In a Quicktime Video Update on his Official Web Site, Ringo Starr has issued a "serious message" including a warning that any fan mail sent to any address will be tossed after October 20. "I'm warning you with peace and love, but I have too much to do. So no more fan mail. Thank you."
As a P.R. move, this makes the John McCain Presidential Campaign look like Capitol Records in January, 1964.
The up side of this is that I encourage everyone to send fan mail to Ringo BEFORE October 20 just in case he really is signing and returning items. (See Ringo Addresses below)
The down side is that his voice just sounded wrong to me. I don't want to speculate about that, but his speech patterns were just weird. I hope it is some kind of a weird publicity stunt. After releasing five albums last year, he deserves a break, but he doesn't have to announce it in such a strange way.
If anybody does get some good information, please drop it in the comments. And remember, the most reliable source of Beatles information is the Abbeyrd Beatles News Page.
Abbeyrd also gave this link for all three of the available new Fireman songs.
Ringo Addresses (I cannot guarantee the accuracy):
Ringo Starr
1st Floor
90 Jermyn Street
London SW1Y6JD
Ringo Starr
"Rocca Bella"
24, Avenue Princess Grace
98000 Monte Carlo
Ringo Starr
1541 Ocean Avenue Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90401
UPDATE: More Addresses
Ringo Starr
c/o Apple Records
27 Ovington Square
London, SW3 1LJ
Ringo Starr
c/o Capitol Records
1750 Vine St.
Hollywood, CA. 90028
Ringo Starr
c/o EMI Records Ltd.
EMI House
43 Brook Green
London W6 7EF
"After releasing five albums last year, he deserves a break, but he doesn't have to announce it in such a strange way."
Enjoy every sandwhich
"I'm warning you with peace & love."?????
That has GOT to be one of the strangest things I've ever heard.
right up there with,
"People should get beat up, for stating their beliefs.", a line from They Might Be Giants!
Why the Warren Zevon ref?
Ringo is sick??
shoehorn with teeth
you KNOW it!
Maybe it's just Taf's concern making me wonder, but it does seem like he's trying to telegraph something. Emphasis on the word "warning".
It's like Strawberry Fields all over again, isn't it?
Should I address my correspondence to apartment #666?
on the RlNGOSTARR channel:
Added: October 11, 2008
No More Signs
10 20
Category: Music
Tags: ringo starr beatles 20 10
the 54 second iamaphoney germany suitcase video is also uploaded there.
christ you know it aint easy
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they gonna crucify me.
anon said: "I'm warning you with peace & love."?????
That has GOT to be one of the strangest things I've ever heard."
Ditto. Why such an urgent, gruff sounding message to let people know he won't be signing any longer? Very strange indeed.
The odd phrasing of "I Want To Tell You" (interestingly a Beatles song title), the finger dragging across the lips on "Thank you," and the odd hand motions throughout are just crazy. Very odd. I hope everything is okay and I hope he still loves his fans. As you probably know, I am a big Ringo fan.
taf, you know where the new display picture from iamaphoney comes from?
I noticed that "I want to tell you" business too Taf. Next line:
My head is filled with things to say
Ya know, this PID/PWR/Beatles mystery adventure we've been on these past five (!) years often is a nice diversion from current events, but.. There's no chasing away the worries and concerns of late. Maybe Ringo is concerned about something as well?
Two guesses: Something is wrong with Ringo. A partial stroke perhaps? Why not just announce that you're going into the hospital instead of making such a weird statement though.
Or-he's been harassed by psycho fans who've made threats against him. After all, if John, Paul and George can have deranged fans I'm sure Ringo has his share too. Maybe this is his way of saying "something terrible has happened to me but the police don't want me to say anything and I'm sorry I won't be around for a while".
Listen to the message Backwards...
MikeNL said...
taf, you know where the new display picture from iamaphoney comes from?
It would be easy to make it from the new Fireman art. He could have just copied and pasted the items at the top of this page.
its behind Paul it says
Scary, its really is him who is the phony is it?
on the picture
looks like he didnt doctored it he took it straight from the photo.hm
reverse ballad of john and yok0
How does that work, anyway? - requesting an autograph-
Send a SASE? or does he send a glossy at his expense?
"Jojo said...
I noticed that "I want to tell you" business too Taf. Next line:
My head is filled with things to say"
I want to tell you
My head is filled with things to say
When you're here
All those words, they seem to slip away
When I get near you,
The games begin to drag me down
It's all right
I'll make you maybe next time around
But if I seem to act unkind
It's only me, it's not my mind
That is confusing things.
I want to tell you
I feel hung up but I don't know why,
I don't mind
I could wait forever, I've got time
Sometimes I wish I knew you well,
Then I could speak my mind and tell you
Maybe you'd understand
I want to tell you
I feel hung up but I don't know why,
I don't mind
I could wait forever, I've got time, I've got time, I've got time
I really doubt this is PID related. Nothing true is PID related.
Anonymous said...
Listen to the message Backwards...
Love seat, love seat feeling ah
Hey ah unseen see bow and week nap week nap hit a home run
Where the summer seat ah feeling get old now...
(Ah, I better stop this before someone takes this seriously)
Note: "Serious" might be one of those rare words that sounds the same forwards as backwards.
Anonymous said...
looks like he didnt doctored it he took it straight from the photo.hm
You're right. He aligns the "A" in arguments right under the second "E" in "Electric." That's not an official site, but it is an official picture. Just another one of those coincidences that falls just beneath the "convincing" line.
According to Undercover, both Ringo and Paul play on Klaus Voorman's new album. LINK
presented with an exibition from 7- 12 october
in BERLIN.......
popkomm. in Berlin.
maybe 922008 means nine month to 2008?meaning september 2009?
and the nurse in danger was the nurse that took care of him when he had the heart operation last year?
yenz said...
and the nurse in danger was the nurse that took care of him when he had the heart operation last year?
Paul denied that the operation ever happened, but then the story hit some papers again after that.
See the story
Paul LIED?
Tafultong said...
Anonymous said...
Listen to the message Backwards...
Love seat, love seat feeling ah
Hey ah unseen see bow and week nap week nap hit a home run
Where the summer seat ah feeling get old now...
(Ah, I better stop this before someone takes this seriously)
Note: "Serious" might be one of those rare words that sounds the same forwards as backwards.
Well, if you consider Reversespeech.com and it's findings as interesting as I do, that backwards clip- if this isn't a joke- would mean a lot. Sounds like he just wants to retire (week nap/getting old now) If any one is interested, just go there and see what it's all about!
Also, just a quick add, the backwards messages in Beatle/Post Beatle tunes are exactly that, just reverse speech.
Poor Rings..
I wonder if he actually realizes how much he is GENUINELY LOVED BY ALL??
Out of all The Beatles & their Posse, I have to say that he's the one that I'd trust the most.
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