The Iamaphoney story has taken many twists and turns over the past couple years, but how much of the insanity that we have been following can really be attributed to the person who started a thread on the Nothing Is Real forum back in November of 2006? The Rotten Apple Army has given the man at the top quite a bit of plausible deniability.
The shadowy figure whose current identity on NIR is "Bill" started the "Rotten Apple 2" thread with four posts dated November 27, 2006. Each post consisted of a single YouTube link for Rotten Apple 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.
Bill's member bio on NIR reads as follows:
Name: Blll
Email: hidden
Birthday: 11/20/1963
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Posts: 48
Date Registered: Sept 27, 2006, 2:15pm
Account Status: Not Activated
Another early post by "Bill" (Iamaphoney) gave a hint as to his spelling prowess, but more importantly, his primary objective:
glad you guys likes it...
There is so much more on its way...
trying to get some investers to help me out.
...hopefully it will be the big revalation film,
The film that tells the true,and the final answer from the dead man himself
-Bill 11/28,2006
The Rotten Apple thread is up to 210 pages and over 5000 responses. It spent a period locked behind a password as punishment for some nasty exchanges between Iamaphoney fans and foes. "Bill" or Iamaphoney simply stayed out of it, never defending himself from attacks and refusing even to correct his fans when they went overboard in jumping to his defense. It was surreal how intense the fighting became. The conversation sometimes bordered on perceived threats attributed to Iamaphoney, yet the subject of the conversation maintained plausible deniability by staying out of it all. Iamaphoney never threatened anyone.
The early responses gave no hint of the war that eventually emerged within the Rotten Apple thread.
As we all know, those early videos were not sophisticated, dealing mainly with reversals of speech that were received as new discoveries by his early fans at NIR. Then the videos seemed to reflect evidence that his initial request for investors had been answered. The increase in the quality of the videos (and accompanying soundtracks) coincided with some setbacks. Rotten Apple 25, 28 and 30 disappeared from YouTube for a while, possibly because of copyright infringement. Ironically, two of the three deleted videos dealt with Charles Manson and Aleister Crowley, two topics that would create much controversy in the world of Iamaphoney. The third video contained some footage from American Bandstand with Dick Clark. New versions of the three videos appeared later and featured original music and slicker editing more in line with subsequent Rotten Apple efforts.
As the quality of the Rotten Apple videos increased, so did the resistance among members of NIR, and Iamphoney was being accused of stealing ideas from the board and incorporating them into his videos. Other viewers took issue with the increase of association with Crowley, Manson, satanism and serial killers in the videos. Another thing that Iamaphoney can take the blame for was the use of major fires as backgrounds on his YouTube channels. Some considered it a sick joke, while others even insinuated that Iamaphoney was responsible for setting the fires.
Iamaphoney reached a significant crossroad at the time of Rotten Apple 65. For a brief time, there was a version of RA 65 that showed a rather straight documentary format, even featuring a voiceover by an English voice, although not the same voice known as the "English Gentleman" who said, "Paul McCartney, world renowned musical genius, a trend-setting pop star of Beatle fame." This voice was a narrator only, not someone presented as an insider.
The documentary version of RA 65 also seemed to include recent interviews with experts who seemed to be willing to talk about the Paul Is Dead rumor.
Frequent Beatles Co-Star Victor Spinetti sat down to talk to "someone" about the clues.

Another interview subject was Beatles expert and author Bruce Spizer who seemed to enjoy talking about Paul Is Dead clues.

In addition to his excellent books, Spizer had written an April Fools joke article about Paul Is Dead rumors. But I wonder who interviewed him about the Paul Is Dead clues.
There was also an interview with this unidentified woman who seemed to possess information about the Beatles' relationship with Aleister Crowley.

The documentary clip contained explorations of several clues including the name Joe Ephgrave from the Sgt. Pepper credits, the changing of the lettering of "Lonely Hearts" on the Sgt. Pepper drum head, the "Son of the Magickian" anagram and the famous "Love Code."

The documentary style was admirable and it could have been the PID aficionado's dream. There was only one problem. Compared to the trippy, spooky videos that Iamaphoney was producing at the time, the documentary format was boring. The documentary was quickly pulled and Iamaphoney committed himself back to the path of darkness. Rotten Apple 66,6 returned to Charles Manson and Aleister Crowley.

