Ride the Rainbow by Sunssol
Hillside High by S3ANL3NN0N
MagiKman: Paul McCartney and Aleister Crowley by HeweHaarlemmer
The Fireman - Lifelong Passion Acapella (Sawain Ambient) by MikeyNL1038 (Highly recommended reduced mix)
George Harrison 1976 by walawala1973 (Highly recommended charming moment with George Harrison linked by Beatles Examiner)
Several Iamaphoney-inspired videos have appeared on YouTube recently (Click the pic for the vid):
From PaulPhoney:

From Sunssol:

From HeweHaarlemmer:

We even have a flash of unintentional PID from plasticvideo (Listen Closely):

But this is really the root object of all of the flattery (thanks to edgarator for providing the most complete version so far):

1 – 200 of 366 Newer› Newest»I'm surprised that neither Iamaphoney nor any of his imitators have yet done a video detailing the perceived changes that exist or are supposed to exist between pre-1967 McCartney and post-1967 McCartney while "Sing the Changes" is being played in the background.
Sounds like a natural to me.
And now that I've mentioned the idea, we'll see if anyone follows through on it...
65if2007, why did you say that?? ;)
Now some kid s comming up with a stupid video of sunkings or faulconandsnowjob comps.. :-P
i thinks its well proven, that there are no changes!..
-Shrugs- Before and after comparisons make my head spin. I see "changes" in some of them and not in others.
Nigeria McCartney looks pretty weird. December 1966 EMI Studios McCartney looks pretty weird.
The weirdest-looking McCartney, as I've said before, is the guy in the TV studio complaining about "rules" that don't "work".
On the other hand, the 1970's McCartney with the mullet, the mustache, and the peach fuzz under the lower lip seems like a pretty good - uh - replica of an older version of the young McCartney. So do most of the photos taken more recently than that.
It wouldn't amaze me if stand-ins were used in the late 1960's for one routine purpose or another (or as a joke or a ploy), but that's a long way from showing that there was ever a PERMANENT replacement.
As far as your fear goes that my remarks might inspire inferior efforts from Iamaphoney imitators, well, let's wait and see.
I have as much reason as anyone to have a grudge against Iamaphoney, but I still derive tremendous entertainment from his videos and give him full credit as an artist.
I'd like to see a "Sing the Changes" effort from him or from at least one of his better imitators.
i made a backwards version of Sing The Changes:
with additional instruments.
So this is what forever is like. With friends like this......
i made a backwards version of Sing The Changes:
with additional instruments.
April 24, 2009 10:36 AM
There you go 65if, phoney came through for you after all.
(.....he even added extra instruments)
I'm pretty sure that MikeNL isn't phoney.
65if2007 said.."It wouldn't amaze me if stand-ins were used in the late 1960's for one routine purpose or another (or as a joke or a ploy), but that's a long way from showing that there was ever a PERMANENT replacement."
Try early 60's. Listen to any of the Beatles interviews (you can get 'em on CD from the Jerdens label) from 64 to 66 and the question "Do you use doubles?" comes up constantly. Obviously the press must have been chasing a few odd looking mop topped individuals only to find out they'd been misled. The Beatles were certainly not above using decoys of one sort or another as a way to get from one venue to the next.
Of course this doesn't tie into the PID fantasy that the Beatles before 1967 were angels sent from heaven who were as honest as boy scouts....
I'm pretty sure that MikeNL isn't phoney.
April 24, 2009 1:14 PM
So... you have doubt?
I'm pretty sure Paul isn't dead.
"Pretty sure" is a far cry from "know for a fact".
It is obvious phoney is more than one person. Therefore, I'm "pretty sure" Mike is a phoney.
Until someone proves otherwise, I'll stick with that.
In fact I'm rather surprised that no one making PID videos goes back to those early interviews considering the "doubles" question is asked multiple times. The group deny it of course because it would be bad for their image. For whatever reason PID is married to this sweet little innocent mop top Beatle bullshit based on cute haircuts and hand holding.
what no one else has thought of is using a time machine to go back and ask paul if he is dead or was replaced, if only temporarily even.
i recommend not sending YENZ as he has a tendency to flip off people.
same goes for grandfather, his videos are too damn scary.
my vote is for mikey. he can sneak into some hotel room, that he will of course know where they are staying at ahead of time, hide in a closet, and... hey? didn't some kid do that already? to john lennon?
The fireman is comatose. Wake up sleepy head!!
I met a Walrus
Listen to Time Machine Mikey interview John Lennon in 1969.
different guy said...
