His avatar looked something like this:

The blog originally listed iamaphoney.com as its web page, but later changed it to the Iamaphoney YouTube page. Ian Iachamoe's blog also claimed a Facebook page attributed to Iamaphoney, but I believe that is now gone as well.
The only blog entry on the now defunct thephoneyfigure blog was as follows:
Soon Your Minds Will Be Blown
TPF has been given the talking-stick.
The Fireman Himself won´t be able to open His mind at this level.
His decision is that TPF might be able to answer some of your questions.
I was intrigued by that message and decided to write The Rotten Apple Army via YouTube to ask if thephoneyfigure was to be taken seriously. The response I received was upbeat and optimistic about the Iamaphoney plan for 2009, but it failed to address my question. There was certainly no denial of the legitimacy of Ian Iachamoe.
In a related note, Geoff Baker seems to have clammed up as well. He had recently deleted his Diary of a Madman blog only to resurrect it a few days later with entirely new content. He had been publishing his novel in parts on the blog, but then killed it in favor of clever social commentary. His spin on the recent controversy regarding Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps was hilarious. But now the blog is empty again. Let's hope we hear from Geoff again soon. He had also recently taken an interest in the Iamaphoney phenomenon. It would be helpful to have Geoff around to debunk some of the rumors that have arisen as a result of the Rotten Apple series. He was particularly opposed to the idea of Paul McCartney's alleged interest in Aleister Crowley.
It's a shame that there was no Iamaphoney activity to coincide with Paul's appearance on the Grammy Awards. He has not logged in to YouTube in a few days, so that means that there were no distasteful background changes related to recent fires in the news. Quoting the John Lennon film, "How I Won the War" I should add, "That's a relief."
There is a new video that borrows heavily from Iamaphoney, but suggests that "There is only one Paul McCartney." Check out "Get Back" by S3ANL3NN0N.

when i asked iamaphoney he said:
"TPF has been given the talking-stick.
The Fireman Himself won´t be able to open His mind at this level.
His decision is that TPF might be able to answer some of your questions."
They ´re right, whoever they are, really.
It´s not time yet.
I do like the "talking-stick" bit though.
The talking stick left because it was made fun of. The whole idea looked and sounded ridiculous. That's why it went poof.
Blogger MikeNL said...
I do like the "talking-stick" bit though.
February 9, 2009 4:55 PM
What did you like about that idea Mike?
Just the mad-cap novelty?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The talking stick left because it was made fun of. The whole idea looked and sounded ridiculous. That's why it went poof.
February 9, 2009 5:01 PM
They also had no ideas... Put up or shut up time came, and they shut up
Tafultong wrote...
It's a shame that there was no Iamaphoney activity to coincide with Paul's appearance on the Grammy Awards.
The plane was DeeeeeeLAYED in the West Indies again. That is why there was no interview again this year.
Damn airlines...
Damn Fireman
Big guns have their own aircraft. Ever fly a Gulfstream? Sweet and noooooo delays.
Phoney phlies stand-by.
IAAP's trust fund got Madoff'ed. He flies coach, eats peanuts.
poor phoney, how gauche
cue the violins for the iamaphoney.
no wonder he cut back on the suitcases and making videos. he is back to work, at McDonalds.
supersized phoney can't fit in his seat so he buys two
he has gained weight and is back on a crash diet so he can be skinny again for the videos.
BritneyPhoney, will you ever be slender again?
phoney fiddled while rome burns
Now you know my shame!
I am working on my latest album,
Flabby Road...
When you play it backwards, instead of hearing "Snatch Crucifix" you here "Fat Talking Stick"
"BritneyPhoney, will you ever be slender again?"
phoney is FAT and TRANSGENDERED?
holy phuck, phoney. That's what was up with the stinky shirt. Getting used to those she boobs.
If Kristie Allie can lose a pound, so can the phoney he/she.
Less salt. more pepper, dear.
Methinks Commenter722 is the Joker around these parts...
BritneyPhoney (1 minute ago)
Keep the children K-Fed, PAUL IS DEAD!!!!!!!
