Paul McCartney is one of the supporters of Record Store Day, an event on April 18, 2009 in support of Independently Owned Record Stores.
Quoted in the University Star of Texas State University, McCartney said: “There’s nothing as glamorous to me as a record store,” McCartney said. “When I recently played Amoeba in Los Angeles, I realized what fantastic memories such a collection of music brings back when you see it all in one place. This is why I’m more than happy to support Record Store Day and I hope that these kinds of stores will be there for us all for many years to come.”
But the most compelling thing about this was the article in the Charleston City Paper that said that "Paul McCartney will release six (only six!) acetates of one song at a secret location."
If you have any secret locations in your area, it is time to visit them.
If this is true, I think this would be the third rarest McCartney record of all time after the song called "Linda," (one copy) which he gave to his late wife as a gift and "Paul's 1965 Christmas Album" (four copies).
I could not find any mention of Paul McCartney on the Official Record Store Day web site. There was also no information about this on Paul's Official Web Site.
So what is the "one song?" Something tells me it will not be the song "Shoes."
If you catch any details, please drop me a comment or an email. Big thanks to the commenter who shared the link about this.
The Hollywood Star ceremony for George Harrison featured a surprising cast of stars. In addition to Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty, Eric Idle, Gary Wright, David Foster and several other luminaries, this guy showed up:

Here is a BBC video report on the event.

There is another Iamaphoney-related channel on YouTube: THEFlREMANMUSlC
And finally, we already have a cover of Shoes!
1 – 200 of 1327 Newer› Newest»Thirst!
Change Begins Within
Sing the changes, man.
This post has been removed by the author.
Comment deleted
post deleted
Where do we find those records???
Anonymous said...
Comment deletedYeah, that was odd. If there was a secret message in there, I'm afraid I missed it.
BTW, the deleted comment linked to this.
How do you feel about playing to a crowd as diverse as the Coachella audience? What do you hope the crowd will walk away with?
Their feet! ;)
Blogger Tafultong said...
BTW, the deleted comment linked to this.
April 15, 2009 12:02 PM
Exactly Taf, could be they either forgot they were logged in... or wanted to see how many were fast on the draw.
or wanted to see how many were fast on the draw.
April 15, 2009 3:12 PM
taf, and you apparently. you know, the insiders.....
Anonymous said...
Where do we find those records???
April 15, 2009 11:55 AM
what records?
Age: 45
Industry: Religion
Location: london : United Kingdom"
He one holy roller
1.The records are in the suitcases.
2. Les phonographes sont dans les valise.
3. Die Phonographen in die Koffer.
4. Los fonógrafos están en las maletas.
5. O phonographs estão nas malas.
6. В фонографов находятся в чемоданах.
1 The suitcase is in the Hall.
2 De koffer is in de Zaal.
3 La maleta está en el Pasillo.
4 Der Koffer ist im Hall.
5 La valise est dans le Hall.
6 Η βαλίτσα είναι στην αίθουσα.
7 Чемодан в Hall.
There's a great little store in Portsmouth, NH I've picked up some great vinyl, even a Pepperpots album hey! I'll go for record store day, what the hell. The odds that this is Paul's "secret location" are of course infinitesimally small, but hey ya never know.
If there ever was a record store that would be where the records are, the Bullmoose Record store in Portsmouth would be it.
George holds the guitar at 12 degrees in that picture, just like Faul holds the cors-whatever on Sgt Pepper.
Anybody else bored by IAAPs videos?
Really, there is nothing there that could be of any interest. He is like a kid, pretending to play detective.
The shoe-clue (;-) is a joke. You see the shoe from the right side, then it's supposed to show the 8 underneath. :-P
Then there is 80 % of boring images, blinking fast. And the Shoe-song (which nicely produced) sounds like Kanye West featuring Cher.
No more suitcases i guess?
I am most amazed about the waste of time.
I think it is great though, that Tafulong is viewing this with a little bit of ironic distance (but not enough, IMHO). Also, Taf seems to be a Paul-Fan, and seems to not buy the PID bulshit. Thats a good thing!
