You can download the entire Merry-Go-Round clip complete with an introduction by Don Knotts at Bedazzled.com. The Merry-Go-Round also appeared as performers and contestants on The Dating Game!
After the initial "Paul Is Dead" hysteria calmed down in 1970, Emitt's self-titled solo album enjoyed a brief time in the Beatles mystery spotlight. An east coast disc jockey named Barry Richards stated that Emitt Rhodes "could be the Beatles." He played the entire Emitt Rhodes album on his show and commented, "He sounds so much like the Beatles, it's unreal." Then to add to fuel to the fire, Richards said, "Now I heard about the stolen Beatle tapes, which supposedly happened about a year ago." The next thing you know, the phone lines lit up and Richards had enough of a response to convince ABC/Dunhill Records to make Emitt available for not only an on-air interview, but also a local television appearance.

In the phone interview, Emitt showed admiration for the Beatles by proclaiming, "They were the biggest influence on my music, I would imagine." Rhodes told Richards that he had done two albums, one with the Merry-Go-Round and one solo, which had not yet been released. Prophetically, Richards responded, "I'm sure [the solo album] will come out now." A&M wasted no time releasing "Emitt Rhodes - The American Dream," creating all kinds of confusion in the record buying public and putting an end to the success of the ABC/Dunhill album. Emitt was put in the awful position of having two albums competing with each other. Showing the Beatles influence, one of the tracks on "The American Dream" called "Let's All Sing" features Emitt singing "All we are saying is give peace a chance" during the fadeout.

In one interesting exchange, Richards suggested that the song "Live Till You Die" had "some reference to McCartney," which Rhodes quickly denied. He also said he read in "Melody Maker" that Rhodes gave guitar lessons to Paul McCartney. Rhodes responded with a laugh. In a particularly macabre attempt to infuse Rhodes into a Beatles mystery, Richards asked if there was a picture of a body on the back of the album. Rhodes said it was actually a piano. Richards also tried to draw a link between a tree on the Emitt Rhodes album cover and a tree on the Abbey Road cover. Later that week, Rhodes filmed two solo performances for Barry Richards' television show. He also did a new in-studio interview. By that time, Emitt was sick of discussing the Beatles associations. When Richards stumbled over his words while trying to formulate a question about a link between the Beatles and the Merry-Go-Round, Rhodes simply said, "Then let's skip it."
Emitt's followup album "Mirror" (featuring the song "Birthday Lady") failed to produce the interest of his self-titled album. To make matters worse for the fledgling artist, Rhodes signed a contract with ABC/Dunhill that was impossible to fulfill, and by 1973, he saw his career go down the tubes. His last album, "Farewell to Paradise" showed his frustration with the music business. Although he has continued to be involved in the production side of music, we have heard very little from Emitt Rhodes, the artist since 1973.
An unreleased song from 1980 appeared on the Varese Sarabande Records compilation "Listen, Listen The Best of Emitt Rhodes."

He has worked with several artists including Ray Paul, who got him to take the stage again and enlisted his help in recording the McCartney song "Oh Woman, Oh Why" for "Coming Up: Independent Artists Pay Tribute to the Music of Paul McCartney."

In the late 1990s, it looked like Emitt Rhodes was going to take a second crack at the music business with a planned solo album on Rocktopia Records, home of former Righteous Brother Bill Medley. Personal issues delayed the album and the record company went broke before it was ever released. The picture below came from the Rocktopia Records website.
He worked with Jim Boggia, who was the subject of a recent post here. In fact after completing that post, I went back and listened to my complete Emitt Rhodes collection back to front. Emitt Rhodes could possibly be my favorite recording artist after the Beatles, but he is NOT The Beatles. His voice is distinctive and easily distinguishable from McCartney's voice. But like the Beatles, Emitt had a way of crafting melodies that stayed with you.
