If the Berlin suitcase contains this item, then the finder has a nice collector's piece.

The flexi-record went out to British Beatles Fan Club members around the 16th of December, 1966. According to the accompanying Beatles Fan Club Newsletter, the recording was made "just six days after Paul's return from Kenya." That would be November 25, 1966, according to the letter. The letter indicated that Mal Evans was "given a Special Guest Star role." Paul is credited with the sleeve design and all four Beatles are credited for writing the Pantomime. Some pictures and background information about the disc can be found at http://www.jpgr.co.uk/lyn1145.html

The Beatles seemed in good spirits on the recording. There was no hint of grieving on the part of any members of the band. But there are a few oddities in the lyrics (which have never been accurately published to my knowledge) that make Paul Is Dead theorists wonder.
The above quote doesn't sound like something that would have emerged in a conversation built around, "I have an idea for our Christmas message," but all of the Beatles Christmas flex-discs were a little weird. Another oddity is a track entitled "OROWAYNA (Corsican Choir and Small Choir)." It sounds like a legitimate Christmas hymn of some kind, but a Google search of the word "Orowayna" yields only links to items related to this Beatles track. Attempts to transcribe the lyrics have also identified "ENDOMAINYA" as the second line to the song, but to me, the second line has always sounded like "angel manger."
What we don't know (and I honestly don't know why we don't know) is if the item in the suitcase is this actual collector's piece, or if it is something else. Is the disc inside the cover? Are there any annotations? If there was a record, was it the 1966 Christmas flexi-disc or something else? Seems to me that we should know this information by now. Hopefully someone will tell us something soon.
1 – 200 of 367 Newer› Newest»Good to see you making a post about this very weird and interesting item! :-)
25 nov, 66, thus this is probably the first time that we can hear Bill on a recording. The Beatles started recording Strawberry Fields the day before the pantomine.
How can you substantiate that claim, reporter Mike?
That OROWAYNA song was featured in a ykmn video about synchronicity (now deleted) along with the whole "candles and matches" schtick. I asked him if he had any more information on the origin of the song but no response.
By the way, that's definitely Paul McCartney on that Christmas album. He does a great rudi vallee type impression (and many more). No way that is an actor.
"thus this is probably the first time that we can hear Bill on a recording."
Bill who, reporter Mikey?
Anonymous said...
"thus this is probably the first time that we can hear Bill on a recording."
Bill who, reporter Mikey?
October 29, 2008 10:52 AM
the person who supposedly replaced paul mccartney.
you know! one of the reasons why people go to this blog.
tafultong, do you know how much the LP is worth nowadays?
This is the iamaphoney blog, nothing else. So conjecture of another subject based on conjecture is useless, no?
MikeNL said...
tafultong, do you know how much the LP is worth nowadays?
According to the Internet Beatles Album (a reputable site imo)"The Beatles Christmas flexis are very rare, and sell, in excellent condition, anywhere from $200 to $500."
that's a pretty big amount of money for an album to give away in a suitcase!
can't imagine what the other items will cost.
But is that really what is in the suitcase? All I saw was a picture of the cover for less than a second. Do you know for a fact, Mike, that the genuine item is in there?
he said to me that it looks like they got the real suitcase!
after i told phoney how everything was wrapped in the suitcase.
i can't tell yet if the pantomine was in the suitcase... but i don't see any reason why it would be not.
The flexi is only worth what someone is willing to pay. In
"excellent" condition, maybe 250 bucks or max 500. In fair to poor condition, 30 to 50 bucks. I know two people that have those original x-mas albums. Anyway, what's the big deal? Is it supposed to be, as Mikey says, a rare glimpse of the orignal Faul? Sorry, gang, but if you can't discern Paul's speaking voice on the x-mas albums, you can't very well call yourselves knowledgable Beatle people. I challenge anyone to find a Paul impersonator (speaking and singing voice--all styles) either today or in the past that could fool a Beatle freak that knows his or her stuff. (PS: I've heard all the well-known clone bands, none of those guys is convincing for more than a few seconds).
oh ok.
i don't know why it was put in the suitcase. i guess we'll have to wait for their video.
What is more, the Beatle mimics you hear today have had many years to practice, longer than Paul was a Beatle(!). Put differently, imagine you had to replace 1976 Paul. This replacement would have to play, as Paul did, on stage for 2 hours playing piano, bass, guitar, and be able to fool all of the Wings fans and all of his musical peers. Name one performer, unknown or even a well-known talent, that could accomplish that. Watch Rockshow and you'll realize it could never be done.
Anonymous wrote:
Sorry, gang, but if you can't discern Paul's speaking voice on the x-mas albums, you can't very well call yourselves knowledgable Beatle people.
I am not defending the rumors, but I would note that some first generation fans will recall that some knowledgeable Beatle people were questioning the change in Paul's voice on songs like "Fool On The Hill" and "Lady Madonna" before anyone heard of any "Paul Is Dead" hoax.
Anonymous wrote:
Name one performer, unknown or even a well-known talent, that could accomplish that. Watch Rockshow and you'll realize it could never be done.
I can't dispute that one. That's why it must have been magick. (Smile)
MikeNL went to Berlin to get the suitcase, but left himself an out in case it was perceived poorly. The "reporter" gambit.
