Some perceptive readers have pointed out some subtle changes in Iamaphoney alias YouTube Channels.
Of course, he added Ringo's recent rant about fan mail to the RlNGOSTARR channel. The description for the video is "10 20." Obviously "10 20" refers to October 20, although Iamaphoney usually doesn't use that format for dates. That leaves open the possibility for a double meaning since the last "Official" Iamaphoney video is now titled "Berlin 42 60." In fact, several titles of videos have changed recently. I can't tell you if there is any significance to "10 20 42 60." Other recent numerical allusions include "3," "32 60 Re - Run" and "Rome 32 GO."
-F pointed out that Iamaphoney did a strange thing in the last day or two. He logged into to several alias accounts and "featured" one of the older videos.
All of the above channels are highlighting the infamous "The Rotten Apple 9 Q" video for some reason. For many people, this video rubbed salt in the wound of the interview that never happened. It was the beginning of the downfall, where even Iamaphoney fans were beginning to question his motives and credibility. Why would he want to spotlight this video? Why would he continue to drop suitcases and open himself up to more ridicule? I guess we all keep watching and waiting to find out the answers to these and at least seven other questions.

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he changed the seqence from 9 2 2008 to 8 2 2009
same number though
on my way to Berlin
Taf wrote : "In fact, several titles of videos have changed recently"
So it was recently that the Iamaphnoney video titles names changed and I am not dumb as someone in the last post told me I was?
i wish there was some kind of reviews of all the videos
yenz said...
i wish there was some kind of reviews of all the videos
Arrrrgh! I had finished reviews on the first 36 Rotten Apple videos by April 10, 2008 when my computer crashed and I lost them all. I still have the hard drive, but recovery efforts have failed thus far. It was one of a handful of things that I had failed to back up.
Good luck on the suitcase hunt.
i was just looking through the list of iamaphoney's other accounts that you documented.. but i was also wondering if the account 'jamespaulmccartney' was one too.
His/their video 'a lie adds up - son king 0911 281 F' ( seems to show them (those who made the video.
and the small info box shows the same numbers. that being 09022008.
I'm thinking that they're connected. and sorry if this is old news, i've been falling behind in your blogs.
So it was recently that the Iamaphnoney video titles names changed and I am not dumb as someone in the last post told me I was?
October 14, 2008 8:13 AM
no u r not as dumb as they thought they said you r
Anonymous wrote:
So it was recently that the Iamaphnoney video titles names changed and I am not dumb as someone in the last post told me I was?
It was not a dumb question by any measure. Some of the changes are older than others, but who is expected to catch everything?
iWASyou66 said...
i was just looking through the list of iamaphoney's other accounts that you documented.. but i was also wondering if the account 'jamespaulmccartney' was one too.
His/their video 'a lie adds up - son king 0911 281 F' ( seems to show them (those who made the video.
I believe this one
is not.
But I believe this one
See how confusing it can be to keep up?
haha yes, its hard keeping up with all these youtube accounts floating around. but thanks for looking into that. i thought that account was related to iamaphoney. i'm just watching the videos know, and they're the same style.
keep up the good work!!
MikeNL said...
yeah. i'm getting the suitcase on the 20th. maybe because of next level or something... ringo doesn't want to sign anymore? it could be possible, but i think it's for another reason.
October 14, 2008 1:42 AM
MikeNL said...
Yes. if one suitcase is opened, it will start a domino effect on the others. the contents are mindblowing.
October 14, 2008 2:58 AM
repectfully, the contents are mindblowing? have you opened them before?
didnt someone from CERN already go looking for the suitcase and it wasnt there?
respectfully, the contents are mindblowing? have you opened them before?
sorry for the poor spelling before
well, it should be an interesting week in that case!
maybe Ringo will sign the suitcases if you get them BEFORE the 20th
maybe that was the message! get the suitcases now or no signing
Anonymous Anonymous said...
well, it should be an interesting week in that case!
October 14, 2008 9:18 AM
yeah, and then someone will say "PEACE AND LOVE PEACE AND LOVE! NOW GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE!"
