I'm not sure how many people realize that the third Fireman Album is actually the fourth collaboration between Paul McCartney and Youth. Martin Glover, also known as Youth, was the original bass player in the band Killing Joke. Youth is one of those people who wants to take consciousness to the next level as a member of the "Society For The Reformation Of Ancient Enchantment." Youth gets full credit for the track entitled "real gone dub made in manifest in the vortex of the eternal now" on the Liverpool Sound Collage. If that doesn't take society to the next level, I don't know what will. The graphic below is from an animation on Youth's web site.

A central feature on most of the tracks is a snippet of dialog from a 1965 Beatles session for the George Harrison song "Think For Yourself." It reportedly was recorded by George Martin for possible inclusion on the Beatles Christmas disc, but nothing from the session saw the light of day until the brief portion of Yellow Submarine when Young Fred asks the Beatles to sing a snatch of a tune in order to wake the Lord Mayor who had been bonked.
The Liverpool Sound Collage project came about because Paul McCartney was asked to provide a musical piece for an exhibition of Peter Blake's works at the Tate Gallery in Liverpool. Blake of course was the artist who designed the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Another thing that Blake had in common with the Beatles was an apparent fascination with Lewis Carroll and "Alice in Wonderland." Blake did an entire collection based on Alice.

The fact that it was in tribute to an artist didn't stop Paul from designing his own cover for the CD. Owing a bit to his friend and artistic influence Richard Hamilton (creator of the White Album collage poster) Paul produced a simple collage for the front cover. The cover has been used in quite a few Rotten Apple videos. The most salient features are some photos and a drawing lined up in the form of a cross.

The bottom of the cross features a small photograph of a girl and a small version of the drawing on the back cover.

In the center of the cross are two very small photos. One appears to be a hallway with a light at the end and the other appears to be a person lying on the floor. If one was in a heightened state of suggestibility, I can see these pictures being interpreted as foreboding.

The left and right extensions of the cross include a horned animal on the left and a dog-like creature on the right. There is something odd about the dog's face. It could be covered with snow or there could be something projected on it.

There is a similar effect in a YouTube video called "The Mask" by BlllShepherd (a likely Iamaphoney alias).

At the top of the cross is a picture of a man making a funny face. I believe it is a picture of Jerry Lewis.

I don't know if the Beatles were Jerry Lewis fans or not, although both John and Ringo appeared on his Labor Day Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy. But I do know that the Beatles owe a debt to Jerry Lewis. Because before the Beatles used the technique on "Rain," Jerry Lewis used backwards recording in his 1962 movie, "The Errand Boy." Watch Kathleen Freeman's character when she comes out of a car wash in a convertible. When you play it backwards it sounds like Jerry had simply recorded a phone conversation and turned it around for this scene.
Follow this link for a video showing the scene with backwards speech as well as the animation from Youth's web site.

The most accessible track from the Liverpool Sound College is "Free Now." Iamaphoney fans will recognize some samples from Rotten Apple videos.
The Liverpool Sound Collage probably deserved more recognition than it got, if for no other reason than its accessible weirdness. (Thanks to the person who helped me complete this post)
Another great post, Taf!
To this day, I STILL can't what the Super Furry Animals did to THEIRS to make it any different from the other tracks!
I did, however, become a fan of their, though.
Another reason for linking THIS with The Fireman is the 'vanity' label, HYDRA.
God I hate SFA.
That dog gives me the heebie-jeebies.
do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna do do whatcha wanna
do what thou wilt!
Anonymous said...
God I hate SFA.
December 7, 2008 4:23 PM
GOD! Show Me Magic!
super furry animal
Surely, the dog is supposed to be a rabinated dog, foaming at the mouth. Here, Cujo!
Society for the Reformation of Ancient Enchantment, eh?
Take another look at the Wordsearch puzzle below. You'll find the letters SRAE running left to right along the bottom.
There are a couple of "H's" nearby, and I had first supposed that it might be some sort of near-spelling of the word "SHEARS"
Merry Krimble, and a Harpy Goo Year!
Merry Krimble, and a Harpy Goo Year!