Yes. I brought back JOHN WINSTON ONO LENNON.
Yes. I brought back JOHN WINSTON ONO LENNON.
April 24, 2009 5:14 PM
I knew it.....
Mikes in bed.
Anonymous said...
Mikes in bed.
April 24, 2009 5:15 PM
Future Mike IS NOT!
mike of the future is like the dude from lost, the only cast member other then the writers who knows how the story will end.
Future mike, or Mike of the Future, as is the parlance of our time, cam you gives a crystal ball nut shell synopsis of what the future holds?
Can he go interview Crowly too? And find out if he influenced the Beatles?
Nice link - www.judejudejude.com
Jude 3 times.
Jude is German for Jew.
Judas Iscariot, the only apostle that was a Jew, denied Christ 3 times.
mike of the future is like the dude from lost, the only cast member other then the writers who knows how the story will end.
April 24, 2009 5:21 PM
Don't you know that you can count Mike out (in).
nice beatles song quote! +2pts!
Anonymous said...
Can he go interview Crowly too? And find out if he influenced the Beatles?
April 24, 2009 5:25 PM
Well OBVIOUSLY! He is only on the Sargent Peppers Album Cover 3 or possibly 4 times!
Anonymous said...
Future mike, or Mike of the Future, as is the parlance of our time, cam you gives a crystal ball nut shell synopsis of what the future holds?
April 24, 2009 5:24 PM
dont play into the evil mike, they only want to foil the future!
dont play into the evil mike, they only want to foil the future!
April 24, 2009 5:34 PM
tin foil that is...
You can tell the difference between good Mike and evil Mike. Evil Mike has a beard. That's what happens when you live in the mirror universe.
Trekkies will know what I mean.
Glad you are back 65if2007, bringing back calm level logical reasoning to this wacky circus that normally populates the cheap seats here in the comments section.
I dont want to alarm you, but in a word.... sell every stock you own! The future is bleak!
'plasticvideo' referenced in main post:
Paul McCartney Cartoon Disc from Coachella 4-17-2009 (first showing)
00:15 - "Paul is dead"
wow 21 views
isnt it Lily?
Isn't what Lily? What's Lily?
I say it's Ducky. Just Ducky!
That's what I say.
iamaphoney is on twitter?
I love stuff like this:
"Isn't it Lily?"
Translation: "I don't know shit about anything so I'll just post some half assed saying I saw in a PID forum to give the impression that I might know something. I hope some dipshit out there thinks I do. Then I'll feel cool."
the background pic on the iamaphoney twitter account shows two examples of L.I.L.Y on it. The first from the album cover for RAM, and the second from a background behind Paul McCartney during an interview where he states "there will be hidden clues for the fans"
the text below this picture says "revealing"
does the base of the pyramid know what the eye does?
does the base of the pyramid know what the eye does?
April 24, 2009 8:55 PM
Can the eye exist without the base?
Can the base exist without the eye?
the answer is yes said...
the background pic on the iamaphoney twitter account shows two examples of L.I.L.Y on it. The first from the album cover for RAM, and the second from a background behind Paul McCartney during an interview where he states "there will be hidden clues for the fans"
the text below this picture says "revealing"
does the base of the pyramid know what the eye does?
April 24, 2009 8:55 PM
Uh, no!
Hahahahahaha ha
But they won't get back. Ya think?
The REAL James & Paul video:
It's nice and funny!
"The Walrus, I dunno, there's no stopping him."
Never mind the Maccas;
Put the Monkees in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
My mother was of the sky
My father was of the earth
And I am of the universe and you know what it's worth.
which means what?
" Dr. Winston Leg'thighs said...
My mother was of the sky
My father was of the earth
And I am of the universe and you know what it's worth.
April 25, 2009 10:18 AM"
Game over?
John Lennon and Jesus Christ are the same person
Neither are presently alive. So explain.
Learn a lesson.
Jeff Lelend...please try reading theBible. Particularly the New Testament.
hillside high
Not to mention that Lelend's comments are blasphemy.
I'm shocked!!! Blasphemous remarks appearing here?!Who would have imagined?!
What's the whirled cumming to?
Hillside High
hillside high
what does that mean?
I think it's a porn film.
Glad you're back, 65. Word on the street was you were dead.
i believe hillside high is a school in liverpool
Hey Sean Lennon, rumor is that Jude is dead. Can you confirm or deny this?
