Well, Curvebender Publications has now released one of those books that I will never get my hands on called "Kaleidoscope Eyes."

The book features a collection of photographs by Henry Grossman taken during the Sgt. Pepper sessions on a day that The Beatles were recording "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." The book covers just one of the 129 days that The Beatles spent recording their most mysterious album, but I'm sure it offers rare insights. Tragically, "Kaleidoscope Eyes" is limited to 1,967 copies and sells for $495. It contains 250 black and white photographs taken that evening and most of them have never been published. Even this small glimpse dispels some of the myths we have heard about Sgt. Pepper. Although Paul suggested in the Anthology that he didn't remember George turning up for the sessions, it appears that George was actively involved on this one.

In fact, there are several shots taken of John, George, and Ringo. We have heard many times that Paul added his groundbreaking melodic bass parts later in the recording process, and the pictures of the other three seem to support that story.

In a brief YouTube movie in support of the release, Grossman recounts a story of Paul arriving to the studio excited to share a piano part that he had developed for the song. He very well could have been referring to the fabulous introduction of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" that transformed John's "one note" melody to the beautiful phrase that caused George Martin to comment that Beethoven wouldn't have minded having a melody like that to work with. So much for John's theory that Paul would subconsciously sabotage his songs...

The pictures also testify to the presence of Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans. You have to wonder how much creative input each of them contributed over the years to the music of the Beatles. Did either of them get enough credit for their contributions to Sgt. Pepper?

Beatles insiders have always maintained that both Neil and Mal were men of integrity who stayed loyal to the Beatles until the day they died. The Rotten Apple series seems to strongly suggest that someone broke ranks. The Rotten Apple Army has promised an "eye-opening 2009." We shall see...
of course!
lets take up a collection to buy a copy!!!!!!! We can pass it around!
yenz will never give it up if he gets his hands on it!
damn it yenz, always ruining it!
good article taf!
where is that yenz vid? anyone?
You have to wonder how much creative input each of them contributed over the years to the music of the Beatles.
I'm pretty sure that the combined musical talents and ideas of both would not add up to two cents unless funneled through the creative genius of Lennon and McCartney. They could pluck just about any ordinary idea (whether a news clipping, comment, and lyric offered by friends or groupies) and imbue it with extraordinary sense.
Paul did some of his best work on John and George's songs. His harmonies practically make "In My Life," "Ticket to Ride," "If I fell," and many more. His bass line in "Come Together" is the soul of the whole recording.
The Rotten Apple Army has promised an "eye-opening 2009."
Sort of like the "eye-opening 2008"?
I guess it's an annual tradition now.
Anonymous wrote:
They could pluck just about any ordinary idea (whether a news clipping, comment, and lyric offered by friends or groupies) and imbue it with extraordinary sense.
I couldn't agree more.
Anonymous said...
Paul did some of his best work on John and George's songs. His harmonies practically make "In My Life," "Ticket to Ride," "If I fell," and many more. His bass line in "Come Together" is the soul of the whole recording.
Ah, when I read that I just want to put them on and spend a bit of time in heaven.
True story. A friend of mine, from the south, who was young and quite unfamiliar with Beatle songs, said something interesting that would resonate with any Beatle fan. Upon hearing 'Fool on the Hill' (which I played for her to get an idea of their music. This was for the first time, mind you), she remarked in her drawl, "That sounds like the kinda' music you'd hear in heaven."
Money grubbing pigs.
~500 bucks copy and printing ~1000 issues!!!
They could have easy made a 1 dollar version and 500,000 fans would probably haved snagged it in a heartbeat... Doubling their return.. But they had to be douches.
An "eye opening 2009"? That will be a nice change of pace. All we've had so far is an "eye rolling" 2007 and 2008.
The Rotten Apple Army has promised an "eye-opening 2009." We shall see...
where'd you get that?
"Upon hearing 'Fool on the Hill' (which I played for her to get an idea of their music. This was for the first time, mind you), she remarked in her drawl, "That sounds like the kinda' music you'd hear in heaven."
One way ticket to hell, please.
It's not breaking news that Yenz is Stella?
MikeNL said...