Taf, i think your blog would be even better with even more critique on the suitcase-shoeclue-video-game that IAAP are playing. WOuld be even more fun to read. I think 90% of the posters here see IAAP as coffebreak-joke anyway... :-)
Regards, D.
hi man
noboby is forcing you to watch, find another blog that you find interesting instead. goodbye,D.
iaap vids are for people who can think themselfes.
He is not delivering but hinting and I agree with you .
Find somewhere else to use your time dont waste ours with your negative vibe.
oops. some very sensitve persons here.
I was just posting my comment here in the COMMENT section. And i am here because i like Tafs blog.
Still, i think IAAPs videos are boring and all his pretending to be important (like the ridiculously funny timetable)is getting more and more boring.
just my opinion dude! better then all the 80% offtopic posts here, i think..
so chill out, ok?
hi man
noboby is forcing you to watch, find another blog that you find interesting instead. goodbye,D.
April 16, 2009 2:53 AM
Stick around D; don't let the cronies drive you away. Those comments were probably from Mike, Jude, or the other phoneys. Once confronted, they really start to show their age; a bunch of boo-hoo diaper babies.
D. said: "Still, i think IAAPs videos are boring and all his pretending to be important (like the ridiculously funny timetable)is getting more and more boring."
April 16, 2009 3:03 AM
....and I agree, they are boring. They were entertaining at first, but after the broken promises and the suitcase fiascoes, it is obvious he has nothing and is out of ideas.
phoney said: "hi man
noboby is forcing you to watch, find another blog that you find interesting instead. goodbye,D."
April 16, 2009 2:53 AM
This is not iamaphoney's YT channel, it is Tafultong's blog. Yes, it is named "iamaphoney", but if you haven't noticed, that is not the only thing discussed here. This blog discusses everything Beatles and then some. So, maybe you need to confine your comments to iamaphoney's YT channel?
jojo said...
There's a great little store in Portsmouth, NH I've picked up some great vinyl, even a Pepperpots album hey! I'll go for record store day, what the hell. The odds that this is Paul's "secret location" are of course infinitesimally small, but hey ya never know.
April 15, 2009 6:17 PM
well, since he's on the West Coast,
it's unlikely ;)
I'm actually leaning towards the idea of the 6 records being inside the 6 suitcases...
Wouldn't that be something!
"Still, i think IAAPs videos are boring and all his pretending to be important (like the ridiculously funny timetable)is getting more and more boring."
mmmm hmmmm.... aja?
I appreciate the fact that someone who finds Iamphoney's videos boring would still come and read this blog.
I found the video very entertaining and I thought was Iamaphoney did with "Shoes" was brilliant. But I think that honest opinions to the contrary benefit everyone.
So, maybe you need to confine your comments to iamaphoney's YT channel?
April 16, 2009 4:53 AM
right, that way you wont be anonymous!
like... i am....
get off my lawn!
showing my age...
right, that way you wont be anonymous!
like... i am....
April 16, 2009 5:59 AM
How is having a YT channel not being anonymous?
April 16, 2009 5:57 AM
Blogger Tafultong said...
I appreciate the fact that someone who finds Iamphoney's videos boring would still come and read this blog.
I found the video very entertaining and I thought was Iamaphoney did with "Shoes" was brilliant. But I think that honest opinions to the contrary benefit everyone.
April 16, 2009 5:58 AM
Thanks to you Taf!
I would enjoy the phoney videos more if wouldn't pretend to be that mysterious private investigator who has obtained some secret FOORP.
Who still buys that?
Oh yeah, who ever asked: i am not aja.
Why should i be?
was there ever a real Aja?
D wrote:
I would enjoy the phoney videos more if wouldn't pretend to be that mysterious private investigator who has obtained some secret FOORP.
Who still buys that?I don't think you have to buy that in order to appreciate the artistry. There was a point in the series where Iamaphoney could have gone in either of two directions. There was even one flirtation with a straight documentary format, but that was quickly removed from YouTube. It was professionally done, but not nearly as compelling to me as the Iamphoney actor traveling around the world unveiling mysterious clues.
