pid by SUNKIN6
This looks like another Pilgrimage. These videos should be dusted for Iamaphoney's fingerprints.
mrpilgrim by paymrcleancut.

Message From John by Y0KOONO.

According to the Abbeyrd Beatles News Site, Paul McCartney's spokespeople issued a statement denying that the "Electric Arguments" album contains a hidden message intended for Heather Mills. Apparently "some bloggers" have suggested that the statement "Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air," (which can be heard when you play the end of the track "Don't Stop Running" backwards) means that Paul has a warm heart and Heather has a cold heart. Of all the rumors that have swirled around Mr. McCartney in the past two years, one month and seventeen days, this is the one they felt was important enough to deny.
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»According to the Abbeyrd Beatles News Site, Paul McCartney's spokespeople issued a statement denying that the "Electric Arguments" album contains a hidden message intended for Heather Mills. Apparently "some bloggers" have suggested that the statement "Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air," (which can be heard when you play the end of the track "Don't Stop Running" backwards) means that Paul has a warm heart and Heather has a cold heart. Of all the rumors that have swirled around Mr. McCartney in the past two years, one month and seventeen days, this is the one they felt was important enough to deny.
i have not even heard about that!
what else are they looking at on the inter-webs : ]?
Jeez, you'd think they could get a better Lennon impersonator ??
Is that Edgar Winter?
I'm not going to say who likely made the videos, because it seems both sad and obvious to me now.
any info?
Those are most definitely phoney. Looks like they rearranged the title of IMAGINE to make HE DIE XIONEI.
the albino is called the lightbearer and if I understand this right he is connected to Paul and Yoko. It looks like John is playing with Sean in the Dakota and the pic with Yoko and Albino is taken the same place. Look a the chairs. and the backwards street sign where some body who looks like john and at the same time phony, it is madness. I am getting a little bit unsecure here. What IS this? Is John alive after all?
Anonymous said...
any info?
Both videos say "Not Available." Were they ever available?
This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.
both videos has been removed by youtube
sunkin6 pid vid is working
the other one doesn't.
thanks petren
"What IS this? Is John alive after all?"
Seek immediate therapy.
"What IS this? Is John alive after all?"
Seek immediate therapy.
maybe you should!
Yoko Ono gave her permission to use John in this commercial she posted. They are trying to slide him in slowly but surely. Read what it says at the mrpilgrim youtube site.
Yoko Ono gave her permission to use John in this commercial she posted. They are trying to slide him in slowly but surely. Read what it says at the mrpilgrim youtube site.
Does that mean Fred Astaire and Orville Reddenbacher are coming back as well? I think I remember seeing them posthumously promoting in a few ads somewhere recently...
Whoever made the pid videos before IAAP sure was a crap speller:
"officially pronuaced dead"
the "scull"
"Yoko Ono gave her permission to use John in this commercial she posted. They are trying to slide him in slowly but surely. Read what it says at the mrpilgrim youtube site."
Here's a trick you can try at home. Set up your own YouTube account, cut and paste a video with all kinds of crazy images, and make a title that says anything you can imagine, like "John Lennon is Alive." Then sit back and watch as people start to believe whatever you put up there . . .because YouTube videos are the most reliable source of information by anonymous kids living in Holland. I've made dozens and dozens of these crazy videos. It's really easy to do! Hint: slowed down video, images of scary stuff, and Egyptian symbols work best. For some reason, kids tend to think things are true when vidoes are played back reaaallly slowly and you have some bubbling sounds in the background. You don't need to know why these tricks work. Just use them and you will be amazed at how many subscribers and creepy messages you'll get from your fans. If you make at least three of these videos, Mikey will put you on his discussion board. So will NIR, TKIN, and there's a good chance Tafultong will mention it and post a link as if it is something important or worthwhile.
Don't worry. No one checks to see if what you say is true or not. They are already willing to believe anything you say, as long as you remember to slow down the video and use some Egyptian pictures.
That's the beauty of the trick!
I had my 8 year old nephew make a PID video once. I gave him a bunch of pictures and had him drop them in the video any way he wanted.
People are STILL discussing what my 8 year old nephew put together randomly while eating Kraft Dinner!
"People are STILL discussing what my 8 year old nephew put together randomly while eating Kraft Dinner!"
Can you link to the video, please?
I like Sunking's new video and it's about damn time he got in on the act. Iamaphoney stole his thunder and now Sunking is the forgotten PIDder. My favorite part is the "I got this from a friend that worked at Apple" and of course it's all Phoney footage and everything is spelled incorrectly. If that's the handiwork of Neil Aspinall than he was slightly retarded.
MikeNL said...
what else are they looking at on the inter-webs : ]?
Not at you little boy....or middle aged man....or whatever identity you're using today.
Terrible Lennon impersonation on that Laptop commercial. Sounds like an American's attempt at a bad Liverpudlian accent. Couldn't Yoko have spent a little money to find a good imitator? Has the economy gotten to Yoko too?
How cool would it have been for the JIA'ers if it sounded exactly like him?
It would have scared the hell out of me.
Imagine Exploiting John Lennon.
People are literally putting words into Johns mouth. Something he fought against all his life. Sad to see him become a tool.
That commercial is so bad it's like a Beatle parody. It's one thing to use his image or his music, but to have some crappy impersonator speak for him is shameful.
Anonymous said...
That commercial is so bad it's like a Beatle parody. It's one thing to use his image or his music, but to have some crappy impersonator speak for him is shameful.
December 28, 2008 11:49 AM
yeah it is.
"Don't worry. No one checks to see if what you say is true or not. They are already willing to believe anything you say, as long as you remember to slow down the video and use some Egyptian pictures."
Doesn't matter. When they are shown the truth, they just distort it to fit their agenda. You might as well give it up. You can't win over the psychologically disturbed.....did I say that out loud?
I am glad Paul is having fun with all of this.....and them.....I know I enjoy his humor.
