UPDATE: I believe the photo exhibition shown in RA 74 is the Paul Saltzman collection, The Beatles In India.

If the shoe fits...or NOT

While promoting "Memory Almost Full," Paul McCartney did an interview with one of the cutest girls on the planet. On "15 Big Ones" she cajoled him into making up a song on the spot with her.

Iamaphoney has taken this scrap of a tune and turned it into something quite enjoyable that would make a nice B-Side to any McCartney single. I think the production values are outstanding and that many would be fooled. Maybe that's the part of this thing that some people don't like. "Shoes" has been added to a site that someone not familiar with the Iamaphoney adventure would think is a legitimate Paul McCartney site.
Yes, that is a bit misleading. If Paul saw this, I don't know if he would get angry or ask Iamaphoney to produce his next album.
Rotten Apple 74 contains all of the elements that made me an Iamaphoney fan in the first place. It is interesting that the video contains some nasty language that we have heard before about Apple's lawyers. This time it accompanies what appears to be a photo exhibition of The Beatles trip to India. Interestingly, later this month there will be an exhibition of Beatles in India photos in Tel Aviv, Israel.
This video also gives us a brief, partially obscured, but clear picture of our friend with the accent.

Is he a photographer? Is this Iamaphoney and he going through pictures?

This was an interesting still from the video:

And another:

I would think that who enjoy the artistry of Iamaphoney would be quite happy with this effort. For those expecting a revelation, there will be lots of activity at your local churches this weekend.
1 – 200 of 316 Newer› Newest»1st!....and evidently the shoes do fit.
If the shoe doesn't fit, you must...
...acquit? I guess not.
I've worn the same shoe size all of my adult life. I'm a little baffled by those who say that they've switched.
Your feet don't change size after adulthood.
That having been said, the difference in shoe sizes doesn't exactly amount to nug gnikmos a.
It's not a new observation either. Other PID contributors to youtube and websites such as NIR and 60if have argued in the past that JPM's feet are smaller than "Faul's".
It's a good entry into Rotten Apple canon, but not world-beating.
As I mentioned under the RA74 video itself, the music this year doesn't kick nearly as much ass as last year's "Say that half of them who works this out".
And yeah, we need subtitles every time the guy with the Mediterranean accent speaks -- and an explanation of where the elderly English guy ("Paul McCartney...died in a motor car crash in 1966") has been over the last two years.
mikeys gay and iaap are gay.
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
It's not a new observation either. Other PID contributors to youtube and websites such as NIR and 60if have argued in the past that JPM's feet are smaller than "Faul's".
I believe this is the first time we have some proof to the accussation
65if said "And yeah, we need subtitles every time the guy with the Mediterranean accent speaks "
yes, what was he saying half the time? and I didn't like playing peek a boo with his face the other half of the time.
65if2007 said...
"I've worn the same shoe size all of my adult life. I'm a little baffled by those who say that they've switched."
It depends on the make of shoe for me. I'm usually between a 10 or 11.
"And yeah, we need subtitles every time the guy with the Mediterranean accent speaks -- and an explanation of where the elderly English guy ("Paul McCartney...died in a motor car crash in 1966") has been over the last two years."
I'd rather he just run the entire interview subtitled with the mediterranean guy instead of drips and drabs over several years. If he were someone important to the story I think IAAP would have given us more of him. He just seems to recount the supposed facts that everyone already knows from books or websites. IAAP obscures his face every once in a while to make it look like some heavy mysterious crap is going down but he strikes me more as a friend of IAAP's than any insider.
"Your feet don't change size after adulthood."
