But even rational thinking religious people [I understand that some of my readers will consider that a contradiction in terms] can run into mixed feelings when they are moved by an artistic work. What is this power in art that can touch us so deeply, and is there anything about it that would be a cause for concern? In many ways, the artist treads on religious and political ground and influences both. But the artist needs to have a different set of standards than the holy man (or woman) and the politician. Self-censorship is absolutely necessary for the holy person or the politician, but it is poison to the artist.
The creative process is spiritual in nature. Paul McCartney and John Lennon understood this. John spoke about it extensively and Paul spoke about it...well often. Despite the fact that Paul didn't go into depth about it, I think he put it succinctly when he said (again and again) that he and John didn't think you could OWN songs because they just came out of the air. The Beatles relationship to the concept of song ownership reminds me of the story of the American Indian who said, "If they offer us money for the land, take it, and maybe they will pay for the wind too." I'm convinced that both Paul and John believed that their songs were gifts from another world and they simply channeled them and crafted them to fit the accepted format of their own world and time. That may be why Paul can't see any difference between what he does and what Mozart did.
Inspiration is a gift from out there somewhere. Some people would call it a gift from God. Unfortunately, that kind of language is an immediate turn off to some as a result of the inverse relationship between power and influence for organized religion. Once a religion gains power and cultural legitimacy, people start looking for alternatives and its influence declines. And as its influence declines, its need to hold on to the power results in an increase in attempts to control. Gradually creativity and free thought become threatening and the artist's muse is viewed with suspicion.
The Beatles were viewed with suspicion when they first arrived on the American scene. First generation fans can attest to that. Even during the height of their popularity, the lovable moptops were asked questions like "Is 'Can't Buy Me Love' about prostitution?"

But the Beatles were embraced by many adults for a while, until their music and image started to get a bit weird. Based on the book of Genesis, a common view is that God brings order to chaos. So if you follow a formula and conform to expectations in your art, you are using God's spiritual gift. But when you start looking at alternatives to God's order by exploring taboo subjects and letting randomness guide some of your creative undertakings, you are doing the work of the devil. However, this is all a part of that power cycle. As our society becomes more dissatisfied with and suspicious of Religion, creative expression seems to take its place in the cultural mainstream. Once that happens, creative thinking, which was previously thought of as divination, alchemy or magick, becomes such a part of the mainstream and we create euphemisms like "out of the box thinking" and "alternative spiritual paths."
I think that every artist knows that the muse dries up if you don't tap into some of these other layers of creativity, but some would view cutting up pieces of audio tape, throwing them up in the air, and splicing them back together randomly an act of the devil. I'm sure that John Cage experienced a similar reaction when he played random radios simultaneously to produce aleatoric (conceived by chance) music. Burroughs did this with his cut-ups. Paul McCartney did it on his new Fireman album, but that is not the first time. He grabs music out of the air. Sometimes he respects those "demons" enough that he doesn't do enough crafting to make it palatable to his listening audience. Some of his lyrics seem random as if he is casting lots (a biblical roll of the dice) to make a song.
Ears twitch like a dog
Breaking eggs in a dish
Do not mock me when I say
This is not a lie.
-From "However Absurd" by Paul McCartney.
If McCartney's work as perceived as random chaos, then some people may perceive it as evil - the work of Satan. That sounds crazy and closed minded and it may well be, but it is a conclusion that can be drawn, even by people who do engage in real thought and are not just blindly following some religious doctrine.

I think that Paul's album title, "Chaos and Creation in the Backyard" (Complete with an ambigram of his name) was quite revealing. Most creative people know that you often have to go into dark places for inspiration. Some creative people that I know live in those dark places. There are medications available that can bring them out of those places, but that corresponds with a loss of the creative muse, which for some is too high a price to pay. Many great artists live tortured lives because they can't quite come and go as they please to those dark places.
Aside from a couple bumps in the road, Paul McCartney seems to have no trouble moving back and forth from dark to light. He remains down to earth while at the same time, seems to be able to descend into that dark place and pull out a song any time he wants.
