See "The Fireman - Sing The Changes - OFFICIAL VIDEO" for comparison.
Iamaphoney did something like this a while back and it was quite effective. But this is more subtle and less chilling. Still, it produced a little bit of a tingle in me. It may produce anger in some others, but I don't think it hurts the video or the song. (I don't think this hurts Mr. McCartney either)
This is the video from when Iamaphoney did something similar last year:

Live at Amoeba Records, LA:
Dr. Evil has decided to speak!!
Too much fun going on at your last post to bother commenting on this.
Two reasons I come to this blog now,
the excellent articles by Tafultong, and the funny posts! Holy God!
That first image you've got up there....
...is that a shot of Iamaphoney's crotch?
He wears bikini briefs, huh? I'm not surprised.
That first image you've got up there....
...is that a shot of Iamaphoney's crotch?
He wears bikini briefs, huh? I'm not surprised.
December 3, 2008 8:42 PM
Reminds me of the Movie Deck the Halls (DeVito/Broderick) where Broderick's character goes to the police station to file a complaint on DeVito and his Christmas lights. Broderick notices the Police Chief is wearing a bra, which he says is a brace, but when the Chief squats down to get into the filing cabinet, he is also wearing a pink/red g-string, much like the purported Phoney thong.
Jesus if that is his crotch he's hung like a bear! No wonder he's got 908 subscribers.
...is that a shot of Iamaphoney's crotch?
He wears bikini briefs, huh? I'm not surprised.
December 3, 2008 8:42 PM
OM*! That is the revelation! Phoney is an Illuminati-cross-dressing-Beatle-McCartney hating warlock!
Dearest faulconandsnowjob,the lovely Mommybird and the fairest Akkemay!
I and my large family are going back to work at the DVD factory, but know deep down that my love for you is undying and the bribed factory doctor has said I am capable of a great many children should I be able to gain more calories soon. And as night falls on the Great America's, think of how quickly that I could sail the oceans blue nestled deep within the pulsing and vibrating sex toy container ship, stowed away illegally all to come the united of the states for your hand in marriage. There is not the any shred of hesitation within my soul when I say that I will love you till the end of time, and I look forward to our long walks on the beach, and the many nights of making of the children. As the stars twinkle over your heads, know that each could be a child of ours only months away as soon as we become man and wife forever and ever. So in closing, before I go to the sheer terrifying drudgery and abject danger of extreme unregulated factory work, along side my grandmother, mother, and younger sister, as you sleep soundly while tonight we do a rather large production run of a pornography DVD entitles "Extreme *nal Intru*ion Bowl XXIV", know that everything I have is yours, and when we marry, everything you have will be ours. And as we share in the great traditions of your culture and ours this holiday season with our overabundance of children each clamoring for your attention, know that we are simply one night away from having another child.
I am ugly, I am handy, I Have all of your children, I am yours faulconandsnowjob or the lovely Mommybird or the fairest Akkemay!
Love forever and ever,
please choose tonight as the ship container leaves tomorrow morning!
"I am ugly, I am handy, I Have all of your children, I am yours faulconandsnowjob or the lovely Mommybird or the fairest Akkemay!"
Well, as Red Green says:
"If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
"It may produce anger in some others, but I don't think it hurts the video or the song."
Well thats you vs. me. It won't "anger" me if Paul was behind this (you can fool me once...), but I wont be happy with the Fireman. With you; on the other hand, he could eat a dog on-air and call it "art", and you'll appreciate Sir Pauls avant-garde "art-masterpiece".
Thus far, that's one positive and one negative. While, any publicity is good publicity... The magickian's spells apparently work.
For god's sake though, people think and care to much about all this.
I'm dumb tho
Taf said: "It may produce anger in some others, but I don't think it hurts the video or the song."
.....then again, you are not the one targeted by iamaphoney's smear campaign.
.....a cut and paste campaign with nothing credible thus far.
faulsconblowsnob is probably mommybird?!
Imagine that!!!
I swear, theres only less than 10 crazy people who visit this blog. That is all.
I would prefer that Phoney make his own videos rather than re-editing Paul's videos and posting them on fake Paul sites. This is what you call creativity Taf?
"If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Damn! A Red Green reference! Bravo!
Let's count our blessing men. At least IAAP was wearing something over that monstrosity of his. It could have been much MUCH worse.
I would prefer that Phoney make his own videos rather than re-editing Paul's videos and posting them on fake Paul sites. This is what you call creativity Taf?
That's called desperation my friend. The last refuge of cowards. Doesn't matter though. No one really gives a shit about Iamaphoney. The blog blows him away.
Anonymous said...
I would prefer that Phoney make his own videos rather than re-editing Paul's videos and posting them on fake Paul sites. This is what you call creativity Taf?
December 3, 2008 9:14 PM
He has the right to edit his own videos!!!
Anonymous wrote:
.....then again, you are not the one targeted by iamaphoney's smear campaign.
Well, if it is a smear campaign, I think it must be the least effective one in history. Do you think a single person on the planet watched an Iamaphoney video and said, "That's it, I'm not going to like Paul McCartney anymore"?
I understand that the videos do present a very different Paul McCartney from the one that shows incredible patience with fans, gets down on the floor and plays with kids, and has arguably contributed more to music than most other people who have ever lived. I just don't think that the videos are effective as a smear campaign and I also don't think a smear campaign is the objective of the video maker.
Ah! People push their own agenda's here.
Mommybird wants to be stroked (not just a wack-job David Icke worshipper). Just post a few anonymous comments here from a "third-party" to bump the ole ego...
MilesDeo wants to be cryptic and has a briefcase filled with earth-shattering evidence mailed to his UK email address once a week which fuels his "art". Just post a few anonymous comments here from a "third-party" to bump the ole ego...
Combine all the ego here alone, and it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket of the Sir-Fireman-magical-vegitarian-guy's ego.
Is he kidding us with this? He sees a tiny little glob of light on the lightpost in the original video and tries to show some correspondence with a mirrored shape from the Love Album?
Yo that's whack.
""If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Damn! A Red Green reference! Bravo!"
Who DOESN'T love Canadian Television?
"Let's count our blessing men. At least IAAP was wearing something over that monstrosity of his. It could have been much MUCH worse."
Amen again, my friend! I certainly do not wish to see Phoney's Throbosaurus Rex!
