UPDATE: Psssst. Don't assume the links won't work. Whenever I find another copy of it, I change the links. I can say no more.
Chills, goosebumps and all them other wonder drugs! This previously unheard 10:47 version of Revolution is legit (maybe).

The Beatles Revolution 1 Take 20 Rare Unreleased 11min version
Here's another one.
We've heard some of this in a recording that was unfortunately ruined by Yoko's talking, but this version is clean. Many of the sounds in this take turned up in the final mix of Revolution 9. This is incredible hearing these sounds in isolation...and no less scary!
The Yoko talking version has appeared on a couple of bootlegs. It even made its way into the soundtrack of an experimental film by Cheryl Donegan from 2005 called "Old, Temporary."
But this new recording even has some Beatle experts buzzing. See the article linked below:
The Beatles: A fascinating, 10-minute 'Revolution' mysteriously appears

Get this while you can, folks. It doesn't get any better than this.
Not MikeNL! said...
Ha ha! Well that was fun but I'll stick with the two versions that came out officially thank u very much.
the revolution is coming soon right?
Don't you know it's gonna be alright?
"The suitcases have been upgraded."
The Revolution Revelation
Just wait, more to come.........
Did they do this while George Martin was on a dinner break? I can't believe Sir George would let them get away with such sophomoric cacophony.
i hate sophmores!
Do your part!
Put the "High" back in high school
i hate dinner breaks
George Martin should stop eating when the Beatles are recording.
When are the Beatles going to start recording again?
you mean the
Bea T Les?
Haven't you heard? They are currently recording. Hence the "new" The Beatles Revolution 1 Take 20 Rare Unreleased 11min version
It sounds photoshopped to me. I can tell from hearing some pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time. Nice try Ian!
Go back to singing
"When we were young♫ ♪ ♫ "
and Irish stew! ♫ ♪ ♫
Paul Mccartney is alive alll aholes who thinks hes dead get a phuckin life!!!!!!
I like it.
Ps. I guess the MP3 link I put up doesn't work anymore?
but you know it's gonna be- alright.
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"Paul Mccartney is alive alll aholes who thinks hes dead get a phuckin life!!!!!!"
I hate to contradict you, but I am dead.
What kind of life do aholes have, btw?
How dead are you?
Just heard the YouTube "Rev. 20" was pulled....
FURTHER proof that no one cares about IAMAPHONY!
(except US, of course.)
What kind of life do aholes have, btw?
February 24, 2009 7:51 AM
It's a dirty life, but one that leaves you with a great feeling of accomplishment.
Hmmmm it's been pulled. EMI no likey no illegal but too late.
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by EMI Music. "
Damn you Harold! Damn you Bern!
Damn you all to Hell!
whatever... it was a publicity stunt
PLAY IT BACKWARDS! Then you will see!
Then you will see!???? You mean, then you will HEAR
Fake Christian, you offend me.
OMFG! IAAP changed his logo AGAIN! to a guitar(?) What could it mean?!?
trying to increase hits?
˙ssɐ s,ʞɹɐɥs ʎzɐl əɥʇ ɹəʌo pədɯnɾ xoɟ uʍoɹq ʞɔınb əɥʇ
evolution elevation!
"How dead are you?"
Really really dead.
Deader than a door nail.
Dead ahead.
Gratefully dead.
Dead as a battery.
Other than that, I'm fine.
Dead Man's Bluff Code
guitar code http://www.youtube.com/user/apaulcorps
NEW IAAP is out!
Thats why he changed his logo to guitar!!
..not the big revalation.
Where is the new video castan?
Joined: July 23, 2006
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Cant you see it?
I can't see it anymore! It was up and it was amazing, did anyone save it?
castan... hmmmmm.