This effortless travel between the light side and dark side probably creates envy among Paul's contemporaries. I'm sure that it was tongue and cheek comment, but even Bob Dylan said, “I’m in awe of McCartney. He’s about the only one that I am in awe of. He can do it all. And he’s never let up… He’s just so damn effortless. I mean I just wish he'd quit, you know."
In some way, I wonder if this whole Iamaphoney take on Paul McCartney is a reaction to Paul's squeaky clean, family values image. That's why as negative and as sinister as it appears, I can look at it as a welcome contrast to the image that has made Paul a lightweight in the eyes of a significant portion of the public. I know that there are adolescents out there saying, "Wow, McCartney is on the dark side, cool."
That has been my perception of this whole Iamaphoney business from the beginning. He has been engaging in a creative undertaking. He has made two true statements since this thing started. 1) It's entertainment and 2) He is playing a character appropriately named Iamaphoney. Everything else from Iamaphoney has probably been a lie.
His medium is YouTube, a showcase for his music, and a stage that is 24,901.55 miles wide and 24,859.82 miles long to communicate his other artistic vision: the manipulation of some people. I think it was that guy that conspiracy theorists often credit for writing the King James Bible who said, "All the world is a stage." We are all the players. We are all in a reality TV show without the TV. The focus of the show is Paul McCartney's public image, not the real person, for God's sake.
I started writing this blog because I have always been fascinated by the "Paul Is Dead" mythology. Call it a guilty pleasure if you will. When Iamaphoney came on the scene, I saw a new and interesting perspective on this old myth and really enjoyed his use of imagery and music. I also saw some new clues for the first time in his videos and had fun making associations and trying to figure out if the Beatles placed those clues on purpose and why. When the videos started using religious imagery, psychology and symbolism, I felt I was in a unique position to write about it. I have not only an interest in those subjects, but I have an extensive Beatles collection and knowledge of the solo years. It seemed perfect. I knew nothing about Aleistair Crowley and that kind of stuff, but the Beatles possible dabbling into the occult seemed like a reasonable area of study too.

I still like Iamaphoney's videos and music for the reasons that I have stated consistently on this blog. His timetable drives me crazy, but I am looking forward to his next video.
Sometimes I feel that either I am the only person who gets it or I am the only person who doesn't get it. What difference does that really make?
So while youre jerking off each other
You better bear this thought in mind...
I this. I that. I like god, but the devil is cool too so I like Crowley. But god is cool, so I like Crowley too, but I also like god.
What difference does that make? Umm... Nothing is real, for those that believe if we buy enough beatles shit we also buy into enough beatles prophecy spoken by IAAP that maybe we might be on to some truth.
But Reverend IAAP must first tell us where we should look. Because, if you want to find the "debil(?)" you must first find someone to tell you where not to look. He is the one. Pasture Tafultong of the Congregation of bullshit must first guide us to the light that IAAP shines. He is the one who follows the phoney, he is the one who will lead us to salvation.
Brother MikeyNL, shed us some light so we feeble ones might one day see the light of IAAP's truth..
David Noebel at least laid it down.
He didn't hide behind both sides of the fence while also telling both sides "I just really like the way the Iamaphoney makes music and cuts his videos" yet I dont care about the message.
You wouldn't have a god damned blog named "iamaphoney.blogspot.com" if you werent completely intrigued by him. Yet now you act like you're unsure..
Give me a fucking break.
I'll be back next week to check up on the incredible amount of failure presented here.
Next Friday. Same time. Same place. Same failure.
Jai guru deva om macca fun
Please just let these idiots roll off your back. I completely agree with your take on IAAP and I really do enjoy your immense knowledge on all things Beatle, which is what keeps me coming back here. Thank you for the blog and I commend your rationality to the stupid drama of late.
Please keep in mind that the subject matter of this blog is bound to attract persons with not so sound minds. That is not to say you are at fault, there are many people among us that can find evil in a turnip. This is just a given.
For your future consideration:
1. NEVER give out personal information over the internet; whether it be if you are married or not, have kids or not, hobbies, etc.
