I was going to add this to my current post, but I decided to give it its own spot so that everyone may comment on what YKMN is saying.
UPDATE: Most definitely a coincidence, but for those who insist otherwise, watch this other new video and be what you see.
22 from JohnCharles2007

Some of you may have already seen this, since I believe that JoJo pointed it out last year in Nothing Is Real. The DVD of Vanilla Sky, a movie for which Paul McCartney wrote and performed the title song, includes a featurette entitled "Prelude to a Dream." The opening shows some pictures of the script and various notes as we hear a voice over from the director. One of those shots features handwritten notes on lined paper. Right in the middle there is a box containing the words "Abbey Road - Paul Is Dead." Since "Vanilla Sky" was such an integral coincidental part of this fine video by YouKnowMyName231, I thought I should show you the picture here.

James Paul McCartney, He Die = 231
Thebea T LES
thanks YKMN : ]
LES = 36
1 to 8 added = 36
Love it, love it, LOOOVE IT!
I've often asked if any one ever saw the origional version of "Vanilla Sky" called "Ojoes Rojahs" or something like that.
Oh, and let's hope Paul didn't get too 'freaked out', and shuts this whole world of ours down.
PS- YouKnowMyName, seeing my name in your vid put a smile on my face. Thank you for making me smile.
"ojos bien cerrados"
Oh, all are the same guy :)
"Oh, all are the same guy." All are the same guy meaning YKMN, JohnCharles, Iamaphoney, GA, WizardofPaul etc. or all are the same guy meaning God?
I meant the first...
but if you believe in love as union, as "We are one", then i'll consider the 2nd option too :P
Who told you taht? How do you know they're all the same dude(s)? That's a lotta frikkin' video editing!!
Did you notice that all of them are saying "I am revealing myself", anonymous?. I wouldn't guide myself by the different video editing.
At least, John Charles and Youknowmyname231 are the same (person or group). Check Johncharles2007 channel.
But i'd include GFA and all the other accounts, too, because of what i've said earlier. Also, quotes the same movies, and in what seems to be some GFA alternative accounts you can see what seems to be some iamaphoney's "unreleased footage"
And the Logos became flesh and dwelled among us.
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the Logos and you'll be free
say the Logos and be like me?
Logos was with God and Logos was God, but Logos was not a God because there is only one God...
Don't you know the Logos is Love?
This latest flurry of videos seem to convey something else along with, but beyond, the clues - the mysteries - the titillation of curiosity.
They share a mythical sensibility, something grand and tinged with melancholy behind it all. Intimations of fate and destiny, of something that could not be escaped.
~ km artlu
New account: Iamthemagickian
(i still believe that all are the same)
I found the new video very true for me. We are all the same only different projections of the One Mind. I find this completely believable and mind blowing all at the same time. And, more and more is it becoming a reality for me, that it's just been a dream this whole time. Heck, it's being shown all over the videos. This is all part of something WAY big. That I do honestly believe. And, I really thank YKMN and the others for helping to make that known to us.
Lennon said: Its a Funny situation...not a Phoney ...
Cus Cus
You better enjoy these now. In a week or so, they will vanish.
Mark my words.
Vince, here.
Feeling strangely blue today,
I feel like both accepting and questioning.
I feel the circle , like The Boob.
I feel that I cannot accept, and I will always question.
"To Serve Man", and all that.
The anti-Christ will be Christ-like.
Have 'THEY' instilled this distrust in each other (and leaders), or are we born with it?
These are the pills I can't take.
If you're like me, you're on the side-lines, taking notes, laughing at the funny stuff, cringing at the disturbing stuff.
Maybe we're not strong enough to 'get in there, and mix it up.'
Oh, well.
I think the disturbing nature has definitely hit a peak for me and I am done. Are the videos trying to say that Paul is the AntiChrist??? This kind of thing is dangerous in my opinion. Either it's dangerous or its all a big game to bring attention to some kind of product.
Now that I know YKMN is JohnCharles, the most vocal skeptic around, it's pretty clear the series was about the PID phenomenon itself, and trying to show how we project ideas onto the Beatles, including the idea that Paul is antichrist or an alien. I went back and watched some of the earlier vids, and the one about the tarot card Fool ("Innocence")is an allusion to the Salem witch trials.
Well, I needed cheering UP, and I got it!
Vince, again.
