UPDATE 2: No Grammy for Paul

Paul McCartney will perform at the Grammy Awards tonight with a little help from Dave Grohl.

Some people complained that you couldn't really hear Grohl at their last joint appearance in Liverpool. Maybe they will turn his mic on this time.

We'll also keep checking YouTube to see if Iamaphoney releases anything tonight as suggested by the numerical "90020802" on his home page.

UPDATE: MikeNL suggested that the date actually refers to August 2, 2009. That would be an awfully long advance notice, so I'll still be checking tonight.
If Iamaphoney doesn't come through, we at least have the latest entry by Iamafunny to enjoy.

Well, no video yet. Guess I am just going to go to sleep. Guess if I sleep and happen to "miss" the Iamaphoney video I will see it when I wake up!
Boy am I tired! Can't seem to keep my eyes open! Sure would hate to miss the video, if Iamaphoney puts one up!
That would be a near tragedy, REALLY!
the format is:
that makes:
so no feb 8th 2009, but aug. 2st 2009 : ]
you can check out the other dates, they are in the same format.
Anyone notice the FIRES IN AUSTRALIA?!?!?
think that fat f*ck got outta bed and torched OZ? He can't walk "without the shortness of breath..."
he was pissed at taf for making up the term "iamafunny"
now he is lighting fires again
I am calling the cops
You should!
iamaphoney denial letter to Taf in 3....2......1
"Taf, you know I am a great fan of your work. We didn't light any fires, that would be counter to the revolution revelation. Keep up the good work, really!"
February 09, 2009 06:30am
VICTORIA remains under a shroud of smoke and grief today with thousands homeless and at least 108 people dead after the worst bushfires in the nation's history.
Entire towns were wiped out in the weekend's fires, which the Prime Minister described as hell's fury unleashed.
In-depth bushfire coverage: All reports, multimedia and more
TV man dies: Famed news anchorman among casualties
How can this be? Close-knit community numbed by the horrors
At least 800 homes have been destroyed, more than 330,000ha burnt out and some fires may take weeks to contain.
The communities in Dederang, Taggerty and Glenburn in the state's north were still under threat last night, almost 36 hours after the first fires were fuelled by record heat and winds on Saturday.
"Hell and all its fury has visited the good people of Victoria in the past 24 hours," Mr Rudd said during a visit to the fire-ravaged Yarra Valley.
Where the bushfires are, death tolls
Get in touch with loved ones in the danger zone
"Many good people now lie dead. Many others lie injured.
"This is an appalling tragedy for Victoria but, because of that, it's an appalling tragedy for the nation."
"The nation grieves with Victoria tonight."
In an address to the state, Premier John Brumby said "out there it's been hell on earth".
But he defiantly declared Victoria would put its "communities back together" and "recover".
Authorities believe some of the blazes were deliberately lit and police said arsonists could face murder charges and 25 years in prison.
The toll already surpasses the 71 deaths in the Black Friday blaze of 1939 and the overall national death toll of 75 from Ash Wednesday in 1983.
Twenty-two people remain in Melbourne's Alfred Hospital with dreadful burns, 10 of them in a critical condition.
Authorities will be searching the worst-hit areas for days looking for bodies.
The Kinglake region, about 80km north of Melbourne, has been the worst hit - 550 homes have been razed and 55 deaths had been reported in the area as of last night as the 120,000ha inferno, known as the Kinglake Complex, gave locals little chance.
According to residents, much of the town of Kinglake, which suffered 10 deaths, has been destroyed and nearby Marysville was wiped off the map as the fireball showed no mercy on a fearful Saturday night and early Sunday morning.
"It was a most horrible day. It's going to look like Hiroshima, I tell you, it's going to look like a nuclear bomb. There are animals dead all over the road," Kinglake resident Dr Chris Harvey said.
Six of the victims were in one car trying to outrun the inferno in Kinglake. Dr Harvey said the town was littered with burnt-out cars and he believed many contained bodies.
Dr Harvey's daughters Victoria and Ali, in their 20s, told of a local man, Ross, who lost both his daughters and possibly a brother.
