Sometimes I am Sir Paul McCartney who got the Mega Lifetime Icon Award from Bono at the MTV Awards and was knighted by Her Maj," says the man with appealing crinkled eyes. "And I like that role. But I am also James Paul McCartney a school kid from Liverpool who got sort of ... elevated. Sometimes I have to let go of Sir Paul just to achieve creative freedom. That's when I become The Fireman."
But this article was sprinkled with delicious details, such as the decor of his Soho office that includes a two-foot Mutant Ninja Turtle made of plastic. [Some might call that a mock turtle.] There is a painting on the wall by McCartney friend and inspiration Willem de Kooning pictured below. [Find more at]

The article also contained the obligatory Sgt. Pepper reference. Now remember, Ringo said he learned to play CHESS while recording Pepper, George said, "For me it was a bit boring," and John said he couldn't remember anything other than "A Day in the Life." But, Paul to this day continues to worship that album, as he tells O'Dell, "Youth and I approached The Fireman in the same way that John and I did Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
In one of the most interesting parts of the article, Paul explains the evolution of the Percy Thrillington character:
We took personal ads in Private Eye and the Evening Standard saying, "Percy Thrillington seeks the love of his life." People eventually began to ask, "Who is this Percy Thrillington who keeps taking out small ads?" And then on holiday in Ireland with Linda we decided to find an actual Percy. We found a lad working in a farmer's field. We went up to him and asked, "Would you mind doing a photo shoot?" And so for a modelling fee we persuaded him to put on a dinner jacket and Linda took some pictures. And this Irish farmhand became Percy Thrillington.
I don't know where that picture is, but you can listen to Thrillington at WFMU.
In a very unusual moment of introspection and humility, Paul says:
The common perception of me is that I did some good work in the Beatles, I may be doing some good work now, but there was a very bad patch full of rubbish in the middle. When I look back I think maybe I didn't work quite hard enough on that track as I could have. There is a period which maybe isn't as good as the other stuff.
I guess that explains why Wings fans feel short-changed at his concerts.
He also tells how he became "The Fireman." In addition to honoring his dad, who was a Fireman in World War II, he reminisced about chopping down trees to clear a path for Linda's Horseback Riding and then using the wood to make his own fires.
But the biggest revelation in the whole article comes at the end when Paul pulls out a present that Linda had given him on one of his many birthdays. It was a pair of paint spattered glasses that once belonged to surrealist painter Rene Magritte. Fans of the Beatles will remember that it was Magritte who invented the apple. Well, it was actually the devil who invented the apple according to John Milton. But Magritte's apple probably influenced Paul when he was thinking of a name and logo for the Beatles new company. [For a mind-blowing interpretation of the Apple logo and its relationship to another member of the fab four, see the "Apple Starr" thread at "Nothing is Real."]
Magritte's "Son of Man" painting can be seen in many YouTube videos.

Paul McCartney is as big of a fan of Magritte as I am of Paul McCartney. He owns many Magritte paintings. He expresses his view of the artist in the closing paragraph of the article:
What I love about Magritte is he turned the world upside down and inside out in terms of meaning and significance. Science and philosophy and religion are starting to converge on this idea that, whatever hat you put on, you are still you. Dickens writes Little Dorrit but he still comes through in her character. Burroughs and Ginsberg show through in their writing. Magritte's specs are a reminder: the world is a jungle of crazy interpretations.
"The world is a jungle of crazy interpretations." Have truer words ever been said?
1 – 200 of 287 Newer› Newest»a-w-e-s-o-m-e p-o-s-t
Speaking of crazy interpretations, when I first read that article I couldn't help but draw a link between the paint-spattered glasses cherished by Paul and the blood-spattered glasses Yoko keeps in memory of John.
A Freudian approach would suggest that underneath our most symbolically-charged images and fetishes are the repressed memories of painful days gone by, correct?
Anonymous wrote:
Speaking of crazy interpretations, when I first read that article I couldn't help but draw a link between the paint-spattered glasses cherished by Paul and the blood-spattered glasses Yoko keeps in memory of John.
A Freudian approach would suggest that underneath our most symbolically-charged images and fetishes are the repressed memories of painful days gone by, correct?
Thank you. I almost went there in the article as the same thought crossed my mind.
"What I love about Magritte is he turned the world upside down and inside out in terms of meaning and significance. Science and philosophy and religion are starting to converge on this idea that, whatever hat you put on, you are still you. Dickens writes Little Dorrit but he still comes through in her character. Burroughs and Ginsberg show through in their writing. Magritte's specs are a reminder: the world is a jungle of crazy interpretations."
I am struck by how much the first and last sentences remind me of the YKMN231 series with the catch phrase "Stand on your head" and which turns of Magritte paintings.
Le Jeu de Mourre
Paul has since revealed that the name ‘Apple’ was inspired by a Magritte painting that he bought in the summer of ‘66, called Le Jeu de Mourre (which translates as The Guessing Game).
I'm no expert in French, but I'd be interested in knowing whether or not this word "Mourre" is in some way a pun on the word (or words) for death.
A quick spin on the translator gives me this:
To die - pour mourir
He will die - il mourra
Le Jeu de Mourra?
Seeing as how Paul acquired the painting in '66, maybe there's something to this?
It's just a guess, of course! ;)
Bonjour! Au revoir!
McCartney has described the Sgt. Pepper album as a critical factor in the evolution of the Beatles from mop-topped boys to men.
That is likely why he thinks so fondly of it.
You'd think that the other Beatles would have felt the same way about the album and for the same reason. Weren't they all getting tired of the mop-topped boy image?
Yeah, no pics of THrillington on the album.....
AND, I really wouldn't call what it is 'big-band versions' of "RAM"..... if anything, they're 'muzak' versions; the 'white-scat' on most of the tracks.... jeez, if I had got this record when it came out, I would've tossed it in the trash!
I can at least smirk at it now.
Oh, and I thought Ringo said he learned chess during the making of it.
Listening to "Electric..." again.
Now, "Universal..." reminds me a little of somthing from 'Krout-rock' faves, NEU!
65if2007 said...
You'd think that the other Beatles would have felt the same way about the album and for the same reason. Weren't they all getting tired of the mop-topped boy image?
I think both George & John took the feeling that it was 'the PAUL show' to their graves.
This is what I found on the French dictionary. "La mourre" is a very ancient intuitive (Italian) game. It's a bit like the "Paper Scissor" game. You have 2 players and each player raises a number of fingers. The game is to guess the total number of fingers raised by both players.
I found this on a comment page:
On TLF, "mourre" has the meaning of an old game, outdated, I guess. You can look at the definition. But otherwise, if you look at the song :
Boîte aux lettres lettres lettres
Lettre d'amour mour mour
Mourre-à-trois trois trois
You could also interpret that "mour" has to be replaced by "amour" and "mourre" as well, so that you would have :
Amour à trois
But because that is a song for children, I guess that it is more decent to keep "mourre"
Now it seems we're back into "love" code territory...