Emitt is still around, still making music, just not releasing it. He is interested in the mathematics of music and reads physics books. When a young fan called him on the phone a few years ago, Emitt queried him on the Pythagorean Theorem before agreeing to discuss anything about music.
There are a couple websites around chronicling the music and life of Emitt Rhodes, but there have been very few updates recently. The Emitt Rhodes Music Site was maintained by Kevin Ryan, who went on to write the book, "Recording The Beatles." There is also a fan myspace site that has not been updated in several months.
Still, every few months a new "Emitt Rhodes is recording a new album" rumor surfaces. The latest one has him being backed by a slightly country-tinged band. There doesn't seem to be any definitive information about it, but it was good to see a picture of Emitt in a recording studio from 2008 on Joel Larson's webpage. Joel was most notably the drummer of the Grassroots and Lee Michaels, but he also backed Emitt in the Merry-Go-Round. That's Emitt on the far right.

It is a crime that his outstanding voice and songwriting skills have been silent all of these years. We miss you, Emitt.
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»first!
Good article Taf. It would be interesting to compare the successes and failures of Harry Nillsson alongside Emmitt Rhodes. Harry was another artist who was called a "one man Beatles" and at a time when the Beatles were in disarray and seemingly heading back to their bar band roots, Harry's music reminded listeners of the wonder and promise of the Beatles from 1966 to 1967. Of course Harry went one step further and befriended John Lennon and got the Beatles (while still a group) to endorse his music. I wonder if Emmit and Harry's paths ever crossed. It's a shame they never recorded together. Harry could have been "John" to Emmitt's "Paul" or maybe a Pete to his Tom (know what I mean Apple Records fans?).
"...or maybe a Pete to his Tom (know what I mean Apple Records fans?"
Tom to his Jerry.
Come on guys I thought you were hardcore Beatle fans? I'll let Tafultong answer it for ya.
I think most readers will know that Pete and Tom were songwriting partners in Badfinger (another place where people turned when trying to fill the Beatles void in the early 1970s).
The thing about John and Paul was despite their formidable egos, they were both "band" men. Emitt and Harry seemed to be solo, through and through. Funny though, I have been listening to Harry all week.
Tafultong said...I think most readers will know that Pete and Tom were songwriting partners in Badfinger...
Perhaps. Then again some of your readers who claim to be experts in PID keep referring to solo McCartney songs in their respective PID forums with titles like "Baby I'm Amazed" and "Someone's Been Knocking At The Door" so I wouldn't put money on them catching a Badfinger reference.
During phoney's failures, you respond with this, Taf.
All the more reason to leave phoney behind. Ditch the name of this blog, name it something else (I know the page hits prohibit that), but shit, you focus 25% on IAAP and 75% on other topics.
True about Harry and Emitt being purely solo. Considering the early 1970's was a golden age for singer/songwriters and Beatle-influenced music it's a wonder that both Harry and Emmitt didn't achieve greater success, although Harry scored a few hits and a monster one with his Badfinger cover. I take it you know already that you share a love of Rhodes with publisher Bill King?
I can't get over how uneducated on the Beatles and particularly McCartney solo many of the posters on NIR are. They frequently get names wrong, song titles, the sequence that albums were released, misidentify photos of artists, etc. It's a real mess and Jojo seems to be the only one with some working knowledge on the subject but rarely corrects the bad information. It would be a pain in the ass to police every post I suppose.
"but shit, you focus 25% on IAAP and 75% on other topics."
Hell you try focusing a blog on an obscure and unknown video editor from the Netherlands and see how long before you start moving on to other topics. Geez, cut him some slack.
its 10 % iamaphoney, 30 % Taf-Beatles-blog, 60 % bullshit comments like this one!
