This enhanced version seems to say, "Good Morning...Sound Effects...Intro to...Billy Shears"

I like to share with you when anything out of the ordinary happens. As you have probably figured out, I do allow myself to be jerked around a little bit just in case somebody is giving me something real.
So, in the comments section of my last post, someone posted under the name Brian. If you click on the name Brian, it takes you to http://www.youtube.com/user/NAIR0BI1966, which I believe is an Iamaphoney alias. Now, anybody can put the name Brian and link to that YouTube page, however, NAIR0BI1966 did appear to be logged in to YouTube when the comment was posted here. Brian's comment consisted simply of this link: http://www.picturepush.com/public/1130532
The link takes you to a photograph of the document below. I have slightly enhanced this one.

The document appears to be handwritten by John Lennon in the mid 1970s. He is referring to the Alan Williams book, "The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away," which I believe was released in 1977. It appears to have been doctored because some of the words seemed to be intentionally obscured. I can not determine the authenticity of the document or its relevance to the Paul McCartney mystery. But if you compare common letters between this and John's handwritten lyrics to "All You Need Is Love," there are some similarities. The letters "p" and "r" in particular seem similar between the documents.

This is not the way that Iamaphoney has sent me documents in the past, so I am not sure who is behind this action or the motive. It could be an attempt by Iamaphoney to prove that he really has genuine documents. It could be an obscured clue of some kind. It is possible that the missing elements of the document contained something sinister. It could also be something fake provided to wind me up and make me go for someone's amusement. I will leave that for the reader to decide.
1 – 200 of 293 Newer› Newest»Why, Brian, why?
this document is genuine,tafultong.
How do you know? Did you post it? Huh?
MikeNL said...
this document is genuine,tafultong.
October 25, 2008 7:41 PM
Is this the real mike saying this?
mike this is why you are picked on
"the document is genuine tafultong."
How do you know? Really, how do you know?
Iamaphoney in my opinion can stop this. So far these documents are not impressive, and if they are an indication of what is in the suitcases, very disappointing.
Iamaphoney is losing the game
the fake blue mikenl would say:
"because I messaged IAAP and he told me"
so there, you doubter
Is this the real mike saying this?
October 25, 2008 8:21 PM
ohhh you know it buddy, the icon is orange
That means truth
thank G0d the truth is coming out!
IF it would have taken longer we couldnt bear it!
thank you truth bringers
Mike is irrelevant
its fun when fake scraps of paper are posted
How much more stupidity can iamaphoney throw into this?
The Answer is...
as much as you could ever possibly imagine
Get ready suckers, here comes that paperwork!
Boy am I glad me and Tafultong think this is important. If you dont, your loss
those suitcases are full of gems like that. if you liked that, you are going to be so happy with the next jewels
will mike verify the genuine status of every piece of paper? pretty please antique roadshow kid from the netherlands?
Barely 1 year old kid when all of this took place from the netherlands.
You will eat your words about that. Mike is so right, and you are wrong hater
thanks mike for the info!
why doesn't mike tell us what it is?
genuine what?
Anonymous said...
genuine what?
October 25, 2008 10:31 PM
get redy for wrath! if you question them it makes them attack!
I see this not having not anything to do with PID. Meaningless.
attack away! Sombody get the party favours. Quick!
we are supposed to guess the text, I presume.
its like a puzzle. a genuine puzzle. the most genuine puzzzle EVAR!
we supposed to say that like larry david?
Mikey messaged me. It is like Wheel of Fortune. We have to guess.
This may help, a hint
My guess the missing obscured words from the genuine note...
京 仅 尽 径 惊 琎 痉 紧 经 警 谨 鲸
My guess is shown here in Mandarin Chinese, for that is my new area of study.
Mao is dead!
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Bridge on the River Kwai? What that mean? The Movie?
man, I was looking at that bridge all day. You mean the "box" area on the flower bass? what's the clone thing?
or are you saying all you need is love?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
we supposed to say that like larry david?
October 25, 2008 10:50 PM
Although I have to succinctly agree with your candid analysis of Larry David comment "Ev-AH" I myself am considered quite an authority on all things Larry David. So I recommend that all such Larry David comments and or humorous quips are left in my capable hands. In other words, leave it to the professionals. Me. That would be me. My credentials? I have numerous such examples for your viewing pleasure on my Youtube site.
Please go here for study on all things Larry David. Paul is Alive.
man, jguilders is the dude behind all this shit! Of course!