Some people have consistently accused Iamaphoney of glorifying satanists and serial killers, but I don't think Manson's quote about the "Elvis Presleys and Mesca Besleys and all them guys" is exactly flattering to Manson. It is certainly not as flattering to Charles Manson as Vincient Bugliosi's description in his book "Helter Skelter." I understand the motive to make Manson out to be a genius in order to make Bugliosi a bigger genius for defeating him in a court of law. But Bugliosi even went as far as sharing a story of when his reliable wristwatch stopped for the first time ever and he looked up to see Manson staring at him and grinning. Give me a break. I also think that if Iamaphoney was a big fan of Manson, he would be doing his musical treatment to some of Charlie's songs (some of which are nearly listenable) instead of focusing on some of the most obscure tracks in Beatles history. I also think Iamaphoney would set Aleister Crowley's poems to music if Crowley were really the object of his fascination.
There have been many insinuations that Iamaphoney was a Beatles insider, but I can't find any claims of that directly traceable to videomaker/musician Iamaphoney. The closest thing to that would have been the mini biography that appeared briefly on wikipedia, but was quickly removed. The bio suggested that Iamaphoney was one Ian Paul Bill Martin Jr., a musician, recording engineer and journalist. There was no direct Beatles connection, but at least he was in the business. However, I don't know that we can say for certain that Iamaphoney wrote or approved that bio.
Another source of contempt among Iamaphoney foes and annoyance even among fans has to do with the large number of alias YouTube channels that feature copies of rotten apple videos with different names or, in some cases, entirely new videos. Iamaphoney videos about Paul McCartney are one thing, but a YouTube channel for one PauIMcCartney (with a capital "I" instead of an "l") seems like a deliberate attempt to fool real McCartney fans. But I can't find a way to prove that YouTube user PauIMcCartney is Iamaphoney, even though I am reasonably sure it is. I am reasonably sure that YouTube user BlllShepherd is Iamaphoney, and reasonably sure that YouTube user S3ANL3NN0N is not. I have no idea if YouTube user lAMAPH0NEY, who posted a four-second video this week is Iamaphoney or someone else. But Iamaphoney maintains plausible deniability by remaining silent.

There have been many references to the Rotten Apple Army and the Iamaphoney organization. We have seen the Iamaphoney actor and at least one camera operator in the videos. There has been a talk of an editor who spices up the videos. I have been contacted by individuals who claim to be members or former members of the Iamaphoney organization.
I have had a total of about five interactions with the YouTube person called Iamaphoney. Each consisted of a back and forth exchange via YouTube. Some of those interactions regarded some images that were placed in a photo album at picasaweb on a few different occasions. I published all of those photos on this blog. Some of those images turned up later in Rotten Apple videos.
I have also had a few exchanges with someone claiming to work for Iamaphoney. I believe that person was telling me the truth.
One of the more interesting contacts was someone who claimed to be a former member of the Iamaphoney organization. This person gave me some information and pictures that I published on this blog. One of the pictures was a color version of what was implied to be a Paul McCartney doodle that included the words "chase phoney."

I contacted this individual when another "former member" threatened to release seven videos that would reveal everything, and then disappeared before anyone saw the first of the seven. My contact told me that something had been worked out with the traitor. Once again, Iamaphoney had plausible deniability.
There was one chink in the armor of the former member of the Iamaphoney organization who contacted me. After about three months of silence, the former member contacted me and told me to check my "secret place." This puzzled me because the former member always used megaupload to send me things. It was Iamaphoney who used the "secret place."
I retrieved the document and published it here, but I had a question for this supposed "former member" of the Iamaphoney organization.
I asked, "Does this mean that you and Iamaphoney are together?"
The answer I received was "ono."
I followed up with, "It is just that you were always using MegaUpload and it was Iamaphoney who was putting things in the "secret place."
The "former member" responded, "your solution is in your problem."
I replied but received no answer and have not heard from the person since then.
Was the supposed traitor I was dealing with actually Iamaphoney himself? I couldn't tell you. He remains hidden under the cloak of plausible deniability.