Commenter722 (2 minutes ago)
Keep away from the flaming pie...and the honey pie.
iamachubby (16 minutes ago)
Now you know my shame! You have not seen any new videos from me as the iamaphoney actor because I can no longer fit into tight jeans!
My next album is "Flabby Road". When you play it backwards instead of saying "Snatch Crucifix" it says "Fat Talking Stick", because MikeNL1038 said he really liked the Talking stick bit.
better late than FAT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbrIdZBqP5o&feature=related
there is nothing worse then being fat
Well. no. Fat and dead is worse.
Paul has three distinctive birthmarks down the left side of neck. These are evident in certain closeup photos from pre-Beatles days, 60's, 70's and right on up to last night's Grammy awards on HDTV. These marks can sometime be seen in photos found in vintage memorabilia from the early 60's and 70's depending on the lighting. I do not own any Beatle memorabilia from the 80's up top today but that should put an end to the doctored and retouched photo argument if we're dealing with photos printed in magazines in 1964 through 1967. It should but I know it won't because the PID arguments I have read online come from people who are not memorabilia collectors but rely on photos taken from the internet. They seem to be teenagers as well. Many of the photos used in arguments as evidence of what Paul looked like in 1963-1964 are black and white photos with color added that were printed in fan magazines to create pin ups or posters. In these colored B&W photos all blemishes are colored over to make the Beatles look better looking an more like standard teen idols of the period. These pin up photos should not be used as evidence because no human being on earth ever looks that perfect and clean. That's just my two cents on the matter.
so you are saying: Paul was FAT?
HE was so fat............
Fat and on the Gulfstream
os pıɐs əɥs ʇɐɟ uı s,ʎqɐq
ʇɐɟ əıp ^ əɥ
fat code
Anonymous said...
Damn Fireman Fat Code
February 9, 2009 5:07 PM
"Soon Your Minds Will Be Blown
TPF has been given the talking-stick.
The Fireman Himself won´t be able to open His mind at this level.
His decision is that TPF might be able to answer some of your questions.
shades of April
Is it April again? Damn those showers.
Iamaphoney needs to look into this immediately!
ian is fucked
The old man, "When does the time come?" he said. "Tis according to how slow your watch is!" said I.
And to my friends; "I have no need of putting you in a hole!"
And to Martha; "I love you, Dearest, and your mother too!"
And I will tell you the mystery of Dr. Shepherd, if you know the word!
I've heard the word is love
the bird is the word
Do you guys know what a talkingstick is?
it's for people who can't have normal conversations
"Whoever holds the talking stick has within his hands the power of words. Only he can speak while he holds the stick, and the other council members must remain silent. The eagle feather tied to the stick gives him the courage and wisdom to speak truthfully and wisely. The rabbit fur on the end of the stick, reminds him that his words must come from his heart. "
Miles Denton Oliver said...
And I will tell you the mystery of Dr. Shepherd, if you know the word!
February 10, 2009 12:54 AM
I know Jack's dad, Christan Shepherd arrived on the island, DEAD! When Jack opened the coffin, there was no body!
Locke saw him in Jakob's little cabin....with CLAIRE!
Personally, I thought it would've been cooler if all three of them (Locke, Hurley, & Ben) approached the cabin, ala "Wizard Of Oz".
I would not agree more.
twin peaks time!
I've got good news
That gum you like is going to come back in style
She's my cousin
But doesn't she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer ?
She is. She is Laura Palmer
You are Laura Palmer ?
I Feel like I know her, but sometimes my arms bend back
She's filled with secrets
Where we're from the birds sing a pretty song
and there's always music in the air
I'm lost. WTF are you all talking about?
Oh, you know..... stuff.
Hey, guys. There's bonus footage of McCartney on Colbert, right here.
now it all adds up, really.
that is an freaking amazing book
you don't need that book
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
now it all adds up, really.
that is an freaking amazing book.