December 7, 2008 5:32 PM
Sure, when people close to us die, they are still with us, be it in spirit or merely in our hearts, but stuff like this is just done in bad taste as far as I am concerned. Very sad.
Bad taste is a hallmark of RA
Bad taste is a hallmark of RA
December 7, 2008 7:45 PM
December Dream
Nothing cryptic, not in bad taste. Like your life flashing before your eyes; a journey from childhood to whatever is next.
Also very sad, but in a touching, thought provoking way.
December Dream
Nothing cryptic, not in bad taste. Like your life flashing before your eyes; a journey from childhood to whatever is next.
December 7, 2008 8:13 PM
You miss this Taf? Why no mention? It is not PID or phoney related, but appropriate nonetheless.
Ding, ding, ding.
About time.
for the video...
tard-mindfuck yes, but 3 words:
megalomanical delusional psychopath
for the video...
tard-mindfuck yes, but 3 words:
megalomanical delusional psychopath
December 7, 2008 8:48 PM
December Dream?
for the video...
tard-mindfuck yes, but 3 words:
megalomanical delusional psychopath
December 7, 2008 8:48 PM
December Dream?
December 7, 2008 8:52 PM
No, the video Merry Krimble, and a Harpy Goo Year.
Good post Tafultong!
Does anyone think that the little girl on the cover of Liverpool Sound Collage represents Alice?
Why would she represent Alice?
Does anyone think that the little girl on the cover of Liverpool Sound Collage represents Alice?
December 7, 2008 10:00 PM
No. Made me think of Linda. Looks a little like her when she was a kid.
Anonymous said...
Why would she represent Alice?
I don't know of any reason why she "should." I am asking the question because there are a few Beatles connections to Alice. Both John and Paul talked about it, Lewis Carroll is on the cover of Pepper, Paul's Alice statues are on the picture sleeve of "Ballad of John and Yoko" and in the Mal Evans home videos, the several pictures of the Beatles with a parrot, the possible spelling of "Lucy" as "Lacie" (an anagram for Alice) on a handwritten document containing song titles from Sgt. Pepper and published in the Hunter Davies Beatles biography, the similarity between the girl in the collage and the Peter Blake painting of Alice (the hair and facial expression in particular).
I'm not drawing the conclusion that it's Alice, I'm just raising the question. I'm sure there are some blond haired girls in the world who don't represent Alice.
Does anyone know where to find pictures of Linda as a child? I don't think I remember seeing any other than this one
nice blog post tafultong
good one taf!
"...there are a few Beatles connections to Alice. Both John and Paul talked about it, Lewis Carroll is on the cover of Pepper, Paul's Alice statues are on the picture sleeve of "Ballad of John and Yoko" and in the Mal Evans home videos, the several pictures of the Beatles with a parrot, the possible spelling of "Lucy" as "Lacie" (an anagram for Alice) on a handwritten document containing song titles from Sgt. Pepper and published in the Hunter Davies Beatles biography, the similarity between the girl in the collage and the Peter Blake painting of Alice (the hair and facial expression in particular."
And, of course, "I Am The Walrus", believed to have been inspired by the "Walrus and the Carpenter" poem from "Through the Looking Glass".
"Does anyone know where to find pictures of Linda as a child? I don't think I remember seeing any other than this one."
Are you trying to figure out if she was replaced?
Mr. B. Pilgrim
Mr. B. Pilgrim
December 8, 2008 12:59 AM
Yawn. We are already aware of that. Not getting enough hits, are we? I am sure Miss Hoylake, Yoko, Jules, Sean, and Kyoko are quite proud. NOT!
On that note, let me help out PaulTheRevelator with some hits.
At least his is a tribute to John. People pretending to be and or claiming John is alive just really bug me. I find it all quite ridiculous and disrespectful.
Jude? That you making them "I am John videos"?
You taking your medications lately?
Jude? That you making them "I am John videos"?
You taking your medications lately?
December 8, 2008 1:21 AM
Oh no you didn't!!
Jude? That you making them "I am John videos"?
You taking your medications lately?
December 8, 2008 1:21 AM
No, I don't believe that anymore.
Yes, I am taking my meds. Especially my Thorazine.