The bigger question remains. Who is funding Iamaphoney? How is he able to jet around the world leaving suitcases that make him the object of ridicule with no apparent effort to profit financially? Who is behind the Iamaphoney organization? Whoever that is must have written the book on plausible deniability.
1 – 200 of 398 Newer› Newest»Very good article, tafultong!
these are some very interesting issues, that i hope will be resolved one day...
I know it's probably not a very popular theory, but I am starting to wonder if all this is concocted by McCartney / Apple simply as an overly elaborate marketing scheme for us to all buy up Beatles paraphernalia in order to analyze everything for more clues.
Im not saying there isn't some major unsolved Beatles secrets here. The more I investigate, the more freaked I am.
Great post Taf!
"your solution is in your problem."
Also T, the post made at NIR concerning someone whose father had the Mal Evens book, and hinted to it's contents, was most likely an early iaap indicator.
sorry, I meant it was at TKIN.
good work do you have any proof that we will sing it man we will be reversed was at nir before phony revealed it? or he is dead you sing HALLELUYA?
OR HE IS DEAD (LET IT BE). I think that that is the most disturbing thing about iamaphony. That he had all these new clues nobody had had before.
Ï have been looking around the internet and i couldn't find anything of those backwards things before rottenapple .
others of phonys clues is Paul is really dead and I really want it out and I likes death (helter skelter) Who can trace them down to before iamaphony?
Seek and ye shall find.
Paul-sible Deniability
the clouds that span the raging sea
are manufactured privately
in Basingstoke by Bib and Brown
and when the chilly wind doth blow
I take a bath
oh boy....what does that mean?
"and the final answer from the dead man himself"
when will that be?
when,when,when? huh?
@ Pineapples101:
Remember, Derek Taylor did say that rotten apples would be thrown at the stage if the Beatles ever decided to a post-John reunion (which is exactly what they did in 1995).
Anonymous wrote:
great post... probably your best yet. =)
Due to some technical glitch, your anonymous comment was deleted.
I just wanted to say thank you for the kind words and let you know that the deletion was unintentional
Pineapples101 said...
Example... Link
Thanks Pineapples. I have bookmarked all of your blogs, by the way. Great stuff!
Why doesn't anyone care? Why?
mysterious said...
the clouds that span the raging sea
are manufactured privately
in Basingstoke by Bib and Brown
and when the chilly wind doth blow
I take a bath
Paul McCartney offers John Lennon "some amazing cake from Basingstoke." (From "The Beatles Authorized Biography" by Hunter Davies)
Have you seriously not figured this out TafulTong?
How long do you expect to go on with this? Forever? That is starting to look like the alternate agenda, in which your plausible deniability fades. Too bad.
maybe phoney is just ballin. he doesn't need funding if he's got skillz.
Mikey has skillz.
disinfo Skills? Def
I can tell you that Bruce Spizer has seen Rotten Apple #65 but he was unaware of what Iamaphoney's agenda is. Larry Kane was also in that video and may have requested that it be removed as his words may have been edited and taken out of context to fit an agenda.
Anonymous said...
I can tell you that Bruce Spizer has seen Rotten Apple #65 but he was unaware of what Iamaphoney's agenda is. Larry Kane was also in that video and may have requested that it be removed as his words may have been edited and taken out of context to fit an agenda
I would imagine that both Bruce Spizer and Larry Kane know who interviewed them.
I would imagine that both Bruce Spizer and Larry Kane know who interviewed them.
The Spizer interview was recorded at a Beatles convention while sitting at a guest table. The subject was PID but as you have pointed out the responses were lighthearted. I would imagine that the interviewer approached the topic in much the same way. What he did with it later was deceptive.
Best article yet Tafultong
Glad you are highlighting and asking these questions
Early warnings, all around.
glad its back on iaap and not gramps
iaap is cool, gramps is lame
I think that that is the most disturbing thing about iamaphony. That he had all these new clues nobody had had before.
Uhm, perhaps you haven't been to any PID forums. These guys come up with clues every week. At least what they believe to be clues. All of them are new. Hardly any of them seem genuine, including Phoney's backward stuff.
By the way, Taf, there is every reason to believe Phoney has responded to critics and fans; not directly, but by using aliases.
I think that that is the most disturbing thing about iamaphony. That he had all these new clues nobody had had before.