Ah, we all miss Aja. But as I have said a million times, no one has ever been harmed by walking away from conspiracy theories.
Who is Aja?
Anonymous said...
Who is Aja?
Aja used to write thoughtful, and often challenging comments here in response to my articles. I think some people surmised from her text that Aja was female and quite good looking. Know what I mean? Ummm Hmmm. Also, some of Iamaphoney quick cuts in his videos show the name "Aja."
Anonymous said...
I'm actually leaning towards the idea of the 6 records being inside the 6 suitcases...
April 16, 2009 5:49 AM
So you think that one of the albums Paul is giving away is his old beat up copy of The Magic Christian?! No thank you!
john august stole it all from me.
John August = Iamaphoney
tafultiong iaap is refering to AIA AZIZ
John August is SK's nephew?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
john august stole it all from me.
John August = Iamaphoney
April 16, 2009 10:51 AM
got any foorp on that?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
john august stole it all from me.
John August = Iamaphoney
April 16, 2009 10:51 AM
John August stole it from you.
John August is Iamaphoney.
Who are you?
Maybe whoever it is could make a video showing what else they know before "John August" steals that as well.
Define john august
Maybe whoever it is could make a video showing what else they know before "John August" steals that as well.
April 16, 2009 12:45 PM
More suitcases!
/goodie goodie!
got any foorp on that?
April 16, 2009 12:39 PM
Obvious. Just watch all the Iamaphoney videos. Everything in them came from me. You can tell when you watch them.
John August stole it from you.
John August is Iamaphoney.
Who are you?
April 16, 2009 12:40 PM
Who I am is not important. What is more important is that the person you know as Iamaphoney is John August.
so who are you?
My name is John September. Next thing you know John August will steal that as well. I look for him to try that in a month or so. So predictable.
I don't get it.
John Barnett
John Bigboote
John Camp
John Careful Walker
John Chief Crier
John Cooper
John Coyote
John Edwards
John Fish
John Fledgling
John Gomez
John Grim
John Guardian
John Icicle Boy
John Jones
John Joseph
John Kim Chi
John Lee
John Littlejohn
John Many Jars
John Milton
John Mud Head
John Nephew
John Nolan
John O'Connor
John Omar
John Parrot
John Rajeesh
John Ready to Fly
John Repeat Dance
John Roberts
John Scott
John Smallberries
John Starbird
John Take Cover
John Thorny Stick
John Two Horns
John Whorfin
John Wood
John Wright
John Ya Ya
John August
John September
Sitting in the La La Waiting for the Ya Ya
Anonymous said...
was there ever a real Aja?
April 16, 2009 6:32 AM
When you sprinkle enough pixie dust, she appears
Who I am is not important. What is more important is that the person you know as Iamaphoney is John August.
April 16, 2009 12:53 PM
is john august in copenhaggen PPC?
When you sprinkle enough pixie dust, she appears
April 16, 2009 1:13 PM
Pixie dust being.....boredom?
John August, wikipedia
iamaphoney wikipedia:
Anonymous said...
John August, wikipedia
April 16, 2009 1:18 PM
The palm pilots are weeping.....
