In an attempt to combat the ruthless attacks that he has received in the press after the "Sorry, No More Signing Stuff" video update appeared on his web site, Ringo has issued a statement to clarify his motives. You can find the clarification on the Abbeyrd Beatles News Site, but amazingly you won't find it on Ringo's Official Web Site (at least not yet as this is being written).
The clarification will not get as much coverage as the bonehead P.R. mistake did. Ringo received savage criticism from people who would not consider buying his records anyway. Many of the critics who said, "What else does he have to do besides count his money?" have no idea that Ringo did five CDs, a DVD, an HBO Special, a concert tour, and a bunch of charity appearances in the past year or so. The critics also gave Ringo absolutely no credit for signing and returning things over the last 45 years (plus one week). I believe this mounting evidence clearly demonstrates that either Paul is dead or life is unfair.
In happier Ringo news, it appears he and one other Beatle contributed to a new album by Klaus Voorman.
In Fireman News, Paul revealed something interesting about the new "Electric Arguments" album. In the spirit of William S. Burroughs, Paul randomly took lines from poems and joined them in "cut-up" fashion to form lyrics on the album. In another one of those happy coincidences, footage of Burroughs has been included in recent Iamaphoney videos. This also means that you can add "Electric Arguments" to that big list of releases that in some way evoke the memory of the Sgt. Pepper album.

1 – 200 of 247 Newer› Newest»I'm back! The phoney is goin down!
- Harold
This also means that you can add "Electric Arguments" to that big list of releases that in some way evoke the memory of the Sgt. Pepper album.
Indeed. First thing I thought when I read this article today..
What Taf means is that Mr Kite's "whirly bits" were created by cutting up a tape of some music, throwing the pieces in the air and then joining them in random order.
were you all as pissed as i when, on "Anthology 2", they faded the end of "Mr. Kite" just before the 'tape collage' ending?
Paul's a bit late in the Burroughs cut up department. David Bowie and Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon have been doing it for years. There is an excellent video of Bowie explaining how this works. To me it looks like an "artsy" way to get around actually having to sit and think about writing lyrics.
Burroughs did an excellent rap album with The Disposable Heroes Of Hip Hoprisy in the early 90's called "Spare Ass Annie". Worth picking up.
Jojo wrote:
What Taf means is that Mr Kite's "whirly bits" were created by cutting up a tape of some music, throwing the pieces in the air and then joining them in random order.
Exactly. After reading their respective books, I would suggest that there is a gentlemanly disagreement between George Martin and Geoff Emerick as to whose idea that was. Neither of them seemed to give much credit to John or Paul for that particular item.
But I also think that "King Lear" at the end of "I Am the Walrus" was an early example of aleatoric or chance music, an idea credited to John Cage, which falls pretty close to the Burroughs tree.
I'd like to comment before this post (like all the others) gets filled up with stupid.
Good for you Ringo, after 40+ years of dedicated work answering each and every fan letter ever received, I say its TIME to slow things down a bit. With people sending you stuff just so they can sell the sh!t on eBay, its all a rip anyway.
Rings isn't obligated on any level to answer any fan mail, but he did it all these years because he loves his fans.
And on the "green" front, I'd be just as happy getting a reply email from him if I send in one as a paper response, but then again I wouldn't write someone I am a fan of just to make a $ off their name.
Course, the media will do ANYTHING to drag someone through the mud, no surprise there...
I agree...it's turning into a useful distraction.... no worries, Ringo.
updated 2 hours, 29 minutes ago
Last Titanic survivor sells suitcase
Helter Skelter
40 years late?
famous tricksters:
1875 1947
1925 1998
1942 2012
Anonymous said...
1875 1947
1925 1998
1942 2012
Iamaphony is going to die in 2012? That doesn't seem fair.
Automatic Writing
Lucid Dreaming
YouTube Posting
anym wrote " Last Titanic survivor sells suitcase"
that was so freaking sad, beyond freaking belief.
Vince, here.
Now, that I think about it...
This subject would make a great "Simpsons" episode, updating the old episode when Marge wrote to him!
While the author here seems a little extreme to say the least. I can see a few parallels between Peter Joseph and Iamaphoney's methodology:
sell the suitcase
sell the freakin suitcase
@October 16, 2008 6:49 PM
and you precious alex jones is a fear-mongering, gas-bag, douche-bag.
Check out his myspace, posting pics of him 20 years ago.
Yeah, the Zeitgeist concept is indeed a trendy conspiracy theory wrapped in a trendy online presentation, much like Rotten Apple. Whether Jesus was a mythological creation, or a historical figure to whom mythological elements were added was a much debated topic even in the second century. I was researching the whole NWO thing back in 1995, well before talk of Masons and Illuminati became almost commonplace. One begins to wonder, though, whether the conspiracy theories themselves are the real conspiracy. They are the poor man's weapon to undermine confidence and trust in the US or other governments. This is exactly the aim of numerous subversive groups throughout the world. Why fire a shot when you can inject fear and hatred of govt through word of mouth? Look at the NIR invective slung at Paul McCartney, the writer of "Martha My Dear," based on nothing more than slick videos and a few overactive imaginations. In the same way a frightening percentage of Americans still think Sadaam was behind 9/11, there are also a scary percentage of people who think Paul is a Satanist or part of an NWO plot. No where is the guilt by association fallacy more evident that in the choice to define Macca through Crowley rather than through Buddy Holly, who had a much bigger influence.
who is it that always slanders NIR?
