This dichotomous idea has been expressed by the Beatles on many occasions, sometimes referring to all four, but nearly as often, focusing solely on Paul.
On Sgt. Pepper we have two sets of Beatles, one wearing strange uniforms and the other looking like the lovable moptops, but made of wax.

The next project, Magical Mystery Tour featured the four musicians, but also the four or five magicians.

Complicating Magical Mystery Tour was the fact that four were dressed in animal costumes, which covered their faces, leaving some ambiguity about who was who.

Most real Beatles fans were able to easily determine the identities of the Beatles in the animal costumes, but there were some deliberate actions on the part of the Beatles to confuse things. They donned the animal costumes for John's "I Am The Walrus" sequence, but all copies of the record sleeve had the words "'No, you're not,' said little Nicola" after the song title.

"Yellow Submarine" revisited the Beatles and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band dichotomy. The scene "Hey Bulldog," which was cut from the American version featured the Beatles and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band dressed identically and confusing the hell out of the bulldog. At one point Paul is running with his counterpart.

The White Album poster featured two Pauls, the one we know, who was looking a bit disheveled in some of the pictures and then this guy:

On "Abbey Road" the second Paul was either extremely subtle, or the product of an overly vivid imagination. In addition to the barefoot Paul on the front cover, some people see a part of Paul's face in the elbow of the girl walking by in a dress on the back cover.

Another contestable one would be the cover of the Beatles album released in America that had two names. "Hey Jude" also known as "The Beatles Again" had a picture of the Beatles in a doorway, but embedded in the top of the doorway in the same cover was another picture of the Beatles.

The "Let It Be" album seems to be a conspicuous exception to this alter egos pattern, unless you listen to the record itself where John keeps referring to strange artist parody names as if they are the performers. John says, "That was Can you dig it by Georgie Wood, and now we´d to do Hark the Angels Come" between the songs "Dig It" and "Let It Be." The book "Many Years From Now" suggests that Paul was more angry about that than he was about the strings and women singers on "The Long and Winding Road." The album even begins with John saying, "I dig a pygmy by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids; phase one in which Doris gets her oats!"
One could even argue that the Red and Blue greatest hits albums that feature the Beatles in nearly identical poses at the same location six years apart is yet another way to suggest alter egos or dual identities.
Most people seem to be of the opinion that the Rotten Apple series depicts Paul McCartney as purely evil, and they may be correct. But I have noticed some subtle references that could be interpreted in the other direction. Most people spotted the Beatles' "T" turning into a Christian cross. But, in several of the videos there are grids of letters that come from the Bible. One particular grid is from the Old Testament book of Judges.

