The numbers game continued this week with the help of YouTube user Y0KOONO, who has recycled several Iamaphoney videos and renamed (uh, renumbered) them.
22 60 82 20 09
32 60 82 20 09
42 60 82 20 09
I was not able to determine if Iamaphoney was able to beat the point spread.
Some unusual stories appeared in the news this week.
Find Sir Paul McCartney's head! (I didn't know it was missing until I played the song "Getting Better" in reverse)
Beatles songs as likely to explain Christianity as the Bible, says bishop (The Bishop must be another one of those Iamaphoney haters)
Someone calling himself "Billy" put a link to this image in the comments section with the words "they did good job in NAIR0BI." This was a few hours before it appeared in the NAIR0BI 43 60 video that was posted today.

And it appears that the videomaker who disappeared recently has returned under the name Sunssol.
And speaking of things that disappear...Remember that Ringo Video? What video? I don't remember no Ringo video.
Peace and love, peace and love, peace and love.
Maybe you can answer this question for me. If those in the PID world of NIR and Iamaphoney believe that the Beatles (including Faul) were purposely leaving clues on album covers and records to tell everyone about PID then why do they have such animosity and hatred for Faul and the Beatles? If Faul is being manipulated by the powers that be but still finds a way to get the message out to you then why do you dislike him for doing it? I would think everyone at NIR would be in Faul's corner.
It would be like being a UFO investigator and then having a high ranking Nasa official leak documents informing you that UFO's are real and then you hate him for it. The PID community makes no sense to me.
MikeNL spotted a new video today - NAIR0BI 43 60 by NAIR0BI1966
Good job!
Saw an item about the Crowley recordings that pop up from time to time in the RA videos. Maybe of interest? [LINK]
did mike make that video? whats up with the footage of feet?
anonymous asked:why do they [PID Community] have such animosity and hatred for Faul and the Beatles?
I know exactly what you mean about the animosity toward Sir Paul McCartney, but I don't think they all feel that way. You can be a Paul fan, but still be fascinated by the possibility that the Beatles put clues in their music. I haven't seen too many who hate the Beatles, but it does surprise me how many seem unfamiliar with a lot of the solo material.
There is a pretty wide spread of opinion at NIR about a lot of things, including what the clues actually mean.
I don't know why some of them who think Paul was replaced love the "original" and hate the "replacement." I don't think anyone seriously believes that the Paul McCartney we know today is the devil, so that can't be the reason. Maybe they see this supposed replacement as an opportunist, writing silly love songs and living off the reputation of the original Paul. In order to believe that, you have to convince yourself that there were a bunch of unreleased songs by the real Paul that were recorded after he died and you have to ignore all but the weakest songs in Paul's solo catalog (some of which unfortunately, were massive hit records).
I might be unusual in that I am both a Paul fan and an Iamaphoney fan. I buy all of Paul's releases and I take all of the things that Iamaphoney provides for free.
I was wondering the same thing. It doesn't really fit in with the whole iamastinky vibe...or DOES it?!? clarify- that comment was regarding the feet footage.
Anonymous said...
did mike make that video? whats up with the footage of feet?
Yeah. Did they let the actor bring a date on his last trip?
Anonymous said...
Saw an item about the Crowley recordings
Thanks for the link. Very odd that Aleister would try to break into the singles market.
Anonymous with first comment: Taf answered quite well, but I'll add a thing or two. It's a lot less common to see "Faul hating" these days or even in the last couple of years than what you would see further back. Even some who had the harshest words way back have softened quite a bit. Some of course hang onto the judgemental thing.. Hey, I can't do anything about it other that express my opinion.
I'm a Sir Paul fan, and I also believe the ideas he expresses come out of his own head, no "ghost writers", maybe some collaboration at best. A Taf said, some of the weaker material became hits, what's he to do? Alongside that, he gave us some amazing material that I never tire of hearing. (and even sometimes the hits in my case, heh)
Tafultong said...
Yeah. Did they let the actor bring a date on his last trip?
October 20, 2008 6:27 PM
i am a fan of both sir paul, sir faul and iamaphoney as well. does it need to be black and white?
the actor must've run out of socks
missing 4 suitcases will do that, the berlin one had the socks
Wide spread fo sho. Not only are there Faul haters and Faul-Paul fans, the community can't decide which is Faul is which is Paul--to the point that some think the Paul in Help! is Faul because he looks so much like later Faul (or maybe it's because it's the same guy). You see these videos comparing faces and voices, and the comments are freaky 'cause some say he looks exactly the same, some say he looks different. Same with the voice--some say his later voice is the same because it was faked with digital tricks, other say it doesn't sound like the same guy. Do people have this difficulty with any other public figure? What the F is up with that!? Is there any other person that one group thinks is the same and another group thinks is different? How is that possible? There is obviously a psychological element involved. If it turns out Paul never died, what does that say about human belief? That's some scary stuff if even a few people can be so certain of something that is in all probability untrue. What does that say about all of the emotions and investigating and words that have been written about his ears and height and all the rest? I guess it would mean you can't trust human judgment, certainly not when it comes to old photos and pictures of someone that no one knew or knows personally.
Freaky, freaky stuff.
It's Fear and Self Loathing, in Las Vegas.
