The song "When We W(h)ere Young - South America" has turned up at another location on YouTube.
Our friend felipegcs has been approaching the investigation from a novel angle in some charming new videos.
Experiment - First Takes
Experiment - Second Takes
Beatles friend Victor Spinetti made a guest appearance at the Mathew Street Festival in Liverpool according to the "What Goes On" Beatles News Site.

Victor Spinetti serves as narrator on the new DVD "Memories of the Magical Mystery Tour." He was also the star of "A Hard Day's Night," "Help," "Magical Mystery Tour," "Londontown" and "Rotten Apple 101."

And we have received a concrete statement from Milesdeo: Still A Round
Hmm, let's see how that goes with that impersonation thing.. ;)
man this is weird.
If you search on mccartney on youtube
(on channels, not on videos)
you get jesse mccartneys channel, THE ROTTEN APPLE channel and then mccartneys official channel.
weird, eh?
if you search on beatles you get the rotten channel as one of the first.
if you search paul mccartney
you get rotten apple first
There is only one channel comment on the JohnCharles2007 channel, and it's from Miles Deo:
"You have been there and back, back again, and there again; and so, you deserve to be honoured."
What's up with that? Been where? The moon? Honoured for what?
Just too much cryptic stuff going on, it's really gotten annoying.
Thanks Taf for the mention :) i have to add that now, my impersonation is a LOT better that the videos i showed. "Practice makes perfect".
I have been practising for nearly three months... and that videos are just for the first and second day of practice. Sadly, there will be a lot of delay at posting the videos, also because i'm a busy man :P. The idea is at last to show if i could have made it in nearly three months, like Faul should have made it. (But, i haven't been practising everytime, like Faul should have done -if Faul exists)
See ya!
Does anyone think they could learn to write a song like "Fool on the Hill" or "Hey Jude" in a few months or even years? Brian Wilson said he could never do it--and he's a genius.
FYI, a friend of mine once met a guy (can't remember where but I can probably find out)who was an actual Beatle replacement. Not as in PWR. When the Beatles used to tour America, they hired these guys to be stand-ins, so these four guys would be the ones running into the limo or wherever to distract the fans from the real Beatles. They weren't real look-alikes, just the mop tops and enough to fool people from a distance. I do remember the guy said something to the effect that the Beatles (Lennon and McCartney in particular) were really arrogant, especially when it came to discussion of other groups (like the Stones, etc.). They would sit around and basically rip mercilessly on their competition. Nothing relevant, just thought you might find it interesting.
it's non-relevant, T.
hey, we all do that day to day. Deny all you will.
And, even a fool is a genius or a genoise.
she said: let them eat cake.
As for cryptic: a: do you know what that means? (not you T) and b:
(blank space follows)
deserved to be honored? back again??
why, thank you, miles. We need to hear that, Sir Army Suit back from hell and still alive.
A Génoise Cake is a sponge cake named after the city of Genoa and closely associated with French cuisine that does not use any chemical leavening, instead using air suspended in the batter during mixing to give volume to the cake. It is a whole-egg cake, unlike some other sponge cakes that beat their yolks and whites of the eggs separately; the eggs, and sometimes extra yolks, are beaten with sugar and heated at the same time using "bain marie" or flame, to a stage known to patissiers as the "ribbon". Génoise is not the same thing as pain de Gênes, which is an almond cake of possible Jewish origins; however, Génoise is very close in composition and basic use to pan di Spagna ("Spanish bread"), an Italian sponge cake known to have Sephardic Jewish origins. Génoise is generally a fairly lean cake, getting most of its fat from egg yolks, but some recipes also add in melted butter before baking.
Génoise is a basic building block of much French patisserie and is used for making several different types of cake, from simple layer cakes to rolled cakes (such as jelly rolls or Bûches de Noël) to ladyfingers to other uses. While eggs, flour and sugar are constants, there is some division over whether to permit melted butter as part of the recipe; some recipes require it, some do not. A chocolate génoise can be made by substituting cocoa powder for some of the flour, and is sometimes used as a substitute for the richer cake used in the standard Sachertorte recipe. When the cake is finished baking it can be sliced into two or three layers and filled with chocolate, fruit, pastry cream, or whipped cream.
The cake is notable for its somewhat dry texture, noticeably different from most cakes made in the Anglophone world; as a result, it is very commonly soaked in flavored syrups or liqueurs and often served with a buttercream frosting.
a player emerges
and the queen said:
batter! BATTER
Baa teeeeeeeeeeeer!
Could someone tell me what Tavistock is?
it's a white chicken stock made with tavi or what's more commonly known as Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, or mongoose, which is the mortal enemy of the goose that layed the golden egg. Seasoned with laurel, I believe.
Go ask Martha, when she's six feet Paul.
Anonymous said...
Could someone tell me what Tavistock is?
