Here is a full color shot from the same event borrowed from norweigianwood.org.

The same three were photographed together at Eric Clapton's wedding in 1979.

The Beatles Anthology in 1995 provided the best opportunity for the "Threetles" to be photographed. This is one of the lesser known shots.

This might be the last picture ever taken of the Threetles from the year 2000.

But there are two pictures in particular where some divine intervention may have taken place. While shooting pictures for the Beatles Anthology, a white peacock happened to wander into the shot. Paul reportedly remarked, "That's John. Spooky, eh? It was like John was hanging around. We felt that all through the recording."

John's son, Julian, was spooked himself recently when he attended an Australian Aboriginal ceremony for his "Whaledreamers" film project and was handed a white feather by a tribal chief. According to Julian, John had promised him that if he died, a white feather would be a sign of his presence.
Another ghostly image was spotted by the WogBlog the other day. Back at Eric Clapton's wedding in 1979, Linda McCartney took a shot of Paul, George and Ringo with their old skiffle mentor Lonnie Donegan. Despite all of Linda's photographic experience and top of the line equipment, an apparent accidental double exposure occurred. Yes, it was just a coincidence, unless of course there is no such thing as an accident and no such thing as a coincidence. Yes, that's Paul McCartney on the left...at least that is who it is supposed to be...

1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»firzzzzzt
great post, John´s spirit is still alive, and he is giving signals of life in 2009. And what about the last picture? looks like a boy
And about the youtube link, if that image is not photoshop, that would be the proof, Paul´s body never died
Somehow, I don't find it that comforting that one of the greatest composers in the history of the world might have transmigrated into a white peacock.
If that were true, then what fate might eternity have in store for the rest of us?
Perhaps he was the peacock for just that moment.
Perhaps he was the peacock for just that moment.
February 19, 2009 12:28 AM
Perhaps the peacock was just a peacock.
"Perhaps he was the peacock for just that moment."
People who have passed on can employ birds to represent them.
I know that sounds silly, but it happens all the time. Really.
Interesting that the child's face is superimposed on Faul.
One could take it to mean that Paul, if he died, had been reincarnated, and was now a child.
Baby peacock! How cute!
People who have passed on can employ birds to represent them.
I know that sounds silly, but it happens all the time. Really.
February 19, 2009 3:59 AM
If they have the power to employ a bird, why not just represent themselves. You are right, that does sound silly, really.
Interesting that the child's face is superimposed on Faul.
One could take it to mean that Paul, if he died, had been reincarnated, and was now a child.
February 19, 2009 4:02 AM
Or, it could mean that little James was close enough to the camera that it caught his reflection, really.
uhhhh, no
uhhhh, no
February 19, 2009 5:30 AM
uhhhh, no what?
Let me tell you..john was an asshole...bad guy, bad attitude, bad husband.I knew him.
Im still miss him ,like i miss other guys.
BREAKING: Stephen King Killed John Lennon
February 19, 2009 4:02 AM
Or, it could mean that little James was close enough to the camera that it caught his reflection, really.
February 19, 2009 4:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
uhhhh, no
February 19, 2009 5:30 AM
uhhhh, no what?
February 19, 2009 5:37 AM
- no reflection -
Or, it could mean that little James was close enough to the camera that it caught his reflection, really.
February 19, 2009 4:57 AM
More than likely, it is just a "ghost shot"....of the photographic kind, not the supernatural.
...two exposures on a single film frame.
Remember film?
little off-topic, but i have to do this or else i'll forget,
i remember when i saw the William Burroughs video in iamaphoney's favorites, then about 4 weeks later, the new rotten apple came out with snippets from that video. then, i remember... paul mccartney said something about William Burroughs in an interview.
when was the first time he mentioned william burroughs with in an interview related to the fireman, was Paul McCartney first? or was I Am A Phoney first?
Paul McCartney was first.....the peacock came second.
*****Perhaps he was the peacock for just that moment.*****
*****Perhaps the peacock was just a peacock.*****
*****People who have passed on can employ birds to represent them.
I know that sounds silly, but it happens all the time. Really.*****
"I am the peacock!"
coo coo coo coo
Anonymous said...