"c" satan
for when you need a little vitamin c with your damnation
Lucifer had scurvy and his head popped off, since then, its alllll about the Flintstones chewables
lllq .əɹoʇs uı əɹoɯ ɥɔnɯ ˙02 əʞɐʇ pəʞıl llɐ noʎ pɐlƃ ¡ʎllɐəɹ 'ʇuəıʇɐd əq ƃuıuəʌə sıɥʇ əqnʇnoʎ uo ɹəpuəɹ oʇ ɹəƃuol ƃuıʞɐʇ sı oəpıʌ ʍəu əɥʇ
¡ʎllɐǝɹ `sǝʌlǝsɹnoʎ ʞɔnɟ oƃ puɐ ˙˙ɥɐǝʎ ɥo
the last castan posting wasn't from me
the video wasn't amazing.same bs. but it really is down now.
Stop pretending to pretend to be me!
Do you need to be so vulgar iamaphoney? Really? Even upside down I see the swear words. Yenz already showed us that term visually. Did you really need to type it upside down?
The last post was from me. The one before that was not me. The one before that was me. The one before that was not me.
How dare you pretend to be me! I am saying it to the post before the next to the last one. Not the one before that because that is the real me. The one before that is not me. How dare you sir
whatever dude, you can be me if you really want to hehehe.
strike a pose
whatever whatever dude. you can pretend to be pretending to pretend to be me.
time to strike a posse
Somewhere a single tear is running down an indians cheek. Only you can prevent forest fires.
this is sophomoric and an insult to our intelligence!
"Fire bad!"
Somewhere a single tear is running down an indians cheek. Only you can prevent forest fires.
February 25, 2009 4:23 AM
If you are going to insult my people, please do it correctly; it is Indians with a capital "I".
Lenawe nilla. Way-se-gi-se-gi!
Frightened of the dark
Somewhere a single tear is running down an indians cheek. Only you can prevent forest fires.
February 25, 2009 4:23 AM
Another thing, get your commercials straight! The crying Indian had nothing to do with Smokey Bear! Iron Eyes Cody did the commercial for Keep America Beautiful.
Iron I Tear Code
I heard a rumor that his wasn't even an indian!
Spaghetti Western Code
I heard a rumor that his wasn't even an indian!
February 25, 2009 8:56 AM
Much like PID, that rumor is also false. Iron Eyes was Cree-Cherokee; a true American Indian.
I'm not an Indian! I'm a Native American!
And only you can prevent litter bugs!
did anyone save the new video?
There hasn't been any recent activity.
I'm not an Indian! I'm a Native American!
And only you can prevent litter bugs!
February 25, 2009 10:08 AM
The American Indians are the original Native Americans; Original Americans, Amerindians, Amerinds, First Americans, etc.
Ray's Original Pizza Code
Whose voice is that in the new video?
Sounds familiar. Could be John!
Still think Paul isnt dead
what new video?
Andy Taylor
AANDACHT Mike! I need your Dutch expertise.
Could you please translate:
What do you think, real or not real?
Ever seen this show?
The REVELATION will come in February 2007!!! You've been warned!
EMI doesn't want that cat out of that bag! Figure why? Figure why, indeed!
SirLarryMildew said...
AANDACHT Mike! I need your Dutch expertise.
Could you please translate:
What do you think, real or not real?
Ever seen this show?
February 25, 2009 6:47 PM
this is fake.
this is not from holland by the way...
but it is a TV show from belgium that makes sketches like this.
Hale, fellow sophmores.
I heard the song before it came down. It sounds like it could be a soundtrack for one of those rather disturbing Kenneth Anger films that John and Yoko financed.
I'm guessing that the trip to India did little good for John, and that it was right back to the hard stuff when he returned. One wonders what would've happened if Magic Alex hadn't set up the Maharishi the way he did.
who was he working for?
take a guess.....
Who was who working for?
all sorts of interesting people
Ironeyesphoney said...
I'm not an Indian! I'm a Native American!
And only you can prevent litter bugs!
February 25, 2009 10:08 AM
If you saw how dirty India is, you'd know he's not an indian!
Geoff Baker is in Africa with the actor
'the actor'........... I like that.
PS. Mikey, so, Ben's a bad guy, right?
"My company deals in Electronic Communications and Security Systems. We do not deal direct with the public. Most of our business is through Government Authorities."
"Arthur P JOHNSON,
known as Johnny JOHNSON. Johnny JOHNSON prior to joining my company was an M.O.D. Official."