Tafultong said: The Rotten Apple Army has promised an "eye-opening 2009." We shall see...
where'd you get that?
From the Rotten Apple Army in response to an inquiry regarding Ian Iachimoe.
Anonymous said...
Money grubbing pigs.
~500 bucks copy and printing ~1000 issues!!!
They could have easy made a 1 dollar version and 500,000 fans would probably haved snagged it in a heartbeat... Doubling their return.. But they had to be douches.
February 5, 2009 9:08 PM
get over it. It's a high end print job, which it deserves - and THAT costs big dough.
Anonymous wrote:
get over it. It's a high end print job, which it deserves - and THAT costs big dough.
There is no question that the $500 version is worth it, but why not have a regular version for the rest of us?
When it sells out, they probably will consider it at some point. Depends if and how long it takes for a return on the investment. The publishing industry is dire straits at the moment, don't ya know?
five dollars off for YOU Taf
Blogger Tafultong said...
MikeNL said...
where'd you get that?
From the Rotten Apple Army in response to an inquiry regarding Ian Iachimoe.
February 6, 2009 6:23 AM
is the Ian Iachimoe blog a genuine part of the Rotten Apple Army? I felt the "talking stick" phrase to be dubious. I guess a second question would be, does Ian Iachimoe now speak for iamaphony?
interNational Enquirer said...
is the Ian Iachimoe blog a genuine part of the Rotten Apple Army? I felt the "talking stick" phrase to be dubious. I guess a second question would be, does Ian Iachimoe now speak for iamaphony?
That was why I inquired. I'm not sure about the answer, but I feel that I should pay attention to Ian for the time being.
Agreed Tafultong
Thank you
Is the Rotten Apple Army a separate entity from Iamaphoney?
Anonymous said...
Is the Rotten Apple Army a separate entity from Iamaphoney?
I think the Rotten Apple Army is subordinate to Iamaphoney.
You mean like RAAdar?
taf - could you please post the link to the Yenz finger clown video? thanks
lotta clown themes goin on here in PID fantasy land...
ya if you look at around the table, and you don't know who the clown is, YOU ARE THE CLOWN
where's the vid?
are you flipping us off AGAIN Yenz?
Didn't mikeNL1038 have the Yenz video on his youtube channel?
The Rotten Apple Army has promised an "eye-opening 2009."
Sort of like the "eye-opening 2008"?
I guess it's an annual tradition now.
Yeah, sort of like your daily tradition of making sarcastic, jaded remarks every time Tafultong mentions Iamaphoney.
An "eye opening 2009"? That will be a nice change of pace. All we've had so far is an "eye rolling" 2007 and 2008.
....and you are here...why?
I think the Yenz video is still there
Look at the Playlist
I think you still can see the "Berlin Goodybag"
huh... funny how MikeyNL1038 AKA MikeNL
was involved in the "Yenz" business...
icant find the Yenz video, anyne know where it is?
Try here...
paul is dead - nothing is real 333
paul is dead - nothing is real 333
3 months ago 630 views MikeyNL1038
The Berlin Goody Bag!
paul is dead - nothing is real 333 *update
3 months ago 440 views MikeyNL1038
new sequence i was send.
thanks anonymous for getting the suitcase.
where is the Yenz flipping off the camera video??? I watched those videos and there was no Yenz!
Anonymous said...
taf - could you please post the link to the Yenz finger clown video? thanks
February 6, 2009 8:49 AM
better grab it now before it is taken down
the bird is the word said...
huh... funny how MikeyNL1038 AKA MikeNL
was involved in the "Yenz" business...
February 6, 2009 10:06 AM
Funny how you come on here and make fun of the very people doing all the work!!!! Why are you here???
paul is dead - nothing is real 333
paul is dead - nothing is real 333 *update
iamamike said...
(no, you're not, said little nicola!)
The Rotten Apple Army has promised an "eye-opening 2009."
Sort of like the "eye-opening 2008"?
I guess it's an annual tradition now.
Yeah, sort of like your daily tradition of making sarcastic, jaded remarks every time Tafultong mentions Iamaphoney.