Roll the (HE) DIEce.
I mean McCartney
Still A Round
Helter Skelter
40 years late
09 is revealed
Spread the Word
Okay I'll get right on that, Miles.
But before I do that, I have to something equally important, which is to rewind some old VCR tapes.
"Do people have this difficulty with any other public figure? What the F is up with that!
Paul McCartney actively encouraged this speculation as a marketing campaign in the 60's. He continues to this day in various appearance on television from Saturday night live to the simpsons in a "wink wink let's make make fun of the crazies" way, and now using viral marketing on youtube.
and THEN I'll get to spreading the word that McCartney is Still A Round.
wott up miles? frum ur blaug
Miles Denton Oliver said...
Inside my Heart
October 18, 2008 10:48 AM
Miles Denton Oliver said...
Have I Hidden
mour gudness!
The fact that Paul makes fun of Paul is Dead isn't what I'm talking about. Of course he makes fun of it, wouldn't you?
I don't get how certain people think he looks and sounds completely different when others don't. Are there people who think Angelina Jolie is a different person in older pictures or that her voice is different? Maybe there are, who knows?
i miss yokodeo
"The fact that Paul makes fun of Paul is Dead isn't what I'm talking about. Of course he makes fun of it, wouldn't you? "
yeah its the best way to keep it in the public eye. its not just making fun of it, its fostering the belief.
Paul McCartney actively encouraged this speculation as a marketing campaign in the 60's.
How did he encourage it by giving an interview to Life saying it was obviously untrue?
Anonymous said...
i miss yokodeo
October 20, 2008 9:40 PM
Although I think he did lie a bit lower than usual while the record sales took off (not that they hadn't already broken all the sales records before the PID rumors).
How did he encourage it by giving an interview to Life saying it was obviously untrue?
October 20, 2008 9:42 PM
By disappearing, by placing him self incomunicato, by sending surrogates out with conflicting strange statements about why when and where he was gone, by ladening album covers with cryptic hints and sending other surrogates out to highlight those hints, airbrushing photographs with "hands : a symbol of DEATH(oh my!)" above his head
Anonymous said...
i miss yokodeo
October 20, 2008 9:40 PM
October 20, 2008 9:42 PM
i dont either
please dont start up that stuff again, no matter how much miles deo says he likes it and it furthers his cause
mia melodies/project pettycoat was a roaring success and it will cheapen the effect to continue it
mia melodies/project pettycoat was a roaring success and it will cheapen the effect to continue it
October 20, 2008 9:49 PM
U R behind. it alll bout the Love Case now.
vampire bat black case he has with secrets of vast importance
"vampire bat black case he has with secrets of vast importance
October 20, 2008 9:51 PM"
whats up with that case miles? care to add some more cryptic to tonight?
Yeah, he let the rumor slide for a few weeks . . . whoop ti doop.
As for the "laden with clues," sure, we all know the traditional clues, many of which have been explained, and we all know people have found clues that could refer to Lennon, George, and Ringo dying, as well as to Paul Death clues pre-66, depending on how you want to interpret things.
Airbrushing hands? That hand on Pepper isn't airbrushed and it isn't a death symbol anyway.
I don't know that there is any evidence Paul is behind any viral campaign with a PID slant, unless you think IAAP is a Paul thing, which is doubtful. If it is Paul, so what? All that means is that a bunch of people fell for it again.
Spread the Word about? Black vampire bat suitcases miles deo has squirreled away about the coming helter skelter race wars?
let mikey hog all the suitcase attention away from IAAP? Miles pulls a ross perot and diverts votes away from MikeNL. This means... a big win for Obama.
"WAIT! We can't stop here! This is bat country!"
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Miles Deo
"Miles Deo black suitcase bat counrty video"
6 seconds of Pure Miles Deo goodness
using the patented 10 sec or less Miles Deo video format,
"If it is Paul, so what? All that means is that a bunch of people fell for it again.
October 20, 2008 9:57 PM"
I agree!
No problem with me, its pretty cool diversion. Cheaper than fishing or golf. Allows me to use all those scraps of aluminum foil I'd been saving up to make a different tin foil hat since I don't believe in UFO's anymore and the aliens don't visit as often, and the loc ness moster stopped morse coding messages with big foot into my dental fillings saying HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT BEN STILLER VIDEO WHERE HE SAYS
"The dark troll has murdered Paul McCartney"
"The dark troll has murdered Paul McCartney"
that freaked me out! didnt expect Ben stiller to be talking about Paul Is Dead! And drugs! Are the TWO CONNECTED??????
"didnt expect Ben stiller to be talking about Paul Is Dead! And drugs! Are the TWO CONNECTED??????
October 20, 2008 10:22 PM"
someone said it best... Paul is Dead is the pasttime of idle pot smokers
"The dark troll has murdered Paul McCartney"
Funny! In a frightening way
wheer that from?
yhshvh10 youtube page 1 favorites down towards the bottom
Ben Stiller Show - Drugs Are Bad
Fake tafultong!
Now you've done it!
even the fake taf does impeccable research. impressive
Jeffry Markus is a LIAR! Me and Paul go way back. Paul is Alive! I talked to him yesterday!
drugs are bad, so is mental illness
Tafultong said...
The Ben Stiller Show.