Compare Logical Spaceman with Tavistock Institute Blog
Compare the last second of Iamaphoney 68 T with YKMN watch?v=AR8KFTqck0U at 34 seconds.
Les is more? There's one les(s) Beatle?
Les Miserables?
Yeah, too much free time. Goin' to bed.
Thanks, Tafultong. So, the Big T showed up in the rotten apple series. I'd missed that.
It's ironic that the channel goes by George Harrison. His last album, Brainwashed, wasn't named that for nothing.
Tel Aviv to Olivett.
Nothing (like) Israel.
You crack me up Miles.
Aviv literally means spring; it is one of the four seasons. Thus the major modern Israeli city of Tel Aviv means "Spring Hill".
Olivet discourse = Little Apocalypse
The idea that someone could be replaced is one thing. The idea that a Beatle died and/or was replaced is not so much theoretically impossible on the replacement aspect (though close to it), but in the size and scope of the conspiracy required to conceive of and carry out such a thing (along with some justifiable reason). So how does one accept PID/PWR without also accepting some sort of massive conspiratorial body capable of such a feat(e.g., Illuminati, Masons, NWO etc.)along with it? I would think that most, if not all, PID/PWR believers are also, of necessity, NWO or some related "worldwide conspiracy" believers as well. Often the NWO/Masonic conspiracy believers (particularly if there is a supernatural element in that belief such as Satan controlling things) are also apocalyptic Christians, because one can hardly believe in a worldwide Satanic conspiracy without also believing it is tied directly to the Christian idea of the End-Times. Clearly the IAAP videos contain numerous NWO and related "Tavistock created the Beatles" allusions. Those who believe the Beatles were created by some secret think tank to subvert youth are almost always evangelical Christian types. There is nothing in the IAAP series that has not been repeated ad naseum by character like to761983.
Think about it.
ayurxlaw dyoaa ib kixlruib
what happened to IAAP's calander?
-You know who.
They also believe John Lennon is alive, Iamaphoney starts fires with his mind and that he also can time travel. I wonder if these same people believe that Starship Troopers is a documentary film.
"ayurxlaw dyoaa ib kixlruib"
"suitcase still on location"
Basically he's saying that the calendar doesn't mean jack if the suitcase isn't retrieved.
Why am I not surprised?
"Our friend felipegcs has been approaching the investigation from a novel angle in some charming new videos. Experiment - First Takes"
Apple's on the phone. They want to hire you. You know, just in case...
- You Know Who
Decipher it if you must!
T. wrote:
So how does one accept PID/PWR without also accepting some sort of massive conspiratorial body capable of such a feat(e.g., Illuminati, Masons, NWO etc.)along with it? I would think that most, if not all, PID/PWR believers are also, of necessity, NWO or some related "worldwide conspiracy" believers as well.
Yes, I think your analysis is correct that there is one school of thought that requires some supernatural intervention or massive conspiracy. I believe that's a fair description of the Iamaphoney track.
The Apollo track seems to suggest that Paul was replaced (by more than one person) for some reason, but is still alive today. So, it would be more of an in-joke in the Entertainment business rather than a full fledged conspiracy. And that one doesn't require magick.
Both theories run into some problems in terms of believability, but I think they are the best around if one insists on an alternative to the Paul is the same Paul theory that is held by most of the population of this planet.
The most interesting thing about the Iamaphoney track and the Apollo track is that although they are mutually exclusive, both have suggested that it was Neil Aspinall who held up a sign that read "Follow Me." And, in my opinion, either one would make a fascinating novel. I would even go as far to say that both of them are strong enough to make a rational person say, "Could it? Might it? Can it?"
"And we have received a concrete statement from Milesdeo:
Still A Round "
How interesting. Apollo was always one for double (ahem) entendres.
It seems "Still A Round" might have a meaning beyond
that Miles is "still around".
The comment for that video is: "I die daily."
Any Bible-banger worth his SAULt knows that as a quote
from the Apostle Paul:
"I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily."
(I Corinthians 15:31)
So Miles is the apostle Paul aka "St. Paul" perhaps,
and he didn't listen 'til he was on that long and winding road to Damascus.
And making puns like Apollo used to make:
Still a round, like "the host" if you're Catholic.
A round tuit with a fake mustache (or a dove), and a crown of thorns even, perhaps,shown in the video at 00:01.
IAAP wants someone to go get the suitcase
IAAP wants to disseminate the evidence
Who has the power in this relationship between IAAP and the intended audience?
Someone who can or will get the suitcase, or someone who won't or refuses to go get it?
There is much more power in not getting it.
Think about that for a moment.
IAAP has spent much time in producing the videos, renting those multicolored Mustangs, renting a limo, traveling around.
IAAP really, really, really wants you to play along with this.