SiLLy RaBBits
I've been tempted to join NIR not to debate PID because I'd get thrown out but to correct so many discography and recording trivia errors I read there. I really don't want to join NIR just to post this but I'll rely on Jude to relay the message since he seems to know a bit more about Paul's solo career than most at NIR:
RE: McCartney II
"Coming Up" was slated to be a Wings song but Paul broke up the band before they got around to releasing a studio version (although a live Wings version was the A-side in the U.S. with the album version relegated to a B-Side). Paul's vocals are sped up on the album version and tracks like "Darkroom" and "Bogeymusic" have sped up or slowed down vocals. Paul had just purchased state of the art (at the time) recording equipment and what began as an experiment in trying to figure out the new equipment (hence the song "Check My Machine" which is Paul LITERALLY checking his machine) the tracks resulted in an album. You have to remember that something as commonplace now as a drum machine was seen as revolutionary in the 70's and 80's and everyone jumped on the bandwagon, especially established acts like Queen and McCartney (much to the chagrin of their long time fans I suspect). At the time there was a belief that New Wave music had obliterated the past and old rock dinosaurs were to be cast aside and forgotten. The Clash for example sang about "no more Beatles and Rolling Stones" and Pete Townshend was so threatened that he had a one on one with the Sex Pistols and challenged them to go ahead and take over if they had the guts to do it. Being an act from the 60's was terminally unhip in 1980 and rock magazines (always looking to sell papers) jumped all over New Wave and declared the ld guard irrelevant. Paul half-heartedly toyed with New Wave on "Back To The Egg" with the song "Spin It On" and in typical Paul fashion told anyone he could how much he loved New Wave and the new music (jokingly calling his music "Permanent Wave").
McCartney II does sound unlike anything Paul had done before but it also sounds a heck of a lot like something Devo or Visage would have put out in 1980 which was the whole point, to appear hip (it's also why he dresses up like Ron Mael of Sparks in the "Coming Up" video).
As we all know New Wave like Punk before it and Glam Rock before that was a passing fad despite all the hype and the CD racks now are littered with curious New Wave sounding records by established artists who should have known better (Alice Cooper, Jethro Tull???).
By the way it was called McCartney II because much like in 1970, Paul had left a band and made an album where he played everything himself (even the saxophone!).
Hmmm . .but what they called New Wave was mostly marketing. A lot of that stuff was just derivative 60's pop with synthesizer thrown in there.
Anonymous said....Hmmm . .but what they called New Wave was mostly marketing. A lot of that stuff was just derivative 60's pop with synthesizer thrown in there.
Maybe in the U.S. to some degree with bands like The Cars and Blondie but the U.K. story was Heaven 17 and Human League and tons of entirely synth-based acts that were about as far from 60's pop as you could get. The return to a more traditional pop sound came with the New Romantic movement a few years later and bands like Duran Duran (oh there we go again! lol) which is also why so many New Romantic acts took off in the U.S. charts in 83.
Culture Club would be a good idea of marketing hype since they were billed as a New Wave act and certainly had a bizarre frontman in Boy George but their music was dead on 60's soul. That was 1983 though.
In the late 70'sMcCartney would be competing with the likes of The Normal
This song is considered a classic of the genre and if you listen to this and Paul's "Temporary Secretary" you'll hear what he was going for.
Here's another definitive New Wave track from the same year as McCartney 2
This and Warm Leatherette would be typical of the "old guard is dead and this is the new music" sound that influenced so many albums by classic rock bandwagon jumpers. McCartney 2 makes sense in this context.
Of interest to anyone looking at McCartney II would be the interview album issued in late 1980 called "The McCartney Interview" where he talks about the making of McCartney II as well as a host of other topics. It really runs the gamut ranging from seldom told stories about the Beatles' early days, Wings, Punk and New Wave music and even PID (no big shock there as Paul loves to talk about PID since it's a big part of his legend and makes him seem less square than he really is). It's probably the best McCartney interview out there since it's relaxed and runs about an hour long.
It's also worth noting that after McCartney II, Paul reinvented himself once again as the all around pop star making slick little records that could easily be played next to the latest soft rock hit from Lionel Richie and Phil Collins. He and George Martin blatantly copied David Foster's and Phil Ramone's production style in the 80's (well to be fair everyone did).
Despite the revisionist history that one reads about McCartney being labeled a square with Wings in the 70's (and he was in the rock press) it was really the 80's that did him in and forever sealed his fate as a lightweight softie. He's got no one but himself to blame when he's cranking out hits like "So Bad" and "No More Lonely Nights", duetting with the #1 pop star in the country and going on Entertainment Tonight to praise The Cosby Show (possibly the squarest TV show of all time). In his defense, it was right for the times and people certainly did love it all in 1983.
By the time he reemerged in 1989 with the Beatle sounding "My Brave Face" from "Flowers In The Dirt" after the disastrous 1986 "Press To Play" album (Paul's attempt at making a record like Peter Gabriel's smash hit "So" minus any of those pesky good songs) there was nothing left for him to do but coast on his ex-Beatle status since there was a renewed interest in the 60's in the late 80's as current pop music headed into the abyss of Expose and New Kids On The Block.
I know I'm getting long winded here but it bears mentioning that McCartney stopped being an innovator in 1980. His Wings material came under a lot of criticism in the 70's but to his credit those records don't sound like anything else out there and yet remained contemporary (the lone exception being Paul's attempt at Disco, 1979's "Goodnight Tonight").
From McCartney II onwards Paul is following trends. McCartney II being his New Wave album, Tug Of War. Pipes Of Peace and the new songs on Give My Regards To Broad Street marking his David Foster influenced soft pop Top 40 period, and Press To Play an example of the big drum/fairlight synth records being made by Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins and Steve Winwood at the same time. Flowers In The Dirt is an anomoly as it's got one foot in the David Foster period ("Motor Of Love", "How Many People?") and one foot in his Beatle past. From that point on Paul's records become homages to his Beatle past for the most part although Chaos And Creation In The Backyard owes a bit to Radiohead and their producer.
Account closed.
Video removed by user.
Anon said: "I know I'm getting long winded here but....."
They don't want to hear any facts. As far as they are concerned, anything media/news related is hogwash; nothing more than PR manipulation. Just tell them something juicy about Paul being the devil.....or dead. That is what they want to hear.