"He apparently went to put his kids in the car, put them in, turned around to go grab something from the house, then his car was on fire with his kids in it and they burned," Victoria said.
Almost the entire town of nearby Marysville in the picturesque Upper Yarra Valley was razed, with houses, shops, petrol stations and schools destroyed after the East Kilmore and Murrindindi Mill fires merged to create the massive Kinglake Complex, which was last night still causing major headaches for firefighters.
Ten people were killed in Kinglake West and 12 in nearby St Andrews.
The heartbreaking Kinglake fatalities included four children found in one home. A young brother and sister were also burnt in another Kinglake property, resident Mary-Anne Mercuri said.
"The kids perished, their mother got out but she couldn't get the kids out,'' she said.
Nine deaths were reported in Gippsland in the state's east as the 90,000ha Churchill fire burned almost to the coast.
The Bunyip Ridge fire burned 24,500ha and torched the township of Labertouche on Saturday.
Four people are confirmed dead at Callignee, one at Upper Callignee, three at Hazelwood and one at Jeeralang in Gippsland, the areas hit hardest by the Churchill blaze.
Fire authorities say the threat to townships from the Bunyip Ridge and Churchill fires has subsided but residents need to remain alert. Crews were still patrolling the area overnight.
Two deaths were reported in Bendigo and nearby Long Gully.
The ages and gender of the deceased are not known in all cases.
Teams of disaster victim identification experts are flying in from around the nation.
Mr Rudd announced a joint federal-state $10 million emergency relief fund for the victims.
Mr Brumby said volunteer firefighters and aircraft were coming in from NSW and South Australia, while the Australian Defence Force would also be brought in to help.
hope that fat man in Oz is ok! He can't out run the fires, and his wife left him for IAMAPHONEY!
He (iamaphoney) had the perfect motive IMHO, for iamafunny threatened him to a dance contest and would take his girlfriends...
So Iamphoney took the private jet from the west indies (deeeeeLAy) and dropped a few Molotov cocktail on Australia.
No matter how many damn fires he starts, that Iamaphoney he is a good video editor! A complete raging pyromaniac, but a helluva good video editor!
Notice how MikeNL commented immediately there....
nice going grandfatherNL
Biggest fires in australia EVER..
When will you people stop worshiping iamaphoney? HE IS DOING THIS!!!!
I have emailed the authorities in Australia about this. Your going down Iamaphoney. They were VERY interested.
that you BERN?
Anonymous said...
that you BERN?
February 8, 2009 2:36 PM
Not funny. This is serious, Iamaphoney needs to be apprehended!
*****so no feb 8th 2009, but aug. 2st 2009 : ]*****
That's a long time in between videos.
In order to justify such a long wait, the August 2nd video had better contain the long-promised "revelation" that Iamaphoney has been preparing the world for since November 10, 2006.
65if2007 said...
*****so no feb 8th 2009, but aug. 2st 2009 : ]*****
That's a long time in between videos.
In order to justify such a long wait, the August 2nd video had better contain the long-promised "revelation" that Iamaphoney has been preparing the world for since November 10, 2006.
February 8, 2009 3:07 PM
maybe a surprise vid. today, i dunno...
the shedule gets changed regularly
65if2007 and MikeNL....
sitting in a tree....
Dave Grohl is a phony.
Anonymous said...
65if2007 and MikeNL....
February 8, 2009 3:43 PM
Anonymous said...
sitting in a tree....
February 8, 2009 3:44 PM
drinking a cup of tea with Paul McCartney.
MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
65if2007 and MikeNL....
February 8, 2009 3:43 PM
Anonymous said...
sitting in a tree....
February 8, 2009 3:44 PM
drinking a cup of tea with Paul McCartney.
February 8, 2009 4:10 PM
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!
I know what you are up to!
Anonymous said...
MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
65if2007 and MikeNL....
February 8, 2009 3:43 PM
Anonymous said...
sitting in a tree....
February 8, 2009 3:44 PM
drinking a cup of tea with Paul McCartney.
February 8, 2009 4:10 PM
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!
I know what you are up to!
February 8, 2009 4:22 PM
what are we up to?