Another odd factoid to further the game:
According to the wikipedia article on Morra (Mourre), the game is described on images found in ancient Theban tombs.
TheBea † les
When asked about Beatle highlights, Lennon definitely called Pepper "a peak" or something of that nature, which Tafultong has already mentioned. It has become fashionable to choose an album other than Pepper as "best ever" or "most influential" (usually Revolver or White Album), but history records that Pepper had the biggest impact of any Beatle release.
Vince wrote:
Oh, and I thought Ringo said he learned chess during the making of it.
What did I say? Cards! Oh, I hate when I do that. I have to go fix that. Thanks for the correction.
I still say John was a little 'wacked out' 'round the time of "Pepper".
He said not only did he do an awful lot of drugs, but he was also a little 'depressed' that Paul kept churning out new stuff, and he couldn't keep up.
Perhaps YouKnowMyName231 could elaborate on the Schrödinger/Mourre connection for us?
This is not a game!
Google is turning up some very odd results...
the real purpose is not to mess you, guys. this indeed is a manifesto and the dices are just as unreal as you can already tell. In a cooperation assignment there is a way in (your ears), and a way out (your mouth). Everything that I write is twisted for cooperation purposes. There is here enough corroboretable data for my work to be taken seriously, the purpose is not to maim anybody through this game: I am here to be taken seriously but not to threaten. Public enemy number one? No, threat to dictature, yes, hopefully, Knower of All and speaker of the Truth? Only as much as my ears can bear...only as much my team can handle, as much as the governments can tolerate but overall all throughout for a one lawful purpose. The rule was broken in order to safeguard some, cheat some, and only allow me to know as much as needed for the true purpose of the posts to be reached, often against my will. In a bizarre way, I know now that the party of "senior Harper" was not the real actor behind the savage events that enormously maimed my name, in fact the whole show was rigged for me and her to be naived into the role....whichever role that turns out to be, very embassadors we will be and very coupled and very candidelly you too will be signing for it: A new version of the world? A new hyerarchy (fairness!!!!), a new twist in our road, a new birth for our earth......did it sound naive? The bit about the new earth? On the basis of diminished responsibility I hereby create the red ping pong ball. It satnds on the top of the whole table and underneath are 4 corners and one big Post, in the direction of the ray, the wheel takes us all. On the chess board a red dot, in the font a neo revolutionary bond, in every radio a show to freak a yellow indian and a white grailband: I? I am the rasta commander, heil, heil, heil to Errors, kissing your hand I break an old pattern: The slope humbly sobs, the slob homelly slops and slops, the reader is you: You are nunchaku, you are una derniera sectarian panther, you are just as "ignocent" as me and both we erode to erotic city: The cathedral explodes. 5 slains...all hunduricans....................................................................manifesto of jacques deleuil to manifested interests...and 5 % bonus for our accounts> rockshoowe
posted by Aleph Alpha at 9:14:00 AM
07 March 2007
Je t' aime
you, tu, twat..........
I entered a real realm...2311...stupid sin code
Anyone saw this strange anagram and strange images here ?..
Don't see the anagrams and such, but Rowling is definitely a Beatles fan going way back. Harry Potter's glasses are clearly a nod to Lennon.
And of course , the name of Harry Potter´s mother is LILY...
Pepper was one of my favorites when I first heard it at the age of 13 but as I got older the novelty of the songs wore off. I still respect the album as the best of the best in all those silly so-called psychedelic masterpieces but The Doors first album and the Velvet Underground's first album blow it out of the water (both came out in 1967). I don't agree with Lou Reed's assessment that Pepper was a pile of shit but there is an air of hokeyness about the record that I find irritating. I understand the other Beatles' frustrations in the 1970's over Pepper being regarded as the best thing they ever did. It IS Paul's and George Martin's show all the way.
Sometimes I read the comments here and at Nothing Is Real from people (teenagers?) who are spooked by Pepper and I have to laugh. Man, you ain't heard too many records, huh? This is what happens when you've been fed a steady diet of dumbed down music like Britney Spears and Linkin Park all of your life.
Put on "Strange Days" by the Doors and get back to me or Captain Beefheart's "Trout Mask Replica" and then tell me how spooky Pepper is.
Man, the doors are as manufactured as they come. None of the band members knew anything about music prior to the group and Morrison just happened to show up on the scene with the first few albums worth of songs, even though he had no way of writing the music down or anything since he had no skill other than maybe his poetry. I wonder if that was even his. Terrible live performances as well...
"terrible" is an understatement.
"Man, the doors are as manufactured as they come. None of the band members knew anything about music prior to the group and Morrison just happened to show up on the scene with the first few albums worth of songs, even though he had no way of writing the music down or anything since he had no skill other than maybe his poetry. I wonder if that was even his. Terrible live performances as well..."
Jim is dead...
"Man, the doors are as manufactured as they come. None of the band members knew anything about music prior to the group and Morrison just happened to show up on the scene with the first few albums worth of songs, even though he had no way of writing the music down or anything since he had no skill other than maybe his poetry. I wonder if that was even his. Terrible live performances as well..."
Jim is dead...
when did that happen?
Sgt Pepper was MOSTLY McCartney, as far as the music goes, but two Lennon classics are on the album: "Lucy in the Sky" and "A Day in the Life".
The latter song is supposed to be a collaboration, but it was mostly Lennon, I think.
The reference to the accident victim possibly being from the "House of Paul", which refers to Paul in third person, must be Lennon talking.
I think that was a genuine PID clue, and the PID clues in the album design -- as many people have remarked -- seem to have Lennon's fingerprints on them.
Maybe Lennon didn't being assigned the role of narrating the horror story while McCartney was contributing most of the music.
There's not much of a contribution from Harrison, but "Within You Without You" enabled him to showcase the Indian influence in some of his music.
Even Ringo Starr got to solo.
Man, the doors are as manufactured as they come. None of the band members knew anything about music prior to the group and Morrison just happened to show up on the scene with the first few albums worth of songs, even though he had no way of writing the music down or anything since he had no skill other than maybe his poetry. I wonder if that was even his. Terrible live performances as well...
Sorry buddy. You know nothing about The Doors. Krieger, Manzarek and Densmore were working musicians long before The Doors started. Manzarek played on blues records for the Chess label out of Chicago. Morrison had zero experience as a musician, that's true, but it doesn't take a genius to carry a tune.
Terrible live performances? If Jim was drunk yeah, although that could be fun as well.
Try to have a little knowledge on a subject before you mouth off on it. Your comment was "manufactured".
PaulTheRevelator Video
Oh I can't let this slide...
Morrison just happened to show up on the scene with the first few albums worth of songs
News to me. Jim didn't write music. Manzarek, Kreiger and Densmore did. Jim contributed lyrics. Sometimes Krieger did it all as in "Light My Fire", "Love Me Two Times". "Touch Me" and "Love Her Madly".
Once again, get a clue.
The reference to the accident victim possibly being from the "House of Paul", which refers to Paul in third person, must be Lennon talking.
65If2007, the lyric is "house of lords" not "house of paul".