Dude, must you keep posting the same comment over and over again here, e.g. "How does Phoney do it? I'm SCARED! How does he come up with so many new clues that NO ONE had before."
This is either a huge fanboy, or an example of Phoney posting as his own fans and mentioned above.
If you want answers Tafultong. Contact the recognizable faces you see in Rotten Apple videos. You'll hear back from a few of them. Unless you prefer not knowing too much for the fun of the mystery of it all.
And to all the fanboys. Seen it.
Contact the recognizable faces you see in Rotten Apple videos.
So it's Spizer or Kane behind part of it for some fun pastime or perhaps trying to garner interest in a PID album to sell at Beatle conventions?
Tafultong said...
Thanks Pineapples. I have bookmarked all of your blogs, by the way. Great stuff!
Thats cool. As a new comer to the PID phenomenon theres probably a lot of stuff on there that may have significance that I am not aware of, just trying to collect all my junk in one place.
Keep up the good work!
"And to all the fanboys. Seen it."
It seen you too! And you KNOW what they say about that? ....mmm?
Massive FAIL. How disappointing. Was this the original intent?
Was that part of the dea-i-o iaapy? was it?
Massive FAIL.Massive: Adjective meaning large in size or mass
Fail: A verb meaning to lose, to come short of a victory.
...I weep for this generation.
" Anonymous said...
Massive FAIL.Massive: Adjective meaning large in size or mass
Fail: A verb meaning to lose, to come short of a victory.
...I weep for this generation.
May 1, 2009 7:17 PM"
well you should....unless....unless...unless....
conj. 1. Upon any less condition than (the fact or thing stated in the sentence or clause which follows); if not; supposing that not; if it be not; were it not that; except; as, we shall fail unless we are industrious.
let's try for unless, shall we?
unless you don't want to
in which case....
less is Paul
and Paul is Les
and maybe no one has to weep, except GFA, for whom is no hope. Unless.....
weep all you want to Webster:
1. Failure to deliver securities to a purchaser within a specified time.
2. Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.
Les Paul?
Hey Mary. Love your work.
The Beatles are the best band ever. */\
______ */•|________
______*/• \________
John_ *(•_ )________
______ .| |_________
______ .|•|___Paul__
______ .|•|_________
______ .|•|_Ringo___
____/#| .|•|__/\______
____\##/ |•|/&&/____
____\ ######## //____
Pineapples101, you're Beatles paraphenalia page is wonderful.
No need to be freaked. The more you learn. The more you investigate. The more you'll find it all very comic. PID, as a movement, has little to do with the Beatles.
One and One and One is three
Got to be good lookin' cause he's so hard to see.
Southland tales is where I'm at.
Mother Mary is the real John Lennon
Anonymous Jericho Cane said...
Southland tales is where I'm at.
May 1, 2009 8:44 PM
you, and me, and about 3 other people feel the same way
Not sure about this thread, but I'll wheel it up just in case.
popcorn at the end of days?
need some salt?
A certain member of the paparazzi overheard Heather Mills say to Paul, "All right, then, BILLY!"
Heather was paid off, but he was merely threatened with his job.
I bet you wouldn't believe you if I told you I was Jericho Cane, would ya?
The living dead aren't as scary as they are in them movies.
They just changed a little, that's all.
The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
out of the woodwork they crawl
Yeah, nobody asked you to come out. Get back to where you once belonged.
It's just some phoney prophet.
In the book "3001":
The body of astronaut Poole, preserved for a thousand years in the vacuum of space, is found near Jupiter and revived. He studies the many changes and improvements to civilization on Earth. The African monolith was discovered many years before, and moved to New York City to stand alongside the monolith transported from Luna. Poole contacts the HAL-Bowman combined avatar now resident within the monoliths, and they realize that the monoliths of 2001 probably transmitted a request for orders to their 'superiors', and that the response might be dangerous to Mankind. Poole and HAL-Bowman devise a virus to implant in the monoliths, then copy the sentient HAL-Bowman entity to storage. The monoliths form two immense screens between Earth and the suns Sol & Lucifer, intended to prevent sunlight from reaching the Earth; but fifteen minutes after formation, the monolith screens disintegrate, as well as the two monoliths in New York. Fearing the virus-infected HAL-Bowman entity, scientists seal it/them away, possibly for all eternity; a mission to Europa attempts to establish peaceful relations with the oxygen-incompatible race of beings there.