I think once IAAP finds a way to wrap up the Rotten Apple, he needs to move onto Kurt Cobain for his next rock conspiracy project. Was Kurt's death a suicide or murder? I think IAAP could create a badass series about it.
"This is an appalling tragedy for Victoria but, because of that, it's an appalling tragedy for the nation."
An aPAULing tragedy.
You know what you are up to you horrible person!
How dare you question the great and powerful MikeNLOZ
Blogger MikeNL said...
what are we up to?
February 8, 2009 4:28 PM
Don't play innocent with me you evil person! You are playing with people's lives!
Courtney Love said...
Dave Grohl is a phony.
February 8, 2009 4:00 PM
Yeah, but he DID make a GREAT SATAN in that Tenacious D video AND movie...... both directed by
(drum roll)
if any body questions that Satan walks the earth, you need to wake up!
when iaap kisses, it it like fire?
you figure it out now? lame, even for mikeynl
Dave Grohl is lame.
shame on iamaphoney for killing iamafunny!
by killing him you only made him stronger!
iamafunny is LAME
let's hope he got burned up in the fire and won't make anymore of those stupid videos!
Paul is Dead - Commonwealth and Enochian Power
you find this funny Tafultong?????
sounding much like a jealous guy
Paul is Dead - Commonwealth and Enochian Power
did you even check into commonwealth (yet)?
Anonymous said...
Paul is Dead - Commonwealth and Enochian Power
you find this funny Tafultong?????
He's my "Grapefruit"
What does Grapefruit mean Tafultong?
Anonymous said...
sounding much like a jealous guy
February 8, 2009 5:39 PM
maybe georgekush or chris7574 had him wacked
Anonymous said...
Paul is Dead - Commonwealth and Enochian Power
did you even check into commonwealth (yet)?
February 8, 2009 5:42 PM
I checked all into it, and there is nothing.
mommybird 's granddaughter stole his soul
Maybe iamafunny ears are full of fat... the lyrics to "Commonwealth" are not "Enoch power" but Enoch Powell!
If anyone truly thought it was "Enoch power" you are massively retarded.
Commonwealth by the Beatles
Immigrants. Wilson Health said to the immgrants you better get back to the
commonwealth homes. Yeah, yeah, yeah I said Get back home. Now Enoch Powell was
said to the folks color of his skin. He said don't care. So he said you better
get up. He said he said to Enoch Powell. You better go home. So Wilson said to.
We got to swing. We have to go the hill. So Wilson Health said to Enoch Powell
we got to the commonwealth. Commonwealth yeah commonwealth yeah commonwealth
yeah commonwealth yeah.
Commonwealth yeah. If you don't want trouble you got to go home. To Indania.
I've have enough of that. I'm coming back yeah to England. Dirty Enoch Powell.
Commonwealth. Commonwealth yeah. Don't you hear me commonwealth yeah. Well I
check Austria England India. Enoch powell. Oh commonwealth yeag. Oh
commonwealth yeah. Yeah commonwealth yeah. Commonwealth yeah. It's to common to
me. I came down the street to New Zealand. Commonwealth. Commonwealth yeah.
Commonwealth yeah. Enoch Powell commonwealth yeah. Immigrants commonwealth
yeah. Market.
Enoch Powell......
Anonymous said...
What does Grapefruit mean Tafultong?
iamfunny needs to go on a "Grapefruit" diet.. and lose some of those "weight kilos"..... idiots....
what a massive waste of time...
i hope iamafunny's home burns to the ground...
Still kind of funny that commonwealth connection between the 65if2006 suitcase album and the beatles singing about "commonwealth". and by funny i mean strange...
Anonymous said...
i hope iamafunny's home burns to the ground...
February 8, 2009 5:52 PM
and I suppose you are going to feel pretty good about yourself if that actually happens? I don't know if you have actually heard the news that Australia is on FIRE, and MANY PEOPLE HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES!!!!
If you actually feel glad that someone has died or is displaced because of these tragic fires, then Lord help you should something ever happen like this to you! Payback is a royal bitch and what goes around comes around
it's all a load of shite
uh, not the fire part
commonwealth lyrics said...