April 10, 2009 6:17 PM
Exactly what is considered "adulthood". Not everyone's body grows at the same rate. I wore a size 9-9.5 from my senior year of High School into my early 20's. I am now 40+ and I generally wear a size 10-10.5, depending on the brand. Weight change can be a factor also. I have a wide foot (EE), and if I can't find the proper width of shoe, I go a size bigger. What phoney is showing is not that significant of a change. If Paul were to have jumped drastically in size, that would be different.
well actually, the recommended fit on a pair of those shoes, which I am only guessing are very similar to a clog natural fit sole, the rec fit is a size larger for a little "roll" effect
but we are not talking from 8 to 9 witch is the most you can use shies from. we are talking 2 sizes!!
8 to 9.5 that is too much not even
what with the pictures the mystery man taken? Can you reconize them in flashes I not can get to see them my eyes is slowly. sory
I want a short-haired girl
who sometimes wears it twice as long
Now I'm stepping out this old brown shoe
Baby I'm in love with you
I'm so glad you came here
It won't be the same now, I'm telling you
Pick me up from where
some try to drag me down
And when I see your smile
replacing every thoughtless frown
So escaping from this zoo
but we are not talking from 8 to 9 witch is the most you can use shies from. we are talking 2 sizes!!
8 to 9.5 that is too much not even
April 10, 2009 6:54 PM
Do we need to call the Math Nazis?
That is a size and a half, not two.
Look at my previous post. Technically, I went from a 9 to a 10.5. Maybe I have been replaced?
Enough already. Phoney choked on the foorp. Time to move on.
Anonymous said...
but we are not talking from 8 to 9 witch is the most you can use shies from. we are talking 2 sizes!!
8 to 9.5 that is too much not even
April 10, 2009 6:54 PM
How do we even know that Paul went around wearing these sizes anyway? For all we know he may have been given shoes for free, since celebrities are given constant gifts like clothes and cosmetics, and rather than just throw them out donated them to charity. I mean...as long as we're indulging in wild speculation....which after all is the name of the game here.
Look at my previous post. Technically, I went from a 9 to a 10.5. Maybe I have been replaced?
And I go from a 10 to 10 1/2 to 11 depending on the shoe. Sneakers for example tend to run larger for me than dress shoes. Why? How the hell would I know? Go ask K-Mart.
so paul goes from 8 to 8.5 to 9 to 9.5 ?
sounds not very convincing.
I have had the same size since i was 18 now i am 66
so paul goes from 8 to 8.5 to 9 to 9.5 ?
sounds not very convincing.
April 10, 2009 7:16 PM
And I go from 10 to 10 1/2 to 11 but no one thinks I'm dead and was replaced with a evil twin and therein lies the difference. I'm not even sure about Iamaphoney's claim. His motives have been less than honest from the beginning.
What About the Secret Words? A lot of letters apearing one at a time in the middle of the video. I cant read the full sentence. How about you?
Do we actually know Paul's shoe size? Zoom in on as many photos as you can and do the research yourself.
Game over!
Act your age, not your shoe size.
Look at my previous post. Technically, I went from a 9 to a 10.5. Maybe I have been replaced?
And I go from a 10 to 10 1/2 to 11 depending on the shoe. Sneakers for example tend to run larger for me than dress shoes. Why? How the hell would I know? Go ask K-Mart.
April 10, 2009 7:08 PM
Same here. I just remembered, sometimes I wear an 11. I splurged and bought a pair of marked down Sketchers from Fred Meijer's (orig. $59.95 marked down to $29.95), and they are size 11. So.... technically I went from a size 9 to an 11.
Go figure.
Do we actually know Paul's shoe size? Zoom in on as many photos as you can and do the research yourself.
April 10, 2009 7:22 PM
Another outstanding point. It's not like phoney hasn't tampered with his own evidence before.
I hate that saying,
Say that real loud....like you just screwed something up. Doesn't that sound a tad Homer Simpson-ish?
You wanna know Paul's shoe size? Talk to these ladies.
They're the ones that stole 2 shoes and Paul's diary and returned it 20 years later. A hell of a lot more convincing than IAAP.
By the way they did GET the photo taken with him.
Does everyone obsessed with Paul HAVE to try and make Beatle-like music? These girls, IAAP, Mikey....