These videos were not made so that no one would watch them. That suitcase was not placed so that no one would ever find it. The videos were made to be watched, the suitcase was made to be found. The information that IAAP has, IAAP wants you to know.
If no one goes to get this suitcase, I will bet that some other method will be thought up to entice someone to make a move.
I am willing to wait a long, long, long time for this information to come out. It doesn't necessarily need to happen on IAAP calender.
Just you wait and see you doubter!
2 9 08 is going to roll around and you will eat your words!
I am patient, it has been 42 years since 1966 (see Miles Deo's blog with the 42 color blind eye test)
I can wait another 42 years if need be
remember remember the 2nd of September ?
Always another date. Always the promise of something that will make all the doubters shake in their shoes.....and it never happens. Two years wasted. The investigation on NIR on the other hand has much more meat to it than the hollow theatrics Iamaphoney likes to dazzle everyone with.
good point !
The videos have been entertaining, and as Vince and Tafultong have said, it hasn't cost a dime, so it has not been a total loss
Someone should get the suitcase.
I'm not surprised either.
If someone doesn't get the suitcase, there will be no next level.
Mike, you know why I can't (or rather, why I am extremely reluctant to) do it.
unfortunatly, YEAH :-(
If no one goes and gets the suitcase, another method will be thought up. IAAP wants to get this information out. The videos thus far have represented much effort, too much to let it go because no one got the suitcase
Jude, before someone either pretending to be socash or socash shows up to ruin the discussion this evenening, what is your reluctance to go get the suitcase?
Yes, Jude. Now that you have invited that question, would you be willing to answer it?
someone give me the location or whereabouts of this suitcase so i can go get it.
Santa Susana Pass, california.
Someone has the exact location?
From IAAP channel page
Joined: July 23, 2006
Last Sign In: 9 hours ago
Videos Watched: 4,100
Subscribers: 803
Channel Views: 144,750
ayurxlaw dyoaa ib kixlruib
Name: Billy
Age: 44
Country: United Kingdom
Call his bluff and don't go get the suitcase
"Call his bluff and don't go get the suitcase"
i agree, you think phoney did all this work to just let it go 9-2-2008 ?
it would be pretty awesome if he did, but something will happen like magick to save the day
call his bluff, don't get it !
I took the "Still a Round" to mean Paul is still around and didn't die, thus the Paul is Live album cover. Miles just likes to make little cryptic statements and videos, nothing to worry about.
I took "Still A Round" as "this is the eleventh round of a twelve round fight." One more round to go boys.
why is the text of the comment section so small???
This idea that people at NIR are doing "good solid research" is pure fantasy. It's been around 4 1/2 years and you could read any given post (or thousands of them) and have no better understanding on PID than you did the day before. Outside of PID are countless other speculative topics with similar blogs that just go on and on forever and "researchers" chipping in their two cents on top of millions of others. Einstein developed his General Theory faster than NIR has been around. In the whole of human history, there are very few examples of any useful or valuable information resulting from the sort of approach used there. That's why no one doing any serious research would ever use the type of logic that even Plato in the third century BCE knew was not trustworthy and would result in countless subjective interpretations exactly like you see at NIR and other related sites. NIR and the whole deal is an amateur hobby for people, and if NIR were a mechanical thing, it would be a Rube Goldberg device or a perpetual motion machine.
Command + on your MacBook
it wont hold the setting :- (
Read the record mirror
Let it be
better hurry Jude!
Jude isn't gonna get it.
dont do it jude thats just what they want!
you got that right mikenl
see how their freaking? dont get it! leave it there
this is total viral marketing
look at the background picture
total photoshop
iphoney is desperate for someone to get that suitcse
why is mikeynl1038 the first to comment on these videos ?
IAAP may have erased the calender, but time marches on
and time is on my side
Because I never leave a comment on the videos...
i'm at school, and i'm bored...
thats aja's line
Because I never leave a comment on the videos...
good point IAAP
now that the calender is down, dare it be put up again?? until like magick someone finds the suitcase to restore everything back to its proper balance?
Tune in next week, same bat time.. same bat station
heck it might be up later on today for all i know
so much activity here...
if IAAP is a phoney - then I guess the suitcase is not so important for his game. he has got so many tricks he can use.
but if he does hold the truth - then the suitcase is a major part of his relation towards the PID believers.
I bet there is a suitcase. but it is already taken...
anonymous said...
hi geoff,
what is your comments on
25 August 2008 02:27
wonder said...
I love your story!!!!!
I am doing some research about the youtube underground phenomenon at
I was wondering If you have any kind of comments to that.
if you take a look at you will get a pretty good idea what this is all about.
The rumor says that Paul McCartney is supporting the phenomenon, is that possible?
25 August 2008 02:36
geoffbaker said...
What phenomenon? Is this not the complaints department of British Rail?