Maybe iamafunny ears are full of fat... the lyrics to "Commonwealth" are not "Enoch power" but Enoch Powell!
Awfully quick rush to judgment. "Commonwealth" was part of a medley. It grew out of "Get Off White POWER." And if you listen, sometimes it does sound like Paul is singing "Enoch Power." According to legend, all of this evolved into "Get Back."
"If you actually feel glad that someone has died or is displaced because of these tragic fires, then Lord help you should something ever happen like this to you! Payback is a royal bitch and what goes around comes around
February 8, 2009 5:56 PM"
If I ever make such lame videos I hope that God does punish me yes. I watched those "iamafunny" videos, and I want my 30+ minutes back. Probably the dumbest videos ever made on Youtube.
I bet "iamafunny" isn't really from Australia either. I wouldn't be shocked if he was from DENMARK.
Blogger Tafultong said...
"And if you listen, sometimes it does sound like Paul is singing "Enoch Power." According to legend, all of this evolved into "Get Back."
February 8, 2009 5:59 PM"
I agree Tafultong. It does sound more like "Enoch Power" most of the time.
uhhh. Tafultong? umm. Ringo Starr is on the phone..... he says "IAMAPHONEY"
Did you hear that too?
IAAP now powered by ENOCH POWER!
"I agree Tafultong. It does sound more like "Enoch Power" most of the time.
February 8, 2009 6:00 PM"
Sounds like Enoch Power to me!
And what of the "Commonwealth" theme?
Don't you think thats what IAAP was trying to show by scratching off the "commonwealth" from the 65if2007 album??????
If I ever make such lame videos I hope that God does punish me yes. I watched those "iamafunny" videos, and I want my 30+ minutes back. Probably the dumbest videos ever made on Youtube.
I bet "iamafunny" isn't really from Australia either. I wouldn't be shocked if he was from DENMARK.
February 8, 2009 5:59 PM"
Your name wouldn't be "Master" would it? Eat any Kraft dinners lately, so that we could all talk about your editing prowess?
"Your name wouldn't be "Master" would it? Eat any Kraft dinners lately, so that we could all talk about your editing prowess?
February 8, 2009 6:04 PM"
No, it isn't retard. Maybe "iamafunny" is the master you are speaking of. Ever think that?
Enoch Power said...
uhhh. Tafultong? umm. Ringo Starr is on the phone..... he says "IAMAPHONEY"
Did you hear that too?
You must admit that I was 100% correct when I said I would never live that down.
If I ever make such lame videos I hope that God does punish me yes. I watched those "iamafunny" videos, and I want my 30+ minutes back. Probably the dumbest videos ever made on Youtube.
I bet "iamafunny" isn't really from Australia either. I wouldn't be shocked if he was from DENMARK.
February 8, 2009 5:59 PM
Let me guess, you are 12 years old. When you grow up you don't wish bad things on people. You start to care more about the world, and about what happens to it. Why don't you come back when you are all grown up.
"Let me guess, you are 12 years old. When you grow up you don't wish bad things on people. You start to care more about the world, and about what happens to it. Why don't you come back when you are all grown up.
February 8, 2009 6:07 PM"
Thanks "Mommybird"
I like the iamafunny video.
Is there going to be a Iamaphoney video tonight? Or just from the "Wannabeeees"????
sounds like enoch power to me too taf
hello?!?!? Another FIRE!!!!
Anyone else a little creeped out by this?
Anonymous said...
hello?!?!? Another FIRE!!!!
Anyone else a little creeped out by this?
February 8, 2009 6:11 PM
Fires happen all the time. It is called a coincidence. Look it up..
"Fires happen all the time. It is called a coincidence. Look it up..
February 8, 2009 6:12 PM"
O RLY????
The largest fires EVER to happen in Australia, just happens to coincide with a date on the iamaphoney timetable.. Call that a "coincidence"????
Remember all those other fires? Just happened to coincide to IAAP dates as well.
I don't remember hearing about other fires...
"The largest fires EVER to happen in Australia, just happens to coincide with a date on the iamaphoney timetable.. Call that a "coincidence"????"
exactly! and then a PID video showing the obvious connection to "Commonwealth". The odds are astronomical.