I would love to see proof over froop anyday. where's the proof?
Starship Frooper
As Iamaphoney has proven time and time again there's no need for proof. Just throw a video up on YouTube and people will see it and go "Well, it's on YouTube so it must be true" and never ask questions. It's too bad the all powerful Illuminati who've threatened and paid off hundreds of Paul's relatives, childhood friends, neighbors and business associates just can't seem to get their act together long enough to stop YouTube videos and message boards. Nope. Can't do a thing about them.
yenz said...
I have had the same size since i was 18 now i am 66
April 10, 2009 7:18 PM
Glad you are back Yenz!
Yenz is da fuckin' man! Yenz deals foorp on the side.
Shoe size ranks up there with the whole suitcase concept.
I have seen now that iamaphoney is throwing shoes up into the air on powerlines. Now if He could make them go backwards.....
Wag the Phoney
Paul's Good Ol' Shoe
another RA related release!
Paul McCartney - Shoes
Good old shoes said...
Shoe size ranks up there with the whole suitcase concept.
I'll admit to chuckling at the shoe video but nothing so far has ever been as laugh out loud funny as the suitcase videos. Actually the funniest moment in an Iamaphoney video was when the "actor" got out of a limo and this puzzled woman was standing on the sidewalk wondering if he was a celebrity and the actor walked over and shook her hand. That was when any idea that IAAP was taking this seriously went out the window. lol
i see from your iamaphoney power line shoe picture the progression that Faul has had in reptilian shoe changes. You see, a reptilian "moults" and sheds its skin often changing size and growing larger in the process.
In addition to studying law, pre-med, and fine art i am working on a degree in zoölogy.
The latest from Faulcon was her insistence that the original single sleeve for Help/I'm Down was stretched to make Paul appear taller. So far no one has bother to tell her that the picture sleeve came out in '65. I think people just feel sorry for her now.
"If Paul saw this, I don't know if he would get angry or ask Iamaphoney to produce his next album."
Stay tuned.
"For those expecting a revelation, there will be lots of activity at your local churches this weekend."
...and a Happy Easter to you too!
oh my god! that pic from airplane of the man blowing up the inflatable co-pilot is very similar to the vignette in The Shining of the homosexual costumed gents that Wendy comes across.
Wag the Dog
"I saw it on television"
The Shining
"He saw it on the television."
That was when any idea that IAAP was taking this seriously went out the window. lol
April 10, 2009 8:34 PM
Nothing says funny like Crowley, Satanism and ritual murder!
Rutles Feet, quite a nasty video.
You know this downbeat phrase "for those expecting a revelation.." always seems to come up after an Iamaphoney video promises much and delivers little. If IAAP ever gets a modicum of that fleeting 15 minutes of fame enjoyed by YouTubers like Chris Crocker or the Obama Girl, I want to write the chapter in the big book about fads of the 00's and I think I'll call it....For Those Expecting A Revelation.
If IAAP ever becomes really famous and warrants a biography I think we can all agree that the title simply has to be FOORP!
Don't worry Taf. I'll make sure to interview you for it. Maybe I can get Mikey to write the forward.
"If Paul saw this, I don't know if he would get angry or ask Iamaphoney to produce his next album."
He should! Then maybe Paul could get 1,020 subscribers on his Youtube page!
Then Paul may also sell some albums. It has been such a problem lately.
these are a few of my... said...
That was when any idea that IAAP was taking this seriously went out the window. lol
April 10, 2009 8:34 PM
Nothing says funny like Crowley, Satanism and ritual murder!
April 10, 2009 8:50 PM
It's a symptom of the times we live in. Teenagers are desensitized to it. Hang around any forum devoted to video games and you'll see kids joking about rape and murder like it's nothing.
"Nothing says funny like Crowley, Satanism and ritual murder!"
Man I could smell your feet a mile away.
The Fireman ♥ Youtube said...
Then Paul may also sell some albums. It has been such a problem lately.