linked for the pilots
April 16, 2009 1:20 PM
linked for the pilots
CorrectionIamaphoney at Wikipedia (scroll down)
"Information on a claim that Iamaphoney found the Love "code" has been removed from the article. The rationale for the removal is that the claim is not substantiated by a verifiable source. If you wish to discuss the change, please do so in this topic. Just64helpin 13:35, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
Anyone can claim to have the code. What makes the claim substantial is if a reliable source publishes it. Just64helpin 21:14, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
EDIT: If you have found a reliable source, cite it (click here). Do not add links to videos containing copyrighted material. Just64helpin 17:47, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Ok. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 8 July 2007
Please also keep in mind that editing an older version of the page removes all contributions that came after that version. Such edits will be undone immediately. Just64helpin 20:07, 8 September 2007 (UTC)
Should any reference to the alleged code be in there at all? Is 'The Rock Radio' really a reliable resource? I've never seen a reference to any such code in any other source. And the claim seems to be placed at a random point in the article as well. (talk) 07:02, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
The iamaphoney issue rears its ugly head again. The article should not contain anything about his claim whether there is evidence or not. It's not notable. John Cardinal 20:46, 17 September 2007 (UTC)
I'm guessing that the diff that removed the Iamaphoney bit is linked from an outside webpage. Users that edit this version to end up removing all edits that have been made after it. This is a serious problem. Just64helpin 21:18, 17 September 2007 (UTC)
In iamaphoney's youtube video on the subject, is that the love version of because being played backwards? (bernsteinp. if you've read the talk page, you know about my problems by now.) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:35, 24 November 2007 (UTC)"
is john august in copenhaggen PPC?
April 16, 2009 1:15 PM
what is copenhaggen PPC?
It's not notable. John Cardinal 20:46, 17 September 2007 (UTC)
is John Cardinal a lectroid?
Bill March stole that from me...
Bill March said...
CorrectionIamaphoney at Wikipedia (scroll down)
damn you bill august... damn you to heck
"EDIT: If you have found a reliable source, cite it (click here). Do not add links to videos containing copyrighted material. Just64helpin 17:47, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Ok. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 8 July 2007
Please also keep in mind that editing an older version of the page removes all contributions that came after that version. Such edits will be undone immediately. Just64helpin 20:07, 8 September 2007 (UTC)"
April 16, 2009 1:25 PM
Country: Netherlands
Anonymous said...
"EDIT: If you have found a reliable source, cite it (click here). Do not add links to videos containing copyrighted material. Just64helpin 17:47, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Ok. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 8 July 2007
Please also keep in mind that editing an older version of the page removes all contributions that came after that version. Such edits will be undone immediately. Just64helpin 20:07, 8 September 2007 (UTC)"
April 16, 2009 1:25 PM
Country: Netherlands
April 16, 2009 1:40 PM
The same me that stands here now
When I think that all this stuff
Can make a life that's pretty hard to take it in, that was me
That was me, ya, that was me!
My Date With…
“Desperately Seeking Paul McCartney” has a lot in common with 2004 film festival darling “My Date with Drew”, which follows regular guy Brian Herzlinger on his 30-day journey to meet child-hood crush and movie star Drew Barrymore. It’s a sweet valentine with its heart in the right place.
It includes many cameos and interviews, including Corey Feldman and screenwriter John August, both of whom have worked with Ms. Barrymore. In each case and segment, Herzlinger comes across as sane (if not incredibly, overly-optimistic) and good-spirited.
Teddy R. Boy said...
If there ever was a record store that would be where the records are, the Bullmoose Record store in Portsmouth would be it.Hey Teddy, you know your record stores, yes that's the one. Perhaps I'll see you at the record store day celebration?
US Mapographer said...
well, since he's on the West Coast,
it's unlikely ;)Well, I don't know that it's required that he actually be there, but yes I know.. Not likely. Everyone should go to their local celebration though, have a good time.
Anonymous said...
"EDIT: If you have found a reliable source, cite it (click here). Do not add links to videos containing copyrighted material. Just64helpin 17:47, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Ok. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 8 July 2007
Please also keep in mind that editing an older version of the page removes all contributions that came after that version. Such edits will be undone immediately. Just64helpin 20:07, 8 September 2007 (UTC)"
April 16, 2009 1:25 PM
Country: Netherlands
April 16, 2009 1:40 PM
The same me that stands here now
When I think that all this stuff
Can make a life that's pretty hard to take it in, that was me
That was me, ya, that was me!
April 16, 2009 3:28 PM
What a shocker.
peter PAN said...
Anonymous said...
was there ever a real Aja?