The Paul Is Dead threads on the David Icke forum took a major hit today as they were removed from viewing by the general public and thrown into a members-only sub forum because they are "not the views of David Icke, the people that run, or any of its staff".
I'm always glad to see the Son of Man.
"65If2007, the lyric is "house of lords" not "house of paul"."
When you see the words in written format, they read "House of Lords".
I don't know how many different recorded versions have been released, but every time that I hear the song played, I hear "house of Paul".
Well misheard lyrics are legendary but I've never thought John sang "House of Paul". I've had the LP, cassette and CD as well as bootlegs of different takes and I hear that L in lords every time.
House of Paul? That doesn't even make any sense! The House of Lords is a branch of government in Britain.
There is one thread on PID left at the David Icke forums but from what I hear the rumblings from the moderators indicate that they don't want "nonsense like that" derailing the forum.
This coming from people who believe in reptillians!! LOL
"Well misheard lyrics are legendary but I've never thought John sang "House of Paul". I've had the LP, cassette and CD as well as bootlegs of different takes and I hear that L in lords every time."
I still say that it's "House of Paul". I don't know how anyone could hear anything else. I hear the "P", and I certainly don't hear an "or" sound after it.
"House of Paul? That doesn't even make any sense! The House of Lords is a branch of government in Britain."
Of course, "House of Paul" doesn't make any literal sense.
There's no such thing.
That's why it's a "clue".
That's your perogative but do you have it on CD? Maybe it's just an old vinyl copy you're listening to? I've never heard anyone anywhere mishear it as "house of paul". I don't hear a P anywhere. It's Lords plain as day.
To each his own though. I enjoy reading your comments on here. I always know I'm going to get something more substantive than the usual flaming.
I have to side with the house of lords guy. I don't hear Paul at all being said on the album version or the Anthology version. I don't know what you're talking about. Is it a bootleg you're listening to? Which one is it? Maybe I can find an mp3.
I want to know what Paul and Linda are saying in the middle of Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey. There's gibbersih in there after Linda says "butter pie"(?) and it sounds like it's edited. I could never figure that one out.
Sift all you have.
House of Paul is all I have ever heard for 41 years.
I think the problem is that it's neither "lords" or "Paul"
That would be your problem Miles and yours alone.
I always sort of heard it as House of "Law" (or maybe "Love"?).
No, I have no CD's, tapes or LP's.
I have only YouTube. YouTube has what seems to be the classic version, which seems to be the exact same as every version that I have ever heard back when I DID listen to LP's.
I just listened to it again on YouTube, and it's "Paul" as clear as day. I hear the whispered "P" and the "awl" and I don't hear the "or" or the "s" that should be at the end.
If there are people that hear it differently, I have to respect that, but I just don't hear anything other than "Paul". It's testament to the value or lack of value of earwitness testimony.
"To each his own though. I enjoy reading your comments on here. I always know I'm going to get something more substantive than the usual flaming."
Thank you very much.
Depending on whether one is listening to the mono or stereo mix may make a difference for what is heard in "A Day In The Life" song.
Have a listen, what does John sound like he is saying? The lyrics on the Sgt Pepper album cover may have tricked your mind into hearing the word "lords" when it wasn't at all.
Hey, anonymous: "The world is a jungle of crazy interpretations."
"Magritte's "Son of Man" painting can be seen in many YouTube videos."
Odd way to reference a painting.
"Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" painting can be seen on many T-shirts."
There is a House of Lords and a House of Wax. Both recreate men as false images.
. . . and you are left with a House of Cards.
There is a girl, blabbing nothing outside my window
What do I have to show
To a world that the only way to destroy
Is to die like a baby boy
I could be happy in infinity
Of the space of my eyelid
But I know I'm somewhere else
Where the words on this page
Are better than the scribling nonsense they are,
And it would be real,
And I eat my last meal
Wish that I could feel
But now I don't even know if I'm real
"But now I don't even know if I'm real."
If none of us are real, neither, then, are our doubts.
it's Paul
there's no ds
eat you last meal?
"your" last meal that is
nice poem
Willem de Kooning had an unique perspective of the source of his talent: you dip your hand in the well of inspiration and take as you like.
work for me ;)
"s" for me, too.
Anonymous said...
"Magritte's "Son of Man" painting can be seen in many YouTube videos."
Odd way to reference a painting.
"Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" painting can be seen on many T-shirts."
It does look funny when you write it... Thanks for giving me a good laugh at myself.
"House of Paul" is something that first generation PID people often heard. It doesn't sound like "Lords" to me, but I don't have any certainty about what he says in that third syllable.
It's obvious you can hear him say pall- not paul.
Nope no "P" sound. Sorry I've sat and listened to several versions on actual CD's not YouTube clips.
It's on Pepper, the Imagine:John Lennon soundtrack album and the Blue 1967-1970 record. Even if I wanted to hear "Paul" I can't get past the "lll" sound at the beginning. Find me one credible source that hears the line as the ridiculous "house of paul" and I'll consider it. I'll take the word of every book written about the Beatles over the past 40 years, John's own written lyrics and his words and common sense over what's discussed on this blog.
House of LOL!!!
"Find me one credible source that hears the line as the ridiculous "house of paul" and I'll consider it."
The guy living in my bathroom mirror.
John's "common sense"?
Oh, come on.
Doesn't matter, he was lip-syncing
when he recorded that line anyway.
Anonymous said...
Doesn't matter, he was lip-syncing
when he recorded that line anyway.
December 2, 2008 9:15 PM
lip syncing????
how can i hear his voice then?
a la ashley simpson?
65if2007 said..."Find me one credible source that hears the line as the ridiculous "house of paul" and I'll consider it."
The guy living in my bathroom mirror.
Nope. Not credible.
It's a joke.
Well, it's time for beddy-bye
here at WJPM.
KJPM will be taking over for a short
Then the baton's fully over to you Europe.
Blog on.
that HE SAYS "paaaaaa" not paul!
but, no, really, I hear "paaaaw"
I hear house of ass myself but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
house of porn? anyone
"65if2007 said..."Find me one credible source that hears the line as the ridiculous "house of paul" and I'll consider it."
The guy living in my bathroom mirror.
Nope. Not credible."
I would trust him with my life.
I hear:
"House of LAAAAAAAA"
whatever ;-)
Same here and I hate these idiotic non-clues people come up with and I'm PID for Christ's sake! Nice way to make us all look retarded.
I'm NOT PID, and I am positive that I hear "Paul".
For whatever reason, that's how the song really goes: "House of Paul".
And right now, I feel a little like Winston Smith receiving electric shocks from O'Brien for refusing to acknowledge that two plus two equals five.
A Day In The Life is about Tara Browne, the Guinness heir and a good friend of Paul's.
the legendary Apollo C. Vermouth said that something happened around this story that caused Paul to leave the band. Lord only knows.
Legendary? Oh you mean to the barely-there gang at NIR. Yeah sure.
An awful lot of smelly brainwashing going on here and there. A lot of bowed heads and people on their knees doing as their PID masters tell them.