Interesting "Secrets of the Beatles" show on the BBC this morning. Anybody know if there's anything to this Schwartz lady's story about finding a love letter from Epstein to McCartney? McCartney has an affair with her before Jane Asher dumps him and he trots off to the altar with Linda. IAAP has messed around with how I look at this stuff, regardless of how much of it is blatant fakery...I can't help but think there's something wrong with Paul's eyes at a certain point...slanted down at the outsides and cat-like....creepy
Interesting "Secrets of the Beatles" show on the BBC this morning. Anybody know if there's anything to this Schwartz lady's story about finding a love letter from Epstein to McCartney? McCartney has an affair with her before Jane Asher dumps him and he trots off to the altar with Linda. IAAP has messed around with how I look at this stuff, regardless of how much of it is blatant fakery...I can't help but think there's something wrong with Paul's eyes at a certain point...slanted down at the outsides and cat-like....creepy
December 29, 2008 2:19 AM
There you go! That's what they want! Juicy, juicy!
"regardless of how much of it is blatant fakery"
I'll let that statement stand alone.
I have been a follower of The Beatles and the Fab Four as solo artists for many, many years now. I have especially enjoyed Paul McCartney's music, be it his one man band works, his time with Wings, The Fireman, etc. His diverse musical style has always been what the doctor ordered, and I am very thankful for his hard work to keep me entertained. I am also thankful that he reluctantly tossed aside the guitar to play the bass; it is for this reason that I too became a bass player. I have much admiration for Sir Paul, but I also realise that he is by no means a Saint, none of us are. I just don't understand why people will go as far as creating YouTube accounts and blogs to trash or sanction the trashing of a single individual. This just boggles my mind. You people need to get a hobby, a girlfriend or boyfriend, and some of you psychotherapy, many of you a job. I know none of what I have written will matter to any here, but if Sir Paul does frequent this blog, I hope he realises that the number of fans out-weighs the number of critics (the four "or five" magicians posting here).
To the above poster:
'Tis YOU who will sound the fool come 2012. We shall see who has the last laugh. Apologies will be in order and expected.
To the above poster:
'Tis YOU who will sound the fool come 2012. We shall see who has the last laugh. Apologies will be in order and expected.
December 29, 2008 6:14 AM
I hope you will hold fast to your word come 2012. "Apologies will be in order and expected."
To the guy writing about Paul following musical trends-
You forgot to mention his recrutment of the mighty TREVOR HORN for "Flowers In The DIrt"
His ZTT label was an interesting experiment in pompus pop music!
Ps I guess no one like my theory from the last post.
LOL now theyre using John's likeness to sell a non-profit organizations laptop mission?
too weird... haha
'Tis YOU who will sound the fool come 2012. We shall see who has the last laugh. Apologies will be in order and expected.
2,000 years of history demonstrates that those who expect certain prophecies to be fulfilled never apologize when nothing happens. We now have 2,000 years of failed predictions, ranging from the date of Christ's return, the 'offical" announcement of ET life, the end of the world (most recent ballyhoo: 5/5/2000, January 1, 2001) and countless more.
See ya in 2012.
"I just don't understand why people will go as far as creating YouTube accounts and blogs to trash or sanction the trashing of a single individual."
We like the editing.
"We like the editing."
You forgot Tafultong's other excuse.
"I look at it as historical fiction"
That's like watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon and saying "Y'know...this is open to so many interpretations. Maybe the point here isn't to make us laugh. Maybe it's a well thought out study in animal behavior."
2012 the mayan calendar and blah blah blah. Too bad the conpiracy nutjobs have no sense of history otherwise they'd remember those other great dates for end of the world/final revealtion like August of 1987/the Harmonic Convergence or the 1999 Meteor hit that never came or Y2K. All began with loads of chatter and knowing winks and "you've been warned" and of course the dates pass by with nothing and the conspiracy freaks just pretend like they never said anything and instead talk up a new date in the near future and all the hodge podge half understood pagan reasoning why something big will happen and it never does.
You wanna have fun? Listen to old episodes of Art Bell. It's one doomsday scenario after another and every panicked dope you can imagine calling up and asking where they can hide and of course the date passes with nothing.
For all those religious nuts who attatch the return of Christ to those dates (and they've done it with all of them) the Bible says no man will know the day or the hour of Christ's return so don't waste your time spewing nonsense about a date because you ain't smarter than God.
For all those religious nuts who attatch the return of Christ to those dates (and they've done it with all of them) the Bible says no man will know the day or the hour of Christ's return so don't waste your time spewing nonsense about a date because you ain't smarter than God.
December 29, 2008 3:22 PM
Not bad Mikey. Nice use of the original backing tack but you need more harmonies.
I know you're flashing images of Dennis Wilson in that video because of the Manson/Dennis connection and your love of all things Iamaphoney but you should know that Dennis is not on the track. Hal Blaine plays drums.
By the way The Beach Boys didn't write that song. It's an old folk tune.
Anonymous said...
Not bad Mikey. Nice use of the original backing tack but you need more harmonies.
I know you're flashing images of Dennis Wilson in that video because of the Manson/Dennis connection and your love of all things Iamaphoney but you should know that Dennis is not on the track. Hal Blaine plays drums.
By the way The Beach Boys didn't write that song. It's an old folk tune.
December 29, 2008 4:52 PM
i know,
but i just searched on google for a couple of pictures of the beach boys... and i just put it in there ;).
Your relationship with Iamaphoney reminds me of the relationship Dennis Wilson had with Manson. Wilson thought Manson was a genius and called him a wizard until Manson stole all his money and then Dennis had to go beat him up. Let's hope that Iamaphoney is no Manson and he doesn't steal your money and you don't have to go kick his ass. :)
Let me ask the skeptics this: do you think The Beatles had any relation whatsoever to magick (with a "K")? Forget the thing about Paul being literally dead, Manson, all that other stuff. What about magick?
I also liked your Christmas video. I laughed so hard when I saw Martin Lind=Former dancing around. lol
Anonymous said...
