According to the letters on his hat (RAOB), which are impossible to see on some issues of Sgt. Pepper, the Legionnaire is a member of the Royal Antediluvian Order of the Buffaloes. Like most organizations of this type, the RAOB is known for drinking and charitable acts. But like any fraternal organization, it has some possible links with Freemasonry, ancient secrets and conspiracy theories. One Freemason site lists it under "Other societies of Masonic interest."
It has always been a mystery why this individual would be on the cover of Sgt. Pepper. It certainly doesn't fit the "personal heroes of the Beatles or people they admired" story advanced by the Beatles organization.
The problem is that the majority of the man's face is covered, making it impossible to identify facial features.
This is the picture from the cover:

This is the picture with Crowley superimposed:

This is a black and white low-res picture that shows a little more of the facial features:

His face seems thinner than Crowley, but I wonder why he was chosen to be on the cover representing the Beatles' heroes.
A new Iamaphoney-related video appeared on YouTube this week: Paul Is Dead - So, It`s Paul? by GRITzz93
Although derivative, you have to love the honesty of video maker GRITzz93. When asked about the significance of the little mannequin hand, the reply was "nothing, only to make the video longer :)" Yeah gotta love a guy who admits that part of his 17-second video is filler.
The Fireman song "Highway" has made Paul's setlist after its premier at Coachella. Here is a performance from his Vegas Hard Rock Concert.
Who's on First?
Aren't those two different crowley photo's T?
"His face seems thinner than Crowley, but I wonder why he was chosen to be on the cover representing the Beatles' heroes."
and maybe wonder why he has a gun to his head
Honest observation of the two different Crowleys in question:
Photo 1 Photo 2Obviously not the same person.
All sources that I have (which are mostly books about the Beatles published from the early 70's onwards) list the image as being that of a legionnaire of some sort. I know that Crowley is on the cover but I doubt very that this legionnaire is also an image of him. I must be behind the times because I was unaware of this theory that it's Crowley again. Doesn't appear to be.
"but I wonder why he was chosen to be on the cover representing the Beatles' heroes."
Probably as filler. Same reason Shirley Temple is on there. Ever hear the Beatles talk about Shirley Temple as a "hero"? From what I've read the Beatles couldn't get permission from everyone they wanted so a few alternates were selected by the group, the photographer and friends.
It began with Bikini Beach (1964)
Those people are there because they tell a story.
"if MalEvans is iamaphoney then I am Hitler.
Mal is a schoolboy. I agree that GFA is iamaphoney too.
April 21, 2009 2:50 PM"
I think it's obvious that malevans is only pretending to be a schoolboy-poster. He asks exactly the questions the PHONEYS want to be raised..
Worth watching again.
Do you guys know about any mp3 file of the song "Shoes" (IAAP version) available out there? I really like the song and it would be great if I could hear it outside youtube.
About the topic, I think "the legionnaire" is a symbolic character not pretending to be anybody specific. It pretends to illustrate the secret societies "behind the scenes" guys who are the really masters of the whole game.
Probably. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Someone left a message for Sir Paul
"(11 hours ago)
....... Choose new shoes William??"
Your Mother Should Know (the sheep are in white)
It has been noted before that Crowley's appearance has always fluxuated considerably. The thinner face of the ROAB matches many images of Crowley with thinner features.
You know ;)
you're welcome
maybe a couple of years down the road, we'll see something like: PAUL MCCARTNEY: "iamaphoney is my
disquise".Maybe a couple of years down the road, we'll see something like: MIKE VAN VOORST : "iamaphoney is my disquise".
I wouldn't read much into it.
Looking for a place in the country to build a cottage?
This would be a nice place for iamaphoney to build his dream home:
"Legionnaire" figure?
Russian mystic George Gurdjeff?
Many pics of him wearing an astrokan hat available online, eg:
Anonymous said...
It has been noted before that Crowley's appearance has always fluxuated considerably. The thinner face of the ROAB matches many images of Crowley with thinner features.
April 22, 2009 9:27 AM
Let's play a game!