This particular passage deals with Ehud, a warrior who was chosen as a deliverer to the Israelites. The people were being oppressed by King Eglon of Moab. Ehud took care of Israel's problem by stabbing the big fat king (who probably had a big fat toe) with his double-edged sword. The two-edged sword idea implies a dichotomy. In the book of Revelation, Jesus is identified with a double-edged sword to imply both mercy and judgment. Was this particular Bible passage chosen by random chance out of some conspiracy Bible Codes video or was Iamaphoney trying to imply that there are two Paul McCartneys, a double-edged sword if you will?
Again, the evidence is admittedly weak. Also, even if the video was implying a dichotomy of some sort, does it refer to a Jekyll and Hyde type character, an impersonator, or two physical Paul McCartneys?
I don't know the answer. But in addition to having a four-letter name and being portrayed with a double-edge sword, the Bible makes a special point of telling us one more characteristic about Ehud that he happens to share with Paul McCartney. Ehud was left-handed.
There are also the comments that McCartney himself has made on a number of occasions about the dichotomy between his public and private selves -- and about how his private self marvels at what he reads in the newspaper about the public one.
On at least one occasion, I think RA 65, Iamaphoney took a recorded McCartney telephone conversation of that nature and -- playing it up against the usual spooky music -- used it to suggest an actual physical replacement.
Iamaphoney also recently took an out-of-context Peter Asher statement about having known "both" McCartneys and used it for the same purpose.
There's one PID clue from "Yellow Submarine" that I've taken credit for being the first to spot -- since I've never read it anywhere else.
At least, I don't remember having read it anywhere else.
Or, if it's not a brand new PID clue, it's a reaffirmation of an old one.
The blue shirt and red-and-yellow tie that Paul is wearing throughout the cartoon movie is the same shade of blue-red-and-yellow that Superman's costume is colored in -- and on at least one occasion, the tie is clearly positioned in such a way as to become a familiar-looking "S" logo across the blue shirt.
"Will Paul come back as Superman?"
Superman himself is perhaps the ultimate human dichotomy -- the naturally human mild-mannered reporter and the unnatural and invulnerable other-worlder with powers far beyond those of mortal men.
Hey Paul! Are you natural or double?
Unrelated topic.
I'd love to be able to present this present to McCartney this Christmas.
The opportunity to do that would be MY present.
" Unrelated topic.
I'd love to be able to present this present to McCartney this Christmas.
The opportunity to do that would be MY present."
The opportunity to punch you in the face for being such a fascistic anti-vegan would be mine.
With respect Taf, I've rarely seen such a glaring example of torturing date to conform with one's own hypothesis. I can picture you re-watching those vids looking for the minutest example of a Jesus-Satan dichotomy, the page from Judges ranking among the biggest reaches you have attempted. Yet any sort of "Paul is Antichrist" message would necessarily contain references to Christ, and, indeed, it would show Paul in a Christlike manner if only because Antichrist is supposed to impersonate Christ.
There is no dichotomy (Yin Yang) message, only, as 65if states, a "Paul is a Double" message (as in a physical replacement).
RA aligns with the standard NIR theory that Beatle Paul was saintly and Faul is demonic.
Faul's not as bad as you nerds think, he's a little grumpy today, though.
The opportunity to punch you in the face for being such a fascistic anti-vegan would be mine.
Internet bad-ass detected
I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.
- George W. Bush
woooooow, so interesting!! there must be something going on if its backwards!
This stuff just keeps getting better and better! Keep it up Taf 'n crew!
I actually found the "Aftermath" portion of that Wiki to be rather intriguing. Seems like many of those Seltaeb fellows met rather unfortunate ends.
There is no dichotomy (Yin Yang) message, only, as 65if states, a "Paul is a Double" message (as in a physical replacement).
RA aligns with the standard NIR theory that Beatle Paul was saintly and Faul is demonic.
Actually, Anonymous, Tafultong might be onto something.
Someone once said that it's not the tale but he who tells it.
Iamaphoney's intention might be to simply say that the original Paul was replaced and is probably dead.
But maybe behind that, there's a latent message about the duality of the individual named Paul McCartney and of human nature in general.
As for the Paul good/Faul bad message, that comes across clearly in RA 30 (the "last" and the "first").
You see the "last" film ever made of original Paul in August 1966 -- as he's chatting away happily with the press at Heathrow Airport. Iamaphoney includes some background noise of birds chirping to underscore this man's virtue.
He then cuts to December 1966 for the "first" film ever made of replacement Paul with the more sinister-appearing disposition, and the woeful background noise cuts over the chirping birds.
Early Paul = good; Replacement Paul = bad.
But the more recent RA entries are not so Manichean. It's early Paul, after all, who must have signed Paperback Writer with the Crowleyesque "Ian Iachmoe" and it's early Paul who's allowing himself to be photographed on the Butcher Cover.
I think that on one or more occasions, Iamaphoney has suggested that the name "The Beatles" itself suggests evil character.
I don't know exactly what "Thebea" is supposed to mean though, unless it's supposed to be suggestive of "the beast".
But if Iamaphoney is saying that the group itself is supposed to be of questionable origins, that would again be a harsh reflection on the "original" Paul.