"Yes, I am taking my meds. Especially my Thorazine.
December 8, 2008 1:30 AM"
Can I have sum?
Yes you can my child. Talk to my web master, John T.
He should be back from his anger management classes any minute now.
Not only his he my "webmaster", he is "webmaster" for other famous powerful people as well.
He is a big fan of Knight Rider.
He calls his series, Jude rider
Jude Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.
John T, a young loner webmaster on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law and cause Jude to enter cataplectic his*y fit*.
John T, how have you been preparing for your role as webmaster to the stars?
"Getting in shape for this role, which is incredibly demanding, has been a lot of hard work, but I'm nailing it.
My HTML is flawless.
My napping has improved. Could use one now. I so tired from talking all day long to Julian Lennon. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.
I'm even kind of, at times, blowing my own mind, because I am even able to talk right now. "
Image is what people perceive my life to be. It's nothing like the truth.
I wanted to play around with the format, really tear it to pieces and shake it up. For example, if Jude saves someone from drowning, and that person then goes out and releases a virus that k*lls a million people. Imagine the moral implications of that!?!
For all you ladies out there,
I'm six foot four, an all-American guy, and handsome and talented as well!
My web site is so fresh. The paint is still wet, but stay tuned, because I have lots of personal things, specifically about what is happening day-to-day, that I will keep updating daily.
In case you haven't caught the commercials, I'm in the new SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.
In case you haven't caught the commercials, I'm in the new SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.
December 8, 2008 1:57 AM
You're the voice of Patrick Star!
You are a natural!
You are a big, big David Hasselhoff fan aren't you????
"Anonymous said...
You are a big, big David Hasselhoff fan aren't you????
December 8, 2008 2:01 AM"
How could you tell?
Kitt? Kitt! Are you there buddy??
"My web site is so fresh. The paint is still wet, but stay tuned, because I have lots of personal things, specifically about what is happening day-to-day, that I will keep updating daily."
i would expect nothing less from Julian Lennon's webmaster
"My napping has improved. Could use one now. I so tired from talking all day long to Julian Lennon. Zzzzzzzzzzzz."
You're getting sleepy, SLEEPY! Your eyes are heavy! You cannot move!
65if2007 said...
Are you trying to figure out if [Linda] was replaced?
Of course not, silly. I'm trying to find out if she came into the world as an adult, like Eve. Either that or I just wanted to check out the suggestion in the comments that the little girl on the Liverpool Sound Collage cover was Linda.
Anonymous said...
You are a big, big David Hasselhoff fan aren't you????
Germans who find suitcases in Berlin love David Hasselhoff.
Tafultong, your blog is plagued with trolls who endlessly ridicule the same people over and over again: Mike, Jude, and the occasional new face that pops in every now and then (the latest is John T., whoever he was).
What do you have to say to this?
While you're busy trying to change the subject to photos of Alice, they're busy throwing words like fucktard around and posting under other people's names. How long will you allow this rampant immaturity? They are spoiling it for us who take the subject of the Beatles mystery/PID seriously, and no doubt hurting the people who they seem inanely bent on demeaning.
- Anonymous Lurker
Anonymous said...
Tafultong, your blog is plagued with trolls who endlessly ridicule the same people over and over again: Mike, Jude, and the occasional new face that pops in every now and then (the latest is John T., whoever he was).
What do you have to say to this?
While you're busy trying to change the subject to photos of Alice, they're busy throwing words like fucktard around and posting under other people's names. How long will you allow this rampant immaturity? They are spoiling it for us who take the subject of the Beatles mystery/PID seriously, and no doubt hurting the people who they seem inanely bent on demeaning.
- Anonymous Lurker
December 8, 2008 6:54 AM
just ignore that 1 person.
even if they made 10000 posts in 1 hour i wouldn't care less.
i'll fish out the good comments.
There's an old saying: He who has no life, posts massive amounts of comments under different aliasses to the iamaphoney blog.
R.I.P. John
:- (
Anonymous wrote:
How long will you allow this rampant immaturity?
What do you suggest I do, other than ignore them?
Discourage them. Ask them to stop.
