UPDATE #1: In a vision from an alternate universe, Mike hinted that a new Iamaphoney video will surface soon. But for now we have Paul is Dead - Abrahadabra from wizardofpaul
The acronym PID (Paul Is Dead) has been around for a long time, but after the theory hit the internet and caught fire (pardon the pun) a new branch developed called PWR (Paul Was Replaced). As I mentioned in an earlier post, conspiracy buffs tend to be contrarian by nature, so if a theory like Paul Is Dead lasts long enough, it is bound to spawn a new contrary view. Paul Is Alive is too simple, but if you add the element that Paul Was Replaced, you have a completely new area.

One positive thing about Paul Was Replaced is that it is flexible enough to allow for the original Paul McCartney to be dead or alive. I guess that would make Paul McCartney the Schrödinger's Cat of Rock and Roll. Trying to reconcile Paul Is Dead with Paul Was Replaced can really give you a headache. In one scenario this would mean that The Beatles purposely put clues in their albums so that true fans would think Paul was dead in order to cover up the fact that he was alive, but had been replaced by a lookalike/sound-alike. This magical thinking has caused some of the wildest theories imaginable including Paul went insane, Paul had a sex change and Paul secretly left the Beatles only to be murdered by [insert name of secret organization here].
Unfortunately, if you take the PWR idea seriously enough to look for evidence that supports it, you find some. And if you are of the strand that believes that Paul was replaced, but the original Paul is still alive today, then some things may add up.
I can recognize Paul's voice in an instant, but it does sound different on different projects. The brand new song credited to Nitin Sawhney, featuring Paul McCartney is an example. The beautiful track entitled "My Soul" features Paul on vocals, but his voice sounds a little different. It has not been officially released yet, (thanks F) but the track is available in a few places including YouTube.

I have not been able to find a writing credit yet for "My Soul" but if you read the lyrics as printed on the AbbeyRd Beatles News Web Site, it could be interpreted as a McCartneyesque love song. However, if you put on your PWR glasses, you can almost hear a tale of two Pauls.
My Soul
I long to know all your secrets
I want to walk through your fire
Light up my eyes with your smile
I was awakened by magic
I was alone in this world
take me away from here
Life spinning round at a blistering pace
I've been shot from a gun
to your final embrace
my soul
your heart
two worlds
this life
is all
we have
How could this steal all these feelings
How could they lie to this world
A picture away from your smile
Life spinning round at a blistering pace
I've been shot from a gun
to your final embrace
my soul
your heart
two worlds
this life
is all
we have
one soul displaced
one heart replaced
feelings defaced
invade our space
no one left to give us back our time
we could climb every mountain, swim to every sea
when the all world is asleep
we can set ourselves free
my soul
your heart
two worlds
this life
is all
we have
mmm yeah
we could climb every mountain, swim to every sea
when all the world is asleep
we can set ourselves free
we could climb every mountain, swim to every sea
when all the world is asleep
we can set ourselves free
my soul
your heart
two worlds
this life.......ooooh
This is not the only song in McCartney history that could be interpreted this way. The most interesting example of Replacement Paul encountering Original Paul is a song that to this day has not been officially released. The song was written for the 1980 movie, "Seems Like Old Times" but was not used. Is it possible that this song was rejected because it applied more to Paul and Billy than it did to Chevy and Goldie?