I also liked your Christmas video. I laughed so hard when I saw Martin Lind=Former dancing around. lol
December 29, 2008 5:19 PM
that's what i did it for :)
Yes. I do believe McCartney is a practitioner of Magick whether he knows it or not. But, I do believe he knows it. I also believe he practices ritual magick.
I also believe that David Hasselhoff pracrtices ritual magick.
"i know,
but i just searched on google for a couple of pictures of the beach boys... and i just put it in there ;)."
See how easy it is to make this stuff?
Yes. I do believe McCartney is a practitioner of Magick whether he knows it or not. But, I do believe he knows it. I also believe he practices ritual magick.
Whether he knows it or not? Oh brother. Paul is a stoner. He likes to goof around and write songs. He's too far too skeptical of a person to don robes and practice ritual magick (oh, how I hate that pretentious Crowley "k" in magic).
Anyone that thinks Paulie would believe in any of that mumbo jumbo obviously isn't familiar with his oft-stated worldview. The time Paul said he experienced "real magic" (with a "c") was when his daughter Mary was born.
See you nutcases at the next fantasy Beatle Magick convention. It's sort of like a Renaissance fair, except it's populated by 50 and 60 something Beatlemaniac women who would like to imagine Paul getting them ready for his polygon.
"Anyone that thinks Paulie would believe in any of that mumbo jumbo obviously isn't familiar with his oft-stated worldview. The time Paul said he experienced "real magic" (with a "c") was when his daughter Mary was born."
You're in for a rude awakening.
Yeah the sad thing for all you hocus pocus freaks is that "magick" doesn't work. The only "magick" that shyster Crowley ever pulled was getting superstitious teenagers raised on a steady diet of Harry Potter to take his horseshit seriously long after he died.
Doesn't matter what we say though. You'll think you're right anyway. I feel like us IAAP naysayers are like surrogate parents, telling you to get your head out of your ass but you won't listen to a word of it. Then you'll get middle aged and say to yourself "Chit! Was I THAT stupid as a teenager?".
Yes you are.
You're in for a rude awakening.
Why not give yourself one? Why not buy all of Crowley's books and try to make some "magick" of your own? PID is a cult anyway. You know you want to. Then when you're sitting in your parents' basement contemplatimng your own failure maybe you'll say to yourself "Gee perhaps I shouldn't have believed all that internet shit".
What we have here at this blog and at IAAP's videos and at NIR are a lot of fake ass Christians who bent over and took one for the occult in a big way. If only you were so passionate about Christianity...but it's obvious you've rejected that now.
Fuck your christianity. Fuck all your religions.
And, by the way, fuck crowley too. All he did was use his power of persuasion, illusion, and mindfuckery to fuck men, women, children and goats, while promising magickal results.
In the real world, he was just a perverted drug addict (scarred by his childhood and rebelling against the "christianity" which created "The Beast 666") that knew how to con people fulfill his sick fetishes and provide him with drugs.
Someone else chose to walk his path, yet they became much more successful, and much more pathetic. For the sake of taf, I wont reveal His name, else his church would sue the fuck out of all of us.
Iamaphoney is directly or indirectly doing the same thing, trying to get his cult rolling.
And it works on fools.
Too bad there are so many fools out there.
My ass stinks of cheese and eggs.
Rude awakening?
Paul is 66 years old.
Hundreds of "tell all" books have been published by close associates looking to make a buck.
Everyone knows Paul was a skirt chaser. Few would raise an eyebrow if he was skirt chasing to perform sex-magick.
Like anon said, it's all bogus anyway.
The rude awakening is discovering there is nothing to your fantasies. It's the same rude awakening that's been going on for thousands of years. Over and over again. It's the same awakening when kids grow up and learn about the Easter Bunny. The same awakening when you realize the boyfriend/girlfriend you put on a pedestal was just a person after all. The same awakening when you discover that the Beatles were just an act. Talented, but an act all the same.
"What you have to consider is the possibility that God doesn’t like you. Could be, God hates you."
Seal of the Papacy offers your keys to their kingdom.
Now give me your money and give me grounds to blackmail you.
Who else does that, but with a new-age slant?
god give Hitler the laurels of Victory
- Francisco Franco, Knight of the Order of Christ
Yet, we hear nothing about Iamaphoney going on a shopping spree at Hugo Boss.
iamaphoney's nuremberg eagle tatoo is cool tho!
The Beatles were magick. Paul has all but admitted it. You will see. This is a matter of pride now.
You are all dense. Why do you think the Iamaphoney project has not been removed for slander? Apple may not be the most organized and up-to-date company, but like any other major company, their legal team keeps a close eye on youtube. You don't think Neil Aspinall had something to do with all of this before he died? Connect the dots, please.
it's time
"The Fireman Like Youtube"
is an anagram. Figure it out.
You are all dense. Why do you think the Iamaphoney project has not been removed for slander? Apple may not be the most organized and up-to-date company, but like any other major company, their legal team keeps a close eye on youtube. You don't think Neil Aspinall had something to do with all of this before he died? Connect the dots, please.
YOU'RE dense! Those videos are up for the same reason thousands of other Beatles videos are up. YES Apple IS that disorganized in fact they're famous for it. I'm sorry but is this NEWS TO YOU?
Neil Aspinall had nothing to do with Iamaphoney. Don't fall for the fake ass Apollo shit on NIR. Apollo has popped in and out of here from time to time and YES it was a hoax. DUH! It's not hard to fool you people. You corner the market on gullible. Gullible and self righteous=the ultimate combination. You're anybody's to have and you've been played like a violin.
The idea that Neil Aspinall would give a shit about some dumbass teenagers and their death fantasies is so goddamned stupid I mean really! Neil didn't know or care about you. Paul doesn't know or care about you. I know you want to believe the world spins around you but it doesn't.
"Apple may not be the most organized and up-to-date company, but like any other major company, their legal team keeps a close eye on youtube. "
Some accounts stay up, some are down later the same day. Hmmm, I cant quite put my finger on it....... cant quite figure out.... this..... out....
Apple is selectively enforcement.. The Fireman Loves Youtube, I've talked to him.... really!