Also notice in that iamafunny video, it shows Paul McCartney IN Australia, and has him SINGING about Australia in the song "Commonwealth". And then there are terrible historical massive fires in THAT SAME COUNTRY within a day.
Ever heard of the term "fireman". Look it up. Paul McCartney band, or something. IAAP is always talking about it too.
The odds of this being solely "coincidence" are getting might thin.
"The largest fires EVER to happen in Australia, just happens to coincide with a date on the iamaphoney timetable.. Call that a "coincidence"????"
You read MikeNL above dumbass? He said the date is August 2009, not today!
sheesh!!!!! some people....
Are you that retarded? Are you serious about this?
Did you catch the dude's name?
It is a JOKE...
" Anonymous said...
Are you that retarded? Are you serious about this?
Did you catch the dude's name?
It is a JOKE...
February 8, 2009 6:20 PM"
Must be real pleasant floating through life for you.. with nothing connected or any possible connections between anything... I bet the sun coming up in the morning is a complete shock to you!
"Never seen that before!" says you..
iamaphoney iamafunny
mommybird 's granddaughter stole his soul
(Sorry mommybird.)
I am impressed by the frequency of people making reference to Paul McCartney on the Grammy Awards. Cold Play was especially cool with the crack about the Sgt. Pepper outfits.
If you people are going to put any stock in this Commonwealth iamafunny business, then I am going to leave you to stew in your own delusions. No reason will reach you, nothing any rational person could say could persuade you.
So some self proclaimed obese "Australian" makes a joke video about God knows what, and you all are connecting the dots to enochian power and mysterious fires in Australia.
So Paul McCartney is shown cuddling with a Kangaroo. WHO WOULDN'T. They are cute and cuddly. So Paul McCartney is called "THE FIREMAN".
So what??? Really, you people need professional help!
OMG! I just heard a joke that Paul McCartney told backstage at the Grammy's. He said that "The Fireman's heart goes out to all of Australia"!
"So Paul McCartney is shown cuddling with a Kangaroo. WHO WOULDN'T. They are cute and cuddly. So Paul McCartney is called "THE FIREMAN".
So what??? Really, you people need professional help!
February 8, 2009 6:28 PM"
Are you a professional? Maybe you could give us the "HELP"
"Are you a professional? Maybe you could give us the "HELP"
February 8, 2009 6:31 PM"
hmmmm. where have I read that before? lets see. Saw that on the iamafunny page. So my guess is either you read that there, and you are a copy cat, or you are iamafunny myself!
hmmmm. where have I read that before? lets see. Saw that on the iamafunny page. So my guess is either you read that there, and you are a copy cat, or you are iamafunny myself!
February 8, 2009 6:32 PM
my my my, looks like a freudian slip! Maybe YOU are iamafunny!
my my my, looks like a freudian slip! Maybe YOU are iamafunny!
February 8, 2009 6:33 PM
I know you are but what am I!!!!
anon talking to himself again...
please stop. thank you.
I know you are but what am I!!!!
February 8, 2009 6:34 PM
ummmmm.. Iamafunny???
sounds like "Enoch Power" to me
"MikeNL said...
anon talking to himself again...
please stop. thank you.
February 8, 2009 6:34 PM"
Mike is always around for these cloudbursts. Ever notice that?
Also notice that he posts under his blog profile "MikeNL" so that he can be the voice of reason!
My guess.. it was you mikey
Blogger MikeNL said...
the format is:
that makes:
so no feb 8th 2009, but aug. 2st 2009 : ]
Blogger MikeNL said...
anon talking to himself again...
please stop. thank you.
February 8, 2009 6:34 PM
Wow Mike! You sure know a whole lot!
"Mike is always around for these cloudbursts. Ever notice that?
Also notice that he posts under his blog profile "MikeNL" so that he can be the voice of reason!
My guess.. it was you mikey
February 8, 2009 6:37 PM"
Haven't ever seen that type of behavior before. Mike never comments about those type of things.....
"This is unheard of. All of these comments within minutes. It must be the same person. And that person is not me!!!"
