The video is simply called "Fireman" but the opening frame seems more than a little out of place, don't you think?

Isn't that Beach Boy and late friend of Charles Manson, Dennis Wilson? That's not supposed to be there. A quick comparison to the official version also shows the minor change to the soundtrack of the video as well.

Another interesting thing that happened today was the uploading of official Fireman videos to the official Paul McCartney YouTube Channel.
These uploads included:
Band Recording
Artwork Day
Paul and Youth
Sing the Changes
Prior to today these videos were only available on the official FiremanMusic YouTube Channel.
The message from Paul McCartney seems clear - "Paul McCartney is the Fireman."
The message from Iamaphoney seems clear as well - "Paul McCartney is not who you think he is."
I guess it is up to the reader to decide if these messages are mutually exclusive. That decision will complete a third clear statement: "Iamaphoney is ____________"
Hey man, anything to deceive Paul's fans and turn them against him. You're in full support of him doing this, right Tafultong?
Anonymous said...
Hey man, anything to deceive Paul's fans and turn them against him. You're in full support of him doing this, right Tafultong?
What do you want me to do?
I just wanted to know if you were on board with it.
No, I have never been on board. I have said I am a fan of Iamphoney's music and I find his videos intriguing. If you read this blog at all you must know that I am more of a fan of Paul McCartney and the rest of the Beatles.
I think the place where we differ is that I don't believe that Iamaphoney (despite his unethical practices) has done any real harm to Paul. I realize that it offends some people that I don't believe that.
At least this blog gives you the opportunity to call out Phoney.
Anyway, thanks for clarifying your comment.
I don't believe that Iamaphoney (despite his unethical practices) has done any real harm to Paul.
The "unethical practices" is the part that should give you pause, not whether Paul's career has been harmed to this point (of course it hasn't--hardly anyone even knows about RA).
isnt it a little bit weird the syncronicity of aææ the paulmccartney sure feels like they've planned it.
Anonymous said...
isnt it a little bit weird the syncronicity of aææ the paulmccartney sure feels like they've planned it.
December 11, 2008 12:14 AM
suspicious, aint it?
Anonymous said...
The "unethical practices" is the part that should give you pause, not whether Paul's career has been harmed to this point (of course it hasn't--hardly anyone even knows about RA).
It does give me pause, but that's all it does. I still haven't paid a penny for the "entertainment" and neither has anyone else that I know of. Record companies that have represented Paul have engaged in some practices that I find unethical.
Iamaphoney is The Catcher and The Rye of Youtube.
Taf can try to glaze over that fact as much as he wants, but playing dumb doesn't fool anyone. You would have to see at least a small problem with making McCartney out to be a Satanist or even the Antichrist himself if you're as big a McCartney fan as you claim.
The truth is that you didn't start this blog for McCartney, its all about Iamaphoney, always has been.
Anonymous said...
Iamaphoney is The Catcher and The Rye of Youtube.
Taf can try to glaze over that fact as much as he wants, but playing dumb doesn't fool anyone. You would have to see at least a small problem with making McCartney out to be a Satanist or even the Antichrist himself if you're as big a McCartney fan as you claim.
The truth is that you didn't start this blog for McCartney, its all about Iamaphoney, always has been.
December 11, 2008 7:38 AM
since when is a satanist evil!???
Anonymous said...
Iamaphoney is The Catcher and The Rye of Youtube.
That is an amazing comment.
Taf can try to glaze over that fact as much as he wants, but playing dumb doesn't fool anyone.
If I cannot disagree with you unless I am glazing over, playing dumb, or fooling people, then I guess there is no point in responding.
I do want to go on record to say that I believe Satanism IS evil.
I can come up with a thousand interpretations of Iamaphoney's videos, but you only see one.
Is it possible that maybe you and I just see things differently? Is it possible that both of us can be honestly expressing our views? Why do I have to be a liar in your world?
since when is a satanist evil!???