Like someone calling a radio talk show help program, asking advice for some ""friend"" who does not exist. A little bird told me.
MikeNL said...
i have nothing to fuck up.
i'm only the reporter.
i report what i get.
if i don't get it, or it isn't what you expected. go to phoney. it's his suitcase.
October 29, 2008 9:25 AM
very good thinking.
but.. even if i got the case, i'd still be the reporter only.
iamaphoney is the one who put in all those items.
Clark "MikeNL" Kent
By day, a mild mannered reporter on all things Iamaphoney related. By night, superman. Doing superhuman suitcase feats. Amazing xray vision allow him to deem things "genuine" without seeing them, and to know where all suitcases are at all times. His supersight allows him to spot his name on any blog and spot any new IAAP related video and comment at any hour the world over. His can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
There can be only one!
i guess this is iamaphoney's last chance.
if this suitcase contains rubbush... NOBODY would get those other suitcases.
When are you printing the shirts? I buy one! Give a free one with every Vince novel
MikeNL said...
i guess this is iamaphoney's last chance.
if this suitcase contains rubbush... NOBODY would get those other suitcases.
October 29, 2008 12:17 PM
Sorry to say you may be right Mike!
Too bad. It seemed like a cool idea on the drawing board.
Good thing you left yourself the reporter story
Leave Mike alone! He did what you could not do! Get the suitcase! You had many months to do the same, now you are shooting the messenger. That is not fair and not right! Mike means well and was trying to do right things
I'll leave. And you wont have Tricky Mike Nixon to kick around anymore.
isn't this a wonderfull evening?
the evening where iamaphoney can RISE... or FALL.
If he will fall, then he deserves a yoda cookie. a VERY BIG yoda cookie.
oh and if he will rise... then i think we might actually get some real evidence.
People wondered on Fool on the Hill and Lady Madonna because Fool used varispeed and on Lady he's doing an Elvis impersonation. I grant that he does lots of voices and many newcomers don't know whether it's John or Paul singing half the time. When I first got into the Beatles I thought George sang Let it Be and that Lennon sang Helter Skelter (common misconception). But once you've heard their voices for years and decades, you get a good sense of the nuances and the rest. I suppose it doesn't help that in the early Beatle years Paul was still finding his voice---he's still basically a mimic on the Please Please Me album.
Mikey, I don't know if it will matter to IAAP fans (all ten) if this suitcase is full of lame crap. The first one was, too, and that didn't stop people from believing.
"oh and if he will rise... then i think we might actually get some real evidence."
Evidence: Sorry, but it needs to be more than Beatle memorabilia, despite the rarity or value. Documents? Well, they can be faked as well. Even so, when displayed on the internet, it is all just rubbish. Any "evidence" would have to be verified first to be believable, and by a reputable source. This whole story would have to hit front page news to be believed. Other than that, for all we know, phoney is planting suitcases himself, filled with his own memorabilia and shit, and having insiders go pick them up so he doesn't lose any precious items. Don't you get it?
Mikey, it looks like the case was retrieved right out in the open. How is that possible? Hmmm
"Mikey, it looks like the case was retrieved right out in the open. How is that possible?" Hmmm
That is what it looks like in the video, but boner boy said it was in the bushes. NOBODY LOOKS IN THE BUSHES!
g-D I am STARVING! Anyone got any Yoda Cookies left???
smell wrote:
Other than that, for all we know, phoney is planting suitcases himself, and having insiders go pick them up so he doesn't lose any precious items. Don't you get it?
Okay, but for what purpose? Is he doing all this so people will become fixated on insulting MikeyNL1038?
Taf said: "Okay, but for what purpose? Is he doing all this so people will become fixated on insulting MikeyNL1038?"
People have done far worse things in the past for attention...revenge...boredom. As someone else said, the whole RA concept can be perceived as a McCartney smear campaign. Whoever is doing it....well....I really don't think they are too fond of the old chap. I believe the identity of iamaphoney can be found within NIR and TKIN. Looks like a few members decided to take matters into there own hands to force their PID beliefs. The problem is, the RA following is like that of a pimple on the ass of the world. It is in reality very small. Most feel it is rubbish, other's find it interesting, a small few believe it with all their heart. All in all, you really have to be in the PID/PWR circle to know about it. Granted, a few do stumble upon the videos through YouTube, and some choose to pursue their find. So, it isn't really having a major impact on society. The MACCA fans will always be fans, the H8TERS will not.
As far as Mike, some things that get said aren't very nice (I know, I have said them), but he brings that upon himself. At times, if he would just choose to say nothing, he would be better off. But no, time and time again, he seems to prefer digging himself into a hole. You must pardon my bluntness and colorful language, but sometimes it seems necessary to get the point across. That is why drill instructors don't smile or whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
Taf, you have to admit, no matter what "evidence" comes from the suitcases, it means absolutely nothing until it is authenticated. That goes for any supposed "smoking gun". If it looks too good(bad) to be true, it usually isn't.
come on lets see whats enclosed
When the original briefcase was dropped in California, I recall posting several times that the odds were high that either Mikey, Jude, or some other insider would wind up retrieving it. I also posted several times when the second case came out that Mikey, of all people, should not have anything to do with the case for obvious reasons. Now Mikey says his local friend, another NIR person, found it. If that isn't the most ridiculous and obviously rigged set up I can't think of anything worse for appearances.