There are a host of alternate PID-like worlds on the net, RA being just one of many. Beatle Mystery theorists such as the dude who wrote this particular book are everywhere. There has always been an underground culture that believes certain movies, songs, etc. were written in "code," and that once one knows the underlying key the message comes into focus. I knew a guy named AJ Weberman, the world's first "Dylanologist," who believes Dylan used secret codes in every one of his songs. Sound familiar? He was very passionate about the whole thing, and had probably thousands of pages of notes on the subject. LIke the folks at NIR, Weberman chases after so many links that he inevitably sees connections, at least to his own satisfaction. He later came to believe the Beatles also, and of course, following his chain of thought to its natural conclusion, he then believed all rock and pop musicians use the same basic Rock Code. Weberman was also a big JFK conspiracy buff and wrote at least one book on the topic, which seems to indicate that certain people are either drawn to conspiracies because they think that way, or because their belief in one conspiracy gets them so paranoid that they are not satisfied until they can force fit everything else into a single conspiracy. It's like order and chaos. Some people need to believe everything is ordered. Chaos, or the element of chance, is discomfiting to a lot of people, because there it means we are sometimes at the mercy of an indifferent universe.
Last post missing the line: Weberman came to believe all the Beatle songs were written based on the same code . . .
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Weberman was one of the RAA folks.
We have all gravitated toward this particular PID/PWR loop, but there are clusters of people numbering from dozens to thousands who are in their own similar fantasy loops, all of whom think their particular Rock Star code is mind blowing. There are Led Zepplin code people, Pink Floyd code people, the list goes on. Sometimes there is crossover. It's egocentric human nature to believe that whatever topic one is investigating, no matter how fringe, is all-important, if not monitored by the Wise Masters. That's why people here often believe Paul is aware of RA, or that Geoff Baker is Phoney, or what have you. It would take some doing for Paul to be aware of (let alone care about) the many thousands of Beatle theories out there. As you might imagine, Weberman also believed that Dylan knew that he had discovered his secret code, and that he wanted to silence him, when in fact Dylan thought of Weberman as a stalker (which he was--he also invented "garbology" the art of looking in other people's garbage for clues, and which made the papers when he looked through Nixon's garbage.) Last note on Weberman. He's proud of the fact that Dylan once beat him up. He was following him around on Dylan's birthday, trying to ask him questions about his "code" (sound familiar?), and Dylan was so fed up with the guy he just tackled him and punched him in the face. Weberman, thinking like PHoney, took this to mean he was on the right track. "So you're saying there's a chance . . .
I'm not a stalker... iamamocker ;{
The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.
I couldn't imagine McCartney punching IAAP in the face. I would think he has a wall of beefy looking security guys to do that sort of thing.
...and I know that some of you just got excited when you read "beefy security guys"...
"If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of creation, it would appear that God has an inordinate fondness for stars and The Beatles."
J. Bartlett
"If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of creation, it would appear that God has an inordinate fondness for stars and The Beatles."
J. Bartlett
He's also really into electrons.
I couldn't imagine McCartney punching IAAP in the face. I would think he has a wall of beefy looking security guys to do that sort of thing.
Yeah, but the closest analogy would be Lennon, and I'd wager he would've gotten the boot in on Weberman given the same circumstance.
"Weberman was also a big JFK conspiracy buff and wrote at least one book on the topic, which seems to indicate that certain people are either drawn to conspiracies because they think that way, or because their belief in one conspiracy gets them so paranoid that they are not satisfied until they can force fit everything else into a single conspiracy."
There is a third type of person who obsessivly chronicles what the "crazy" people are doing, and writes long winded posts about it.
And that person is you.
There is a third type of person who obsessivly chronicles what the "crazy" people are doing, and writes long winded posts about it.