My precious "Venture Bros." went FULL STOP:
A satire on "The League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen" that features Oscar Wilde AND Alistar Crowely!
A post-op tranny Hunter S. Thompson,
AND The Frick Museum: A place where some of the action in MY NOVEL takes place!
I'd be mad if it wasn't so FREAKIN' FUNNY!
second row, last box on the right, ORB.
Once again, if you can sit through the 'action-figure' style animation, you'll get a couple of laughs!
"I saw Paul in Springfield, Illinois (He stoped there on his route 66 thing. I told him all about iamaphoney, and the possibility of stalkers being involved.
He looked a bit frightened when I got into detail. He thanked me and got into a conversation with one of his security gaurds. I don't know what happened after that, but expect iamaphone's page to be doen withing the next few days.
Your welcome.
"You better enjoy these now. In a week or so, they will vanish.
Mark my words.
If this guy bern really spoke with McCartney and has all these videos taken down, he's a total douche bag.
The bern thing sounds bogus. Why would Paul worry about youtube videos that appear to make wild allegations regarding PID, satan, etc., when there are countless other youtube videos and even published books on the same topic?
I'm telling you. I just got off the phone with my brother. Paul saw ALL the videos last night. He is PISSED.
This is real, people. If I'm making this up, feel free to call me a dickhead.
McCartney is kind of busy on his road trip at the moment, but when it is over, many people will have hell to pay. My brother says the FBI may be involved by the time this is through.
"The bern thing sounds bogus. Why would Paul worry about youtube videos that appear to make wild allegations regarding PID, satan, etc., when there are countless other youtube videos and even published books on the same topic?"
This goes WAY beyond PID, you all know that. There are videos shot of McCartney in Las Vegas last year that were done by whoever is putting up the videos.
It is clear that iamaphoney, or at least the people putting these videos up have a grim fasination with this bullshit. Classic sighns of a stalker.
Iamaphoney has put stupid ideas into people's heads. This has to stop before someone kidnaps Paul and goes all "Misery" on him.
but you're probably right, even if you're making half of it up.
bern = burn?
Who puts out somethings that it burning?...
"This has to stop before someone kidnaps Paul and goes all 'Misery' on him. -bern"
Gee, thanks for respecting freedom of speech, and all that good stuff, bern. Wasn't it Faul who sang about "Freedom"? You obviously didn't get the message, eh?
The fireman? :P
I haven't seen the picture of the script of Vanilla Sky Before...
One rectangle says "What's real in pop culture"
The other below says "Abbey Road - Paul is Dead"
And Macca made the song for that movie. It surprises me... it's like the GFA/Joshblue33/etc videos which shows that a lot of movies & songs are connected to the same. Well, that is one proof that maybe it's not just paranoia.
I don't believe in what that "bern" says. Macca knows what he's doing. It's obvious. Or Maybe this guy "bern" isn't lying, but surely macca does. :)
But I agree with bern in one thing: I also believe that the videos will dissapear. Some accounts started to fade, some videos has been erased...I think it's part of the game.
Bernie Mac, Comic From TV and Film, Is Dead at 50
Who's dead? (cough)
"Gee, thanks for respecting freedom of speech, and all that good stuff, bern. Wasn't it Faul who sang about "Freedom"? You obviously didn't get the message, eh?"
That's what the heaven's gate people said.
Iamaphoney has put stupid ideas into people's heads. This has to stop before someone kidnaps Paul and goes all "Misery" on him.
Are we talking 'steven king' "Misery", or "The world is treating me BAAAAAD, MISERY!"
your pal, Vince.
"Here's another clue for you all.
The Phoney is Paul.
"Here's another clue for you all.
The Phoney is Paul.
....playing these mind games
"This goes WAY beyond PID, you all know that. There are videos shot of McCartney in Las Vegas last year that were done by whoever is putting up the videos."
That just shows us how little you know, bern. Every single video of McCartney that has ever appeared in a Rotten Apple video can be traced back to another source. But then again, maybe you already know that, and maybe you're just trying to stir the proverbial shit.
i'm with jude
Alright, I made it all up.