I find it hard to believe that any one of those cases are really out in the bushes somewhere. Anyone could find them: groundskeepers, cops, bums, etc. Why, of all people in the entire world, did the two cases end up in the hands of NIR people--65if and Mikey?
In the beginning, the rantings of iamaphoney were very similar.
Mike, next time just have IAAP hand you the case. What difference does it make that you had to grab it somewhere?
indeed, i don't have it.
you can conspire against me all you want... but i simply don't have it and that is the truth.
Caps followed by.....
hey mike.... why don't you explain all your words about "rise" and "fall"?
i wonder if the guy in the vid is a skin head with a do-rag on. is he mike?
I don't hardly keep up with this anymore, yet I'm still surprised by the number of people who still think mike got the case.
this is me:
watch NIR121. you can see me there.
MikeNL said...
isn't this a wonderfull evening?
the evening where iamaphoney can RISE... or FALL.
If he will fall, then he deserves a yoda cookie. a VERY BIG yoda cookie.
October 29, 2008 12:25 PM
Blogger MikeNL said...
oh and if he will rise... then i think we might actually get some real evidence.
that means that if the suitcase contains bullocks. that nobody will pick up any suitcases anymore. and the game can't continue...
and if it contains wonderful evidence, then he will rise again. people will love him instead of the current hate.
yeah, right
mike said" If he will fall, then he deserves a yoda cookie. a VERY BIG yoda cookie."
"and if it contains wonderful evidence, then he will rise again. people will love him instead of the current hate."
expain the fall part mike. Since you are the one saying it.
Whats "wonderful evidence" to some in the PID/PIA world will probably disappoint most sane people
because if iamaphoney is a fraud after all... i have to give it to him that he did a wonderfull job sticking to his plan... with wonderfull videos and music. and those cars and all those trips... you know the deal. so he deserves a BIG COOKIE.
Mike said: "and if it contains wonderful evidence, then he will rise again. people will love him instead of the current hate."
I am not going to be nasty this time Mike. I would love to know what you would consider to be wonderful evidence. What would the suitcase have to contain to shake up your (and our) world?
extremely lame
Cookies are fattening and contain empty carbohydrates.
i smell bullshit said...
Mike said: "and if it contains wonderful evidence, then he will rise again. people will love him instead of the current hate."
I am not going to be nasty this time Mike. I would love to know what you would consider to be wonderful evidence. What would the suitcase have to contain to shake up your (and our) world?
October 29, 2008 3:49 PM
i don't know really.
we'll see.
Don't look like it anything happening "to see"
Mike said: "i don't know really.
we'll see."
(Still trying to stay calm and collected) You haven't considered it? Ever? You, the one who is always bashing the phoney h8ters, because you know for a fact that he will show us all, has no idea? Would you please do something for me, and if not for me, for everyone else? Think about that for 15 minutes or so, and get back to us.
shit, take a few hours, so you really have an opinion.
He gone, yet?
"shit, take a few hours, so you really have an opinion."
That would be fine, but I would be disappointed if his opinion arrived after the contents video.
How can anyone who has been so far up the rump of phoney not have an opinion to such a question?
Sorry, I'm trying. I did say rump instead of ass.
If you say arse, people think it's cute....
honestly. do you even think a vid is on the way? Especially if it's supposedly "out" of mike's hands?...can't be too complicated. 60if did it (photos) in a matter of hours.
Speaking of X-mas records, has anyone seen the Lego Beatles X-mas vid around the internet.
A friend of mine saw it but it was only for Windows, no MAC version out there!
People have followed IAAP for two years and he's never put forth a shred of genuine PID evidence. Mostly reverse things, one anagram, and the "phone call." Then again, no one at NIR or TKIN has ever done anything more than speculate on what they believe are "new clues in Sgt Pepper album!" etc. Fun pastime, I suppose, but nothing compelling at all.
phone call? what?
when is it happening
Mike said: "tafultong, do you know how much the LP is worth nowadays?"
Tafs reply: "According to the Internet Beatles Album (a reputable site imo)"The Beatles Christmas flexis are very rare, and sell, in excellent condition, anywhere from $200 to $500."
Mike then says: "wow!
that's a pretty big amount of money for an album to give away in a suitcase!
can't imagine what the other items will cost."
That is one hell of a sales pitch. Looks a little premeditated to me. I am not trying to convey that Taf is involved, he would answer that type of question regardless. But, that conversation reminds me of the movie Matchstick Men. Oddly enough, the one that thought that little tidbit up, can't answer a question about what type of "wonderful evidence" would have to be in the suitcase to make believers out of us all (and him). It gets dark and lonely in Phoney's bum, and it is at those times when he is a little out of touch with the world. So he does have his doubts about his Master's authenticity.
He might even say, "Gosh, Phoney has to be legit! Look at all the expensive Beatles stuff!"
Woopdeedoo. I am sure Taf could fill quite a few suitcases with Beatles nicknacks. So what? That suitcase would have to contain Paul McCartney's DNA certified left nut to be of any importance. Assuming Sir Paul still has both of his. And betcha by golly wow, I'd say that ol' horn dog does! Go Paul, go!
or it was a pathetic attempt of diversion. O wait! same thing.