According to my research, the black troll did not murder Paul McCartney.
October 20, 2008 10:27 PM
Thank you Tafultong! I feel vindicated!
I am a big big huge big fan of yours!
you wanna really freak yourself out?
listen to that ben stiller video BACKWARDS
"listen to that ben stiller video BACKWARDS
October 20, 2008 11:03 PM"
What does it say?
I do hate Faul McCartney as a liar and a "phoney". I don't understand the reasoning behind the argument that I should really like him because he sometimes discloses the truth surreptitiously instead of forthrightly.
That makes no sense, whatsoever.
Yeah, and Nixon maintained his innocence while making tape recordings that showed otherwise. I guess that makes him a saint.
And I've never smoked pot in my life. That observation is in response to the guy who said that PID is the pasttime of pot smokers.
And although Tafultong seems to be a nice guy, I don't understand his
statement that "I don't think anyone seriously believes that the Paul McCartney we know today is the devil"
Obviously, there are a number of film makers on YouTube who do, including at least one who is the subject of a blog -- maybe "Paul" isn't being portrayed as "the devil" in the literal sense but still he is obviously being accused of serving Satanic forces.
I don't see how Tafultong can have it both ways. On the one hand, "Paul McCartney" is a saint of Western civilization. But on the other hand, Tafultong is fascinated by the videos made by a man who is portraying him as the anti-Christ.
Tafultong seems to be having it both ways by admiring Iamaphoney while ignoring what he is saying.
You remind me of Blanche DuBois from "A Streetcar Named Desire", Taf. A drama teacher of mine once said, "Her head doesn't know what her ass is doing". No offense.
MilesDeo get suitcase from iamaphoney?
said... said...
MilesDeo get suitcase from iamaphoney?
October 21, 2008 1:02 AM
Miles Deo going to bust this wide open
he got it from nixon
Nixon got it from Ben Stiller
i just watched Sunssol's video 'Working It Out With A Story' and there's a photo of Faul at 1:06 that made me think back to that pass port(?) photo on the white album poster.
have a look. he has the glasses, the moustache. i know you'll think the same ;)
MilesDeo is in NAIR0BI right now.
could you get the suitcase for us and destroy it?
and BTW: if anybody is evil, then it's IAAP, not Paul!!
NAIR0BI backwards
AIR0BI backwards
October 21, 2008 2:01 AM
You got something there.
Im bored
quit pretending to be Jude!
i will when he quits pretending to be me
that a promise?
Not to change the subject....
but, let's bow our heads. A great one has fallen today.
RIP Rudy Ray Moore.
Whether it is offensive or not, if I find any comment credited to me that I did not right, I will delete it immediately.
what if you did not wrong it?
I liked "The Festering Carrot".
ha ha Paul is dead said:
I don't see how Tafultong can have it both ways. On the one hand, "Paul McCartney" is a saint of Western civilization. But on the other hand, Tafultong is fascinated by the videos made by a man who is portraying him as the anti-Christ.
Thanks for the challenging question. I think I give viewers a little more credit. I know that YouTube is popular, but I don't think people go there blindly for News and Spiritual Formation. Dan Brown's books go way further than Iamaphoney in terms of character assassination and linking specific people and organizations to the Anti-Christ.
I think we just have a difference of opinion about why people are watching these videos. I have also argued in the past that the notion of Paul as the Devil/Anti-Christ/Satanist is not the only reasonable interpretation of the Rotten Apple Videos.
Both my head and my bottom approved this response.
Anonymous said...
what if you did not wrong it?
I liked "The Festering Carrot".
Me too. If it had said, "Alternate Tafultong" or "Tafultong Impersonator" I would have left it there.
Vince, here.
I, too, am surprised by my infatuation with the vids that saw 'there's something shady about Paul', since I own almost every record of his.....
I think we all know so little about the man, that anything about him that doesn't come from 'official sources' is quite compelling!
Started watching "Lost", 'coz the Sci-Fi channel is showing four episodes every Monday....
It's pretty crappy, but I've found that I'm more inspired by crap like THIS that anything else. I just think, 'I could do better that THAT!', and the next thing I know, I'm off and running.....
Fount a bittorrent of "Santa Sangre", and will watch it this week, Taf.
you think Lost is crap!!!???
than what show is good to you?
lost rulezzz :P
Yeah LOST RULEZ!!! I totally agree with MikeNL
Sorry, guys.....
I've only seen up to the part where the guy gets 'exploded' by the dynamite.....
so, who knows... maybe it gets better?
Speaking of.... RIP DOLAMITE!!!!
ALSO..... I like a show that has a dog named after me!
The last time that happened was in a show I LOVED!
Called "Rex The Runt"
Four 'claymation' dogs that had wacky adventures.
Picture "Sienfeld" meets "Gumby" as if it was written by Monty Python!!!!
Vince was the 'inbred', and one of their adventures involved a vacation INSIDE HIM!!!!
Now, THAT'S a TV show!
***** Thanks for the challenging question. I think I give viewers a little more credit. I know that YouTube is popular, but I don't think people go there blindly for News and Spiritual Formation.*****
Probably not. I certainly don't. I have no opinion on whether or not Faul is the AntiChrist.
The only thing that I'm sure of is that Paul is dead and Faul is a "phoney".