-Alex Jones
I hear the "L" at the beginning. No matter. If, for some reason, Lennon said "Paul," that would just be a typical Lennonism, and hardly worthy of discussion.
People always hear different lyrics, remember "Big D for Donuts" (Lady Madonna). So many more . . .
"A Day In The Life is about Tara Browne, the Guinness heir and a good friend of Paul's."
And therefore, possibly a member of the "House of Paul" in a whimsical sense.
It's likely that Tara Browne was the inspiration for that portion of the song, but he did not "blow his mind out".
"I hear the "L" at the beginning. No matter. If, for some reason, Lennon said "Paul," that would just be a typical Lennonism, and hardly worthy of discussion.
People always hear different lyrics, remember "Big D for Donuts" (Lady Madonna). So many more"
Yes, people do, but I am truly amazed that there is any dispute on this one. I had no idea that there would develop a discussion about it.
There are two principal books that perform a scholarly examination of the PID phenomenon: one by Andru Reeve and one by R. Gary Patterson.
One of those two books -- I think the Reeve book but am not sure -- speculates that PID was a Lennon-created phenomenon in response to the heated controversy over his "Jesus" remarks.
That is, Lennon decided -- in a sarcastic vein -- to create his own religion based upon the death and resurrection of Paul McCartney.
I think that there's something to be said for that theory.
So using Paul's name -- especially using it out of turn -- in "A Day in the Life" might have been more than just a "typical Lennonism".
Think of the lyrics from Lennon's EXTREMELY bitter post-Beatles-breakup song *I Found Out* -- "I seen religion from Jesus to Paul".
I hope no one is going to argue with me that those ARE the lyrics from "I Found Out". I hope that no one hears anything other than "from Jesus to Paul".
A Day In The Life is about Tara Browne, the Guinness heir and a good friend of Paul's.
...and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is just about some drawing by Lennon's kid. Yup.
That is, Lennon decided -- in a sarcastic vein -- to create his own religion based upon the death and resurrection of Paul McCartney.
I'd never heard this explanation for PID put this way but it makes a great deal of sense. Gold star, 65if!
"That is, Lennon decided -- in a sarcastic vein -- to create his own religion based upon the death and resurrection of Paul McCartney.
I'd never heard this explanation for PID put this way but it makes a great deal of sense. Gold star, 65if!"
Thank you.
Again, I am not claiming authorship.
The credit should really go to Andru Reeve (I think).
Why does it always have to be Lennon who thought up a PID scheme? Paul was every bit the idea person as Lennon, if not moreso. Tape loops, dog whistles, Pepper, MMT, playing impromptu unannounced gigs, posing as a busker--the list goes on. Paul loves to mess with expectations and sensibilities as much as John ever did. Increasingly freaky music was expected in 1967--who expected "When I'm 64?"
You must also consider something, which to PIDers and fence-sitters is highly improbably although entirely possible, that the story the Beatles told is actually true. The death clues were coincidental. Some were better than others, some were wholly imaginary, as anyone familiar with NIR will find. That's why some think the "clues" extend well beyond Beatles into non-Beatle songs, books, articles, and movies. A mathematician once pointed out that if we were to find the letters CONSTANTINOPLE among a pile of other letters, we would think it obviously deliberate and impossible to have happened through chance. Yet the incredible fact about chance is that there is an equal probability that the letters BUZQIKACKR will appear randomly. The latter means nothing, therefore no one notices.
But the chances are exactly the same.
IN terms of chance, there would have to be certain things that one could say were death clues, or clues regarding just about anything, for that matter. I've seen clues that suggest the Beatles are occultists, masons, you name it--all from the same songs and lyrics.
Look at the Ringo-Apple-Star proposal. I don't think anyone believes it is intentional, but they links are just as strong and legitimate as Walrus-Barefoot-Corpse. Yes, Paul looks to be singled out often. But not all the "clues" have to refer to Paul. That's why some think there are death clues for all four Beatles, and some think there are clues in pre-66 albums. Some of them are just as interesting and appealing.
If the thing were a promotion, you can bet someone would have talked by now.
Is that you YKMN?
Anonymous said...
You must also consider something, which to PIDers and fence-sitters is highly improbably although entirely possible, that the story the Beatles told is actually true. The death clues were coincidental...
Thanks for eloquently expressing a perspective that deserves to be heard. I feel the need to respond that your theory only works in the physical world where religion and the occult have no power and nothing supernatural can occur. If you remove those boundaries other possibilities emerge.
Obviously things like magick and prophecy have been explored in the Rotten Apple series. But, another thing that breaks physical barriers is imagination. Isn't it possible that 4 or 5 musicians intentionally started a myth which grew into an interactive experience between them and their most imaginative fans, and both parties continue the interaction to this day?
I don't know. I'm not committed to any perspective with absolute certainty.
Off-topic, anyone come across this 'clue' before? It caught me rather off-guard...
"I feel the need to respond that your theory only works in the physical world where religion and the occult have no power and nothing supernatural can occur."
Tafultong, I appreciate your thoughtful response, which I believe sums up your beliefs, which are hopeful and romantic (which I view as a postive thing). I would hasten to add, however, that the laws of probability demand that certain events occur that appear to be, for all intents and purposes, "miraculous" or "supernatural" although not necessarily working outside of what we would term natural processes. If the Beatles intentionally started, as you say, "a myth," that would also fall within the realm of imagination but also within the sphere of nature. Imagine, for a moment, that the Beatles had absolutely nothing to do with the clues. This, to me, is better evidence of the supernatural at work than had they planted the clues.
The fans have always had an interactive experience with the myth they know as Beatles. The Beatles, conversely, have had their own interactive experience with the fans and with their own mythology.
The world is a crazy jungle of interpretations, after all.
*****A mathematician once pointed out that if we were to find the letters CONSTANTINOPLE among a pile of other letters, we would think it obviously deliberate and impossible to have happened through chance. Yet the incredible fact about chance is that there is an equal probability that the letters BUZQIKACKR will appear randomly. The latter means nothing, therefore no one notices.*****
That is just a little off-centered, if you don't mind my saying so.
It's BECAUSE "Constantinople" means SOMETHING that you wouldn't expect it to appear randomly.
The vast majority of random selections of letters would mean *nothing* so it is likely to be TOO remarkable a coincidence that that any random selection of letters would mean *something*.
That having been said, synchronocity is sometimes a fact of life.
I think there was an instance during WW2 where the creator of crossword puzzles for a London newspaper --- over a period of days -- included words that matched the words being used as codewords for the upcoming Normandy invasion -- including "Overlord", "Utah", "Neptune", "Omaha" and "Mulberry", not exactly words used in everyday parlance.
British intelligence investigated the matter and concluded that there had been no leak and that the use of these words HAD been a coincidence.
Or ....
Everyone across the universe is dipping their hand into the same well of artistic inspiration.
Constantinople only means something if you speak English and recognize it. Insofar as there are only 26 letters in the alphabet, it is highly likely that most random tosses of the letters will create known words, especially if you use a few extra vowels and allow foreign words (Boggle players unite!).