December 11, 2008 8:00 AM
Depends on which candy-coated form of satanism you believe in. To a Christian, all forms of Satanism are evil. It would also depend on your definition of evil. If you asked me that in the 1950's, I could give you a cut and dry answer that we both would most likely agree on, but today's society is so much more acceptable of such ideals (some might say we are living "as it was in the days of Noah"), the answer is no longer that simple.
MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
Iamaphoney is The Catcher and The Rye of Youtube.
Taf can try to glaze over that fact as much as he wants, but playing dumb doesn't fool anyone. You would have to see at least a small problem with making McCartney out to be a Satanist or even the Antichrist himself if you're as big a McCartney fan as you claim.
The truth is that you didn't start this blog for McCartney, its all about Iamaphoney, always has been.
December 11, 2008 7:38 AM
since when is a satanist evil!???
December 11, 2008 8:00 AM
Mikey....I feel sorry for you..If you read that again you'll see that I never said Satanism is evil, as a matter of fact, I think it's an excuse for grown people to be rebellious and it holds nothing other than shock value.
Furthermore, I still think that Taf makes sure to neglect any negative effect that all of this may be causing including putting hateful thoughts into the minds of unstable fans, which I believe is one of the main agendas. Anytime it is brought up, he acts like its a proposturous claim that IAAP would even have the side effect of encouraging harm towards McCartney.
I feel like Taf is playing this game of "I can see where these people are coming from on the subject of negativity from IAAP, but I want to ignore that fact so that I don't feel guilty for maintaining this blog in his/their honor".
Or in Mikey's case, His honor.
Sorry Mike, you get a lot of shit around here, but you deserve it. I think you have managed to bullshit about who you are and what your involvement is for a long time now and people are catching on. I don't think you've talked to IAAP more than anyone else, I've never seen anything from IAAP to suggest any involvement with you, you're just a crazed fanatic of his always ready to kiss ass for a new video.
I would say that one should condemn unethical practices period, not qualify them subjectively by saying you don't believe those practices have done harm. Unlike Dan Brown's books, RA does not state that it is fictional in nature.
Otherwise, your non-Phoney posts are always great reading. Your posts dedicated to Phoney are now almost exclusively apologetic, which is the RA team's fault for putting Mikey and now you in that unenviable defensive position.
Otherwise, your non-Phoney posts are always great reading. Your posts dedicated to Phoney are now almost exclusively apologetic, which is the RA team's fault for putting Mikey and now you in that unenviable defensive position.
IAAP never put either of them in any position, at least I don't think so. If either of them has any real connection it's Taf. Mikey is a fanboy.
Well, I don't want to get in a shouting match. I had second thoughts about posting my last response, because I suspected it wouldn't help.
You psychoanalyzed me again about my motivation and I don't believe we have ever met.
My suggestion to you would be that you are using the wrong strategy. Try to convince me that I am wrong and you might get somewhere. You will never convince me that I am a liar, because I am not.
I respect your concern because I know there are some YouTube videos out there that may influence people to do destructive things. But there is no predictive validity in an argument that these particular videos are capable of doing that.
If you respond to this in a way that invites a response from me, I will continue the conversation when I get the opportunity. But, if you call me a liar a third time, I'm done.
Two other comments appeared while I was writing this.
Some additional notes: I appreciate the friendlier tone. I'm glad you like the non-Phoney articles and you can expect to see more, since Phoney's timetable has been less than satisfying of late.
I'm surprised that you see this latest article as defending of Phoney. I have defended myself in this comments exchange, but I don't feel any need to defend Iamaphoney. I simply restate what I have always said: I like his music and I find his videos interesting.
I am not an Iamaphoney insider, but I understand why some people say that. I'm resigned to the fact that some people are going to think that no matter what I say. I will try to address those issues in a future post, but I don't know that people would be interested in a post about me.
But there is no predictive validity in an argument that these particular videos are capable of doing that.