I think the smear only works with those predisposed to hating Paul. He's tried every trick in the book to make Paul look sinister, stooping so low as to use clips from Heather Mills and re-editing them to make them sound spooky. He even did a decent job of making Dennis Kucinich (!)look sinister, at least for those who can't tell the difference between reality and editing tricks.
Anonymous wrote:
Yo that's whack.
Well, I told you it was subtle (smile).
Thank you, anon@9:29
We think alike. To all those that believe that Sir Paul wouldn't drag his one-legged whore's name through the mud for his own benefit.
Tafultong said..I also don't think a smear campaign is the objective of the video maker.
Now that you mention it you may be on to something. Iamaphoney promises a "revelation" and he intends to revelate through YouTube with a 17 year old boy as his closest confidant. You're right I don't think he's smart enough to launch a boat in the bathtub much less a smear campaign.
Wait. When I shut one eye. I see we don't think alike. You are buy into thinking Iamaphoney isn't on the game.
For the record there are more than 10 people here. I've personally invited 4 to have a looksee and I know they contribute because I catch the injokes. It wasn't hard to persuade them to come over. I showed them IAAP's videos which prompted howls of laughter and then when I said there was actually a blog dedicated to the guy who makes the videos..well...you can imagine what happened next.
This thing beats FunnyOrDie hands down!
Keyword = "injokes"
Anonymous said...
I think the smear only works with those predisposed to hating Paul.
But who could be predisposed to hating Paul? Some people ignore him. Some dismiss him as a lightweight. But who ever hated him?
Dan Brown and the Catholic Church -- now that's a smear campaign. I don't discredit what you are saying, I just don't see Iamaphoney approaching this with that objective. If he wanted to do a smear campaign, he would have implied in the Heather video that Paul was an spousal abuser or something like that. Instead Iamaphoney implied that Paul had a secret that he didn't want the world to know. Perfectly consistent with PID.
I'd say the razzers far outnumber the kool-aid drinkers by this point. We need the kool-aiders to drop in though for more material to work with so keep 'em coming.
Don't tell me you don't scroll through the comments and laugh your ass off Tafultong!
ITT: Taf is a catholic.
I dump the offering plate into my purse, and then donate it to worthy causes.
Tafultong said....But who could be predisposed to hating Paul? Some people ignore him. Some dismiss him as a lightweight. But who ever hated him?
You've gotta be kidding me. I take it you've never read the comments on Paul's official YouTube or his videos. "String the bastard up!" "Hanging's too good for him" etc. There's no way that you of all people could possibly be in the dark about this or where it's coming from. You must have some other agenda for saying that.
- Respectfully, IAAP & the Rotten Apple Army
I dump the offering plate into my purse, and then donate it to worthy causes.
December 3, 2008 9:45 PM
I prefer to just make change. Talk about rubber-neckin in the pews!
Anonymous wrote:
You've gotta be kidding me. I take it you've never read the comments on Paul's official YouTube or his videos. "String the bastard up!" "Hanging's too good for him" etc
You think that's bad? Somebody just called me a Catholic!
You've gotta be kidding me. I take it you've never read the comments on Paul's official YouTube or his videos. "String the bastard up!" "Hanging's too good for him" etc. There's no way that you of all people could possibly be in the dark about this or where it's coming from. You must have some other agenda for saying that.
December 3, 2008 9:47 PM
Exactly. Looks to me like the smear campaign is somewhat effective. Not on a grand scale, but effective nonetheless.
Lets chat. Anonymously
They sure hate Faul over at NIR and Mommybird's place.
And it's one thing to smear someone as a wife beater, another to smear them as Satan.
Kinda hard to smear harder than that. . .(insert punch line here)
That's why some people have a problem with you Tafulong because there's simply no way someone who claims to think highly of Paul McCartney can also think highly of someone who tries to pass himself off as Paul and assorted Beatle related celebrities to spew his Paul is evil/dead/the son of Alister Crowley mumbo jumbo. Iamaphoney clearly and I mean CLEARLY wants to destroy Paul and that fact is not lost on anyone except you. You have some serious soul searching to do.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous wrote:
You've gotta be kidding me. I take it you've never read the comments on Paul's official YouTube or his videos. "String the bastard up!" "Hanging's too good for him" etc
You think that's bad? Somebody just called me a Catholic!
I take it that's not universally acceptable?
i am SugarDog.
Anonymous said...
"If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Damn! A Red Green reference! Bravo!
'We're all in this together'
Tafultong,here's a sample of the endless PID hatred on McCartney's channel from InForTheLongFaul:
Yes, no harm in speeding the process up a bit, ***********1975. Let's carve the **** up with a ***** ***** and leave him to bleed to death, then make ***** pudding from his blood...
I censored that myself and stopped after the first part because it gets worse and because it's so sickening. Comments from the PID crowd are ALL OVER Paul's videos. If you want to read hundreds and possibly thousands more like those click on comments that users have tried to ban (hit "show")
Remember your words again: "But who could be predisposed to hating Paul? Some people ignore him. Some dismiss him as a lightweight. But who ever hated him?"
You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into with this, have you?
"Anonymous said...
They sure hate Faul over at NIR and Mommybird's place."
Which one?
Faul ver. 1.0?
BillyFaulPaul that performs
on stage?
The occasional 'I'm in my car going to the airport' Faul?
(who knows he looks better than
that other faul)
I guarantee you that if Tafultong starts reading the hate comments on Paul's videos and starts looking at those profiles he'll drop this blog so fast it'll make your head spin.
I guarantee you that if Tafultong starts reading the hate comments on Paul's videos and starts looking at those profiles he'll drop this blog so fast it'll make your head spin.
December 3, 2008 10:35 PM
Don't know about that.
Well judging by his comment before he's been unaware of the "dark side" of PID on the web. I'm beginning to think he doesn't want to face it and just pretends it's not happening.
The "Dark Side" was invented by that guy that wrote Terminator when he wrote that movie about Yoda.
The crafter of this parable is doing much the same.
Anonymous said...
Well judging by his comment before he's been unaware of the "dark side" of PID on the web. I'm beginning to think he doesn't want to face it and just pretends it's not happening.
We'll see. I think his trip to Israel would ignite the fury of crazy violent people more than a bunch of YouTube videos that nobody seems to get. I won't ignore what you are saying, but I don't see these videos causing that response.
I will listen to the concerns and examine the evidence, but I find the psychoanalysis of me to be a little off the mark.
so says your tv
In the end of the iamphoney version of sing the changes, is paul saying something about the beatles?