...two exposures on a single film frame.
February 19, 2009 5:58 AM
That's what it looks like to me.
PS Mike, fooey on last night's "LOST"..... I feel manipulated.
Oh, and Mike.
We know Burroughs & Paul hung out in '66.
The tape experiments WSB was making, and on the same machine, Paul demoed a few songs on.
Oh, yeah. Someone mentioned Mr, Icke on the previous post. Just thought I'd let you know, he appears on the bonus footage of Bill Maher's "Religulous", along with the Realians!!!
"If they have the power to employ a bird, why not just represent themselves. You are right, that does sound silly, really."
I don't know how it works. I didn't make the rules. All I know is that it happens. Apparently it's easier to get a bird to do your bidding than to manifest physically as a human being once you've passed on.
Ask your local shaman how it happens.
Wikipedia says this under "shaman":
"The shaman evokes animal images as spirit guides, omens, and message-bearers." So if you see a peacock, perhaps it is a manifestation of the spirit of a shaman or a dead man. Reports of raptors, owls, and similar large birds are surprisingly common.
the eye of the kid is over paul´s eye
In connection with deaths I mean.
"the eye of the kid is over paul´s eye"
I noticed that too. Interesting.
By the way, great post, Taf!!!
When I die, I shall return as a mocking bird......yeah!
Where is George´s moustache on the first pic with donegan?
"Let me tell you..john was an asshole...bad guy, bad attitude, bad husband.I knew him.
Im still miss him ,like i miss other guys. Pr.Ha."
Pr. Ha. ? Are we supposed to guess who you are?
How did you know him? Why was he bad? Tell us more. And tell us why we should believe you.
Yoko Ono said...
"Let me tell you..john was an asshole...bad guy, bad attitude, bad husband.I knew him.
Im still miss him ,like i miss other guys. Pr.Ha."
Pr. Ha. ? Are we supposed to guess who you are?
How did you know him? Why was he bad? Tell us more. And tell us why we should believe you.
February 19, 2009 10:40 AM
hey yoko, feel free to drop in any time!
14024 asteroid
-----When I die, I shall return as a mocking bird......yeah!-----
Mock YEAH!
Bird YEAH!
Everybody, have you heard...?
The bird is the WORD
...papa oom mow mow...
I'm a bluebird!
And when I die
And when I'm dead
Dead and gone....
There'll be one more child
to carry on
to carry on!
Boo! You guys broke 65If's "Surfin' Bird" chain.
Kelly Rippa has a 13 year old spiritual father!
I'm a blueberry!
"Kelly Rippa has a 13 year old spiritual father!"
Who? Jack DeRippa?
Did you do the bird 65if?
Anonymous said...
Kelly Rippa has a 13 year old spiritual father!
February 19, 2009 5:12 PM
Look out for those men in white coats carrying a big net.
To catch the peahen in the rye?
"John's son, Julian, was spooked himself recently when he attended an Australian Aboriginal ceremony for his "Whaledreamers" film project and was handed a white feather by a tribal chief. According to Julian, John had promised him that if he died, a white feather would be a sign of his presence."
Australian Aboriginal cermemony eh?
Read the thread called IAAP at NIR. That will explain all the Kelly Ripa business.
...and it's R-I-P-A Darnit
"Australian Aboriginal cermemony eh?
February 19, 2009 5:29 PM"
In spirit maybe, heard he died in those fires.
I'm a Monkee!
How many here saw that pay per view cable TV show a few years back where Lennon's ghost manifested an image of himself on the video at the end? That was pretty impressive! (They never mentioned it though!)
Elton Melo
Nice job...
Ringo was plastered 10% of the time in FL and 50% of the time in CA.
HE SAID IT WAS THE BEST IN ALL THE LAND. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
"Australian Aboriginal cermemony eh?
February 19, 2009 5:29 PM"
In spirit maybe, heard he died in those fires."
We could only be so lucky.
Blotto Starr isafunny.
Yes, I did the bird.
And my bird can sing.
I had a dream about John yesterday: he was there readin Shakespeare amidst a carnival crowd. Very strange.