So if a boy cries wolf over and over again, we should take him seriously the next time he cries wolf? We aren't the ones who made promises. We didn't say "soon" so often it became a punch line. We didn't promise an interview that didn't happen because a plane was late and there was no way to explain why he couldn't simply do it any other day. We didn't promise a mind blowing revelation and the Love Code solution.
the blog is called Iamaphoney but it is less and less about Iamphoney if you hadn't noticed from the last several posts.
So if a boy cries wolf over and over again, we should take him seriously the next time he cries wolf? We aren't the ones who made promises. We didn't say "soon" so often it became a punch line. We didn't promise an interview that didn't happen because a plane was late and there was no way to explain why he couldn't simply do it any other day. We didn't promise a mind blowing revelation and the Love Code solution.
the blog is called Iamaphoney but it is less and less about Iamphoney if you hadn't noticed from the last several posts."
You're STILL bitching and moaning about what some anonymous guy on the internet claimed would happen all the way back in 2007?
If your comments were any more petty I'd cry. You and I have had this conversation before. Yes, I'm the one who always asks "Why are you if you don't like IAAP?", and your answer is always something the lines of "blah blah, interview that never happened, blah blah, the last few posts weren't even about Iamaphoney". Oh really? The last 5 posts reference IAAP and IAAP-related entities and videos, einstein. Tafultong continually makes a point of restating his fascination with and devotion to the Rotten Apple series. I don't about you, but I for one actually read this blog. Methinks you're just here to blab on about being bored because Yenz isn't around (VTW, Who. The. Hell. Is. Yenz?)
I'm here to discuss the blog entries and IAAP-related subjects. You're here to make derisive comments because you can't stand to let go of whatever petty little grudge you have against Iamaphoney. Of us doesn't belong here I'd say.
The last few posts by Taf:
This one--about the Pepper photos
Prior to that: YKMN231
Prior to that: Magic Christian, nothing of interest in the suitcase clue, and Taf wonders whether he and Phoney's audience were the ones who were "played."
Prior to that: various Paul news
Prior to that: Electric Arguments reviews--and Taf points out that Phoney "backdated" a YKMN clue.
This has exactly been fawning or glowing Phoney commentary. Be like Taf, who has stated repeatedly that he doesn't believe PID.
Your point is? IAAP hasn't exactly done anything note-worthy lately. This is always how it is between Phoney videos. When IAAP's next video hits expect a post or two about that, more if there is extraneous activity (such as Tafultong "finding" more documents at wherever the hell IAAP leaves his shit at).
When will the goofballs accept the fact that nearly every major Phoney proponent and confederate of the past year (Mikey, Jude, Taf, etc.), have now admitted they don't even believe PID or PRW, let alone in what Phoney has to say. NIR doesn't even take Phoney seriously, even it takes just about any silly Paul theory seriously. It doesn't matter that Phoney promised Mike an interview a year ago. What matters is it didn't happen, and you should take that into consideration when you defend his reliability and reputation. Phoney sent people looking for a briefcase that didn't contain anything worth finding inside. You can't send people on a wild goose chase for something supposedly of worth and then be surprised when the audience is let down when there was nothing there.
He's been dropping suitcases recently, goofballs, not just in the past. Have you noticed hardly anyone even cares what is in the briefcases? No one is looking. That isn't my fault or Taf's fault. Phoney has been telling us "soon." I don't mind discussing the content of briefcases--I was as interested as anyone else. But with so many letdowns and outright failures this past year, you can't blame anyone for being skeptical, especially when we hear--again--that THIS year will be an eye opener.
And hey, why don't YOU be more like Tafultong and actually have a bit of faith in IAAP (Oh let me guess: You did, but then the interview didn't happen which spun your life into a downward spiral and your dog got ran over by a car, boo-hoo, etc., etc...).
In other, sadder news...NIR has officially jumped the shark:
Your point is? IAAP hasn't exactly done anything note-worthy lately.
This brings up an excellent point. What exactly has IAAP done that is noteworthy in terms of substance other than well-edited videos? Other than providing more supposed clues (which goes on every single day on PID sites like NIR), what is there other than the phone call that no one can verify?