What exactly have you seen in the RA Series that portrays McCartney(Sir Paul) in a positive light? It is all cut and paste negativity. The idea is to discredit him from being who he claims to be. This in turn HAS spawned hatred for the man. Hateful comments have been left on phoney's YT channel as well as Sir Paul's official channel. As far as numbers are concerned, I am sure the hateful individuals are mostly confined to the PID forums etc., but causing ONE individual to think likewise is surely bad enough.
And now......for some Church.
Taf, you are a religious man. Think Fruits of the Spirit. What are Phoney's Fruits? He has blatantly manipulated video and audio to convey something other than what was meant; something sinister. That is a DECEPTIVE practice, is it not? Who is THE DECEIVER? Now you know the true meaning behind Rotten Apple.
I think Paul realized that thefiremanmusic channel didn't do the job.I think it's all a part of a marketing stunt. subtile though.
Tafs apologetic usually relies on two Phoney elements while ignoring 99 percent of the other deceptive sinister elements. He likes his version of "1882" and "St Paul," and therefore Phoney must be a Paul fan. I would add that Phoney probably re-made 1882 to appear as though he was Paul revamping an obscure tune. In the same way he's used George Martin's instrumental music.
But the crowd isn't just into hating Paul, they've moved onto Lennon, George and Ringo. And many more. The music industry. The film industry. The nation. The world. PID can't exist without a massive if not supernatural conspiracy, so naturally one's hate and paranoia can't feed solely on the Beatles. It naturally moves up to EMI and Tavistock and the rest.
Anonymous said...
Tafs apologetic usually relies on two Phoney elements while ignoring 99 percent of the other deceptive sinister elements.
I was hoping we could have this discussion without you insulting me personally every time. I'm still not sure how Iamaphoney is doing anything worse that Oliver Stone or Dan Brown or anyone who has ever been a part of a horror movie that mixed speculation, drama, and historical characters. And none of those other guys were suspected of actually working for or being the people they were trashing the way Iamaphoney is. And none of them presented himself with a name like Iamaphoney.
You seem to have strong opinions and you present them well, but until I see real evidence to the contrary, I remain convinced that this is entertainment. It is not a religion. And if it is a smear campaign, doesn't it help to spread some light on it? I exposed some misrepresentations in Rotten Apple videos, such as the fact that the implied Denny Laine comment about the McCartneys affection for Crowley is not found in the book shown in the video nor in any other source I have seen.
A long time ago I wrote an open message in the comments directly to Iamaphoney. I said something like, "I don't need the truth, just give me something I can believe." He got the joke. I guess some others did not. It's unfortunate that the stuff of horror movies now ends up in documentaries on the History Channel. Check their impact on fascination with the occult.
Oh, and I am not Catholic, but I respect people who are, and hope I didn't offend anyone with my quip.
Joined: July 23, 2006
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Effective response, Taf.
I would say the major difference between Dan Brown and Phoney is that his stuff doesn't really attack a living individual. It doesn't cast nice light on the Church, but that's an organization, not a person. Oliver Stone does create hatchet job movies based on living persons, but he doesn't produce them anonymously, and he openly explains his motives and the mythological nature of his "biographies." Stone takes a lot of flak for his approach, as well he should. Phoney is a bit different in that he presents the series as a guy who discovered a secret code in the Love Album, for which he wants to claim a monetary or other prize. Oliver Stone doesn't create false Richard Nixon websites in which he plants distorted facts about Nixon. If all of the Phoney stuff were on an IAAP site, I don't think I would have much of a problem with it. But real McCartney sites draw fans, including young kids, who could easily be deceived by the bogus accounts, and that goes over the line from art into fraud. I found Phoney, as a matter of fact, by searching YouTube for McCartney's site.
Good points. Thanks for the comment.
Joined: July 23, 2006
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Lost a subscriber. Better hurry up and make a new account to get it back to the magickal 909!
I will get right on it!!!!
909 here we come!!!!
What ever happened to 我想你的精子?
Did the girls choose which one will marry him?
He is probably still working the hell shift at the DVD factory
Yeah, but the container ship was to leave this morning. Did he get on it?
Poor man!
You think the women would have made a choice! Think of it, a man willing, hell flat out WANTING to marry and have children right out of the box no questions asked slam bam thank you ma'am!
Right out of the box is right!
A fricken shipping box container full of dild*s!
It's not morning in china, there is still time!!!
What time is it in china?
1:27 in the a.m
Ok PID ladies, you have 3-5 hours to make a choice here. Here is a guy, 我想你的精子 who is old school PID, yet not MikeNL obsessed. He has a Beatles haircut. He is willing to make a family immediately. He wants to get married, he will never divorce. He is ugly, in his own words, your "Sex in the city" girlfriends will not want him. He likes long walks on the beach, and will not fall asleep after attempting to make the babies.
Don't let him get away! These types of men do not grow on trees!
I have unlocked the secrets of the universe. What I have left to discover is...
What is it that women want?
The last frontier!
Gotta give it to 我想你的精子. He is persistent!
He just got banned over at the David Icke website for propositioning every single female. The mods banned him.
America is NOT FREE!!!
faulconandsnowjob! Use your many learned master's degrees! Don't let Chom Duc Pham get away!
"He just got banned over at the David Icke website for propositioning every single female. The mods banned him.
America is NOT FREE!!!
December 4, 2008 9:38 AM"
shapeshifting lizards!
" Anonymous said...
faulconandsnowjob! Use your many learned master's degrees! Don't let Chom Duc Pham get away!
December 4, 2008 9:41 AM"
If you wont marry him faulcon, will you at least agree to giving him legal council? There's probably going to be some juicy anti-discrimination lawsuits in this.
"If you wont marry him faulcon, will you at least agree to giving him legal council? There's probably going to be some juicy anti-discrimination lawsuits in this.
December 4, 2008 9:43 AM"
more like sexual harassment!
Guess what? Some women don't WANT TO marry and become baby makers!
Marriage is institutionalized RAPE!
Blogger Gloria Steinem said...
"If you wont marry him faulcon, will you at least agree to giving him legal council? There's probably going to be some juicy anti-discrimination lawsuits in this.
December 4, 2008 9:43 AM"
more like sexual harassment!
Guess what? Some women don't WANT TO marry and become baby makers!
Marriage is institutionalized RAPE!
December 4, 2008 9:45 AM
Didn't you get married Gloria?
Yes I did get married. You are correct. However, I did it so that my husband and I could be legally responsible for one another. There is a difference!