2. Do not reply to or delete harassing remarks from your blog. Create a back-up of all comments you feel are threatening in nature. For example, use a print screen program, being sure to capture all times and dates.
3. If a threat is received that you feel is legitimate, a threat that may result in physical harm to your person, immediately call your local law enforcement agency. They will be more than happy to assist you.
Take care,
An Anonymous Eye On The Net
Listen up, maggots! You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
Hey great post Taf! Nicely done and well written once again! Thank you
1. NEVER give out personal information over the internet
2. Do not reply to harassing remarks from your blog. Create a back-up of all comments you feel are threatening in nature. "For example, use a print screen program, (or just hit "PrtScr" which will capture the screen.
3. If a threat is received that you feel is legitimate call your closest attourney. I'm 15 but it you need help I can steer you in the right direction.
Take care,
Anonymous NET Eye
Take it from me....
but remember to push `ctrl-v`
O-doyle rules!!!
srsly! PID? PWR? Now our PIA overlords will have rule me as PIA. srsly!
stay classy
/s/rule me/rule over me/
-Jai guru deva om
"(or just hit "PrtScr" which will capture the screen."
Not all PCs are set up this way. Some require you to point the "PrtScr" key to a capture source in order to work.
Kids today.
Great post, Taf, and a long time coming.
"The focus of the show is Paul McCartney's public image, not the real person, for God's sake."
True to an extent, but the bulk of the Phoney focus has been on Beatle Paul, who was already cool as hell. Beatle Paul doesn't need any image makeover. His choirboy/badboy/genius/rocker/balladeer/demigod image from then is the most unusual and memorable in the history of rock and roll.
Thank you. Of course you're a VIP, too.
The full image, courtesy of JoJo:
Who that's coming round the corner..
staring at Heather then?
Who's that coming round the corner..
could it be Paul's friend?
From http://tinyurl.com/6zb5y6:
John Lennon had been dead 18 months when 77-year-old Ann Maloney dropped her shopping bags and was helped by a young man with shoulder-length hair, a beard and round gold spectacles.
She asked his name and he turned back and said, “I’m John” then disappeared.
Very sad. First Paul is dead, now this shameful fantasy that John is alive. Roll over Beethoven. Roll over John.
Anonymous said...
Very sad. First Paul is dead, now this shameful fantasy that John is alive. Roll over Beethoven. Roll over John.
December 13, 2008 9:40 AM
yeah, it seems as if people want paul dead, and john alive...
Funny how this crowd fancies themselves truth seekers. They won't accept the simple truth that Paul never died and Lennon was murdered.
You can't change truth by not accepting it, you can only suspend disbelief and live in denial.
I agree, it is very sad that you didn't see the very much alive John Lennon standing behind Heather Mills in that photo. Yes, please, ignore anything that would suggest anything that goes against popular notion/belief.
What are you doing posting comments on a blog that is largely focused on conspiracies? Comment on the photo. Say it is John, say it isn't John. But don't ignore the sightings and the photographs that allude to the wonderful possibility of John Winston Ono Lennon being alive and well.
" Funny how this crowd fancies themselves truth seekers. They won't accept the simple truth that Paul never died and Lennon was murdered.
You can't change truth by not accepting it, you can only suspend disbelief and live in denial."
Funny how you fancy yourself better than them somehow, when you're here posting comments among them. Funny and sad.
I repeat for those who previously didn't hear me over the sound of their own egos:
That picture is supposed to be John Lennon hanging out in public with Heather Mills? First off, it doesn't even look like John Lennon, unless someone photoshopped a Lennon pic and distorted it so that it no longer looks like him.
Anonymous said...
I repeat for those who previously didn't hear me over the sound of their own egos:
December 13, 2008 9:58 AM
mrrrr. gggeoofff bakkkkkerrrrrr
Why would anyone think Geoff Baker, 51 years of age, looks like John Lennon, who would have been pushing 70 at the time of that photo?
Google search: Geoff Baker
Funny how you fancy yourself better than them somehow, when you're here posting comments among them. Funny and sad.