And anyway, why would Paul, or the FBI for that matter, waste time investigation some Danish guy making PID videos? I know this may come as a shock to some of you narrow-minded simpletons, but Paul ISN'T DEAD. The truth is, my brother has only met Paul once and even if he could get in touch with he wouldn't bring up such an embarrassing issue as this. It's childish, it's smoke-and-mirrors, and above all it's a waste of time and space. What I should do is bring this copy-infringing PHONEY to YouTube's attention so they can delete his sorry excuse for a page.
- (The REAL, believe it or not) bern
"What I should do is bring this copy-infringing PHONEY to YouTube's attention so they can delete his sorry excuse for a page."
What for? It says it plain as day on every one of phoney's videos, Category: ENTERTAINMENT
The iamaphoney group are truly magickians. They have opened up and changed peoples minds soley with their videos and that is magick in it's purest form. They have caused you to come here and lie about conversations with McCartney himself. It fascinates me how this is being played. Everyone wants to be a part of it somehow. Wether it's making videos or pretending to be a part of IAAP with access to insider knowledge.
I've followed iamaphoney since the begining. Their videos are remarkable. Is there something to all of this code? I don't know. Will IAAP ever truly reveal something of any legitimacy? Maybe. But regardless, the game is a fun one. Although it can be all consuming if you let it be. So just relax and take it for what it at least says it is, entertainment.
"Here's another clue for you all.
The Phoney is Paul.
Ok, I didn't write that. That's the problem here, anyone could write in as "bern", but I am the real bern.
I might just create an identity so I can be singled out from the idiots posting in as me.
That "Phoney is Paul" is the only fake "bern" message I could find.
Alright, I made it all up.
And anyway, why would Paul, or the FBI for that matter, waste time investigation some Danish guy making PID videos? I know this may come as a shock to some of you narrow-minded simpletons, but Paul ISN'T DEAD. The truth is, my brother has only met Paul once and even if he could get in touch with he wouldn't bring up such an embarrassing issue as this. It's childish, it's smoke-and-mirrors, and above all it's a waste of time and space. What I should do is bring this copy-infringing PHONEY to YouTube's attention so they can delete his sorry excuse for a page.
- (The REAL, believe it or not) bern
This aint me either. Someone is pretending to be me.
My brother isn't brotherly close to Paul, but he is a casual friend from back before Paul was even in the Beatles (some time in the late 50s). And yes, I'm that old, 52 years in fact. They played together often, and have kept in touch.
I can't say for sure if iamaphoney will be done with, since I haven't heard from the matter since last night. My brother did, however, say that Paul is concerned for his girlfriend Nancy. After seeing those videos, security will ber pumped up for this trip.
If a Danish dude who looks for a model for a magazine comes with a camera and a suitcase, he will be probably tagged then and there. For all I know, iamaphoney is now on the most wanted list.
"This aint me either. Someone is pretending to be me.
Dumbass. -bern"
Neither is that one! I didn't post that one either! Sheesh!
"This aint me either. Someone is pretending to be me.
Dumbass. -bern"
Neither is that one! I didn't post that one either! Sheesh!
Jigs up, dickpaste, I'm the REAL AUTHENTIC bern.
Just got a call from my brother, an investigation has just been set up.
Oh, and grandfatheraleister better close his account, cause he's gonna have a whole bunch of FBI guys after his ass before too long.
"Neither is that one! I didn't post that one either! Sheesh!
"Neither is that one! I didn't post that one either! Sheesh!
Jigs up, dickpaste, I'm the REAL AUTHENTIC bern. "
As a matter of fact, neither the first guy nor the guy childishly calling people names like "dumbass" and "dickpaste" (Dickpaste? ....really?) are the real Bern Fields. I find the layers of deception you guys keep adding this to be hilarious, but it stops here. I am the original "bern", I'm the guy who told you all that I had a conversation with Paul McCartney and that the videos were being taken down. Those of you that have been following this situation should now know that that is utter bullshit. I hate to borrow one of the terms that you wacky conspiracy theorists use, but Anonymous Bern and "I-just-threw-a-blogger-account-together-minutes-ago" bern are not the so-called "REAL AUTHENTIC" berns. I am the one, and if you don't believe that....tough. It doesn't change the fact that I am who I say I am, much like Paul McCartney is who he says he is. I don't have time to waste bickering with silly idiots who claim to be. I have a pretty good idea who the phonies here are, and I would be all too happy to expose you both if this childishness continues.
- Bernard Fields
Oh, and I'm 52? Since when? Guess I haven't looked in the mirror as of late, but really, I'm not that old.