Anonymous said...
It has been noted before that McCartney's appearance has always fluxuated considerably. The thinner face of "Faul" matches many images of a young McCartney with thinner features.
April 22, 2009 9:27 AM
Paul McCartney Official Channel said...
Someone left a message for Sir Paul
"(11 hours ago)
....... Choose new shoes William??"
April 22, 2009 5:53 AM
The Beatards are always leaving messages on there. Some of them violent and threatening. There doesn't seem to be anyone in a position of authority paying attention to the comments. I don't think they even look at any of them. If they did they would've at least noticed that old guy who posts every day with spam about his crummy new songs.
How about SHOES?
Some are here in spirit, but ones alive.
Hold tight 'cause the shows not over. If you will please move in closer. You are about to be blown over by the wonders you about to behold here.
Wonder #1
Now that I've seen that video it all starts to make sense! That was worth a thousand rotten apples!
There's a sun of God, and a son of God.
Well, if Paul's the SUN of God, I wonder who's the SON of God.
*Rubs eye*
I just can't put my finger on it..
But Iamaphoney is against Christ
That's because he's the antichrist.
Duh. I'm his worst nightmare.
Oh bull! If Iamaphoney is the antiChrist than he's the biggest letdown to heathens everywhere. Videos on YouTube? Please
Who said he's the only one?
Just because you hail Satan doesn't make you against God.
The anti-christ is everywhere if you know where to look.
But not all of them are bad.
The forces of good AND evil
It's all in the video.
I should be as groovy as Jesus in 2012.
Jeff Leland, you sir are crazy. I hope for your sake you wake up and realize that hailing Satan isn't the best way to show your love for God.
Who said I'm hailing Satan?
"Just because you hail Satan doesn't make you against God."
What kind of warped thinking is this?
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A message for Mike
Mike, you're not Paul's "brother"
Stop mocking me, you're getting yourself in a worse situation.
omg! now i know what jumpin jack flash was! "ITS A GAS GAS GAS!"
sympathy for the devil! thanks leland!
Womenizer?! I will cut some n*ts off!
hank "rolling stone" hill said...
omg! now i know what jumpin jack flash was! "ITS A GAS GAS GAS!"
sympathy for the devil! thanks leland!
April 22, 2009 7:51 PM
hells yeah, you KNOW them beatles were pictured hidden in that sympathy devil album by the stones!
jeff leleland you are amazin!
Well I would like to present you something really weird I realized last night. ^(Yes I was doing weed but I guess it was interesting anyway XD!)
And it is about Coldplay/Beatles relationship....
About link1: look at the custome relationship
about link2: Did you notice how the magician puppet is dressed? (red nose! XD)
It looks like Sir Macca on the magical mistery tour movie, right?
and what about the logo of coldplay on the bassdrum? looks like the one in sgt,pepper...
I hope I can get some attention, or at least a thank you...but also I would like to know if anyone knows if coldplay is working with some beatle's related?
That is...goodbye!^^
I hope that's not a threat.
Becareful what you put on the internet.
It might come back and get ya, right?
Somehow this is connected to the King Of The Hill? I'm afraid you've lost me Jeff. Unless you're suggesting that Mike Judge will have a hand in the coming apocalypse. Now that I think of it that's not as crazy as some of the Biblical interpretations I've read around here.
Hey Mike, don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better.
I plan on ;]
Dematazy said...
Womenizer?! I will cut some n*ts off!
April 22, 2009 7:52 PM
keep your personal life off this blog man h8ter
If Coldplay were involved with the Beatles I would think they would make better music than that limp caterwauling that gets soccer moms tapping their toes in the SUV on the way to Starbucks.
I'm going to bed with one last clue.
My sheep are in white
What's in the cartoons? Seriously dude are you stoned right now?
you are just scared of a powerful women!
Anonymous said...
What's in the cartoons? Seriously dude are you stoned right now?
April 22, 2009 8:02 PM
"my sheep are in white"?????????
