The son of the Israeli official who reportedly banned the Beatles from playing there in the 1960s has suggested that Paul McCartney and his PR people are not being completely honest about what really happened. In fairness, some people have claimed that Paul's memories prior to September of 1966, might be a little shaky.
Americana singer/songwriter thinks he solved the mystery. There is even a video. (Thanks to Jude for providing a link to the mp3.)
There was an interesting piece in the news briefs section of the Abbeyrd Beatles News Page. An actor wrote in to explain that the Beatles Shakespeare sketch from the Around the Beatles Show was not a spoof. Aside from a few "permissible ad-libs," the Beatles performed the scene as it was written. Even the hecklers in the scene were following the script!

Unusual item of the day: The Chef prepared a special menu, but Paul wasn't delighted. OH MY!
Paul is too nice, really. I would have just told the waiter to tell the chef that Sir Paul McCartney himself said to "shove his dish up his greasy arse".
But that's just me. :)
Here is the "videoclip" of the PID song
Vince, here.
Been watching Mr. Alex Jones invade the MSNBC with his bull-horn.
What a cute song!
and, HEY JUDE!
I hope that 'inpersonator' was finally left the building!
I wouldn't have minded if he finally did:
"I Mr. Burns! Bla, bla, bla!"
Have a happy day!
Vegetarians are stupid. Human beings are meant to eat meat, we have evovlved and adapted to do so. You aren't patting nature on the back by refusing to eat animals, you are spitting it in the face.
Vegetarians are stupid. Human beings are meant to eat meat, we have evovlved and adapted to do so. You aren't patting nature on the back by refusing to eat animals, you are spitting it in the face.
10 Reasons To Go Veggie
Kiss it, meaty.
avoiding the P=I stuff, heh?
avoiding the P=I stuff, heh?
I have friends that are vegetarians.Some do it because they think it's healthier and some do it to lose weight.I've never had a vegetarian friend flip out or refuse to have dinner with me because I eat meat so I don't understand the hostility toward vegetarians.People that are militant about something can be annoying but really is there anything less trivial than one person's preference for food?
Have a good weekend everyone.I'm not commenting much these days but I check in every once in a while so if you get those fake Aja's saying "I'm bored" know that it's not me because I am definitely not bored.After all it's Friday night!
(P)aul = (I)amaphoney
Rock on, Aj!!!!
Your pal,
Jude mentioned in the last post that perhaps the group hanging around the pass waiting for someone to pick up the suitcase (unlikely to be a 24-hour a day operation!)might have been playing tricks. Yes, that's possible considering all else. What with the effort expended to get people over there, why not have some guy dressed up to look like Lennon or whomever to start the rumours flying. Remember Scooby Doo? If these dudes are serious about their project (which could end up being a documentary about PID theories and the lengths people will go to for the "truth," sort of like whether people will jump in a vat of manure for money), I can imagine they will be out there filming the scene for added material. In fact, the person that retrieves this case might be the Candid Camera lucky one who gets some free Macca tix.
"If these dudes are serious about their project (which could end up being a documentary about PID theories and the lengths people will go to for the "truth," sort of like whether people will jump in a vat of manure for money)
You raise an interesting point, anonymous. This suitcase business certainly does resemble one of Sir Guy Grand's exploits (see the Magic Christian for details).
indeed, jude...
Ok, I may have been a bit harsh with my staement on vegetarians,but honestly, veggies are the most obnoxiously smug people on the planet.
Not eating meat is going to save the world? If you are really that arrogant to reality, then there is little more I can say, because you are living in a dream world.
from the "Meatstick" article:
"the whole point of the trip is to travel anonymously"
Jude wrote:
You raise an interesting point, anonymous. This suitcase business certainly does resemble one of Sir Guy Grand's exploits (see the Magic Christian for details).
Offer enough money and I'm sure we could find lots of people willing to go find the suitcase, no matter how many Starkey brothers are guarding it. Where is Guy Grand when we need him?
That's right, avoiding the pertinent stuff, and feeding us trivia. I could care less about Macca's dining exploits.
Read the record mirror, let it be.
Anonymous, the whole thing is trivia.
Speaking of Zak, did y'all see his daughter?
Very cute, indeed!
I'm bored.
Bored? It's Friday night!
I'm off to Sound-bar.
"Anonymous, the whole thing is trivia."
Tell Roman Polanski that.
By Sirlarrymildew
Who is this guy? is asociated to GFA?
Need us for what?
I would like to give a special thanks to my son James for lending a hand with the construction of this video. He surely is a Dear Boy.
So sayeth Mr. McMildew
I understand, Mr. Thrillington.
Fools, but not firemen, rush in where angels fear to tread.