I would be please to shift at least one shape for Faulcon.
Let 我想你的精子 Make the Babies!
Sorry to beat a dead Beatle, but...
Given the nature of "His" followers and their public comments (more than once spilling out into the "real" world), as well as the apocalyptic and Beatle-centric overtones given to his supposed revelation, IAAP's myth-making has always seemed more akin to Charles Manson's than that of Dan Brown or Oliver Stone.
I have yet to see conclusive evidence proving otherwise (IAAP's assurances to his private confidantes do not count for much in my book).
You have suggested elsewhere on this blog that the IAAP group do seem to be practicing some sort of Magick with their public methodology. Is that another inside joke? Where do they draw the line with all this? How do you know? They seem to be into it all a little more deeply than simply playing around with anagrams and backmasking.
IAAP is trafficking in a territory with tragic historical precedents. Paranoid and disturbed people already believe in all sorts of troubling stuff; entertainingly or not, IAAP is simply adding more fuel to their fires.
Let 我想你的精子 Make the Babies!
December 4, 2008 9:48 AM
Don't be RACIST! Make the babies with him ladies! You are opening yourself up to potential lawsuits here!
Faulconandsnowjob, you of all people, with your many masters degrees should know this!
I was comparing photographs of Chom Duc Pham. He was replaced!
I will never marry him!
Good for you honey!
Never marry! Men are rapists.
Even men who are therapists.
Look at that word!
THE rapists!
Even men who are therapists.
Look at that word!
THE rapists!
December 4, 2008 9:54 AM
OM*G!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER CLUE!!!!!
Anonymous wrote:
You have suggested elsewhere on this blog that the IAAP group do seem to be practicing some sort of Magick with their public methodology.
Untrue. I was asking questions to a reader who made an assertion about sigils. I wasn't familiar with the concept.
NIR Watch:
(Actual statement made on NIR board) "What does it all mean? Who knows. I think that perhaps they [The Beatles] were either alien-hybrids, possesed by extra-dimensional beings, or approached and/or coerced by groups with connections to such things."
Ringo was an alien hybrid? They need to work on their bio-science a bit more.
The suggestion that IAAPs series is essentially the practice of Crowlian Magick probably comes from IAAP or one of his young followers.
From Wiki: Crowley defined magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." He goes on to elaborate on this, in one postulate, and twenty eight theorems. His first clarification on the matter is that of a postulate, in which he states "ANY required change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object."
In other words, "Magick" is not supernatural. It is a means of effecting change through application or force or Will. Others would call this sort of thing salesmanship, propaganda, or simple persuasion.
If Phoney wants to create some "change" or different attitude toward Macca, his series is consistent with Crowley's ideas.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous wrote:
You have suggested elsewhere on this blog that the IAAP group do seem to be practicing some sort of Magick with their public methodology.
Untrue. I was asking questions to a reader who made an assertion about sigils. I wasn't familiar with the concept.
December 4, 2008 9:57 AM
I am confused, then. I based my post on this comment you made:
Tafultong said...
Nick said: the group is hunting me in my dreams lately.
By the group, are you referring to Iamaphoney or something else?
The Rite of Sol question was really a roundabout way of asking something else. It does appear that Iamaphoney is into this Magick. What do you think about the level of involvement of the Beatles and McCartney in particular?
November 21, 2008 7:31 AM
Is Iamaphoney "into this Magick" or not?
Is Magick simply another way of saying "entertainment"?
But, as has been said often here, there is nothing substantively different between Phoney's clues and allusions and what can be found at NIR or other PID/PWR sites. Most of his stuff is reverse clues and some very loose image association.
Everything is entertainment if you want to see it that way.
Everything is entertainment if you want to see it that way.
Some forms of "entertainment" could get people hurt, really.
Forgive me if I don't think everything is quite so relative.
The only true magick is in the mind. Through symbolism, the thought processes of the recipients undergo a transformation.
Crowley taught the will of the mind but practiced rituals and incantations, some lasting months. While these practices are still present even to this day, the real magick is using the modern media to enter the subconscious mind.
Many people who listened to Manson thought and still think he is insane. Far from it. He is only a little backwoods fellow who speaks hillbilly talk. If you can decipher this, what he says makes sense.
I don't sit in judgment of people. Every person makes their own karma. What is not actualized is the fact we are of one spirit.
Let me sum it up this way, the way most of you will understand.
"Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy."
One more thing. If your intentions are to harm someone in any manner, you only harm yourself.
One more thing. If your intentions are to harm someone in any manner, you only harm yourself.
Nice idea, if you can explain all the dead bodies in the wake.
Keep defending Manson, too. It really helps your argument.
[Manson] is only a little backwoods fellow who speaks hillbilly talk.
Some hillbilly's are sane, believe it or not. Some ask others to kill people.
Mikey already said that "someone" is out to destroy Paul last night.
Hello? The earth is flat makes sense if you see it through the eyes of people who don't know better. Paul as reptilian shape shifter makes sense if you put yourself in that mindset, but it only makes sense if you pretend you have no sense, i.e. you are deluded or perhaps insane.
Quite a bit of Manson in Iamaphoney's philosophy. He had favorited so many manson videos and then made all that private when he was called on it. All that "it's time" stuff. Who the hell have you devoted your blog to Taf?
Most of them are out to destroy Paul of "Faul" if you will. They want him on TV announcing that he's a fraud, that Tavistock wrote all the songs, that 1000's of photos have been retouched, that there is a shadow government behind all of rock-n-roll and then they want Paul led away in handcuffs and sent to prison.
Then there will dancing in the streets. Meanwhile they are all listening to and enjoying Beatles music. The very same music they think is mind controlling.
That's called MENTAL ILLNESS people. Asperger's syndrome in a bi g big way.
Thanks, anonymous. It's cool if some people as a lark or hobby want to "investigate" PID clues. But so many of them believe they are actual detectives making real discoveries. ("Excellent work, so and so!")
Taf, I think you ought to consider what someone suggested earlier: re-shaping this blog in your image, and dropping the "Iamaphoney" angle. The Phoney videos barely provoke any discussion, not on his comments page, at NIR, or here. The majority of comments both here and there are negative. This alone isn't reason, it's just that your blogs stand up on their own, and contain better and more compelling info than the Phoney videos. Your blog title also puts you in an unnecessary defensive position far too often, when you could put yourself in the driver's seat, so to speak.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous wrote:
You have suggested elsewhere on this blog that the IAAP group do seem to be practicing some sort of Magick with their public methodology.