25 August 2008 16:27
Paul paid him a lot of money to shut up
someone wrote on iamaphony channal that a guy from apple corps was in on it and now it's erased????????
INDEED, he wrote me this:
Yes, we am making Him piss his pants,
this time they can't stop us.
Because they changed the original plans made by Neil, and because they fired a lot of people but they are still receiving paychecks because once you are in you can never get out again,
but we are not allowed to work at all or allowed to talk.
It was Yok00no that posted a comment on the IAAP page. I believe he said IAAP was working with Appple/MPL and with a Nick McDonald (I think that was the name). I am ignorant on this one; Nick McDonald?? Nick MacDonald Band??
Yok00no's account was deleted (I don't think suspended), and the comments on IAAP's page erased.
Iamaphoney wrote that someone who worked at Apple is peeing his pants in fear because they
(Apple) changed Neil Aspinall's plans?
And who is the "we" in this sentence:
"we are not allowed to work at all or allowed to talk."? Is Iamaphoney being silenced, or is it an ex-Apple employee, or who or what?
Please clarify.
it's a person who left iamaphoney, and has the revelation videos
Without going into too much detail, I can supply you with two reasons for my reluctance:
(1) I recently asked a friend who (sometimes) lives in LA to drive down to the Santa Susana Pass and retrieve the briefcase. As he and another friend were driving to the location where the briefcase had been dropped (I had even supplied them with snapshots of the stick in the ground, the bushes, and other such markers shown in the videos), they called me to let me know they were being followed. My first reaction was that they were joking (because they themselves seemed to have thought that this was an elaborate prank being played either by me or by someone with more time on their hands), but after they genuinely started panicking, I believed them when they told me they were being followed by a man in a black vehicle that looked quite a bit like Zak Starkey. A few other things happened after that (which were unsettling to both them and me, who was waiting in an LA hotel for them to come back with the briefcase) which I can't really explain at this moment, but suffice it to say that the whole operation was a bust and they turned around and left without the briefcase in hand.
(2) I may or may not be, in the real world, close to someone who is at the core of the Rotten Apple team. Mikey has informed me that there are guards posted around briefcase site; if that is true, I certainly would not want to be recognised as it would make interactions with this individual very awkward if he was to know that I am RockXLight/Jude.
this is all so funny!
some of you guys seem really serious about all this. hilarious!
GO get the suitcase!
oh no, i forgot, there are people waiting day and night, watching for you..
and then what??
So...your saying that two of your friends, whom I would like to think didn't drive to Santa Susana without some sort of protection...and I am not talking about the penile kind of protection....were afraid of one person (there are two of them), driving a black car that looked like Ringo's Zak? First of all, I am sure none of the Starkey's are involved in this, but if it were me, I would have stopped him and asked for an autograph. It sounds to me like IAAP is trying very hard to come up with a new scheme to keep this fiasco alive. Give it up already!
And the third reason (well, it's more of an excuse, I guess) is that I'm just too damn busy.
Moral of the story......don't send two boys to do a man's job. LMAO
They weren't afraid, just spooked. They went it thinking it was a joke and it suddenly became to real to them. But that wasn't why they turned around. Something else happened that I'm not at liberty to talk about right now, because I haven't even figured out exactly what the hell it means. And I'm not baiting you for questions by stating that, I'm only saying it so you know that they didn't just turn around because of some guy in a car.
to make frightened or frantic : scare; especially : to startle into violent activity (as stampeding)intransitive verb
"it's a person who left iamaphoney, and has the revelation videos"
Who is pissing his pants?
Who 'can't stop us"?
Who is "us"?
Who changed the original plans made by Neil?
What were the original plans made by Neil?
How were they different from what was done? (And what was done?)
Who is "not allowed to work at all or allowed to talk"?
Who is not allowing them to work or talk - someone at Apple, or Iamaphoney?
Please answer what you can. Thanks1
again, i ask, how does a kid from the Netherlands "know" all of this
(2) I may or may not be, in the real world, close to someone who is at the core of the Rotten Apple team. Mikey has informed me that there are guards posted around briefcase site; if that is true, I certainly would not want to be recognised as it would make interactions with this individual very awkward if he was to know that I am RockXLight/Jude.
Read that one again
There are no guards there
guarding photocopies?
the rumor is, you get the suitcase, you get money
thats all I heard
publishers clearing house balloons and everything
"it's a person who left iamaphoney, and has the revelation videos"
Who is pissing his pants?
Who 'can't stop us"?
Who is "us"?
Who changed the original plans made by Neil?
What were the original plans made by Neil?
How were they different from what was done? (And what was done?)
Who is "not allowed to work at all or allowed to talk"?
Who is not allowing them to work or talk - someone at Apple, or Iamaphoney?