If no one took the time to chronicle what the "crazy" people were doing, there would be no Bible. If Charles Manson had a video series in 1966 pointing out his Bible "codes" and hidden meanings you are without doubt the sort of person who would have been a subscriber and supporter. There is still the possibility that IAAP is deliberately re-creating a Manson-like narrative just to demonstrate how people could still believe in such things. Ever wonder how the Greeks and Romans could have believed in what we now recognize as obvious mythology? It's because the ones who knew better didn't always take the time to challenge them. They figured it was so irrational that it would never catch on. But the irrational has always been far more popular. Liars and hoaxers don't always outnumber honest people, but they are usually far louder and far more persistent. Considering you brought it up, I would point out that AJ Weberman told me those stories, and offered up most of those possible reasons for his interest in conspiracies based on his own self-analysis. Weberman, although eccentric (who wasn't in the 60s?), was a love generation player who knew a lot of the revolutionaries and other influential folks of the period, including John Lennon. You may not find characters and stories of that nature interesting or relevant to PID, but I believe they are. You may not understand why people who don't believe PID even bother to read or comment here (Tafultong doesn't believe it and this is his blog). It's because many of us recognize this forum as a larger dialogue on beliefs, not just PID or Paul is a Changeling.
LOL! Ah, the kids these days . . .you know you're living in the ADD text messaging era when 4 or 5 paragraphs is considered "long winded."
Uh oh...Ryan Adams' new song is called "Magick".
Even the wimpy Starbucks singer/songwriter movement is part of the evil plan!!!!
Sirius-XM launches new Fireman channel
...days later Sirius-XM files for bankruptcy
Dammit! The NWO/Illuminati overlords can't catch a break these days.
Ryan already had a song called "Sweet Black Magic." And his initials are R.A.
Hmmmmm . . . .
So Phoney is Ryan Adams?
"If no one took the time to chronicle what the "crazy" people were doing, there would be no Bible."
yes i agree with you old man, the Jesus freaks are crazy!
"Ever wonder how the Greeks and Romans could have believed in what we now recognize as obvious mythology? It's because the ones who knew better didn't always take the time to challenge them."
Maybe they just enjoyed imaginative stories. Just because a society tells stories doesn't equal wholehearted belief in them. Think of the tooth fairy, you ever worship the tooth fairy?
I suppose you favorite movies are people getting up to go to work, coming home eating a meal, and then going to bed. Maybe every once and a while you may enjoy a good story about a couple who goes to Wal-mart to look at new bathroom towels or curtains.
You scold your children when they make up an imaginative story or color outside of the lines in their coloring book dont you?
"It's because the ones who knew better didn't always take the time to challenge them."
I am glad you are here to save us! Maybe you will prevent something from happening and get the Walter Mitty payday you are hoping for and get a movie made of you! We have the microwave popcorn ready!
"You may not understand why people who don't believe PID even bother to read or comment here"
I understand a few of your reasons. You enjoy the sense of superiority you can exert against people you feel are intellectually inferior to yourself
" Anonymous said...
LOL! Ah, the kids these days . . .you know you're living in the ADD text messaging era when 4 or 5 paragraphs is considered "long winded."
February 10, 2009 7:55 PM"
I wus tinkin how to rezpond to u but I fergot wot I wuz gonna say? Cud u pleez repeet da queeshtion???
" Anonymous said...
Sirius-XM launches new Fireman channel
...days later Sirius-XM files for bankruptcy"
He is Shiva, the destroyer of worlds
"If Charles Manson had a video series in 1966 pointing out his Bible "codes" and hidden meanings you are without doubt the sort of person who would have been a subscriber and supporter."
Your omniscient majesty knows me unquestionably well. Because I question you, ergo I must be a Charles Manson subscriber and supporter.
Any rational human being who would dare engage in pointing out your pompous grandiosity and sneering condescension must be a follower of a lunatic in prison. There is no other reasonable explanation or possibility.
"I would point out that AJ Weberman told me those stories, and offered up most of those possible reasons for his interest in conspiracies based on his own self-analysis."
You must be a person of note yourself to have rubbed shoulders with such lunatic luminaries. I would listen with great interest to you should you care to share some more "name dropping" soaked missives here among the great unwashed illiterate A.D.D addled delusional persons such as myself.
I gather an aspect of your reasons for continuing to associate with people with whom you share a certain contempt for is a purely education endeavor.
If I can find a way to concentrate upon a single solitary thought for more then 5 or 6 seconds, and pry myself loose from the wicked bonds of attention deficit disorder, I ask you to exercise restraint in your education onslaught, and be mindful that I am certainly less educated then you.