Untrue. I was asking questions to a reader who made an assertion about sigils. I wasn't familiar with the concept.
December 4, 2008 9:57 AM
I am confused, then. I based my post on this comment you made:
Tafultong said...
Nick said: the group is hunting me in my dreams lately.
By the group, are you referring to Iamaphoney or something else?
The Rite of Sol question was really a roundabout way of asking something else. It does appear that Iamaphoney is into this Magick. What do you think about the level of involvement of the Beatles and McCartney in particular?
November 21, 2008 7:31 AM
My question remains: Is Iamaphoney "into this Magick" or not?
Anonymous, I think it was "Nick" who said that about Phoney. In any event, obviously he's into magick--have you seen his videos? Talks backward, sings backward, walks backward, uses anagrams, sigils, ambiagrams, the works. Has copies of Book of the Law.
Do the math.
Mikey already said that "someone" is out to destroy Paul last night.
If I remember correctly, IAAP's videos titles originally ran with a series of seemingly random letters attached to them. These letters, however, when laid out chronologically, spelled out a date, a time and something to the effect of "paul in dangr".
Does anybody else recall this? Has IAAP ever explained it?
Let's not forget his Nuremberg Eagle tat--(on the actor, at least) and his neocon-conspiracy theorist-extremist leanings (the liberal media and NWO agents are controlling us and the Beatles were created by Tavistock).
Does anybody else recall this? Has IAAP ever explained it?
Has IAAP ever explained anything? He throws out whatever ideas he has at the moment and waits for things to stick. If not, he looks elsewhere. Since he never actually makes any real statements, he doesn't have to answer the Paul in Danger thing. He can pretend we are PID people making up our own clues. If Paul had been attacked during his Israel concert, Phoney would then capitalize on the phrase, as though he predicted it.
That was my interpretation as well. It also falls into the Manson method of seeding ideas and then claiming innocence, yet omniscence, when they bear rotten fruit.
Anonymous, I think it was "Nick" who said that about Phoney. In any event, obviously he's into magick--have you seen his videos? Talks backward, sings backward, walks backward, uses anagrams, sigils, ambiagrams, the works. Has copies of Book of the Law.
Do the math.
I have my own opinions on the matter.
I'm much more interested in Tafultong's take, and what gives him the confidence that IAAP's motives are pure.
Tafultong suggested I had earlier spoken an untruth and I simply want him to set the record straight for us all.
To my knowledge, Taf never stated that he thought Phoney's intentions were pure. He said that, even if it were all a big hoax, he still enjoyed the series and the music.
What bothers me is Tafultong's continued references to historical fiction and horror. This does not mesh with Iamaphoney's actions which are predatory in nature (setting up fake Paul accounts, luring unsuspecting Beatlefans into watching his work). If Phoney contacted Tafultong and said "This is a work of historical fiction" or "I'm making a horror movie" then I could see where he's coming from but there is nothing to suggest that this has happened.
All indicators point to Iamaphoney being somewhat disturbed and pathological in his endless attempts to smear McCartney or the Beatles. There is no other reasonable interpretation.
Taf may be the type to try to look for the good in everyone but if it reeks of nagativity and it's actions are negative then it's negative.
Other posters have summed this up more eloquently than I have but I can understand their frustration. It's like Iamaphoney is holding a blinking neon sign that reads "I hate McCartney and I will do whatever it takes to make you hate him to" and Taf responds with "Well gee there are a lot of interpretations to that...."
Taf is getting psychoanalyzed today and I'm sure he doesn't like it but I only mention it because I'm concerned.
Anonymous wrote:
Is Iamaphoney "into this Magick" or not?
By the word "into" I meant that it appeared that Iamaphoney was interested in Magick, at least in terms of what he presents in his videos, which may or may not reflect his actual views.
If you interpreted what I said as, I think Iamaphoney is practicing magick and having an impact on people that somehow goes beyond artistic communication, then that is different from what I meant. I was just trying to understand what the other person in the conversation was telling me. I was more asking questions than expressing my point of view at that time.
I hope that clarifies. I don't think we are arguing here as much as misinterpreting each other.
I do find this conversation helpful and hopefully you will see the "fruits" of it in a future post.
Anonymous said...
What bothers me is Tafultong's continued references to historical fiction and horror. This does not mesh with Iamaphoney's actions which are predatory in nature (setting up fake Paul accounts, luring unsuspecting Beatlefans into watching his work). If Phoney contacted Tafultong and said "This is a work of historical fiction" or "I'm making a horror movie" then I could see where he's coming from but there is nothing to suggest that this has happened.
All indicators point to Iamaphoney being somewhat disturbed and pathological in his endless attempts to smear McCartney or the Beatles. There is no other reasonable interpretation.
Taf may be the type to try to look for the good in everyone but if it reeks of nagativity and it's actions are negative then it's negative.
Other posters have summed this up more eloquently than I have but I can understand their frustration. It's like Iamaphoney is holding a blinking neon sign that reads "I hate McCartney and I will do whatever it takes to make you hate him to" and Taf responds with "Well gee there are a lot of interpretations to that...."
Taf is getting psychoanalyzed today and I'm sure he doesn't like it but I only mention it because I'm concerned.
December 4, 2008 7:29 PM
quit whining!
just OBEY!!!
Anonymous wrote:
Taf is getting psychoanalyzed today and I'm sure he doesn't like it but I only mention it because I'm concerned.
I must admit, I do bristle when someone psychoanalyzes me before the third session. But I think most of the conversation here today rises above that.
I did tell someone several months ago that if I had it to do over, I would have named the blog something else. Some might have even noticed that I did claim a blogspot named Tafultong to hopefully make a transition to in the future.
The fact is that most people come here because they were pulled in by Iamaphoney's videos. If Iamaphoney is as bad as some of you say, then it might be a good thing that I have created a place where they might see some movement in the direction of reason. Even if all I say is crap, they will at least see your warnings here.
I want to write a post that addresses some of these issues.
John Lennon was shot 8 December 1980, on a Monday. This year, the 8th is again on a Monday.
Anonymous said...
John Lennon was shot 8 December 1980, on a Monday. This year, the 8th is again on a Monday.
December 4, 2008 9:08 PM
well, hopefully he's still out there.. Mr. Pilgrim.
well, hopefully he's still out there.. Mr. Pilgrim.
December 4, 2008 9:48 PM
Phoney is going to use his Magick on 11 December (on the third day, he arose).