"The customers he introduced to my company included the Nigerian Police Force and Saudi Arabian Customs and Excise."
jammie said...
Geoff Baker is in Africa with the actor
Can you help me out with this one, Jammie? Contact me privately if you prefer.
Busy busy, but I still don't expect them to win at it. All they have to do is keep the ball rolling. And it's my job to try and stop the rolling ball using the Chaos Theory π and the kitchen sink .. haha ah hahaha.
I'm very glad John's favorite version of Revolution is now out there for people to hear. Get your copy today!
Miles Denton Oliver wrote:
"And it's my job to try and stop the rolling ball..."
Why? For money? For honor? To hide truth? What is your motive?
You haven't sold me on your mission. It seems to be to hide the truth. Please explain yourself. So far I don't wish you success.
either phony is very much insider as in mccartney
very very very clever .......a genius!!!
the actor is in NAIR0BI now
the actor is in NAIR0BI now
February 26, 2009 1:04 PM
What is Billisher?
Bill is her?
fucking stupid.
Revelation 20 - In the Key of the Bottomless Pit
This is a bit misleading for those who care. The whole of disc two is The Iveys/ Badfinger sessions. However, the tracks "No Escaping Your Love" is more akin to The Zombies sound during that period of time.
all u dumbasses that think paul is dead get a damn especially u sanguine 111
get a damn?
get a damn what?
get a damn?
get a damn what?
February 26, 2009 7:37 PM
Get a damn life maybe?
Thank you for a voice of reason in these troubled times Sir Larry!
You are a gentlemen and a scholar!
I consider you the Gentleman Ambassador of the Iamaphoney community. Always a welcome counterweight to the vicious hatred of some.
I don't understand why people have to be so mean spirited and call people such names as Georgeharrison22 has! And what exactly did sanguine111 do? There hasn't been a peep out of him, and when he does speak, I can't understand him anyways. Is that why Georgeharrison22 is so mad? Because Sanguine111 has a speech impediment?
And another thing, what if I had a life? Maybe not as rich and full as Georgeharrison22 to be sure, but a life none the less. Would George Harrison say such things?
If there were 22 George Harrisons would they all say such things?
If you locked 22 George Harrisons alone with typewriters in a room for a million years do you ever think they could say something as mean as that? Some how I think not! For when the real George Harrison locked himself in a room he came up with songs such as "Something" and "Here Comes the Sun" and "My Sweet Lord".
I would think that if 22 George Harrisons locked themselves in a room they would come up with beauty and truth, and not mean things like
Georgeharrison22 (4 hours ago)
all u dumbasses that think paul is dead get a damn especially u sanguine111
the real george harrison would think you are all nuts for believing this crap. one nut job stabbed him! maybe it was one of you nut jobs who did it!
i agree with georgeharrison22
get a you nut jobs!
so you nut jobs think that paul is dead and he is satanic and devil worshiper, and someone calls you a dumbass and to get a, and your feelings are hurt? how do you think the real life Paul feels about the crazy nut job things you say? and sanguine111 is the king of the nut jobs, look at the crazy nut job things he types. he has a nut job crown. thats right i said it
get a you nut jobs
WTF? What did sanguine111 do? sheesh!
sanguine111 IS SEAN LENNON!
GlenRotton (9 hours ago)
whats up bro keep makin the vids and music :) god bless you sean, ohh shit i dont believe in god maybe you sneazed. peace
sanguine111 is IAMAFUNNY
All of you h8ters can go to HELL! The REVELATION is coming! Iamaphoney says he will disappear 11/12/2007! Just you wait until that date comes around and see what happens! Mark that date on your calendar! 11/12/07!!! We'll see who will have the last laugh.
Anonymous said...
Miles Denton Oliver wrote:
"And it's my job to try and stop the rolling ball..."
Why? For money? For honor? To hide truth? What is your motive?
You haven't sold me on your mission. It seems to be to hide the truth. Please explain yourself. So far I don't wish you success.
EMI wants to hide truth. But I tell you the truth, as long as "P.I.D." is rolling people will never know the truth about it.
Ok. Thanks for your answer, Miles. I guess.
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