NIR envy?
Buddy Holly wasn't on the cover of sgt pepper, was he?
Oliver Hardy was though. Should we be looking for the Beatles dropping subtle hints about Laurel and Hardy movies too?
"and you precious alex jones is a fear-mongering, gas-bag, douche-bag.
Check out his myspace, posting pics of him 20 years ago."
Ah the Peter Joseph -vs- Alex Jones feud is heating up I see. Nice to see conspiracy geeks keeping themselves busy.
Just how much is Zeitgeist an influence on you, Iamaphoney? Do you share the films view on Christianity?
While the author here seems a little extreme to say the least. I can see a few parallels between Peter Joseph and Iamaphoney's methodology:
the author layed it all out very well. I know that I've had nothing but bad vibes from all of these videos, yet I keep coming back for some reason. I know that I'm more susceptible to anxiety and stress more now than ever thanks to these videos and others on youtube.
The internet has made conspiracy believable.
Think about your life. Do you feel better about your life when watching the IAAP videos or does it depress you and stress you out?
I think I'm finally going to step away for good. I've been thinking about it for a while, but it's getting a little much. Add on top of the IAAP stuff that's gotten out of hand to the NIR site that has now become a conspiracy hub with PID stuff on the side. Oct. 14th anyone?
I started seeing things in a new light a while back and it was reawakened by Taf's post about chants in the newest Ringo video update. It scares me to think about how it affects me. It's scarier to think about how it probably effects some really off-balance people.
It's unhealthy and it holds no water anymore.
Taf's post about hearing "Iamaphoney" in Ringo's video was unsettling to me also (sorry taf). I never heard anything at all like that in the video and now it's just been quickly forgotten. What kind of brainwashing is going on here? The entire RA experience has been uniformly negative. You could argue that he made some nice music but at what cost psychologically?
it was always just a psychological approach.
That is what a trickster does.
or magickian if you will.
you have to be strong to follow the storyline without being affected yourself.
thats magick.
it's not a trick, it's a phoney.
Which came first Zeitgeist or the Rotten Apple?
A one trick phoney.
no suitcase for me.
my friend lied to his parents about where he was going. and they found out... so now he's grounded for 2 weeks.
yenz, whoever you are... you can pick it up if you want.
no suitcase for me.
my friend lied to his parents about where he was going. and they found out... so now he's grounded for 2 weeks.
yenz, whoever you are... you can pick it up if you want.
the voice of IAAP, everyone! his buddy is grounded so he can no longer get the suitcase. too bad because I think he was the only one interested in getting it.
AV said:
"it was always just a psychological approach.
That is what a trickster does.
or magickian if you will.
you have to be strong to follow the storyline without being affected yourself.
thats magick.
it's not a trick, it's a phoney."
btw i never thought mikey was gonna get it anyway
Me neither.
Stupid bloody suitcase. Stupid bloody phoney. Game over.
Anonymous said...
Taf's post about hearing "Iamaphoney" in Ringo's video was unsettling to me also (sorry taf).
Since I received two comments of this nature, I feel a need to respond with some careful thought. First of all, nobody was ever harmed by walking away from PID theories or conspiracy theories in general. So, although I hate to lose readers (especially intelligent ones who help me learn things) I would be concerned if any one got pulled into conspiracy theories to the point that it became an unhealthy obsession.
When I thought I heard "Iamaphoney" in the background of Ringo's message, it was like the feeling that you get when you're watching a movie that pulls you in to the point that you feel it in your body. The same thing happens in dreams sometimes. You have to take a deep breath to get back to reality. For me that wasn't an unpleasant experience, but it was intense. I wrote the post before taking the deep breath. If that caused me to lose some credibility, that's okay. The more credibility you have, the more responsibility you have to not lead people astray. That's a lot of pressure.
I have to admit that when I made the change in the title from "Holy Shit" to "Holy Moly," I laughed out loud.
My motivation for doing this blog has always been to explore what Iamaphoney is saying in his videos and in turn explore what the Beatles were saying in their music. I find both things fascinating on an intellectual level.
Once we are clear on what they are saying, we can start to determine whether or not it is true. Until we are clear on the story that is being told, it is best to approach this as a work of historical fiction, somewhat like the DiVinci Code. Unfortunately, like the fictional novel, DiVinci Code, some people are emotionally invested in believing that it is true. I don't think I could be writing this blog if I believed that.