Please answer what you can. Thanks1
August 28, 2008 10:12 AM
anonymous said...
again, i ask, how does a kid from the Netherlands "know" all of this
ooohhhh, i'm all "in on it". yes everyone, listen up! i know everything, and i know the truth! Now massage my toes and get me a drink. : ]
if you would have read carefully, this kid from the Netherlands asked y0ko0no about this. What i said was:
INDEED, he wrote me this:
(stuff that the guy, or woman... yoko ono wrote to me. :] )
Well Mike, if you are not in on "it", I am sorry to say that you have the makings of an all day sucker.
i'm sorry, what does that mean?
I'm just a normal person you know... and i don't like it when someone accuses me of being in on it, while i'm not.
A wrote:
the rumor is, you get the suitcase, you get money
thats all I heard
publishers clearing house balloons and everything
In the photo, the suitcase is empty. He dumped everything out in the car.
Let me explain. If you are not part of the IAAP game, then you are a very gullible (easily duped, cheated) young man. These people are feeding you a line of horse shit. If any of IAAP's claims were to be proven, and they won't, what purpose will it serve anyone? What will the average person gain from it all? How will any of the information benefit man-kind? It won't make a difference in your world or mine. Stand back, take a deep breath, and enjoy the music. Perfect your guitar playing skills and go change the world the best way you know how. Believe me, this isn't the way.
oh, well maybe this is the biggest april fools joke ever?
still an interesting april fools joke with nice music : ].
Hey Mike,
I am sorry. I don't mean to come across as a prick. You seem like a nice guy. This stuff is entertaining and all, but too many people are waisting their time getting consumed by it. Which is my point. Don't let it consume every minute of your day. In the end, there will be no revelation that will shake the world. Paul is Paul. John was John. George was George. Ringo is Ringo. As The Beatles, they were four young men with the world by the tail. They had fun with it. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. But, that paved the way for more good things. There is no conspiracy. They were "players". Especially two of them. And they thought of a way to play us all. Not in a bad way. They taught us to think. Use our imaginations. And in the end, they prospered a bit from it. That is all.
ey Mike,
I am sorry. I don't mean to come across as a prick. You seem like a nice guy. This stuff is entertaining and all, but too many people are waisting their time getting consumed by it. Which is my point. Don't let it consume every minute of your day. In the end, there will be no revelation that will shake the world. Paul is Paul. John was John. George was George. Ringo is Ringo. As The Beatles, they were four young men with the world by the tail. They had fun with it. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. But, that paved the way for more good things. There is no conspiracy. They were "players". Especially two of them. And they thought of a way to play us all. Not in a bad way. They taught us to think. Use our imaginations. And in the end, they prospered a bit from it. That is all.
No, I am not.
are you using the scientology fairgame rule so that you can justify your lie?
i can tell that u are trying to recrut, poor little mike.
either that or you are god
it seems that you KNOW every stone and conversation the beatles have had ever
So is it now - all for one and free for all?
LOVE is the game; and there are no more besides this one. It takes not a genius to find thee CODE.
Now concerning April Fools, see the Fireman taught on May; the Fireman needs love all day. He calls himself "Live" yet dies daily. He is plurally one and washes hearts, and does treasure Tuesday for a few words.
A fool confounds the mage, and so the mage knows not what manner by which to deal with him. COLD
So is it now - all for one and free for all?
LOVE is the game; and there are no more besides this one. It takes not a genius to find thee CODE.
Now concerning April Fools, see the Fireman taught on May; the Fireman needs love all day. He calls himself "Live" yet dies daily. He is plurally one and washes hearts, and does treasure Tuesday for a few words.
A fool confounds the mage, and so the mage knows not what manner by which to deal with him. COLD
Well Jude, now we know you're a Brit and you must not want anyone grabbing the case. Why else tell us that your friends were followed and creeped out by someone who looks like Zak Starkey. That sounds like pure Beatle fan fantasy, like you saw John Lennon. Why would IAAP post guards around it? Gimme a break. This is straight out of the Gospel of Matthew with Pilate posting a guard at Jesus' tomb to make sure no one stole the body in order to fake the resurrection. Maybe the case, then, is supposed to represent the body of Jesus.
"either that or you are god
it seems that you KNOW every stone and conversation the beatles have had ever"
You better watch out. Ever heard of Jewish Lightning? God can see what you type.
The Fireman is the Sun, Miles ?
Actually, the Fireman was the Father. Paul's Father.
The Holy Grail.
It rests on his head.
Dogma I Am God
"The Fireman is the Sun, Miles? :)"
What do you say that he is?
"Actually, the Fireman was the Father. Paul's Father."
At night, old man McCartney was a fireman, yes. A fireman, yes. The Fireman, no. The Fireman is a concept.
The Fireman is the Son; as in Son of God. God is Fire. The Son was fire in man form. He is plurally one; Father, Son, and Spirit. God is Love. He cleanses our soul.