I think what you're seeing are the men in white coats. Do your best to escape the big butterfly net before they ship you off to the funny farm. I hear you can't get good weed in there.
it's clearly obvious Mike's mocking me.
that's why I'm getting off, so you know it's him.
Anonymous Jeff Leland said...
I'm going to bed with one last clue.
My sheep are in white
April 22, 2009 8:01 PM
Now its time to say goodnight
goodnight, sleep tight!
now the sun turns out his light
goodnight, sleep tight!
dream sweet dreams for me
dream sweet dreams for you
close your eyes and i'll close mine
now the moon begins to shine
goodnight sleep tight!
Anonymous said...
If Coldplay were involved with the Beatles.....
...they would need a time machine since the Beatles no longer exist.
There's a Mike and Jeff war? Well I'll be.
Jeffrey Leland S. said...
it's clearly obvious Mike's mocking me.
that's why I'm getting off, so you know it's him.
April 22, 2009 8:05 PM
Its quite obvious we are all mocking you AND YOU WILL NOT BE MOCKED!!!!!!!!!!
Can't we make it a Mutt and Jeff war? It scans better.
Jeff LeLand said...
Hey Mike, don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better.
April 22, 2009 7:56 PM
What a wonderful insightful blog this would be if all comments were reduced to beatle song quotes.
That may have been the weirdest exchange on here in quite some time.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That may have been the weirdest exchange on here in quite some time.
April 22, 2009 8:11 PM
just wait... it'll get a damn sight weirder
iamaquoter said...
What a wonderful insightful blog this would be if all comments were reduced to beatle song quotes.
April 22, 2009 8:11 PM
Have you seen the comments on Iamaphoney's YT page? They make this blog look like the Algonquin roundtable.
Have you seen the comments on Iamaphoney's YT page? They make this blog look like the Algonquin roundtable.
April 22, 2009 8:13 PM
iamaquoter said...
What a wonderful insightful blog this would be if all comments were reduced to beatle song quotes.
April 22, 2009 8:11 PM
April 22, 2009 8:17 PM
and in the end....
the LOVE you take....
is equal to the LOVE you
and in the end....
the LOVE you take....
is equal to the LOVE you
April 22, 2009 8:17 PM
and in the end....
the LOVE you take....
is equal to the LOVE you
April 22, 2009 8:17 PM
you say its your birthday,
well its my birthdy too yeah!
you say its your birthday,
we're going to have a good time
Iam glad its your birthday, happy birthday to YOU!
and in the end....
the LOVE you take....
is equal to the LOVE you
April 22, 2009 8:17 PM
you say its your birthday,
well its my birthdy too yeah!
you say its your birthday,
we're going to have a good time
Iam glad its your birthday, happy birthday to YOU!
Anonymous said...
and in the end....
the LOVE you take....
is equal to the LOVE you
April 22, 2009 8:17 PM
you say its your birthday,
well its my birthdy too yeah!
you say its your birthday,
we're going to have a good time
Iam glad its your birthday, happy birthday to YOU!
April 22, 2009 8:20 PM
Yes, we;re going to a private party!
Yes, we;re going to a private party!
and I would like you to dance!
do those dizzy singing broads in Birthday sing "NIGHTMARE?"
i would like you to dance!
take a ch-ch-chance and the dance!"
uhhhh.... dematazy?
sick em'
i would like you to dance!
take a ch-ch-chance and the dance!"
April 22, 2009 8:22 PM
omg another clue
you know me, you know my dj nina skillz...seriously, i will not be mocked
MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
PAUL MCCARTNEY: 'The Fireman is my disguise"
maybe a couple of years down the road, we'll see something like: PAUL MCCARTNEY: "iamaphoney is my disquise".