Roger Miles said, "if two observers habitually look for different kinds of patterns they are bound to disagree on the series they call random."
It's a crazy jungle of interpretations.
"Or ....
Everyone across the universe is dipping their hand into the same well of artistic inspiration."
Which is why words sometimes flow out like endless words into a paper cup.
I mean, like endless "rain" into a paper cup.
"it is highly likely that most random tosses of the letters will create known words"
But not known words that are 14 letters long.
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From the great mathematician LaPlace:
"On a table, we see the letters arranged in this order, CONSTANTINOPLE, and we judge that this arrangement is not the result of chance. [Yet] if this word were not employed in any language we should not suspect it came from any particular cause. If the letters happened to be BZUXRQVICPRGAB, we would not give the sequence of letters a second thought, even though the odds on BZUXRQVICPRAGAB's showing up in a random drawing are precisely the same as the odds on CONSTANTINOPLE's showing up."
the new video was up and then taken down, what is phoney doing?
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living thebea†les® legend
( ! )
80020430 - 0501 76 elppa nettor
8002 edisni s`tahw
80020601 86 elppa nettor
name r if eh t
80020618 111 elppa nettor
80020902 smra dica
Name: Billy
Age: 45
Holy smokes that video is AMAZING!
Best IAAP yet!!!
What happened to the video?
no video there
iws2-what makes u think it's just 1 replacement? u should watch mastropierojs's stuff-looks like maybe 3-5 pauls[billy shear's=will shake]
Yeah, there were at least 5 or 6 supertalented bass player/singer/writers that looked exactly like Paul.
yes, the words have been eaten. Game set and match Iamaphoney.
If it weren't for these meddling kids.....
mikeyNL1038 = scrappy doo
ruh roh!
You must be feeling pretty vindicated now mikey that the voodoo pepper vid has been put out
Yes I do, this is a good day for us non-PID believer IAAP cheerleaders.
I feel like a little school girl. Which is pretty normal for me...
December 3, 2008 2:06 PM
What happened?! Did ya take a power dump?
Where's this video?
65IF2007 said..That is, Lennon decided -- in a sarcastic vein -- to create his own religion based upon the death and resurrection of Paul McCartney.
I think that there's something to be said for that theory.
Wow! That is amazing and something I had never even considered. It certainly fits in with the quasi-religious/occult preoccupations of nearly all PIDders I've run across on NIR. If that's true then Lennon may have quickly realized that he had started something that had gotten out of hand and tried to distance himself from it (notice most of the PID denials came from John not Paul) but by that time the Paulie was out of the bag (heh heh). Good work for bringing this to our attention.
IAAP VIGIL said...
In case you haven't noticed Tafultong has usurped Iamaphoney in any and all discussion of PID. I have learned more about PID and the nature of belief from this blog in the past two months than from watching all of IAAP's videos over the past year. I really wish the blog would change it's name to PID instead of Iamaphoney because Tafultong is much more capable of delivering concise and cogent viewpoints and topics about the subject than Iamaphoney, who at this point is more of a hanger on. I feel the blog is selling itself short by being named after an inferior product.
maybe mike has it and can put it up on his site
ohh! so NOW you need mike huh? where were you when the chips were down huh?
answer that question!
maybe mike won't do something so nice because you have been mean. You burned your bridges now sleep in the bed!
you cut off your nose to spite your eggs that may not hatched!
The grass was not so greener on the otherside of that road said the chicken!
Don't give them the satisfaction if you have the new video mike. they are horrible people mean to the core
"I feel the blog is selling itself short by being named after an inferior product.
December 3, 2008 2:53 PM"
this blog was named after iamaphoney. he make the video that shakes the world. now that the revelation has come do you not feel that your premature words have been made to soon? do you not feel the foolish? maybe you should have taken back the words before you said them!!!!
this blog was named after iamaphoney. he make the video that shakes the world. now that the revelation has come do you not feel that your premature words have been made to soon? do you not feel the foolish? maybe you should have taken back the words before you said them!!!!
Nice one Iamaphoney but to answer your questions:
No and no.
IAAP gives us nothing. Tafultong's blog is a 1000X better.
i have the learned from the iamaphoney. you say that tafultong is the better, which in print he is.
but the pound for pound, iamaphoney makes the videos that shakes the world. there is no clue to a better. many things have to have been the learned from them. If tafultong has the words, then pictures are the worth many words, prehaps 1,000. So many videos makes many pictures which are the to the bank worthwhile and you can cash that if you wish. Do not underestimate the power of the word pictures. they are many times the more worth the words, which are good unto themselves but video moves which words to the inthemselves do not.
think about what you say before you make the to the foolish.
what iamaphoney is trying to say, is
1 picture is = 1,000 words
1 video has thousands of pictures
78 videos has thousands of pictures EACH
so get your calculator.
take 1,000 words x 1,000 pictures x 78 = 78,000,000
So, all the videos IAAP made = 78million blogs.
I think the math tells the truth.
Are you going to argue 1+1 does not equal 2? I think not.
You lost your own arguement!!!!
Stay away from math friend, it is you who are the loser in this.
i have the learned from the iamaphoney. you say that tafultong is the better, which in print he is.
but the pound for pound, iamaphoney makes the videos that shakes the world. there is no clue to a better. many things have to have been the learned from them. If tafultong has the words, then pictures are the worth many words, prehaps 1,000. So many videos makes many pictures which are the to the bank worthwhile and you can cash that if you wish. Do not underestimate the power of the word pictures. they are many times the more worth the words, which are good unto themselves but video moves which words to the inthemselves do not.
think about what you say before you make the to the foolish.
Nope. I disagree. If you're one of these people who sits in front of a TV hypnotized for 9 hours every day than I'm sure IAAP's videos are wonderful for you, neat little images that don't take up much of your time. PID fans tend to be more literary and place more value on the information they read then the razzle dazzle of someone's videos.
Anonymous said...
December 3, 2008 3:11 PM
nice pre-emptive censorship! I applaud removing the F from what the f*ck. People should learn from this
"Stay away from math friend, it is you who are the loser in this.
..and you can drop the insults sir. They don't help your argument and do the opposite of being persuasive.
That's funny. I don't feel the earth shaking at all! Maybe you mean bootyshake?
I don't see the whole tafultong versus iamaphnoney. Both are great at what they do. They are two different forms of media.
I'm not even sure why I wrote the obvious except someone was simple enough to bring up the subject.
"Nope. I disagree. If you're one of these people who sits in front of a TV hypnotized for 9 hours every day than I'm sure IAAP's videos are wonderful for you, neat little images that don't take up much of your time. PID fans tend to be more literary and place more value on the information they read then the razzle dazzle of someone's videos.
December 3, 2008 3:10 PM"
I think we have met. You said to the TV defense. Which I do not. In my country is to the TV not a worthwhile pursuit. I spent to the time learning of the languages not of my own country. Someday I hope to have visit them and to the try to a vacation there. If I find a wife then so be it. She would to the have be beautiful, and to know in heart that Paul is Dead. If she does not, then we must never speak of it again.