Please Professor, lend your guidance!
Walter Mitty got quiet, must be watching a movie about paint drying, or devising a time machine to travel back to ancient Rome to save the empire from collapse by educating the populace of the evils of mythology.
Wait, that would take imagination! Scratch that, the part about the time machine. Go back to the movie about paint drying and screaming at the kids to get quit texting his lawn.
Wait, the part of children texting an inanimate object requires a certain imaginative flexibility.......
You must be a person of note yourself to have rubbed shoulders with such lunatic luminaries. I would listen with great interest to you should you care to share some more "name dropping" soaked missives here among the great unwashed illiterate A.D.D addled delusional persons such as myself.
I gather an aspect of your reasons for continuing to associate with people with whom you share a certain contempt for is a purely education endeavor.
If I can find a way to concentrate upon a single solitary thought for more then 5 or 6 seconds, and pry myself loose from the wicked bonds of attention deficit disorder, I ask you to exercise restraint in your education onslaught, and be mindful that I am certainly less educated then you.
Please Professor, lend your guidance!
Stop trying to impress your English teacher.
" Anonymous said...
"If no one took the time to chronicle what the "crazy" people were doing, there would be no Bible."
As a Christian I take offense to this sir! You feel Christians are crazy??
You must be a person of note yourself to have rubbed shoulders with such lunatic luminaries. I would listen with great interest to you should you care to share some more "name dropping" soaked missives here among the great unwashed illiterate A.D.D addled delusional persons such as myself.
I gather an aspect of your reasons for continuing to associate with people with whom you share a certain contempt for is a purely education endeavor.
If I can find a way to concentrate upon a single solitary thought for more then 5 or 6 seconds, and pry myself loose from the wicked bonds of attention deficit disorder, I ask you to exercise restraint in your education onslaught, and be mindful that I am certainly less educated then you.
Please Professor, lend your guidance!
I can see it now. 17 year old boy who thinks everyone in his class is an idiot. Never touches a girl. Listens to Morrissey, etc.
I feel atheists are crazy and PID is crazy. I'm an outcast! Save me Morrissey!
Stop trying to impress your English teacher.
February 10, 2009 9:12 PM
Good one! Pithy and succinct! Tersely cogent!
If I can find a way to concentrate upon a single solitary thought for more then 5 or 6 seconds, and pry myself loose from the wicked bonds of attention deficit disorder, I ask you to exercise restraint in your education onslaught, and be mindful that I am certainly less educated then you.
Please Professor, lend your guidance!
Well, since you asked, I would start with 'Someone's a bit defensive.'
Considering the majority of posts here consist of Iamafunny jokes, Vince talking about "Lost" episodes and upside down letters, I would think an anecdote about Weberman's Dylanology might be of some interest. Kind of hard to tell a story about a character like that without mentioning him by name.
It behooves me to inform you but your flaccid missives will not penetrate the wall of scholastic superiority that I have erected around my person. My English teacher is feeble minded in his ways. The girls in homeroom swoon at my Morrissey inspired hairstyle, my worn paperback editions of Chekov plays and my sullen expression. PID theories are but a mere hobby of mine as I slink through my bedroom with my trembling gait and mannered gyrations.
AJ Weberman said: I'm not a lunatic. Dylan's lyrics are encoded. That is a fact you cannot disprove.
trembling gait . . .good stuff.
Oh weary world! Do not the musings of Lord Byron cripple you as they should? What profound loneliness has led me to this den of jesters known to the swarthy few as Tafultong's blog? Morrissey, it is only you who understand me? The last of the famous international playboys? I find succor in the mediocrity of PIA/PWR.
You must be a person of note yourself to have rubbed shoulders with such lunatic luminaries. I would listen with great interest to you should you care to share some more "name dropping" soaked missives here among the great unwashed illiterate A.D.D addled delusional persons such as myself.
I gather an aspect of your reasons for continuing to associate with people with whom you share a certain contempt for is a purely education endeavor.