So yes, please leave the Phoney behind and make this into an 80% Beatles blog, 20 % BS.
please tafu,when will you go through all the iama videos as promised.Emitt Rhodes have nothing to do with iama.it is getting boring reading about other artist without any connection with iama.please stck to the subject.i like your blog.muito obrigado
or change the blog subject as suggested by many.
i wont come here again soon
I come here like i believe everyone else for the IAAP subject and surrounding regions, like asking the paul mccartney website to change to a soccer fan site. I love you just the way you are, tafultong.
or change the blog subject as suggested by many.
i wont come here again soon
and we won't miss you :-)
when the band begins to play listen, listen
Speaking of Badfinger, I friend of mine once told me a story about the one who killed himself; I know now it's not true, but did any one else hear this story, or was I just a naive little kid?
When listening to demos for the latest record, the suites at Warner Bros. told him, they needed something better. The songs sucked, and told him to come back with better songs. So, he hung himself in the garage, and tape recorded it, and had the tape sent to the Warner executives, with a note that said, "Is THIS any better?"
Actually two members of Badfinger committed suicide by hanging.
Pete Ham's suicide note read:
"Anne, I love you. Blair, I love you. I will not be allowed to love and trust everybody. This is better. Pete. P.S. Stan Polley is a soulless bastard. I will take him with me."
Not as much is known about Tommy Evans's suicide, but wiki says:
During the evening of November 18, 1983, Evans had a heated argument with Joey Molland of Badfinger on the telephone, chiefly regarding potential publishing/ASCAP divisions of the "Without You" song whose ASCAP royalties accumulating for airplay which had been funding Evans, and other publishing funds being held by Apple Corps Ltd. pending resolution of disbursement. Early the following morning, the 19th of November, Evans was found dead by suicide, his body hanging in his backyard on a willow tree. Allegedly, he left no note. Family and friends have speculated he was overwhelmed by the combination of his conflicts with Molland, ex-manager Bill Collins and ex-bandmate Mike Gibbins over the pending royalties, plus the U.S. lawsuit he felt threatened his livelihood further. But a major factor of Evans depression, alluded by many friends and family members, was that he was never able to get over his former bandmate's Pete Ham's suicide. Marianne Evans, his wife, was quoted in a documentary stating "Tommy said 'I want to be where Pete is. It's a better place than down here' ...." Thus the sad and final irony of the man who wrote the chorus of "Without You", "I can't live, if living is without you..."
I don't put any credibility in the recorded death story you heard.
Well, yeah...... I know NOW it's not true.
But, I was wondering if the guy who told me the story was just 'fuckin'' with me, or was it a story that was 'going around'?
Oh, and I don't care if you change the name of this blog or not.
Just keep me informed if you do.
Vince said...
Well, yeah...... I know NOW it's not true.
But, I was wondering if the guy who told me the story was just 'fuckin'' with me, or was it a story that was 'going around'?
I had not ever heard that story, but I can see it evolving from the real story. Lots of people just aren't that great with details.
all sounds sort gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Please allow me to introduce myself
Im a man of wealth and taste
Ive been around for a long, long year
Stole many a mans soul and faith
And I was round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
'Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah "
Aw, man....... FUCK THE STONES!!!
"Well, yeah...... I know NOW it's not true.
But, I was wondering if the guy who told me the story was just 'fuckin'' with me, or was it a story that was 'going around'?"
Yeah, that's the story I heard many moons ago.
Hang in there, Emmitt.
Message to 65If:
The guy on the right with the nose whiskers is Derek Taylor Apple PR.
He'll know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for staying on topic, ANon!
iMonkey Watch....
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so? iaap checks in and this is big news? wonder why i yawn?
Look at the subtle changes to the iaap page... IF YOU DARE!
Iamaphoney is brilliant
Take that haters, well played IAAP!
what did he do?
Nothing. Which is the most brilliant move of all. Suck it haters
What are we hating?
Anonymous said...
What are we hating?
February 17, 2009 4:42 PM
People wanting to change the name of this blog from the most brilliant Youtube series ever to something else. Dont hate iamaphoney because he is more brilliant then you. Get used to it, shut up, and quit complaining.
iamaphoney = orson wells
from Citizen Kane to Paul Masson Wine commercials. ho hum
Et tu, Brute?