His voice is warmer then the sun
"The idea that Neil Aspinall would give a shit about some dumbass teenagers and their death fantasies is so goddamned stupid I mean really! Neil didn't know or care about you. Paul doesn't know or care about you. I know you want to believe the world spins around you but it doesn't.
December 30, 2008 12:01 AM"
Things really really really make you mad!
Things really really really make you mad!
December 30, 2008 12:07 AM
You people are unbelievable!
Your name wouldn't happen to start with a J? Now would it?
So it's that easy to "slander" McCartney and get away with it? Phoney's videos have been viewed thousands of times. Shouldn't someone in authority have noticed by now? If you were accused of being a replacement, the antichrist, a phony, a conspirator in murder, linked to a serial killer, a practitioner of magick, and a reptilian how would you feel?? Would that bother you? That's a load of accusations against a person's character. This has been going on for two years now. Think about it.
People have said that Tom Cruise is gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that if he is.
He sued the living F*CK out of them.
And won. In court.
Paul is such a class act man, people call him a satanic lizard witch and he says "The Fireman Loves Youtube".
So what can we take from all of this?
1 Tom is g*y as sh*t and just doesn't want his mom to know?
2 Paul CAN'T prove in a court of law that he ISN'T a satan worshiper?
3 This whole operation is flypaper to catch the crazy people
You think the security for people wouldn't be a little preemptive?
If you had a lot of money, how many meals can you eat a day? How many cars? How many pairs of shoes?
Peace of mind is a mouse click away!
In between ritual satanic sacrifices, while you are chewing on a fresh pineal gland, slip your security detail a list from youtube, track them based on INSIGHT, report it to your fellow travelers in the government, and OH MY GOD! FRESH PINEAL GLAND!
Jguilderslive is a douche
"2 Paul CAN'T prove in a court of law that he ISN'T a satan worshiper?"
He isn't a satan worshiper. No one really is! They just claim they are to bother some pushy religious types who won't leave well enough alone, and are always knocking at your door early on a saturday morning to hand you a tract and tell you..... hey! Now I know how to stop them... claim to be a satan wo..... weak ass christian that I am.... gotta get some sleep, rest up for the eternal hell that is earth.
anyways, back to Paul
maybe it would come out how involved he is in the Paul is Dead community. what better way to get back at the segment of your fans that you detest. give em a load of sh*t and watch them eat it with a spoon, count the money, pester some sexy crazy one legged pussy, and eat THOSE PINEAL GLANDS!
Videos that feature Dick Clark or Elton Jon video and you have ringtone ads up in minutes, and Dick Clark productions is named after a DEAD MAN!
Apple could shut this whole operation down. If it wasn't so amusing.
Like 911 this is being allowed to occur.
Could someone please pass the adrnachrome? Hunter S Thomas appears to be dead. We are fresh out of fresh pineal glands.
Paul's security is very preemptive.
Bern and Harold, Inc.
Why, they found time between saving his ass in Israel and the medal ceremony to come on here and announce that Iamaphoney had been arrested. Presumably for "moving like water" and being untraceable.
Then he escaped to make a bunch more videos. Then Bern's brother Harold caught up with Paul on Route 66 rest stop to tell him all about it again, at which point the lawyers had a meeting and a lovely lunch, made a couple of phoney calls, asked a Brit what the fu*k "ARSED" meant, had few drinks, padded the expense account, screwed a secretary, got online and watched another IAAP vid, freaked out, read Taf's blog, believed in the artistic editing and historically accurate fictionalization, sent the bill, deposited the check, and dreamed of golf. Quietly and silently laughing during meetings about the "ARSED" usage, asked by superior partner in the firm "What are you laughing at??" and replied,
"if I answered that, I'd have to bill you!"
and the superior said
"F*ck that, BILL PAUL!"
""F*ck that, BILL PAUL!"
December 30, 2008 12:59 AM"
You sank my battleship!
The best way to win the game battleship?
The rubes will keep on loosing. Nobody walks between the raindrops without moving the ships.
So thats how my cousin always won at battleship! I ran out of pegs before one hit!
"Anonymous said...
So thats how my cousin always won at battleship! I ran out of pegs before one hit!
December 30, 2008 1:06 AM"
That you Angie?
I think I can sum up the Apollo C. Vermouth/Neil Aspinall scenario with less anger than our angry friend above who does himself no favors by getting worked up over something that doesn't affect him personally. Yes, the possibility that Apollo C. Vermouth was Neil Aspinall exists just as it's possible that Tafultong is secretly Paul McCartney or that I'm secretly George W. Bush. The possibility exists but it is slim to none. The one fault all hoaxers seem to share is the inability to keep their mouths shut. I've gleaned from comments here and on Iamaphoney's own YouTube page that "Apollo" was joined by at least three other people in purposely hoaxing NIR just to watch what they said be treated with hallowed reverance and then dissected and spread around the internet until it became accepted as gospel. This is not exactly a new tactic or pastime on message boards concerning conspiracy theories. Stoking the fires can be great fun and gives one a sense of celebrity. As I said there have been comments here and elsewhere alluding to a mysterious "Apollo" figure encouraging antagonists to write comments pro-PID and anti-PID just to watch the reaction. In fact there was a comment from a disgruntled member of Apollo's inner circle not too long ago on Iamaphoney's page. Reading between the lines it's far more likely that a group of friends decided to have fun at everyone else's expense than it is Neil Aspinall secretly dictating vague PID clues from an undisclosed location. After all it happens here on this blog constantly. Only a few days ago someone made a satirical video linking Duran Duran to PID and for a moment someone else took it seriously. In retrospect there has been an awful lot of hoaxing and mind game tricks weaved into this addictive tapestry called PID and the evidence points to these tricks coming more from the PID community itself than from the remnants of Apple.
Don't tell your mom that I am on here! She'll call my mom and she can't know the reason I am flunking out of college is this Iamaphoney nonsense!
You don't tell YOUR MOM either! She'll call MY MOM!
Made her watch the kids the other night so I could "run some errands".