We may marry, but we will speak of the matter only if she study and draw the same conclusions.
As to the hypnotism. I tried it to the once when the attempt to make cigarettes unappealing. It did in fact work! I no longer make smoke within that causes cancer. I suggest you to do the same.
But let me clear the way to the fact that Iamaphoney is a filmmaker. Tafultong is a word maker.
Do you not feel this a comparison that is valid only to oranges and apples. One has the yellow, the other the red or the green. One you to make the pie, the other to make the juice. You may make juice with either apples and oranges, I did think that as well, but the words and the videos are still different. Both worthwhile as to the communication. But different.
Is to the fact that Tafultong is wordsmith, Iamaphoney is videosmith. Both are craftsmen, both are valid. If you wish for neither, do not watch the either. Is this not simple to not watch but to not continue to throw bad words around and conclude that people who feels differently do watch television as a hypnotized persons. I do not! They do not! Not many people are always what you believe!
"One you to make the pie, the other to make the juice. You may make juice with either apples and oranges, I did think that as well, but the words and the videos are still different."
Anyone got any juice? I am starving!
If IAAP's goal is to be vague and obscure without ever forming a coherent thought then I would agree that he is great at doing that and I think everyone who is not an IAAP hater can agree that he is very talented as a musician. The only consistency in IAAP's videos is his ability to create music. Had he simply created videos to go along with his music I would be a fan of that for what it is but that's not what he has set out to do and I can only conclude that he is in way over his head.
Tafultong posts on the other hand are thoughtful and well researched blog entries that inspire the kind of dialogue Iamaphoney is incapable of inspiring. Yes, there are pranksters who flood the comments now and again but on Iamaphoney's YouTube page there has been 1 comment in the past 3 hours as opposed to 20 comments in the past hour alone right here.
The discussion has CLEARLY moved to this blog and Iamaphoney would do well to contribute here more frequently to get his point across if there is one.
"Anyone got any juice? I am starving!
December 3, 2008 3:26 PM"
Is to fun to make light of my sayings but the fact is that pictures are many words. And the pictures of the suitcases are a gamble. Not all approved. Do you not like the term "underdog" in your country? A strive against the odds?
That is the difference that the Iamaphoney has made. Breaking of mold. Swimming to the beat of a different drum. Taking of chances against the wishes of others.
Were he to be made a sheep? To blindly follow instead of cut a different course? If you are to the dislike of the pictures you may to please stop watching. You may read better words in your own way. But to judge an artist when you have made nothing is rude. Perhaps if some others were to the critical of you it would to the effect of your feelings damaged. We respect to the artists were I live. Even if we disagree. Much courage to be the artists. Many lonely days and the lonely life. Women like the bankers with the money to provide with the life of they wish.
But Iamaphoney may now have no money. It was costly to the fly around with suitcases and videos for your benefit and learning. The car must be much money that I have never seen. And the cameras and the plane ticket. Imagine you went to trouble only to have someone make the judgements. I understand the right you have of freedom of speech, but you are the yelling fire in a crowd, and the many people are to be trampled as in your the Wal-mart as was to be reported in news.
Freedom is a value that may be lost when hate enters against the artist in expressing of the artistic thoughts.
Go back home foreigner! We like to be lazy and hateful and stupid here with TV and fast food. You are just jealous because of our freedom to be dumb and wasteful.
"Is to the fact that Tafultong is wordsmith, Iamaphoney is videosmith. Both are craftsmen, both are valid."
I will concede this to you but I just feel one is more valid than the other in terms of communicating an idea. If IAAP's videos are art for art's sake than I would back down and say that they can be enjoyablee in that context.
I'm very glad you quit smoking. As for looking for a wife I would suggest you not take it personally if she doesn't believe Paul is dead. Speaking from experience it is sometimes a good thing for married couples to have disagreements over subjects that don't directly affect their relationship. The passion either side feels for his or her position can keep the spark alive if you know what I mean. :)
"But Iamaphoney may now have no money. It was costly to the fly around with suitcases and videos for your benefit and learning. The car must be much money that I have never seen. And the cameras and the plane ticket."
LOL yhshva!! That's some funny stuff. "It was costly to the fly around with suitcases and videos for your benefit and learning."
That was priceless.
"Freedom is a value that may be lost when hate enters against the artist in expressing of the artistic thoughts."
I don't know if this is directed at me or not but let me make it clear that I DO NOT hate Iamaphoney. I don't know IAAP personally and outside of the videos I know zilch about him but freedom (what little of it we have left in the U.S.) does allow me to be openly critical of something I feel has failed to live up to it's potential. As I said earlier if Iamaphoney is trying to express an idea about Paul's alleged death and the circumstances around it then I think he would be better served expressing those ideas here in this context because events have shown that quite a lot of people are confused by his videos and have stopped watching them as a result. I'm sure IAAP is not happy with that result.
I am to home on my computer. I am the friend of American freedom. Why is the support of brave Iamaphoney who risks reputation saying what he believes in, even he may not believe it!
If he were to stamp on the babies I would not support, nor would he to be the killing of small animals not for food. But there is no baby killing or small animals killed in videos. The videos are to the well done in the execution of the techniques of films.
Tafultong is a writer. Respect to the writer as he is an artist as well. There is freedom to post the comments under conditions that no use of certain words such as F, and no one must to the usage of the blue linking of the word Tafultong. These are simple things to do. I could say "Burgerking Tafultong" and express my thoughts, however I would not! For I have respect for him to the artist. As the same to the Iamaphoney. As long as the baby and small animals are not violated in the losing of life.
"But Iamaphoney may now have no money. It was costly to the fly around with suitcases and videos for your benefit and learning. The car must be much money that I have never seen. And the cameras and the plane ticket."
What have you learned from this series? I haven't learned a dang thing. What is so expensive about a handy cam, rental cars, and plane tickets? All those things are pretty cheap these days.
"So many videos makes many pictures which are the to the bank worthwhile and you can cash that if you wish."
Yello people? It's satire.
Funny stuff.
"I know zilch about him but freedom (what little of it we have left in the U.S.) does allow me to be openly critical of something I feel has failed to live up to it's potential."
There is a saying that I know that says you wait for the baking of the cake before you eat the cake.
The cake in this case may to be the videos to the Iamaphoney bakes to the upload. If he were to say, "there, this is the cake which you are to eat" and it was unbaked I would join with you to say, "this cake is unfinished, and the eggs that are raw may lead to sickness."
But the Iamaphoney has to continue to produce the baking of cakes! In words that are further, he may have other cakes for us to see! And the frosting may not to be applied before the cooling of the cakes.
I would say that there is room for more of the cakes, and if not, then what of the baker? Shall he not have a trade? Shall he not continue to bake?
" Don't give them the satisfaction if you have the new video mike. they are horrible people mean to the core"
F Mike AND You!
" Don't give them the satisfaction if you have the new video mike. they are horrible people mean to the core"
F Mike AND You!