In fact, I almost missed the flower-power era entirely. I am a second-generation Beatles fan (I got in through the, in my opinion, much superior solo stylings of Paul McCartney), and proud of it.
Oh, fuck off! You ARE NOT the real bern. The real bern created a blogger account. I am the real bern's brother, Pete.
Iamaphoney is now being hunted down by the FBI like an animal.
I have to admit, this is getting pretty funny. I don't even have a brother named Pete. I have an older half-brother named Michael, and he only knows Paul because he spent a day filling in for a sound engineer on Back to the Egg. I don't know how long these people can continue getting their kicks impersonating me (and horribly, at that) before I expose them for who they really are.
When iamaphoney is in prison, then this "bern" impersinating me will finally shut up.
Man, this just took a turn for the weird.
Much like when Taful posted about the identity of Iamaphoney and the Formermedia stuff came up, this looks like another team effort to create a diversion.
Or just one guy who'se having a good time laughing while he's arguing with himself over who the real "bern" is.
I agree with the latter supposition.
I, the real Jude, agree with what Jude just wrote. :-)
P.S. Iamaphoney
YouKnowMyName231 seems to be saying that what we experience on Earth is the dream of one who is "only sleeping" and the sleeper is each of us. We "fell" asleep into a nothing-is-real 'reality'. If we can 'wake up' in the dream, and realize that we are asleep, then we can wake up to what's really real: the true reality.
You go first!
Fernando Pessoa was such a talented man...
Pretty good at covering dear aleister up, also.
I am a total douche bag.
- (The REAL, believe it or not) bern
Will all y'all just shut up ,
and watch that "Venture Bros," episode
I told y'all about!
Your pal,
frozensquirrel said...
I actually sort of agree with anonymous....
JCharles....needs to give us some truth. He's accused other people of holding secrets.....but with a name like JCharles, maybe he is holding the biggest secret of them all..........
O "Zenith":
the hath attracted.
John Charles Julian Lennon
John Charles = Cameron Crowe ? (Note the video "Carbon Copy" cc)
from apaulcorps via YouTube:
"Hey Dude, don't make it bad, chill.
The Rotten Apple has just begun. Why Would FBI Want Him?"
Indeed. Why would the FBI want him?
After all. the Queen says no to pot-smoking FBI members..
John Charles is YouKnowMyName231, and perhaps the musician responsible for most of the Beatles covers you hear in the Rotten Apple series. He is not Julian Lennon.
By the time this is over. Those few who truly look too deep into this will be primed and ready initiates.
That was all.
ugh, this is the most pointless discussion here EVER.
What happened here?
Sadly, the visitors to Tafultong's blog of late have turned this last bastion of intelligent discourse into yet another version of the frat house we've seen on IAAPs page. One wonders why all of these parties supposedly interested in the mystery have nothing better to do than pick fights and post nonsense for no one's benefit. Makes me almost nostalgic for Guildersleeve . . .
Vince, again.
If I could, I'd like to turn all FRIEND attention to this thread of the rigorousintuition forum.
Called, "How Magicians control your mind"
it's got a couple of good articles in it (one is an interview with Alan Moore)
Might be a little more stimulating than reading the ranting of all these 'so-called' BERN'S!!!
Until the next post,
keep cool,
From "How Magicians control your mind" (thanks, Vince!):
"But because this method relies so heavily on expectation - not only to fill in the backdrop around us but to determine where to send what psychologists call our "attentional spotlight" - we are especially vulnerable to someone who knows our expectations and can manipulate them, someone like a magician."
From YKMN "Mirror Image" (now on John Charles channel):
"What we see is often colored by beliefs and expectations"
and from "Revelation":
"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination" (John Lennon)
To see just how much of what we we physically see and understand is based on prior expectations (in other words, the mind "fills in conceptual blanks"), google the Brunner and Postman playing card experiment.
This Information Are Of FBI... You Morrons Do
I Don't Believe In Iamaphoney,
is a f*cker.
And If You Don't Know is Name
Is Very Easy
Ian Martin Jr.
So John Charles, Iamaphoney's most vocal critic, turns out to have been one of "them" all along and you guys just shrug your shoulders and say "hey when's the next video?". Can we say GAME?
ART triumphs any answer any human can give me!
PS I say this after re-watching the movie that made me what I am today:
so this guy is also in with the YKMN crew I presume.