I see things that make me laugh. I see things that make me scared. I see lots of things that make me think. But, most of all, I see some great artistic statements of mythological proportions. That's what it's all about for me.
On behalf of the band, you're welcome.
Blogger Tafultong said...
Anonymous said...
Taf's post about hearing "Iamaphoney" in Ringo's video was unsettling to me also (sorry taf).
etc etc
C'mon guys, it was just a observation! i still heard something that sounds like "iamaphoney" anyway -and i had showed the video to some people and they heard that word too. maybe it's just a coincidence, So what? what is wrong with the fact that Tafultong heard the word "iamaphoney" in a weird Ringo video? in fact, it's GOOD that he, that is discussing the iamaphoney videos, have posted something that he found for discussion. I don't see what's so terrible. Maybe it's a mistake, so what? maybe it's not. It's part of the discussion, and every new clue should be welcome.
Brainwash? no way! I don't understand why some people takes like a personal attack every time that anyone have the balls to questioning anything Beatles-related.
" But, most of all, I see some great artistic statements of mythological proportions. That's what it's all about for me.
October 17, 2008 6:57 AM"
Well said Tafultong! I wholeheartedly agree!
"I started seeing things in a new light a while back and it was reawakened by Taf's post about chants in the newest Ringo video update. It scares me to think about how it affects me. It's scarier to think about how it probably effects some really off-balance people.
It's unhealthy and it holds no water anymore.
October 16, 2008 10:05 PM"
This message has been endorsed by
Listen to my RAW MONO VIDS!
why arent you in school?
ask mikeyNL!
he is going to Berlin to get the suitcase
C'mon guys, it was just a observation! i still heard something that sounds like "iamaphoney" anyway -and i had showed the video to some people and they heard that word too. maybe it's just a coincidence, So what? what is wrong with the fact that Tafultong heard the word "iamaphoney" in a weird Ringo video? in fact, it's GOOD that he, that is discussing the iamaphoney videos, have posted something that he found for discussion. I don't see what's so terrible. Maybe it's a mistake, so what? maybe it's not. It's part of the discussion, and every new clue should be welcome.
Brainwash? no way! I don't understand why some people takes like a personal attack every time that anyone have the balls to questioning anything Beatles-related.
There's no mention in the comments you are talking about that mention that taf is at fault for his post, only that the insinuation of people chanting Iamaphoney was unsettling.
I think if most people that frequent this site and others would be honest, they would admit that PID has made a sharp turn for the worst ever since Iamaphoney arrived on the scene.
Investigation has slumped dramatically and replaced by suitcases and fire predictions.
By the way, the fire dates are in my opinion the worst idea of the IAAP campaign. When you put up dates on your website and people are expecting a fire on that date, you are encouraging copycats to take action and make sure that a fire occurs on that date.
Lastly, if one of you knew of a revelation that had "blown your mind" and you honestly wanted to share it with the world, why stretch everything out with viral campainging? I know this position is nothing new, but seriously think about it. We've been told for well over a year now that we would be told the "revelation." Now were watching some of the worst IAAP videos to date. He no longer has anything interesting in them, only more backwards walking with new suitcases that seem to keep coming. Nobody wants to risk retrieving one.
If you really want to know the revelation, or at least find out if there is one, then stand up for yourselves and speak out against this shit.
Do you want to continue this horse and carrot charade? Not me. It wasn't a big deal to me for a while, but now I'm just getting annoyed.
ask him when he gets back!
duh, he already renegged on that.
I think the Rotten Apple series, the zeitgeist movie or even this blog make statements about things that we aren't used to perceive. If they are true or not, it depends on our interpretation. But I think they definitely worth it because sometimes deep questions are pointed. And deep questions make us think about it and open our minds. Then we leave our "comfort zone" which some in this blog say that it's unhealthy. I understand thinking that Paul is dead and there is a satanic plot in this world is a negative trip. But negativity is part of this world and the capacity to handle it is a sign of growing up. When I saw the PID clues for the first time, it freaked me out and I was depressed for a while because I wasn't prepared for that. But now I laugh about it and love to watch the IAAP videos. I think it's a process of human nature. Well, it's just my opinion about this issue.
anonymous said..."I think if most people that frequent this site and others would be honest, they would admit that PID has made a sharp turn for the worst ever since Iamaphoney arrived on the scene."
This statement is entirely true and entirely false!
Reader: you need to reassess the balance of the situation before proceeding to the real motive of the iaap/pid/nir/pwr GAME. I do agree, however, that IAAP the vidographer has blown his chances for any real credibilty at this point. There is no point in paying him any more attention.
As far as PID research and development tanking as a result - no, I don't find that an issue. The pros have outweighed the cons, due mostly to the constant flow of ideas circulating among ourselves, which has never stopped.
"deep questions make us think about it and open our minds."
Very well put my friend. iamaphoney said he is preparing us for a revelation. This preparation is in the opening of one's mind. In fact the revelation may have nothing to do with Paul McCartney at all.
anonymous said...