All the "Thebea" means is Italian for Thebes. Phoney, like Taf, points out slim connections like this, mostly for fun I think. Thebes is Egyptian, therefore it's a longshot reference to the and Masons and the rest. So he's putting emphasis on the fact that the first part of THEBEA-tles is "Thebea" (which is simply a creative connection). As you probably know, he then separates the "T" in Beatles (representing the cross) and leaves the last LES to stand alone.
There are eight of them. Watch The Anthology. A pair of Ringos, a pair of Georges, and a pair of Pauls. That means there's one Lennon fuckin' about somewhere.
As for "latent messages" in the series-there really is no single message, but I wouldn't read too much into Phoney or expect there is a subtext. He's not subtle, and there's no indication of that sort of artistry invovled.
No objective person could watch the entire RA series and conclude it was a parable on how there's a little good and evil in all of us.
*****No objective person could watch the entire RA series and conclude it was a parable on how there's a little good and evil in all of us.*****
That's almost surely not the intention of the person or persons responsible for the RA series.
But again, sometimes it's the tale and not the one who tells the tale.
Sometimes the story doesn't come out the way that the story-teller intended.
I haven't seen it myself, but I have heard that Oliver Stone's movie about George W. Bush portrays its subject in a more sympathetic light than Stone himself could have possibly intended.
Anyway, as far as the RA series is concerned, I'm not arguing that the portrait of "replacement Paul" is all that nuanced.
It's the portrait of the "original Paul" that has become the more nuanced. Iamaphoney seems to have decided at some point that "original Paul" is not as saintly as he might have thought once.
Although he wrote beautiful songs, Paul was, as he called his younger self, a "bad boy." Definitely no saint. But, when compared with other, more excessive rock stars, pretty restrained.
But again, sometimes it's the tale and not the one who tells the tale.
Indeed, this is the crux of Paul is Dead.
from the end of IAAP "Calendar"
er gsmdu mpe noaa gslr
using similar computer keyboard code he has used in the past..(going to the key and substituting it with it's neighbor)
we fansy now biss fake??
er gsmdu mpe noaa gslr
Name: Billy
Age: 45
I'm thinking they looped back from the 'a' to the furthest letter to the right ('l'), making "bill"?
er gsmdu mpe noaa gslr
we fansy now biss fake??
December 19, 2008 6:20 PM
maybe noaa = miss
we ***** now miss fake?
not sure about gsmdu there....
80021221 27 elppa nettor
this new info as well?
er gsmdu mpe noaa gslr
we ***** now bill fake
we fansy now bill fake??
CultureBat (5 hours ago)
IAAP is locked up
eMDO made the key
er gsmdu mpe noaa gslr
we fansy now bill fake
Anonymous said...
I'm thinking they looped back from the 'a' to the furthest letter to the right ('l'), making "bill"?
December 19, 2008 6:22 PM
Nice! Thanks!
they also misspelled "fancy"
Anonymous said...
they also misspelled "fancy"
December 19, 2008 6:41 PM
i don't think they intended it to spell:
we fansy now bill fake
Anyone got any insight on this?
what does it spell?
MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
they also misspelled "fancy"
December 19, 2008 6:41 PM
i don't think they intended it to spell:
we fansy now bill fake
December 19, 2008 7:11 PM
Any idea on this Mike?
Anonymous said...
MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
they also misspelled "fancy"
December 19, 2008 6:41 PM
i don't think they intended it to spell:
we fansy now bill fake
December 19, 2008 7:11 PM
Any idea on this Mike?
December 19, 2008 7:26 PM
no, i'm very bad with this stuff.
blogger MikeNL said...
no, i'm very bad with this stuff.
December 19, 2008 7:29 PM
cheers mate, me too!
CultureBat aka MilesDeo sucks cocks.
Paul does too. The dichotomy is well proven. If you only could see the clues Iamaphoney was trying to tell you.... He is Paul's gay lover.
He wants the world to know.
Pepper overload. Just to mix it up can you do a post on U.S. releases like the Hey Jude album that were put together by Capitol with no input from the Beatles and how those could relate to PID?
As an example on the RocknRoll album there is a thumb over Paul's head instead of a hand. It probably means nothing because there is a thumb under John's head too but little things like that might be good to look at because everyone only knows the U.K. releases as they are on CD and not these lost American version albums.
Just Come Together, because All We Need Is Love.
Space cadets, MilkyNay. The meds. They do nothing.
Capitol Records
Dig deep.
Ohhh. Spooooooky... Maaagick...
Igor there, he's in on this :D
that capitol records..
not signed on for 8 months...
mid section has videos for "Love"
2 subscriptions.. one to sean lennon youtube. sean lennon link hasn't signed on for 2 YEARS.
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Youknowmyname231 Reuploaded his last video, December 8
So Paul rewrote history again? Where does he find the time?
He claims to have been the "political" Beatle, not John.
Re: "Coincidence" post:
Tomorrow is the winter solstice, when the sun is at its lowest point.
Probably just another coincidence, but considering IAAP's fascinatino with Mayan calendars and such...maybe not.
Anonymous said...
So Paul rewrote history again? Where does he find the time?
He claims to have been the "political" Beatle, not John.
December 20, 2008 2:19 PM
what does it matter!
get a life.
Does the truth matter?
You can't handle the truth.
So by claiming to have been the one and only "political Beatle", Paul would be phoney, would he not?
Anonymous said...
So by claiming to have been the one and only "political Beatle", Paul would be phoney, would he not?
December 20, 2008 3:05 PM
No, he would not. He has different recollections of that time period. Paul has done a great many charitable things and has spoken out about political matters, such as veganism. In many ways he has been much more political then John Lennon, especially since John died.