Well, if you check out his youtube page you'll see a link for a record label website. If you then look at the bands on this label, you'll find The Deceptionist. We all know this guy from NIR.
So that gives us Jude, Mikey and now The Deceptionist. Am I missing anyone else, by chance?
yeah not to mention the comment on YKNM's youtube page from mikey and John Charles...
Not so sure YKMN is connected to Jude and them--that would be wild, though. How did no one catch the 231 reference? The reversed MMT cover with the alleged phone number 231-1438 is one of the most famous clues in PID lore (the 231 being LES reversed. On the Paul is Dead boards I noticed there is a thread dedicated to 231-1438, and no one caught it. Mikey said "Thebea T LES." In the last several IAAP vids, this composite has been showing up "Thebea T (cross) and LES. One of the vids ends with LES, which seems to be a clear reference to 231.
Mikey, Jude, Deceptionist--time to come clean. Is is true?
Youknowmyname and John Charles just signed on at exactly the same time. 58 minutes ago. Same guy. It would seem this GAME is coming to an end. You really had us fooled John Charles. Bravo.
Well that depends, anonymous...
...is what true?
It's been three days since Tafultong last posted. If he doesn't post soon, we may have to start making TID videos, guys, and JDGuildersleeve will probably start a blog named Tafultong where he'll dissect each video and provide commentary to all of our TID research.
Just kidding, Taf! ;)
I am sure Taf isn't dead...he's probably just sleeping.
FOr Taf when he wakes up:
LMMFAHO @ "Bern Fields" Bern Fields? Bwahahahahah and MY name's Thassa Neeslaper
"Taf is a dead man?, miss him , miss him, miss him."
PS. You know, there was a line in "Idiocrocy" where Owen Wilson said, "You know, I was told, 'Either LEAD, FOLLOW or GET OUT OF THE WAY."
I assume, if your like me (Vince), we choose not to take sides until all the facts are in. But, as history has shown, we seem to never get ALL THE FACTS. America, as we know, is a 'CHOOSE ONE' society, and I don't wanna choose EITHER choice given to me.
What can we do.
To Taf, the FACT FINDER!
It might be a good idea for someone to actually check out the facts and clues presented in this latest YKMN vid rather than quibble over who's who and blah blah.
Fuck you.
Fuck who?
Dude, just chill, ok?
it's a death trip and it will lead you into nothing!
I'm still reeling from discovering that JCharles and YKMN are the same person although his 22 video is actually consistent with what he's often said here.That is a pretty big revelation.I suppose I should be glad we finally got a revelation.
I'm starting to think that only me,Tafultong,Jude and Vince are the only ones who are not up to something.
Let's go 'four-way' on a BOOK!
your pal,
Did a little investigation on Vanilla Sky and discovered that the sticker registration on David Aames's car is 2/30/1, indicating a dream because there is no February 30. 231
Jude "not up to something?" Whoa. Boy, Aja, you're in for another shock. Actually, Aja, I think it's been mentioned that you are something of an insider yourself, if not "the" insider. But let's not go there again.
Hi, everyone...but mostly Vince,
Vince you said:
These are the pills I can't take.
If you're like me, you're on the side-lines, taking notes, laughing at the funny stuff, cringing at the disturbing stuff.
Always lookon the bright side of death. - Monty Python
I quite agree with you. And the moral of that is: Be what you would seem to be, or if you'd like it put more simply: Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. -The Duchess(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
and finally
XX's and OO's
_Mojo L Likins
"truly up to SOMETHING"...
"I just KNOW it"...
"Because I am SMART"...
Mojo wrote,
and finally
Vince, here.
Grew up on Dr. Demento!
First heard this song at the tender age of 11, believe it or not!
Mojo, Vince: as Paul sang, "distractions, like butterflies keep buzzing 'round my head." Y'all would make great rodeo clowns.
Oh, and there's this:
Here you can see the creators of the show telling you about their inspiration.
Milestone of 100 comments approaching?
76 +
77 +
78 =
and we're back to 101
1,2,3,4 can i have a little more?
Nu allemaal samen!
Now Together All!
i feel fine yesterday, i wanna be nowhere man, paperback long top...
Did We Figure Who's A Phoney?