I have seen some of the most bizarre, vile, and uninformed things said about Paul and Beatles on the IAAP and other PID channels. Those people were probably already Paul haters, though. The videos maybe fan the flames (well, they used to, no more) more than anything. The videos have a very sinister tone, and they aren't just videos--they are coupled with multiple sock puppet channels and RA people posting stuff everywhere.
It also involves suitcase hunts in the real world. Anyone reading the Phoney channel comments can see exactly what sort of unhinged crowd his videos attract.
Can videos do harm? Maybe. Imagine what Manson would thought had he seen these videos---
Anyway, the series turned into comedy a long time ago so I don't think it matters how many clips of moustaches and LILYs we see.
"Well, I don't want to get in a shouting match. I had second thoughts about posting my last response, because I suspected it wouldn't help.
You psychoanalyzed me again about my motivation and I don't believe we have ever met.
My suggestion to you would be that you are using the wrong strategy. Try to convince me that I am wrong and you might get somewhere. You will never convince me that I am a liar, because I am not.
I respect your concern because I know there are some YouTube videos out there that may influence people to do destructive things. But there is no predictive validity in an argument that these particular videos are capable of doing that.
If you respond to this in a way that invites a response from me, I will continue the conversation when I get the opportunity. But, if you call me a liar a third time, I'm done."
You know, this term "psychoanalyze" came around a while back when people started discussing what your motives might be in the comments section here, I think the term is a bit too much given the circumstances. When you create a blog concerning a controversial subject and you of course don't give out any information about yourself (which makes perfect sense of course), you're going to be looking at people trying to figure out your role in the whole thing. My advice to you is to not take these accusations or yourself so seriously, it's not worth it. At the end of the day, you'll still be who you are. I think if you were being fair you would realize where some of us are coming from.
Just chill a little bit, it's hard to imagine that you don't have anything to hide when you get so worked up on anonymous accusations on a website. I would hope nobody would ever dream of calling you a liar or insinuating as much in real life...
First of all, Satanism as an official religion was not around in the 50's but had it's founding April 30th, 1966. For the record, I am anti-religion of any kind and not a Satanist. I think ritual is primitive. If the power is in the thought, then by thinking something strongly enough, it will come to pass.
Personally, I find all religions are based on lies with little bits of the truth thrown in just enough to gather in the weak minded. Some people need religion for their life to have a goal and sense of purpose.
Listen to what Levey says and tell me what is evil about what he says? Religions are based on fear in order to control people. Truth is being honest with yourself and others.
As for publicity for The Fireman and the makers of the music, it has worked. The old "any publicity is good publicity" is fact.
You can not be affected by any ritual unless you choose to believe there is real power in those performed.
This comes straight from the Bible:
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (Isaiah 45:7, KJV)
Now people have tried to change the meaning of the above statement to make it fit what their personal beliefs are, self comfort, if you will. It is obvious that if an omnipotent god created all things, he, from his consciousness, created ALL things. The other saying is "there is nothing new under the sun" which is true, repetition seems to rule humanity.
Don't you think if anyone really objected to the videos, they could all be taken down in a day, I am talking about anything Beatles and related on the subject.
Take responsibility for your own actions and be good to other people. What purpose does it serve to slam Taf for reported on the latest activity on Youtube. There seems to be great interest, he then performs a service, free of charge.
For those of you who think of it as evil or just nonsense, why bother reading this blog whatsoever? Find a new niche and hobby to be critical of, or better yet, create an Anti-iamaphoney blog and your can all argue amongst yourselves.
The only people who can be deceived is one who is willing to accept deception. We are given the rational mind in order to form our own opinions and decisions. If you feel this harms you psyche in any way, you should more than likely not read the blog and responses at all.
If iamaphoney's videos were not entertaining, then there would be no discussion to begin with, so regardless of what you think or write, you are all fans.
To the person above me, you obviously took a few sentences from a few comments and starting typing frantically. Mikey is the first person that threw out Satanism and evil in the same sentence, he was also misunderstanding the points being made.