Are you Borat?
"The cake in this case may to be the videos to the Iamaphoney bakes to the upload. If he were to say, "there, this is the cake which you are to eat" and it was unbaked I would join with you to say, "this cake is unfinished, and the eggs that are raw may lead to sickness.""
You're on a roll, bro.
It's the same person. Double F.
"What is so expensive about a handy cam, rental cars, and plane tickets? All those things are pretty cheap these days.
December 3, 2008 3:54 PM"
These are reasons for my vacationing to the United States! I am to the studying of the founders of your country. The reading of the Federalist Papers by Missers John Jay. It is something to which I aspire to the freedoms enjoyed the every day there.
There is to the pursuit of freedom and happiness. One may say that Iamaphoney is to be doing that, as only a song may come from a happy place. The birds prove this. As they to make nests to raise the young, and that place to keep the warming of the eggs, they sings.
If one were to say "Hey Birds! Stop singing, I have to learned nothing from your songs!" I would ask you to be kinder to the birds, for they are sensitive to the yelling of loud noises and may be the frightening of flying away from the eggs. An empty nest is a sad thing. There is no life in the empty nest.
So is to the nest of the Iamaphoney! There are still eggs within, and perhaps the cakes without frosting, for the baker is aware of the correct timeage to place the icing within the tops of cooling cakes.
We do not get angry at the eggs before the hatch!
We do not eat of the cakes before they are baked!
We do not yell at birds to scare them off eggs!
We do not yell at artists before they hatch the eggs or bake the unfrosted cakes!
At least, in my country.
Federalist Papers is a great read!
"Anonymous said...
Federalist Papers is a great read!
December 3, 2008 4:11 PM"
The Iamaphoney Bakery:
Cake promised in february 2007. Cake never arrives. Baker agrees to talk about why cake never arrived. Baker cancels interview at last minute. Suddenly tells customers that chocolate cake will now be vanilla cake and will take longer. Fails to deliver either. Baker decides to leave ingredients of cake in various locations around the world for customers to make their own cake. One customer picks up flour but is never contacted with any further instructions and flour sits in closet. Clueles Baker can't understand why customers no longer call to order cakes. Quietly goes out of business.
The Tafultong Bakery:
Fresh cakes delivered almost daily! Customer traffic grows.
Freedom is a women neglected until she is lost! Then she make the fury like a scorned women in the hell.
Would that the world had the freedom to make the videos of suitcases!
After time perhaps people would no longer watch of them, but there would be to the freedom to do it. The gamble is in the choosing the chance to express or to not. I make the observations that the Paul McCartney wrote of a song that says "freedom, I will fight for the right"
which is to the freedom to make the suitcases as well! For if we are saying that someone must not make videos is to say that someone may not to write the words here that Tafultong writes. We are to may not agree with what either Iamaphoney or the tafultong writes to be sure, but we are to perhaps allow them to bake the cakes and hatch the eggs until the time when the birds fly or the birthday cake is made. Then the wishes to either watch them fly, or eat the cake is the choice of the viewer or reader. But a bird and a cake are more to the different the the apple and the orange. Bird juice is bad, as well as cake juice. This is an example that is better then used before with apple and orange juice. They are different, yet to the valid.
"Subscribers: 908"
there are to the 908 subscribers to Iamaphoney videos. people are still wanting cakes.
908 people of which most are IAAP subaccounts
I forgot to add:
Baker cooks books to make it appear like business is successful. Fails anyway.
"Iamaphoney's YouTube page there has been 1 comment in the past 3 hours as opposed to 20 comments in the past hour alone right here."
I love how Mikey immediately ran over to Iamaphoney's page to post something right after this was written. Too funny. Mikey reminds me a bit of Olivia Newton John in the movie Grease, singing "Hopelessly Devoted To You" while romantic images of IAAP float across the screen.
Mikey expresses his love for IAAP in song!
"We do not yell at artists before they hatch the eggs or bake the unfrosted cakes!"
The phoney hasa nothing. No matta how mucha icing he putsa on da cake, it is stilla cake. You can nota polisha turd.
The problem is, we already know what will be in the Phoney videos based on the other one hundred jillion.
Images of the ram's eye, then Paul's eye, then some flippity flip fast images of scribbles and old Beatle pictures, then with the walking backward and the seek and find thing and usually some Sgt Pepper close ups.
Cut and paste
The problem is, we already know what will be in the Phoney videos based on the other one hundred jillion.
Images of the ram's eye, then Paul's eye, then some flippity flip fast images of scribbles and old Beatle pictures, then with the walking backward and the seek and find thing and usually some Sgt Pepper close ups.
Cut and paste
December 3, 2008 4:32 PM
Amen and Amen.
If a baker had only 908 clients are we to say that the bakery should in fact to close? If the baker was 200 of the clients himself for he liked the cupcakes and donuts as well, but still to the baking of cakes for the others would we say to the baker "do not eat the cupcakes and donuts you so enjoy for yourself"?
If the baker, taking the monies and the buying of cars in yellow and the suitcases to leave around the world, should we say "Baker, you must never vacation or dream to be creative?"
Someday I to the hope to dream to the creative. Perhaps in a country where people are to the idea that suitcases may be left, videos may be made, and creative people may be allowed to not be yelled at in movie theatres that a fire is to trample the old men who seat the couples. There is no fire in the quiet movie theatre! Let the old man with the flashlight have his work!
There was to a director named Kevin Smith. He is to make a film called "Clerks" among others. A film critic yelled within a theatre "This movie is a garbage!" infront of other to the movie critics. This was to be rude. Later, when the Mr. Smith said to the critic "It is your in fact right to not like my movie, but please as to not yell at others who may be enjoying my movie as their experience is to be left to them."
I think Mr. Kevin Smith is to have read the Federalist Papers! He is to understanding of the Constitution of the United States!
Yell within your own mind when in the theatre if you do not like it. For perhaps others are enjoying it the movie. Some may like the yelling, then please to go to such a movie and yell with them. The Rocky is such a picture. There is much singing and dancing of the pretty girls, and people have memorized many of the songs and sing in a unison. Someday I may to visit a vacation there to see this movie. Where people make rain with squirt guns and place the newspapers over heads to stay dry. Maybe there is a beautiful girl with in that I may ask to marry. Perhaps she will in fact also like the Iamaphoney. For if she does she would understand that to yell in the theatre of Rocky while others are singing the songs and dancing, people would not like to hear that "Hey, I don't get anything from this the Iamaphoney". For they are singing the songs of the Rocky Picture show. I did not know that the Rambo could sing, so I must visit to see. The only thing is I know is that Rocky Horror Picture show is about boxing and women and squirt gun rain. And singing. Someone says that "It wasn't my war, they drew first blood!" Then sings. But if my future wife is there, she will not yell about the Iamaphoney not being an artist. She can yell that, but I will not marry her, and it would break my heart.
Insted of "Rocky" could you please use a "Grease" or Olivia Newton John analogy since that is the most recent video clip we are all watching in connection with IAAP/Mikey? Thank you.