April 16, 2009 6:32 AM
When you sprinkle enough pixie dust, she appears
April 16, 2009 1:13 PM
I believe there was a real Aja. Whether or not she was good looking is anyone's guess. I personally never saw any photos or links to photos (although if someone has any...?). She left the building when the comments became zany and when Iamaphoney included her name in a video. Probably was freaked out by that (or bored?) or didn't have a sense of humor. Then again girls tend to not have senses of humor anyway. So good riddance!
No Gurlz A Loud!!!
Hey I like girls! Isn't Jojo a girl?
Notice that iaap is appealing to the girl crowd by going the shoe route. Winning back the women one shoe at a time....
Winning back the women one shoe at a time....
April 16, 2009 7:18 PM
/starting with Heather Mills.
//one shoe is all you need
///"all you need is shoe"
Faul and his wife were cleaning out the attic one day when he came across a ticket from the local shoe repair shop. The date stamped on the ticket showed that it was over ELEVEN years old. They both laughed and tried to remember which of them might have forgotten to pick up a pair of shoes over a decade ago.
"Do you think the shoes will still be in the shop?" Faul asked.
"Not very likely," his wife said.
"It's worth a try," Faul said, pocketing the ticket. He went downstairs, hopped into the car, and drove to the store.
With a straight face, he handed the ticket to the man behind the counter.
With a face just as straight, the man said, "Just a minute. I'll have to look for these."
He disappeared into a dark corner at the back of the shop.
Two minutes later, the man called out, "Here they are!"
"No kidding?" Faul called back. "That's terrific! Who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time."
The man came back to the counter, empty-handed.
"They'll be ready Thursday," he said calmly.
Faul walks into a shoe store, and tries on a pair of shoes.
"How do they feel?" asks the sales clerk.
"Well they feel a bit tight," replies Faul.
The assistant promptly bends down and has a look at the shoes and at the Faul's feet. "Try pulling the tongue out," the clerk says.
"Well, theyth sthill feelth a bith tighth."
Faul walks into a shoe store and asks for a pair of size 8 shoes. The salesman says, "But, sir, I can see from up here you're at least a size 9.5!"
Faul says, "Just bring me a size 8 tie shoe."
The salesman brings them and Faul stuffs his feet into them, ties them tight, and then he stands up, obviously in pain. The salesman just has to ask, "Sir, why must you have these undersized shoes?"
Faul says to the salesman, "I am getting older, my ex-wife took me for millions of pounds, people are figuring out that I am really dead...
The only pleasure I have in life is taking off these damn shoes."
//the place Faul went to get the shoes? SHOE CARNIVAL!
Another shoe joke:
Iamaphoney plays with himself while looking at photos of Faul's feeet.
Oh sorry. Technically not a joke.
Heather Mills went shoe-shopping one day. As the salesman is helping her try on shoes he notices she is not wearing panties. He looks at the woman and says, “Man, I’d love to fill that with ice cream and eat it!”
The woman slaps the man and runs home to tell Faul. Faul acts disinterested and Heather gets angry and asks, “Aren’t you going to do anything!?”
Faul replies, “First of all, you have too many "shoe" as it is. Second, you shouldn’t be out shopping without panties. And third of all, I’m not going to mess with anyone who can eat that much ice cream!”
//the real reason they got divorced
Heather Mills was on vacation in Louisiana.
She wanted a genuine alligator "shoe" in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking, being the cheap ruthless shrew that she is.
After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, Heather shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price you bloody wanker!"
The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and catch yourself a big one!"
"I already did! 50 million pound you wanker!" Heather said as she left the store.
Determined, Heather turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.
Later in the day, the shopkeeper was driving home, when he spotted the Mills standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand.
Just then, he saw a huge 9-foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She took aim, killed the creature, and with a great deal of effort hauled it on to the swamp bank.
Lying nearby were several more of the dead creatures. The shopkeeper watched in amazement.
Just then the Heather flipped the alligator on its back. Frustrated, she shouts out, "Damn it, this one isn't wearing any "shoe" either!"
//the real reason girls don't stick around the blog long?
Alligators don't wear shoes.
are you saying heather mills is the crocodile hunter?
yes....yes i am.