Anonymous said...
well, hopefully he's still out there.. Mr. Pilgrim.
December 4, 2008 9:48 PM
Phoney is going to use his Magick on 11 December (on the third day, he arose).
December 4, 2008 9:55 PM
Anonymous said...
well, hopefully he's still out there.. Mr. Pilgrim.
December 4, 2008 9:48 PM
Phoney is going to use his Magick on 11 December (on the third day, he arose).
December 4, 2008 9:55 PM
Oh great the Iamaphoney is the messiah guy is back.
Dude, just go watch Heroes or something.
Easily the most overlooked piece of the PID puzzle is the Heather Mills TV interview from Access Hollywood or Inside Edition or whatever it was about a year ago. It has puzzled me how such a curious piece of footage was largely skimmed over amongst the internet PID crowd.
Iamaphoney has ran his (or their) campaign horribly since February. A true fall from the grace of 2007. His bungling of the suitcases and stubborn lack of updates has lead many including myself to conclude for the most part that while PID as a curiosity is not completely worthless, the idea that a replacement actually happened is a waste of time. But that Mills testimony keeps me from completely dismissing it.
Every time I think, "this is bullshit" (and I still largely do), I still wonder what in the hell Heather Mills could have been referring to other than PID. Something is there. Maybe he's not dead, but there's something Paul doesn't want us to know about. Tafultong, if I may, I would like to request a future post on this Mills testimony as it has been roughly one year since it was made.
Check news stories about it and from the months preceding it. Evidently the box of evidence contains information about spousal abuse. Whether or not it's true is anyone's guess. Considering the way she has conducted herself in public and in court I'm inclined to think it probably isn't.
If it's spousal abuse, she sure did sensationalize it. To be clear, I am not downplaying the seriousness of domestic violence. But the way she played it up such as, "It's not infidelity of anything like that" and "someone close to me betrayed me beyond belief" suggests she is asserting something truly extraordinary. Would anyone really find it "beyond belief" if they found out Paul struck Heather a couple times? Suprised or disappointed, sure. But beyond belief or mindblowing? Nah.
Then again, maybe Heather Mills is just annoying and took something that is not truly extraoridinary and sensationalized it to pique everyone's interest for the TV camera. But then again....
"People don't want to know the truth because they could never ever handle it." - Heather Mills
Can anyone honestly say that they would be devastated, as Mills suggest, to learn that Paul struck her? Yeah, that would be a big deal, but certainly not mindblowing.....
Heather had received death threats buy a few individuals, I believe some with ties to the media (paparazzi). The box was said to contain evidence of those making the threats, and was to be released if something happened to her; her sudden death. In the interview that she mentions this, she has only good things to say about Paul. She even says that he is trying to protect her and Beatrice.
You see, Heather received the same treatment by the media that Phoney is directing toward Paul. All negative. As a result, most people wanted to see Heather dead for treating Beatle Paul so badly. People tend to forget that there are two sides to every story, unfortunately, we at times only get to hear one, and that is usually greatly exaggerated. I am not trying to defend Heather, like everyone else, I know only what I have been told by the media. The same can be applied to Paul McCartney. Hate is a very strong emotion, and old Satan Claws uses it to his advantage. Feed a little hate, and before you know it, the village is out in mob form with their pitch-forks and torches ready to string someone up. Pretty sad really.
yeah, the box of evidence is still one of the things that keeps me from dismissing PID...
we'll know someday..
yeah, the box of evidence is still one of the things that keeps me from dismissing PID...
we'll know someday..
December 5, 2008 1:47 AM
No, you won't.
Anonymous said...
yeah, the box of evidence is still one of the things that keeps me from dismissing PID...
we'll know someday..
December 5, 2008 1:47 AM
No, you won't.
December 5, 2008 3:07 AM
yes, we will.
The box of evidence makes me laugh.
That was in keeping with Heather's goal, to extort Paul for cash. It's the kind of thing spurned psycho women like Mills do to men. I've dated a couple of those types-the ones who tell their girlfriends crazy stuff about you to gain sympathy. Some women, unfortunately, go so far as to accuse men of rape, murder, all sorts of things.
That some of the PID people actually put stock in Heather's statements as though she is a trusted source when all evidence points to the contrary says more about their collective gullibility than it does about Paul. Same with Phoney-- why put stock in someone who is an obvious manipulator? The Phoney-Heather-Pid believers are a study in misplaced trust.
I knew a girl that got dumped by a guy who then posted flyers up all over her campus with a picture of her ex-boyfriend with warnings DO NOT DATE THIS GUY--HE IS EVIL! or something to that effect.
Heather was projecting. Evil thinks it sees evil. Manipulators think everyone is manipulating them. Cheaters think everyone else is cheating.
Anonymous said...
yeah, the box of evidence is still one of the things that keeps me from dismissing PID...
we'll know someday..
December 5, 2008 1:47 AM
No, you won't.
December 5, 2008 3:07 AM
yes, we will.
December 5, 2008 4:55 AM
Mikey gotchoo sucka!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
yeah, the box of evidence is still one of the things that keeps me from dismissing PID...
we'll know someday..
December 5, 2008 1:47 AM
No, you won't.
December 5, 2008 3:07 AM
yes, we will.
December 5, 2008 4:55 AM
Mikey gotchoo sucka!
December 5, 2008 6:35 AM
: ]
Is this another "jump the shark" moment?
Anonymous said...
Is this another "jump the shark" moment?
December 5, 2008 7:11 AM
jumping sharks is dangerous, you know that... right?
Alanis said:
Over Shark Jumped
So where is the stuff from the Berlin suitcase, Mikey?
"People don't want to know the truth because they could never ever handle it." - Heather Mills
Can anyone honestly say that they would be devastated, as Mills suggest, to learn that Paul struck her? Yeah, that would be a big deal, but certainly not mindblowing.....
anyone that honestly thinks that Heather Mills knows something so mind blowing that nobody could handle knowing it but herself is an idiot.
just a side-note: Taf, if you were smart you would cut the IAAP shit and get some advertising on here. You could be making some serious dough by just uploading weekly articles like the ones you've been doing. just take out the IAAP posts, they are your worst. I say that not because of anything on your behalf, but IAAP has become tragically boring and it looks like he turned everything over to Mikey anyways. Has anyone watched the latest IAAP videos???
C'mon Taf, I know you've got a hard on for the IAAP stuff, but we'll all like you a lot more if you drop it.
