There are some aftershocks of Rotten Apple 74.
The Iamaphoney treatment of Paul's improvised song "Shoes" can be found on a couple more YouTube Channels.
paul mccartney - shoes (rare) on BlllShepherd
Paul McCartney - Shoes on PauIMcCartney [Note: This one has an intact ending, and it is different from a nearly identical version on a nearly identical YouTube channel that I linked the other day. Thanks to a commenter for pointing this out.]
I had made a comment that the song "Shoes" was improvised by Paul when prompted by the "cutest girl in the world" (or something like that). I was asked to provide a picture, but that won't do it. You have to see her engaging personality in action, along with the chemistry of her interaction with Paul. Here is a bit of the interview that produced "Shoes." Notice that in the interview he speaks some gibberish, describes God, imagines Elvis naked from the waist down and recalls a time he wore a fake mustache.

As Jammie pointed out, the voice giving legal advice to someone in this video (as well as Rotten Apple 53) sounds very much like documentary film maker Paul Saltzman, who published a book of pictures taken while he was with the Beatles in India.

Letter B suggested at Nothing Is Real that the recipient of the legal advice could be Iamaphoney himself. That would be something. Really would be something.
Speaking of NIR, Skyward wrote an outline of Rotten Apple 74:
some quickly flashed sequences of letters, perhaps rebus like.
u ra (from Electric Arguments) the imagine (cursive writing image) opd (patch)
there are 3 RA
know who we nursed
the nurse o (apple pic) who in 2007 saved replicas life lost her own.
First "topic" of RA 74 is the April 10th significance, Aspinall, Titanic, Sutcliffe, Aiwass, etc.
Then, we get the interview with Mr. Accenta Obscura, and the guy with the Beatles photos from India at a convention. The strange accent guy has negatives and from 1:01-1:03 or so, there is a rapid fire of inverted black & white photos and there is a pic of a car crash and a mummy with hair.
Seconds after this raPID fire montage, we see the normal pics (not inverted).
We see a shoe store BIBA, and the mentioning of Thomas Nutter, McCartney's tailor in 1969. There seems to be a comparison to the road where BIBA is located with the Abbey Road album cover.
Then, there is a doodle note pad from that calender schedule book with Liberal L Legis along with doodles of hand signals or gestures/motions that signify the Letter N as well as another.
Then there is the note about Phil Specter.
Then, the recent pic of Macca wearing the CLOWN Beatle shirt at the Grammys. CLOWN = CLONE. Say it like GROWN. Mummy, Replicas, Clones?
Then we have a rapid fire montage of the Pepper photo op and we see what I think is a Yellow Submarine pin on the lapels of Ringo and George.
Then, another doodle of what appears to be the MMT bus and possibly some script.
Also, the 'More popular than Jesus' line is seen being typed.
We again see THEBEA parchment.
A Magical Mystery Tour album sleeve with 'LOOT' scribbled and crossed out. And a LOOT (the play?) stage pamphlet?
A napkin signed ONE MORE PAUL, P.M.
A Nazca line image of two outstretched hands.
A 'Chase Phoney' scribble on paper.
Red Skeleton Hands
Robed guy making arm and hand gestures.
Maharishi disappeared
Ira Levin disappeared
Home video of Mal and Bean Pole Paul
Apple meeting/Signing. John with PIG '68.
23 seen on megaphone/bullhorn and cash register.
Iamaphoney and Paul McCartney mirror image in handwriting,
The Winged Beetle is compared with the upside moustache symbol we have seen from the CODE image. One way, it is a fake moustache, flipped vertically, it is an image of a winged thing, in this case, the Beetle, or Wings.
After each section of images is shown, we get a 'check' mark, as it seems to imply that these are all the clues that are being checked off.
Finally, after a brief absence, the "schedule" is back up on the Iamaphoney YouTube page.
living thebea†les® legend
( ! )
80020430 - 0501 76 elppa nettor
8002 edisni s`tahw
80020601 86 elppa nettor
name r if eh t
80020618 111 elppa nettor
80020902 smra dica
9002 yenohpamai
80021221 won 27 elppa nettor eht
CU IN 2009
K a htiw cigaM
slowly but surely
K a htiw cigaM
90020410 seohs
Name: Billy
Age: 45
Country: United Kingdom
Splendid Tafultong!