Just because there are goofballs that live in fantasy worlds post here doesn't mean all of us are. Not everyone visiting Taf's blog are here because we think Geoff Baker is John Lennon or that Paul is a reptile. Some of us enjoy Taf's posts and his perspectives. Tafultong, who writes this blog, doesn't even believe Paul died, so, based on your comment, why would Tafultong even be here among you?
"That picture is supposed to be John Lennon hanging out in public with Heather Mills? First off, it doesn't even look like John Lennon, unless someone photoshopped a Lennon pic and distorted it so that it no longer looks like him."
Durr-hurr! That don't look liek John Lennon!!!! John Lennon lives in the sixties and has teh hippy hairs!!!!
Paul McCartney VS. Paul McCartney 30 Years Later:
John Lennon...VS. John Lennon 30 years later?
The man standing behind Mills has a totally different nose than Geoff Baker's, and looks much older. I'm sorry you don't see that.
nice, Taf.
Might I suggest, on the subject of 'beatle-influence', you write about Laibach's "Let IT Be" & , of course, The Residents "Third Rich 'N' Roll"!
As I've said before.... with just an album cover (Sgt. Pepper), people took an interest in minds, whom they would never had heard of in their 'lower-to-working class' or low-level education!
...and, THAT'S the threat!
um...sorry you do?
Anonymous said...
The man standing behind Mills has a totally different nose than Geoff Baker's, and looks much older. I'm sorry you don't see that.
December 13, 2008 10:30 AM
yeah he was also replaced by a shapeshifting lizard!
So let me get this straight. You really think that this guy:
fits the profile of this guy:
better than this guy:
Why are you being such a jerk about this, MikeNL? Aren't you one of the ones who helped propagate the Mr. Pilgrim rumors after all? What gives you the right to start making fun of fringe conspiracy theorists?
Iamaphoney, Jude, and JohnCharles2007 were right all along. John Lennon is alive. As of now it is only a few people such as Letter B and myself who are keeping the faith. You'll all see soon enough. Laugh it up. We'll see who has the last laugh.
HELP! The phoney-wannabes are imploding!!
"There was never a time when you and I didn't exist, and there never will be."
Did JohnCharles actually claim that Lennon was alive?
Now, about that Pupil CPH business...
Somehow I think John could show up in the next RA video, in the flesh, and announce that he faked his death and you'd still all laugh about it and ridicule all of IAAP's so-called "followers".
Whatever. You are who you hang out with, and I'm no fool, so I will no longer continue talking with fools about ideas that are way over their heads.
~ PaulDeadJohnAlive
Phoney is Pupil Copenhagen. End of story.
Paul is alive. End of story.
Lennon is dead. End of story.
There are even better stories, however, that have yet to play out.
So Lennon is a liar and everyone close to him was in on it--liars all. Same with Macca.
You have a very low estimation of human beings that happen to know Beatles.
Let's get to the better stories a.s.a.p. then. Care to provide a prologue?
The prologue is reality.
Where does the story of reality begin, and does it have an ending?
If nothing is real, what then is "reality"?
This is not reality.
John Lennon being shot was not reality. His cremation was not a reality either, or else we'd know where his ashes are by now.
Ironically, no one seems to know when and where George Harrison's ashes were spread.
Then again, maybe that's not so ironic after all..
Do you believe the moon landing was "not reality" either?
The opposite side of reality is fantasy and illusion. It's clearly a comforting place to some.
If I were a world-famous pop star, trand-setting rock musician and all that...I'd sure as hell see to it that none of you whack-os ever came NEAR my last remains.
Considering what you allow yourselves to believe, who KNOWS what twisted things you allow yourselves to do.
"In some way, I wonder if this whole Iamaphoney take on Paul McCartney is a reaction to Paul's squeaky clean, family values image. That's why as negative and as sinister as it appears, I can look at it as a welcome contrast to the image that has made Paul a lightweight in the eyes of a significant portion of the public. I know that there are adolescents out there saying, "Wow, McCartney is on the dark side, cool." "
I've been thinking the same thing this whole time as well.