It is time for me to reveal myself!
I am an embedded agent of an secret, undercover
clandestine global operation;
a spiritual conspiracy.
We have sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
Secret Agent Man aka Sam I Am
There's a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow
Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a number and taken away your name
"Howdy, stranger. Mind if I smoke?"
And, he said,
"Every man.......... every man for himself." -Laurie Anderson
The bloodlines are within us
This is getting retarded. Such a shame.
Btw: Massive, word commonly associated with "heart attack" and "stroke".
I'm afriad you're wrong, pal.
me? Wrong? Pal???!
No,no, and NO!
No one gives a shite about Lady M.
Mother Mary is john Lennon? What ?
That's the SPIRIT ;]
The fake mustache look was all the rage back in the day. A Faul looking Gary Booker around the time of Pepper.
Eli! Eli!
For what? Nothing?
Living is easy with eyes closed.
WAKE UP!!!!!!
Hmmmm...Gary Booker, does that now make him Fairy?
"A certain member of the paparazzi overheard Heather Mills say to Paul, "All right, then, BILLY!"
Heather was paid off, but he was merely threatened with his job."
I can prove that Pauimccartney and PAULMCCARTNEY is working together. Right now, Sing The Changes is not allowed being played at any of those two channels.
It have to be the same source! Hurry up, to see it for yourself.
Uh, no free Youtube spam for you, buddy. In other words, don't be a cockaroach.
ph0neypr0phet...DUDE..we all KNOW the scenario by now. You are the soul of John Lennon, John Lennon is Jesus, blahbiddyblahblah...maybe you should post somewhere where you haven't already spread your "message" a hundred times. WE GET IT.
Funny, the writer of the "Lennon Prophecy" contacted me yesterday.
I told him the truth about John.
meet a beatle
Jeff Leland said...
Funny, the writer of the "Lennon Prophecy" contacted me yesterday.
I told him the truth about John.
May 3, 2009 3:38 AM
That is kind of funny
There are places I remember
Funny ha ha? or funny ironic?
Anonymous said...
Funny ha ha? or funny ironic?
May 3, 2009 6:43 AM
well, if you have to ask...
Joseph Niezgoda
/ \
Oh let's go for 100!
Yes, Let's!
And there it is!
Slipping back into the coma.
I haven't seen this talked about and thought I'd advertise it here for the information for those who have not heard the word.
Paul McCartney is hard at work on material for his next project, telling The Los Angeles Times that he's already completed "about 20 new songs." McCartney explained that his songwriting process isn't much different than the way he and John Lennon crafted the Beatles'legendary hits, saying, "I do it in the same form that John and I used to do.
GN has the long road of redemption ahead of him....can he do it?
Perhaps not if you are all that well read.....
but ya never know!
and, on that list you may also include:
Why do I get the feeling that the constant plugging of the Lennon Prophecy book on this blog is deliberate?
More disinfo. Your own fault, really.
Anonymous said...
More disinfo. Your own fault, really.
May 3, 2009 5:06 PM
There's no question that the Lennon Prophesy is disinfo. Throw in some misinfo and shitinfo on top of it.
And you bring back the dead to correct them on the error
I corrected my dick once. He wont bother any of you any longer!
Aw gee...
not "any longer", that's for sure!
S3ANL3NN0N (21 minutes ago)
A Beatle will reveal himself tommorow in a town which will shake the world.
S3ANL3NN0N (1 hour ago)
So tomorrow must be big news day?
Earthquake? Or the news will do that?
The word is out About the town To lift a glass Ahhh dont look down
S3ANL3NN0N (21 minutes ago)
5 X 4 = 20 5+4=9
ta da!
A ph0neyprophet will reveal himself
You can't lie with math
"Anonymous said...
You can't lie with math
May 3, 2009 8:52 PM"
Hello!? EXACTLY! That's why he is using it!
Why would anyone lie about this?