If you're really a 30 year old Canadian I'll eat my hat.
Get ready to eat a hat. Bring your ample appetite, and your diminished mental capacity.
Man guilders loves Larry David!
Watch the vids JGuilders, Paul is dead
The evidence is there.
Sorry Charlie! Tuna is the chicken of the sea. Evidence? It seems to me that there is as much evidence to back-up claims to the contrary, just because one sounds more plausible doesn't mean that it's true. The main evidence that Paul is alive is the fact that he is still alive. He performs concerts and interviews.
I will, however repeat what I said, which is that as long as we are merely speculating instead of actually testing claims, we can just as logically speculate that there was a McCartney double who became President of the United States.
Keep in mind these claims, all of which remain untested, consequently their value as evidence remain worthless. As evidence for any claim that Paul was replaced in 1966, they are far beneath worthless. Better to believe in bigfoot Charlie.
IAAP is a pig
IAAP is a hat eater
IAAP is this decades bigfoot
Anonymous said...
October 25, 2008 10:23 PM
This an anagram?
DBTG dontbotherthatguy?
dontbotherthatguy (2 months ago)
Its on a dyno. Whoopidedoo!
Whoopidedoo mystery solved
he found the suitcase, now he has disappeared
if you go on that nairobi channel there is a new background with another document. its not clear but something about "billy shears". how can i post a picture here? maybe tafultong can post it?
3 vids make an expert textpert?
the low quality image says:
Good Morning
... something
intro to
billy shears
"I like to share with you when anything out of the ordinary happens."
At this point, this game whereby IAAP sends you scrawled notes is now routine. It has become as tiresome as the suitcases.
It coi-tan ly is.
Happy Sunday
Mt:20:5: Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
Mt:27:45: Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto
the ninth.
Mt:27:46: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying,
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve:82:26:When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said,
"It is finished". And he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. And it was in the ninth hour.
Acts:3:1: Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of
prayer, being the ninth hour.
Acts:10:3: he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an
angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.
Acts:10:30: And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour;
and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before
me in bright clothing,
As I, The Unknown Bastard, posted my last comment I couldn't help but notice that no reply to it was ever sent. Here my next try in hope of many interesting replies to come. Now, the breaking news to you all, here it comes... wait for it..... Paul IS alive. Thank you very much, jguildersleeve as well, for speaking the truth, which is that 1, Larry David is brilliant and 2, Paul McCartney is still the same man he was since the beginning of The Beatles (and since his birth, of course).
of course Paul is alive.
The Emerald City and Oz:
" 1. Tis true without lying, certain most true.
2. That wch is below is like that wch is above that wch is above is like yt wch is below to do ye miracles of one only thing.
3. And as all things have been arose from one by ye meditation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
5. the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse.
6. The father of all perfection in ye whole world is here.
7. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
7a. Separate thou ye earth from ye fire, ye subtile from the gross sweetly wth great indoustry.
8. It ascends from ye earth to ye heaven again it desends to ye earth and receives ye force of things superior inferior.
9. By this means ye shall have ye glory of ye whole world thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
10. Its force is above all force. ffor it vanquishes every subtile thing penetrates every solid thing.
11a. So was ye world created.
12. From this are do come admirable adaptations whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this.
13. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world.
14. That wch I have said of ye operation of ye Sun is accomplished ended. "
Life of Brian:
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
Come on Mike, why don't you tell us how do you know the documents are authentic? Why don't you explain in a clear way your relationship with IAAP?
I hope there's wrong with asking questions. I would appreciate your sincerity.
this document arent far as interesting as the Paul handwritten suitcase phony stuff you talked about months ago please take it up again thats the key.
yes its time to take a look at all the documents with new eyes.
"Shakespeare, right?"
"Right and double right."
talismand said...
Come on Mike, why don't you tell us how do you know the documents are authentic? Why don't you explain in a clear way your relationship with IAAP?
*You ask a great questiontalismand!wondered that my self
rub dub jguilders in the TUB
pull the plug!
"U" on the phone for you TUB, he wants his U back
If I gave U his u back then I would be TB, like puff daddy went to P diddy then to diddy. Might be a hip move for the 17 year old demographic here on the blog restore some street cred
"Prepare for black riots if ACORN doesn't win though. Maybe that's why the media is making it look like a foregone conclusion, then the Diebold machines kick in..."
Helter Skelter?
As I, The Unknown Bastard, wander through the internet I find myself being imitated. It's nice and scary to see. However: keep spreading the message that Paul is Alive. He wont be forever, but he is now.
vince, here.