That was an interesting combination too
Suitcase, suitcase, follow me 'round
Bootlace, bootlace, tie me down
Money for fun, yeah, golden crown
It's all inside a game we've been playing for so long
Driver, driver, go too fast
Miser, miser, make it last
Pusher, pusher, on the run
It's all inside a game we've been playing for so long
And I'm sorry to be leavin'
Yeah, that's all I get to say
'Cause I'm sorry to be leavin' today
[guitar solo (Pete Ham)]
Well I'm sorry to be leavin'
But that's all I get to say
'Cause I'm sorry to be leaving today
(Driver drive)
Driver, driver, go too fast
Miser, miser, make it last
Pusher, pusher, on the run
It's all inside a game we've been playing so long
Song lyrics by Badfinger
post on youtube: PaulTheRevelator
can you let me go please :- (
i've tried real hard for transport... and now it finally worked. i would be really sad if i couldn't go now because you already were going :( :(
Just go anyway, mikey. You cant take any random blog comment as fact.
A blog comment, even if the poster swears up and down is true and he's gonna go get it, it's just a blog comment.
Just as I believe neither you nor this yenz guy will have a suitcase come 10 20. No offense.
don't know...
but i don't like it anyway :P
i don't wanna drive 13 hours and then find out it isn't there...
mikenl said...
don't know...
but i don't like it anyway :P
i don't wanna drive 13 hours and then find out it isn't there...
October 14, 2008 10:27 AM
Be prepared, you might find that out anyway.
Fortune tellers predict bad weather
has the rapture started yet?
famous MikeyNL quotes from the way back machine
"The Interview is GOING to happen, stop whining!"
"Is someone going to get the suitcase?"
- RE: the california suitcase
"I am going to get the suitcase this weekend." - RE: the Cern suitcase last month
"Yes. if one suitcase is opened, it will start a domino effect on the others. the contents are mindblowing."
-O RLY? how do you know?
"yeah. i'm getting the suitcase on the 20th. " - he is going on the 20th October
stay tuned to MikeyNL1038 youtube channel when he proves all you doubting thomasses wrong!
don lizten to de haterz mikey, u doo ur ting felow blizz nd say hi to foney fum me k? wish i wuz gwun wid u on dis adventur u alwads seam so nize nd make neyez vids ur own slef. dem haterz sit wid no cred never dun noting, never make noting, say evol tings h-ear un dare try to git ur gott! don lizten to de haterz! dey will watchz jus de same wen u blo der MeyeNDS wid ur kool vids sit wid foney suitcase kool az a sumbitch sippin d-rinks later wid ur buds. eye raize a glaz 2 wid U! we BBF!
rock on NL sta-y gold u crazy kat diamund sh-eye-N ON!
here here!
well said
"yeah. i'm getting the suitcase on the 20th. " - he is going on the 20th October
Come on, give the kid a chance(s).
Hey Mike, I once traveled 22hrs. one way to pick up a car I bought, only to find out the title of ownership was in some other guys name...who lived another 8 hrs. away. Needless to say, someone got there ass beat for lying.
But what an adventure!
u text that frum a fone?
"don lizten to de haterz mikey, u doo ur ting felow blizz nd say hi to foney fum me k? wish i wuz gwun wid u on dis adventur u alwads seam so nize nd make neyez vids ur own slef. dem haterz sit wid no cred never dun noting, never make noting, say evol tings h-ear un dare try to git ur gott! don lizten to de haterz! dey will watchz jus de same wen u blo der MeyeNDS wid ur kool vids sit wid foney suitcase kool az a sumbitch sippin d-rinks later wid ur buds. eye raize a glaz 2 wid U! we BBF!
rock on NL sta-y gold u crazy kat diamund sh-eye-N ON!"
I don't know if that is really sanguine or not, but someone worked hard to post that! LOL
whos ass is going to get beat if the suitcase isn't there?
ol' school fight club style?
first rule of suitcase club, don't get the suitcase
#2 rule of suitcase club, DONT GET THE SUITCASE
"rock on NL sta-y gold"
loved that
sanguine111 should get his ass beat.
"Hey look at me! The way I type really says a lot about me as a person. I'm different and hip."
well, hey.. at least i'm trying real hard.
and you can't take that away from me : ]
but yeah, even with the doubt of whether another person is going... i am still going that day.
and i will prove all you b*t*h*s wrong :D lolololol.
or not.
there should be an iamaphoney fightclub!
MikeNL said...
well, hey.. at least i'm trying real hard. and you can't take that away from me : ]
you are thank you NL!