With Love,
So where is the stuff from the Berlin suitcase, Mikey?
December 5, 2008 8:21 AM
Aw man did you not see it??? He posted it in a video at 11 the other night!!
Asked about their prolific output, Keith Richards said, "We've actually only written one song . . ."
I know what he means. The Stones, generally speaking, found a formula a stuck with it. IAAP has really only made one video . . .you could simply watch Commerce Cue and get the idea.
I've enjoyed watching quite a few of them, but it really does seem he ran out of steam many months ago.
I know for a fact, that Tafultong is an Iamaphoney insider. Thats part of the disinformation strategy the guys are keeping up. they are still in control. and there will be a new video soon. But don't worry, Tafultong will keep you informed.
With due respect to Taf, he would almost have to be "in" on the IAAP series based on the blog itself and the manner in which he treats the subject.
So where is the stuff from the Berlin suitcase, Mikey?
December 5, 2008 8:21 AM
Anon gotchoo sucka Mikey!
All this iamaphoney nonsense is just NIR vs. TKIN; one group of fanatics trying to out gun the other. TKIN had the 60if document, and now a group from NIR has iamaphoney.
I've enjoyed watching quite a few of them, but it really does seem he ran out of steam many months ago.
December 5, 2008 8:34 AM
Just consider the RA Series as iamaphoney's "Joanie Loves Chachi".
TKIN had the 60if document, and now a group from NIR has iamaphoney.
And both are bogus.
Maybe everyone should move on to another urban legend.
And both are bogus.
Maybe everyone should move on to another urban legend.
December 5, 2008 11:48 AM
Elvis would be a nice change. Lisa Marie is proof that he is really dead (no offense Lisa, you are hot!), but it would be a nice change.
"Lisa Marie is proof that he is really dead (no offense Lisa, you are hot!), but it would be a nice change."
The reason I say that is because when a child loses a parent at an early age, it does mess you up a bit. I know from experience. Look at Julian Lennon, great guy, but has problems that derived from losing his Dad. Proof positive John is dead
Of far more pressing concern than this Paul is Dead silliness is the frightening reality than scores of people have no ethical difficulty whatsoever of accusing celebrities (or whomever) of being satanists, reptiles, replacements, what have you. Apparently some people never learned, or cared to learn, the key lessons from the Salem witch trials.
Are you people really that daft? The box of evidence Heather talks about is the iaap suitcases!!! Heather is affiliated with IAAP! Wake up, children!
"Of far more pressing concern than this Paul is Dead silliness is the frightening reality than scores of people have no ethical difficulty whatsoever of accusing celebrities (or whomever) of being satanists, reptiles, replacements, what have you. Apparently some people never learned, or cared to learn, the key lessons from the Salem witch trials."
That is a gay comparison. The Salem Witch Trials involved executions. No one is suggesting that Paul be executed if he actually turns out to be Bill. Fucking ridiculous analogy. Grow up.
The Rotten Apple will continue until 2012. Either stop watching or get used to it. At least another 3 years left.
That is a gay comparison. The Salem Witch Trials involved executions. No one is suggesting that Paul be executed if he actually turns out to be Bill. Fucking ridiculous analogy. Grow up.
The point of the comparison has nothing to do with the choice of punishment. It has to do with the mode of thinking. The way people feel they can accuse other people (celebrites, etc.) about whom they know nothing personally. Excuse me, but do you honestly think that if Brad Pitt were a reptilian shape shifter that people would not want him dead? If Paul McCartney was this imaginary Bill, he would have to face multiple criminal charges at the very least.
What you forget to mention is that Paul cannot be Bill without some massive worlwide conspiracy (perhaps even a supernatural conspiracy) in place. There is no single example of plastic surgery of that nature, so you'd have to rewrite medical books. To accuse Paul means you are accusing thousands of other people (family, friends, music industry folks, etc.) of lying or being complicit.
You can't have a simple "Let's switch this guy with that one" without the other ramifications, which would be without precedent in modern history.
There is no difference whatsoever with the way people accuse McCartney of being a shapeshifter and they way young Salem women were accused of being witches. If you can think of a difference in rationale we'd love to hear it.
You can't have a simple "Let's switch this guy with that one" without the other ramifications, which would be without precedent in modern history.
Skoolin' 'em!!!
Skoolin' 'em!!!
December 5, 2008 2:41 PM
One problem...most here ride the short bus.
That is a gay comparison. The Salem Witch Trials involved executions. No one is suggesting that Paul be executed if he actually turns out to be Bill. Fucking ridiculous analogy. Grow up.
The point of the comparison has nothing to do with the choice of punishment. It has to do with the mode of thinking. The way people feel they can accuse other people (celebrites, etc.) about whom they know nothing personally. Excuse me, but do you honestly think that if Brad Pitt were a reptilian shape shifter that people would not want him dead? If Paul McCartney was this imaginary Bill, he would have to face multiple criminal charges at the very least.
What you forget to mention is that Paul cannot be Bill without some massive worlwide conspiracy (perhaps even a supernatural conspiracy) in place. There is no single example of plastic surgery of that nature, so you'd have to rewrite medical books. To accuse Paul means you are accusing thousands of other people (family, friends, music industry folks, etc.) of lying or being complicit.
You can't have a simple "Let's switch this guy with that one" without the other ramifications, which would be without precedent in modern history.
There is no difference whatsoever with the way people accuse McCartney of being a shapeshifter and they way young Salem women were accused of being witches. If you can think of a difference in rationale we'd love to hear it.
You go girl!
I think the people who are disregarding the spousal abuse/Heather's box of evidence issue are oblivious to just what Paul McCartney represents. To the PID world with their narrow focus, he's this great evil figure. You can think what you want but to the other 99.9 % of the world he's Paul McCartney: Singer Of Love Songs and always has been. He's the romantic good guy to counter John's acerbic tongue. His entire IMAGE is that of the devoted family man who couldn't stop writing love songs over and over again to his wife. Do you know how many people play "My Love" at their wedding receptions? I've been to too many to count.
Paul is Mr. Romance in the eyes of the world and if it came out that he smacked Heather or beat her up his career would be over and he would never sell another record ever again. People would boycott his songs like the plague and he would vanish from radio. He would become public enemy #1 in the eyes of all women everywhere who would think of him as the ultimate betrayer. I'd go so far as to say that it would have a much more devastating effect than if he announced that he was an imposter. At least the imposter was a nice guy!