McCartney is the new Darth Vader!
IAAP is the new Jar-Jar Binks!
Anonymous said...
Do you believe the moon landing was "not reality" either?
I once heard of a theory that THE MOON is a 'construct'!!
It's been said that Aristotle told his boyfriends/ students that when he was a kid, he was told of a time WITHOUT THE MOON. In order to maintain life on this planet, the moon was MADE!
Another moon for ya (to paraphrase IAAP's timeline):
( ! )
"teh hippy hairs" is a great band. check em out. most definitely a cut above the rest in this lamentable day and age.
Since all of you are on the Lennon topic:
Tonight, Sat., Dec.13 on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory -
First Hour: Author and life-long Beatles fan Joe Niezgoda will provide shocking proof that John Lennon foretold his own death and sold his soul to the Devil.
Some of these Lennon-lifers should definitely call in and lay out the facts for him. A splendid time is guaranteed for all!
"Joe Niezgoda will provide shocking proof that John Lennon foretold his own death and sold his soul to the Devil."
OMG, he has proof! Must be true! Is Joe IAAP?
"Say it ain't so, Joe." - The Boomtown Rats.
"There you go again" -Sarah Palin
...Or zombie Reagan, if you prefer.
Maybe him and zombie Lennon are mates.
"Is this the end of zombie Shakespear?"
It's been said that Aristotle told his boyfriends/ students that when he was a kid, he was told of a time WITHOUT THE MOON. In order to maintain life on this planet, the moon was MADE!
Yeah, as if those 3rd century peeps knew so much about life and space.
We know from art/stories/histories/astronomers that the moon was around long long long before Aristotle. So if he ever told that humdinger story to someone, he heard it from someone else, sort of like Paul is Dead.
It's time. Get ready, folks.
Are you talking about the radio show?
I thought that might be Geoff Baker, was busy with other things so didn't check. It explains those daggers in his eyes aimed at heather.
I just farted.
Not Geoff Baker. His nose is shaped differently.
Not Geoff Baker. His nose is shaped differently.
Thank you, Mr. Geoff Baker nose shape expert. I suppose you think his nose looks like John Lennon's?
Oh noes!!!!
Who nose!?!?
Why yes, I do:
~ PaulDeadJohnAlive
Well you ought to call the major news organizations. You will be one RICH conspiracy theorist within 24 hours. Just show them the picture, tell them who you think it is, and get back to me.
"The Schnozz I Was"
(A Somatic Teleplay by Johnny Winston O. Booger)
Once upon a slime, and what a slime it was. The best of slimes, the worst of slimes, in a climate of sniffley-wiffleys. It'snot what you think I mean ah Yes but it's all wrong.
"Ah choo" said the nostril.
(He blew his mind out in a car.)
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's nozzle. He's not dead, he just smells funny. See how they runs.
(She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her handkerchief.)
Back off Boogerloo!
Anonymous, all the major news media were already present when that picture was taken. They either didn't recognize Lennon or THEY'RE ALL IN ON IT!!!
I'm scared!! What is happening?!!
(copyright Yhshva)
Get a grippe, fellas. I'm as dead as a dildo.
Peace & Love,
....& Yawnnn
Tomorrow never nose . . .
Do you want to nose a secrete?
Do you promise not to tell?
"I'm a pompous prick who freaks out when people don't censor their own use of the name God!"
(copyright yhshva)
Sorry guys, I'm alive and kickin'.
Didn't you get the memo? Oh yeah, that's right, there was none. COZ ITS A FUCKING SECRET.
John Lennon
you nose my name
What's with the "89" and "69" up there? Is that some sort of Magickal code or something?
I'm still wondering how they made the moon. Must have been tricky assembling it and getting it up there in orbit.
Is that like the "93"s I see scattered around on the IAAP page?
89 was the 89th post. 69 was probably yhsvh, vince, or nosdrahcirbocaj trying to be funny.
No, it's just some dude writing 89 and 69.
Is David A.Noebel CommenterGV?