If I can find a way to concentrate upon a single solitary thought for more then 5 or 6 seconds, and pry myself loose from the wicked bonds of attention deficit disorder, I ask you to exercise restraint in your education onslaught, and be mindful that I am certainly less educated then you.
Please Professor, lend your guidance!
Ha! You should know better than to post something that pretentious here. Even YOU have to admit that Morrissey was only good in The Smiths
Pretention said: wow . . .even I thought that was pretentious.
Pretention said: wow . . .even I thought that was pretentious.
I like Paul Is Dead stuff. It's good. I don't know if it is true or if it is not but maybe it is or it could be it isn't. I don't know. I like it though. It's good.
-the least pretentious man on earth
Check and mate AJ! In your own pot smoking, garbage picking lunatic way, you have silenced the critics! How can I, an NIR member who is currently listening to Ryan Adams songs in reverse, possibly argue with your conclusions! It would be, dare I say in keeping with the pretentious tone set by the previous missives . . .hypocritical to say the least. Even though I believe by faith in the literal truth of Apollo and Hermes, I cannot on principle question you AJ for believing that Dylan has AIDS (which is an acronym) based on the lyrics to Maggie's Farm. And when Pan returns to the kyrestrion for his pipes, I shall be vindicated.
I notice that Sanguine111 checked out soon after the text messaging crack.
Although it would be quite funny if Sanguine is actually the one posting the pretentious prose.
Hey Miles . . .I know you're here (I'm omniscient). Nice video.
Digging the Satanic trapezoid reference.
PID/PIA is like two guys arguing over the shape of a turd.
Guy #1: "I say this turd looks like a turtle!"
Guy #2: "Well I say this turd looks more like the state of West Virginia."
Guy #3: Hey uuumm...are you guys actually arguing over the shape of a turd?"
I had this dream that Iamaphoney was running around Denmark with his bare ass hanging out and the Benny Hill music was playing. Anyone else have that dream?Anyone else have any other dreams about Iamaphoney you'd like to share?
Guy #3: Hey uuumm...are you guys actually arguing over the shape of a turd?"
February 10, 2009 9:57 PM
And guy #3 is always the last to leave the turd. Kinda interesting Guy #3 claims he doesn't like it, but is always around the turd.
If you have a turd that looks like the state of Texas, it's time to call your physician.
I had dream that Iamaphoney worked at Hooters. They had Rotten Apple videos on the t.v. screens instead of ball games. The wings STILL sucked.
And guy #3 is always the last to leave the turd. Kinda interesting Guy #3 claims he doesn't like it, but is always around the turd.
That makes you Guy #4!
Guy #4 is the guy who points out to Guy #3 that he's wasting his time watching Guys #1 and #2 argue about the turd. When the first three guys leaves, Guy #4 sings a song to the turd hoping no one hears him.
There is always a guy watching the guys arguing over the turd shapes. His job, much like a writer, social commentator, radio shock jock, rubbernecker, or union official, is to laugh and wonder at them. Then there is the guy who watches that guy. His name is God, or, according to my beliefs, Zeus.
Oh shit! I feel 200 comments coming on!!!!! Whooooooeeeeyyyy!
Then there is Guy #6 who has no knowledge of the turd. He sleeps peacefully at night....TURD FREE!!!
And if you play that ode to the turd in reverse, it sounds an awful lot like the new Ryan Adams song.
Then there is guy #8, who is so out of touch with the blog that he just says, "F-it, I'm playing Tong Silver Edition!"
I must be guy #8 I don't know why I'm here. Just lonely I guess.
(whistles Andy Griffith theme and walks home)
AJ Weberman, turds and Morrissey, eh?
Glad to see that your thorough PID research continues. Carry on.
Stop it! Just stop it everyone! This is an outrage to IAAP! He deserves so much more than this! He has been written about in the book of Revelations! If you are too stupid to see that these things have been prophesy for thousands of years...I...I...oh forget it. I wish I had a Hooters where I live.