"deep questions make us think about it and open our minds."
Very well put my friend. iamaphoney said he is preparing us for a revelation. This preparation is in the opening of one's mind. In fact the revelation may have nothing to do with Paul McCartney at all."
...and nothing to do with iamaphoney at all, either. Let's give credit where credit is due.
"...and nothing to do with iamaphoney at all, either. Let's give credit where credit is due."
Some could regard iamaphoney as a catalyst. Yes, most of these "clues" were presented before. But The Beatles involvement in the occult, although touched upon very breifly by some, was not. In turn it causes a chain of inquisition and awareness. And for some people, this inquiry was sparked by iamaphoney.
And I am not speaking of Paul is Dead but of inquiry into the occult in general.
Some could regard iamaphoney as a catalyst. Yes, most of these "clues" were presented before. But The Beatles involvement in the occult, although touched upon very breifly by some, was not. In turn it causes a chain of inquisition and awareness. And for some people, this inquiry was sparked by iamaphoney.
and by "sparked" you must mean arrange out of context video and imagery with uneasy music playing. Not to mention the flashing pictures. Why exactly does he fill up these videos with subliminal pictures? Think about it.
"And for some people, this inquiry was sparked by iamaphoney."
no, not really. It's been out there quite a while, long before iaap entered the fray.
"and by "sparked" you must mean arrange out of context video and imagery with uneasy music playing. Not to mention the flashing pictures. Why exactly does he fill up these videos with subliminal pictures? Think about it."
exactly. well said
"no, not really. It's been out there quite a while, long before iaap entered the fray."
easy example: http://forum.occultbeatles.org/
MikeNL said..
no suitcase for me.
my friend lied to his parents about where he was going. and they found out... so now he's grounded for 2 weeks.
yenz, whoever you are... you can pick it up if you want.
October 17, 2008 4:42 AM
Anonymous said...
ask mikeyNL!
October 17, 2008 8:40 AM
Anonymous said...
he is going to Berlin to get the suitcase
October 17, 2008 9:16 AM
Anonymous said...
duh, he already renegged on that.
October 17, 2008 9:47 AM
E X A C T L Y !
The Famous MikeNL comments continue on!
Stay gold NL
Stay GOLD!
Suitcase = F A I L
must be lunch break at the middle school
internet enabled cell phones
check out the sanguine111 text like rant earlier
txtd frum a fone
"yenz, whoever you are... you can pick it up if you want."
we need you yenzi-wan, you are our only hope!
you have special permission from Mikey, you are allowed now to go get the berlin suitcase
Since you cant get the suitcase mikeNL
can we at least have the "interview"?
Or am I whining?
here comes the stupid blog filling comments......
God speed yenzi wan
caps, followed by revelation...buckle down - it's friday night!
Anonymous said...
Since you cant get the suitcase mikeNL
can we at least have the "interview"?
Or am I whining?
October 17, 2008 12:34 PM
you are a whiner!
The interview will come after the mindblowing contents of the suitcases are divuldged!
SuitcaseYoda - "Try not MikeNL... DO!"
Jude thinks he is han solo, but in his secret spare time he wears his hair like Princess Laya and dreams of bondage scenes with Jaba the hut
did school get out?
GO AWAY! We dont want you here!
May G-d strike you down
its princess Leia!
your not even trying anymore
Leave Jude alone
he apologized
Yenzi-wan is "phoney" as well, I just made that up to needle MikeNL,
Don't get your hopes up
As Jude departs,
Yenzi-wan laments that the boy MikeNL is their "last hope",
but SuitcaseYoda reminds him
"there is another."
SuitcaseYoda said...
SuitcaseYoda - "Try not MikeNL... DO!"
October 17, 2008 12:49 PM
I bet mikeNL will have the last laugh and that he does get the suitcase, he is just saying that he isnt going to get it to trow you off
Anonymous said...
Yenzi-wan is "phoney" as well, I just made that up to needle MikeNL,
Don't get your hopes up
October 17, 2008 1:00 PM
so NOBODY is going to get the damn thing????? not mike or yenz?
that really your dog suitcaseyoda? cute
"I bet mikeNL will have the last laugh and that he does get the suitcase,"
It's in his closet,
in the basement of his parents house,
so yeah, you are right.
And the last laugh is at your expense for believing in this suitcase nonsense
"so NOBODY is going to get the damn suitcase????? not mike or yenz?
October 17, 2008 1:06 PM"
Grave danger you are in. Impatient you are.
your not even trying
yoda's real quote from the movie was
"Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.
-- Yoda"
SuitcaseYoda, could YOU go get the suitcase?
Help you I can, yes.
Strong am I with the force.
Can we get back to the real subject instead of the inane starwars junk?
I still think Ringo looks ill in that video, think he is not signing stuff after the 20th because of that.
He looks pretty bad...