You suck, Miles. Danke
I don't know how it works. I didn't make the rules. All I know is that it happens. Apparently it's easier to get a bird to do your bidding than to manifest physically as a human being once you've passed on.
Ask your local shaman how it happens.
Wikipedia says this under "shaman":
"The shaman evokes animal images as spirit guides, omens, and message-bearers." So if you see a peacock, perhaps it is a manifestation of the spirit of a shaman or a dead man. Reports of raptors, owls, and similar large birds are surprisingly common.
February 19, 2009 8:25 AM
I didn't know there were a set of rules in place. Do you have the rule book? And please, stop relying so much on Wikipedia....that is really sad, really.
Anonymouse said...
You suck, Miles. Danke
Prepare to be asked the ultimate question, Miles...
...it's the one you've been waiting for ever since you first joined the PID scene with that name...
How many million miles, Deo?
What does that mean, Jude?
Is there some importance to that? if so, please explain.
65if2007 said...
Yes, I did the bird.
And my bird can sing.
February 19, 2009 10:18 PM
Let's hear that bird's song , 65if!
Jude said: How many million miles, Deo?
February 20, 2009 6:02 AM
Too late Jude. That came up a long time ago.
what was the answer then?
What's the frequency Kenneth?
I never understood the frequency, uh-huh
I never understood, don't fuck with me, uh-huh
What me worry?
why worry?
That was Faulfred!
"Withdrawal in disgust is not the same as apathy"
Why worry, there should be laughter after the pain
Do ghosts have ghosts?
no, ghosts have ghouls.
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
Consider this
The hint of the century
"Then let's skip it."
Here's a little agit for the never-believer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Here's a little ghost for the offering. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mister Andy Kaufman's gone wrestling [wrestling bears]. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey Andy did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy are you goofing on Elvis, hey baby, are we losing touch?
Blogger 65if2007 said...
Yes, I did the bird.
And my bird can sing.
February 19, 2009 10:18 PM
Proof that 65if2007 was in fact YENZ and gave the "bird". He is the person that found ALL the suitcases.
65if2007 then wrote this
Anonymous said...
You suck, Miles. Danke
February 19, 2009 11:09 PM
Danke, the german word for "thanks"
Proof that 65if2007 was Yenz and knew the german word for thanks.
Believe it!
_iamafoneys former girlfriend
michael stipe was replaced
He was just saying it is Mile's turn to "suck" that's why he THANKED him.
She Loves You yeah yeah yeah yeah ......yeah!
wWth a love like that, you know you should be glad!
Michael and Molto Mario? OMG!
Suitcases are again featured on the IAAP channel
It's old school, but is it coming back?
EVPs from the Beatle grooveyard:
I'm looking through you.
You won't see me.
He blew his mind out in a car.
He bag production.
The walrus was Paul.
Turn me on, dead man.
Paul is dead; miss him miss him miss him.
We're all dead!
At twelve o'clock a meeting round the table
For a seance in the dark
With voices out of nowhere
Put on specially by the children for a lark.
What was the point of the contents of the suitcases?
can anyone explain it?
A road trip?
Anonymous said...
What was the point of the contents of the suitcases?
can anyone explain it?
February 20, 2009 12:38 PM
The Suitcases were the most brilliant concept for wide spread viral dissemination ever conceived. The scope of the videos was worldwide. Suitcases were dropped in multiple countries. These videos will be watched by future generations for the brilliantly conceived and executed design and concept. Unfortunately the contents of the suitcases were not as well thought out. The television equivalent of the Dallas "Who Shot JR" waking up to "its all a dream". Rest assured that the suitcases have now been upgraded and a new campaign will be rolled out in the next several months and years that will completely change the way that videos are done on the internet. We suggest that you subscribe now so you can tell your children's children that you were there, and that you gave your full support and admiration to this project, which will someday be written about in textbooks.
Doubt what we say at your own intellectual peril.
tax write off?
whatever dude... the suitcases were lame...
Anonymous said...
whatever dude... the suitcases were lame...
February 20, 2009 12:51 PM
When history looks back, it is you that will be laughed at. You have been sufficiently warned.