If the shoe fits you must wear it
If it no longer fits, find another shoe or even shoe maker.
Auld Lang Syne Like its through the years
I am the backwards traveler, ancient
Wool Unraveller
And we were
In the end it all fits, really.
c u in 09.06
We will be drinking Champagne from glass slippers.
COL=Carnival of Light???
Shoetree of Light
Cu in 06/09 bill? What's that?
Anonymous said...
Cu in 06/09 bill? What's that?
April 13, 2009 10:12 AM
See you in june 2009.
see who in June? And why so long between visits?
did anyone notice that
Auld Lang Syne Like its through the years
I am the backwards traveler, ancient
Wool Unraveller
And we were
So is Paul a fan of acrostics or is Bill/IAAP just making shit up?
see who in June? And why so long between visits?
April 13, 2009 10:37 AM
Phoney doesn't feel welcome anymore, and for good reason. Only someone from TKIN or NIR could come up with this shit. "SHOES"? That is the best that he can do? LOL
Phoney is just as he claims....a phoney.
And you're a dumb asshole wasting his posting on a blog that is named after Iamaphoney. You're wasting your time and everyone else's.
choose the shoes
Updated version of Shoes by PaulMcCartney with a proper fadeout.
You know how Youtube sometimes cuts off videos a little prematurely at times.
And you're a dumb asshole wasting his posting on a blog that is named after Iamaphoney. You're wasting your time and everyone else's.
April 13, 2009 10:51 AM
You Ma'am are correct. I am a dumb asshole for wasting 2 years of my time following phoney. As long as phoney continues to waste my time, I in turn will continue to post on this blog, causing you to waste your time reading and posting toward my comments.
Congratulations! You're an asshole too! Let me be the first to welcome you to the club. As a token of appreciation (for if it weren't for assholes like you, I would not bother to comment) you will very shortly receive a framed certificate, hat, and T-shirt for you to display, proudly proclaiming your Sphinctership.
Anonymous said...
Updated version of Shoes by PaulMcCartney with a proper fadeout.
Thanks Anonymous. Things are awfully confusing at YouTube. You would never know that these are two different videos and two different accounts.
Cut Ending
Full Ending
They both feature "Shoes" by Paul McCartney and of course neither one is really Paul McCartney...as far as I know.
Breaking News:
Spector GUILTY of Murder
[color=Yellow]Phil Spector found guilty of 2nd-degree murder[/color]
By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch, Ap Special Correspondent – 2 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – Music producer Phil Spector has been convicted of second-degree murder in the shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson at his mansion six years ago.
A Los Angeles Superior Court jury returned the verdict Monday after an estimated 29 to 30 hours of deliberations.
The 40-year-old Clarkson, star of the 1985 cult film "Barbarian Queen," died of a gunshot fired in her mouth as she sat in the foyer of Spector's mansion in 2003. She had met Spector hours earlier at her job as a nightclub hostess.
Prosecutors argued Spector had a history of threatening women with guns when they tried to leave.
The defense claimed she killed herself.
It was Spector's second trial. His first jury deadlocked 10-2, favoring conviction in 2007.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The jury in Phil Spector's murder retrial has signaled it has reached a verdict.
The Los Angeles Superior Court jury buzzed the courtroom three times at late morning Monday.
The court clerk says the verdict will be read no earlier than 2 p.m.
Spector is charged with murdering "Barbarian Queen" actress Lana Clarkson in 2003.
The case went to the jury March 26 but there were repeated interruptions including juror illnesses.
Spector's first trial ended in 2007 with a 10-2 jury deadlock. The majority favored conviction.
Active Users In The Past 24 Hours
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Anonymous said...
Jude is dead.
April 13, 2009 10:40 AM
lol, decapitated? come back Jude, all is forgiven!
no gideon, dan?
best version so far said...