And hey, why don't YOU be more like Tafultong and actually have a bit of faith in IAAP.
You ought to go back and read what Taf has said about IAAP. He never said he had faith that IAAP would deliver anything more than music and cool videos. He said he knew two things about Phoney for certain: his name is IAMAPHONY (hint hint) and that his series is labled "Entertainment" (hint hint). Are you expecting Paul is Dead proof? On YouTube? You can't be serious.
You ought to go back and read what Taf has said about IAAP. He never said he had faith that IAAP would deliver anything more than music and cool videos. He said he knew two things about Phoney for certain: his name is IAMAPHONY (hint hint) and that his series is labled "Entertainment" (hint hint). Are you expecting Paul is Dead proof? On YouTube? You can't be serious."
Like most Rotten Apple agnostics you seem to be stuck at square one. This series became about a lot more than PID a long time ago. What are you, a Macca Funhouser? It's the same tired old shit: "supposed clues, blah, blah, no substance". Christ, what the hell are you doing here if you don't even have an interest in all of this? The Rotten Apple series the IAAP blog alike focus one thing only and that is exploring the mysteries of the Beatles. If you don't even believe there is anything mysterious about the Beatles and if you're so out of it that you're not even aware that the Rotten Apple is about alot more than just PID, I ask for the millionth time why are you here if not just to annoy the piss out of people who actually give a damn about these topics?
I wish that we could start hearing the tapes now. Like-- Do it, and then hear what it is. Is it just 'cuz we don't feel like it, or is it 'Does the guitar sound alright, really. And nothing's gonna change much. It's the second one out of three that's the one.
Blogger Tafultong said...
I wish that we could start hearing the tapes now. Like-- Do it, and then hear what it is. Is it just 'cuz we don't feel like it, or is it 'Does the guitar sound alright, really. And nothing's gonna change much. It's the second one out of three that's the one.
From Let It Be.
But: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GC3VqlRH28&feature=channel_page
In response to Jude's third draft...
Yeah, I was doing it from memory.
to IAAP:
is this true?
from IAAP:
"TPF has been given the talking-stick.
The Fireman Himself won´t be able to open His mind at this level.
His decision is that TPF might be able to answer some of your questions."
They ´re right, whoever they are, really.
It´s not time yet.
I do like the "talking-stick" bit though.
Jude said...
February 6, 2009 1:18 PM
good question, ringo.
Like most Rotten Apple agnostics you seem to be stuck at square one. This series became about a lot more than PID a long time ago. What are you, a Macca Funhouser? It's the same tired old shit: "supposed clues, blah, blah, no substance". Christ, what the hell are you doing here if you don't even have an interest in all of this? The Rotten Apple series the IAAP blog alike focus one thing only and that is exploring the mysteries of the Beatles. If you don't even believe there is anything mysterious about the Beatles and if you're so out of it that you're not even aware that the Rotten Apple is about alot more than just PID, I ask for the millionth time why are you here if not just to annoy the piss out of people who actually give a damn about these topics?
Let me answer for the millionth time. The Rotten Apple is about a great deal more than PID. No one is disputing that. Just WHAT it is suggesting is so incredibly mindless and stupid that anyone short of being mentally ill could take it seriously is a never ending source for comedy. The Rotten Apple soap opera with this blog, NIR and people such as yourself is like The Truman Show. YOU, my anonymous friend, are a source of great entertainment. It's fascinating and hilarious to watch someone so gullible get riled up and spit out an attack when they are ridiculed for believing in "the mysteries of the Beatles". You fall for it every time.
You wanna solve the mystery of the Beatles? Learn to play guitar. You'll find that the great superhuman power of the Beatles is the same three Buddy Holly chords with a few jazz chords thown in.
Following IAAP believers such as yourself is like watcching that clip of a fat guy bouncing on the trampoline and then finally missing it and falling on his ass. You know what the outcome is going to be but it's always funny.
We've had two years of hilarity with IAAP and with all the continued failures and believers freaking out because they can't handle being mocked it's the best comedy on the web. I am not a fan of IAAP but I'm a BIG fan of YOURS. Keep up the good work. You're right up there with Jerry Lewis.
yenz mccartney
Yenz is HOT!