I want to 'pull away' from the main subject to the grander concept: "Why are we here?.... concentrating on IAAP/PID aspect of MR. Macca?"
Well, I pulled out one of my favorite movies today: "COBB"!
Now, I hate sports. Have no use for it in my life, this THIS MOVIE..........
I tells a tale..... 'the man you admire, and who he REALLY IS!
THAT'S why I'M here!
Paul is NOT who he appears to be!
Do yourself a favor, watch "COBB"!
thanks for the cobb recomend vince
i enjoy the recommendations you make
going to rent it this week
Shut up!
is that genuine?
mikenl orange said so
good job Mike!
not by me...
but by someone else.
they are giving me the video to put up on youtube.
Rocking! thanks mike!
now all the haters will eat the words!
vid going up today?
Dontbotherthatguy came through!
That's the biggest coincidence ever! Mikey, the official IAAP spokesperson, managed against all odds to get hold of the contents of a suitcase that IAAP could have just handed to Mikey six months ago!
This way, there is no appearance of impropriety whatsoever!
shhhhhhh! dont question!
shhhhhhh! dont question!
I don't know if the video is going up today.
it depends on 2 factors.
1. when will they send me the file?
2. what state is the video in, does it need post production?
the world will soon change
thanks iamaphoney and mikey
MikeNL said...
I don't know if the video is going up today.
it depends on 2 factors.
1. when will they send me the file?
2. what state is the video in, does it need post production?
October 26, 2008 1:40 PM
3 factors actually,
No video till you evil people APOLOGIZE!
put the pre-edited video up first Mike
Mom said "Clean your closet today Mikey" and he did and here is the Soooootcase
that vid going to be like the interview? whine whine whine whine whine whine
that vid going to be like the interview?
damn whiners, its all true, and the interview is ON beyotches! remember? suitcase THEN interview!
a friend isnt going to be driving that video to you mikey are they?
You have had no luck with friends lately and they may not deliver it.
if you want a friend get a dog
yeah your friends are unreliable mate
first IAAP was Delaaaaaayed, then two friends couldnt drive you to suitcases CERN and berlin. You need new friends. Or a dog.
MikeNL said...
October 26, 2008 1:17 PM
The nice thing about this latest suitcase development is that people that get suitcases tend to distance themselves from the Iamaphoney experience a la 65if2007. So based on previous experience that means MikeNL will soon vanish. Not in a dangerous way mind you. They just get sick of the manipulation, and move on to different study
whats the mikey mention count today?
A survey of likely IAAP'ers, say that the mention of Mikey shall rise exponentially here in the next 48 hours, followed by a steep drop off as the details of the suitcase come to light
The Bridge on the River Kwai
As a new suitcase is found, I, The Unknown Bastard, wonder what worthless pieces of shit it will contain. Paul is Alive, keep on spreading THAT message.
eye iz t-old u mikey cum tru leyek a sum bitch ann git da suitcase
wee raize a gl-ass up wid homeies celebr8tion git crunk wild azz amsterdamn weed puff leef dancin singing suitcase h8tzs shut up sit down wa-tch as mikey n IAAP blo U R m-eye-nds! BFF! mikey RULZS
well that settles it, the Berlin suitcase is San-GENUINE-111
Oswald shot JFK by himself
Mikey gets the Berlin Suitcase
Oswald mikey is a PATSY!
Oswald mikey "shot" the berlin suitcase footage with a mimicker carano camera
carcano actually there sport
spelling nazi
a person who freaks out when a little spelling mistake has occured or has be a constant little asshole about it.
person a: here's my thesis for the pythagoream theorem
mikey gunna blow the worlds mind
he a mind gurullaa
So based on previous experience that means MikeNL will soon vanish. Not in a dangerous way mind you. They just get sick of the manipulation, and move on to different study
October 26, 2008 2:02 PM
Mikey will NEVER get sick of the manipulation! That is a GENUINE fact!
Jebus Mikey! You are totally doing all these comments? Or is it the Fakey Mikey crowd? Why always so much activity here when you post?
Oswald Mikey said...
Oswald shot JFK by himself
Mikey gets the Berlin Suitcase
Hello!? EXACTLY!
maybe because i just posted that the suitcase is retrieved?
IAAP haters love that!
IAAP fans too by the way...
Berlin suitcase. Film at 11pm GMT
everybody loves Mikey
and hates Jude
This just in, IAAP will do an interview with Mikey TONIGHT!