Shoes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpxBfhJIJPM)Yes, just remember that the url of the best one ends with the letters "JPM." Don't you love randomness?
sounds like him to me!
Bill wrote:
Auld Lang Syne Like its through the years
I am the backwards traveler, ancient
Wool Unraveller
And we were
SongsOh yeah,
I checked. Both the vinyl copy and CD of "Londontown" have the lyrics of "Backwards Traveller" formatted differently from what "Bill" put in the comments.
Instead of Aiwass, the acrostic would say "HARTIASAW," which at best, is an anagram for "A War, A Shit."
Or "Heart I saw"
I'm looking at Paul's shoes right now. I can alomost smell them through the internet. Man, I could smell those feet a mile away. I wonder what style of shoes Paul will wear at Coachella. Please keep us all updated on Paul's latest shoe activity Iamaphony or any other exciting developments in the world of men' footwear!
Here's where Vince could be of invaluable assistance.
Hey! Don't imitate my style! I write comments like that!
Dearest fans,
Soooooooo.....the shoe video perplexed you, eh? It made your noggins crackle with ennui. Well I'd expect nothing less of you mortals, really. How can you not yet see that I have been handpicked by God to fling flying suitcases into bushes, frolic shirtless in the surf and showcase various brands of footwear in preparation for the BIG DAY? Oh and that big day is a'coming lover. Just you wait and see. I'd say maybe around 2012 but don't quote me on that and don't be shocked if we get close to 2012 and I take that date down from my YouTube itinerary or something. I reserve the right to change my mind and indulge in celestial whimsy as only a divine being such as (cough) myself (cough) can. It's very simple, really. Shut up. Watch the videos. Promote the shit out of me and...above all else...OBEY!!!! ON YOUR KNEES DUST MITE!! LICK MY TOES CLEAN AND SHUDDER AT MY QUIVERING NIPPLES!!! KICK THE LORD OF YOUR CHOICE TO THE CURB AND WORSHIP THE RISEN SON OF MANSON!!! REMEMBER.....THE END TIMES DON'T GET GOING UNTIL I GIVE THE SAY SO!!! IT WON'T BE LONG NOW. I'VE GOT THREE MORE SUITCASES TO GO AND A TRIP TO FOOT LOCKER BEFORE THE SEVENTH SEAL IS BROKEN!!!
So you see dear friends as much as I love you all, don't give me any static or you can just go foorp yourselves!
with cinnamon toasted Obama angel kisses up and down your jiggling gelatinous backsides,
A recent printing of The Winged Beetle by Aleister Crowley has an introduction by one Martin P. Starr. Not sure if this is significant or not, but maybe Ringo knows?
Martin P. StarrWinged Beetle, with mention of a Meredith Starr
Surely, this was the son of Manson!
Let's tie those shoestrings together!
Anonymous said...
A recent printing of The Winged Beetle by Aleister Crowley has an introduction by one Martin P. Starr. Not sure if this is significant or not, but maybe Ringo knows?
Martin P. StarrWinged Beetle, with mention of a Meredith Starr
April 13, 2009 8:14 PM
It goes deeper than that. Green Bay Packers quarterback Bart Starr won the NFL championship in 1966!! Fictional comic strip detective Brenda Starr had a knack for solving mysteries. It's all related and the sooner you all wake up to this the better informed this blog will be.
the letters that he speaks of may be my friends..
The Starr Foundation was established in 1955 by Cornelius Vander Starr...
Mr. Starr, a pioneer of globalization, set up his first insurance venture in Shanghai in 1919. He died in 1968 at the age of 76, leaving his estate to the Foundation.
"Notice that in the interview he speaks some gibberish, describes God, imagines Elvis naked from the waist down and recalls a time he wore a fake mustache."
A pretty girl can do that to you!
Taxed to death, angry at government bailouts, outraged by Wall Street greed, and bitterly resentful of a system that rewards the undeserving rich, the American public is ready to revolt.
Hmmm. The article referenced in the post above was
posted in its original form by Laura Martin .
The winged Beatle by Martin P. Starr.What's in a name? My Favorite 'Martin'?