But that's not the question. It's not a question of what the viewers think; it's a question of what YOU think.
You can't logically believe that "Paul" is both good and evil. You could logically believe that he has elements of both good and evil within him. Or like me, you could pretty much disregard that question entirely and focus entirely on WHO "Paul" is.
But you can't logically believe that he is both a saint and an evildoer. And yet you act as though you do believe this when you both praise him and a chronicler that assumes the very worst about his intentions.
***** I think we just have a difference of opinion about why people are watching these videos.*****
Again, it's not other people that I'm talking about.
***** I have also argued in the past that the notion of Paul as the Devil/Anti-Christ/Satanist is not the only reasonable interpretation of the Rotten Apple Videos.*****
Sorry, but it is, and your argument is wrong. There's no reasonable dispute there. When IAAP reverses "Paul is live" to come up with "Evil is Paul", he's leaving very little flexibility for interpretation.
When IAAP shows a head and shoulders shot of Strawberry Fields Faul dressed in red and accentuates the sinisterness of his appearance -- including the fake mustache -- and shows the head and shoulders inside a hexagram, he's leaving very little flexibility for interpretation.
When IAAP or someone working with him sings, "He is the Father of Evil", he's leaving very little flexibility for interpretation.
When IAAP emphasizes a possible familial and philosophical relationship Faul and Aleister Crowley, he's leaving very little flexibility for interpretation.
When IAAP dramatizes -- in a sinister fashion -- actual statements by Faul about acquiring power and using it for "good", he's leaving very little flexibility for interpretation.
And so on. Again, these issues don't really concern me, as I am primarily focused on WHO "Paul" is. But -- unless you think that IAAP is Yogi Berra -- it's silly to argue that he never said the things that he said.
I concur, hahapaul.
"Yeah, but we're making great time!" -- In reply to "Hey Yogi, I think we're lost." Yogi Yoda
I don't think Paul is the devil or the antichrist because the biblical descriptions of that character don't seem to match with him. I look at the antichrist as a president of the US or something, a person who has a large and clear power.
Regarding the last "ha ha paul is dead" comment, I agree that IAAP keeps saying that Paul is a satanist. But he definitely goes further than that. It's clear that the Rotten Apple Series is not only about Paul or The Beatles.
In that regard, it's also clear the RA series is just an old age concept revamped .
"If you come to a fork in the road, take it."
yogi yoda
"I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat, and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"
- yogi yoda-
Yoko Yoda
_ Bat Y'da_
ha ha paul is dead wrote:
The only thing that I'm sure of is that Paul is dead and Faul is a "phoney".
If you "logically" came to both of those conclusions, then we do have a difference of opinion on the definitions of some of the words we are using.
But that's not the question. It's not a question of what the viewers think; it's a question of what YOU think.
Please clarify. What do I think about what? I will be glad to respond if I am clear on the question I am being asked.
The points that you made at the end of the post about the messages in Rotten Apple videos are well taken, but I'm wondering if it is possible that you are taking some things as literal that I am taking as metaphorical. Is it possible that I am "wrong" on one level and not quite wrong on another?
so MikeNL "spotted" the new video, huh?!
I'll give an answer, taffy
"Paul" is you.
"Dead" is you,
"Iamaphoney" is you.
It's 100%
I repeat: 100%
100% subjective. Not 99%. Dig it?
THAT'S why I said I got freaked out when that guy on the WPLJ special said, "Maybe, It's YOU!"
so let's party
those freaks was right when they
said you was you was dead
the one mistake you made was
in your head
how do you sleep?
So sgt. pepper took you by surprise
you better see right through that
mother's eyes
"SOME people can sleep at night time,
believing that love is alive.
I'm only a person like you, love.
And, who in the world can be right all the right time.
I know I was wrong, make me right....
hey, I'll try.
*****Please clarify. What do I think about what?*****
Is "Paul" good or evil?
If he's "good" (as you have said in the past, because he's a humanitarian and a crusader for peace and a great musician and all that), then why do you admire Iamaphoney who savages "Paul" as an evildoer in his videos?
If "Paul" is "evil", then why do you praise him for being "good"?
I say that you can't logically have it both ways. I say that you are trying to maintain two contradictory propositions at the same time.
*****The points that you made at the end of the post about the messages in Rotten Apple videos are well taken, but I'm wondering if it is possible that you are taking some things as literal that I am taking as metaphorical. Is it possible that I am "wrong" on one level and not quite wrong on another?*****
Unless IAAP is completely out of his mind (maybe he is), he isn't saying that Faul is Satan in the literal sense.
But if IAAP is NOT completely out of his mind, then what he is saying is that Faul is working for Satanic ends -- which is a bold proposition but probably not an insane one.
He is saying this in the literal sense and not in a metaphorical one. There is nothing metaphorical about that particular implication, and to my mind, however much you would like to, you can't resolve the contradiction by crying "metaphor".
And even if all of this WAS somehow meant in a metaphorical sense, it is still an extremely negative portrayal of a man that you praise as a humanitarian, and I still don't see how you can admire both Iamaphoney and "Paul".
i am want to believe in conspiracy theories because my life is boring.
would you like to be my friends? I call Paul Mcartney "Faul" because he was replaced. But i am not crazy..