BTW, Sorry for beating this "jude is dead lol" dead horse guys, I just wanna make sort of a faux Video Memorial to all the people of the PID scene who have disappeared or "died" for whatever reason. So Jude, Apollo, Yenz, Beatlies...you get the picture? kthxbye
This video will probably suck tho because all I got is Windows Movie Maker coz I is a poor sonuvabitch. :(
Too bad it's not a long list of the "alive" people. That would be cool.
Surprise Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox) - An Acoustic Restoration
"i believe hillside high is a school in liverpool"
Q: How do we know that this isn't a real Apollo C Vermouth quote?
A: Because it doesn't say PARDON THE INTRUSION or end with: There's nothing you can SEE that isn't shown!"
75 and feeling every bit of it.
John Lennon is in me.
you are not making much sense ....are you saying YOU are somehow John Lennon?
I miss Apollo.
"Apollo C. Vermouth said...
i believe hillside high is a school in liverpool"
Hi Apollo!!!
I heard there is a satellite campus in the states. This is currently anti-froop conjecture.
Neither are presently alive. So explain.You fully knew that saying a thing like that would piss a lot of people off, so why'd you say it? God, some people's kids these days...
No really, what's the Lennon deal?
The fireman denies everything.
"John Lennon is in me."
" Anonymous said...
The fireman denies everything.
April 26, 2009 2:59 PM"
he sure did. Big time. I wonder if he shook that kid's hand?
( the kid from Mexico)
Just kiddin', Red! Really!!! K I D D I NG!
Jeff Leland is phoneyprophet.
yes, i assumed as well
I don't get what he's saying....he's john lennon?
darn, the king is naked
but you are a PHONEY prophet, no?
Ya'll caught me without my clothes on
I like this better then the Rotten Apple Series
that's a bit cruel, unless....
Wait, much better!
you aren't apollo.
george kush, maybe?
No it's Iamaphoney. He just logged on at YouTube and then came here.
Doesn't matter any more. He's got 65if believing in PID again so that's another victory for him.
I know, it's true.
ok what IS?
I'm no phoney
charley who?
that SEANLENNON guy keeps believing he is the reincarnation of John Lennon.. because he was born a couple of days after john's death or something like that.
also keeps making weird fusion photoshop versions of his own face with john lennon... you see them in his videos.
He's a nice guy though... but confused a little bit.
thank you, Mike.
"Sincerest Form of Flattery"
Count Floyd is back!
But.. but.. it all fits o.O
Everybody always wants to compare Faul's finger prints with Paul's.
Well...look at the last picture tafultong posted: Finger prints!
He's practically begging you to check!
it was McGruff
who's prints?
PAW prints?????
why don't you check?
" Gruff the Crime Dog said...
Everybody always wants to compare Faul's finger prints with Paul's.
Well...look at the last picture tafultong posted: Finger prints!
He's practically begging you to check!"
I'm a dog! What do I know about finger prints?
But I will say this:
I knew Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney was a friend of mine.
I knew his scent.
And Faul, you're no Paul McCartney!
Man I could smell his feet a mile away!
S3ANL3NNON=Ph0neypr0phet=Jeff Leland?
I thought S3ANL3NNON was Jude, but who knows?oh well....
DOG, GET DOWN FROM THERE... you are not a telephone technician... you don't even have any tools!
Easy Mike, I'm a pit bull.
mike said "you are not a telephone technician... you don't even have any tools!"
I wonder if you have any tools yourself!
hey Mike, the phone's ringing .....
Anonymous said...
mike said "you are not a telephone technician... you don't even have any tools!"
I wonder if you have any tools yourself!
hey Mike, the phone's ringing .....
April 27, 2009 6:24 AM
really, huh? i don't hear it ringing...
they don't even fit...
You do not belong in a tree, you are a horse.
what's that?
Have you seen the little piggies?
they're flying
Yellow matter custard! Dripping from a dead Mikey's dog eye.
Mikey's not dead...he's on the phone.
Expert textpert
choking smokers,
Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
I quit smoking years ago and laugh along with the joker, everybody loves a clown. A clown has some great shoes.
Awesome clown shoes!
Speaking of shoes....
So who's fingerprint is it?
Call me crazy, but there's a Cornerstone Inn where I live.
This is the basis of your "revelation"?
no, the basis is when i became a beatles fan i realized me and lennon shared the same goofy smile.
Ok that's nice. It really does not mean too much ya know
did i forget to mention i associate left with evil and right with divine?
I called him
You are losing me JL......
Called who?
It's all there
John Lennon isn't too pleased.
About what?
And who blasphemes Apollo's name? Who?
The weirdest-looking McCartney, as I've said before, is the guy in the TV studio complaining about "rules" that don't "work".