Jacob, gay fish!
also mike, now i know you were the one who called me gayfish a couple of posts ago.
no more clues for you
also mike, now i know you were the one who called me gayfish a couple of posts ago.
no more clues for you
April 22, 2009 8:32 PM
It was all those shirtless shots man, when you came out of the ocean.... you were like a fish. a big gay one...
oh snap!
mike you really are a trouble maker, a king mixer
saygnight1990 (2 hours ago)
Some are dead and some are living. ;)
2:1odds this is one of the beatle quoters on this blog
you say goodnight! and I SAY HELLO!
i dont know why you say goodnight i say hello
you say goodnight! and I SAY HELLO!
i dont know why you say goodnight i say hello
April 22, 2009 8:41 PM
Wrong lyrics
?ob=1 is how they track you
April 22, 2009 7:46 PM
is it? is it REALLY?
let me prove the manufactured dissent at work here...
From "Happy Record Day!"
Kayne West Ur Gayphoney said...
Anonymous D. said...
Then there is 80 % of boring images, blinking fast. And the Shoe-song (which nicely produced) sounds like Kanye West featuring Cher.
¨°º¤ø„¸ Kanye West ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ Ur Gayfish!!! `°º¤ø„
¸„ø¤º°¨ U 2 Iamaphoney! `°º¤ø„
¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ `°º¤ø„
April 17, 2009 9:27 PM
from the IAAP blog comments
MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
PAUL MCCARTNEY: 'The Fireman is my disguise"
maybe a couple of years down the road, we'll see something like: PAUL MCCARTNEY: "iamaphoney is my disquise".
Jacob, gay fish!
so on the one hand mike plays the teenager fan club, on the other he is mocking the very iaap he was worshiping earlier
so on the one hand mike plays the teenager fan club, on the other he is mocking the very iaap he was worshiping earlier
April 22, 2009 8:57 PM
Uhhhh. This = KNOWN
is it? is it REALLY?
April 22, 2009 8:50 PM
No, i just like graphics on this blog.
so on the one hand mike plays the teenager fan club, on the other he is mocking the very iaap he was worshiping earlier
April 22, 2009 8:57 PM
A lot of the comments on this blog are mainly Mike and gang playing both sides of the fence to keep their iamaphoney nonsense alive.
It's all Dutch to me.
A lot of the comments on this blog are mainly Mike and gang playing both sides of the fence to keep their iamaphoney nonsense alive.
dont tell the others
It's all Dutch to me.
April 22, 2009 9:16 PM
you sure they're dutch?
speeking of that, pass the dutch
why is missy elliot going into that ufo?
you sure they're dutch?
speeking of that, pass the dutch
April 22, 2009 9:30 PM
not all, but that is its origin
the Dutch are freaky-deaky for the macca
that's true. mike and friends. most of it. play the friends and haters. many aliases. fun game. getting boring for me. i quit.
that's true. mike and friends. most of it. play the friends and haters. many aliases. fun game. getting boring for me. i quit.
April 22, 2009 10:05 PM
boring....yes, but you'll be back. i quit too, but i'll be back.
we replacements have to stick together.
i quit too!
me too! I quit!
i'm back. i missed you.
iam back too, god did i miss you
you two should get married
hey jacob,
gay fish!
Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a
Running bet
kick em when theyre up
kick em when theyre down
Beatles CODE
The REAL phonies
O I owe it all to you.
Diva is the female version of a Mason.
Of a
Of a
Of a
Anonymous beatlescode said...
Beatles CODE
The REAL phonies
April 23, 2009 3:31 AM
They are probably Mike's American cousins.
Isnt that letterb and/or fourthousandholes ?
Uh, yeah, sure! That's me and JoJo.
Well, its one of the prominent NIR nerds...
Nothing is real.
Oh yeah.
I've seen religion from Jesus to Mike.
The proof that Lennon wants people to see that he was a prophet.
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imitation is the most sincere form of flattery
thank you
The proof that Lennon wants people to see that he was a prophet.
He would hate that idea, but, since you've mentioned it, a prophet is one who reveals prophesies--y'know, predictions of future events. Lennon's only "prediction" was that Christianity would eventually shrink and die out. This might turn out to be true far into the future, but based on past and present evidence, the religion is growing, not dying out.