I am
i did not write that
neither did i!
Faul is evil but i loooove Paul!!!!
Faul is ugly but Paul is sooo cute!!
I seriously think that those people who believe in this "Faul" and "PID" bullshit should keep it to themselves and stop posting shit on the internet.
yeah ..he is so evil! ;-)
I sense that iaap and the pid conspiracy in general is rapidly running out of steam.
A theory that was once quite intriguing has become a hopelessly tangled mess of nonsense and conjecture that, to me at least, adds up to virtually nothing.
All this has finally convinced me that McCartney did not die in 1966, nor was replaced.
I think I knew all along anyway really.
ha ha paul is dead said...
i did not write that
Yes, I hope all readers here could figure that out.
But I think you did ask:
Is "Paul" good or evil?
I already suspect my answer will not satisfy you, but I'll give you the best answer I can give in the limited time I have at the moment.
I love Paul McCartney's music. I don't know him personally, but I think he has some wonderful qualities. I also think that all of the people who ripped him apart after his magnificent Super Bowl performance because he was too "vanilla," like the guy who said, "The Super Bowl festivities seemed a little vanilla this time around.
In what can only be considered gross overcompensation for last year's debacle, this year's half-time show was headlined by Paul McCartney in a suit," don't know anything about the REAL PAUL McCARTNEY.
He is a complex personality. I can not do a black/white assessment on him, and although you and I disagree about it, I don't think Iamaphoney is doing that either. There are other interpretations in my view.
I wish to speak with you about an issue I perceive as a double standard.
Tafultong said...
Whether it is offensive or not, if I find any comment credited to me that I did not right, I will delete it immediately.
October 21, 2008 6:27 AM
Tafultong said...
ha ha paul is dead said...
i did not write that
Yes, I hope all readers here could figure that out.
Why couldn't the readers figure out that you did not write the fake tafultong comments?
please consider...
It is your blog here Tafultong, but that does not make your double standard fair.
You had mentioned previously that you value free speech. You have consistently not erased numerous instances of people impersonating someone whom they are not.
Either speech is free and everyone can do it, or it isn't. If you don't like some one impersonating you, is it not reasonable to assume that others do not like to be impersonated as well?
If you do not like others attributing comments to you, is it not reasonable to assume that others do not like comments they did not make to be attributed to them?
I am asking that if you have made an editorial decision to erase comments, offensive or not, that are attributed to you, that you extend the self same
courtesy to others here on the blog whom have suffered the same annoyances as you.
I ask that you make this a registered user exclusive blog, or I ask that you leave up comments that pretend to be you.
This is my opinion, I ask you to consider it. It is of course your blog here, a place that I have enjoyed both reading and posting.
I thank you for your work.
I ask you to extend your basic fairness to others whom have also been impersonated, and that you as the blogger can offer some relief.
Thank you for your time!
Diogenes of Sinope, d. c.320 BC, was a Greek philosopher, perhaps the most noted of the CYNICS. He pursued the Cynic ideal of self-sufficiency, a life that was natural and not dependent upon the nonessential luxuries of civilization. A student of ANTISTHENES, he is credited with the development of the chreia (moral epigram), with a scandalous attack of convention entitled Republic (which influenced ZENO OF CITIUM), and with tragedies illustrative of the human predicament.
Because Diogenes believed that virtue was better revealed in action than in theory, he made his life a protest against what he thought of as a corrupt society. He is said to have lived in a large tub, rather than house, and to have gone about Athens with a lantern in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man--but never finding one. In later art, Diogenes is often depicted in a torn cloak, with a dog, carrying a lantern.
Look at this way HHPID:
1. The Rotten Apple series began as an examination of the original 69 story.
Result: No problem there.
2. IAAP tried to show a connection between McCartney and Manson and promised an interview with someone who claimed to see them together.
Result: No connection was made. No interview ever happened.
3. IAAP used all manner of backmasking on nearly everything (including sketch comedy from SNL) to prove Paul was dead.
Result: Only a few agreed to what they heard (or agreed to what was written onscreen telling them what they should be hearing). Charges that IAAP is reediting and manipulating footage begin and turn out to be true. Still no problem there. After all it's only a YouTube video. Nearly everything on there is fake. Who gives a shit?
4. IAAP began inserting his own music into the videos.
Result: Many became a fan of IAAP's music.
5. IAAP claimed to have cracked the "Love Code" without ever explaining exactly what that was. He cited two websites as evidence that such a thing existed. One was a Wikipedia entry that he himself created. Finally the "mind blowing" code was revealed to be the word "Love" when mirrored looked like "Code".
Result: No one's mind was blown. This signaled the beginning of the Iamaphoney fan defections.
6. IAAP tried to show a connection between the Zodiac Killer and Paul.
Result: No connection was discovered. The subject was quietly dropped.
7. IAAP made insinuations that Paul was either the son or grandson of Alistair Crowley.
Result: No connection was made. Fans notice that one of the photos of Crowley IAAP shows is actually a photo of P.T. Barnum who's famous quote is "There's a sucker born every minute". Regardless if this was done on purpose or mistake, more fan defections.
8. IAAP made the insinuation that Paul was..uh...ok...a fan of Alistair Crowley's.
Result: Tough one to call. Crowley is a fading pop culture Icon. Could be. Ozzy liked 'em.