Fire is thought to have cleansing power. In the end, the earth will be cleansed with fire.
God appeared to moses in the form of fire and engulfed a bush.
Fire at night ... to the Hebrews.
the Fireman is afraid of living.
He used to pray to a Big Daddy God
but he's lost his faith
in anthropomorphism.
He believes that God is Fire.
He believes that God is Everywhere:
candles, sunlight, nerve cells.
Here's his problem:
if God is Everywhere,
then there's no place to go
to find Him.
One more.
This is not just any burning bush.
It is the Burning Bush,
the one Moses spoke to so long ago.
This is the bush lit by the Big Bang
at the beginning of time.
This is the bush that never burns out,
that never turns to ash:
the ultimate fuel:
a small sun.
This is where the Fireman comes
to remember who he is:
a man of Fire,
one who has come to keep people warm,
to share his life-giving energies.
Whole worlds arise in his wake.
You see. The Fireman is God.
Lets go one step farther. Man is made in the image of God. Therefore, we are the image of The Fireman.
Now, let's alter this poem a bit. Shall we?
This is not just any burning bush.
It is the Burning Bush,
the one Moses spoke to so long ago.
This is the bush lit by the Big Bang
at the beginning of time.
This is the bush that never burns out,
that never turns to ash:
the ultimate fuel:
a small sun.
This is where PAUL comes
to remember who he is:
a man of Fire,
one who has come to keep people warm,
to share his life-giving energies.
Whole worlds arise in his wake.
I stubbed my toe getting out of bed, damn that Socash!
Apparently I stubbed my toe on the way to Bible Study...
"If God is Everywhere,
then there's no place to go
to find Him."
If God could be found in one place He would not be God; if God were a physical entity that one could find, He would not be God. Nothing profound or truthful can ever be discovered outside of oneself.
From the Gospel of Luke:
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
I think is clearer now.
Thanks, Miles and anonymous!
JCharles wrote that Luke wrote that Jesus said:
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
I have heard John Lennon quote that verse to justify worshiping at his own temple inside himself. The paradox is that the Gospel of Matthew (18:20) seems to also suggest that you need to affiliate with others in order to experience that thing that is "within you."
I don't want to get carried away with religio, but I have seen the damage that self absorption can do to some good people.
"I think is clearer now.
Thanks, Miles and anonymous!"
You are welcome.
Taf, the first videos i posted were of near 3 months ago.
This is a newer example
Although Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within--he didn't mean that it is something easily discovered.
You make an excellent point. And, oh would I would give to be able to reach some of those high notes that you hit!
I'm all for burning Bush - in hell fire!
Wassup with this latest manufactured argument between SantaSusannaPass and Suitcase finder guy (SonofWhom etc.)
"Wassup with this latest manufactured argument between SantaSusannaPass and Suitcase finder guy (SonofWhom etc.)"
The key word is definitely "manufactured". That whole conversation screams staged. Things tend to get interesting with the loss of popularity. They have to do something dramatic to keep people interested.
The manipulators are keen on presenting the appearance of "industry" or "professional" figures involved in this fantasy, such as "publicists" or Apple staffers, etc.
IAAP soap opera rule #1: IAAP as a source of a true revelation is not to be trusted.
Rule #2: All IAAP-related videos and videomakers, particularly when they are on freshly-minted channels, are not to be trusted.
Rule #2: All comments from newly-minted channels (that are blank) are not to be trusted.
Repeat this rule for everyone posting here, including me I suppose, and everything on the internet.
to make frightened or frantic : scare; especially : to startle into violent activity (as stampeding)intransitive verb
(2) I may or may not be, in the real world, close to someone who is at the core of the Rotten Apple team. Mikey has informed me that there are guards posted around briefcase site; if that is true, I certainly would not want to be recognised as it would make interactions with this individual very awkward if he was to know that I am RockXLight/Jude.
Read that one again
Well Jude, now we know you're a Brit and you must not want anyone grabbing the case. Why else tell us that your friends were followed and creeped out by someone who looks like Zak Starkey. That sounds like pure Beatle fan fantasy, like you saw John Lennon. Why would IAAP post guards around it? Gimme a break. This is straight out of the Gospel of Matthew with Pilate posting a guard at Jesus' tomb to make sure no one stole the body in order to fake the resurrection. Maybe the case, then, is supposed to represent the body of Jesus.
I'm sorry for that April Fool's joke. Really, I am. And Tafultong, if you'd see fit to, please print my apology---everyone, including you hated it and the amount of time you did (or from my perspective: didn't) invest in it left a bitter taste in some mouths upon discovering it was "just a joke".
I'm sorry that so many of haven't trusted me ever since then.