I don't hear the "iamaphoney" thing either... sorry tafultong
"I still think Ringo looks ill in that video, think he is not signing stuff after the 20th because of that."
When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not.
"I bet mikeNL will have the last laugh and that he does get the suitcase,"
It's in his closet,
in the basement of his parents house,
so yeah, you are right."
"I bet mikeNL will have the last laugh and that he does get the suitcase,"
youre a numbskull.
your not even trying
yoda's real quote from the movie was
"Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.
-- Yoda"
yeah the guy jude sure knows his starwars
Anonymous said...
"I bet mikeNL will have the last laugh and that he does get the suitcase,"
youre a numbskull.
October 17, 2008 1:34 PM
am I an idiot too? how about a dickweed?
The IAAP videos aren't presented as mythology. The Beatles and their alleged "occult" involvement has been the subject of quite a few articles, books, and lectures since the 60's, and on internet sites for years. There is nothing mythological about these supposed reverse clues, which form the backbone of IAAPs output. The series is no more of a symbolic or mythological nature than most of what is said at NIR. Besides, as I have stated before, there is no real narrative that anyone would be able to agree upon, which gives the videomaker wiggle room ("Didn't REALLY mean that Paul was Dead physically"). The only series that has presented PID in terms of its similarities to esoteric teaching in a demonstrable way(Paul's Death is like Hiram's death in Freemasonry or in the Mysteries) is the YKMN stuff, but I think he pretty much revealed that he was just f**ing with people.
yes you are
so yenz doesn't exist.
phoney org. told me that He has all the time... the suitcases will set everything in action.
Stupid comments began about the same time CommenterGV left a couple comments on iaaps channel. Hrm..
Leave Jude alone.
"so yenz doesn't exist.
phoney org. told me that He has all the time... the suitcases will set everything in action."
Whats with the uppercase H, Mikey?
It seems like everything is falling apart now that everyone is waking up to the bullshit, but Mikey is still enthralled hook, line and sinker. I hope that mike is only a character being used in all of this, because if he isn't, we could be talking with a very deranged individual.
Equating IAAP with God? Are you serious?!
Anonymous said...
Stupid comments began about the same time CommenterGV left a couple comments on iaaps channel. Hrm..
Leave Jude alone.
October 17, 2008 1:51 PM
think we found the culprit!
MikeNL is always here as well with this stupid blog filling comments, its MIKE!
he is the one!
Anonymous said...
MikeNL is always here as well with this stupid blog filling comments, its MIKE!
he is the one!
October 17, 2008 1:58 PM
didnt you mean
"He is the one!"
cap that H buddy!
Anonymous said...
MikeNL is always here as well with this stupid blog filling comments, its MIKE!
he is the one!
October 17, 2008 1:58 PM
Mike is just ALWAYS here
first to comment on all videos, always in the middle of the blog stupidity
always going to get suitcases etc etc
What is phoney.org ? ? ? ? ?
MikeNL said...
so yenz doesn't exist.
dont you read what you write Mike?
Anonymous said...
Stupid comments began about the same time CommenterGV left a couple comments on iaaps channel. Hrm..
Leave Jude alone.
October 17, 2008 1:51 PM
just because you are paranoid Jude does not mean you need to take it out on me
Equating IAAP with God? Are you serious?!
October 17, 2008 1:56 PM
No, just with Jebus
May G-D strike you down
Why do you keep dragging me into this?
"Equating IAAP with God? Are you serious?!
October 17, 2008 1:56 PM
No, just with Jebus"
You're a fucking idiot and IAAP and crew are even worse off for using you as a spokesperson.
This is a big joke and its getting more ridiculous by the minute.
i wish IAAP would FIRE mikeyNL1038 as a spokesmen
clearly its mike and jude doing all of this stupidity
Powerful you have become MikeyNL1038, the dark side I sense in you.
Stop playing with Crowley iamaphoney crowd, Thelma downfall will you be.
MikeNL why are you ALWAYS HERE!?!?!?
Dont you a life?
Anonymous said...
MikeNL why are you ALWAYS HERE!?!?!?
Dont you a life?
October 17, 2008 2:16 PM
Soon will I rest, yes, forever sleep. Earned it I have. Twilight is upon me, soon night must fall.
Do you like the beatles music YodaJebus?
Get down I will, if good music there is
Anonymous said...
MikeNL why are you ALWAYS HERE!?!?!?
Dont you a life?
October 17, 2008 2:16 PM
"Dont you a life?"
Dont you a life????
you mean dont you have a life?
I am not even from your country and yet I have better grammer then you!
ask yourself...
"what would Yoda Jesus do?"
Yoda Jesus What do Would?
Apostle Faul said...
ask yourself...
"what would Yoda Jesus do?"
October 17, 2008 2:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yoda Jesus What do Would?
October 17, 2008 2:25 PM
Cookie shall you receive because Good relations with the Wookiees, I have.
I really want those cookies
Yes.... the clone wars have started
Anonymous said...
MikeNL why are you ALWAYS HERE!?!?!?