9. IAAP promises MikeNL a big interview. Many stay up all night waiting for it to happen.
Result: It never does. This was the biggest blow to IAAP fandom to date.
10. IAAP claims to have the lost contents of Mal Evans' suitcase and goes so far as to hide a suitcase/briefcase containing mysterious goodies.
Result: A PID enthusiast retrieves the suitcase and posts it's content online including a video of someone (IAAP?) in a rubber monster mask and screeching like a monkey. This is when the Rotten Apple series "jumps the shark" as they say.
11. IAAP begins dropping new suitcases at various locations.
Result: Anyone who's stayed with IAAP up to this point knows what to expect by now....nothing. There is no rush to get them.
There is no way that anyone should appreciate the Rotten Apple videos for anything more than what they are. Entertainment. This is clearly not serious journalism. If your local newspaper reporter behaved in this manner they would get thrown off the paper immediately but an "artist" can behave this way because they are under no scrutiny to delivering facts.
I can see why PIAers and PIDers both have problems with the series. Many PIAers feel the series is prostletyzing PID to teenagers and many PIDers feel the series makes them look ridiculous. Both are correct but both are giving IAAP more credit than he may deserve or even want.
"I ask that you make this a registered user exclusive blog, or I ask that you leave up comments that pretend to be you."
i ask that as well it isnt cool how people keep preteding to be people.
"Tafultong said...
ha ha paul is dead said...
i did not write that
Yes, I hope all readers here could figure that out. "
Speaking truth to power
In later art, Diogenes is often depicted in a torn cloak, with a dog, carrying a lantern.
October 21, 2008 1:19 PM
damn! That from the Led Zepplin cover??
no dog but a lantern guy
"I ask you to extend your basic fairness to others whom have also been impersonated, and that you as the blogger can offer some relief."
Please do taf. It would make the blog comment section more readable
Anonymous said...
Fake tafultong!
Now you've done it!
October 20, 2008 10:30 PM
Told ya he would be pissed!
See how you like it tough guy, a new sheriff is in town.
Angry Taf
"I ask that you make this a registered user exclusive blog, or I ask that you leave up comments that pretend to be you."
but... that would.... limited the number of....comments that...each post ... would receive!
I missed angry taf!
at least he swept the floor clean every once and a while and got rid of a couple stupid posts, even if they were only ones pretending to be him.
you can tell when school gets out....
Anonymous said...
you can tell when school gets out....
October 21, 2008 1:43 PM
Yeah, damn philosophy students! Always quoting Diogenes of Sinope. Curse them and their insistence on fairness and basic freedom. Bring back the jack boot I say.
The only good free speech is speech that agrees with me and plays by my rules!
"Curse them and their insistence on fairness and basic freedom. Bring back the jack boot I say.
The only good free speech is speech that agrees with me and plays by my rules!
October 21, 2008 1:46 PM"
WAIT A SEC? didnt that diogensis guy ask Tafultong to restrict the blog? ISNT THAT A DOUBLE STANDARD??!??!
There is no truth other then raw naked power
I'm the original Ha Ha Paul Is Dead.
I wrote the 10/21/08 10:56 A.M. post and the other posts leading up to that one.
I obviously did not write the 11:15 A.M. post or the two posts from 11:16 A.M.
I had to "go blue" in order to avoid future forgeries.
And to the anonymous poster who wrote, "And to the "anonymous" poster who said, "I seriously think that those people who believe in this "Faul" and "PID" bullshit should keep it to themselves and stop posting shit on the internet"...
...for future reference, why not provide a list of topics that you approve of, as well as what the politically correct position is on each of those topics?
That way, everyone will be sure to think what you want them to think.
The minute taf enforces mandatory enrollment is the minute he loses 999% of his posters and 999% of free ideas.
999% = 9.99
this is.......
*****He is a complex personality. I can not do a black/white assessment on him, and although you and I disagree about it, I don't think Iamaphoney is doing that either. There are other interpretations in my view.*****
Tafultong, I guess that the discussion has reached an impasse, but I still think that you're trying to have things both ways, and obviously, you say that you are not trying to have things both ways.
Some day maybe you'll explain what you see as the nuances and complexities behind the phrase "evil is Paul".
Taf, I love your blog, but your assessment of IAAPs "message" is pretty hard to defend on the evidence. In nearly every video, the message is clear: Paul is a replacement and either Antichrist or a Satanist of some sort. You pointed out two or three really minor examples of Paul being shown as a Christlike figure, which, based on everything else we've seen, is IAAPs way of saying Paul is trying to look saintly because that's what antichrist is all about. There really is no comparison between the positive and negative of the thing.
First they came after Paul McCartney, saying he was the devil. Pretending to be him, saying untrue things.
I didnt speak up because it seemed so innocent, and he has so much money.
Then they came after IAAP, because he failed to do an interview and other failures. People started pretending to be IAAP as well, I didnt speak up because he was the original one saying negative things about Paul, and it seemed innocent.
Then they started impersonating Tafultong..... and he simply erased their comments, even though not offensive, and even though he allowed people to impersonated others on his blog.
So I know that I am safe. Tafultong stopped the shit from rolling down hill.