Paul was, and is much more the political Beatle then say, Ringo or George. And even more political then John.
Vince, how are you liking the snow in Las Vegas?
"In many ways he has been much more political then John Lennon, especially since John died. "
Well that part is true, John being dead and all. My cat sings better then John Lennon too, especially since John died.
Thought your cat was dead?
Yes, I miss my cat. He sang better then John Lennon, alas, nevermore.
Now it is my goldfish that sings better. I even think that my goldfish are more political then John Lennon, but not quite as political as Paul McCartney.
Paul was, and is much more the political Beatle then say, Ringo or George. And even more political then John.
Where were you in the 60's, 70's and 80's? Paul was villified for being a lightweight pop star with little taste for mixing politics with music when boomers demanded as such from their pop stars. Lennon was a hero in this regard while McCartney's stature took a huge hit. On the rare occasions when he did (Give Ireland Back To The Irish) he was mocked for his feeble efforts to join a crowd who had no use for him or was seen as an opportunist. Ever since the rise of political correctness in the 90's Paul saw which way the wind was blowing and has begun championing veganism much louder than the few embarrassed mentions he may have given it in the 70's and has also suddenly adopted global warming, about the two most flaccid, family friendly and non-threatening causes one could take up.
Lennon devoted entire albums to radical politics when Paul was singing silly love songs.
After his death John was elevated to sainthood and given credit for nearly every Beatles achievement. Paul has very publicly taken umbrage at having his share of the legacy handed off to his dead bandmate and comes out with these statements now and again to try to balance the scales but it's a waste of time with his own generation. His only hope is to convince younger people who may give him his props for what he once was but put more stock in what Coldplay have to say than an ex-Beatle.
To borrow a line from Tafultong it's amazing how little PID researchers know about the history of the Beatles and the time period they existed in and how they were perceived.
Your cat, was it named Schrodinger by any chance?
The cat that was both alive and dead?
Well said, just didnt like that video by FAULofHistory about Paul McCartney saying he was more political then John Lennon.
Who cares what Paul said he is the more artistic Beatle, or the more political. We all know the truth, let an aging rocker have his day in the sun! The man wrote Let it Be for God's sake! He should be entitled to say he was more political then John Lennon just for that! Hell, he can say he is more political then me and I am in politics. He wrote HEY JUDE for the love of God!
To all of you who say that Paul can't say he is more political then John Lennon, I say, GET A LIFE! You need one.
He claims to have been the "political" Beatle, not John.
December 20, 2008 2:19 PM
Made me laugh at all the inaccuracies about Paul. Do some research the next time before making a video. Paul was political, listen to BAND ON THE RUN a couple of times. The politicians were out to get them. They ran. You can't get more political then that. John Lennon said give peace a chance. Better to run I say, with a band. John ran all by himself. You can't have politics with yourself. Only group dynamics can bring about politics. That's what Paul meant by saying he was more political then John Lennon. Paul didn't hole himself up in the Dakota like John. He got out there and mixed things up. John was about as political as you can get laying about in bed. Paul got out there, and sang about butterpies. Taste one of them. Tasty politcal butterpies. Yum!
"Who cares what Paul said he is the more artistic Beatle, or the more political. We all know the truth, let an aging rocker have his day in the sun!"
Yes! And another thing, Paul married way better good looking women then John Lennon too. Yoko was a poor singer and not attractive.
" Paul married way better good looking women then John Lennon too. Yoko was a poor singer and not attractive.
December 20, 2008 3:58 PM"
Hey! Linda was a poor singer too! Listen to those bootlegs of her singing with wings! God! You people have no sense of history!
Linda was Paul's Yoko. Both sang like cats that were stepped on.
And marrying a one legged women, that was a stroke of political brilliance!
Peg leg devoted her life to charities, she was political against land mines, and Paul continues to this day to champion that cause, even though they are divorced and HE DOESN'T HAVE TO.
Paul wins hands down
That settles it. Paul was more political then John Lennon. He gets the gold star merit badge for exemplary work! Another feather in your cap Paul!
hey, we were doing really work here, now you come back to muck it all up. go away, wer happier without your here
Yeah, we finally concluded that the RA series is about how Paul is both good and bad. That Love Code crap and the Manson/Antichrist stuff was a red herring.
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
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should call you FAILofHistory!!!! LOL
Nothing but FAIL
Oh, oh!
"McCartney won't tell you"
Oh, oh!
"McCartney won't tell you..... he rewrites history all the time"
Listen buster! Paul does not need to REWRITE history! HE LIVED IT!!!!!
What did you do? Made a little video that no one watched....
The Dichotomy?
Let's try "the delusion." Taf, you've remade RA in your own image. Sorry it's not what you wished.
It doesn't add up.
But that's a hallmark of PID folks.
Seeing what isn't there-what one wants to believe.
Go with it. But don't be disappointed when you've discovered you've been had.
John Lennon also said that "I Call Your Name" invented reggae. So, I guess they are all a little bit guilty of fantasizing.
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