"Look! There's a croc right there!"
and you wonder why Iamaphoney is not taken seriously now. Come on guys. Treat him with the respect he has earned.
And third of all, I’m not going to mess with anyone who can eat that much ice cream!”
//the real reason they got divorced
April 16, 2009 7:44 PM
Reckon you could put some ice cream on them french fried pertaters
-Sling Blade shoe sales man
/Faul wouldn't fight a man who carries a Kaiser blade
You people are terrible! Shame on you!
I am going to kick you
I eat rats
use caution when dancing with Heather Mills
"D. said...
Then there is 80 % of boring images, blinking fast. And the Shoe-song (which nicely produced) sounds like Kanye West featuring Cher."
Now I aint saying D a gold digger, but D aint messing with no broke... broke
April 16, 2009 8:28 PM"
Correction: "Until you walk in someone's SHOE"
The Beatles are history?
You people thought the secret "Heather Mills suitcase" was a joke?
No. No it isn't.
Anonymous said....Treat him with the respect he has earned.
And exactly how has this respect been earned? Could you please clarify that?
And exactly how has this respect been earned? Could you please clarify that?
April 16, 2009 8:33 PM
For making the most impressive collection of definitive proof of the conspiracy that has never been seen!
Have you watched the videos? They are amazing!
Have you watched the videos? They are amazing!
April 16, 2009 8:35 PM
what videos?
The IAMAPHONEY videos!
Where are these videos?
You are joking right?
Whos iamaphoney?
Who is this iamaphoney? I came for the shoe discussion. Is it BOGO? I like to buy one and get one.
right about now a Non Sequitur Beatle song quote would be good....
You say why
and I say I don't know
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
I wonder if Paul McCartney is any good at editing movies?
April 16, 2009 8:28 PM
That Beatles "history" was worth about $48 million to Heather Mills.
Any good new occult videos? non-iamaphoney stuff...
Anonymous said...
For making the most impressive collection of definitive proof of the conspiracy that has never been seen!
Have you watched the videos? They are amazing!
April 16, 2009 8:35 PM
You are so right. I found a guy who posts videos of fat people falling on their asses. Did you know that fat people are falling on their asses every day all over the world? Do you see it covered on the news? It's a huge goddamned conspiracy! They don't want you to know. The message is clear. If you're fat you fall. My eyes have been opened. I respect everyone who puts videos up on You Tube. Even if it's a dog taking a shit. I respect the hell out of it. God bless you sir!
"All you of earth are idiots. Your stupid minds! Stupid! STUPID!"
-Plan 9 From Outer Space
Sorry for my previous outburst. My Huggies were full, and there was no one here at the Kremlin willing to take care of it.
"For making the most impressive collection of definitive proof of the conspiracy that has never been seen!"
"definitive proof" LMAO
it's more like stealing images, hiding suitcases and watching shoes..
FOORP (sorry, i had beans yesterday)
..wait a minute "yesterday" was a Paul song.. is that another clue hidden in my on mind?
Hey I like girls! Isn't Jojo a girl?
April 16, 2009 7:03 PM
I thought everyone associated with phoney were girls...the insiders that is. Only a girl would make such a big deal about Paul McCartney....wouldn't they? Paul was so sexy, Faul is know the drill?
DRILL.....hahahaha.....they all would like to be drilled by Paul....that's funny.
not really
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side........
not really
April 17, 2009 4:03 AM
No? Then you must be one of the girls, really.
and you assume that because......?
and you assume that because......?
April 17, 2009 5:28 AM
Because you didn't think that was funny, honey.
it actually wasn't is why
Now THIS is FUNNY!!!!!
it actually wasn't is why
April 17, 2009 5:38 AM
Sorry ma'am. I hope you weren't offended.
how refreshing
"Apple is a Society, John MC....Paul McCartney society.
"They tried stoppa de those pictures to go into circulation....."
"They exibit every year and they just go around and they
???? into another ???? and just take everything......"