April 10, 2009 8:56 PM
That's true! The illuminati invests billions maybe even trillions in Faul but they suck at promotion so Electric Arguments bombs. The Illuminati is a shell of it's former self. They can't seem to do anything right.
They're not the brightest bulbs in the pack.
Do you have it in a larger size?
Blogger 65if2007 said...
I've worn the same shoe size all of my adult life. I'm a little baffled by those who say that they've switched.
65if2007;suitcase finder/shoe expert
Ah Paul's mighty feet. Have I ever told you about my feetfucking experience with Paul? You see, we did it twice. First time in 1964 and man, those feet used to fit like butter on bread. But the second time in 1968 is a different story... oh the surgeons needed to make it look slightly attractive again after that. I still get bills. Don't laugh.
i just need one, shoe, not spanking! i need more of....that....
only need one shoe though... because of my leg....
"What I found out was.. a betrayal, beyond belief! Not infidelity, much worse!"
you know..
Buy one.... get one!
Can you imagine what was in Faul's daily planner?
3:10 finish drum tracks on "Sweetest Little Show"
3:15 engage in ritual murders with Satanic cult I pal around with
3:20 complete background harmonies to "So Bad"
3:25 have conference call with Illuminati to discuss further mass brainwashing experiments and to kick around story ideas for upcoming Rupert cartoon.
3:30 Pose for photos to accompany article in McCall's magazine.
3:35 draw pentagram on floor with chalk to conjure Lord of Darkness
3:40 give lighthearted interview to BBC 2
3:45 gaze lovingly at autographed Crowley poster
3:50 rehearse Top Of The Pops performance
3:55 throw away weird fan mail from crazy kid in Denmark
4:00 nap
those feet used to fit like butter on bread.
Tomorrow for breakfast I am going to try to "fit" butter on bread.
in der nederlands we "fit" butter on bread
Iamafeetfucker said:
'Ah Paul's mighty feet. Have I ever told you about my feetfucking experience with Paul? You see, we did it twice. First time in 1964 and man, those feet used to fit like butter on bread. But the second time in 1968 is a different story... oh the surgeons needed to make it look slightly attractive again after that. I still get bills. Don't laugh.'
Tomorrow for breakfast I am going to try to "fit" butter on bread.
April 10, 2009 9:14 PM
Curse you semantics Nazi!
I'm coinining the term "anti-foorp"
Let's get an example of that!
iaap provides stunning proof and you fail to see it. what more could He do?
He gives you the gifts of knowledge and you mock Him!
Shun the non-believers!
Shunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - na!
There's no feet like the McCartney feet. Seriously. He impregnated me three times with those feet. Got three little feet walking around. Yes it was recent, that's why they're small. Or they just don't wear high-heels... Wait a minute...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm coinining the term "anti-foorp"
Let's get an example of that!
April 10, 2009 9:19 PM
While you are coining that, I am patenting it! There will be foorp!
I drink your coinage! I DRINK IT RIGHT UP!
Shunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - na!
Don't you mean Sha Na Na? Oh God are they wrapped up in the conspiracy too? Not Bowzer???? Oh God no!!
Don't you mean Sha Na Na? Oh God are they wrapped up in the conspiracy too? Not Bowzer???? Oh God no!!
April 10, 2009 9:25 PM
anti-foorp backwards is
proof it na!
Your best video yet Iamaphoney! Really!
"Sha Na Na? Oh God are they wrapped up in the conspiracy too?"
Tis true!
Those Magic Changes
Bowzer? Dead? Finally. Now Mario can fuck Peach without her being kidnapped by Bowzer everytime. Ah how pissed Mario felt everytime. Just as he'd put that condom on his Italian tree, his girl was gone, again. Luckily, it happened in a videogame each time. What was this blog again? Oh yeah, about Iamaphoney.
How deep the rabbit hole goes!
Oh yeah, about Iamaphoney.
April 10, 2009 9:32 PM
Where have you been?