MikeyNLDURDEN left the suitcase and forgot he left it there
"You met me at a very strange time in my life "
you going to Berlin MikeNL? Or CERN?
yenz is headed to Berlin
i hope you get there first mike
you make better videos
"i hope you get there first mike
you make better videos"
not to mention your ties with IAAP, and your in-depth knowledge of the subject at hand.
The first rule about the Iamaphoney Fight Club is: "Never talk about the Iamaphoney Fight Club".
hey jude!
oh no! jude and mikeyNL at the same time
means its iamaphoney rant time!
you don't know where i've been Jude!
you don't know where i've been!
There are four of you guys that have nothing better to do then haunt this blog and ruin it for everybody!
iamaphoney whine time
MikeNL said...
well, hey.. at least i'm trying real hard.
cookies and a gold star for you
i really want those cookies.
Hey Mike when you get that suitcase put the video up for your friends only
These jerks shouldnt see it
MikeNL said...
i really want those cookies.
October 14, 2008 1:11 PM
me too, we got any more of them cookies? Iam freaking starving!
a metaphysical oxymoron
saying get the *uck out is ampathetical
to peace and love
"a metaphysical oxymoron" you calling me a moron Jude?
lay off the beer
hey mikey, how about that federation of light?
don't know man, okt. 14th isn't over yet.
don't know if it is true... i cannot say i believe in it.
still interesting :P
space ship
over berlin
bollucks. I can't wait till tommorow to feel those wacky people's sheer and udder failure, just as I can't wait till 2013.
bollocks. I can't wait till tommorow to feel those wacky people's sheer and udder failure, just as I can't wait till 2013.
but just like the Jehovas Witness' they'll just pick a new date for their big date.
Kind of reminds me of something else, eh...
is that a suitcase drop map mikeynl?
Mikey getting the suitcase and threatening to with-hold now? Did we ever think differently?
I hope the other guy gets it first.
We all bless you for your effort mikenl ;-). My belief in IAAP depends on the contents of those suitcases. Personally, I won't forgive IAAP for another "1st suitcase fiasco".
I think it's the time to let the game become really serious (as Ringo said) or it's over. Maybe he will give the 9 answers in 9 suitcases (excluding the 1st one). Is that he's trying to say with those alias? I don't know...
nope, the interview is still planned.
it isn't time yet.
MikeNL said...
nope, the interview is still planned.
it isn't time yet.
October 14, 2008 4:13 PM
ADD that to the "famous MikeNL" sayings
should we stop "whining" there mikeNL?
peas and lub there mikey
peas and lub!
yea! stop ur whine! this is a
Melluva Hess!
MikeNL said...
nope, the interview is still planned.
it isn't time yet.
October 14, 2008 4:13 PM
If you sit on your hind legs and beg beyotches!
interviews?!?!? we dont need no stinking interviews!!!!!
"nope, the interview is still planned.
it isn't time yet."
I hate to join the crew, but exactly why isn't it time yet? It was totally time about 7 months ago if not before when you said that IAAP missed the flight or whatever. That was never explained or at least I never saw an explanation.
Just saying...
"It is starting to matter, we are approaching the business end, and Mikey is doing the business.
You can claim it is a sympathy vote...
I will claim many dislike him because he is different!
Open your eyes people... Mikey is blind... but also very very funny!!!"
he is?
well, then... gold star for him!
no cookies till he actually gets the suitcase
maybe phoney will miss his flight again
wouldn't that be great!
has anyone alerted authorities about these cases?
what if there's incriminating evidence that could put the person who picks up the suitcase in a world of trouble.
What would your excuse be?
"It's not my suitcase, really! I just got it because some guy who remains anonymous made youtube videos about Paul McCartney being dead...kinda... and I decided to come grab one of the suitcases he dropped off!"
that's not going to work well when theres a disembodied head in a trash bag inside of that case.
What about tracking devices?! theres no way I would get near one of those cases, especially the one next to CERN, you would have to be a complete idiot to go there.
"Delay, an abnormity of adherence to timetable"
or if you get the suitcase then decide to NOT do a promised interview
since iamaphoney's credibility is 999%
read the record mirror and let it be
999% in the mirror is 666%!
M-NL is the one who "left the suitcase there" wink wink wink, and pre-edited a snazzy video for it IN ADVANCE
the suitcase is in his closet
mikey likes to steal iamaphoney's thunder doesnt he?
speaking for him all the time as he does
mikey quit stealing phoneys cookies!
iamatelling you once!
iamatelling you twice!
he's going to find out if you've been naughty or nice
Anonymous said...