"They come into the house...They put everything upside down"
" They can go fuck themselves. The NY law firm, their top client is Apple.....
If you hear from them again, you simply send me the letter;
I will tell them to fuck off and die."
" ( indistinguishable words) in my bank."
Чемодан в Hall
and you wonder why Iamaphoney is not taken seriously now. Come on guys. Treat him with the respect he has earned.
I ♥ ♫Iamaphoney♫ !!!
But does iaap love you?
♫Iamaphoney♫ loves EVERYBODY!
Can I see the wedding photos, Mrs I?
I can't post photos here, it seems.
That's a shame. I would have loved to have seem the honeymoon photos.
He has the cutest little toesies! :-)
He doesn't wear his shoes much either.
Where did you meet?
Where did who 'meet'?
okey, dokey.
This book was dictated in Cairo between noon and 1 pm. on three successive days, April 8th, 9th and 10th in the year 1904.
Apple is a Society, John MC....Paul McCartney society.
They tried to stop those pictures to go into circulation.....
They exibit every year and they just go around and they
???? into another ???? and just take everything......
They got into the house... and put everything upside down
They can go fuck themselves. The NY law-firm, their top client is Apple.
If you hear from them again, you simply send me the letter;
I will tell them to fuck off and die.
But the negatives ?, they were in my bank, you know
They seem to look a lot like Paul McCartney
These boots were worn by Paul McCartney in 1965
size 8, euro 42.
When we ended up doing Abbey Road quickly and put it out... something slipped to preserve the myth.
To preserve the myth...
They're normally rubbish, those things.
You know, it's like me going across that crossing on Abbey Road with no shoes on.
It was a hot day...
You fit him with the suit he was wearing on the cover of Abbey Road.
Uh, well i think he was at a stage where he was wearing clothes without wearing shoes.
You know, suits without shoes.. so it didn't seem unusual.
He came in here without shoes on, so then he fitted the suit.
Honest, honest... that's all it was. But some DJ got ahold of it and whipped it up.
The fact that the Beatle Paul may be dead.
Well, i don't charge bill for this.
This would break The Beatles, you know what, break the myth...
Well, basically, not quite
Not quite.... (ti esrever)
Would you please end the game now...
These shoes were donated as part of MAG's 'Give Landmines the Boot' Auction by the legendary Sir Paul McCartney.
These rubber and fabric slip on Merrels (size 9,5 Euro 44), with bright red lining, have been worn by Sir Paul but are in excellent condition.
size 9,5, euro 44
"The Winged Beetle" by occultist Aleister Crowley
Paul McCartney
died in a carcrash in 1966...
Shoes - Paul McCartney (song)
What did that take? a week? lol
i've just seen a face
zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz z
That's something Heather never did when we were together ;]
Macca said...
That's something Heather never did when we were together ;]
Congratulations. Or should I congratulate her?
The Messiah revealed
Where did you meet?
On the bus! Where else?
Anonymous said...
Hey I like girls! Isn't Jojo a girl?"Fraid you would be disappointed there mate.. ;-)
Can anyone explain why there Is no progress?
Or would you prefer an unhappy ending?
Didn't think so.
"Can anyone explain why there Is no progress?"
Because there is a Congress!
Progress? How can there be any progress in an urban legend? Is there any progress in baby alligators flushed down toilets that become giant toxic alligators terrorizing cities? People actually believed that one too in the 70's.
Pilgrim Progress!
Am I a traitor if I'm PID but I like Faul's music much more than Pauls? Help
"Am I a traitor if I'm PID but I like Faul's music much more than Pauls? Help"
Blasphemner! Yea, more than a traitor!Off with his/her head!!!!
"baby alligators flushed down toilets that become giant toxic alligators terrorizing cities?"
Uh, actually there have been a few found in the NYC sewer system over the years.
Of course it's all hushed up so as not to scare the VIPs and UN diplomats away.
One grew up and became Leona Helmsley, from what I've heard.
And what about that Trump fella?
Look at that cocodile smile he wears!
I really thought the Crocodile Rock would last.