Is the women known to be faulconandsnowjob looking for a man to marry? I would be to asking her hand, as she seems intelligent in the study of several masters of degree. Children made with such a women could possess intelligence as well as other traits that are desirable. Since we both are to the knowing that Paul was replaced there would be no fighting of broken hearts. In my country marriage is forever as there would be to no breaking of hearts with divorce. I am to the speaking of several languages, as well as learning of many other skills that are both practical and worthy. I am not handsome, so she would never to worry about another women wanting me as to a sex. I am very nice and well mannered, and was to the raised to open doors and the moving of chairs before seating.
Should any of you be her, please to respond as I would like to write of the letters so that you may know that I am both a man of knowledge and heart. A freedom loving man who wishes cakes to be baked and eggs to be hatched along the lines of the founders of her great country. Suitcases do not scare me, and I would also say that there are some of this world who are to be reptiles of the shapeshifting. In my country this fact is known widely. My mother has already heard much about you, and is happy to travel within to the United States and to live with us to the help of the raising of our many children. My family is large, and many also would have to enjoy to live within the United States as well, perhaps with us.
There was to a movie that is on to a video tape called Xanadu staring Misses Olivia Newton John. She is to the singing of a song called Xanadu where she says, "Now we are here"
This is to be many of the meanings of much of what I have said.
The character of the man is to try the artist but cannot, so return to a job that was not to the artist. But is asked then to paint a album cover of Nine Sisters. They are to the song as like the number 9 of the beatles. I think there is to a video by the grandfather that explains much of this.
There is also to be a dancer named the Gene Kelly who is to the singing of the rain song from another movie. The Stanley Kubrick used this with in the film to be called the clockwork orange. This also is explained by the grandfather of aleister.
In this movie the ending has the man approaching of the women to talk, but you can tell that he wishes the marriage to have a family with children as she is most beautiful.
That could be me with faulconandsnowjob if she is agreeable to me, as I am not handsome but am very nice and well liked in my country.
yadda yadda yadda
Olivia Newton-John as Kira in the movie of the Xanadu. She sang to the words of a song "Let's get physical, i want to hear your body talk"
Her husband of NINE years disappeared under strange circumstances.
"After her 1995 divorce from Matt Lattanzi, Newton-John met gaffer/cameraman Patrick McDermott the following year. The couple dated on and off for nine years until he went missing following a 2005 fishing trip off the California coast. Various theories abounded regarding his disappearance ranging from his death by accident or foul play to McDermott staging his disappearance to avoid child support payments to his ex-wife, actress Yvette Nipar. Newton-John, who was in Australia at her self-owned Gaia Retreat & Spa at the time of his disappearance, was never a suspect[24] and refused to comment on any speculation. A US Coast Guard investigation released in 2008 "suggest[ed] McDermott was lost at sea."
damn it man i forgot about that weird story of Olivia's husband disappearing like that!
I think a future blog entry to these guys from Brail would be nice. I think they may have topped Iamaphoney on "Now And Then". They did a whole album's worth!
Of course he disappeared! Olivia's music is packed with PID clues!!! Songs like "The Rumor" (once the rumor starts....) "Twist Of Fate" (about Paul's death) and "Magic" (magick). Obviously she has occult leanings and is part of the PID conspiracy. They flaunt it in front of us! Thy're so damn arrogant!
Nice legs though.
The Elton John sang of "maybe you'll get a replacement" in the singing of goodbye yellow brick road!
I would not to be the marrying of the Misses Newton John as she is beyond the children bearing years. Her legs are nice, but not enough. I am grateful that you are to have found more clues with that which for me to study. I am saving of my pennies as you say to vacation to america to learn more of these things.
Umm. Hello? Let's hear more about the TWIN PEPPERS!
They are in the Berlin Suitcase. Which is in circulation. Much like the 65if2007 suitcase.
Are they up on eBay. I will buy them if they are not priced beyond reason.
And by reason do you mean more then $1.38?
Ask Mommybird to marry you!
I will if she will have me. We will have many children and happy family living with us!
I am told that the way I style my hair is much that of an ugly Paul McCartney in the before of year 1966
Anonymous said...
I am told that the way I style my hair is much that of an ugly Paul McCartney in the before of year 1966
December 3, 2008 5:22 PM
then you are a shoe in! Whats your name?
My name is unpronouncible within your langauge.
相思 红豆生南国, 春来发几枝, 愿君多采撷, 此物最相思。
We are my family a long line of people that work to make the packages within the DVD's you in fact watch within your countries.
Mommy bird will love you!
OMG! Are you in your 20's? I just love men in their 20's!!! Fresh and young and sparkling with dewdrops!
I hate anyone over 30!!! They are so ugly and disgusting with their wrinkles. I HATE IT! I HATE IT! Anyone over 30 has been replaced. That's the only reasonable conclusion a bright mind like mine can conclude and I have seven law degrees. I'm not lying about that either!
Nicole Kidman was replaced and there are 5 Brad Pitts (he was so gorgeous in 1990 but this new Brad Pitt is disgusting with his wrinkles!).
All the young people are killed and replaced with old clones. I wrote about this on David Icke's forum but they got mad at me because David Icke is a Wings fan. That bastard! How can he be a fan of someone who isn't young and beautiful? Oh God! I can't stand it! I love looking at all these pictures of Paul when he was 23...
Uh Oh
I need a cigarette.
The following was picked at random from NIR. We join the group as they discuss possible "clues" in the Sgt Pepper album:
"The tuba mouthpiece is roughly the same distance below the blue rectangle as Rodia's mouth is above it. The hookah bowl is just about as far to the left of the rectangle as the palm bole is to the right.
All of the points (except Oscar Wilde the wilde card) fall very nearly on the blue lines in symmetrical distances from Paul's heart. It appears they set everything up the best they could and they got amazingly close considering they built a 3-D set that had to translate into a 2-D photograph.
The angles of the lines bursting from Paul's heart are a fair approximation of a clock turned 12 degrees clockwise."
This sort of approach goes well beyond the "myth" of which you speak, Taf. Phoney, too, does not deal in grand ideas or mythology but in pointed accusations using this sort of pseudo-detective work, as though he and they are uncovering clues to a crime. That is not quite the stuff of myth. That would be like saying the residents of Salem were only engaging in creative myth-making when they tried their best to make people hysterical over some school girls they called witches.
I will Love her with all my heart! My family wishes a speedy marriage as I have just turned in your years 36. They do not to allow many children in my country, as to the family we need we must make it within the united states. And soon! My mother says not to wait as to "我想你的精子"
Which means my 我想你的精子 is getting old and unable to swim the fastness to make of the babies soon after the age of mine.
Mommybird we must hurry! Or if faulconandsnowjob does not to find me too ugly. But I am nice and well liked in my country.
do you have a picture?
here it is
This is not me! I have no picture! This is the same as the yell of fire in a crowd of movie theater! There is a trampling of the elderly!
I also have no to the blue link. This along with the word of the F and the using of the tafultong was expressly forbidden!
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