Why yes, I do:
~ PaulDeadJohnAlive
Of course it's John! The picture was taken when he and his girl friend Heather were out shopping one night. The two were fighting because John wanted Olive Garden but Heather wanted TGI Friday's, note the look John has directed at Heather.
The Moon is real, but what we've seen of the Moon's terrain may very well be fake:
Lunar...Lunacy...Lucy in the Sky with Diarrhea.
"Why yes, I do:
~ PaulDeadJohnAlive
Of course it's John! The picture was taken when he and his girl friend Heather were out shopping one night. The two were fighting because John wanted Olive Garden but Heather wanted TGI Friday's, note the look John has directed at Heather."
You mock because apparently you have nothing else to say when approached with a picture depicting the obvious similarities between John Lennon and the man standing behind Heather Mills in that photo. You can't prove it's Geoff Baker, and you've done nothing to explain discrepancies in nose size and shape. So mock on, douchebag, mock on.
Hey Taf, you've probably already consider it, but you really ought to do a "best of" of the comments here. You could probably tell the whole tale through the comments whether positive, negative, humorous, ridiculous.
I've posted here anonymously to add to the comedy but over the past 24 hours this place seems to have been invaded by Iamaphoney's psycho ward.
As much as I like to bust on Iamaphoney for being the snake oil peddler that he is and to bust on his braindead worshippers you guys need to REALLY lighten up!
2 years of Iamaphoney videos have resulted in nothing. For those expecting the earth to move, wake up to reality, wouldja?
"You can't prove it's Geoff Baker"
That probably can be proved. There are very few moments when Macca was hanging out with Heather in public that weren't videotaped along with being photographed. There is probably footage of the whole thing, and numerous other videos of Baker hanging out with Paul that would put it in better context. One picture is hardly something to rely upon in any case.
"Mock On Douchebag, Mock On" is track 9 on Teh Hippie Hairs' eponymous debut album.
Taf, in answer to your open question whether people really believe any of these PID videos, and whether they can cause harm, etc., this "Lennon is Alive" fantasy that has been floating around lately (partly due to Phoney and Jude and whomever posted "Happy Krimble") does seem to have put false hopes into some impressionable minds. That may not be harm, but it isn't exactly a positive thing.
Hoaxes can cause real world trauma--look at the woman who set up the fake MySpace account posing as the boyfriend of a disturbed young girl. Granted, we don't want to censor expression, but I take serious issue with people who deliberately fabricate information and pretend to be deceased personalities such as Lennon in order to fool people.
This Iamaphoney business has only led to negativity. Nothing positive has come from it. We could have had all the music and video editing without the disgusting storyline.
The boogerlicious story above ("The Schnozz I Was") was in no way meant to implant false hopes into impressionable minds.
Fank you,
The Management
This Iamaphoney business has only led to negativity.
That's very true. Hasn't exactly been uplifting, has it? That's one of many notable differences between IAAP and The Beatles. The Beatles, on balance, made a lot of people very happy. They were joyful and, most important, had a sense of humor. The RA series is utterly humorless.
Anyway, when is the Pupil Copenhagen album coming out?
IAAP makes me larf.
Apparently, he makes other people LARP.
"This Iamaphoney business has only led to negativity. Nothing positive has come from it. We could have had all the music and video editing without the disgusting storyline."
What exactly do you mean by disgusting storyline?
+666 HP
+9 Magick
Roll D20
PAUL IS DEAD. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.
You have died of dysentery.
My motive for posting here anonymously was to rib Iamaphoney's pathetic followers. No amount of reasoning could convince them that they're following a con-man so I resorted to humor. For example I was responsible for that funny fake press release a few days ago about the reality show "Who's The Phoney?" which, if I do say so myself, would be a shoe-in for a "best of the comments" section..ahem.
Anyway I wonder if I'm just as bad as the lunatics who post here claiming John Lennon is alive. All I'm doing is fanning the flames by irritating them. As I said nothing will convince them otherwise because it's clear that they're mentally ill. Common sense goes right out the window under those circumstances so there's really no point in doing it other than to amuse the handful of other people on here who think this whole PID business is the height of stupidity.