Any speculation about Taf, as I said earlier, isn't meant as personal attacks, we are on the internet for crying out loud. As Taf himself noted, we've never met. He's also never met IAAP yet he keeps this blog going by speculating IAAP. I really think that this has all been blown out of proportion, obviously the blog is entertaining or there wouldnt even be a discussion like this going on in a comments section.
It is interesting, however, to note that Taf didn't get all offended when people speculate about Mike or Jude. I really don't see the big deal, if you want to give yourself a username on here, you WILL be brought into the discussion, it's that easy. There should never be a line drawn on here or anywhere else that says what can be speculated upon and what cannot.
All of this touchiness is fishy, though.
"I think ritual is primitive. If the power is in the thought, then by thinking something strongly enough, it will come to pass."
Was this a profession of your belief or was it a summary of primitive beliefs?
The idea that one's thoughts or actions can effect nature (non-locally) is the basis of many primitive religions, and lies at the core of so-called "spirtualist," "new age," and magical traditions.
Prayer is an obvious example of this type of thinking. Can one influence God to do something he would not otherwise do without human involvment?
The tension lies with the fact that Taf is mostly interested in IAAP for reasons that almost no one else is (his remixes and craft of editing), and that's not Taf's problem personally, although maybe to some extent for the purposes of the blog it is. Most either want some real life proof or evidence (that IAAP promised) or they want to mock IAAP for not delivering and/or manipulating the evidence. The disconnect is in the crowd waiting for answers and those who feel the people waiting for answers have been duped. It's sort of like one of those Unexplained Mystery shows. Most watch because of the content itself--not because of the editing or background music.
You make a really good point, I think a lot of us expect some kind of stronger opinion about the way IAAP has handled things. I think a lot of us are interested in the editing and what-not, but at the same time, the charade thats been going on has caused a lot of questions to be brought up.
I guess Dennis Wilson is alluding to the Manson connection once again. Why now? It seems like IAAP went on a connection spree for a while that lead to nowhere (ie manson, zodiac, etc)
"Prayer is an obvious example of this type of thinking."
I have no disagreements with this statement. Is prayer collective consciousness or a dependency on God to perform tasks for a person or persons? Is prayer a wish? For the Christian, prayer may be a symbol of faith in God. Where this logic is faulty, the selfless instead of selfishness is human nature. There is empathy and sorrow, death and regeneration.
"Can one influence God to do something he would not otherwise do without human involvement?"
First, tell me who or what God is, then I will answer your question?
I could give myself a screen name as one suggested. Would this give you a clue in the nature of who I am? You form a personality in your own mind of my essence by the words you read, they become me.
I just wrote the last comment. As it is true, I am turned off by religion in general. However, as long as it does not affect any other person in a negative way, one should always be free to pursue their own belief system and the faith thereof.
When there is killing in the name of God, no matter the religion, then this is one of the true evils in this world.
Bottom line: any video that includes the pineal gland is automatically disqualified from any serious discussion.
Bottom line: any video that includes the pineal gland is automatically disqualified from any serious discussion.
Sorry, I didnt know that rule!
That rule will save you a lot of time and effort.
Tafultong said...I am not an Iamaphoney insider, but I understand why some people say that.
Taf! It's because your blog is called IAMAPHONEY! You just had someone come on here and ask if you were on board. No matter what you put here or how many times you say that you're not involved, the name of the blog, I reiterate, is IAMAPHONEY. A quick google search shows that this blog comes up ahead of Iamaphoney's own YouTube channel when you look for that name. It's not preposterous to think that most people who visit this blog for the first time think that YOU'RE Iamaphoney. There are so many posts here and thousands of comments that I imagaine the average person who sees a video from IAAP, does a quick Google search and winds up here would think that this is Iamaphoney's blog. I've seen it mntioned in other blogs as "Iamaphoney's own blog". Don't think that you'll never stop having to explain this to people. I gather most don't get beyond the word IAMAPHONEY in big type at the top. Like others have suggested I seriously think you should change the name of this blog lest you be writing the same denial over and over again.
