Some well hidden person with a keen sense of the absurd and a slight English spelling deficit has been pumping out videos for several months dealing with some of the more colorful Paul replacement theories. I haven't watched all 25 videos yet (17 of which were uploaded yesterday according to YouTube), but I am getting the sense that they support the theory that everyone in the world other than yourself is actually the same person in various disguises. You know, that might not be all that crazy.

Enjoy the work of
Oh my, you think?
Everyone is Yoko.
I am he.
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
And I present to you...
Wasted days and wasted nights.
20 days and 20 nights
roger mike, cookie, kd is a go....
Could someone explain to me the purpose of replacing Paul McCartney? From what I see all he does is sing I Saw her Standing there in concert over and over again and put out albums that only his hardcore fans buy.
If it is an NWO plot how has he been relevent to anything in the past 30 years? Doesn't someone like JayZ or TPain have more of influence on what kids think nowadays? All kids I know listen to Rap.
Well he appears to have been replaced while The Beatles were nearly in their prime, so it was odd to say the least.
It's probably true that if it happened today, it would be less significant.
The reason the mystery holds up is that there seem to be so many clues embedded in the songs that a person wonders what was going on.
That is the real mystery. What was going on?
42 years later, it still fascinates: cloning? space travel?
a Masonic play? His brother took over? All possibilities.
stupid sunking is back!
"stupid sunking is back!"
Say what you will, "stupid sunking" seems to have helped inspire further investigation of PID/PWR, and Don Knotts not withstanding, some of what he has found warrants further study.
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