Dont you a life?
October 17, 2008 2:16 PM
"Dont you a life?"
Dont you a life????
you mean dont you have a life?
I am not even from your country and yet I have better grammer then you!
"grammar" and "than"
nice Mikey..FAIL
When you don't want to answer any reasonable questions, don't try to create a diversion by being a grammar nazi if you suck at spelling, too.
Blind we are, if creation of this clone army we could not see.
Stopped they must be; on this all depends. Only a fully-trained Suitcase Knight, with the IAAP as his ally, will conquer Darth Faul and his Emperor Ringo
Suitcase must you get MikeyNL1038
Use your feelings and find the suitcase you will
If informed the Tafultong blog is, multiply our adversaries will.
Mind what you have learned. Save you it can
Hey everyone, I have a crazy idea, how about we appoint someone to interview mikeynl? Of course all we would get are lines like, "the suitcases will -----" "something big is about to happen" "can we talk about something else?"
how many of you actually believe mikeynl's story? how come he has accounts on different websites with varying ages?
Don't fail me again, MikeNL
I find your lack of faith disturbing
You cannot hide the suitcase forever Iamaphoney, I am your father!
"Suitcase must you get MikeyNL1038"
He would but his friend got grounded for 2 weeks...
What was the excuse that he had for not retrieving the CERN suitcase again? Seems like it was equally retarded.
You're 18(supposedly), surely that makes you an adult even by netherland standards. Your excuse sounds like it came from a 15 year old.
whoever is doing yoda is ripping my idea. Get an original thought.
"whoever is doing yoda is ripping my idea. Get an original thought."
both ideas suck.
fricken clone wars
iaap is chicken shit, leaving suitcases where no one can possibly get them. Wake up to the game, yoda wannabes.
whoever is doing yoda is ripping my idea. Get an original thought.
October 17, 2008 2:42 PM
yeah you think of everything
This is madness!
This - is - IAMAPHONEY BLOG!!!
really, that one person... i feel sorry for you.
you have to type so much nonsense here.
if you don't mind, i'm back to watching a movie.
when was he ever COOL? such imaginations.
Darth Faul said...
Don't fail me again, MikeNL
I find your lack of faith disturbing
You cannot hide the suitcase forever Iamaphoney, I am your father!
October 17, 2008 2:40 PM
I KNEW IT!!!!!
"I think of every thing to be discovered
I hope there's something to find"
Hey, if you guys still want some answers, I can save you all a lot of precious time, not that it matters.
There's nothing to the Paul is Dead story.
He didn't die.
No actor slash genius musician underwent supernatural surgery and managed to impersonate McCartney for four decades day and night without rest.
Tavistock had nothing to do with the Beatles success or songwriting.
Lennon is also dead (Dec 8th).
Stanley Kubrick's films are not related except in the imagination.
IAAP is a video editor who, along with other pals at Formermedia, likes to record tunes.
Charles Manson didn't know what the hell he was talking about. If you think he did, you're in for nothing but false leads and conjecture leading to absolutely nowhere from now on (sort of like IAAP and NIR for the past two years).
LILY means "Linda I Love You" nothing more, nothing less.
Enjoy your lives and live your days forward, just as this is the preferred method of playing Beatles music.
There's nothing sinister going on.
Paul McCartney is just a guy who wrote some amazing songs (and a fair amount of duds).
You're free!
You're welcome.
"if you don't mind, i'm back to watching a movie."
is it star wars?
"Anonymous said...
Hey everyone, I have a crazy idea, how about we appoint someone to interview mikeynl? Of course all we would get are lines like, "the suitcases will -----" "something big is about to happen" "can we talk about something else?"
how many of you actually believe mikeynl's story? how come he has accounts on different websites with varying ages?"
"is it star wars?"
yeah, he boning up
Hey, if you guys still want some answers, I can save you all a lot of precious time, not that it matters.
There's nothing to the Paul is Dead story.
He didn't die.
No actor slash genius musician underwent supernatural surgery and managed to impersonate McCartney for four decades day and night without rest.
Tavistock had nothing to do with the Beatles success or songwriting.
Lennon is also dead (Dec 8th).
Stanley Kubrick's films are not related except in the imagination.
IAAP is a video editor who, along with other pals at Formermedia, likes to record tunes.
Charles Manson didn't know what the hell he was talking about. If you think he did, you're in for nothing but false leads and conjecture leading to absolutely nowhere from now on (sort of like IAAP and NIR for the past two years).
LILY means "Linda I Love You" nothing more, nothing less.
Enjoy your lives and live your days forward, just as this is the preferred method of playing Beatles music.
There's nothing sinister going on.
Paul McCartney is just a guy who wrote some amazing songs (and a fair amount of duds).
You're free!
You're welcome.
The voice of reason.
How come mike and jude's blog has no activity? hhmmmm?
They aren't busy because they had nothing interesting to say.