They may respect you enough to actually listen. It's your blog that they're posting comments on, so hopefully they'll listen to you if not anyone else.
I would like to respectfully ask those who obsessively place unkind and immature comments directed at MikeNL and Jude to please stop. One can argue that they have brought a small fraction, possibly 1/24642 of this on themselves, but I must say that this continued harassment is over the line. It also bothers me that you target other people who comment here, whose only crime is to take this subject with a little bit of seriousness.
I encourage you to debunk, critique, and add your 2 cents, but please refrain from attacking my readers. Thank you.
That's an interesting tidbit about the Lacie/Lucy/Alice link, Taf.
I've always wondered if the opening line "picture yourself in a boat on a river" was a nod to the real-life origin of the Alice stories: Lewis Carroll's storytelling boat-trips with Alice Liddell and her family, recaptured in the book's prefaratory poem.
Carroll, like Lennon, obviously enjoyed wordplay and puzzles, but what is sometimes overlooked in the Disney-fication of his stories is the degree of menace (sometimes rising to the level of 'death' clues- decapitation included!) often hidden just beneath the surface.
I had a professor once who suggested that Alice's initial fall through the rabbit hole, ending as it does with a thump! thump! (why 2?) in a heap of leaves, suggests death (at least in the traditional dream symbolism with which he was familiar).
(Carroll precedes this event with a rather dark aside about Alice falling off a housetop.)
The deadly, archetypal fall- a rich vein for James Joyce as well, in Finnegans Wake -is also connected with Humpty-Dumpty in the Looking-Glass book. I am the Egg-Man, anybody? Humpty-Dumpty is obsessed with riddles and the meanings of words. He is a champion of "impenetrability" as he puts it. His flippant discussion with Alice about her age may well suggest a new shade of meaning to the "1,2,3,4,5,6,7- All good children" lyric!
A simple reading of "The Walrus & the Carpenter" gives us a story about leading the proverbial lambs to slaughter (I'm not sure I buy the 'religious allegory' reading that some have suggested, but then again maybe that's precisely the sort of thing that would give Dodgson his jollies). I seem to recall the "Father William" segment containing a number of morbid associations as well.
If anything, the Carroll connection might suggest a method to the madness behind PID (if not necessarily the triggering event).
In an odd instance of synchronicity (is there any other kind?), I discovered another definition of "mourre" in a translated collection of Alfred Jarry writings. (Magritte's painting 'Le Jeu de mourre' was purchased by Paul and the inspiration behind the Apple logo.)
"Mour" (mourre) means "muzzle" and is found in Rabelais (III, 20).
Rabelais, if I remember correctly, was also part of the inspiration behind Crowley's "Abbey of Thelema" and its associated philosophy. There's an odd little chain of influence to be found here, I think.
The Jarry book, by the way, was published in 1965. I wonder which edition McCartney had come across when he wrote "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"...
Anonymous said...
That's an interesting tidbit about the Lacie/Lucy/Alice link, Taf.
I've always wondered if the opening line "picture yourself in a boat on a river" was a nod to the real-life origin of the Alice stories: Lewis Carroll's storytelling boat-trips with Alice Liddell and her family, recaptured in the book's prefaratory poem.
Precisely the type of response I was hoping to illicit with my question. Thank you very much. I found an old illustrated edition of Alice recently and I look forward to reading it with some of your insights in mind.
Regarding the death symbolism in Carroll's Alice stories, Alice says after hearing the Jabberwocky poem, "However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate."
Because the world is round it turns me on
Because the world is round...aaaaaahhhhhh
"If everybody minded their own business," the Duchess said, in a hoarse growl, "the world would go round a deal faster than it does."
"Which would not be an advantage," said Alice, who felt very glad to get an opportunity of showing off a little of her knowledge. "Just think what work it would make with the day and the night! You see the earth takes twenty-four hours to turn round on its axis-"
"Talking of axes," said the Duchess, "chop off her head!"
The king of Marigold was in the kitchen
Cooking breakfast for the queen
The queen was in the parlour
Playing piano for the children of the king.
Cry baby cry
Make your mother sigh
She's old enough to know better
So cry baby cry.
(in which the cook and the baby joined):-
"Wow! Wow! Wow!"