"nope, the interview is still planned.
it isn't time yet."
I hate to join the crew, but exactly why isn't it time yet? "
Keep asking mikey the hard questions that he LOVES to duck
did someone say DUCK?!?!??!??!??
cookies? ducks?
you are all CHILDREN!
This blog has again sunk to a new low
I am not going to come here again until this "melluva hess" is cleaned up. It is impossible to read the comments here without such incredibly offensive subjects such as "ducks" and "cookies" and "delaaaays" being brought up!
I just wanted the offending parties know that they reached their intended objective and I am tendering my resignation. You children can play all you want here in the candy store all by your lonesome. You won't have me to kick around here anymore.
I am never going to return again, until next week when I will be back around the same time to list every little thing that bugs me and complain about anything I can, wasting the same space and doing basically the same things I am complaining about, and I will fly off the handle using crass swear words and personal attacks.
I wonder why God let you live this long anyways you Rucking Fetards!
May God strike down those that disagree with me!
Good Day Sir!
leave Jude alone you pilligan!
What does pilligan mean?
I don't think it means anything. I've looked in the Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder, but no luck. Unless it's some sort of insult or slang, I doubt if this is actually a real word. Also, the Complete Wordfinder is about three inches thick, so if the word existed it would definitely be in there.
P is for goodbye
pilligan is
gilligan with a P
a three hour tour!
copy and paste eh?
you aren't even trying anymore!
"May God strike down those that disagree with me! "
dang Eduj
at first I thought you had issues...
now I think you have whole subscriptions
"May God strike down those that disagree with me! "
dang Eduj
at first I thought you had issues...
now I think you have whole subscriptions
"dang Eduj
at first I thought you had issues...
now I think you have whole subscriptions"
mikeyNL and jude always ruin everything
"mikeyNL and jude always ruin everything
October 14, 2008 5:35 PM"
"Personally, I won't forgive IAAP for another "1st suitcase fiasco"."
Me either
maybe phoney will miss his flight again
wouldn't that be great!
October 14, 2008 4:44 PM
i bet $2 canadian that nothing happens
maybe phoney will miss his flight again
wouldn't that be great!
October 14, 2008 4:44 PM
i bet $2 canadian that nothing happens
you can say that again.....
but please dont
so much yelling about, here.
suitcase envy?
they have pills for that
I for one will be damn glad when mikenl gets the suitcase and shuts these people up.
they are substituting the suitcase for getting laid
phoney is calling the last few videos "the double fantasy" playlist
i 4 1 will be glad when this whole suitcase thing is done
your mamma
IAAP playlist - The double fantasy
Berlin 42 60
Rome 32 GO
CERN - the rotten apple 70
Spahn Ranch - the rotten apple 111
the rotten apple - 101
And the ones that phoney gives you
Don't do anything at all
Correlate times that sudden influxes of stupid comments start flooding in with the login and comment times of the few (3-5) wacko's who ruin IAAP's comment section.
I'm am here for the mornings, and late in the evenings. When I log in in the evening it seems that around the time the children get home from school and mommy lets them use the computer they ruin this place.
OOctober 14, 2008 4:34 PM
October 14, 2008 4:37 PM
October 14, 2008 4:40 PM
October 14, 2008 4:40 PM
October 14, 2008 4:42 PM
October 14, 2008 4:44 PM
October 14, 2008 4:46 PM
October 14, 2008 4:48 PM
October 14, 2008 4:50 PM
October 14, 2008 4:53 PM
October 14, 2008 4:54 PM
October 14, 2008 4:56 PM
October 14, 2008 4:59 PM
October 14, 2008 5:00 PM
October 14, 2008 5:01 PM
like the dead silence now that the kids went to bed.
out of 200+ comments, 150+ of the are from the same, deranged lunatics.
or lunatic.
"The sun never set on the British empire"
During a Tavistock-induced sea of green-high: "There came the sun".
Later when it was realized it was all manufactured it was "Back to the U.S.S.R."
Back to RA9Q:
I wish more people would focus on Mal's story and his assassin (by said Kennedy investigator).
Those who forget history (or never knew) are doomed to repeat it.