You've had quite a few great posts Taf and I've enjoyed reading them (although I think even John and Paul would agree that writing great songs is less about pulling magic out of the air than it is about being in competition with the guy sitting across guitars from you who also just happened to have grown up under the tutelage of all thosse great Buddy Holly and Everly Brothers records).
I think this blog would best be served by people such as myself leaving it. Leaving it to the nutcases to wallow in their own delusions. As I said, there is no way to win the battle against deranged minds.
You may have noticed that the tone of my comment was blatantly condescending towards Iamaphoney's followers. That's because I find you so blatantly stupid beyond hope. For the sake of society at large I hope you're all either 12 year olds or simply just losers confined to your basements endlessly masturbating.
You'll have one less anonymous to kick around (heh).
I got a kick out of your "Who's the Phoney" post, Anonymous.
I pretty much agree with this latest one. Maybe I should be leaving too.
In the spirit of the holidays and good will, I feel I should probably say my goodbyes as well. Tafultong, I've enjoyed practically every one of your posts. You are a fine writer and have a knack for compiling info, condensing information, and playing diplomat in a setting that is probably trickier than the U.N. I leave not because of your efforts, but because the Iamaphoney series really does bring out some of the most disturbing elements of human nature, deliberately or not.
This blog has brought out some of the best PID refutations I have ever seen, and the comedy has been outstanding. But there are a few too many loonies in the bin, which makes satire at this point a bit cruel.
Best holiday wishes.
"The Schnozz I Was"
(A Somatic Teleplay by Johnny Winston O. Booger)
***** A must sneeze!
This blog has brought out some of the best PID refutations I have ever seen, and the comedy has been outstanding. But there are a few too many loonies in the bin, which makes satire at this point a bit cruel.
Best holiday wishes.
December 13, 2008 6:11 PM
The comments from the last post has pretty much done it for me as well (harassing Tafultong). Too many people taking all this waaaaay too seriously. I think it is time to get off the bus. This whole scenario seems to be bringing bringing out the Manson qualities in a few.
"(or just hit "PrtScr" which will capture the screen."
Not all PCs are set up this way. Some require you to point the "PrtScr" key to a capture source in order to work.
Kids today.
Give me a fucking break. Windows since 3.1 has had the "print screen" save the pixels of current screen to the clipboard.
You really make yourself look argumentative & dumb speaking such trash.
But go on... Thats what you are here for.
Some of us enjoy Taf's posts and his perspectives. Tafultong, who writes this blog, doesn't even believe Paul died
Another person taking the middle ground. "Dont look at me I'm not crazy, I'm just caught up in Paul is Dead folklore"
Taf wouldnt have a blog dedicated to IAAP if he was also in your fake "middle ground".
"who are keeping the faith"
You are the failure of rational thought that this brainfuck marks.
Without people like you, we cant be here to fuck with your head.
"Did JohnCharles actually claim that Lennon was alive?"
No. He's trying to be nice while telling you you're the tool.
"All I'm doing is fanning the flames by irritating them"
One for you. Whatever you like.
When the world is on fire, I hope you are there with your gasoline.
Is it magick?
Is it not beautiful when a white-knight expresses their selfish cause veiled behind their ego and unwillingness to look stupid at times?
How in my day when the lady "Madonna" corrupted the minds, just as a few years ago when the Brittany Spears did the same, the Beatles were no different.
"Isn't it possible that 4 or 5 musicians intentionally started a myth which grew into an interactive experience between them and their most imaginative fans, and both parties continue the interaction to this day?"
I am the most sad, yet when I see the lack of rational thinking in people of the PID scene or their argumentative nature, I feel a bit better.
Taf wouldnt have a blog dedicated to IAAP if he was also in your fake "middle ground".
You mean like TRUE, MYTH, and FALSE?
When in all actuality he just says that to not piss off ~50% of his audience.
He has to stand in the middle ground. He has to be the "unbiased observer", else he could possibly look foolish.
If he told you his truth, you could label him. He doesnt want that. So he plays innocent.