We are giving you full support, as we do know you are "mining" our material. You could concievably thank us once in a while, kidsof.
Look here mr ten dollar words, if iaap is going to do some revealing, do it! get that talking stick and get it talking.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We are giving you full support, as we do know you are "mining" our material. You could concievably thank us once in a while, kidsof.
February 20, 2009 12:56 PM
you have been a valuable ally and someday when the books are written you will be more then thanked, you will be revered. That day will be soon, very soon.
The "after revelation" blog really took off, didn't it?
you trying to bribe us now to support you?
support WHO?
I guess the real question is, which came first, the chicken? the egg?
Anonymous said...
support WHO?
February 20, 2009 1:05 PM
good question! who!??
the talking stick?
the cock came first, if you want to get technical.
Support kidsof diskof skidof
The last hero of Germany and only honest man left
"you have been a valuable ally and someday when the books are written you will be more then thanked, you will be revered. That day will be soon, very soon."
thank you, about time.
and if we fail?
"Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come" - Victor Hugo
We won't fail
You've been failing for 40 years.
post toasties
Anonymous said...
You've been failing for 40 years.
February 20, 2009 1:23 PM
When the book is written, you will not be in it.
sorry? what does THAT mean?
" When the book is written, you will not be in it."
oh, I'll be in it. I wrote it.
what are you guys talking about? "Living the Beatles Legend"?
pretty much
Sir LarryMildew! We need some sanity! HELP!
Jude! Come yell at these idiots again! Make them stop!
There's no stopping it.
"Rest assured that the suitcases have now been upgraded and a new campaign will be rolled out in the next several months and years that will completely change the way that videos are done on the internet."
Years is SOON?
the suitcases have now been upgraded?!?!??!?
years is too long. i am checking out, catch you on the boxset iaap. good day sir!
Market research, chicky baby.
Anonymous said...
" When the book is written, you will not be in it."
oh, I'll be in it. I wrote it.
February 20, 2009 1:29 PM
Will Kelly Ripa be in it? Regis Philbin too? Are you and Paul the only ones who know about God? Is Steve still in Chicago?
Anonymous said...
years is too long. i am checking out, catch you on the boxset iaap. good day sir!
February 20, 2009 2:20 PM
Bet you will be back sooner then that
Bet you will be back sooner then that
February 20, 2009 2:48 PM
I bet I will be too!
"Is Steve still in Chicago?"
No, he's in the slammer. He went to Florida, and got arrested for threatening Obama's inauguration.
Well, actually he said he was going to go there and shoot him, but he needed a gun.
(Happiness is a warm gun.)
So Elaine at Alien Earth called in the Fuzz, and got him arrested.
There are rumors that he's been transferred to a facility near Washington DC (ironically). But his last message to us all (shouted to the media as he was led into the police van) was that we all should move to Florida by the end of this year. He also said he had to kill Obama to stop "the jews".
Oh, and he also said he wasn't serious about what he said about killing Obama.
But it was toooo late.
But really now, that is weird with the kid emanating ectoplasmically from Faul! What can it mean?
Children Children - Wings
sitting on a corn flake, dude
Paul and I are the only ones who know about God.
How do you know what Paul knows?
I'm psycho.
In what way? Jesus freak? or you just say "God" and that's that?
"Paul and I are the only ones who know about God"
This has been posted in reference to an NIR member who had a meltdown yesterday. According to some on that forum God is coming to them in dreams and explaining PID. The only problem is God is telling each of them a different and contradicting scenario. My hunch would be that this isn't God speaking to them at all but rather their own imaginations running amok and brought about by whatever psychological issues they may have.
At what point does this stop being funny and just become sad?
The game ended when Neil Aspinall died. When will people realize that? The remaining crew is just treading water, and letting things run down.
"This has been posted in reference to an NIR member who had a meltdown yesterday. According to some on that forum God is coming to them in dreams and explaining PID."
Some is one guy.
The game ended when Neil Aspinall died. When will people realize that? The remaining crew is just treading water, and letting things run down.
February 20, 2009 8:20 PM
uhhhh, no
I had a dream last night and God told me you were all crazy!
Anonymous said...