Uh, actually there have been a few found in the NYC sewer system over the years.
And a good thing too! Keeps the gigantic toxic rat population down to a controlable size
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
"Am I a traitor if I'm PID but I like Faul's music much more than Pauls? Help"
See, the trouble there is that Paul always had to share his stuff with that no good lout John, where-as Faul got to write what he really wanted to have out there, so that's why it's so much better.
Poor ♫Paulie♫ never had a chance to show us his stuff! (*SOBS*)
If he had, you would surely know that Faul couldn't shine Paul's ♫shoes♫!
That's Silly!
"Faul's songs" are Paul's songs; they're just not sung by him!
Oh, now you've gone and done it!
You dirty rat!!!
You've betrayed the Good fellas who kept The Solemn Oath of Silence!
You know who would know?
You wanna know who would really know about Paul and Faul and Phaul and all such matters?
And he's about to die too, I reckon, so maybe we can get him to talk! -
Is Dick Clark!What does he have to lose?
And what better occassion than "Happy Record Store Day"?
I say we go for it!
I have a long distance deadication for ♫Paulie♫ from a woman who writes:
'Dear Casey,
A few years back I was married to a wonderful guy, but he was always on the road, and I got frustrated with his gypsy lifestyle.
I divorced him, and now I find that people treat me like some kind of personna non grateful.
Casey, I don't know where my loverboy is, but maybe if he hears this request, he'll know I'd like another chance.
Could you play the song ♫shoes♫ by Reparata?
He always liked that one, and he said maybe some day he would write a shoe song as well.
XOXOX, Heather M."
Cousin Brucie! Cousin Bruuucie! Cousin Broooosey!Yes! It'snoneotherthanmeyour Cousin Brucie andtonightwehave a request by Heather in Scarsdale for ♫Paulie♫ in Puscataway. She says "Love you 4 ever!"
Well, here you go, Heather! A new one called "Shoes" by Paul Mccartney!
"For False Christs and Prophets will rise and show great signs to decieve"
Not her again!
Record store?
My favorite bands are Led Zeppelin, The Allman Brothers and Pink Floyd. I love The Beatles in their psychdelic period and the solo years. I hate HATE the Hard Days Night period. I can't relate to it at all. It sounds so stupid to me. No offence if you like it. That's why I wondered if I was a traitor. I can't be mad like other people are and I don't feel betrayed. The Paul music sucks but Faul is much better IMO. I want to join a PID board but they hate all the music I love. Everything I read is about how great Paul was in the early 60's but that music sucks to me. Oh well. A friendless PID guy. Am I alone?
"My favorite bands are Led Zeppelin, The Allman Brothers and Pink Floyd...
I want to join a PID board but they hate all the music I love."
Not so. And who cares anyway?
Join the board if you wish.
There is no music loving requirement.
Which one do you recommend? The one I saw had people talking about how Paul was a genius and Faul sucked. Is there a board where people are PID but fans of Faul?
Anonymous D. said...
Then there is 80 % of boring images, blinking fast. And the Shoe-song (which nicely produced) sounds like Kanye West featuring Cher.
¨°º¤ø„¸ Kanye West ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ Ur Gayfish!!! `°º¤ø„
¸„ø¤º°¨ U 2 Iamaphoney! `°º¤ø„
¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ `°º¤ø„
The Twitter account is Genuine
Genuine what? Why is this important?
On a river of sound.
Through the mirror go round, round.
Was magic in the air?
A Strange Magic
(YouTube: the bane of Happy Record Stores everywhere.)
200 or bust!
That's "Mae", you twit!
On The Fireman:
"A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald but if he has fire, women will like him."
3 down, 7 to go
Knotts Berry'd Farm
I drink therefore I am.
iamatweeter said...
Notice that Iamaphoney on Twitter is following Steve Marinucci
April 18, 2009 2:19 AM
This twitter account might be genuine... ;- )
I am what I am, and that's all that I am.
I am a phoney!
Let's give it to Mikey! He'll eat anything!
Page 2!
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