Moonlight on the water,
Sun light on my face,
You and me together,
We are in our place,
The gods are in the heavens,
The angels treat us well,
The oracle has spoken,
We cast the (perfect) spell,
Now it begins - let it begin,
Cleanup Time,
(Show those mothers how to do it),
The queen is in the counting home,
Counting out the money,
The king is in the kitchen,
Making bread and honey,
No friends and yet no enemies,
Absolutely free,
No rats aboard the magic ship,
Of (perfect) harmony,
Now it begins,
Cleanup Time,
(Show those mothers how to do it),
However, far we travel,
Wherever we may roam,
The centre of the circle,
Will always be our home,
The gods are in the heavens,
The angels treat us well,
The oracle has spoken,
We cast the (perfect) spell.
("Cleanup Time" is a John Lennon song.)
The code I left behind at Nir is true. And I'm not going anywhere, unless I kick the bucket, or someone makes me kick it.
That can be arranged.
what code you left?
The code I left behind at Nir is true. And I'm not going anywhere, unless I kick the bucket, or someone makes me kick it.
I don't know if you deleted everything, but you deleted quite a few of your posts.. did you leave this code alone? I saved as much as possible from the Google cache before it really disappears, but anyway.. What's the point of doing that anyway, just curious?
Did you delete your posts, or did someone else?
I don't think that the 2nd briefcase/suitcase is there.
I was out there a couple of hours ago and I tried to retrace my footsteps from five months ago as best as I could.
I didn't find briefcase/suitcase #2 in what I think was the same place that I found the first one.
Trying to allow for an imperfect memory -- or for the possibility that the location might be a little different this time, I searched the other readily accessible hiding places in the immediate area -- the ones that I noticed -- and I came up empty.
Several possibilities:
1) It's still there, and I just didn't find it - either because of an imperfect memory or because it was less visible/accessible than the first one was or my search wasn't as thorough as I would like to think that it was;
2) Someone else made off with it and never reported on what he found (or maybe he did);
3) Natural forces were responsible for its disappearance; or
4) There never was a second briefcase/suitcase. It was some sort of ploy by you-know-who for God knows what reason.
I count #2 as the most likely scenario as I think that there were others who vowed to get it. Hasn't there been at least one "I found it and here's what was in it" video published on youtube?
Also, it's possible that some park ranger or hiker found it, never realized exactly what it was or how earth-shaking the contents were and disposed of it -- not that this is particularly inviting territory in which to hike in.
I count #4 as the second-most likely scenario -- a very close second -- since you-know-who is not to be trusted and his motives are inscrutable.
I had surmised whimsically that hinting of a second briefcase/suitcase might have just been bait for the SOB who found the first one and then decided later that he was tired of playing the game -- though planting "bait" for that reason and then waiting an interminable period of time for your fish to retrieve it sounds like too much work for such a miniscule reward.
But I'm confident that no one has been following me.
#3 is certainly a possibility. The small trees in the area overlook a steep ravine. Earth movement or a flood might conceivably have dislodged the briefcase/suitcase from its hiding place and sent it into the ravine - where it might have washed away - though I don't think that there has been a whole lot of rain in the area recently.
Anyway, I wasn't going to go down to explore that ravine.
#1 is a possibility too, since I certainly might have goofed.
But I say that it's the least likely possibility. I say that the overwhelming likelihood is that the second briefcase/suitcase isn't there.
If anyone else is really going out there, I caution you that you're probably wasting your time.
My only caveat to that is: Maybe I'm wrong.
[i] But this is in no way the gospel.
Not the gospel people want to hear, anyhow. It's not as if there are any photos proving that Paul McCartney is IAAP. There was an eyewitness, [color=Pink]oskar karros[/color], but no one believed him, so what can I say to convince anyone that what I say is true?[/i]
who is oskar karros?
oscar rakos, a guy who went to get the suitcase... instead he saw iamaphoney video guy and paul mccartney at a gas station.
but maybe grandfatheraleister has it, i don't know.
Oscar Rakos, right. I always get his name wrong for whatever reason. He stopped communicating with me some time ago, saying he was told there never was a suitcase. Then he dropped off the face of the planet for all I know. He claimed to have a photo of Paul and the IAAP actor, but alas, he would say no more on that subject.
Interestingly enough, he also said that Paul was talking to what appeared to be an aged John Lennon...
there was a map didnt you post that taf?
saying suitcase and there was a drawing like treasure
bart simpson said:
"get bent"
If someone saw Paul McCartney talking to an older John Lennon, he was most likely with Julian.
I seriously doubt that.
Why would you doubt that?
i remember , a deleted account said they got suitcase 2 , PIDgame ya?
that was a month ago
that video
2nd Sept 2008 Iamaphoney Suitcase
sure has much footage of the santa susanna pass , now that other guy 65if2007 can t find it, so hmmmmm
some one has it ?
why would someone go all the way there to the santa susanna pass , shoot much video , and not take it suitcase?
maybe mikenl has it
let me out
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