While the Duchess sang the second verse of the song, she kept tossing the baby violently up and down, and the poor little thing howled so, that Alice could hardly hear the words:-
In their sties with all their backing
They don't care what goes on around
In their eyes there's something lacking
What they need's a damn good whacking.
I speak severely to my boy,
I beat him when he sneezes;
For he can thoroughly enjoy
The pepper when he pleases!
"Wow! Wow! Wow!"
We also learn from the Alice books (as if everyone on NIR didn't already know) that Bill is a reptilian.
Wait, TAF!
Isn't there a picture of Linda as a child in "Many Years..."?
Somebody wrote a song called "Linda" , who was a songwriter for Lee Eastman's publishing company.
I forgot who, but there's a picture of him on the piano while Linda sits on to of the piano.
Maybe I'm thinking of that old copy of Rolling Stone that had a tribute to her when she died.
I'll have to rummage through all my crap to find it, but I think it's in there.
Oh, by the way, it's the Rolling Stone w/ Johnny Depp on the cover.
"Fear & Loathing" had just been released.
I'm not trying to be an asshole, but could someone explain to me the implications involved with the Alice in Wonderland connections?
I'm not following any of this. For instance, what is the significance of any beatles song referencing the story? What is the significance of the little girl's picture symbolizing Alice?
On a side note to Taf: As long as you have readers that are going to suggest that they have some kind of authority in all of this IAAP junk and have some kind of knowledge about things to come that they are unwilling to expound upon, you can expect the rest of us to speak out. Some will only question politely but others will make insults. I think if you were being honest, you could see exactly why you have the kind of comments on here that you do.
There is a lot of information that is being witheld from the rest of us. We aren't all so daft to believe that you and the others that are being insulted are being 100% honest about your knowledge, intent and role in all of this.
For the, the best use of the 'walrus & carpenter' story is at the beginning of "DOGMA"!
"There is a lot of information that is being witheld from the rest of us. We aren't all so daft to believe that you and the others that are being insulted are being 100% honest about your knowledge, intent and role in all of this."
Posting under those people's names and making fun of everything little thing they say as though they were some sort of living comedy riot has the the WORST way I could ever imagine of getting the truth out of them. If you were really concerned that they were dangling some sort of carrot just out of your reach, then the last thing you would want to do is belittle them.
Anonymous, my take on the Alice connections- besides some of the surrealistic song-imagery they may have inspired -is that they might also suggest PID is an elaborate "death" joke in the tradition of Lewis Carroll (to whom the Beatles have clearly paid tribute elsewhere).
First off, thank you to whomever posted this :
Anonymous, my take on the Alice connections- besides some of the surrealistic song-imagery they may have inspired -is that they might also suggest PID is an elaborate "death" joke in the tradition of Lewis Carroll (to whom the Beatles have clearly paid tribute elsewhere).
I think i agree with your assumption.
As for the person that posted this:
Posting under those people's names and making fun of everything little thing they say as though they were some sort of living comedy riot has the the WORST way I could ever imagine of getting the truth out of them. If you were really concerned that they were dangling some sort of carrot just out of your reach, then the last thing you would want to do is belittle them.
I disagree with you. I don't agree necessarily with the insults, but I think that you're naive to think that being polite will produce anything useful from those being called harmless names, by anonymous people. There's no harm done, the subject is still on track.
Anyone that has decided to at least pretend that they are "in the know" at any point should be fully prepared for ridicule, it's that simple. If they have a problem with being called names over the internet then good luck to them in real life.
"If you were really concerned that they were dangling some sort of carrot just out of your reach, then the last thing you would want to do is belittle them."
But isn't "dangling some sort of carrot just out of your reach" belittling in itself??
It's one thing to call someone names.It's quite another to write posts under his or her name (or using a variant thereof) making the person look like a fool. Insults are one thing, outright mockery is quite another. When most of the posts here seem to oriented towards lampooning certain individuals, then I'd say we have a problem, one that didn't begin with someone merely insinuating that he or she had some sort of exclusive information, but rather began with unadjusted, ill-mannered individuals.
I've taken a few of those 'hits'...