OK, I've bitten my tongue long enough.
Emitt Rhodes sucks! He wasn't that great to begin with, and he hasn't managed to get his act together in 39 years! I am not impressed.
So he sounds like Paul McCartney does he? So does Plastic Paul at NIR! (Or was it Mikey?)
But I think he's a part of the PWR mystery because Neil Young wrote a song about him, called "American Dream" saying he was "all washed up", and Neil used that name in a reference to a Paul replacement in the Buffalo Springfield song "Broken Arrow". So he probably does have something to do with it.
Please don't bite your tongue!
Emitt Rhodes DOES suck!
Et tu, Emitt?
I have bitten my own tongue long enough! May I bite yours?
We miss you Emitt!
Harry Nillsson
a man with extra letters in his name
Emmitt Rhodes
a man with extra letters in his name
You figure it out....
People wanting to change the name of this blog from the most brilliant Youtube series ever to something else. Dont hate iamaphoney because he is more brilliant then you. Get used to it, shut up, and quit complaining.
February 17, 2009 5:06 PM
Crummy sounding Beatles ripoff music, homoerotic shirtless men frolicing on the beach and wobbly clips taken from other YouTube videos is brilliant, eh? Oooookaaay......
Crummy sounding Beatles ripoff music, homoerotic shirtless men frolicing on the beach and wobbly clips taken from other YouTube videos is brilliant, eh? Oooookaaay......
February 17, 2009 5:58 PM
You are SOOOOOOO jealous!
Oooookaaay? Ok.
Its the IAMAPHONEY blog.
Subscribers: 986
DO YOU HAVE 986 subscribers????!?!
NO, you do not!
Subscribers: 986
February 17, 2009 6:06 PM"
O RLY? How many? Huh?
Bet not as many as YOU think.
Aren't you going to feel silly when the Iamaphoney revolution revelation happens? Yes you are!
O RLY? How many? Huh?
Bet not as many as YOU think.
ph0neyprophet, you are really late to the party if you don't know how many accounts this guy set up.
Jealous? of what? repeated failure? No thanks, I'll pass.
Aren't you going to feel silly when the Iamaphoney revolution revelation happens? Yes you are!
The revolution/revelation came and went. I'd feel silly waiting for a revelation to come from a YouTube video if I were you.
The hypocricy in that statement is masterful.
what chapter and verse?
February 17, 2009 6:20 PM
Read your DAMN BIBLE.
Funny stuff here.
The hypocricy in that statement is masterful.
February 17, 2009 6:22 PM
Way to boost your own comment! So we could see your subtle masterful ways! OOOOOkeeeeey.....
The hypocricy in that statement is masterful."
quite. your's too!
Alright, how many people are on here right now? Be honest you h8ters!
Still waiting. Fess up y'all.
Two so far. Be honest. There's at least one other person.
Good to see some honesty.
Sir Larry! What about Mikey? Miles?
Please post a link to that oraguatan pic you once used
I'm still using it. It is on my YT channel.
yhshvh 10?
Ya got me, I held out but you sherlock holmes it outta me..
damn you are good.
dare I say, MASTERFUL???!?!?
Why did you change your name on the account?
five, i surrender it to sir larry
Anonymous said...
Ya got me, I held out but you sherlock holmes it outta me..
damn you are good.
dare I say, MASTERFUL???!?!?
LOL I think I figured out your style. Hiya.
Why did you change your name on the account?
February 17, 2009 6:45 PM
Long story short, awhile back, I became bored with all this phoney business and closed my original account. A month or so ago, someone kept bringing my name up in the blogs, "Sir Larry, where are you?" kind of stuff, so I opened a new account just for shits and giggles.
yhshvh 10? he is ten?
Sir Larry,
I had three accounts but I never caught on (cries). I think it's that monkey picture. It made me crack up every time. Who was playing the part of the "revelation" guy? yhshvh 10?