The video looks weird, anyway. It's poor quality, and there is a lot of noise and artifacts adding to the weirdness. He's also high.
Many months ago, I mentioned that I met a guy who was a Beatle decoy in the 60s. They had decoys--but they weren't what you'd call look alikes--you have to remember that in the early 60s (and even late 60s) a lot of people couldn't even tell one Beatle from another (except perhaps for Ringo). Even today, most non-fans can't tell you which Beatle sings which song--Anyone with a mop top could pass as a Beatle for distraction purposes.
Yeah, you can't jump to the conclusion that because Paul looks kind of funky in that poor video that it's an imposter, for heaven's sake. Paul has the kind of face that looks different depending on the lighting and his expressions, etc. This is true throughout his career, including 63-66.
Sad, but true.
"Paul has the kind of face that looks different depending on the lighting and his expressions, etc."
Oh Puleeze! It's not Paul in that interview. Are you blind in one eye, and can't see out of the other?
Just a bad, uh, repaulica.
I am confused.
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Ono! It's the beast to the power of 10!
Anonymous said...
"Paul has the kind of face that looks different depending on the lighting and his expressions, etc."
Oh Puleeze! It's not Paul in that interview. Are you blind in one eye, and can't see out of the other?
April 27, 2009 3:03 PM
Nice to see Iamaphoney's personal cheerleader faulconsnowjob drop by.
are you finished yet, sir larry?
Not Sir Larry. He would say if it was him.
Love the orangutan!
is there a next level?
or is this it?
Shoes was the next level buddy
There's only one level and it ends and begins with bringing Iamaphoney's music to an audience that otherwise would not have noticed it.
Here comes the new John Lennon
MY SHEEP are in white.
Jeff, you are not John Lennon. It's clear that you have some problems.
blame it on the videos
Anonymous said...
There's only one level and it ends and begins with bringing Iamaphoney's music to an audience that otherwise would not have noticed it.
April 27, 2009 7:50 PM
dj iamaphoney's mad ninja skilz
I'm just a 33rd degree free-mason
got a problem?
12 and 12 is 33
I was born a King whether you like it or not. ;)
^Taf, please block this guy. It's annoying!
reffering to Jeff Stupid..
Jeff, you are not John.
why are you always making these dark scary flicks, Mike? why?
˙ʍoləq sɐ əɯɐs əɥʇ ʇou sı əʌoqɐ sɐ
It depends on from where you are watching the perspective of elsewhere. It is all the same, son.
no, it's not really all the same.
I'm not taller than you are, you are just shorter than I am.
It's all the same when looking outwards no matter the viewing point.
Get it yet, lad?
no, not really....
eliminate the negative!
"he got early warning"
Looks like it turned out bad again.
Perhaps a bit more thought is needed.
Who said I was John?
It was nothing real, fools.
But, I'm clearly not wanted here, so I'll just keep all of my information to myself
Most of you are too blind to see the truth still.
Connect the dots
don't worry, dots eventually connect
It would be nice, though, to finish this project sooner than later. What are the odds for that?
It would be nice, though, to finish this project sooner than later. What are the odds for that?
April 28, 2009 9:50 AM
man i hope so
Odds are in your favor!
Roll up for the Mystery Tour!
I realllllllllllly hope so!
Me Three!
L7 square like a m*ther f*ckr
Let it be!
uh, not to what you said.... what does that mean?
L7 means a "square"
L7 said...
Odds are in your favor!
Roll up for the Mystery Tour!
April 28, 2009 9:53 AM
tafultong, i also posted an instrumental version of Sing The Changes, Traveling light and Sun Is Shining.
"tafultong, i also posted an instrumental version of Sing The Changes, Traveling light and Sun Is Shining."
And, Mike, don't forget the new GFA video you posted. You did a good job pointing out the red beetle in The Shining.
that red beetle thing was cool mike! good work!
Your videos are getting better Mikey!
I think I figured out what you are doing Mike, you save all the spooky sh*t for your GFA avatar, and your music videos on your MikeyNL1038 avatar, and the iamaphoneyHD videos on your HD avatar, and your etc... etc.... etc.... etc..... etc..... etc...
Interesting concept!
why so spooky Mike? that goodfellas thing freaked me out
did you green screen that in? It looks photoshopped
That Shining part was green screened in for sure, I never saw that when I watched the movie on TV! There was no red car under that truck!
See for yourself you phony!
This is all fabricated.
The "version" of the Shining you portray in your videos is not even real. This is the real version of the Shining
I know because I saw it on the television.
Weathermen use green screens too MikeNL! And they are wrong almost as much as you are
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