"Let me answer for the millionth time. The Rotten Apple is about a great deal more than PID. No one is disputing that. Just WHAT it is suggesting is so incredibly mindless and stupid that anyone short of being mentally ill could take it seriously is a never ending source for comedy. The Rotten Apple soap opera with this blog, NIR and people such as yourself is like The Truman Show. YOU, my anonymous friend, are a source of great entertainment. It's fascinating and hilarious to watch someone so gullible get riled up and spit out an attack when they are ridiculed for believing in "the mysteries of the Beatles". You fall for it every time.
You wanna solve the mystery of the Beatles? Learn to play guitar. You'll find that the great superhuman power of the Beatles is the same three Buddy Holly chords with a few jazz chords thown in.
Following IAAP believers such as yourself is like watcching that clip of a fat guy bouncing on the trampoline and then finally missing it and falling on his ass. You know what the outcome is going to be but it's always funny.
We've had two years of hilarity with IAAP and with all the continued failures and believers freaking out because they can't handle being mocked it's the best comedy on the web. I am not a fan of IAAP but I'm a BIG fan of YOURS. Keep up the good work. You're right up there with Jerry Lewis."
You're here to antagonize and ridicule people who believe in the very things that this blog is all about?
Then you are by definition a terrorist. Now that we have that out of the way, what do you plan to do next? Just sit and wait for your next victim? Are you really willing to admit that you're that sort of person, a bully more or less?
You're here to antagonize and ridicule people who believe in the very things that this blog is all about?
Then you are by definition a terrorist. Now that we have that out of the way, what do you plan to do next? Just sit and wait for your next victim? Are you really willing to admit that you're that sort of person, a bully more or less?
This blog does not condone a belief in the Beatles as agents of the supernatural. If you are under that impression that you've never paid attention to anything Tafultong has written. The blog raises the possibility either way and allows for discussion. To some the possibility exists, to others it does not, to others the very idea is so ludicrous that it warrants mockery. Whether you dislike having someone disagree with you or ridicule you is irrelevant to the purpose of the blog. Comments made on this blog are not here to make you happy or make you feel good about yourself.
"terrorist"....you must be Ysyhyv playing a character again.
"Then you are by definition a terrorist. Now that we have that out of the way, what do you plan to do next? Just sit and wait for your next victim? Are you really willing to admit that you're that sort of person, a bully more or less?"
lol, you are a complete douche, you know that?
"Then you are by definition a terrorist. Now that we have that out of the way, what do you plan to do next? Just sit and wait for your next victim? Are you really willing to admit that you're that sort of person, a bully more or less?"
This reads more like something from the same person who a few days ago desperately claimed that Iaamaphoney was Paul, Pupil CPH never existed and Kabel tv in Denmark wasn't real, etc.
It's either a bit of Phoney disinfo or a newbie.
I'm going to cut them some slack and assume he or she is a newbie. I suggest you read the entire Rotten Apple thread at NIR and then read this entire blog (just Tafultong's entries) to get a grasp of what Iamaphoney is all about. I think everything will become much clearer to you.
This series became about a lot more than PID a long time ago.
You mean like all the other alleged "mysteries" about which they conjecture endlessly at NIR and Miss Him Miss Him? Suggesting there are mysteries or unpleasant facts is simple ("When did you start beating your wife?") but this is not the same as providing any reasonable answers or even any reasonable evidence. Phoney has thrown up lots of conspiracy theories (as does NIR), but he hasn't given anyone reason to believe they are anything more than in his imagination, particularly when he goes out of his way to manipulate "evidence."
If he offers something I will pay attention. Until then, I will remain skeptical.
Good rule of thumb in life, and one that Houdini figured out the hard way: never give the benefit of the doubt to anonymous (or even known) people who make outrageous claims. Let them show you the money, not a shadow of what looks sort of like money. This is not only true in matters of conspiracy, it's true for science, relationships, work, sports, pretty much any situation in life.
You're welcome.
Ladies and Gentelmen: KrisAngel has spoken.
Hi to Jon!
Criss Angel is with Holly Madison now. The RA soap opera continues...