Mike, I pm'd iamaphoney and asked him if I could replace you as his confidante. We both agree that you take way too much flak and do not handle yourself well enough to continue on the Phoney's good name. So my friend, I am sorry to say, you are fired. I will be taking over ASAP, and you should receive a pm with the details shortly. Phoney says thank you, he appreciates what you have done thus far. In the fold of the suitcase, you will find a very special gift for your service.
I smell said:
Woopdeedoo. I am sure Taf could fill quite a few suitcases with Beatles nicknacks. So what?
So what? We don't even know for sure that a legitimate copy of the Pantomime single was in the suitcase. Plus, if Iamaphoney can fly around the world at the drop of a hat, I think he can afford to put an expensive item or two in a suitcase. The question is "If it is the real artifact, why the hell would he do that?" Middle finger man isn't going to get any of my stuff, I'll tell you that.
"i guess this is iamaphoney's last chance.
if this suitcase contains rubbush... NOBODY would get those other suitcases."
Yeah, and if this suitcase contains "rubbush", then the first one probably isn't worth dreck either.
MikeNL said...
indeed, i don't have it.
you can conspire against me all you want... but i simply don't have it and that is the truth.
October 29, 2008 3:14 PM
MikeNL just got the "Jude Disease"
Everything is a conspiracy against him.
When really, its all about Jude
Thats why its called the "Jude Disease"
MikeNL, quit taking my disease! Are you out to get me? You are! GET OFF MY LAWN AND GIVE ME BACK MY DISEASE!
Everything is an attack on ME, not you.
so, newmikenl, what are you gonna do for us? How do you plan to represent?
wow was that really 65if?
65if2007 said...
Yeah, and if this suitcase contains "rubbush", then the first one probably isn't worth dreck either.
Hey 65, thanks for posting. I would love to get your take on the "sigil magic" issue. See bottom of the recent post "Reviews."
" 65if2007 said...
"i guess this is iamaphoney's last chance.
if this suitcase contains rubbush... NOBODY would get those other suitcases."
Yeah, and if this suitcase contains "rubbush", then the first one probably isn't worth dreck either."
litmus test
i wish the suitcase guy would post those contents now :(
Remember that video Rotten Apple whatever that had MikeNL himself walking backwards and flipping around a suitcase?
Mikey said he was going to go to Berlin to get the suitcase, so he did. A suitcase. May be "THE" suitcase, may not be.
Now the blacklash is such that his backup plan is coming in handy.. "I am just a reporter, I really don't have the suitcase. Blame the middle finger anonymous guy"
Mike, you and you alone have continued to put yourself, MikeNL/Mikey/MikeyNL1038, front and center in this whole IAAP thing.
First to comment, first to proclaim that things are "GENUINE". Arbiter of all things phoney.
No person other then your self did this.
You are not a "victim"
You are a volunteer!
Live by the sword, die by it as well.
Mikey, the boy who cried wolf.
"There can be only ONE"
all good children, mike's still alive.
suitcase guy came online 3 hours ago. i send him a message when he's gonna post the rest... no answer yet.
mike is o-u-t
he has said he knows nothing. let's drop it, shall we?
newmikenl is "in"
"I find it hard to believe that any one of those cases are really out in the bushes somewhere. Anyone could find them: groundskeepers, cops, bums, etc. Why, of all people in the entire world, did the two cases end up in the hands of NIR people--65if and Mikey?"
I haven't contributed to NIR in months. I think that I've made it clear that I'm not a pawn of Iamaphoney or anyone else. I never was. I was in a cynical enough state of mind when I retrieved the first suitcase.
I havne't contributed to NIR since the brouhaha over the first suitcase. I was pissed at the Iamaphoney Mafia -- well, it's more like a Gang of Two. I still am.
But since very few people outside the NIR/Iamaphoney/PID circle would even be aware of the suitcases in the first place, it shouldn't be surprising that the suitcases would be retrieved by contributors to those forums.
Having spent time away from the Iamaphoney Mafia, I've had time to reflect, and I'm almost 100 percent certain that Paul McCartney never died and was never replaced.
So to the extent that Iamaphoney claims to know differently -- he's lying, that's all. Or he's spinning a tall tale. Either way, these suitcases and their contents aren't worth anything as items of historical interest.
I was firmly on the fence beforehand, but now I'm pretty certain that Paul never died and was never replaced.
I'm PBD. I think that Paul became a dork. He became dorkish in personality and appearance. That's how the Sixties and early seventies affected him personally. That's how the Beatles change in direction affected him personally. It wasn't a change for the better.
Nice mullet, dork. Stupid f*****g vegetarian hippy. But he never died. He was never physically replaced.
I still have contempt for hardline PIA'ers, even if I'm now convinced that they're accidentally right on the principal issue.
One of these days, I might go back onto NIR and explain further what I have concluded and why I have concluded it.
But I don't expect to be thanked for my opinion. So I don't think that it's exactly accurate to call me an "NIR person".
MikeNL wrote:
suitcase guy came online 3 hours ago. i send him a message when he's gonna post the rest... no answer yet.