When it come to the 'internets', I know people can be assholes....
It's a small price to pay.
"Posting under those people's names and making fun of everything little thing they say as though they were some sort of living comedy riot has the the WORST way I could ever imagine of getting the truth out of them. If you were really concerned that they were dangling some sort of carrot just out of your reach, then the last thing you would want to do is belittle them."
You have to first believe that these guys (phoney included) actually know something. They don't know anything. There is only one reason to claim to have the answers, but insist that the answers need to be scheduled and divulged slowly.......they know nothing, and they are hoping their videos and antics will draw the people out that might have answers, to which they will embellish upon with more videos. There is no RA revelation. Wakey, wakey!
Taf said: "One can argue that they have brought a small fraction, possibly 1/24642 of this on themselves....."
I don't agree with the insults toward Mike and Jude, but a small fraction?! You've got to be kidding!! I see, it's like Red Green says, but different.... "You're all in this together!"
I realise you NIR'ers are all pals and whatnot, but they can defend themselves. Big boys don't cry.
It's one thing to call someone names.It's quite another to write posts under his or her name (or using a variant thereof) making the person look like a fool. Insults are one thing, outright mockery is quite another. When most of the posts here seem to oriented towards lampooning certain individuals, then I'd say we have a problem, one that didn't begin with someone merely insinuating that he or she had some sort of exclusive information, but rather began with unadjusted, ill-mannered individuals.
December 8, 2008 10:17 AM
Hi Jude.
"It's one thing to call someone names.It's quite another to write posts under his or her name (or using a variant thereof) making the person look like a fool. Insults are one thing, outright mockery is quite another. When most of the posts here seem to oriented towards lampooning certain individuals, then I'd say we have a problem, one that didn't begin with someone merely insinuating that he or she had some sort of exclusive information, but rather began with unadjusted, ill-mannered individuals."
I'm sorry but youre being ridiculous. When people post as Mikey as a joke, it's obvious that it isn't really him. And youre also wrong, when all of this began, there were'nt any insults being thrown about. That all began with the trickery and teasing done by those that claim to have involvement.
That all is a moot point anyways, theres absolutely no way that youre going to quiet the jokesters on here unless you want Taf to sit on his ass all day and delete comments that are deemed inappropriate.
Mikey and Jude both would be willing to admit, I hope, that they understand why people give them shit all the time, even if they think the reasons are stupid. I think a lot of it comes down to using a name on here instead of being anonymous. A name is like wearing a target. If they don't like being called out, then they should stop using a name.
Really though, it doesn't seem that they are all that upset about it, unless you happen to be one of the "victims"....
Anon said: "......but rather began with unadjusted, ill-mannered individuals."
You are correct. The unadjusted, ill mannered individuals that started this are Mike, Jude, and Phoney and Company.
Let us not forget the April Fool's joke...
I've always figured that it was done as a test to see how people would handle a "revelation". Turns out that people didn't like it too much. Maybe that's why things have slowed down and got crappier since...
Someone please call the waaambulance! Most here are a bunch of agenda pushing babies; you talk your shit, people call you on it, and you bust out in tears. Give it a rest!
Someone please call the waaambulance! Most here are a bunch of agenda pushing babies; you talk your shit, people call you on it, and you bust out in tears. Give it a rest!
I agree, i'm the anon that's been going back and forth with whoever it is thats so upset about mikey and jude being called names.
I'll be honest, part of what makes the comments on here worth looking at are the jokes and people impersonating the others. As I said, it's obvious to everyone here when someone is pretending to be mikey or jude (they don't have theyre names in BLUE).
I'm ordering a wahburger and some french cries for our upset friend.
"I'll be honest, part of what makes the comments on here worth looking at are the jokes and people impersonating the others. As I said, it's obvious to everyone here when someone is pretending to be mikey or jude (they don't have theyre names in BLUE)."
I agree. These kids here need to wake up. Life can be rough. Get use to it; deal with it.
I've taken a few of those 'hits'...
When it come to the 'internets', I know people can be assholes....
It's a small price to pay.
I like your attitude vince, you're a good man.
but i'd be damned if it wouldnt be super easy to impersonate you. You should go ahead and set up a google/blogger account.