What your undergrad teachers won't tell you is that there is always the very last guy who waits around for the guy who thinks no one is watching him and just prays that guy will do something freaky with the turd. When the guy starts singing to the turd, he's there to record it all on his camera phone so he can edit it into a video for YouTube. His name is Iamaphoney. RA #82 "The Turd Reich"
"F-it, I'm playing Tong Silver Edition!"
February 10, 2009 10:10 PM
Old school is coming back! I like it!
RA #82 "The Turd Reich"
Did you read that Iamaphoney??????? I want that video!
Clicky clicky
Speaking of Hooters someone said here a few days ago that Katy Perry has something to do with PID. I'd really like someone to expand on that?
Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold" - a song about a man that displays two contradicting patterns of behaviour and yet is the same man. Or is he?....ooooooooooo!
Katy Perry has something to do with PID. I'd really like someone to expand on that?
Oh, I'd like to expand on Katy Perry, let me tell you.
Katy Perry has something to do with PID. I'd really like someone to expand on that?
Oh, I'd like to expand on Katy Perry, let me tell you.
The Fireman is Inked
Katy Perry has NOTHING to do with PID. R u an idiot?
If Katy Perry was a Hooters girl then we have all the proof we need.
Oh she's a Hooters girl alright. 32 D baby!
Abby Road
Mao Ze Dead
I kissed a Paul and I liked it
" I wish I had a Hooters where I live."
"We missed some place?" (Ima Hoot)
Git yer mannered gyrations off my lawn!
What exactly are mannered gyrations? Isn't that a contradiction? Is that something that Morrissey does?
Who is Morrissey?
Morrissey is a kind of fey singer. That's about all I know.
Anonymous said...
Morrissey is a kind of fey singer. That's about all I know.
February 10, 2009 10:36 PM
Thanks for sterling research Professer Walter Mitty! Watching the paint dry, fascinating!
"Speaking of Hooters someone said here a few days ago that Katy Perry has something to do with PID. I'd really like someone to expand on that?"
See the current issue of Rolling Stone, the article
in the back about LILY Allen being a mentor to Kate Perry.
It has something to do with "Mother Nature" and all that rot: Mother Nature/Mother Nature's Son/The New Mother Nature/ Mother Nature's New Daughter blah blah blah.
I wish I could explain it better, but I don't quite understand what it is all about.
I wish I knew the answer myself, but I
Hey Miles . . .I know you're here (I'm omniscient). Nice video.
Digging the Satanic trapezoid reference.
Satanic? You know that's a May-Be.
I've got a few things to show whoever will see. It's almost my anniversary, you know, and this next year I'll not give much worry to how people feel about what I have to shEw whoever will see.
There is no pride in this for me. I have pointed out a few things and some people have remembered. And I do appreciate that; it makes me feel less like a ghost.
I'm watching, I've always watched and listened to what you have had to say
You have the Talking Stick Miles, the others dropped it. Where they failed, you will succeed!
I just love that talking stick bit!
"And I do appreciate that; it makes me feel less like a ghost."
Miles is Dead Allover!
Anonymous said...
You have the Talking Stick Miles, the others dropped it. Where they failed, you will succeed!
February 10, 2009 10:58 PM
Mia Talking Stick
But does he have the suitcase?
137 comments about nothing!
time to shut this blog down taf!
agreed. end this nonsense. allow IAAP to fade into obscurity.
Barker's Ranch has been closed due to seasonal repairs.
IAAP would be long forgotten without this blog.
he doesnt have the power to draw the attention to him anymore. not since NIR closed the discussion. only as long as people come here and talk, he will stay and play this game. he will do this for a long time, always throw a piece of garbage, never come true.
he has power over everyone of us as long as we keep coming here.
set us free tafultong. end this charade.
close the blog. and lets see where the phoney goes then.
lets see how he will survive without us feeding him attention.
somebody forcing you to watch the RAS and read this blog?
yes, his magick
he's magikally delicious
Starve iaap. HE too fat code.
I don't think you should close this blog, Taf. It's just a great blog that goes far beyond IAAP and his pointless game. I suggest you to change the name of it. It can be "the beatles mystery" or whatever you like. Think about it.