Thanks Mike. Would you be willing to give us the YouTube address of Suitcase guy?
I think that was great, 65if2007. Sub "dork" with "arse" and you have it!
"Hey 65, thanks for posting. I would love to get your take on the "sigil magic" issue. See bottom of the recent post "Reviews."....."
Tafultong, you are welcome.
But I didn't understand half of what Iamaphoney was getting at when I had an open mind about him.
The topic of "sigil magic" and that particular symbol that you show draw nothing from me but a blank stare. What IS "sigil magic"?
I will say this much: My opinion (and everyone knows what portion of the anatomy my opinion or anyone else's can be compared to) is that you are on the right track when you say that this is a supernatural story.
The Beatles "killed" Paul symbolically, even though he never actually died and even though he never actually left the Beatles.
Even PID videos made by Iamaphoney and his imitators show the early leather-jacket Beatles from the Hamburg era jokingly mourning over a "dead" Paul.
Even at least one pre-1966 Beatles cover shows the other Beatles jokingly pointing guns at Paul's head.
Even one Iamaphoney video quotes John as saying that his original idea for the "Yesterday and Today" cover (instead of the "butcher" cover) was to decapitate Paul.
Cutting off the head of the "cutest" Beatle sounds like a piece of grotesque humor that John and the others engaged in repeatedly -- and when they did it again following 1966, there might have been a deeper purpose behind it.
And that deeper purpose might have had something do with involvement in the occult -- perhaps an involvement that became deeper than was originally intended and that they came to regret.
To the extent that Iamaphoney is focusing on possible Beatles involvement with the occult, he might still be onto something.
"Sigil magic" -- whatever exactly that is -- might be a part of that.
To the extent that he's still claiming that the original Paul McCartney REALLY died, I'm pretty certain that Iamaphoney isn't onto anything.
I think I wrote here months ago that Paul didn't even necessarily have to be dead for Iamaphoney to have a story.
But given the brouhaha over the first suitcase and (quite frankly) my bitterness over it and given the way that the series has been spinning its wheels since then, I have no real confidence in the whole thing.
"I think that was great, 65if2007. Sub "dork" with "arse" and you have it!"
I like it! I like it!
I always thought you were OK 65if. You weren't treated very fairly at all.
Thank you for your support, isb (socash? MilesDeo?).
I didn't think so, either.
Taf said: "If it is the real artifact, why the hell would he do that?"
There are at least three reasons that I can think of as to why phoney would put genuine, valuable, Beatle memorabilia in the suitcases.
1. Phoney's cronies are the ones retrieving the suitcases (post 65if), guaranteeing the return of said items.
3. Phoney is not actually leaving the suitcases, but only filming a staged drop off and pick up.
2. He has more money than sense.
You saw what was in 65if's case; not a hell of a lot. I can say for certain that no outsider is going to find anything that belonged to Mal Evans, that is if phoney is in charge of all his faculties.
Thanks 65if. Thought provoking as always.
Sorry, I left off the "bull" previously.
I am neither of those two 65if. I saw/read it all as it unfolded.
Pot Calling The Kettle Black
from: Nothing Is Real
posted: May 1, 2008
Mike(MikeNL) said:
"65if is taking too long with the record... he could have gone to any neighbour or friend and play it, but he doesn't do that, he also doesn't analyse the record itself further... so i'm buying it on ebay and play it on my record player, then i'll record it to my computer, playing it backwards, and see if the LP glows under blacklight. i want to know what's on the record, i wonder why 65if doesn't want to play it. or 65if has to change his mind and actually do some efford.
and i'll rent the movie today.
PS; phoney, if you have another copy, can you send one to me, you have my adress and i like to hear and see the clues, that would be even better :)"
Isn't that special.
Oh, but I forgot, he is just the reporter.
MikeNL, I Christen thee "scoop".
(Hey, it is better than boner boy)
From NIR concerning suitcase numero uno-
Mike(MikeNL) said:
"65if is taking too long with the record..."
"Some people are waiting eagerly till you have explored the magic christian."
"you have to understand that we have to move on."
He sounds a bit impatient, doesn't he?
But when asked about phoney and the interview that didn't happen says:
"I can wait another year, because i know He ain't fake."
"if you guys are already quit believing 2 WEEKS after the interview, that makes you impatient."
Of course, there is also the "next level" in which both his Master and himself have said:
"Next Level Soon, Be Patient".
Seems to me his patience is one of convenience.
Will the real phoney please stand up? To get to know the Mikey, is to get to know the phoney.
puppet on a string
day after day, alone on a hill....
"Speaking of X-mas records, has anyone seen the Lego Beatles X-mas vid around the internet.
A friend of mine saw it but it was only for Windows, no MAC version out there!
no, but here's a cool lego beatles
Yeah, you've hit on it, isb.
After delivering up everything that I could find that presented itself to me and a number of things that I needed to dig deep for, I'm still waiting for the interview.
I'm still waiting for my question to be included in the interview -- question being who is the elderly British man in RA 42 and 45 who claims to be a member of an "apostolic order" holding the "arcane secret" of Paul's death?
Instead of delivering those things, Iamaphoney and his minions decided to blame the whole thing on me for not delivering up enough -- and scratched my question from the interview that never took place anyway.