If only we would have had Tafultong in Germany! WWII would never have happened!
"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
The buck stops with Tafultong
The buck stops with Tafultong
someone had to do it!
Look at this way HHPID:
1. The Rotten Apple series began as an examination of the original 69 story.
Result: No problem there.
To Anonymous who posted this--thank you for re-running the true sequence of events! Best post on IAAP ever.
To the "anonymous" who wrote:
*****Look at this way HHPID:
1. The Rotten Apple series began as an examination of the original 69 story, etc.*****
I don't dispute any of what you said.
I am firmly of the mind that the original Paul McCartney is dead and was replaced in 1966, but I am also of the mind that IAAP knows next to nothing about it.
I agree that IAAP is not trustworthy.
It is obvious that he is incapable of delivering what he promised and that he never will deliver it.
I am not seeking to justify anything that IAAP has done.
I have not sought to discuss anything other than what I see as Tafultong's somewhat clumsy attempt to maintain two entirely different and diametrically opposing points of view.
He forgot to mention the Mengele , cloning, egyptian shit (12 - 14)
man! the freaking natives are restless!
Leave Taf alone! He can be a dictator if he wants to be here, ITS HIS BLOG!
He can censor people that pretend to be him, while letting it happen to others, ITS HIS BLOG!
Life isnt fair folks. Get used to it
I've been binging on Alex Jones, red bull, and the RESIDENTS all day here preparing for my impeding bankruptcy.
You think I give a happy god damn if Taf cleans house Krystal Nacht style?
What ever happened to the happy care free days of the iamaphoney blog where everyone kissed Tafultongs ass and profusely thanked him for every little utterance?
Reminds me of this Venture Bros episode #8 from season 1 that I mentioned before. "Mid-Life Chrysalis"
The Monarch sends Dr. Girlfriend undercover to seduce Dr. Venture in order to inject him with a body-altering serum. Meanwhile, Brock is deeply depressed to learn his secret agent license to kill has expired, but the boys are hell-bent on helping him cram for his government exam.
I ask you, when is Tafultong going to send his girlfriend to seduce IAMAPHONEY?
When? The natives are already restless, they are already attacking themselves, sir paul, IAAP, tafultong... you know, EVERYTHING WE HOLD DEAR
Why are you wasting your money on red bull? I can't even afford water.
"I ask you, when is Tafultong going to send his girlfriend to seduce IAMAPHONEY?
Ummmm. did you see that Nairobi video? NO WONDER TAFULTONG IS SO PISSED!
Blogger Tafultong said...
Anonymous said...
did mike make that video? whats up with the footage of feet?
Yeah. Did they let the actor bring a date on his last trip?
October 20, 2008 6:27 PM
At the risk of angering everyone, this is Tafultong's personal blog not a public forum with moderators and guidelines. He can erase comments or leave them. He can do what he wants. No commenter has any "rights" on someone else's personal blog. Taf could suddenly and without warning devote the entire blog to Kendra Wilkinson and no one would have any right to say diddly poo.
I will come back, when you stop all this IAMAPHONEY crap. I discovered that the only way to get your attention was to run off with IAMAPHONEY. Now maybe you'll pay attention to me. You've been spending too much time on all of this!
*whine* *bitch* *moan* make people register *whine* *bitch* *moan* you're not fair to me!!! *whine* *bitch* *moan*
she is in nairobi with iamphoney riding his baloney phoney
i'd be pissed to taf, me too.
from that Nairobi video you can tell
she has cute feet
She'll come back, just give it time
October 21, 2008 2:21 PM
iaap has an ass and foot fetish
"At the risk of angering everyone, this is Tafultong's personal blog not a public forum with moderators and guidelines. He can erase comments or leave them."
He sure can, and he sure did!
He can do whatever he likes, and if you dont like it.... DONT READ IT
Taf is not married, the jokes on U
Did somebody say...... U?
Taf has a girlfriend, and she never left!
the jokes on YOU!
tafultong is married, the jokes on U!!!!!
case of stolen identity here....Hi U
it's me, U
does taf's wife know about his girlfriend?
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
case of stolen identity here....Hi U
it's me, U
October 21, 2008 2:29 PM"
Taf doesnt stop THAT!
Anonymous said...
does taf's wife know about his girlfriend?
October 21, 2008 2:30 PM
thats why she ran off to nairobi to be with iaap, to get back at him
obviously hahahapaulisdead is to blame for all this blog bullshit
..Hi U
it's me, U
October 21, 2008 2:29 PM"
together we are DOUBLE U
the u's are gonna duel, look out!
man i am glad you all aren't picking on me anymore! WHY IS THAT!?
how is U #1 posting if I am U? the real and only U?
someone explain this, please
i think this is all iaap doing this, he mad because no one takes him seriously anymore
"man i am glad you all aren't picking on me anymore! WHY IS THAT!?"
uh it got boring
Theres at least 3 who responsible, and when they are all on (which appears to be now), boy does it get ugly in here.
how is U #1 posting if I am U? the real and only U?
someone explain this, please
October 21, 2008 2:35 PM
how does someone post as Tafultong, or mikeNL or anyone?
iaap has my password?
when you choose an identity under "leave your comment"
click Name/URL
put any name, put any URL and it comes up blue.