I'm sorry that some of you can't stand me because I drove 65if2007 away. Maybe I did drive him away. That's not the impression I got from the letter he wrote, but if that's what you want to believe then fine, maybe I did drive him away. I certainly haven't kept him away. 65if2007 has kept 65if2007 away. I even wrote him a letter of apology, something I hope he will attest to as I know he still reads this blog.
I can't bring 65if2007 back.
I can't undo the Devolution Nein/Mysterious Zip File That Everyone Was Afaid To Open fiasco of April 2008.
All I can do is try to regain some of your trusts, something that is proving to be impossible as every single one of my posts here is followed by several inevitable smartarse remarks, as shown above.
The only way I know how to regain anyone's trust is to be honest with them. In the past I was secretive, and I said things that I never should have which led to questions that shouldn't have been asked.
But I'm not afraid anymore. I don't care if this alienates me from the "insider's circle"---if IAAP and co. ever even considered me a part of that. I'm ashamed to admit it, but fear of being mocked by smartarses like the ones above was one of my biggest reasons for refusing to answer so many questions in the past, but now, I'd just like to be as frank as I possibly can:
1. Yes, Iamaphoney is, to the best of my knowledge, Paul McCartney.
But Iamaphoney has always been the name used by the guy in charge; I suppose that originally that may have been someone else.
But this is in no way the gospel.
Not the gospel people want to hear, anyhow. It's not as if there are any photos proving that Paul McCartney is IAAP. There was an eyewitness, oskar karros, but no one believed him, so what can I say to convince anyone that what I say is true?
I think by now most of you are familiar with the usual reasons given for thinking that IAAP is Paul. So I shall say no more on this subject because all it will do is open the floodgates to more hateful comments directed at me, and possibly Mike for also sharing this opinion.
2. John Lennon is alive. Only a few people saw his body in the morgue, and the one photo of his corpse looks ridiculously fake, in my opinion.
This is half wishful thinking on my part, half conviction that has arisen in me due to several experiences; some personal, some are as told to me by others. Like Ripley said...believe it or NOT!
3. There is a large team of hardworking individuals behind all of this. Also, the "actor" is absolutely NOT Iamaphoney nor is he related to him in any way. Neither is he Zak Starkey.
See (1).
4. I didn't drive to the Santa Susanna Pass, my aforementioned "friends" did. I have not spoken to them since that morning and I can only tell you what I remember of what they told me. It was a bit after midnight, and they thought they were being followed. The guy in the backseat looked like Zak Starkey. Then they thought they saw John Lennon and George Harrison driving by. Hilarious, right? But that's exactly what they told me, and if you don't want to believe it that's fine by me.
5. I mean it, there is a bigger staff behind this than you might think. And frankly I am scared that the end is no longer in sight, that this will be carried on until 2012. I think by saying all of this I will have upset certain members of the RA team that have been gracious enough to have contacted me in the past: MrPilgrim, Z0DIAC, ijustknowboutjl, Iamaphoney. But I want to get all this out in the open so that hopefully certain people will bury the hatchet and stop ranting about how they think I'm full of shit. Sorry guys, but that sort of hurts, and I wouldn't do the same to you even if you were full of shit.
Most people, including Tafultong it seems, are sick of hearing me say things that raise questions that I don't bother answering. Well, here are your answers! There are personal reasons (such as No. 2, which I shared earlier) behind my unwillingness to pick up that suitcase, and....that's that. There's no more to say about that particular subject than: I ain't going!
But I think some people won't be satisfied until I give them my name, address and phone number along with photos documenting every little word I say! Does it have to be that way? Can I get some peace, some forgiveness from the wankers who want to ridicule everything I say---even my choice of words (spooked, where I'm from, has a much weaker meaning than the one posted earlier by Mr. ROTFLMAO; I think everyone else understood what I meant, but alas, there is no accounting for humour, much as there is none for taste).
To my friends: Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I sincerly hope that I have not offended you with any rash choice of words.
To my enemies: If I am so damn insignificant, so full of shit, why are you so bent on crucifying me? If you really want to make me feel worthless, stop responding to my every post with cheek and ridicule and I'll feel terribly less important.
- J.
Thanks for that post Jude. Interesting comments.
"You can't please all the people all the time" someone once said.
Worth remembering.
Best wishes, Letter B
Thank you for your statement. Let it stand. Some will accept it, some will ridicule it, and some will keep silent. It comes with the territory. Haven't you seen some of the things directed toward other people, including myself?
I'll just respond to the part in your statement about me. You raised a question and I invited you to answer it (with the hope that you would). Please don't read any more than that into it.
I have one piece of unsolicited advice to give you. I will understand if you opt to ignore it. One of the things that writing this blog has done for me is that it has given me practice at dealing with criticism. You are more than welcome to continue to post here, but I would hope that you would try to not be so troubled by those who respond negatively to what you have to say.