At this point, of course, I'm certain that the British guy belonging to the "apostolic order" is an actor reading a script, as the guy with the Italian accent undoubtedly is.
But while the Italian guy has been making return appearances, the British guy hasn't been heard from since RA 45 on August 20, 2007.
As if Iamaphoney or anyone else would sit on a witness like that for 14 months and counting if the witness was real.
65if2007 said...
Yeah, you've hit on it, isb.
After delivering up everything that I could find that presented itself to me and a number of things that I needed to dig deep for, I'm still waiting for the interview.
I'm still waiting for my question to be included in the interview -- question being who is the elderly British man in RA 42 and 45 who claims to be a member of an "apostolic order" holding the "arcane secret" of Paul's death?
Instead of delivering those things, Iamaphoney and his minions decided to blame the whole thing on me for not delivering up enough -- and scratched my question from the interview that never took place anyway.
At this point, of course, I'm certain that the British guy belonging to the "apostolic order" is an actor reading a script, as the guy with the Italian accent undoubtedly is.
But while the Italian guy has been making return appearances, the British guy hasn't been heard from since RA 45 on August 20, 2007.
As if Iamaphoney or anyone else would sit on a witness like that for 14 months and counting if the witness was real.
October 30, 2008 6:27 AM
maybe it is an actor, or voice alternating software... but i'm pretty sure he's talking for Paul McCartney... the new one that is.
Prove it.
"maybe it is an actor, or voice alternating software... but i'm pretty sure he's talking for Paul McCartney... the new one that is."
The "new" Paul McCartney has not been making videos for the past two years claiming that he is a Satanic impostor.
Why don't you just admit that you've been had?
I havne't contributed to NIR since the brouhaha over the first suitcase. I was pissed at the Iamaphoney Mafia -- well, it's more like a Gang of Two. I still am.
Get over it.
Hey how about that! Hansel's here! Now if Gretel can put his pencil down, it will be a party!
Or, should I say the Master and the student.
"Get over it."
Oh, I'm OVER it, all right. More or less. Except that you're not getting the briefcase and its contents.
No matter how much you beg and whine for them, you're not getting them.
I'm keeping them from you, not because they're valuable but because you want them and because it's incumbent upon me to deprive you of something that you want.
You haven't yet "gotten over" the fact that you can't have them. You haven't yet "gotten over" the fact that you also have been had by Iamaphoney.
Why are they saying and whining they want it, 65if2007
Breaking news:
People that seriously entertain the idea that Paul died and was replaced have already been had. All IAAP has done is play on those suspicions--he probably is a PID believer himself who couldn't manage to prove anything other than showing some subjective connections.
"Why are they saying and whining they want it, 65if2007"
Because it's easier for them to believe that the whole thing is my fault than it is for them to allow themselves to lose faith in Iamaphoney.
"People that seriously entertain the idea that Paul died and was replaced have already been had. All IAAP has done is play on those suspicions--he probably is a PID believer himself who couldn't manage to prove anything other than showing some subjective connections."
I'm convinced that it's not ALL BS.
That's why I say that hardline PIA'ers try my patience as much as hardline PID'ers do.
Hardline PIA'ers also miss the point. The point is that the Beatles obviously SAID that Paul was dead.
They said so on numerous times and with such persistency and yet with such subtlety as to bely, for practical purposes, the notion that it was all just a joke. Or just a marketing ploy.
The question to this day is WHY.
Zakk said...
Breaking news:
October 30, 2008 8:00 AM
because harmonix makes use of the original multitrack masters, and has 12 streams instead of 2.
drums seperated...
guitars seperated...
VOCALS SEPERATED... (finally hear what john says at the end of SFF)
bass seperated...
EVERYTHING SEPERATED!!!, well almost i guess...
here, have a listen to Band On The Run in multitrack:
open that in Audacity, and be amazed.
65if--the clues, if they were deliberate (many have been debunked, misindentified, or misinterpreted: hand over the head is not really a symbol of death, etc.) So granting that a few were deliberate (black carnation--best clue to my mind), then I would say it was a publicity stunt. They couldn't admit it because the fans would have felt duped and that would cause a backlash.
This "symbolic" death thing is mildly interesting, sort of like the Masonic or Mystery School initiation concept that youknowmyname has advanced either as a genuine theory or as a ploy to debunk clue hunting in general (more likely), but I doubt the Beatles had that sort of thing in mind IMHO. I say this because they probably would have made the clues more specific to intiation than to a car crash.
What happens in vegas stays in vegas, right?
I would think, to add to my last comment, that Paul would've admitted it by now. It's not like it matters any more. In truth, an admission like that would be a pretty major rock and roll story, and would only add sheen to the Beatles legacy. It would show them as the sly dogs we believed them to be--one last in joke for the fans.
Hey MikeNL,
those guys who allegedly retrieved the suitcase.. why did they contact you? why didn't they just take pictures and videos and uploaded them themselves?
please answer!
whats taking so long with the fake berlin suitcase?
has to go thru customs
there was a vibrator in it
He's been detained at the strip search. That's how they found it.
