(presumably Yenz) and MikeyNL1038. God or G-D, chose wisely with these misanthropes. Will the Prodigal Sun(MikeNL) redeem the sins of the Father(IAAP) and turn the water of the world to wine and provide loaves and fishes to the dwindling multitudes thronged at the Sea of Science? Will the world be plunged into the lake of fire with the Ouruboros doomed to be regenerated and once again eat it's own tail?
Stay Tuned...
This is supposed to go on until 2012?
Suitcases and videos?
mmmmmmm! snake on the barbie again! just in time for the thirteenth B'ak'tun.
Chin up Mikey, they made fun of David Icke on Wogan. Now look at them. Now look at him. Compare and contrast.
There was once a genuine sense of "what if it's true?" about all this. Now there's a genuine sense of "I need to get off the computer and go outdoors".
" anonymous said...
mmmmmmm! snake on the barbie again! just in time for the thirteenth B'ak'tun.
Vince Ricardo: Just go with the flow, Shel, just go with the flow.
Sheldon: What flow? There isn't any flow.
Vince Ricardo: Serpentine, Shel! Serpentine!
Anonymous said...
Taf, I don't know why you felt I was so hard on that Nick Name guy. What consequences is he talking about? It was his idea. With that said, why wouldn't he have some sort of clue?
I thought that your point was valid, but the language was harsh and that it would put an end to a valid discussion and leave me with a hundred comments of people doing a bit and amusing only themselves.
David Icke is a new-age, douche. Go believe IAAP is a reptilian overlord. (As IAAP would like you to believe also, with his reptile-eyed mccartney pics)
Last chance, Mike. Don't F it up.
i have nothing to fuck up.
i'm only the reporter.
i report what i get.
if i don't get it, or it isn't what you expected. go to phoney. it's his suitcase.
by the way, the suitcase contents will be posted by the current owner of the suitcase himself.
Reputable reporters take great pains in order to not be part of the stories about which they are reporting.
The contents will be posted by whom and when? Do you mean GRULK Deceptionist? For somone who knows the contents, you don't seem very excited about it. Then again, no surprise there.
We hope, for your own sake, you do not pursue a career in professional journalism, then.
The lead in to the "story" was that the contents would blow our minds, change the world etc etc...
That's basically what you have said, Mike....
That is a partial condensation of what YOU "reported" the past several days.
We have every right to expect what was promised. That is, if we still believe in promises.
Mike is the reporter who, after the big interview didn't happen, guaranteed it would happen within two months: I believe he said, "100% certain."
What happened was the IAAP guys thought they had figured out something mind-blowing, but it turned out to be based on bogus information and subjective belief. So a couple of the original guys left, realizing the whole thing wasn't going anywhere, and after disagreeing whether to keep stringing people along with another promise and a hoax-like revelation. Too many people anticipated all of their possible moves, leaving them with little to nothing other than to present the series as being a Macca project.
Hey! this means we don't have to kiss Mike's ass any more! whhooo hoooooo!
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