JL said...
imitation is the most sincere form of flattery
thank you
Self flattery is a form of denial
and denial is not just a river in Egypt
"can we get along?" Rodney King
the next line was "...because we're gonna be here for a while.."
NL is behind this
from iaap comment section
MikeyNL1038 (10 hours ago)
iMonkey watch:
Joined: July 23, 2006
Last Sign In: 1 day ago
Videos Watched: 6,622
Subscribers: 1,036
Channel Views: 200,200
so that is who was behind all those "iMonkey" watch updates...
you really are tipping your hand lately mikeNL
It's time
For what?
For what?
April 23, 2009 11:45 AM
a diaper change
,' `.
,;: -o` o` :::
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Is this iamaphoney?
Sing the Changes, and you wonder.
this didn't really qualify as conversatio. You used to do it, lads!
Picture yourself on a boat on a river, jumping the shark.
I miss 65if2007.
I miss 67if2009 .
I miss 56if7002.
Maybe he died like Jude?
Jude is not dead.
I'm not actually dead
I'm just a good uhm replica.
What happens when the dead are living?
Oh, that must make MDC innocent then.
Of course MDC is innocent. So is Manson. So is the Zodiac Killer. In the wicked world of PID all serialkillers are just "victims" and are loved and worshipped.
That, my friends, is what happens when you let Satan into your life.
By the way, John Lennon ain't no man.
John the Apostle and Mother Mary are the same person.
Here's another clue
i understand what he's saying.
What do you think is happening with john Lennon?
I miss the Vinces.
MikeNL said...
i understand what he's saying.
April 23, 2009 6:57 PM
I'm sure you do Mikey.....(rolls eyes)
sing the changes, live.
So Mikey if you think Paul is dead or is evil as your buddy Iamaphoney likes to push, don't you feel a bit guilty being a fan of and enjoying the music of someone you perceive as evil?
I've seen your videos. Good job with the songs by the way. It just seems hypocritical to me. It would be like thinking that the Phantasm movies were evil and leading to the world's destruction and then rushing out to buy the box set of them.
That's always how it is, though.
Who 'knows' more about satan than Bible thumping Christian ministers?
If you can't understand what Charles Manson is saying, play it backwards.
Google wugga bugga are a few of my favorite things.
He was trying to sing "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music.
Anonymous said...
So Mikey if you think Paul is dead or is evil as your buddy Iamaphoney likes to push, don't you feel a bit guilty being a fan of and enjoying the music of someone you perceive as evil?
I've seen your videos. Good job with the songs by the way. It just seems hypocritical to me. It would be like thinking that the Phantasm movies were evil and leading to the world's destruction and then rushing out to buy the box set of them.
April 23, 2009 8:48 PM
i don't perceive him as evil.
What do you perceive, Mike?
I perceive de laaaaaaay.
"Who 'knows' more about satan than Bible thumping Christian ministers?"
I have been going to church for nearly all my life, and yet have never actually seen a minister thump a bible. Reality check: if you think that all Christian ministers are toothless hicks who swear on literal interpretations of every scripture you're been watching too much Family Guy (and yes, that is a slam against Family Guy--the show has sucked ever since it came back on the air). Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you sound like just another person with a really distorted view of what Christians, their ministers, and their churches are really like. Sorry if I'm mistaken, but that's just the impression I get when people use tired terms such as "bible-thumper" or "bible-thumping".
"you sound like just another person with a really distorted view of what Christians, their ministers, and their churches are really like."
But you know as well as I do that the "Bible thumper" ministers make statements like, "The devil wants nothing more than to get hold of your soul!", as if they hung out with him, and had heard him say as much.
Tell me darling, what can it mean?
Anonymous said...
What do you perceive, Mike?
April 24, 2009 5:22 AM
i perceive my computer screen in front of me.
i perceive the keys on my keyboard with my fingers.
i perceive a banana.
Checker's anyone?
I"ll let you win!
checkers mate.
Is that a pint glass?
If anyone has high-quality Anthology series, it seems possible to make high-quality versions of these Legionnaire images:
I miss 56if7002.
I like this post .
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