"RLY O?"
Where have you been?
April 10, 2009 9:33 PM
Then why all the damn talk about Bowzer and Sha-Na-Na?
Iamashoey said:
'Uhhhhh.... ITS ABOUT SHOES!
Where have you been?
I wear Mike shoes. Yeah that's right. Mike. Not Nike for me. Mike. And I prefer the MikeNL versions. They fit like a kingsize condom fits the feet of Macca.
"one of the cutest girls on the planet"
Can we haz a picture please?
Then why all the damn talk about Bowzer and Sha-Na-Na?
April 10, 2009 9:34 PM
Bowzer wears shoes, and was replaced dead...
It's that McCartney Eye. He has an eye for those babes.
Mario stole his shoes to get back at him. I mean, what would you do? DON'T TELL ME YOU WOULDN'T STEAL BOWZER'S SHOES AFTER HE FUCKED YOUR GIRL FOR ALL THOSE YEARS. Ok. I confess. I'm Mario.
sure wish vince could tie in THE RESIDENTS somehow to this shoe conundrum fiasco and make me feel better about life
ITS A MYSTERY wrapped in riddle inside an enigma!
MikeyNL1038 (7 hours ago)
are we getting new shoes today?
/telegraphing prior knowledge
9002 f
90021012 o
0102 o
1102 r
2102 p
so 2009......F
12-10-2009 ..O
Gentlemen.... return of the PROOF!
Now if there could only be Suitcases as well... on the moon...
You have seen Crowley...(shhh shh shh)
In a world where Paul is Dead and Apples are rotten to the core, one man stands alone. One man who has the courage to wear the same t-shirt for years on end in Youtube videos and study Paul McCartneys feet..
Now, on 12-10-2009
Rotten Apple #75
Conclusive proof(foorp) that Paul is dead and was replaced.
Paul's waist line has gotten larger since the 60's and his underwear has too. Coincidence, middle age spread, or DEAD?
Coming to your youtube near you
dead men dont get fat dilltard
mojo, aja and faulcon will sure to tune into the #75 Rotten underwear special. especially mojo...
Uber foorp-geeks.
#76 Rotten SOCKS
h8ters=jealous trolls/failed musicians
paul=dead in 1966
65if2007=shoe salesman
Yenz=bird man of berlin
#74 Shoes=win!
shoecases=double plus good win!
Will this ever be over?
Really big shoe
h8ters=jealous trolls/failed musicians
paul=dead in 1966
65if2007=shoe salesman
April 10, 2009 10:14 PM
h8ters=jealous trolls/failed musicians: That's me! :0
Next video 12-10-2009.... priceless!
"It's not a new observation either. Other PID contributors to youtube and websites such as NIR and 60if have argued in the past that JPM's feet are smaller than "Faul's"."
Duh. Where do you think phoney came from?
Anonymous said...
Will this ever be over?
April 10, 2009 10:18 PM
iaap will have to have the actor gain some weight, put on a dress, sing some opera... then yeah, in 2012.
65if2007=shoe salesman
Girls! Here is our chance to grab the proverbial bull by the shoe horns and get us back on the Oprah shoe.. i mean show!
Who else knows shoes but us girls, am I right girls???
We can show case, or "shoe case" to Oprah and the world that Paul is in fact dead! And now we have the PROOF!
Now in addition to stunning photographical evidence we can add something ANY WOMAN CAN UNDERSTAND!
Also, think of the promotional tie-ins! We are going to have BOGO(buy one get one) from Payless FOR LIFE!!!!!
Iamaphoney has gone all Cosmo on us
No, I don't claim to be a shoe expert.
Lonely Foorp Club Band
He needs twice as many as she does.
I'm getting my own trollish fan club.
I don't intend to get too emotionally involved though.
They grow up so fast.
Blogger 65if2007 said...
He needs twice as many as she does.
April 10, 2009 10:42 PM
65if2007 said...
He needs twice as many as she does.