Like most Beatle fans, I enjoy reading Tafs blog. He comes up with some interesting things that I have either forgotten about, and at times, not read about at all.
And....there are 3-4 people posting that need to take their act on the road; you read some pretty funny stuff here sometimes.
Anonymous said...
yhshvh 10? he is ten?
February 17, 2009 6:53 PM
No, I think in his early 20's.
Anyone else here listen to Alex Jones?
Anyone else here listen to Alex Jones?
February 17, 2009 6:55 PM
I am listening to him right now? HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!?
And....there are 3-4 people posting that need to take their act on the road; you read some pretty funny stuff here sometimes.
February 17, 2009 6:55 PM
I like the fake Iamaphoney who always says OBEY ME. I haven't seen him posting here in a while unless it's one of you guys already here.
I am listening to him right now? HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!?
I didn't. I listen every day around this time to the clips on thealexjonechannel YouTube account. I'm too lasy to register on prisonplanet
I didn't. I listen every day around this time to the clips on thealexjonechannel YouTube account. I'm too lasy to register on prisonplanet
February 17, 2009 6:59 PM
If Alex is right, those that register will be the first on the train. Don't ya think?
lol well I think we'll all be on the train if the globalists have their way. I'm really excited about this state sovereignty movement but I'm thinking the feds will crack down soon.
So how many people here post both pro-IAAP and anti-IAAP comments?
Anonymous said...
So how many people here post both pro-IAAP and anti-IAAP comments?
February 17, 2009 7:10 PM
All the time Sherlock... All the time
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
So how many people here post both pro-IAAP and anti-IAAP comments?
February 17, 2009 7:10 PM
All the time Sherlock... All the time
February 17, 2009 7:17 PM
industry standard... tafultong doesn't believe Paul is Dead, yet he has a blog about it. MikeNL makes videos about it, doesn't believe it.
Pretty much to be both sides of the fence is an industry standard.
The Paul is Dead equivalent to THX. A set of specifications to be adhered to.
I ♥ Sir Larry Mildew!
I ♥ Tafultong!
I really dislike MikeNL
I ♥ Harold AND BERN!
I ♥ aIIofthemwitches! THE FAKE ONE, not the real one.
I ♥ Aja!
I ♥ Mojo's gay dallas newspaper man who KNOWS FOR A FACT THAT PAUL LIKES BOYS!
Glendiffich's for everybody reading this now, if you are at the Raddison in Dallas!
Anonymous said...
I really dislike MikeNL
February 17, 2009 7:25 PM
Sensitive Mike...NL said...
Anonymous said...
I really dislike MikeNL
February 17, 2009 7:25 PM
February 17, 2009 7:29 PM
The NL stands for :NO LOVE:
industry standard... tafultong doesn't believe Paul is Dead, yet he has a blog about it. MikeNL makes videos about it, doesn't believe it.
Pretty much to be both sides of the fence is an industry standard.
The Paul is Dead equivalent to THX. A set of specifications to be adhered to.
If it wasn't for us this thing would have died a long time ago. Iamaphoney should write us PAYCHECKS!
I ♥ Emitt Rhodes!
Mr. TAFobscureTong... I want a t-shirt for when I play Silver Edition Tong. So I can be TafobscureTong too!
I ♥ Grandfatheraliester!
Not Grandfatheraleister!
I before E, except after C.
GFA can't spell for SH*T!
damn spelling Nazi...
This comedy writing on this blog reached it's zenith with Yenz. Oh how I do wish he would resurface just one more time.
Same guy? I've got a feeling...a feeling deep inside...oh yeah...,
I ♥ orson iamaphoney wells!
Raising a glass of Paul Masson to your Glendiffich glass Mr. Gay dallas newspaper man who according to Mojo had sex with Sir Paul around the time of the Kennedy assassination I might add.
Maybe Paul also KNEW(in the biblical sense) David Ferrie and Clay Shaw!