"DUDES It's impossible! The only explanation is that it is one person, and that person could not possibly be me!"
""This is unheard of. All of these comments within minutes. It must be the same person. And that person is not me!!!"
"DUDES It's impossible! The only explanation is that it is one person, and that person could not possibly be me!"
February 8, 2009 6:42 PM"
Get your facts right, mike never said those things
there going to be a IAAP video tonight?
got kind of quiet around here all of a sudden, whats a matter, KAT got your tongue?
Anonymous said...
there going to be a IAAP video tonight?
February 8, 2009 6:43 PM
MikeNL said no. But maybe, just maybe, he will go to bed early instead of staying up day and night to be the first on the PID scene, and some magic with a K will be used and there will be a "Surprise" (in mike's words) video tonight, when he is tucked in bed.
"Anonymous said...
sounds like "Enoch Power" to me
February 8, 2009 6:35 PM"
Stop picking on Mike!
"Anonymous said...
OMG! I just heard a joke that Paul McCartney told backstage at the Grammy's. He said that "The Fireman's heart goes out to all of Australia"!
February 8, 2009 6:30 PM"
What is your source information for this?
"What is your source information for this?
February 8, 2009 6:48 PM"
Rumor, speculation, and innuendo.
You know, the regular PID stuff.
If I could figure out how to put it in a video...... maybe someday
Rumor, speculation, and innuendo.
You know, the regular PID stuff.
If I could figure out how to put it in a video...... maybe someday
February 8, 2009 6:49 PM
then we could call you IAMAPHONEY
bet Jude is behind this...
cheap shot
got kind of quiet didn't you..
When I Saw Her Standing There
what Sir Paul played at the 'Grannys'
(It rocked)
Is there going to be an interview tonight with iaap?
Right after the show!
Told you! I never doubted iamaphoney, not for a minute!
He's been working up to it slowly but inevitably . . .Paul has finally gone back to full out 1965 Beatle haircut complete with sideburns. Nancy, his new muse, correctly advised him that if he's going to color the hair, might as well go dark again rather than the reddish thing he had going before. She's also got him back in the jackets where he belongs, not the red shirts.
the strait jackets
Notice in that picture, Paul is wearing a beatles shirt where the beatles noses are clown noses..
Paul Mccartney knows and respects the CODE CLOWN!!!!!!!
obviously because of Enochian Power...
Anonymous said...
Notice in that picture, Paul is wearing a beatles shirt where the beatles noses are clown noses..
Paul Mccartney knows and respects the CODE CLOWN!!!!!!!
February 8, 2009 8:09 PM
you are mad.
No Grammy for "Paul", eh?
They'll be sorry! Bern said so.
Will Granpaul be grumpy without grammy?
there are clown noses on sir paul shirt... is he iamafunny?
Anonymous said...
there are clown noses on sir paul shirt... is he iamafunny?
February 8, 2009 8:17 PM
he is more likely to be iamaphoney then iamafunny... so the answer is a resounding NO
DUDES! Interview is posting NOW!
imonkey watch....
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Anonymous said...
there are clown noses on sir paul shirt... is he iamafunny?
February 8, 2009 8:17 PM
iamafunny asked that his charcoal ash remains be spread upon that comment.
iamafunny is vindicated and can now rest in charbroiled peace.
iamafunny asked that his charcoal ash remains be spread upon that comment.
iamafunny is vindicated and can now rest in charbroiled peace.
February 8, 2009 8:23 PM
that is mean and hateful!
good riddance!
charbroiled remains!?!?!?
Have you no sense of decency sir??
The man may be dead!
So? Paul may be dead, he just played the grammy's. So things are looking up
How 'bout that? A Led Zeppelin guy got one, and Sir Folly didn't!
Who woulda thunkit?
Mr. Plant had better watch his step!
Mr. Plant is may find himself in concrete clown shoes. Paul's shirt just screams that.
Plant should fear the code clown...
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And did you catch the 666 hand signs that the evil
Faul is making in that picture?
3 fingers plus 3 fingers on the other hand = 6;
then the two thumb loops = 6 and 6.
Why are clowns always so evil?