"This has been posted in reference to an NIR member who had a meltdown yesterday. According to some on that forum God is coming to them in dreams and explaining PID."
Some is one guy.
Read back further on NIR. This is not the first time this has happened which has led to the skeptical responses.
Tis true! Verily it was God herself!
I few isolated instances, who never actually talk about PID, really.
"Read back further on NIR. This is not the first time this has happened which has led to the skeptical responses."
I'm sorry, you have NIR confused with PID Miss Him.
Yeah there was Steven. God told him that he was Paul reincarnated and to move to Chicago because the world was going to end in 2008.
The financial world ended so I'll give him half a point.
Anonymous said...
"Read back further on NIR. This is not the first time this has happened which has led to the skeptical responses."
I'm sorry, you have NIR confused with PID Miss Him.
My mistake then. However I thought it was the ghosts of Paul, John and George who were coming to some on PID Miss HIm in the night and explaining PID and not God.
It was TKIN that had the spirit channeling and reincarnated Pauls.
The game ended when Neil Aspinall died?
I don't think so.
Let us not forget that Paul also believed Linda's spirit came to him in the form of an owl.
Yup. He talked about it on the first Howard Stern interview!
Alos, The Flaming Lips talked about seeing him at one of the big English music festivals, and a butterfie landing on his shoulder, and he thought it was Linda.
Like SFA, The Lips are one of the few 'newish' bands that got through to my wife!
We both loved the documentary, "The Fearless Freaks"!
About that picture with the child's eye matching Fauls, allow me to interpret:
Isaiah 11:6 - The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatted calf together; and a little child shall lead them.
There's more to that picture than meets the eye. ;-)
oh, please
Yule Sea
It's meant to sound silly:
"Jeremiah was a Bullfrog"
"The Jonas Brothers" (Jonah)
Oh Darling, Please Believe me, it's not.
Wink: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/02/Tim_Buckley_-_Goodbye_And_Hello.jpg
iamaphoney has a new icon.
now we kind of know that TPF has a part in the band.
"Anonymous said...
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
Consider this
The hint of the century
February 20, 2009 9:04 AM"
Losing My Religion - REM
iamaphoney watch:
Lid geworden: 23 juli 2006
Laatste aanmelding: 1 minuut geleden
Bekeken video's: 6236
Abonnees: 988
Kanaal aantal keren bekeken: 187671
Aww, man........ FUCK R.E.M.!!!
PS Mikey (& other "LOST" fans),
Don't you think it's a little creepy that they made the 'LOCKE convinces everyone to go back to the island by KILLING himself, only to be resurected by returning to the island' episode air on ASH WENESDAY?!?!?!?!
I mean, COME ON?!?!?
Anonymous said...
Aww, man........ FUCK R.E.M.!!!
PS Mikey (& other "LOST" fans),
Don't you think it's a little creepy that they made the 'LOCKE convinces everyone to go back to the island by KILLING himself, only to be resurected by returning to the island' episode air on ASH WENESDAY?!?!?!?!
I mean, COME ON?!?!?
February 21, 2009 12:51 PM
what do you mean?
Somebody on the STEVE Hoffman forum found a "Revolution #9" tk20 rm1.
Should be cool.
Here's a link:
vince, i have:
Revolution 9 - The Alternate Versions Vol. 2
Revolution 9 - The Beatles
Revolution 9 - The Beatles Deluxe Vol. 1 (Disk 2)
Revolution 9 - The Beatles Deluxe Vol. 2 (Disk 2)
Revolution 9 RM1 - The Beatles Deluxe Vol. 5 (Disk 1
i don't know if one of those is RM20...
let's have a listen :)
Just heard it.
Basically, it's "1" slighty slower, continuing jam; the 'momma, poppa' high voices; breaks down with the little girl voice saying, "You become naked." Everyone laughing, and Yoko saying, "Too much." and John saying, "Great!"
Are the ones you have PURPLE CHICK???
Guess I should've gotten those, huh?
Anonymous said...
Are the ones you have PURPLE CHICK???
Guess I should've gotten those, huh?