Where my JFK believers?
Anonymous said...
Same guy? I've got a feeling...a feeling deep inside...oh yeah...,
February 17, 2009 7:40 PM
You can tell from the ALL CAPS!
Dr. Watson
Anonymous said...
This comedy writing on this blog reached it's zenith with Yenz. Oh how I do wish he would resurface just one more time.
February 17, 2009 7:37 PM
Orson Wells never made another Citizen Kane.
Paul was (is?) a JFK conspiracy believer. He doubted the Warren Commission report back in 1964 in an interview with Larry Kane.
Orson Welles made many movies after Kane. The Trial and Touch Of Evil are better films than Kane IMO. The Trial is the ultimate conspiracy movie!
Same guy? I've got a feeling...a feeling deep inside...oh yeah...,
February 17, 2009 7:40 PM
Don't sing that around Mojo's Glendiffich buddy. He will give you a hot seat, while Mojo contemplates Sir Paul's.
Anonymous said...
Orson Welles made many movies after Kane. The Trial and Touch Of Evil are better films than Kane IMO. The Trial is the ultimate conspiracy movie!
February 17, 2009 7:47 PM
Your humble opinion sucks..
Anonymous said...
Paul was (is?) a JFK conspiracy believer. He doubted the Warren Commission report back in 1964 in an interview with Larry Kane.
February 17, 2009 7:45 PM
Proof that Sir Paul was the O.G Political Beatle.
Take that h8ters!
John Lennon is Dead... THANK G-D!
Anonymous Mr. TAFobscureTong said...
Anonymous TafulkaraokeTong said...
You going to take this sh*t tafultong?
Your humble opinion sucks..
He said "IMO" not "IMHO"... dilltard.
My opinion is not humble. There is nothing even close to humility behind my words. I am a fat head with lard up the blubber and sugar round the testi's. Harken back to a golden era of sludge and circumstance ye.
Let's do an article about Randi Rhodes!
Anonymous said...
Let's do an article about Randi Rhodes!
We could ask Tafultong to make a connection between Randi Rhodes the liberal talker and Randy Rhodes the dead Ozzy guitarist.
I see that over at PID Miss Him that they're sending drawings of penises to each other.
Anonymous said...
I see that over at PID Miss Him that they're sending drawings of penises to each other.
February 17, 2009 8:28 PM
Don't get any ideas!
penes? OMG
"This comedy writing on this blog reached it's zenith with Yenz. Oh how I do wish he would resurface just one more time."
Is it really comedy writing when there's only one person laughing at the jokes, one person writing them, and they are the same damn person?
Well said Jude. Unusual for you. Especially since no one arsed you.
Why is it always about you Jude?
Jude goes to Sarasota Florida, blames Stephen King for killing Lennon, and he does it on FILM.
"I am known by 10% of Florida
I am known by 50% of California"
You are known by 100% of the PID community.
They laughed at the Condensed Pilgrim, but notice nobody is suing even though it is written all over your van.
"California laughed, look at California now!"
Well Jude, I think it's funny too. And I'm not the one who posts them. En ik ben nog wel een Nederlander, Mike!
Since Jude no longer takes the vicious bait from you hooligans, let me point out a couple of things you have wrong here.
1. Not Funny
2. Stephen King did not kill John Lennon because JOHN LENNON IS ALIVE.
3. Did you actually watch the Condensed Pilgrim?
4. It wasn't Jude. The man says, and says it clearly, that his name is Steve Lightfoot, not Jude.
5. Get a life.
6. Get a girlfriend
7. Get a job
8. Notice how God hates you? I did.
9. Notice how God should not have allowed you to have been born? I did.
If you read the book by Stephen King "the Shining" backwards,
it says clearly
"I shot John Winston Lennon, but he lived. I got famous, we condensed a pilgrim, and told Jude."
Anonymous said...
Well Jude, I think it's funny too. And I'm not the one who posts them. En ik ben nog wel een Nederlander, Mike!