This blog came along and made things much more interesting, so they decided to start the rotten apple forum which consists of about 5 people, i think.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to find the truth when they truth you're looking for isn't true.
If your 18 mikey, how come you dont have a car? Is that a netherlands thing? If it is, how come you don't have any money to rent a car, or travel by some other means? And who has friends at the age of 16-18 who still get "grounded" for 2 weeks?
I think your more in the 14-15 age range.
evryting tht haz transpird haz dun zo to my Dsign. Ur frnds, up der on the moon, R walken in2 a T-rap, az iz ur Re-bell fleet. It wuz eye wo aloud the Aleyeance 2 no the lo-cation of the suitcase. iz quite saf frum ur pitiful band o fonys. N N-tire legion o my BBF a-waits dem. O, I fraid the D-flectr shild wil b quite o-pershunal wen ur buds cum.
Stay gold NL!
Gud. eye can feel ur mad. eye m D-fensless. take ur wepon! St-rike me down wid al ur htred, nda ur trip 2ward da dark sid wil B complete!
They have trains in europe MikeNL
They don't have trains to MikeNL's closet
no body's gonna read that
anyone who questions MikeNL is a whiner
MikeNL thinks that "Someone should get the suitcase", anyone except for him... no wait... he'll get it.. no wait.. he cant.. no wait... He can.. no... wait, his 40 year old friend gets grounded.. no wait.... anyone got a scorecard?
MikeNL thinks questions are boring, wont answer them, but yet always reads the comments he claimed to never read, is ALWAYS in the middle of them when things get stupid, and is ALWAYS there when they happen.
Back to the movie mikeNL
Back to the MOVIE!
let's drop it, the mikey thing. Boring beyond belief, he is. Isn't he supposed to be at Chuckie Cheese by now?
Listen to the voice of reason.
Except there is a little more to the story, VR, and you know it.
Anonymous said...
no body's gonna read that
October 17, 2008 3:03 PM
No body EVER reads anything that Sanguine111 writes!
Some highights U missed......
sanguine111 (4 days ago)
gv-1/5 is prob 1 outta 5 suitcases found-911311ect is prob sum advanced numerology[ie-ask jc07]
sanguine111 (6 days ago)
any1 goin to the mason open house next sat? thier's a lodge down the street from were i jam-pt o me really wants 2go,but then again,i was never really atracted to goats! ;)on the other hand,seems a lil easier than "american idol"
"Anonymous said...
If your 18 mikey, how come you dont have a car? Is that a netherlands thing?"
Is that a nederlands thing, you wouldnt understand
I am going back to my movie, this is BORING!
Mike, I thought trains ran everywhere in Europe? Can't you just do that?
aja's going to be pissed you stole her line!
"I am bored....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mike, I thought trains ran everywhere in Europe? Can't you just do that?
October 17, 2008 3:12 P
E X A C T L Y!
Take the train MikeNL
"O, I fraid the D-flectr shild wil b quite o-pershunal wen ur buds cum. "
damn that sanguine111
cloaking the suitcase, now we will never find it!!!!
"cloaking the suitcase, now we will never find it!!!!
October 17, 2008 3:17 PM"
"cloaking" was from STAR TREK idiot!
boy you geeks really dont miss a thing do you?
cloaking star trek/wars WHO CARES!?!
i think sanguine111 is a IAAP sub account
i think mikenl is a phoney
yea! take the train mate!
Stay at the movie already. We are done with you. Sorry if that hurt. Have a nice facticious birthday.
Anyone read the upper portion of this segment?
mikenl when are you going to listen to suitcase yoda????
"Use your feelings and find the suitcase you will"
words of wisdom mikey, words of wisdom
"Use your feelings and find the suitcase you will"
words of wisdom mikey, words of wisdom
October 17, 2008 3:22 PM
look in your closet you irrelevant clown
mikenl=old and busted
go back to kansas, and take your little dog jude too
that was pretty funny
This blog is like the National Enquirer
nobody claims to read the comment section, because its "stupid"
yet... there mikenl always is...
cant....quite.... keep...from...reading...it...can....you?
god this shit makes me wish for the old days.... harold , bern, you know... old skool
Yes, i just checked if i could take a train.
it costs me 160 euro for a retour ticket.
i don't like that very much.
so someone close to the suitcase should get it.
i just don't think it will be worth it.
mike is for goodbye
MikeNL said...
This is madness!
This - is - IAMAPHONEY BLOG!!!
really, that one person... i feel sorry for you.
you have to type so much nonsense here.
if you don't mind, i'm back to watching a movie.
October 17, 2008 2:46 PM
Yeah, I feel sorry for that guy too. He is doing a pretty good job making fun of YOU Mikey
MikeNL said...
Yes, i just checked if i could take a train.
it costs me 160 euro for a retour ticket.
i don't like that very much.
so someone close to the suitcase should get it.
i just don't think it will be worth it.