Vince, I watched that Venture Brothers episode, and I agree---it was pretty damn hilarious. Aleister Crowley AND Mark Twain, both part of the same evil organization? Classic.
Just the beginning, where the midget finds the "CODE" made it something I wanted EVERYONE HERE to see!
Unfortunately, it's only able to be viewed in the US.
I'm sure someone will you tube it.
But, like THIS SITE, it inspires me!
and, I hope it does YOU!
anonymous said...
Mojo, Vince: as Paul sang, "distractions, like butterflies keep buzzing 'round my head." Y'all would make great rodeo clowns.
What on EARTH is that supposed to mean?
What? Are we 'flirting with things that may be harmful to our health'?
Screw that!
There are a whole bunch of thing worse than a couple of people talking about how people can screw with our minds.
As far as the 'clown' label goes, I wear it as a badge of honor!
We're neither good nor evil!
People who 'believe', dangerous as they are, don't know how to handle humor!
We are humorous!
(That's john for you.)
Your pal,
Hey --out of curiosity, did anyone figure out whether Paul is Dead yet? I've read 27,000 posts and seen 750 videos and I've somehow learned more about Twin Peaks than I bargained for.
Hell, I don't even care anymore.
I said, ART is better than answers!
PS. Somebody just hooked my up with a bunch of FRANKIE SIDEBOTTOM YouTube links, and I had only heard of him from that old NME comp. "SGT. PEPPER KNEW MY FATHER".
What a character!
Lets try for 200 comments!
Taf is dead now; miss him, miss him, miss him!
I was the Banker...
Who was the Fireman?
does anyone have the lyrics to Lifelong Passion (Sail Away)??? can't find it anywhere...
A few sites list this as the lyrics... But I couldn't find the complete lyrics anywhere either...
I'll check some of the forums to see if anyone has gotten them... I know these are not the complete lyrics. Odd that they are not just out there easy to find.
The chorus goes:
Give me love love love love love love love
Be my lifelong passion
Sail Away Sail Away Sail Away
jude said...
Taf is dead now; miss him, miss him, miss him!
I don't believe this.
I know how much we all love conspiracy theories. Try this one on.
Someone presumably from MFH decides that arguing with PID believers is futile. Better yet to break them from within. Create a messiah figure (Iamaphoney) who promises answers and causes a fracturing of the PID group. Create videos based on what is already being discussed at NIR to make it appear that their assumptions are being substantiated. When it is discovered that many believers are religious, make sure that the videos begin to include religious imagery to create the impression that the messiah is waging war with evil. Create detractors like John Charles to fan the flames and get into heated arguments which naturally strengthens the resolve of the believers. And then suddenly make the stunning revelation that the detractors are part of Iamaphoney and sit back and watch the reality the believers have constructed crumble.
Now of course this is only a conspiracy theory based on the interpretation of clues and a recent viewing of Vanilla Sky, a popular movie for those in the know.
one and one and one is still three.
Why don't the regular posters make a blogger account so we know who's who... it's really annoying when people are gonna use other peoples names... + it only takes a couple of minutes.
The fish is the last to know it is in the water.
Step into the misty mountains
with your hair like amber honey
to feeling warm leaf breezes
Let the sweet breathe through
Let me hear your sweet sweet laughter
In your lovin' conversation
In the riddle sans solution
Give me love love love love love love love love
Be my lifelong passion
Give me love love love love
Make my lifelong passion
Sail away
Sail away
Sail away
Sail away
Let me feel the warmer breezes
And you give me hands of (water or war-hard to tell)
Give me one of your hands
Let me hear your sweet sweet laughter
Give me one of your hands
Let me kiss your lips of silver
Let me kiss your lips of silver
Give me love love love love love love love love
Be my lifelong passion
Give me love love love love
Make my lifelong passion
Give me love love love love love love love love
Be my lifelong passion
Give me love love love love
Make my lifelong passion
Sail away
Sail away
Sail away
Sail away
Someone presumably from MFH decides that arguing with PID believers is futile. Better yet to break them from within. Create a messiah figure (Iamaphoney) who promises answers and causes a fracturing of the PID group....
I wouldn't put it past them, but I find it hard to believe the collective intelligence of that crowd could come up with something this elaborate. If the above scenario is the intent of someone other than MFH, it still doesn't extinguish the discussion.. Might wound it a bit, sure.
YKMN wrote:
The fish is the last to know it is in the water.
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