Anyway, I really agree with Nick N. with the rest of what he said.
No, the blog's name should be changed to "idiots blabbering about made-up shit like yenz".
idiot savants - minus the savants
The Iamafunny Blog
The Walrus was Funny Blog
The Eternal Paul Blog
The Flog Blog!
The Magical Mysery Blog
The Paul is Dead; We Don't Care Blog
The Hey Bull Frog Smog Slog Blog
The Fireman is Too A Mason! Blog
The Bern, CERN, and Vinny Blog
The Iamanarsonist Blog
Hmmm. Needs work.
The iamaSmörgåsbordfatcode blog?
Carmen could get top dollar for this shit.
I can't help but think of "Cartman" when I see that name.
Maybe someone should contact Trey Parker and Matt Stone, if they don't already frequent this place.
Large Hadron Collider to restart in September!
The Large Hard on Collider to restart in September?
It's not even Valentine's Day!
I kind of feel bad for Tafultong. He writes these great posts that no one even bothers talking about. Iamaphoney has just been reduced to the punchline of a joke that has nothing to do with what Taf's posting about. I'd say that most of the commenters are just fans of each other at this point. It's time to either take this old dog 'round the back of the house or fire up that other blog Taf keeps mentioning. This is more of a chat room now.
uh, maybe YOU should read his post
We're just keeping the chairs warm 'til the next act!
All's well that ends well!
Anonymous said...
uh, maybe YOU should read his post
February 11, 2009 6:45 PM
I have read it and I commented it.
I appreciate Tafultong's work and enjoy reading the articles.
Me too.
Are we there yet?
One thing iamaphoney cannot do.
>>Goat Herder, Dr. Shepherd, that's what it's about. You go in hoodwinked and come out with a third eye. You go in with bare feet and a noose and come out a new man. You die with an oath. And you have been bound with an oath, and those who know the truth of your death will not speak because they have all died with the same oath.>>
"I kind of feel bad for Tafultong. He writes these great posts that no one even bothers talking about. Iamaphoney has just been reduced to the punchline of a joke that has nothing to do with what Taf's posting about. I'd say that most of the commenters are just fans of each other at this point. It's time to either take this old dog 'round the back of the house or fire up that other blog Taf keeps mentioning. This is more of a chat room now."
Strongly agreed. I think Tafultong should seriously consider disabling all comments at this point. Let the "discussion) (if you can call it that) move to NIR or somewhere. Oh wait, that's right.....the "discussion" would cease because this is the only place that allows anonymous posting, which leads to all of this BS that became tired months ago. Taf, disable anonymous posting and I guarantee this place would become at least respectable again.
living thebea†les® legend
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CU IN 2009
K a htiw cigaM
slowly but surely
K a htiw cigaM
Mr. Phoney is back with a new shedule :)
"Iachamoe also followed the Tafultong blog, which at this point is only a placeholder for after the revelation."
what is a shedule?
how can iama change his channel without logging in?
That is very strange. The schedule was updated, yet phoney did not sign in.....
All the major corporations are playing along.
on YT youre able to stay logged in for a long time.. as long as you dont sign out .. or sign in from another computer.
"Taf, disable anonymous posting and I guarantee this place would become at least respectable again."
Phooey on that! Disable anonymous posting, and this
place would be far less amusing, informative, or fun.
And whoever said this place is unrespectable?
It's the best little ho ho ho house on the internet!
Is anyone buying S3ANL3NN0N's argument that Faul is John?
I've heard this proposition before, but my problem with it is that John's voice didn't sound like Paul's or Faul's.
Buy low; sell high.
You're harassing me. Stop harassing me.
Is anyone buying S3ANL3NN0N's argument that Faul is John?
Guys, maybe you should work on the Paul is Dead part first and then work your way up to the even more ridiculous speculation.
"Oh mortal man! Is there anything you cannot be made to believe?" Adam Weishaupt.
Adam Weishaupt buried Paul.
Probably did
Today, I went to the beach with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She placed the shell to
her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic
but I had to tell someone!
My web-site ... http://Pornharvest.com/index.php?m=2339513
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