The rumor is big news conference tomorrow in Amsterdam. All will be revealed!
did you get it?
ain´t over till the fat lady sings!
the fat man is singing, plucked his eyebrows on the the way, shaved his legs then he was a she, and said hey babe take a walk on the wild side
Anonymous said...
This just in, IAAP will do an interview with Mikey TONIGHT!
October 26, 2008 2:30 PM whoa cool1 when? where will it be? does tafulton know? he usually not around on sunday he is oging to miss it
Anonymous yenz said...
did you get it?
October 26, 2008 3:10 PM
Paul McCartney is lol'ing at all of you
mike already ratted you out yenz you got it
is the Berlin suitcase the big one?
Size matters not, ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?
And Mikey, cookie shall you receive, a Yoda Cookie for you deserves. You listened, Do or do not... there is no try.
U gwanna shhhhair dem yoda cookies mikey wid ur buddy sangenuine111
eben green cookies luk gud w-hen UR baked lik mee! smoke sum wid UR dubs peas out!
Its like that star wars scene when they blow up the death star and get the medals. Get ready for your star wars medals Mikey!
"U gwanna shhhhair dem yoda cookies mikey wid ur buddy sangenuine111"
NO! These cookies are mine!
Paul McCartney said...
October 26, 2008 3:34 PM
man dude! Paul is BAKED! Just like them yoda cookies!
It is I, The Unknown Bastard, who can tell you that size DOES matter. The suitcase from Berlin contains weightless shit. Remember that please. Paul is alive, spread the message.
cough...cough...cough.... man sanguine111 you get some good smmOHHHk
Come see my latest viral marketing campaign PAUL IS BAKED!
This weeks recipe is Paul's Baked Macaroni and Cheese
cough...cough...cough.... man unknown bastard, I am glad you think I am a live! I hear you tell me you have a big hog. I think I know what you mean! Size matters is why me n sanguine111 smoke these big fatties
try my St Paul baked classic cookies
apple gone now, dear paul
oh oh oh oh, arabic.
w00t w00t w00t.
apple gone now, dear paul
oh oh oh oh, arabic.
w00t w00t w00t
"apple gone now, dear paul
oh oh oh oh, arabic.
w00t w00t w00t"
glad you got the suitcase Mikey me lad! Can tell you have joined me an sangenuine111 turning some w00t w00t w00t into smoke! Got any Yoda cookies left?
You are so wrong Mike Read my book Paul is Saturn
Well, I just realized that you avoided my questions Mike. But your silence is a great answer, believe me.
I am very curious about this "berlin suitcase" thing. I think this "phoney journey" is reaching a point of no return.
Hey kids watch many of the clips Iamaphoney stole in this cool video!
Yes you too can be Iamaphoney! Just type in "Paul McCartney" on YouTube, copy the clips, slow them down, add some scary music and watch the all sheepies believe in you.
iaap feels the heat, Suitcase "retrieved"
holding breath,,,, (nostrils wide open)
hey Saturnbookguy:
The "eye" in "lies" is Saturn ( ok, maybe)
NASA via BBSNews - 2006-11-10 -- NASA's Cassini spacecraft has seen something never before seen on another planet -- a hurricane-like storm at Saturn's south pole with a well-developed eye, ringed by towering clouds.
Cassini stares deep into the swirling hurricane-like vortex at Saturn's south pole, where the vertical structure of the clouds is highlighted by shadows. Such a storm, with a well-developed eye ringed by towering clouds, is a phenomenon never before seen on another planet.
Image Courtesy: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
For the image shown above in a larger size, see Looking Saturn in the Eye.
More NASA images are available in BBSNews NASA Photos.
The "hurricane" spans a dark area inside a thick, brighter ring of clouds. It is approximately 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) across, or two thirds the diameter of Earth.
"It looks like a hurricane, but it doesn't behave like a hurricane," said Dr. Andrew Ingersoll, a member of Cassini's imaging team at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. "Whatever it is, we're going to focus on the eye of this storm and find out why it's there."
A movie taken by Cassini's camera over a three-hour period reveals winds around Saturn's south pole blowing clockwise at 550 kilometers (350 miles) per hour. The camera also saw the shadow cast by a ring of towering clouds surrounding the pole, and two spiral arms of clouds extending from the central ring. These ring clouds, 30 to 75 kilometers (20 to 45 miles) above those in the center of the storm, are two to five times taller than the clouds of thunderstorms and hurricanes on Earth.