And by "this" I have no idea what this is. Maybe someone could share
1:41- same month, 4 days later, 10 years later
A ph0neyprophet will reveal himself
May 3, 2009 8:51 PM
ph0neyprophet is a Beatle?
it's more in the name, really.
i cant make out any beatle names in there, could you help a brother out?
how is ph0neyprophet going to reveal himself?
1962, 1995
"A Beatle will reveal himself tommorow in a town which will shake the world."
Mother Nature spins the earthquake wheel, and it comes up....hold on....tick tick tick tiiiick.....Guatemala. Congratulations, Guatemala
" ph0ney said...
1962, 1995
May 3, 2009 9:04 PM"
12 Seconds? Miles?
33 makes me want a Youknowmybeer
ph0neyprophet is going to reveal in Guatemala? is that why there are earthquakes there?
clue said...
May 3, 2009 9:10 PM
iamaphoney on twitter says the same thing... hmmmm..
IAAP On Twitter, Now Protected
This person has protected their updates."
"iamaphoney on twitter says the same thing... hmmmm..
May 3, 2009 9:13 PM"
Not anymore, its protected
They don't really care about us, those sheep, you know.
SAYS the eye of Horus
Could someone message Iamaphoney on twitter and tell him that you can't reveal if no one can see it.
Just 12 followers...can... see....
12 disciples.... + 1 ..
uh oh.
There were thirteen participants at the Last Supper. Tradition states that Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table.
*esus, its whats for dinner
Anonymous 12 12 1990 said...
They don't really care about us, those sheep, you know.
May 3, 2009 9:17 PM
theres mike jackson again.
Anyone know who Judas is this time?
Anonymous whats for dinner? said...
There were thirteen participants at the Last Supper. Tradition states that Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table.
*esus, its whats for dinner
May 3, 2009 9:19 PM
No thanks. I am becoming a herbivore. Nothing but grass
Lots of revealing there probably. And we are missing out!
How will the town shake the world?
12 more will join this next dinner.
Be at Leso!
Eureka! (We just had an earthquake!)
12 more will join this next dinner.
May 3, 2009 9:39 PM
that's 24.
Does Jack Bauer know you are bringing that many people to dinner?
Dinner leeches make Jack Bauer cry
AND THE WORST CHRISTMAS SONG OF ALL TIME… all right already, i clicked the link
Anonymous said...
May 3, 2009 9:50 PM
sorry dude, did the math wrong so i could reference the popular television show "24"
i see
" 12 + 12 = 33
20 minutes ago from web "
you did the math wrong too! NOW WE WILL NEVER GET HOME!
0 Following 0 Followers
iamaphoney has you outnumbered
Seriously dude, you look like Mark David Chapman
Chubby and depressed
well, he does seem to put an end to rumors, doesnt he?
Anonymous skinny happy jesus said...
Chubby and depressed
May 3, 2009 10:06 PM
and bad at math
Anonymous skinny happy jesus said...
Chubby and depressed
May 3, 2009 10:06 PM
not very nice
when you need em?
Jesus comes back as a chubby kid?
15 minutes ago from web, waddling to the fridge
dude, this is getting mean. i mean, cant a kid claim to be Jesus without being called a racial epithet?
12 + 12 = 33
"without being called a racial epithet?
May 3, 2009 10:15 PM"
Jesus comes back as a chubby kid?
May 3, 2009 10:10 PM
This is reminding me of school, and not at all as I imagined
Sure could use a random Beatle quote to really prove a point about now...
Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
dude, this is getting mean. i mean, cant a kid claim to be Jesus without being called a racial epithet?
May 3, 2009 10:15 PM
way to play the race card way to early in the bit
You are not helping, Jeff.
Guatemala = Mayan
"Sure could use a random Beatle quote to really prove a point about now..."
Come on is such a joy
come on is such a joy
come on it make it easy
come on is make it easy
Take it easy
Take is easy
yeah, easy
Where's the Beatle revealing himself?
don't encourage him
Now, what were the chances of this happening?
Well, considering only 12 on the internet know, I was expecting that.
in the image of GOD he created them
Better recognize your brothers, everyone you meet.
he sacrificed his life to become a HERO
This sucks.
"We're on our way home"
Cinco de Mayonnaise?
Please please me
Like I please you
12 12 2012
my birthday
You say it's your birthdsay?
Page 2
darn, I know so much now,I don't feel like telling anyone.
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