Spike TV Seals Deal for Reality Show on U.S. Navy Pirate Hunters
Faul said...
"Notice that in the interview he speaks some gibberish, describes God, imagines Elvis naked from the waist down and recalls a time he wore a fake mustache."
A pretty girl can do that to you!
April 13, 2009 8:40 PM
Paul's a horny dude.
Loretta Martin said...
Hmmm. The article referenced in the post above was
posted in its original form by Laura Martin .
The winged Beatle by Martin P. Starr.What's in a name? My Favorite 'Martin'?And "My Favorite Martian" starred Ray Walston in the title role. Walston also played the devil in the movie "Damn Yankees," a Faustian tale of a man who sold his soul to Satan because of earthly desires. Good job, Loretta. I know you got it coming, but you get it while you can.
"Seals deal"
Ork ork ork!
And the guy who researches the Beatles tape archives....MARTIN Lewhison. Holy crap! If this leads back to Dean Martin and then inevitably Jerry Lewis Iamaphoney's vision will suddenly make sense.
They don't call me "Get Back" Loretta for nuthin!
Iamaphoney's "shoe" video = 45 comments
Tafultong's post about the "shoe" video = 44 comments
How much you wanna bet Tafultong beats him out again before the night is through? Seems like a someone we all know is getting awfully popular around PID parts. Mm hmm.
I'll bet iamaphoney's name is MARTIN. (cough)
another clue4uall said...
I'll bet iamaphoney's name is MARTIN. (cough)
April 13, 2009 9:04 PM
Ahhh, you must be an old timer! The kids these days don't know about Martin. I reckon some other folks want to sweep that under the rug and hope we all forget (ahem).
You mean Paul actually died in the car and Tara Browne replaced Paul in The Beatles after some plastic surgery?
Have some shoes:
How much you wanna bet Tafultong beats him out again before the night is through? Seems like a someone we all know is getting awfully popular around PID parts. Mm hmm.
April 13, 2009 9:03 PM
I reckon a feller could get some french fried pertaters and a biscuit with mean mr mustard. Mm hmm.
Biba means drink.
Shoes. A little ditty written by Faul.
Catchy little tune, been humming it since the latest iamaphoney video.
Paul could have written it.
But he didn't. Because he is dead.....
The reptilian conversion is complete. The assimilation of McCartney talent is finished.
Next they will be coming for our women, and writing songs for them.
To get them in bed.
Songs about....shoes.
Do you see what is happening here?
Do you see? Do you really see?
Figurative sense of "mentally drink in"
with cinnamon toasted Obama angel kisses up and down your jiggling gelatinous backsides,
April 13, 2009 7:44 PM
ROTFLMAO!! That gave me a chubby!
This Unknown Comic is the best!
Keep 'em coming bud-dy!
how was that little "ditty" turned into a full studio quality recording??? Either IAMAPHONEY is an engineering genius or he's actually Paul himself !!
how was that little "ditty" turned into a full studio quality recording??? Either IAMAPHONEY is an engineering genius or he's actually Paul himself !!
April 14, 2009 5:19 AM
creating a basic drum track, spread the vocals just the way you want them.... add additional istruments like bass and guitar, some synths... and you have an iamaphoney version.
Shoes has now been phoneyed. :)
"Shoes has now been phoneyed. :)"
Anonymous said...
"Shoes has now been phoneyed. :)"
huh?Similar treatment by Iamaphoney has been given to "1882" "Now And Then" and "I Found Out." There is some debate over whether the Iamaphoney version of "1882" is really Paul's voice or an imitator. I would go with the former, although with the odd topics covered on this blog, I would have to qualify the definition of "Paul's voice."
"Shoestrings Update: Steve Marinucci in his Beatles Examiner column wrote, "So what's this new Paul McCartney song that's popped up on YouTube? (See above.) You'll see lots of Beatles and Wings references." Mmm Hmmm."
Reckon you make me some biscuits.
Mmm Hmmm
Could use some coffee with those biscuits Billy
the crackle of a fire was a nice touch.
Coffee makes me nervous when I drink it. Mmm hmmmm.