February 21, 2009 1:24 PM
yeha those are the purple chick :)
Anyway to get those NON-FLAC????
just good ol' MP3???
Anonymous said...
Anyway to get those NON-FLAC????
just good ol' MP3???
February 21, 2009 1:47 PM
i downloaded them as MP3 from usenet...
but i do prefer FLAC sometimes.
I don't have enough room for the 'converter', so if you know where I can find them, I \'d appreciate it.
you guys heard of aol?
I'm AWOL when it comes to AOL.
Snail mail?
I'm on 'THE HOO OF YA"
Sure you are.
Who here is on some form of prescription medication? Show of hands...
"And, whenever I go through customs, they ask me, 'Frank, what are you ON? You can't expect us, with our uniforms and sub-machine guns to just think... Man, what are you ON?'. And I say, "I'm on DUTY." "I'm on DUTY". "I'm on DUTY!" "I'm on Duty!"" - Frank Zappa.
sǝsɐɔʇıns ǝɥʇ 7 Videos
1 revealed 2 found 3 still missing
Now that is change you can believe in!!!!!
Suck it h8ters!
Notice the Yenz suitcase is no longer in circulation
IAAP is starting to rock it hard now!
I never doubted you for a moment
Yenz is love. Eat the finger and feel the power...the power of SEX.
Notice the Yenz suitcase is no longer in circulation
IAAP is starting to rock it hard now!
I never doubted you for a moment
February 21, 2009 11:05 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxbRo5maEVQ&eurl= "Paranormal State"
Sunday morning creeping like a nun.
I love how three or four people continually talk about the long-forgotten Yenz (seriously, who?) as though he were relevant, when the other 96-97% of don't give a flying fuck and would rather talk about Iamaphoney or the Beatles.
MikeNL said...
iamaphoney has a new icon.
now we kind of know that TPF has a part in the band.
February 21, 2009 11:57 AM
why? what do you mean Mike?
MikeNL said...
iamaphoney has a new icon.
now we kind of know that TPF has a part in the band.
February 21, 2009 11:57 AM
why? what do you mean Mike?
February 22, 2009 5:57 AM
well, i always wondered if the iamaphoney video guy also is the singer of all the songs.. in the new icon you can see him holding a guitar.. maybe that's because he also helps with the songs :)
where are you seeing this? got a link?
Anonymous said...
where are you seeing this? got a link?
February 22, 2009 7:06 AM
iamaphoney has a new icon
Yenz is relevant because he found the Berlin Suitcase, which if you look at the Iamaphoney youtube channel now says this of the suitcases
sǝsɐɔʇıns ǝɥʇ 7 Videos
1 revealed 2 found 3 still missing
It is no longer just in "circulation"
So while you are "not caring" mr. hate h8ter, things are happening which you have no clue. The suitcases have been upgraded.
By not giving a flying f*ck as you say, you are just making yourself ignorant to the revelation revolution about to take place.
Which is fine by us the three of four people who do care. For the path of salvation is narrow, and if your bumbling ass is on it you may knock us off. So here is a little clue for you. Stay sleepy and focused on the wrong things.
Somewhere Yenz is extending the middle finger of doom towards you harder then he ever has before.
who are the 8hate8rs8...what are you talking about?
"Which is fine by us the three of four people who do care. For the path of salvation is narrow, and if your bumbling ass is on it you may knock us off. So here is a little clue for you. Stay sleepy and focused on the wrong things."
Ah yes; always good to see the meek inheriting the earth, 9:03!
We were talking.....
"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have possession of all 7 suitcases, and have not charity, I am nothing." Capice?
Love, Paulie ;-)
Easy Rider said...
We were talking.....
"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have possession of all 7 suitcases, and have not charity, I am nothing." Capice?
Love, Paulie ;-)
February 22, 2009 9:53 AM
John 14:16-17 (New International Version)
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
Iamaphoney is gay, and so are all of you.
Somewhere Vince is getting pissed at the all the Las Vegas pushy Christians just because of all the bible quotes here tonight...
damn you Christians...
damn you to Hell....
In other news, hey remember that Zappa song "Why does it hurt when I pee?" Rather see that then some moldy bible verse! Silly people!
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