February 18, 2009 1:35 AM
See how wrong you are Jude? Two people think its funny. We voted you off the island.
10. Get a haircut
11. Get off my lawn
is it genuine?
"See how wrong you are Jude? Two people think its funny. We voted you off the island.
February 18, 2009 1:42 AM"
Since Jude will not defend himself from these vicious hate filled attacks, I will speak for him.
Two people? Only two? Among the hundreds of people who read this blog daily, only two are laughing. We vote you off the island.
Who has the last laugh now? We do.
And you can't vote us off the island because we voted YOU off first. And there are more of us. Way more. And we aren't laughing at your jokes. We are laughing smugly because we don't laugh at your jokes, there are more of us and we aren't laughing except because we are laughing because we voted YOU off the island first. Before you even said you voted us off we had already voted you off by not laughing. So take that you vicious hate filled two people who laugh at your own jokes.
MikeNL said...
is it genuine?
February 18, 2009 1:49 AM
Greet the day knowing that it is genuine Mike. While America sleeps, you know before they know, that it is. And we can all have a good laugh now that we own the island. And we can laugh at our own jokes now, because none dare vote us off the island because there are more of us. Way more. And we all have the same sense of humor. And we all know that Paul is Alive! And so is John Lennon.
Anyone got any Condensed pilgrim for my morning coffee?
12. Jude is British. Steve Lightfoot is Californian.
Does George Kush aka Mario know that Steve Lightfoot is basically in his backyard stealing virtually every idea he ever had and is profiting on Sarasota live television? Does he?
That Steve Lightfoot has a website and a book that steals almost verbatim every idea that George Kush has ever said!
13. No laughing on the island. None. Or we vote you off. Period. Even if Jude says something funny unintentionally. Especially then. Then we laugh, and only then. Or if he says "arsed" like all good British subjects of the Queen. Because nothing can be funny to Jude. Ever. Never ever ever.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
12. Jude is British. Steve Lightfoot is Californian.
February 18, 2009 2:05 AM
Notice that you never see Brittan and California in the same room together? That should tell you something...
Wot the hell is a "Brittan"?
Learn to use the King's English mate, its
14. Learn to spell, or we vote you off the island as well.
I laugh more at your poor spelling then I ever have at your putrid jokes...
"Because nothing can be funny to Jude. Ever. Never ever ever.
February 18, 2009 2:13 AM"
Not true at all. Jude made a joke about Fight Club. Remember that?
We all had a good laugh then and it was funny. Not funny in a laughing AT Jude way, but funny in a normal natural joke way.
"The first rule about the Iamaphoney Fight Club is: "Never talk about the Iamaphoney Fight Club"
And then some putrid hate filled idiot had to say "You don't know where I've been Jude!" and totally ruin it. No wonder we hate you and God hates you.
"Jude said... "First rule of Faul club... DONT TALK ABOUT FAUL CLUB!"
or prepare to be voted off the island. and don't laugh. ever. never ever.
You know who laughed one to many times at Jude? SolesGirlRachel
And look what happened to her!
Which means, we vote you off the island in Brittan
or Britain.
Don't laugh, or YOU may be next!
February 18, 2009 2:34 AM"
And jude keeps a video of hers in his favorites as a trophy to remind people not to laugh or you will be suspended..
Sir Larry is not laughing.
Because he is a gentleman and a scholar.
Joined: January 13, 2009
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Dear Jude,
I like your sense of humor way better then these putrid hate filled hooligans.
Us 4 subscribers are twice as many as those laughing now, and in a democracy, thats all we need to vote them off the island.
Is Brittan a Democracy? Anyone ever arsed that?
BRITAIN! BRITAIN! BRITAIN! write it on the blackboard putrid hooligan!