He wouldn't have made a blog dedicated to IAAP is he wasn't mystified by IAAP's crap originally.
He's not dumb. But he really doesnt want to look dumb.
He is part of this by proxy or from the get-go.
Either way he deserves nothing, UNTIL he stands up and says something that isn't double-speak bullshit - he's now part of this by proxy (and it drives him).
and or not
"That has been my perception of this whole Iamaphoney business from the beginning. He has been engaging in a creative undertaking. He has made two true statements since this thing started. 1) It's entertainment and 2) He is playing a character appropriately named Iamaphoney. Everything else from Iamaphoney has probably been a lie." - Tafultong
Tafultong has also said repeatedly that the "most likely scenario" is that Paul never died.
He has also compared RA to Dan Brown, calling it the equivalent of "historical fiction."
Yes, he dedicated a blog to Phoney. Not a blog to "Paul is Dead."
There is even reason to believe Phoney (Pupil Copenhagen) doesn't buy into PID either.
MikeyNL, Phoney's long time champion, has also stated he doesn't really believe PID.
65if, another long time Phoney watcher, has also stated he does not believe PID.
If Taf doesn't want to lose his audience by saying outright he doesn't believe Paul ever died, then Phoney is no different, because he's never actually stated that either.
Taf didn't start the blog hoping for the bigger audience he's had of late. He enjoys all things Beatle, and a good chunk of his posts aren't really even about PID.
Not all PCs are set up this way. Some require you to point the "PrtScr" key to a capture source in order to work.
You really do make me sick. Spilling your ignorance as truth.
Shut it:
All this talk of PC's reminds me of PupilCopenhagen.
Jai guru deva
No you!!!
The "PrtScr" key MUST be set up as a capture source in order to work!
You must capture it first!! BELIEVE ME!!! I POST ON A BLOG!!! I KNOW!!!!
as my feeble attempts to belittle people fuck me in the end whilst promoting the truth of people who who what they say.
while i just talk. enough words and I will win!!! I play Warcraft god-damnit!!
level 96 bitches! suck me
Never made a dime.
Or didn't need a dime.
Tsk, tsk. IAAPHAIL?
their brainfuck accidentally the whole planet
I'm the political Beatle! sez Paul.
The "Publicity Hog" Beatle is more like it. I suppose he has to try to hawk some of those new Youth albums; Ecce Cor Meum didn't sell so well.
posted Dec 14, 2008 at 11:29:43
Total Comments Made: 1
Comments to News: 1
I have a sinking feeling we might already know this "Pilate" commenter from somewhere...
Taf didn't start the blog hoping for the bigger audience he's had of late. He enjoys all things Beatle, and a good chunk of his posts aren't really even about PID.
yes, undoubtedly the best posts he has done.
Somebody please see that "puzzled" over at NIR gets this.
The name "ABBA" is an acronym formed from the first letters of each of the group member's given name (Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid).
You guys are funny.
Somebody please see that "puzzled" over at NIR gets this.
Nice you took the time to straighten that out. But do you have the energy to straighten out the 37,000 other NIR posts that currently present wrong information?
Nice you took the time to straighten that out. But do you have the energy to straighten out the 37,000 other NIR posts that currently present wrong information?
December 14, 2008 4:45 PM
That required no effort on my part. As far as the other stuff goes, they are on their own. ;)
OK, I told her. Now where's my money?
OK, I told her. Now where's my money?
December 14, 2008 5:27 PM
The check is in the mail, my friend.
Its a fucking commercial
Its a fucking commercial
December 14, 2008 9:09 PM
A commercial about sex? I just don't see it.
Hey Tafultong! How are you. I made a discovery in the new Fireman CD. I posted in my spanish forum. I know that is in spanish, but the pictures speak for themselves. If you want to check it out, I think it´s interesting, at least. Cheers!
T wrote:
"Sometimes I feel that either I am the only person who gets it or I am the only person who doesn't get it. What difference does that really make?"
The choice was always yours to make. And yes, it matters. Have you chosen wisely?
Ted Goranson can be reached at
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