Shoe that is...
65if2007 said...
They grow up so fast.
April 10, 2009 10:46 PM
Not if you are doing it right!
/Crowley, Satanism and ritual murder!
65if2007 said...
I don't intend to get too emotionally involved though.
That is why you are better then Jude
That is why you are better then Jude
April 10, 2009 10:53 PM
2012? What?
Vincent said...
The last time we did, there was a BOGO sign up and it took 3 pints of MINT CHIP and a XANAX to get her BACK IN THE CAR.
sounds like a helluva weekend Vince!
Well, I appreciate the compliment, folks.
But it doesn't take very much restraint to get less emotionally involved than Jude.
Vincent said...
The last time we did, there was a BOGO sign up and it took 3 pints of MINT CHIP and a XANAX to get her BACK IN THE CAR.
so thats how Satanistic anti-Christians spend there weekends fornicating with the devil in Las Vegas... Häagen-Dazs and XANAX
Sure glad I have the Peace of the Lord with me! I don't need your demon icecream or demon XANAX!
Us Christians only need Chick tracts and sunday school to feel good!
Blogger 65if2007 said...
Well, I appreciate the compliment, folks.
But it doesn't take very much restraint to get less emotionally involved than Jude.
April 10, 2009 10:58 PM
Blogger 65if2007 said...
But it doesn't take very much restraint to get less emotionally involved than Jude.
April 10, 2009 10:58 PM
You go 65if2007! You have won this Troll over!
The next Rotten Apple is the 75th anniversary episode. We all should pitch in and buy iamaphoney an anniversary gift
Blogger 65if2007 said...
Well, I appreciate the compliment, folks.
But it doesn't take very much restraint to get less emotionally involved than Jude.
April 10, 2009 10:58 PM
will soon become
"Comment has removed by Author"
Because otherwise Jude is going to bore holes thru your mind with his silent brooding rage.
Anonymous said...
The next Rotten Apple is the 75th anniversary episode. We all should pitch in and buy iamaphoney an anniversary gift
April 10, 2009 11:08 PM
what is the 75th? not paper, not plastic...
Traditional Anniversary Gift: Diamond
Modern Anniversary Gift: Gold
/iaap approves these gifts.. diamonds and gold PAY FOR THESE VIDEOS!
will soon become
"Comment has removed by Author"
dont you mean "Comment has BEEN removed by Author"?
dont you mean "Comment has BEEN removed by Author"?
April 10, 2009 11:19 PM
Don't you mean....
"Don't you mean"
will soon become
"Comment has removed by Author"
Because otherwise Jude is going to bore holes thru your mind with his silent brooding rage.
April 10, 2009 11:11 PM
HA! IF you think 65if2007 is afraid of JUDE get ready to lose your lunch money my friend.
When you trudge through the Santa Susana Pass looking for suitcases like 65if2007 did back in 'Nam you don't let little things like Jude worry you! For 65if2007 is RUBBER and Jude is GLUE, and BORING brains out is what JUDE IS GOING TO DO.. and it will bounce of 65if2007's rubber and stick to Jude!
and it will bounce of 65if2007 RUBBER??????
and STICK to Jude?
dont you mean bounce OFF?
Speliing gentlemen... spelling!
are you idiots going to talk about the new Rotten Apple video?
are you idiots going to talk about the new Rotten Apple video?
April 10, 2009 11:31 PM
About SHOES??!?!??
ok.... here's one....
Beat that sucka
It wasn't only about shoes.
It wasn't only about shoes.
April 10, 2009 11:38 PM
got that right! it was about REVELATION!
/ \
Wasn't that event supposed to have happened Yesterday?
who's that? . ☻/
/ \
the talking stick man, getting ready to talk
/ \
Anonymous Anonymous said...
/ \
the talking stick man, getting ready to talk
April 10, 2009 11:46 PM
whew! thought it was jude, what with that fist of rage up in the air. was worried for 65if2007
-----Because otherwise Jude is going to bore holes thru your mind with his silent brooding rage.-----
Anonymous said...