Errands being pouring over 100's of google images for the clues to the Paul is Dead. If my mom knew I did that while she was changing poopie diapers, she may NEVER DO IT AGAIN! Then how am I going to get Paul's polygon inside of me? Oh my God, you can't repeat that to Steve! He may divorce me! I know you never liked him Dennis, but Steve is so God-damn gullible! I can tell him anything! When he asks why there is no dinner and the floors aren't clean, I say its because I defrosted the freezer. WE HAVE A SELF-DEFROSTING FREEZER!
Spent the day searching google for more clues! Found some too, you would not believe it! I am starting to think that Paul was killed BEFORE the car crash. The photographic evidence supports this.
Going to make a video some day.
I will put it on my ipod and we can pretending I am showing you baby pictures at the next family reunion. Steve will buy it. He is dumb as a box of hammers!
"I've gleaned from comments here and on Iamaphoney's own YouTube page that "Apollo" was joined by at least three other people in purposely hoaxing NIR just to watch what they said be treated with hallowed reverance and then dissected and spread around the internet until it became accepted as gospel."
Learned the English you danish dane danes!
should be
English is not my second language. Sorry!
See there you go again! Not your FIRST LANGUAGE!
Get it RIGHT! GOD! This makes me so MAD!
Yes, the funny thing is, my niece made a seminal video that is STILL BEING TALKED ABOUT THIS VERY MOMENT while eating said "Kraft dinner"
I think we all learned a lesson.
Take care,
Sir Larry Mildew
Are you leaving again Larry? This time for good?
"If my mom knew I did that while she was changing poopie diapers, she may NEVER DO IT AGAIN! Then how am I going to get Paul's polygon inside of me?"
If you ever get Paul's polygon inside you girl, take a picture of it. I know this gay guy in Dallas who can verify if it had been REPLACED!
Girls, if we can crack this case open WE WILL BE ON OPRAH!
" Anonymous said...
Yes, the funny thing is, my niece made a seminal video that is STILL BEING TALKED ABOUT THIS VERY MOMENT while eating said "Kraft dinner"
I think we all learned a lesson.
Take care,
Sir Larry Mildew
December 30, 2008 1:24 AM"
Thought it was your son that made the video Larry? Now it's your niece? Over a kraft dinner?
"Thought it was your son that made the video Larry? Now it's your niece? Over a kraft dinner?
December 30, 2008 1:30 AM"
Oh if you only knew how many video's were made over a kraft dinner, you wouldn't believe it! Why, in fact, I can't be ARSED to get off my ARSE and make one without I get a steaming bowl of the kraft dinner.
But, that's how we roll.... here i... merry old england EH WOT?
When I prepare for a night of Shakespear, I do it with a Kraft Dinner.
IZ EHEATS de kraft dinhurs wen i gits bac frum de club wid me buds aftur a nite of smokin wei-d wid a hunny.
Kraft dinhurs double twice gud,EAT AND FIGHT.
"Girls, if we can crack this case open WE WILL BE ON OPRAH!
December 30, 2008 1:29 AM"
Bring me with you! Oprah and friends needs me! I could be their Beatle consultant! I know every picture has ever been put on google about Paul McCartney.
See mom!??!? Told you this would some day pay off! Iamgoingtobeonoprah!!!
Take that IAAP!
When I am super busy writing a blog post, I eat a hearty meal of Kraft dinner to give me inspiraton!
Kraft dinner, all the cool PID'ers are eating it, shouldn't YOU????
Sorry Angie, I told my mom about you telling Steve you spent the whole day defrosting your SELFDEFROSTING freezer so you could surf the internet solving google searched Paul McCartney photographs.
Steve was well aware of your deceptions, we are planning an intervention this morning. The only reason I am telling you now is to get back at you for all those times you cheated at battleship. You really shouldn't have done that to me Angie. I had to go to to a psycologist. I felt that I couldn't be a man from losing to you at battleship.
As a wise person said, from the movie "Wrath of Kahn"
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Well, here is a cold plate of kraft revenge for you Angie. Steve is going to leave you and take the kids if you don't stop this iamaphoney nonsense.
I don't get the constant Kraft dinner jokes.
or should it be konstant Kraft dinner jokes.
..I'm off to play Lara Kraft.
Let that be a lesson kids. Cheating at battleship by moving your ships makes early retirements for Psychologists!
sponsored by Milton Bradly
"I had my 8 year old nephew make a PID video once. I gave him a bunch of pictures and had him drop them in the video any way he wanted.
People are STILL discussing what my 8 year old nephew put together randomly while eating Kraft Dinner!
December 27, 2008 8:53 PM"
It was at the way up at the top.
~The Kraft meme warrior
Hi Ho Noodle, away!
Anonymous said...
I don't get the constant Kraft dinner jokes.
or should it be konstant Kraft dinner jokes.
..I'm off to play Lara Kraft.
December 30, 2008 1:50 AM
Some douchey douche let his 8 year old make a pid video that EVERYONE is talking about to THIS VERY DAY.
So if you want to make PID history, eat some kraft dinner. Gits the crazies all worked up and talking!
It is true, like the old chestnut that if you leave 1,000 monkeys in a room with a 1,000 typerwriters for 1,000 years you would get the complete works of Shakespear,
~The Kraft Dinner Meme Warrior
Apollo's favorite word: douche.
Is Apollo a little upset about being outed tonight?
So that's how MikeNL has been winning at Battleship all these years! He moves the ships!
Oh, I am totally ripped now MikeNL. If you were to put me dancing in a video now, the BeatlemaniacMILF's would want my polygon instead of Sir Paul's of this you can be sure, REALLY!
So you cut out the Kraft dinners eh Former?
No wonder your IAAP videos sux now!
Kraft Dinner : Makes good PID Videos!
~The Kraft Dinner Meme Warrior
Hi Ho Noodle, AWAY!
So former is now as skinny as the IAAP Actor????
Now we are certain to get a job with Oprah and friends girls!
Former lost all the weight eating Kraft Dinners!
~The Kraft Dinner Meme Warrior
Hi Ho Noodle, AWAY!
Ps I guess no one like my theory from the last post.
December 29, 2008 8:56 AM"
I did Vince. I did.
Who ate the Kraft dinner, who eats Pineal glands? Paul of Faul?