Now you too can be anyone
Yeah, I already said that before. IAAP really needs to show something really serious to sustain his credibility. He tried that with the supposed Mal Evans documents in this blog but that wasn't enough. It has to be something big in my opinion. I think the next suitcase discovery is a crucial mark in this journey.
I think Tafultong takes the IAAP series as entertainment, or as he said, historical fiction like DaVinci Code. This way, he isn't emotionally invested in the Paul is Evil thing. He enjoys the music and likes the Beatle stuff, even though it's negative. I enjoy it too from an entertainment standpoint, even though I think it's complete and utter hogwash. The part that now disturbs me of late is that it has gone beyond the entertainment part and stepped into this interactive and perhaps dangerous phase.
Anyway, I think the comments in this blog are going into the wrong way. You really need to do something Taf. Think about it.
This blog is more like a yeast experiment gone wild:
The word "yeast" comes from Old English gist, gyst, and from the Indo-European root yes-, meaning boil, foam, or bubble.
Did yoko know?
"The part that now disturbs me of late is that it has gone beyond the entertainment part and stepped into this interactive and perhaps dangerous phase"
Yeah once it became "Hey kids...YOU go get our hidden suitcases and YOU solve the mystery" it opened the door for needless peril. Iamaphoney's been lucky so far that no one has paid any attention to a guy throwing suspicious suitcases behind trees in public parks. He's just asking for the police to get involved, isn't he?
talismand said...
Yeah, I already said that before. IAAP really needs to show something really serious to sustain his credibility. He tried that with the supposed Mal Evans documents in this blog but that wasn't enough. It has to be something big in my opinion. I think the next suitcase discovery is a crucial mark in this journey.
October 21, 2008 2:52 PM
he doesn't have to sustain his credibility. the suitcases contain everything.
as in what?
What was all that talk about the Festering Carrot earlier, and a post that was written by me (except not really)?
The Festering Carrot, for those that don't know, was my failed attempt at a Rotten Apple parody.
"Iamaphoney's been lucky so far that no one has paid any attention to a guy throwing suspicious suitcases behind trees in public parks. He's just asking for the police to get involved, isn't he?"
Or the FBI! Wouldn't want to get locked up in a prison in Finland.
Double, double toil and trouble
think about it
Unfortunately, the comments section allows html code. As a result, anyone can write my name in blue with a link to my blog profile, which means that only I know the comment is bogus.
If I were to try to police that for every anonymous person who drops a comment here, I would be wrong half the time and I would never have time to write another post.
Since anybody can imitate a registered blue blogger identity, restricting the blog in that way would be a waste of time, not to mention the fact that some of the best comments come from non-registered readers. Remember Aja refused to give up her first born to obtain a blogger identity.
I understand your frustration, but these people are doing this with the intention of ruining the conversation here. These unprovoked attacks do hurt me, but I think it is best to ignore them.
tafultong said...
Unfortunately, the comments section allows html code. As a result, anyone can write my name in blue with a link to my blog profile, which means that only I know the comment is bogus.
If I were to try to police that for every anonymous person who drops a comment here, I would be wrong half the time and I would never have time to write another post.
Since anybody can imitate a registered blue blogger identity, restricting the blog in that way would be a waste of time, not to mention the fact that some of the best comments come from non-registered readers. Remember Aja refused to give up her first born to obtain a blogger identity.
I understand your frustration, but these people are doing this with the intention of ruining the conversation here. These unprovoked attacks do hurt me, but I think it is best to ignore them.
October 21, 2008 4:59 PM
thanks tafultong.
i finally understand now why you won't remove the anonymous/name-url option :- ).
so be it Tafultong, thank you for your consideration
Joined: June 24, 2008
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suitcases still on locations
is this genuine? MikeNL is this true?
account is genuine.
O-U-T spells OUT.
Christmas Time Is Here Again.
P is Goodbye.
Goodbye - Mary Hopkin
Good Night
I've never managed a Blogger space, but I read that the owner can't see IP addresses like the mods in a forum like NIR. This means the only posts Taf has any way of knowing for sure are an impersonation are.. those claiming to be his own.
At this late date it would probably be impractical anyway, but I like the method I've seen one blogger use: Post the link to the new blog post in a forum, and force all discussion to take place there, thus availing yourself of the "on the fly" methods of increasing or dialing back the moderation as you see fit.
thats alot of trouble to get to the next place that will be overran with next to no discussion.
taf will just have to erase the fake tafultong posts
if it aint fixed dont break it, no change needed
ha ha paul is dead wrote:
Tafultong, I guess that the discussion has reached an impasse, but I still think that you're trying to have things both ways, and obviously, you say that you are not trying to have things both ways.
Maybe we have reached an impasse, but I enjoyed the discussion anyway. One insightful commenter said that I am not emotionally invested in any particular theory. That is true. I know what the probabilities are. There are not many things that I "believe in." Even the most likely answer to all of the PID business is not something that I am "sure of." I just want to be there when the outcome comes out.
This, and Iamaphoney's inclusion of supernatural elements open the door to all kinds of possibilities. Now, I don't "believe in" any of them, but I can think of several. I'll say one, since I think one of the commenters here already thought of it. What if there were two physical Paul McCartney's? That would allow me to have it both ways, wouldn't it?
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