I believe one feller come from Arkansas.
Git it?
time for breakfast
How about some cheesey Southern grits with that?
Some people call this a sling blog, but I call it a kaiser blog.
creating a basic drum track, spread the vocals just the way you want them.... add additional istruments like bass and guitar, some synths... and you have an iamaphoney version.
Shoes has now been phoneyed. :)
April 14, 2009 5:23 AM
See, it's easy. Just ask the Twin Freak. He has all the answers and then none. Who's your phoney?
how was that little "ditty" turned into a full studio quality recording??? Either IAMAPHONEY is an engineering genius or he's actually Paul himself !!
April 14, 2009 5:19 AM
Want an answer? Email MPL Communications. Tell them that you feel the YouTube account iamaphoney is committing copyright infringement.
See if they care.
how was that little "ditty" turned into a full studio quality recording??? Either IAMAPHONEY is an engineering genius or he's actually Paul himself !!
April 14, 2009 5:19 AM
creating a basic drum track, spread the vocals just the way you want them.... add additional istruments like bass and guitar, some synths... and you have an iamaphoney version.
Want an answer? Email MPL Communications. Tell them that you feel the YouTube account iamaphoney is committing copyright infringement.
See if they care.
April 14, 2009 6:42 AM"
they probably care a little bit!
If you hear from them again, you simply send me the letter;
I will tell them to fuck off and die.
let's hear an explanation of that! it's time!
tell you what.....
MPL knows all about shoes and the youtube and they are reading this blog as well as the rest of the phoney websites. Dont you people understand?
This is real! MPL is behind this! Come on man, realize!!!!!
nobody not even Mike can make a maccasong
only Paul can!It is NOT an outtake from the interview,listen to the song guys.Realize!!!!
not even Mike
Leave Mike Alone!
"MPL knows"
Macca-Phoney Ltd.
Yes - you can syndicate any boat you row.
John hands Paul the phone. Who's on the line?
insider said...
nobody not even Mike can make a maccasong
only Paul can!It is NOT an outtake from the interview,listen to the song guys.Realize!!!!
April 14, 2009 7:09 AM
it is the original, with auto-tune added
Tafultong said...
Some people call this a sling blog, but I call it a kaiser blog.
April 14, 2009 6:28 AM
You are the best Taf!
Tafultong said...
Some people call this a sling blog, but I call it a kaiser blog.
I don't get the joke.
MPL won't do anything unless the song gets a lot of press and I mean a LOT of press. I hope it does. Phoney flies under the radar. He needs more than a few measly mentions on unofficial fan sites to get the attention of the higher ups. Notice how "Now and Then" got blurbs on fan sites but died out the following week. When a Phoney production is the top story on Yahoo news than you might finally see some action.
what do we do from here? There is so many aftermaths from ra 74 and I am very confused and now its official. a new mccartney song!
now and then died out? Google beatles now and then and you will see. Lots of copies is around. Paul can never redo the song. (if he is not iaap)
Anonymous said...
now and then died out? Google beatles now and then and you will see. Lots of copies is around. Paul can never redo the song. (if he is not iaap)
Right, and is the public clamoring for it? No. Is Paul asked about it on every show he goes on? No. Is there an indepth look at the recording in Rolling Stone and Spin magazine? No.
When 3 unreleased BBC recordings became the "b-side tracks" of the Baby It's You single from Live At The BBC it made the local and national news. Just TALK about Carnival Of Light made the national news.
On the other hand...
A search for the obscure 70's TV show "The Kids From C.A.P.E.R." brought up 1400 websites. Ever hear of it before I mentioned it just now? Ever hear talk about it in magazines, movies or books? No of course not.
The vastness of the internet makes it appear that even the slightest trivial item is popular because it's been well documented by devotees. I'm sure if fans of "The Kids From C.A.P.E.R." ran accross an Iamaphoney video thay would think it was piddley unimportant nonsense compared to a legitimate tv show with a soundtrack album on a major label. The fact that you've never heard of it is irrelevant.