October 17, 2008 3:29 PM
Whaaaaaaaaaa? wouldnt driving cost you more????? Or was your friend going to pay for the petrol, parking, etc?
thought you were watching a movie MikeyNL1038?
cant....quite.... keep...from...reading...it...can....you?
just take a iaap limo. They are always parked outside, no?
"Whaaaaaaaaaa? wouldnt driving cost you more????? Or was your friend going to pay for the petrol, parking, etc?
October 17, 2008 3:31 PM"
No. Driving a car is free
"Or was your friend going to pay for the petrol, parking, etc?
October 17, 2008 3:31 PM"
some friend you are MikeyNL
cheapskate! make your poor 40 year old friend pay for all that petrol to german!
everything is free in you imagination
doug henning impression
suitcaseyoda could show you how to levitate to the suitcase mikey, no problem. USE THE FORCE!
when are you going to listen to suitcaseyoda mikey?
driving the car would've cost 50 euros.
and we would've splitted the costs...
"everything is free in you imagination
doug henning impression"
October 17, 2008 3:35 PM
this is stupidity
go or don't go tell -us after ( that you never went)
you can drive that many miles with petrol being that expensive over there in europe?
I know you have small cars that are efficient over there but..... huh?
Every foreign exchange student over here brags on the train system over where you are at.. how we need it over here.
MikeNL said...
driving the car would've cost 50 euros.
and we would've splitted the costs...
October 17, 2008 3:36 PM
how much is diesel over there? Its pretty expensive here in the states, and we have been led to believe its even more so where you are
My student discount starts jan. 1 2009.
Amsterdam to Berlin
358 miles or 577 km
one way...
so you can drive over 1000km on 50 euros of petrol?
Your metric system math is AWESOME!
MikeNL said...
My student discount starts jan. 1 2009.
October 17, 2008 3:42 PM
Why, are you not a student now?
back to the movie
Yes i am.
but you won't get one unless you ask for it.
and that's what i did 2 weeks ago...
see ya in two hrs
Currently, diesel prices in the U.S. are slightly higher than gasoline. Across the pond, the story has been somewhat different. With the exception of the UK, diesel in Europe has usually been cheaper than gasoline. This was a consequence of European governments' policies on taxing fuels. Trucks and buses run on diesel, whereas cars traditionally ran on gasoline.
Nevertheless, producing diesel is more expensive than producing gasoline. For instance, according to the Spanish Ministry of Energy report on fuel prices, a metric ton of diesel cost about $826 compared to $803 for unleaded during the past month of January.
What Europeans pay at the pump differs a lot depending on the country, and not only because of taxes. Cost price of gasoline is from 47 euro cents/liter in Sweden to 60 euro cents/liter in the Netherlands. The average EU price is about 53 euro cents/liter. In the case of diesel, prices start at 51.7 euro cents/liter in Bulgaria and top 64.2 cents in Italy; the average for the EU is about 60 cents/liter.
60 euro cents/liter in the Netherlands.
sound right mikey?
MikeNL said...
My student discount starts jan. 1 2009.
October 17, 2008 3:42 PM
Why, are you not a student now?
October 17, 2008 3:42 PM
Blogger MikeNL said...
back to the movie
October 17, 2008 3:42 PM
Blogger MikeNL said...
Yes i am.
but you won't get one unless you ask for it.
and that's what i did 2 weeks ago...
October 17, 2008 3:43 PM
back to the movie.. and then commenting immediately...
Yes, i just checked if i could take a train.
it costs me 160 euro for a retour ticket.
i don't like that very much.
so someone close to the suitcase should get it.
i just don't think it will be worth it.
"i just don't think it will be worth it"
perfect!! if IAAP's numero uno thinks that the suitcase holding the answer to everyone's burning questions isn't worth 160 euros then why should anyone else care??
and I suppose that the comments section keeps popping up on his tv while he's trying to watch his movie. how many times do you want to remind us that youre watching one...
we are experiencing some technical difficulties at the IAAP HQ, please hold and the next representative will remind you of how boring your comments are.
"it's all inside the game we've been playing, so long"
why can't mikey pollute his own blog?
oh yeah, no one goes there
60 euro cents/liter in the Netherlands
50 euros would buy you 84 liters of petrol
84 liters to drive 1000 killometers round trip to berlin?
not even counting driving around a little extra once you get there....
metric system ROCKS!
84 liters to drive 1000 killometers round trip to berlin?
yes it would idiot!
leave mikeNL alone!
why have trains in Europe? Just get some of them IAMAPHONEY cars
Apparently cars are more efficient then trains.
Let that be a lesson america when our politicians say we need light rail here in the states "JUST LIKE THEY DO IN Europe"
also, Greyhound bus lines will sell a foreign student with a passport here in the united states a discounted unlimited bus pass IMMEDIATELY, no waiting. You don't have to wait MONTHS like you claim you have too.
Man, you nederland people run some inefficient shit over there.
Except your cars are magick
Get rid of the trains, MORE CARS like us fat americans!
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