/ \
April 10, 2009 11:46 PM
thats like the beatles billboard with the head missing!!!!!!
imagine the Anonymous icon head attached also :)
Blogger 65if2007 said...
-----Because otherwise Jude is going to bore holes thru your mind with his silent brooding rage.-----
April 10, 2009 11:47 PM
dude, pace yourself! you are feeling frisky right now, but when the HISsy fit starts you may find yourself in a tsunami world of hurt named jude!
Its all fun and games now, but when he tell you "God should never have allowed you to be born".....
65if2007: [hesitating] Why don't you go f*ck yourself, Jude?
[stunned silence]
De Niro: Whoa! I don't believe what I'm hearing. This kid's got a lotta fuckin' balls! Hey 65if2007, this is for you.
[tosses money on the table]
De Niro: That's the way. You don't take no shit from nobody.
Will this ever really be over?
you going to let him get away with this Jude?
Jude is a Buddhist
Anonymous said...
Will this ever really be over?
April 11, 2009 12:01 AM
2012.. promise pinky swear
that's highly unbelievable
wow 148 comments of nothing about the subject of the IAAP shoe video! incredible! IT WAS HIS BEST WORK YET!
wasting away in Margaritaville
this is causing me to drink. heavier then normal.
what is?
this is causing me to drink. heavier then normal.
April 11, 2009 12:20 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
what is?
April 11, 2009 12:29 AM
the other shoe is a loafer, nyuk nyuk nyuk
Watch out for flying shoes!
Seriously, when is the other shoe going to drop?
flying shoes... hmmmm. with WINGS ON THEM?!?!? how mercurial of you!
who has the shoe?
are we at the NEXT LEVEL?
or does the other shoe have to drop first?
The other shoe is late. Or lost. Or maybe ran away.
mercurial said...
flying shoes... hmmmm. with WINGS ON THEM?!?!? how mercurial of you!
April 11, 2009 1:15 AM
Silly Dolt! How dare you! Mercury has nothing to do with this!
PAUL IS SATURN! When will you learn? All of my information is Copyrighted. MB 2007-2009. I have the good information. ROFLMAOLOLZLOLZLOLZLOLZ
.... if a shoe falls in a forrest and no one hears it....
so who has the other shoe? Heather? is that why she got the money?
Anonymous said...
so who has the other shoe? Heather? is that why she got the money?
April 11, 2009 1:21 AM
Of course she has it... SHE ONLY NEEDED ONE!
tragic jokes
check the auto-tune in the iamaphoney vid. paul sounds like lil wayne
"she said she wanna thug... yeah!
bottles in the club....yeah!"
i hope they use auto-tune in church here this sunday morning. that way maybe i will understand the easter bunny's message... about chocolate eggs...
why does a bunny have eggs?
Q: Why was Paul McCartney inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
A: Because he was a SHOE-IN!!!!!!
" Anonymous said...
i hope they use auto-tune in church here this sunday morning. that way maybe i will understand the easter bunny's message... about chocolate eggs...
why does a bunny have eggs?
April 11, 2009 2:00 AM"
chaos and creation
sorry to ruin your breakfast!
"bright red lining"
Choose Shoes! that's what ya gotta do!
I don't understand how IAAP can see in the picture in which Paul is lying in bed that his shoes are size 8. There's not enough image resolution if you zoom the picture into the shoes to see the number 8 on it. It seems to me IAAP is creating evidence out of nowhere again. Anyway, the work he did on the song "Shoes" is outstanding. He should channel his musical talent to the main public rather than the PID world.
it's like everybody forgot how to think, lol
T quipped:
For those expecting a revelation, there will be lots of activity at your local churches this weekend."
care to expound on that thought?
/▌ <--- Pictures of Match Stick Men
/ \<--- no shoes!