Eye-wall clouds are a distinguishing feature of hurricanes on Earth. They form where moist air flows inward across the ocean's surface, rising vertically and releasing a heavy rain around an interior circle of descending air that is the eye of the storm itself. Though it is uncertain whether such moist convection is driving Saturn's storm, the dark "eye" at the pole, the eye-wall clouds and the spiral arms together indicate a hurricane-like system.
Distinctive eye-wall clouds had not been seen on any planet other than Earth. Even Jupiter's Great Red Spot, much larger than Saturn's polar storm, has no eye or eye-wall and is relatively calm at the center.
This giant Saturnian storm is apparently different fromhurricanes on Earth because it is locked to the pole and does not drift around.[/color] Also, since Saturn is a gaseous planet, the storm forms without an ocean at its base
suitcase suitcase im so exited.will it come out tonight?
better be fucking good this time.
anon said: "Hey kids watch many of the clips Iamaphoney stole in this cool video!
Yes you too can be Iamaphoney! Just type in "Paul McCartney" on YouTube, copy the clips, slow them down, add some scary music and watch the all sheepies believe in you."
Amen, Brother. Amen.
Anon said: "That's the biggest coincidence ever! Mikey, the official IAAP spokesperson, managed against all odds to get hold of the contents of a suitcase that IAAP could have just handed to Mikey six months ago!
This way, there is no appearance of impropriety whatsoever!"
Did you hear the one about the Dutch Boy, Phoney, and suitcase that went into a bar......
Anonymous said...
Paul McCartney is lol'ing at all of you
I hope so. That would be great.
anonymous wrote:
October 26, 2008 2:30 PM whoa cool1 when? where will it be? does tafulton know? he usually not around on sunday he is oging to miss it
It bothers me a little that you know that! Anyway, I'm not too worried. This hasn't exactly been progressing at a rabbit's pace.
You are still wrong! I found pretty much all this information myself, So if you see my information or pictures on anybody's videos or website please let me ASAP. I will bring lawsuits of wrath upon them, because all of my information is Copyrighted. MB 2008.
I Copyrighted it all, every word. So I fully expect to win, and I play to win. This is my research as far as I know i've figured this out my own, not trying to brag. but it is true.
Tafultong said...
anonymous wrote:
October 26, 2008 2:30 PM whoa cool1 when? where will it be? does tafulton know? he usually not around on sunday he is oging to miss it
It bothers me a little that you know that!
*sorry man
I just listen to what you say.
yenz said...
suitcase suitcase im so exited.will it come out tonight?
October 26, 2008 6:25 PM
YENZ! You are the one who got the suitcase! Remember!??! Mikey told us you are the one who got it
Tafultong said...
It bothers me a little that you know that!
*just because i sit at the back of the class, and am a clown most of the time, does not mean I am not listening. I may be broke but I pay attention. Glad you are hear Taf, you can help us make sense of what is coming.
Taf ful tong watch said...
*sorry man
I just listen to what you say.
I was just kidding. But, now your name scares me. Did you break a pumpkin on my front porch tonight?
*I also hope that you note that I haven't been impersonating people anymore. Going to bring an apple to class starting monday. Turning a new leaf
Tafultong said...
I was just kidding. But, now your name scares me. Did you break a pumpkin on my front porch tonight?
*I have been thinking of my future and I really want to graduate this year. No more shenanagans like that. Just witty silliness occasionally from back here in the cheap seats. And all parodies clearly marked as Fake this or that.
To MikeNL1038: I agree with the other commenter. I hope that you will post what you get as soon as you get it. You can always do post production work and enhancements later. People will be suspicious no matter what you do, but maybe the lions will give you some slack if you feed them sooner instead of later.
So Mr. Cheap Seats, are you Randy or Jason Sklar? Could tell your comedy stylings from your show, you been a Iamaphoney fan for awhile now?
*I cannot speak for all the lions Taf, but as one of them, I intend on giving MikeNL significant slack on this one. This may be conjecture on my part, but this is make or break time credibility wise for him.
And then there is the old adage of giving someone enough slack, they may hang themselves with their own rope.
Tafultong said...
You can always do post production work and enhancements later.
Could we see it raw first? As you received it. Much appreciated Mike
If you kill the sheep, you can no longer sheer them.