Arse Buzzzz
If a neutral source found the case they would simply post the contents. Or they would come here and just tell everyone in detail what they found. But no, this is someone on IAAPs side, who doesn't want to lose face.
As usual, the whole thing is sketchy. Who found it, why they contacted Mikey, why they can't post anything right away. Always sketchy. Always dubious.
Always sketchy. Always dubious.
October 30, 2008 10:56 AM
hence, iamaphoney
the iamaphoney team planted this information to discredit Mike who is viewed as a liablity
Anonymous said...
the iamaphoney team planted this information to discredit Mike who is viewed as a liablity
October 30, 2008 11:02 AM
What? After everything MikeNL has done for them? That's mean!
Phoney is a buzz killer. That's what he got for flippin the wrong bird.
DIScredit Mike?
When was he credible?
Mike is a good kid and is no way involved in any way with IAAP
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mike is a good kid and is no way involved in any way with IAAP
October 30, 2008 11:06 AM
It was the IAAP team that discredited Mike with the false alarm interview. Everything Mike has said comes from the four guys making the videos. Don't make excuses now. It's Mike or nothing.
Mikey is either IAAP or a friend. How many PID people that make videos live in the Netherlands?
IAAP is prolly mikeys big brother.
so big brother is watching?
look at the pretty bird, Bro!
Is this the part of the movie where the hero get's the girl and all is right with the world?
iaap lives in NeverLand. Nev_ah Land.
"Is this the part of the movie where the hero get's the girl and all is right with the world?"
that would be awesome
but don't Count on it
Bwaaa hahhahha
They didnt think of a Hollywood ending
they should have!
white picket fence, dog in the yard, hero walks off with the girl into the sunset
nope, just middle fingers and suitcases
anonymous, while I'm sure that a number of clues were misidentified or misinterpreted, I have no doubt that a number of clues were very real.
I'm convinced that The Walrus Was a Red Herring. A walrus isn't a symbol of death anywhere by any stretch of the imagination, as far as I know. The Walrus's identity in a Beatles context changed several times anyway.
But there has to be SOME reason why a hand over Paul's head appears so many times. It's such a broad gesture that it COULD be interpreted as a death clue. It COULD by symbolic of a priest passing his hand over a grave.
I am confident that there's more to PID clues than just a joke or a marketing ploy.
Put it this way, in the early stages - say from Hamburg to Shea Stadium, there are visual jokes about Paul dying or losing his head. PID was probably nothing more than a joke at that stage.
But think about the "Butcher" cover to Yesterday and Today. Think about John's statement that he originally wanted to decapitate Paul for that album cover.
The "Butcher" cover wasn't intended by Lennon to be a joke or a marketing ploy -- it was supposed to be a serious statement about the world.
To my mind, it's clumsy and doesn't work at all. It just comes off as grotesque imagery displayed for nothing more than shock value.
Nevertheless, the Butcher cover was INTENDED to be taken as a serious statement.
So you can infer that if Paul's severed head had made it to the cover instead, it too would have been intended as a serious statement -- not as a genuine indicator that Paul was really dead but as an allegory of some kind.
I think that the post 1966 death clues should be taken in the same vein. There's a more serious purpose behind them. We just never found out what it was.
And I should have added that the very fact that the Beatles never did own up to what they were doing is all the more reason to think that they became embarrassed by it.
Otherwise, it WOULD have come out by now.
60if--if they put them there, they most likely did it so that we would find them and interpret them. I can see, given their sense of humor and from many other lyrical tricks they used, that perhaps they had a running joke about Paul being dead and they just ran with it for giggles. They did this with marijuana in-jokes--although they were in the songs and in the pot plants on the Pepper cover, they did it for themselves and not for the fans at large. Got to Get you into My Life Paul admitted later was an ode to pot. I've been in, and have had many friends in the entertainment industry who enjoy putting clues for themselves and for friends in their art. A soap opera friend used to do certain eye and hand gestures to signal one of his drinking buddies--which said buddy would use to his benefit whenever making bar bets. I've done shows where we created a secret subtext for our own amusement, knowing we were putting one over on the audience. Disney animators used to put subliminal porno images in the films for the same reason. For all we know, Lennon and Harrison conspired to put the death clues in there without Paul's knowledge as a way of taking the piss out of the schoolmaster, as Ian McDonald observed. I just don't feel any of it would have been occultic, unless as a joke.
Anonymous -- they had always been dropping those clues WITH his knowledge since he participated in them.
They must have continued to do so even after (I think) the clues became more serious.
How can you dress a man up as a barefoot corpse without his knowing about it?
I'm glad to hear from 65If today. He has become the voice of reason.
1 when can we see the berlin case?
2 what was in the first case?
3 who is ganna get the one at cerns?
4 looks like they are worth money!
The barefoot clue is not a very good death clue. I don't buy that corpse biz because Paul always wore jackets like that and Lennon was into the white clothes even after the break up. The Volkswagen with 28if is a good clue though. That part they could have planted without Paul knowing. Some things would end up being death clues based on chance or misinterpretation. The black carnation could have been given to him without him knowing why. "We've run out of red ones, Paul, do you mind wearing this?" The HE DIE on the drum could have been planted without him knowing for sure. Very few clues had to have Paul's input or knowledge.
mr pilgrim rises out of the fantasy
welcome home
too bad the video doesnt play.