Perspective is everything and don't let the internet fool you. When Iamaphoney gets a column in Rolling Stone or Blender than it'll be news. The internet is on par with mimeographed fan magazines.
"The internet is on par with mimeographed fan magazines."
no, it's a bit bigger than that : )
You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs.
But I look around me and I see it isn't so.
Anonymous said...
"The internet is on par with mimeographed fan magazines."
no, it's a bit bigger than that : )
April 14, 2009 1:42 PM
A bad comparison. My fault. You're still missing the point. Just because most everyone has the internet at home or at work does not mean we're all visiting the same sites. A more appropriate analogy would be the internet is a giant newsstand. Think of Iamaphoney as Hot Rod magazine and Kids From C.A.P.E.R as Highlights. Someone who walks up to the newsstand to specifically to buy Maxim is not likely to pick up Hot Rod or Highlights simply because they're sitting on the rack. Do you leaf through every single magazine on the newsstand? I work near a magazine store that sells literally thousands of titles every month. Do I sit for thousands of hours reading every single issue of every magazine?
This is what I mean by perspective. There are people who come to this blog who think just because something is on the internet it's known by millions of people and incredibly popular which is untrue. It's only known by the amount of people who have an interest in the topic.
Iamaphoney has not broken that barrier. If he had he'd be all over television.
Do you think more people know about and read Tafultong's blog than get Beatlefan magazine every month?
Anonymous said...
Do you think more people know about and read Tafultong's blog than get Beatlefan magazine every month?
April 14, 2009 2:43 PM
No I don't and doubt that Tafultong does either (since he's a subscriber himself). Beatlefan is quarterly I believe. Anyone remember Good Day Sunshine?
ha ha
next level
Sponsor an Executive Today
"Update: Steve Marinucci in his Beatles Examiner column wrote, 'So what's this new Paul McCartney song that's popped up on YouTube? You'll see lots of Beatles and Wings references.' Mmm Hmmm."
LOL. So Iamaphoney will have given Faul a new hit song. :-D
that ol' Faul sure writes some catchy tunes!
LOL. So Iamaphoney will have given Faul a new hit song. :-D
April 14, 2009 7:01 PM
He's the same Steve who runs that AbbeyRoadNews site. He knows about the Phoney saga. Tafultong correspons with him.
The cute girl interviewing Paul is Alexa Chung.
When she made him write the stupid song, he should've rhymed Chung with tongue.
I think the Euro Speedo dude is actually Sunking / GN.
theman behind iaap is John August and he stole all my ideas and my beatles stuff to use here. He is indeed a phoney.
so what does that mean?
this is interesting....what else?
"theman behind iaap is John August and he stole all my ideas and my beatles stuff to use here. He is indeed a phoney."
This sounds like the kind of thing I used to hear from
paranoid schizophrenics I used to work with, who thought
that they had written songs on the radio.
John August wiki:
Napolean XIV said...
"theman behind iaap is John August and he stole all my ideas and my beatles stuff to use here. He is indeed a phoney."
This sounds like the kind of thing I used to hear from
paranoid schizophrenics I used to work with, who thought
that they had written songs on the radio.
April 15, 2009 5:47 AM
Record Store Day arrives in Charleston
Charleston City Paper - 3 hours ago
Paul McCartney will release six (only six!) acetates of one brandnew song at a secret location.
Where's the bus?
Tafultong can you zoom up the last days chaos after the rotten apple 74? I dont know whats going on.
"Where's the bus?"
It's parked out front!
Macca will perform a brand new song on Friday.
It is told the song is already leaked on youtube.
I wonder if he will comment on the phoney situation?
...and now for a commercial break:
We'll be right back, back, back to where we once belonged.
Auld Lang Syne Like its through the years
I am the backwards traveler, ancient
Wool Unraveller
And we were
So is Paul a fan of acrostics or is Bill/IAAP just making shit up?
Uhm, that's not an acrostic. A true acrostic would use the first letter of each word, sentence, or phrase. The above example splits up the phrases in order to make it fit.
P enny lane the barber shaves
A nother customer
W e see the banker sitting . . .
Try it at home!
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
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