Obviously this is the proof we've been looking for:
Faul is iamafunny!
(And what happens when you say "Faul" in reverse, hmmm?)
It's all there. You can't avoid it.
Faul is iamafunny!
(And what happens when you say "Faul" in reverse, hmmm?)
It's all there. You can't avoid it.
February 8, 2009 9:00 PM
My God it all makes sense now
The clown noses, the 666's,
the fires, everything
Hey, not to change the subject, but is there going to be an interview tonight???
I have to work tomorrow and can't stay up any longer. So could you hurry it up TPF with the Talking Stick? Please?
" Anonymous said...
Faul is iamafunny!
(And what happens when you say "Faul" in reverse, hmmm?)
It's all there. You can't avoid it.
February 8, 2009 9:00 PM"
The only thing that iamafunny has in common with Faul is that he may be dead.
Hey, what happened to ian iachimoe blog? the TPF? It was listed as a friend on the Tafultong blog and now it is gone.
Has the talking stick fallen like a tree in the forest and no one was there to hear it?
DUDES! I am tired of staying up waiting for the revelation. Going to crash. Hey, see you in August when the next iamaphoney video is posted!
Sure would hate to miss it if it was posted tonight.... goodnight!
tree in the forest said...
Hey, what happened to ian iachimoe blog? the TPF? It was listed as a friend on the Tafultong blog and now it is gone.
Has the talking stick fallen like a tree in the forest and no one was there to hear it?
February 8, 2009 11:10 PM
It was the sound of one hand clapping, young grasshopper. And it spoke louder then words.
No grammy for Paul, no iamaphoney interview or video for us.
We are all wearing clown shoes
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You're a liar.
i just saw it,same BS as always.
maybe they took it down again?
" Anonymous said...
i just saw it,same BS as always.
maybe they took it down again?
February 9, 2009 12:22 AM"
they also unlog account to make it look like it was 4 days ago since last log on?
Can you post a video without logging on?
It was the interview video, if you snooze you lose...
damn it i knew i shouldnt've fallen asleep!
everything is possible.. with MAGICK
link to the new video:
then at least post 101:
which was exactly a year ago today : ]
don't be a sheep! waste your time in the PID world - everything is better then leading a sheepish "real" life. or is it?
LOLROFLLMAO (can u play that backwards ian?)
these are NOT new videos.
the only "new" video got posted yesterday on Iaap alias account.
it is basically a re-edit
someone should tell Nancy to tell Paul that faded jeans look stupid with a black blazer
Anonymous said...
Notice in that picture, Paul is wearing a beatles shirt where the beatles noses are clown noses..
Paul Mccartney knows and respects the CODE CLOWN!!!!!!!
February 8, 2009 8:09 PM
bets on that shirt outsells EA
Ladies and gentlemen, in grand Iamaphoney tradition there will be a new video tonight. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it (if I had one or was even sure what that meant).
So instead of bickering about August 8 or whatever, start anticipating that instead.
that could be the new video. looks like "the actor" to me!
That shirt looks like something Banksy would do.
The bottom dollar is the one you stick up the arse so the nazis don't find it. Anticipate that, Jude.
great vid bob
doggy dollars
"The bottom dollar is the one you stick up the arse so the nazis don't find it. Anticipate that, Jude."
Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the electric fence.
good one jude. Touché
Nancy really should do something about that facial hair.
Anonymous said...
Notice in that picture, Paul is wearing a beatles shirt where the beatles noses are clown noses..
Paul Mccartney knows and respects the CODE CLOWN!!!!!!!
February 8, 2009 8:09 PM
bets on that shirt outsells EA
February 9, 2009 5:34 AM
Blogger Jude said...
Ladies and gentlemen, in grand Iamaphoney tradition there will be a new video tonight. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it (if I had one or was even sure what that meant).
So instead of bickering about August 8 or whatever, start anticipating that instead.
February 9, 2009 6:22 AM
I hate to say it but Jude was right:
I was wrong.
Anonymous said...
Nancy really should do something about that facial hair.
February 9, 2009 8:48 AM
That is not Nancy, Anony. It's a Foo Fire Fighter.
it's time (again!)
for what mnl?