Yesterday was writen on Kraft dinners, Helter Skelter on Pineal glands....
And survey says?
Backmasked "I've got blisters on me fingers"
"Backmasked "I've got blisters on me fingers"
December 30, 2008 2:11 AM"
Leave the jokes to the hired guns kid.
Now we are certain to get a job with Oprah and friends girls!
December 30, 2008 2:06 AM"
Beatle MILF? That you?
Steve is going to take your kids if you don't stop this Iamaphoney nonsense!
I don't care if Steve takes my children. As long as I can prove using photographic imagery that Paul was dead before the car crash, and that leads me to landing a job with OPRAH WINDFRY, Steve can take all the children in thee world!
If ever I need or want children Oprah will buy them for me. She once did that for an entire studio audience. They were Chinees babies. But Oprah did it. And we can eat Kraft dinners and look over Paul McCartney google images on every Oprah and friends episode. Then, and only maybe then, can I get Paul's sweet polygon love.
I don't get the "polygon" references
"See you nutcases at the next fantasy Beatle Magick convention. It's sort of like a Renaissance fair, except it's populated by 50 and 60 something Beatlemaniac women who would like to imagine Paul getting them ready for his polygon.
December 29, 2008 8:37 PM"
From the top.
Kraft Dinners and Pepsi
A FormerMedia classic studio meal.
"If ever I need or want children Oprah will buy them for me. She once did that for an entire studio audience. "
Nominating this one for line of the night
Honorable mention
"So former is now as skinny as the IAAP Actor????
Honorable mention: Multiple Memes
That double fake Tafultongg is going to lead to a banage on you
"banage "
That a word?
strategery... it is NOW
You are all dense. Why do you think the Iamaphoney project has not been removed for slander? Apple may not be the most organized and up-to-date company, but like any other major company, their legal team keeps a close eye on youtube. You don't think Neil Aspinall had something to do with all of this before he died? Connect the dots, please.
December 29, 2008 11:39 PM
Nice try phoney
You are all dense. Why do you think the Iamaphoney project has not been removed for slander? Apple may not be the most organized and up-to-date company, but like any other major company, their legal team keeps a close eye on youtube. You don't think Neil Aspinall had something to do with all of this before he died? Connect the dots, please.
December 29, 2008 11:39 PM
Connects the dots? If they were to remove all the copyrighted material from youtube, there would be about 6 videos left; no youtube, no advertisement for the artists.
Connect those dots.
So it's that easy to "slander" McCartney and get away with it? Phoney's videos have been viewed thousands of times. Shouldn't someone in authority have noticed by now? If you were accused of being a replacement, the antichrist, a phony, a conspirator in murder, linked to a serial killer, a practitioner of magick, and a reptilian how would you feel?? Would that bother you? That's a load of accusations against a person's character. This has been going on for two years now. Think about it.
December 30, 2008 12:13 AM
If you removed everything like this from the internet, there would only be porn left.
Are you leaving again Larry? This time for good?
December 30, 2008 1:24 AM
Larry really got to you, didn't he Anon?
So it's that easy to "slander" McCartney and get away with it? Phoney's videos have been viewed thousands of times. Shouldn't someone in authority have noticed by now? If you were accused of being a replacement, the antichrist, a phony, a conspirator in murder, linked to a serial killer, a practitioner of magick, and a reptilian how would you feel?? Would that bother you? That's a load of accusations against a person's character. This has been going on for two years now. Think about it.
December 30, 2008 12:13 AM
Q: Who knows about IAAP?
A: Virtually no-one.
Q: In Youtube terms, how popular is IAAP's channel?
A: Hardly popular at all. Videos of people farting get more views than all IAAP's put together.
Q: What would be McCartney's reaction to IAAP and his videos?
A: Eye-rolling and perhaps mild amusement.
Q: What would McCartney do 5 minutes after viewing IAAP videos?
A: Nothing. He would have already forgotten about it.
because he is ancient?
"I like the Walrus best," said Alice: "because you see he was a little sorry for the poor oysters."
"Q: Who knows about IAAP?
A: Virtually no-one.
Q: In Youtube terms, how popular is IAAP's channel?
A: Hardly popular at all. Videos of people farting get more views than all IAAP's put together."
The above pretty much sums it up. The majority of those posting here are part of IAAP's crew. They are the ones that have created all the alias YT channels, and their goal is to give the impression that they have a large following. YT statistics prove otherwise.
.....the comments here prove otherwise as well.
Take it away're up.
(Que the nonsense squad to show the h8terz how wrong they are)
"Shouldn't someone in authority have noticed by now? If you were accused of being a replacement, the antichrist, a phony, a conspirator in murder, linked to a serial killer, a practitioner of magick, and a reptilian how would you feel??"
Paul and his old band, The Beatles, were accused of all of that stuff and more back in the 60's. It's part of being famous. Wackos come out from their paneled basements where in anticipation of the apocalypse they've stored up several years' worth of Kraft Dinner and accuse celeb's of being vampires, reptilians, or Lindsay Lohan's half sister.
Besides, according to Taf, the series depicts the "universal love object" we know as Paul, as well as the evil satanic version. It's a very nuanced allegory. So nuanced, in fact, that no one else sees it.
PID is kinda like Kraft Dinner. You add a bunch of noodles, a little milk, one quarter stick or butter or margarine, but the cheese is still fake. You can't make the cheese real no matter how much you throw into that saucepan.
Sure, you could stir it up and add tuna or stuff about Manson's ranch, but the underlying cheese is not really cheese. It is, dare I say, a substitute, an impostor.
do you really think that He cares about the 10 people on the internet watching paul is dead videos?
he does not.
these videos are not for now.
they aren't meant to be understand now mostly.
the videos are the PREPARATION of the revelation.
when the revelation is complete. people will want to watch these videos to understand the truth.
it's part of all that.
from Nothing is Real to CODE.
from 1967 to 2006.
it's not finished.
nov. 2006 was the start of the preparation.
slowly but surely... slowly but surely.
There won't be a YouTube when the revelation is complete.