Vote Pig '08
To me Iamaphoney is a little clown who dances for me. Whenever I'm feeling sad I just go to YouTube and visit my little clown to watch him dance. It cheers me up.
Peace and love peace and LOVE
Vince, here.
Who here can talk to me about "The Cremaster Cycle?
Really freaky....
It's the creepy and surreal video/installation art cycle by Matthew Barney, Bjork's significant other (last time I checked).
If I remember correctly, "cremaster" is the name of a muscle that determines sexual differentiation in the developing fetus.
Creepy. Undeniably artsy, though.
Maybe Bettina should get the case in Berlin.
did you see this?
who can get the suitcases in rome and cern?
Me or Mike will take the Berlin One?
I heard that those suitcase should be worth millions
Yenz, i'm going monday.
i hope you aren't going... :-(
maybe we should just take the suitcases and destroy them.
i still don't believe they exist. it would only make sense if mikey were to get one though...bullshit.
anonymous said...
maybe we should just take the suitcases and destroy them.
i still don't believe they exist. it would only make sense if mikey were to get one though...bullshit.
October 15, 2008 2:08 PM
don't believe the suitcases exist? :P
then what did they show in the rotten apple series? a 3D animation?
a 3D animation?
ha ha
just because theres video of some guy, whose identity is hidden, walking around with a suitcase and throwing them places doesnt mean a lot to me. how come you're going to be able to get a suitcase now after all of this wait? mikey was never intended to have to get a suitcase.
the suitcases arent worth anything, look at the first one.
just go, yenz
cern would be interesting
Blogmaster you may want to update regarding Ringo's new statement about the video which was as most of us assumed made in anger over seeing a ton of items he signed showing up on Ebay.
To all of you PIDders who keep thinking Ringo's going to release a statement about PID. Move out of the PID/PIA paradigm and you'll be free. It's an awakening. You are being enslaved and you don't even know it.
With peace and love - Alex Jones
please don't go, yenz.
i'm going monday.
how come you're going to be able to get a suitcase now after all of this wait? mikey was never intended to have to get a suitcase.
because the CERN one was in france, the person whom i'm driving with just had his drivers licence, so we couldn't go there.
i also made attempts for suitcase 1 and 2 in los angeles, but it was very expensive for me to go.
suitcase five, i finally can get that one. it's 6/7 hours away from me... and it's worth the drive.
Anonymous said...
Blogmaster you may want to update regarding Ringo's new statement about the video which was as most of us assumed made in anger over seeing a ton of items he signed showing up on Ebay.
I stopped blogging for a minute to eat dinner. Anyway, here is the link to the statement. I can't believe how unfair the press has been about this.
Another thing...I have always said that the Abbeyrd Site is the best place to get Beatles News, but don't you think Ringo should put something on his own web site to try to dig his way out of this public relations mess?
If Ringo moves as slow as Apple does you can wait for Ringo's statement to be on his website when Let It Be is released on DVD.
That's a joke. Enjoy your dinner. No one expects you to blog 24/7. PID should never be that high on a list of anyones priorites.
Anonymous said...
If Ringo moves as slow as Apple does you can wait for Ringo's statement to be on his website when Let It Be is released on DVD.
That's a joke. Enjoy your dinner.
That is too true. Thanks, I did enjoy my dinner. I was kidding too, knowing darn well that I would end up doing a whole post about the Ringo thing tonight.
"Another thing...I have always said that the Abbeyrd Site is the best place to get Beatles News, but don't you think Ringo should put something on his own web site to try to dig his way out of this public relations mess?"
I mean we are talking about Ringo Starr here, I'm still on his side, I think people are being a little tough on him for this. I seriously doubt that his career will suffer from this very much. If it wasn't that he hadn't already made his mark in history I would say otherwise, but to be pissed off because he has more important things to do than sign autographs is a little silly.
How many celebrities actually send back what you sent them, much less sign it for you? We still have 4 days, I intend on writing him a letter tomorrow so that I can get an autograph from him before it's too late. I'm not big on autographs normally, but I can't pass this up and neither should anyone else.
I would be willing to bet that many of the people bitching about his decision are doing the same...
by the way, that was in no way direct at you, taf, I only used the quote because of the part about him needing to put the statement on his website. I actually read it wrong and if I could I would take it off, I agree with your sentiment exactly.
Sorry for the mess-up, its been one helluva week..
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