When I look up into the skies
I see your eyes - a funny kind of yellow matter custard
".... if a shoe falls in a forrest and no one hears it...."
Hear the sound! Hear the sound!
Off the ground
Lala lala
"The next Rotten Apple is the 75th anniversary episode. We all should pitch in and buy iamaphoney an anniversary gift"
Why? What has he ever done for us?
"why does a bunny have eggs?"
Why does a lizard have car insurance?
If you have to ask, we can't tell you.
But here's another clue for you all:
The walrus was Paul!
"But it doesn't take very much restraint to get less emotionally involved than Jude."
Of course you know: This means WAR!!!
No time for wars.
also notice those mccartney shoes have lifts in them! this is the NEXT LEVEL!
platform shoes!
Let's give peace a chance. All you need is love.
I wish this was over, really.
Really, really over.
" One Giant Step said...
".... if a shoe falls in a forrest and no one hears it...."
Hear the sound! Hear the sound!
Off the ground
Lala lala
April 11, 2009 8:27 AM"
urns of gold, Jerry,
Vincent said...
etc, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,,.........
I watch it for the ART.
April 10, 2009 10:45 PM
Sorry, but this is not me!
This fake me doesn't even know that Mr. Zappa wrote a song called, "Can't Afford No Shoes", and, at the moment, neither can I!
Just got back from school , and ripped through all this!
Hey, Taf,
Is that "The Winged Beetle" a REAL BOOK???
Was Paul ever asked why he made funny poses of J, G, & R on the inside of "McCartney II"?
Well, that's all from me. And, by the by, I own an ugly pair of white sneakers, some flip-flops, and a pair of ugly black shoes that I've only worn twice.... they HURT LIKE HELL!
By the way, my teacher ROBERT CAWLEY likes my book so far... he gave me a list of independent editors whom i'll be e-mailing after e-ster!
wish me luck.
Anonymous said...
Vincent said...
etc, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,,.........
I watch it for the ART.
April 10, 2009 10:45 PM
Sorry, but this is not me!
Exactly, it was Vincent NOT vince.
I OWN THE WORD VINCE, VINCENT, anything with a vince in it, Even Vince Vega from Pulp Fiction.
In my new book I describe my fictional lawsuit against Quintin Tarentino for the use of the word vince.
My TEACHER, who of course gave me permission to use his FULL name here in front of crazy internet people,
said that is my best work and has given me email addresses for independent publishers that could be had off of a simple google search.
Anyways, I just wanted to touch base, talk about ZAPPA, THE RESIDENTS, and THE VENTURE BROS and tell you a witty anecdote about an old pair of shoes I have!
blah blah blah.... ART!
i think we all have some shoe stories we could tell
"Was Paul ever asked why he made funny poses of J, G, & R on the inside of "McCartney II"?"
I think you are talking about the funny faces he made representing John and Yoko, with a "fruit loop" in the middle, meaning they were a bit balmy.
If I'm lyin' I'm dyin.
During my high school graduation the heel of my shoe started to come off during the procession to the ceremonies. But it left the nails in, so that when I'd step down they'd go into my foot.
So when diploma time came I had to sort of hop to the headmaster to get mine. There was no way to explain the situation to the audience, so everyone just thought I was the class clown or something.
Not vince, I like you.
You told me that you recognize that PAUL IS SATURN and will ghost write a book for me.
this one time, a friend spray painted my converse high tops to the color of safety orange, then spray painted our high school principals office door the same color. when i went to school my SHOE matched the door. i got detention and had to clean the door. my parents were mad. i still live with them
my parents were mad. i still live with them
April 11, 2009 2:08 PM
in the......basement?????
My parents were mad too!
Jon Benet Ramsey said...
My parents were mad too!
April 11, 2009 2:14 PM
But innocent!
are you people EVER going to talk about the new IAAP video???????
tomorrow is easter, wouldn't it be nice if....vince got a real job?
"are you people EVER going to talk about the new IAAP video???????"
What about it?
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