"The barefoot clue is not a very good death clue. I don't buy that corpse biz because Paul always wore jackets like that and Lennon was into the white clothes even after the break up."
I am convinced that it's a funeral procession, and if it is, then Paul is the corpse. He is the only one dressed for burial, and his eyes are closed.
He's walking out of step.
His statement that he was barefoot because it was a hot day makes no sense. Who would want to be walking barefoot on a hot pavement?
I think that Paul receives a bouquet of dead flowers while wearing the black carnation. Maybe that's just more grotesque humor. But it's also plausible as a death clue.
If one of them is singled out, it's ALMOST always Paul that is singled out.
But not always. Interestingly enough, in "Penny Lane", three of them are riding white horses but it's George, of all people, riding the black horse.
So the PID clues are not as relentless and numerous as the true believers imagine, I agree.
It does get a little ridiculous to suppose that after 1966, the clues were SO numerous and relentless that every word, every sentence, and every cover design became wrapped around PID and no other theme.
"I'm glad to hear from 65If today. He has become the voice of reason."
That's very kind of you to say.
mikeynl .tell us when the suitcase comes please!!!!!!!
why are it not here now?????????
George is riding the black horse because he is the digger.
I know what you mean about the hot pavement. Although I can say when I was a kid I used to take my shoes off in the summer all the time. Never took 'em off in fall. Paul was hanging with flower child Linda at that point and he was wearing sandals as he said. Maybe Paul wanted to stick out in the pic with his barefeet--he could be a hot dog like that. I also don't think his eyes are closed, but that's me. Plus we've all seen the other shots that were taken, and they don't look to have been set up the way the final shot came out.
I've never believed PID, but the black carnation is the most compelling clue. On a movie set, where all of the extras are fitted for clothes and everything is in place, I find it hard to believe the Beatles would "run out" of red carnations. The prop guy and the wardrobe person knows the Beatles are going to be in tuxedoes for the only segment in the film that was clearly produced and rehearsed. I don't know how, on a set of that magnitude, that someone would forget to order more than three red carnations. A quick run to the florist shop, maybe?
What's the hold up Mikey?
what was inside the first suitcase 65if?
No hold up. You are just a whiner.
Please make them show what it inside the berlin suitcase.
Yeah? You are one to talk Mike! Remember all that bitching you did on the first suitcase?
How long does it take to put a couple of pictures of a suitcase up? A few minutes, tops.
Why the DEEEEEELAAAAAAAY??????????
Mike is pausing for Dramatic Effect.
Pause.. Pause... Pause......
that sean lennon video kicks ass! answers all the questions you could ever have!
Holy Shit!
It was Sean all along?
That answers the question who was behind this, beatle kids
What video!?!? WHERE?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It was Sean all along?
October 30, 2008 2:11 PM
Sean Lennon?
i can sleep now that this is all over. sort of anticlimactic if you ask me. well done you beatle kids, had us going this year.
This is how it ends?! With a whimper?
Your kidding right?
it is genuine
whatever dude, will the real mikey tell us just what the hell is going on?
its genuine
Well shiiiiiit
Two out of three Mikes say it is so. Good enough for me.
goodnight everybody
iamaphoney called, first he said
"more suitcase" then he said "git off my conspiracy" then he said "do what thou wilt"
abbey road
Added: 1 day ago
From: seanIennon
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It wont play. It says its no longer available.
wow another brilliant move there boys. yawn
The Beatles: The Game?
Blogger MikeNL said...
October 30, 2008 2:23 PM
"what was inside the first suitcase 65if?"
Joined: August 21, 2008
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From IAAP Page
PaulPhoney (12 minutes ago)
the berlin suitcase is apparently found.
The objects will be shown now
IAAP is Sean Lennon? Okay, now back to the productive work of analyzing Klaatu records.
PaulPhoney (12 minutes ago)
the berlin suitcase is apparently found.
The objects will be shown now
October 30, 2008 2:29 PM
Thats IAAP huh?
IAAP is Sean Lennon? Wait, what?
Mikey is Sean Lennon?
sorry i was mean to you sean, thought you were some kid from the netherlands named mike. can i get your autography? my sisters kid is sick, can you help us with some of the medical bills? just a few thousand dollars would be a big help. sorry i said mean things about you, peas forgib mee.
Anonymous said...
Joined: August 21, 2008
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wow! SIX channel views since Aug 2008
It wont play. It says its no longer available.
October 30, 2008 2:23 PM
that very well may be. but it IS GENUINE
in all seriousness, big news coming. you won't believe it.
it has begun
No Mikey is Paul , Sean is John and Iamaphoney was replaced
Doubt it's Sean.
The real one.
What is genuine? I'm blocked from YouTube at work--help me out guys.
take that h8zers! oh yeah mikey's good!
Anonymous said...
What is genuine? I'm blocked from YouTube at work--help me out guys.
October 30, 2008 2:37 PM
blows the lid on the whole deal. big news coming, quit work early, hell quit your job completely you need to see this.
blows the lid on the whole deal. big news coming, quit work early, hell quit your job completely you need to see this.
October 30, 2008 2:38 PM
SEE WHAT?????????
seriously mike, is it genuine?
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