Heather has leaked information about spousal abuse several times. I'm not saying she's right or wrong because I wasn't in the bedroom with them but to dismiss charges of spousal abuse as no big deal and that Heather's box would have to contain more than that to damage to Paul's reputation is to know absolutely nothing about Paul McCartney and how he is perceived by society.
of evidence. Good one. on the Square?
Hmmm. . .first off, when Paul was a Beatle, he was known far and wide as an unrepentant skirt chaser. He admitted to using LSD (major deal in 1967). He's been busted for pot several times, and jailed once. Everyone knows he cheated on Jane Asher. I don't think the "abuse" charge would hurt his image--everyone heard about it and most dismissed it based on the source. This spousal abuse charge, as I understand it, comes down to a one-time event (a slap or maybe a backhand). Not to dismiss this if true, but it is difficult to believe anything Heather says about Paul being abusive when there is not a shred of evidence that he abused Linda or treated her as anything other than a great romantic love (name another major celebrity or rock star of his stature other than Paul Newman that never divorced). Heather Mills is not to be trusted. She wasn't in love with Paul--she used him to gain celebrity and cash in. That in itself should be a crime.
All of that may be true and I'm inclined to think it is based on Heather's actions but again the majority of people..the masses if you will..think of him as the cute Beatle who croons love songs. I doubt they're even aware of who Jane Asher is or no much about Paul's personal life outside of Linda and the divorce from Heather. If Paul was abusive it would be all over for him. Everything would b gone and his legacy would be tarnished forever. Beating a woman is a much bigger deal than dropping LSD, especially if what you're known for is being the greatest romantic singer/songwriter of all time.
"He would become public enemy #1 in the eyes of all women everywhere who would think of him as the ultimate betrayer."
Some women have a knack for bringing out the worst behavior in men, even behavior completely out of character, and I can imagine Heather was one such woman.
This idea that Paul was just a romantic balladeer isn't really true. A music critic pointed out that Pepper, for example, while often called a "Peace and Love" album, is actually nothing of the sort. It's classic Beatles as the high minded and yet mischievous schoolboys they were. It's about girls running away from home, abortions, getting lucky with meter maids, getting high, physical abuse, and other snippets of social commentary and surrealism that barely touches on love. Paul wrote a lot of love songs, yes. But John was every bit the romantic, if not more so.
Paul's place in musical history is set in stone. Short of murder, there's little that could possibly derail his legacy. Lennon was abusive in his early years, no secret. He completely screwed over Cynthia and alienated Julian with his selfishness and hypocrisy. Didn't hurt his legacy much.
Tommy Lee's image seems okay, maybe that's because Pamela took him back six times. I'd say the impostor-international conspiracy thing would probably have a slight impact on Paul's image and legacy.
pretty soon too much
NIR watch: apparently one can make an isosceles triangle on the Pepper cover by making points on Carl Jung's head, the bust of the dude on the lower right, and the hookah bowl.
You can also make a perfect square by following the four corners of any Beatle album. The circular records inside, of course, represent the medieval puzzle known as the Circle Squared.
As Johnny Carson would say, "Did not know that. That is some wacky stuff."
Okay, here is the deal folks. When I see that two-word phrase, it makes me feel sick inside. Your experience may cause you to see it no differently than,"Pass the butter, please." But I find it a hateful and hurtful thing to say.
Speaking of hate, I HATE deleting comments. I rarely do it and it bothers me every time. It bothers me almost, but not quite as much as seeing that two-word phrase.
So, if you say "F-You, but here is the cure for cancer," it is still going to be deleted. I'm not saying you're a bad person for using that phrase, I'm just saying it makes me sick and I never get desensitized to it. And honestly, I have never seen it increase the credibility of an intellectual point.
The thing that made Heather's vague accusations worse was that she implied that he abused Linda. I don't think Paul would ever abuse anyone, but I do agree that even that would not have the power to destroy his legacy. It would only make him the third of the revered Beatles to admit to that kind of behavior.
Thanks for the suggestion to explore the Heather Mills accusation in a post. I'll see if I can find some information about that. Tips and links are always welcome.
Anonymous said...
With due respect to Taf, he would almost have to be "in" on the IAAP series based on the blog itself and the manner in which he treats the subject.
We don't have sleepovers, honest. I will occasionally sit on some information if I think it will lead to more information, you know, like reporters do. I'm not really a journalist, but I try to play one on this blog. And I am aware that I am playing some type of role in "the revelation." But I don't know what this "revelation" will be, if it does exist.
I have answered my 9 questions and then some to the best of my ability. And if I have ever done anything that you find cryptic, it was probably just a joke or something that I thought my readers would know. If you ever don't get what I'm saying, just ask me a question and I will give you an answer. Try that with anyone else in Iamaphoneyland.
"....When I see that two-word phrase, it makes me feel sick inside....."
December 5, 2008 6:37 PM
That is a gay comparison. The Salem Witch Trials involved executions. No one is suggesting that Paul be executed if he actually turns out to be Bill. Fucking ridiculous analogy. Grow up.
December 5, 2008 2:13 PM
So...the single word phrase "F***ING", as in the above post is allowable, or did you just miss that?
You sound like my sister-in-law Taf. She wouldn't bat an eye if my 8 year old said something like, "Hello everybody, damn good to see you! How the hell have you all been? This weather is a real bastard, isn't it?" On the other hand, say the "F" word, and she would probably shit. Seems a little out of balance to me. Oh well, some have a convenient religion; you know, the religions that only prohibit certain things, or the religion that will allow you to sin, then go to confession, then go and sin some more. I guess some also do the same with cursing.
Anonymous wrote:
So...the single word phrase "F***ING", as in the above post is allowable, or did you just miss that?
First of all, I appreciate your sensitivity to use the stars. But no, it is different for me because I don't see your example as hateful and hurtful. It is not equal to the way I perceive that two-word phrase. I even have exceptions for that, which makes me really hypocritical. I mentioned last week that I have records by Alan Ginsberg and David Peel that use the two-word phrase, but that doesn't strike me as personal and it doesn't upset my stomach.
And let me add that you have been a fantastic brother-in-law and I'm looking forward to seeing you over the holidays.
"And let me add that you have been a fantastic brother-in-law and I'm looking forward to seeing you over the holidays."
December 5, 2008 7:59 PM
Despite your idiosyncrasies, you have been a darn good sister-in-law, and the gift I have for you will reflect my appreciation.
Merry Krimbles to yous all!
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