Great post Taf. Think about it....Tafultong posts these elaborate well written blog entries with photos and research. He has enough material here on this blog to fill up a nice Genesis book himself. But why? He doesn't get paid for it? Why go through all that trouble? He's not selling anything?
He MUST be a Beatle insider! He must be Sir Paul! (just kidding Taf)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
and there was morning—the first day.
day one, morning
"lol, you are a complete douche, you know that?"
No I don't know that. Seeing as how I'm NOT the one having a laugh at other's expense, I figured it was the other way around.
shut up and watch this
for the purists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xUijgqZ-xM
watch for trutha
rocky and the axe
""Why are you if you don't like IAAP?", and your answer is always something the lines of "blah blah, interview that never happened, blah blah, the last few posts weren't even about Iamaphoney". Oh really? The last 5 posts reference IAAP and IAAP-related entities and videos, einstein."
einstein!!!! no you are speaking good things!
this is more truth then you know!
does e=mc2theInterviewIsOnThe8thORthe9th?
if that is the math, then rock on! if not, then why not?
Iamaphoney, you know I have never doubted you, now that you have given the TPF the talking stick, can the talking begin?
Iamaphoney, you know I have never doubted you, now that you have given the TPF the talking stick, can the talking begin?
February 6, 2009 11:32 PM
what is wrong with you people?!?!?
He has let you down again and again with suitcases and promises! Wake the F*** up! You are being played!!!
oh yeah? Well, I think you will find that if you play "The Interview is on the NINTH!" backwards it says,
Iamaphoney is going to rock the world! Turn me on phoney man!
We don't doubt you IAAP! Do your magick!!!!!
Iamaphoney is Cris Angel.
You can tell, he took Hugh Heffners girlfriend.
He is coming for your women next...
he can have my women...
Take my wife PLEASE!
"Iamaphoney, you know I have never doubted you, now that you have given the TPF the talking stick, can the talking begin?
February 6, 2009 11:32 PM"
I second!
Motion to carry?
All in favor say "Aye!"
Who said this?
Anonymous said...
February 6, 2009 11:47 PM
Curse you *astards! You never gave iamaphoney a chance!
Here ye! Here ye!
It is official. Now IAAP has no choice but to allow the talking stick to speak.
Can ex-officio members vote, and are they counted in determining whether a quorum is present?
Is it true that, once a quorum has been established, it continues to exist no matter how many members leave during the course of the meeting?
By the power vested in me as a Mississippi River boat captain, I say Yes.
I also make words up at Scrabble.
The range in Beatle related Legos videos is from awesome to horrible. But thanks for turning me on to them. They will for sure occupy some time tonight... I'm off to watch Lego Di Lego Da now
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc4Wyhrm3LU is the link to Lego Di Lego Da if anyone wants to view also
Please explain the e=mc2 Aussie funnyman
Einstein told you about US too, didn't he...?.. didn't he?
there's honey in it for you, in a jar by the door
Buzz Code
Knowing a few things about IAAP and his minions I have an idea where that talking stick is going to go. :)
can't you read! It said TAKING stick!
TPF is the TAKER
can't you read! It said TAKING stick!
TPF is the TAKER
Oh...well...that settles it then.
I hope some form of lubrication is involved for TPF's sake.
for the purists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xUijgqZ-xM
watch for trutha
You know if you slap a moustache on that Lego Paul trutha will NOT FIND HIM CUTE AT ALL!!!!!
Yall don't forget to watch Billy play at the Grammy awards tonight! I hope he plays a Fireman song!!
I have received confirmation from trusted sources that Pupil Copenhagen will be Paul's backing band at the Grammys tonight! WoW!!!!
Anonymous said...
I have received confirmation from trusted sources that Pupil Copenhagen will be Paul's backing band at the Grammys tonight! WoW!!!!
February 8, 2009 2:04 AM
WoW, how interesting. please tell me more : ]
Pupil CPH backing Paul? Nah, they were never good enough to back anybody.
Faul will have a can of Copenhaggen in his back pocket accompanying him to the Grannys.
He calls it "his good old hag".
(Cindy Adams, NY Pest)
c'mon funnybones
e='s WHAT?
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