65if2007 said...
Regarding the death symbolism in Carroll's Alice stories, Alice says after hearing the Jabberwocky poem, "However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate."
December 8, 2008 9:10 AM
I concur with Alice, after reading the poem that's about the only thing you walk away with.
definitely someone "killed"
---65if2007 said...
Regarding the death symbolism in Carroll's Alice stories, Alice says after hearing the Jabberwocky poem, "However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate."
December 8, 2008 9:10 AM
I concur with Alice, after reading the poem that's about the only thing you walk away with.---
Well, it's more grist for the PID/PWR mill.
Some of the PID/PWR people think that the car accident story is passe' and that the real Paul was actually murdered.
So "somebody" or "someone" killed something.
I think that Iamaphoney has stayed with the car accident story -- which is what his elderly English dude told us last year -- but I'm not sure.
So, The Beatles played out Alice in wonderland and symbolically killed Paul. The end.
My take is that the "Alice" stuff is tangential at best, no more compelling than Saturn, Satan, or Stars. The Beatles were quite capable of coming up with a death hoax or symbolism on their own. True, Lennon loved Carrol and wordplay and inserting little "clues" (which are always popular amongst artists)as in jokes and whatnot. But it seems as though Lennon was more interested in dropping cryptic hints without real meaning because he liked to play off of the fan obsession.
Lennon stated correctly that some people would be scratching their heads for years wondering what "I am the Walrus" really meant (although we can be sure there was no predetermined meaning to much of it at all).
Phoney knows as well as Lennon how the simple act of displaying any given image or set of images can lead to rampant (and often hilarious) speculation. NIR is a testament to guesswork and speculation based on slightest provocation. I fear most of those investigating the Phoney and related clues assume, incorrectly, that the clues are genuine and actually lead somewhere.
Anons said: "True, Lennon loved Carrol and wordplay and inserting little "clues" (which are always popular amongst artists)as in jokes and whatnot. But it seems as though Lennon was more interested in dropping cryptic hints without real meaning because he liked to play off of the fan obsession."
December 8, 2008 11:23 AM
"Lennon stated correctly that some people would be scratching their heads for years wondering what "I am the Walrus" really meant (although we can be sure there was no predetermined meaning to much of it at all)."
December 8, 2008 11:25 AM
Oh so true, but you will NEVER convince anyone HERE of that. Good luck though.
"Phoney knows as well as Lennon how the simple act of displaying any given image or set of images can lead to rampant (and often hilarious) speculation. NIR is a testament to guesswork and speculation based on slightest provocation. I fear most of those investigating the Phoney and related clues assume, incorrectly, that the clues are genuine and actually lead somewhere."
December 8, 2008 11:29 AM
Finally, someone with common sense! That you JohnCharles? (No need to answer.)
You see, most of the common sense folks became fed-up and left. Some still lurk, but keep their postings to a minimum.
John Charles? You mean Jude-Julian-Mikey?
As stated, rampant speculation.
Take the "Liverpool Sound Collage" cover that this post is based on. If there is anything on that cover which seems out of place or that relates to The Beatles and PID, Paul intentionally put it there. Does anyone here not think that he isn't having fun messing with everyone? I would do the same, if just to merely carry on for John.
John Charles? You mean Jude-Julian-Mikey?
As stated, rampant speculation.
December 8, 2008 11:39 AM
That is just retarded speculation. If someone noticed a shit stain on a pair of Paul's underwear, they would try to relate it to PID instead of the obvious. " A shit stain, Paul does have IBS! NO, phoney is on to him, Paul knows it and must have shit himself in fear! WAIT, that must be the underwear Paul was wearing when he was in the car crash!"
John Charles? You mean Jude-Julian-Mikey?
As stated, rampant speculation.
December 8, 2008 11:39 AM
No, no. That is Jude-Julian-Mikey-SEAN
Anon said: "That is just retarded speculation. If someone noticed a shit stain on a pair of Paul's underwear, they would try to relate it to PID instead of the obvious. " A shit stain, Paul does have IBS! NO, phoney is on to him, Paul knows it and must have shit himself in fear! WAIT, that must be the underwear Paul was wearing when he was in the car crash!"