If you kill the game, you can no longer play.
george- get a fucking life. You cannot copyright MY thought.
again, bows to mike
suitcase hunters of the future!
do not THIS!
many others to assist!!!
jojo would be ONE!
tick tock says the clock
Mike sucks.
no apologies, Ev-Ah.
no apologies, Ev-Ah.
October 26, 2008 7:52 PM
Larry David! Love it!
Anonymous said...
tick tock says the clock
Mike sucks.
no apologies, Ev-Ah.
October 26, 2008 7:52 PM
word. to your mother.
Its the kid they call Blogstrodamus
I come with the AK because I am nostradamous
"Missed again. The ball don't like me G. The ball don't like me."
I figured out why Mike has been psoting videos of himself singing on his YouTube channel.....he is auditioning for iamaphoney!
get real, he LOVES iaap...
it re eeel it rea-llll
it's reallll
it's real love
good excuse, now, ain't it??
When Mike passes the audition, he could with the Angus Young school boy look, but as the little Dutch Boy from the paint can.
they call me slim fast cuz I am so fast
Don't worry folks, when MikeNl gets the suitcase video finished, he will be sure to post it, and leave the first comment, ASAP.
Mike reminds me of "Piggy" from "Lord of he Flies"
why, Mike,Why?
blogstradamous said...
they call me slim fast cuz I am so fast
October 26, 2008 8:10 PM
Not as fast as Tafultong, when he spits he comes correct! My man got a phonebook length post coming up side your head, you talk about street cred?
My man so street he is the street
Anonymous said...
Don't worry folks, when MikeNl gets the suitcase video finished, he will be sure to post it, and leave the first comment, ASAP.
October 26, 2008 8:11 PM
That may be the line of the day!
nostrils wide open
Regarding "Bridge on the River Kwai"
Apollo C. Vermouth had suggested that the line in "A Day In The Life" that says, "I saw a film today, oh boy," could be a reference to "Bridge on the River Kwai."
The 1957 film could have been a favorite of the fabs. There are some very loose connections.
1) WILLIAM Holden plays Commander SHEARS.
2) Speaking of the Shears character, Apollo wrote: "In one scene, he tells a nurse that "all you need is love." Actually, one of the memorable lines of the movie."
3) The IMDB doesn't have the "All you need is love" line in its list of famous lines from the film, but it does have Shears saying, "I'm getting worse, you know. Sometimes I think I'm Admiral Halsey."
4) The film also starred Alec Guinness. The man who blew his mind out in a car in "A Day In The Life" is often associated with Guinness heir Tara Browne.
5) Another famous line from the film is "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy," which was used quite effectively in the movie "The Shining."
6) A famous song from the film was "Colonel Bogey March." When Ringo Starr created Ring-O Records in the 1970s, one of the acts he signed was British One Man Band, Colonel Doug Bogie.
7) When McCartney and Wings released the single "Walking In The Park With Eloise" in 1974 under the name "The Country Hams," the B-Side was an instrumental called, "Bridge Over The River Suite."
My cat is named Larry. I love Larry.
Taf, what is the point? Many artists, both musicians and otherwise, get creative ideas from movies, books, etc. Apollo wasn't spoutung of anything new.
Cool! Did not know that!
was wondering why that guy
senrabnivek said...
The Bridge on the River Kwai
October 25, 2008 10:58 PM
all over this blog, and the IAAP comment page
two movies renting this week
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Anonymous said...
Taf, what is the point? Many artists, both musicians and otherwise, get creative ideas from movies, books, etc. Apollo wasn't spoutung of anything new.
No Point. Somebody kept writing "Bridge Over The River Kwai" as a comment, and then someone else asked what it meant, so I filled in the gap of information. That's all.
Tafultong said...
No Point. Somebody kept writing "Bridge Over The River Kwai" as a comment, and then someone else asked what it meant, so I filled in the gap of information. That's all.
October 26, 2008 8:26 PM
thanks taf! i had be wondering about that
Anon said: thanks taf! i had be wondering about that
October 26, 2008 8:28 PM
I thought you already knew that Mike!?
but...mike...doesnt sign... on... anonymously..does he?
yes he does cap. jerk. yes he does
thats a nice p*ssy larry!
see ya on the NEXT PAGE
cum on guys! stop it ! taf, make them all have to sign in to post !! (crying in in his wooden shoes)
Can I stroke your p'ssy Larry?
"thats a nice p*ssy larry!"
and a nice ass too!
LD, Click my name to see my ass! LOL
Its not Caterday. Its sunday. A day of rest. Less p*ssy, more lions, there are christians to eat. JEBUS!
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