Hi. My name is Steve Lightfoot. If you would like to purchase my evidence magazine proving that Steven King shot John Lennon
please mail $5.oo (check or cash) to me c/o;:
Steve Lightfoot
General Delivery
Santa Rosa, Calif. 95402
My e-mail address is; lennonmurdertruth@Yahoo.com
Someone here doesn't want you to know the truth. I am not Jude. Order my evidence magazine for only $5 and get the information that will shock you. This is not a joke and I am not laughing.
Since Mr. Lightfoot is not laughing, does that mean we can't vote him off the island?
that was interesting. that's jude?
its spelled failclub
I nominate YOU chapter leader.
-You can be replaced, chicky baby.
Good morning, good people!
Sorry to change the subject, but I found a killer anti-Facebook article, from the Guardian:
"Tin-foil-hats" of a feather.....
Could Steve Lightfoot be...(pregnant pause)...Lamaphoney?! (gasp!)
" Nashunal Enquirer said...
Could Steve Lightfoot be...(pregnant pause)...Lamaphoney?! (gasp!)"
facebook backs off somewhat:
We have sources....
for what?
I never called anyone a hate-filled hooligan. What you are is a coward who posts anonymously, just as you've always been since you first started posting at this blog eons ago. You know that by issuing your ad-hominem attacks anonymously I can never effectively "fight back", so to speak. You like being the only one who can play your little schoolyard games; you know that once you register a name and really stick with it that every taunt, every joke, every instance of ridicule will be hurled right back into your face. And you can't take what you can dish out.
P.S. You MAKE IT about me.
Emmett is Willy weary.
Yes he was. Emmett Kelly was a clown named Weary Willie.
That may be why Emitt is wearing clown clothes in that last picture in the article.
Fattempleclowncode blog
Jude I'm shocked at you. Yes you've been villified but you have also been commended at times as well. There is more than ONE person commenting here anonymously. By yesterday's total there are at least 5 and I'm pretty sure that you KNOW several of them. It would seem that, yes, maybe one person has a continuing issue with you but the majority of the anonymous comments do not even mention you. This one IS directed at you obviously but I don't have a personal stake in whatever went down at NIR so I have no reason to attack you and in fact never have. Keep an open mind.
I only harass Jude 10% of the time in Florida and 50% of the time in California. The other 40% of time I just watch Emitt's three ring in the van.
Tafultong, in response to your question regarding SongMuseum, the answer is . . . yes.
Your fan,
What was the question
Ever post anonymously Jude?
Jude said...
"I never called anyone a hate-filled hooligan. "
Who said you did????????
Jude said...
"You like being the only one who can play your little schoolyard games;"
I would like you to play as well, but you usually pout.
Jude said...
"And you can't take what you can dish out."
Why would I want to subject myself to it? Do you think you are going to be a gold star or a cookie because you are a masochist???
You can post anonymously as well.
"P.S. You MAKE IT about me."
There are no victims Jude, only volunteers...
~The Fake Jude
"Blogger Jude said...
I never called anyone a hate-filled hooligan."
Damn right you didnt, I did! I was defending YOU! There putrid jokes are a scourge! Everyone hates them, they have no friends, never even kissed a girl. All they do is make it about you. We should vote them off the island.
Who's gunga carry the water?
Blogger Jude said...
Is it really comedy writing when there's only one person laughing at the jokes, one person writing them, and they are the same damn person?
February 17, 2009 11:13 PM
We had a truce. You drew first blood. It wasn't my war.
go back to the truce.
Emitt Rhodes anagrams:
Smothered It
Tis Mothered
Hoisted Term
Homed Sitter
Shorted Time
Method Rites
Shorted Item
Timed Others
Steroid Them
Edits Mother
many more....
ER was a chicky baby.
Hermit Dotes
Mothers Tide
Termites, D'oh!
Ed Metro Sh*t
I Shot Termed
Him To Desert
Or Detest Him
Hide Me Torts
It Rest Homed
Shored Me Tit :-)
" You're harassing me. Stop harassing me."
Pepe le Pew?
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