December 8, 2008 11:52 AM
Stuff like this is what keeps this blog alive! Truthful, and entertaining at the same time! You winers are just jealous because you can't come up with material like this!
Isn't John supposed to come back to life today?
Isn't John supposed to come back to life today?
December 8, 2008 12:03 PM
No, this is the anniversary of his passing. Phoney will raise him on 11 December.
For the person out there too dense to recognize sarcasm.....this is sarcasm. I am not the goof-ball that believes phoney is God.
Phoney and or Sun King is selling a collectible.
"Isn't John supposed to come back to life today?"
I thought that it was in 2012 that he was supposed to come back.
Though this dude on YouTube is pretty good.
Check his comments in the comments section. He's good.
"There is a similar effect in a YouTube video called "The Mask" by BlllShepherd (a likely Iamaphoney alias)." (from main article)
Yes, if you look closely, you will see that it says "Ono".
Check his comments in the comments section. He's good.
December 8, 2008 12:24 PM
He's not John, and it's wrong to act as such for the purpose of stringing people along.
He's not John, and it's wrong to act as such for the purpose of stringing people along.
December 8, 2008 12:41 PM
It's OK. He's just phoneying(phoneying = mother of all curse words substitute)with us!
is there really a debate as to whether or not john lennon is actually alive and making youtube videos as his first messages to the public???
Maybe I, too, should hop on the bandwagon and start fooling all of you on youtube.
Besides, we all know John would've started on Facebook, not youtube!
Oh and I notice that John's also youtube buddies with none other than Mikey(Elvis boy)Nl!
This is great!!ROFL
Of course, I don't think that the guy on YouTube is John Lennon.
I said that "he's good" in the sense that he plays the part well.
He probably IS responding more or less in the way that the real John Lennon would respond under the circumstances.
But I'm not out of my mind. I know that the real John Lennon is dead.
Is it time to drag this thing out again??
I'm not sure I would even say he's that good. Would John really say something like "Interweb"?
I guess I don't see the point in shit like this...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is it time to drag this thing out again??
Not yet, wait for the douchebag on youtube to fade away.
anyone else reading the posts on NIR by this ph0neyprophet guy?
« Last Edit: Today at 2:34am by ph0neyprophet »
damn, some of you people get pulled in hook line and sinker.
don't cry, homie, it ain't real.
The way you guys are defending yourself for making fun of everyone is ridiculous. Take a hint from Tafultong, travel the intellectual route and just stick to the damn topic like all the rest of us do.
If words like "wahmbulance" and "crybaby" are your best defense, you've already lost. Come back to this blog once you finish second grade.
I personally mean nothing by comments like that, i've only made a few, I wish we could all be a bit more laid back with all of this because hopefully its only a hobby to look here and not a life mission to find out if a game made up on youtube has any kind of impact on any of our lives. Its all certainly gotten out of hand a few times, but I urge you to ignore the things that offend you and they'll move on until theres another opportunity for lampooning.
Merry Christmas
The insults will continue. There is nothing you can do about them outside of having Tafultong delete comments. It's the very nature of the internet and it is unchangeable. You can't ask for respect when many feel the topic doesn't deserve it.
If you don't feel the topic deserves your respect then you have no business being here. Find something better to do.
The way you guys are defending yourself for making fun of everyone is ridiculous. Take a hint from Tafultong, travel the intellectual route and just stick to the damn topic like all the rest of us do.
If words like "wahmbulance" and "crybaby" are your best defense, you've already lost. Come back to this blog once you finish second grade.
December 8, 2008 3:22 PM
Once I graduate from second grade, I will have grown up and realized that Phoney and every thought of PID and PWR are nonsense; that there is more to life than reading and responding to the topics being posted here, so there won't be any reason to come back to this blog. Therefore, I must enjoy my childhood while I can. Don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Hello our lot, everyone happy?
Oh, yes! Very much so! Thank you Taf!
God bless us everyone!
About "Free Now", there is a little snippet of MMT movie dialogue buried in there for a few seconds. A woman's voice, perhaps the woman Paul was talking to before the segue into Fool On The Hill.
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