It makes me sad sometimes because I see glimpses of the old Jude's sense of humor now and then, but then the hypersensitivity arises and you seem to react so viscerally. Lighten up, my friend. No one is out to get you except for Zac Starkey. (Just a joke--I couldn't resist.)
Man, after reading all that: no disrespect but maybe you should rethink everything through again.
Thank you for the kind words.
You too, Letter B.
Your advice is good, Tafultong, and I respect you enough to try my best to take it. I know have a tendency to overreact to criticism. I suppose it comes from years of trying my best at things only to experience mostly mixed-at-best results. I guess old habits die hard. I was very hurt by a lot of the criticism that was directed at the QueenOfCosmania prank and at me for orchestrating it. I think it was then that a lot of people saw that I was really vulnerable to criticism, and since then some of those people have taken every opportunity they could find to exploit that vulnerabilty and get a laugh at old Jude's expense.
But you're quite right, I shouldn't let it get to me. I'm not the only one being ridiculed for chasing rainbows, so why should I be so bothered by a handful of people who think I'm crackers?
Thanks again, Tafultong, Letter B.
I for one have no qualms with you whatsoever. As far as the April Fool's Game, I played it, and was quite entertained. (I did load it on a separate hard drive from the one I normally use....for safety sakes. After all, at the time, we didn't know where it came from.) I thought it was very creative.
One thing I have learned about the internet: opinions are like assholes....everybody has one....and some of them stink. Hang in there.
-Sir Larry Mildew
I like Sir Larry Mildew
his other name is Paul
Excellent timing, Larry Mildew;I recall that both you and I played along with Jude's April Fool's game, and we both quite enjoyed it.
Jude, we rarely address each other directly, as has become the custom, and though my thoughts on the matter probably are of no concern to you, I take you at your word and salute you for disclosing the truth as you understand it.
It is true, JC2007, that we rarely address each other directly, but your thoughts do matter to me. And I am honored that you are willing to take me at my word despite the long history of disagreement that we share. Thank you.
glad everyone is now together
because for what is coming we need everybody
even JGuildersleeve?
even socash?
what part of everybody do you think i meant to exclude?
we need everbody for what is coming
we need even your cynicism
need us for what?
Paul is Dead
Best thing I've heard all week.
Has anyone seen this video?
2nd September 2008 Iamaphoney Briefcase
It's remarkably well made. While I can't vouch for the video's content, I have noticed that "betraying", or perhaps staging a betrayal of the IAAP camp is quickly becoming the new trend, with grandfatheraleister/wizardoffaul its latest follower.
Hollywood, CA -- "Desperately Seeking Paul McCartney" will be released by MVD Visual on Tuesday, September 2, 2008.???????
Gag me with a spoon. I've seen the trailer for that, and it sucks. I don't know how it ends, but I'm hoping Paul throws that obnoxious woman under a double-decker and runs off for tea.
I could honestly see Paul McCartney being behind IAAP. He is a very intelligent and witty person. If that were true, I don't believe the "revelation" is going to be what everyone is expecting.
"It was a bit after midnight, and they thought they were being followed. The guy in the backseat looked like Zak Starkey. Then they thought they saw John Lennon and George Harrison driving by. Hilarious, right? But that's exactly what they told me..."
Being followed by a car full of dead guys - yeah, that
would put the chill on a midnight scavenger hunt for me.
(But believe it or not, that wouldn't have been the first time for me! :O )
Need us for what?
To forgive is divine. What happened to that part?
why did they go there at midnight?
sometimes there are cermonies where they are burning somethings.
I used to think it was manson followers,
but now i think maybe it's phoney meetings.
but they are in the uk, right, otherwise i am starting to feel a little uncomfortable
i am NOT going there
too weird
Anonymous: They went at midnight just to increase the "shenanigan" factor of what they already thought was one very crazy tale about a suitcase hidden in a bush. My friend only watched enough of the videos to understand that it was about Paul is Dead (which he thinks is full of bunk) and a suitcase that was allegedly Mal Evan's. Being who he is, he thought this was hilarious and thought he should check it out while he was in Los Angeles.
I didn't want to believe them at first, but I must note that when they returned to my hotel room they were quite distressed, and very briefcase-less (much to my annoyance).
Anyway, I know that sounds crazy. It would be great if I could contact these people to get them to share their story, but it seems they want nothing to do with PID now, and they don't answer my phone calls.
Sometimes I wonder, like Tafultong, if it will turn out that everyone was in on it but me.
If that were case, then the story about seeing George and John driving in a car at midnight may have been just to scare me away from the briefcase. Honestly, I don't know anymore.
Seven Year Itch
oh trite.
need us for what?
you sid it, not me. one questionone answer
need us for what?
"need us for what?
you sid it, not me. one questionone answer
need us for what?"
yeah, ok, shoulda figured that.
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