So after the revelation, we'll understand why those goofballs in the house screamed F**k! and why Phoney sets up fake McCartney accounts?
these videos are not for now.
Then why not put them up later?
do you really think that He cares about the 10 people on the internet watching paul is dead videos?
he does not.
these videos are not for now.
they aren't meant to be understand now mostly.
the videos are the PREPARATION of the revelation.
when the revelation is complete. people will want to watch these videos to understand the truth.
it's part of all that.
from Nothing is Real to CODE.
from 1967 to 2006.
it's not finished.
nov. 2006 was the start of the preparation.
slowly but surely... slowly but surely.
December 30, 2008 9:55 AM
Nice try Mike.
See what I mean? Same old people, just posting as anonymous to stir the pot, promoting their own nonsense.
and bingo was his name-o
Iamaphoney is not for now.
He is for later.
When the Revelation comes.
The videos don't even exist.
Can't you see?
Much has been said
Art has been made
Revelation is coming
Time is soon
It is written
Not now
It's time
Not now though
Don't worry
I don't know about you but I've stopped reading the Bible and being religious after getting into the Rotten Apple series. I find more truth in Iamaphoney than I've found in the new testament.
The videos are not for now.
They are for then.
The people will finally understand the little "v" shape squiggle from the Fireman video looks sort of like a shape made when mirroring and inverting the cover of the Love album. This is the CODE.
They will understand that a cut out moustache looks sort of like a "V" or maybe a seagull.
It will be worth the wait.
If you're a complete wack job it will be worth the wait.
The V looks like a seagull? Yellow Submarine was written by Eric Seagal. Curiouser and curiouser. It's all making sense.
MikeNL is an anagram for Lik Men.
Of the recent comments, ~100 of them are probably the same bat-shit crazy person.
MikeNL is an anagram for Lik Men.
I intercepted this letter to Paul from Iamaphoney shortly before the videos started:
"Dear Sir Paul,
Why have you not responded to our request to produce your next album? Martin and I have produced many Danish artists and you do not have the decency to even respond! We are not small potatos Mr. McCartney and we will not stand for this rejection lightly. You have made new enemies in the music business because of this and you will see what happens when an artist thinks he is bigger than Martin and I. You have 3 days to respond "yes" to our request to work with you or we will turn many fans against you. We have ways. Really.
All the best,
New Youknowmyname231's video
I'm so bored with this.
Who are the guys with the Rolling Rock?
I'm sick o f briefcases and promises, but I've got to give props to YKMN231. That was some crazy deep stuff, although I'm not even sure what it is . . .but there is a direction and a meaning in those videos that I can't explain. His serious/comedic style reminds me of the Beatles. I have a funny feeling there is something going on there that actually matters.
Happy New Year!!!
parallel waves, see?
"That was some crazy deep stuff, although I'm not even sure what it is"
Hi, Mark!!
who's Mark?
GTFO of here with your stones shit. I am asking "WHO ARE THE PEOPLE/WHERE IS THAT CLIP FROM"?
couple of stupid frat boys? from penn state? like you?
good try.
nice try with " nice try"
good one, classic. Your mother will be proud.
Mike is the dike, not me.
"Of the recent comments, ~100 of them are probably the same bat-shit crazy person."
... back to same crazy college-failtard that posts here 100 times a day.
what do you expect from beer drinking frat boys waving the green bottles?
Now it's time to say good night
Good night Sleep tight.
You can come back tomorrow and post 100 posts. No one will care/read them regardless.
33 backwards is.....33!
how's your flaming pi? see the colors yet?
Fail again. Goto math class. 3.3 isnt Pi
you are a very poor detective, to say the least. I haven't posted anything here for a week or that just kinda leaves ...just . YOU?
"Fail again. Goto math class. 3.3 isnt Pi "
where'd ya get the decimal point?
3 is the first number that repeats in Pi, making it 33.
"Fail again. Goto math class. 3.3 isnt Pi "
where'd ya get the decimal point?
3 is the first number that repeats in Pi, making it 33.
Now you're on to something there sherlock.
When I say 1 bat-shit is here. IT WAS TRUTH.
Touché there sherlock.
So how does 3.14 round up to 3.3?
I think I can sum up the Apollo C. Vermouth/Neil Aspinall scenario with less anger than our angry friend above who does himself no favors by getting worked up over something that doesn't affect him personally. Yes, the possibility that Apollo C. Vermouth was Neil Aspinall exists just as it's possible that Tafultong is secretly Paul McCartney or that I'm secretly George W. Bush. The possibility exists but it is slim to none. The one fault all hoaxers seem to share is the inability to keep their mouths shut. I've gleaned from comments here and on Iamaphoney's own YouTube page that "Apollo" was joined by at least three other people in purposely hoaxing NIR just to watch what they said be treated with hallowed reverance and then dissected and spread around the internet until it became accepted as gospel. This is not exactly a new tactic or pastime on message boards concerning conspiracy theories. Stoking the fires can be great fun and gives one a sense of celebrity. As I said there have been comments here and elsewhere alluding to a mysterious "Apollo" figure encouraging antagonists to write comments pro-PID and anti-PID just to watch the reaction. In fact there was a comment from a disgruntled member of Apollo's inner circle not too long ago on Iamaphoney's page. Reading between the lines it's far more likely that a group of friends decided to have fun at everyone else's expense than it is Neil Aspinall secretly dictating vague PID clues from an undisclosed location. After all it happens here on this blog constantly. Only a few days ago someone made a satirical video linking Duran Duran to PID and for a moment someone else took it seriously. In retrospect there has been an awful lot of hoaxing and mind game tricks weaved into this addictive tapestry called PID and the evidence points to these tricks coming more from the PID community itself than from the remnants of Apple.
Hi, Mark.
Duran Duran tho!
I thought we summed that up and clearly linked it to the subject at hand!!
No trolls be here. Only marks.
From your head
Wipe your eyes
Go back to bed
In the morning
Skies'll clear
And I'll be here
You really don't know what you are talking about, but you wish you did, don't you?
I see everything...
But wait!! No you don't!!
when you think of me, from now on, you will Touché yourself.......
lo be it
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