Oh I wouldn't change it. As an IAAP basher, having viewers mistake this blog, with it's often humorous tone, for IAAP's very own blog makes IAAP look like he's putting everybody on (which he is!) and is not to be taken seriously. I'd say this blog hurts him more than helps him when it comes to viewers discovering it for the first time. Hee hee! Keep it up!
Anonymous wrote:
Taf! It's because your blog is called IAMAPHONEY!
I know. Even meticulous fact checker Steve Marinucci was originally under that impression.
If I had it to do over....but, I'm stuck with that for the time being. Most people find me because they do a search for "Iamaphoney."
I appreciate the conversation that continued in my absence. I realize that I am playing a role in the Iamaphoney saga. If his impact is as sinister as some suggest, I hope this blog provides some light.
But, we are talking about someone who makes YouTube videos, and most of the disturbing material comes from other people's YouTube videos.
I created this blog because of the artistic statements Iamaphoney was making over a year ago. I'm afraid to tell you that even with the suitcases and all, I still perceive it much the same way.
Iamaphoney arrived under the label of Entertainment. He even did one video in a straight documentary format and quickly pulled it. He also named himself Iamaphoney. He didn't place that name on Paul. He came with the name Iamaphoney and said, "I will bring a revelation." That's why I laugh when I see people write things like, "Do you still believe in Iamaphoney?" To me that is the equivalent of asking, "Are you going to have Dr. Iamaclutz do your brain surgery?"
Maybe I was being too touchy. My real name is not Tafultong, but the words here are mine and I take ownership of them. I have also taken pride in the name Tafultong. I have made friends with that name. That is important to me.
My hope is that you see (touchy or not) that there is a difference between me defending Iamaphoney's art and me defending myself personally. I apply a different set of standards to art than I do to personal integrity.
I especially hope that any impressionable youth can make that distinction as well. I spend a lot of my real life time with impressionable youth and I have confidence that they can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
I spend a lot of my real life time with impressionable youth and I have confidence that they can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
I assume Phoney is fully grown. He still can't tell the difference.
Phoney is full grown and sings lead in Pupil CPH.
The cat came out of the bag a long time ago. It's why I don't take him seriously as a threat. We know the band and we definitely know someone involved....Martin Lind.
Seems like it would be better for them (Pupil) to just come out and say it. Maybe people like taf, who care nothing of IAAP's motives, he just really likes the mixing and the video editing. Maybe taf would buy their CD. Thats at least 1 sale.
Taf already knows. He's posted about it and Iamaphoney confirmed it long ago. The only reason to keep up the charade I can think of is that they've asked him to do that.
Confirmation by asking him to remove a video on his youtube?
Change the subject by starting a new topic... Imagine that.
As always, I will attempt to answer questions.
I am baffled about what it is that you want me to do.
Confirmation by Iamaphoney sending an e-mail confirming it.
how did i miss the pupil connection?? Taf, would you be willing to do a post on the subject or did IAAP tell you not to?
So.., according to 'Anon', Satanists supposedly believe one should;
"Take responsibility for your own actions and be good to others."
The "do as thou wilt" bollocks once again resurfaces.,
I love the way satanists love to use that one, when behind closed doors they consistently abuse & destroy others for their own personal gain, using highly unsavoury, tried & tested, hand me down methods..
Anon also says;
"Listen to what Levey says and tell me what is evil about what he says? Religions are based on fear in order to control people."
LAVey is indeed a fine upstanding individual to quote on the subject, I would even go as far as to say, that he epitomised "satanism" and everything that it stands for.
How do his words deserve any amount of recogniton or credibility?, he's the last person that I'd "listen to" on any subject..
Ask his daughter about the time he half beat her pet dog to death (in front of her), beacause it was too frightened to respond to him when he called it. So much for not doing harm to others..
Who would you recommend listening to for advice on wooing women?.. Ted Bundy?
How about some tips on orienteering?.. The Hillside Strangler, perhaps? You've just debunked your own argument.
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