"It's time.......... THE TIME!" - Fake John.
Morris Day?
"Bat Muzzby....
Vince, run on out there and bet the bottom dollar on #9 BLACK
(runs to nearest casino)
ME:"All on BLACK."
(ball whirls around)
DEALER: "Red it is."
ME: "D'oh!"
You are a tool, MikeyNL
"The TOOL on the hill"?
February 9, 2009 6:22 AM
I hate to say it but Jude was right:
February 9, 2009 9:06 AM
THAt the new video or what?
S3ANL3NN0N and ph0neyprophet
are one and the same
he is here to promote JIA John=Faul
I promise you, the next iamaphoney will deal with that too.
predictable isn't i? ..once you know how their game works!
Cheers Ian. Say hello to the wifey!
there is no black #9 in roulette
it's RED 9
so really, you WON
bet the farm next time, baby needs new shoes ( all this barefootin' is hard on the soles)
re: clown shirt photo
Dramatis personæ: John, Paul, George, Ringo
of note: goofy masonic handshake,
clown noses, all cemented with a good ol' year 2009 666 for good measure.
go figure :8
interesting theme on NIR from MalEvans
since noboby really could answer my questions I have done a little research on my own. I have read the 2 Paul is dead books, turn me on, dead man and the walrus was paul. None of them hasn't obviously not the information IAAP started to show us november the 9th 2006. There is no mention on the most to my ears clue we will sing it man we will be reverse, and all the other clues IAAP had come up with, Actually only the #9 and i'm so tired backwards clues are mentioned in the books. It is at least clear for me that Paul wanted these clues out and since nobody really noticed he had to start the machine himself. Why is there so much fireman music and clues and flashes in the early IAAP videos from number 39 i think. Why? and why is the fireman coming out with a new album after 12 years of silence? and why is Paul making backwards speech on the album. I think this is only the beginning and we have a lot of stuff to look forward to concerning IAAP and Paul. What do you guys think? I wish someone would take the time to go through the whole rotten apple serie, I think a lot of answers is buried there, I am just not clever enough to see them, i think you have to be very clever, especially if Paul really do as it says in the rotten apple 72, take the book of the law that serious, with all the cipher and cryptogram stuff.
right, well good luck with that
I'd say either Paul knows about the Rotten Apple series and is just having a little fun with this new wave of hysteria over him being dead and the Beatles being evil, or he really is or is affiliated with Iamaphoney.
But that's just my opinion.
Did you hear what he said to LA Times yesterday?
I believe in magic -
love Dave Grohl his song "the pretender" ROCKS!
Peace & Love!
now playing
RA secrets
new video
IAAP started to show us november the 9th 2006. There is no mention on the most to my ears clue we will sing it man we will be reverse, and all the other clues IAAP had come.
Maybe that's because "We'll sing it man, we'll be reverse" has absolutely nothing to do with a Paul is Dead clue. Funny you mention SFF, because there is another Beatle reverse YouTube site and the guy posted his own backwards lyrics to SSF, and he heard something completely different. If you play a song in reverse at a slightly faster or slower speed (meaning even fractions of a second) it alters what you hear.
Why is there so much fireman music and clues and flashes in the early IAAP videos from number 39 i think.
Phoney flashes all of Paul's alter-ego names not just Fireman. "The Fireman," being an alter-ego, is an obvious point of reference for someone interested in PID lore. That's why Phoney also flashes Thrillington quite often, as well as Ian Ichamoe and the rest. Phoney, Taf, and the NIR gang have all been interested in stuff from that Fireman website, because it was so avante garde and crytic, including the part about if you're looking for a clue, YouTube is your friend. But as someone recently pointed out, it is hard to believe Phoney could be Paul pushing the Fireman album when he didn't know about the Fireman is not a Mason anagram.
I wish Iamafunny would quit making videos. They fucking suck (the videos).
careful what you wish for
I wish Iamafunny would quit making videos. They fucking suck (the videos).
Yes. I'm sure he goes to your house every night and forces you to watch them at gunpoint. What other reason could you have for wishing he'd quit?
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