Seems Like Old Times
The other day I met someone I had known in another lifetime
Oh puzzle pieces lost without a trace fell into place in my mind
But we both knew what we were getting into
And we didn't want to stop
No we wouldn't want to miss it
Cause it seems like old times
So like long ago that I hardly even know
Who's who anymore
What's new anymore
So like long ago that it seems like old times
Familiar music man singing me a song from another lifetime
And urgent letters waiting for the post were uppermost in my mind
But he got through and then before we knew it
We didn't want to stop
No we wouldn't want to miss it
Didn't want to stop
No we wouldn't want to miss it
Cause it seems like old times
So like long ago that I hardly even know
Who's who anymore
What's new anymore
So like long ago that it seems like old times
When you reappeared and the moment I had always feared
Is upon me I felt slightly weird that's for sure
Now life is good to me though I don't see who I used to see
No it's not quite what it used to be anymore
The other day I met someone I had known in another lifetime
Oh puzzle pieces lost without a trace fell into place in my mind
But we both knew what we were getting into
And we didn't want to stop
No we wouldn't want to miss it
I don't want to stop
No I wouldn't want to miss it
Because it feels, yes cause it seems like old times
So like long ago that I hardly even know
Who's who anymore
What's new anymore
So like long ago that it seems like old times
Seems like old times
So like long ago that I hardly even know
Who's who anymore
What's new anymore
What's true anymore
So like long ago that it seems like old times
There is no question that the Paul Was Replaced (but still alive) theory is extremely convoluted and unlikely, but it would resolve something that has been bothering me for a long time. Why would Paul be halfway through an excellent album (Memory Almost Full) and then say, "Sorry, I'm going to do a different album with a different producer (Chaos and Creation in the Backyard) and then come back and finish this one later"? As crazy as it sounds, that would make sense if you had two different people competing to be the next Paul McCartney release.

"Come home brother, all is forgiven..."

So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise
You better see right through that mother's eyes
Those freaks was right when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made was in your head
Ah, how do you sleep?
Ah, how do you sleep at night?
The only thing you did was yesterday (The second Paul)
And since you're gone (a play on words; "Paul McCartney" is gone, hiding somewhere away from the public eye, and yet "Paul McCartney" is also being addressed in this song) you're just Another Day (a reference to the song "Another Day" by the second Paul).
If the PWR theory is true, then the original Paul must have resumed writing at some point; a lot of people seem to think that Chaos in Creation is more Paul-ish than other albums. Me, I think it all sounds the same.
"Some people can sleep at night time,
believing that love is alive,
I'm only a person like you, love,
and who in the world can be right, all the right time.
I know I was wrong,
make me right......
great post taf :)
i made a post on NIR about My Soul yesterday :)
i love this song.
Yes, Mike. I noticed we were on a similar wavelength on this song.
Listen and read the lyrics for the sonr: I want you to fly.
Good post.
I Want You To Fly - Paul McCartney
He wants to be him(I wanna be you) in that song:
I know some of you are big fans despite being PID fans too but I really think Paul should retire now.He sounds like he did on those Brit Awards and you can hear the shakiness in his voice even when he speaks.I know that sound all too well.It's age but it's also the result of cigarettes or in Paul's case joints.It's a nice song but it reminds me of the last recordings of Johnny Cash.
Compare that to how he sounds on the Michael Jackson duet The Girl Is Mine and you'll hear how much he's lost from smoking.
I see it very differently. I liked those Johnny Cash recordings. I like Dylan too. You're right that it wouldn't be a good voice for "The Girl Is Mine" but I don't see him doing that kind of song now anyway.
Somebody heard the song as a message to Linda, which raised the emotional bar 100 times. That voice was perfect for that. And even if it brings tears to the eyes, it's still valid entertainment.
Besides, it could be my heart talking, but I think he is still capable of producing the kind of song that will surprise you with its youthful energy.
It's not just from smoking, it's from being 66 years old. Paul still tours more than a lot of young bands, singing 2 hours per night--not good on anyone's vocal chords.
well let's hope we can enjoy his music life for a couple more years.
i heard that the next 2 years will consist of his last big tour. how long he continues after that, i have no clue.. but i think he loves it too much to stop entirely.
It's sentimental, and that's about all. He needs to retire.
I was actually feeling a little guilty that I had linked this beautiful new Paul McCartney song to the Beatles mystery, especially when I realized it might be about Linda.
Well...if there is any truth to this article, we have two new facts: 1) Paul is the composer of "My Soul" and 2) I do not need to feel guilty.
Did his publicity people really try to get the public to swallow this one?
Here is a better fan video for "My Soul." It tugs the heart and may produce a tear or two in some of you.
Vince, here.
He doesn't need to retire.
He could spend the rest of his time here on Earth making FIRMAN albums and I'd be happy!
Speaking of.... did anybody read the transcript of all words from "Strawberries....." someone from the Nothing Is Real forum thought they heard?
The Daily Mail is a gossip rag.The British version of Star magazine.I would not put much stock in the article.They always have the same angle "a friend of...." or "a source close to....".
UPDATE: Mike hinted that a new Iamaphoney video will surface soon. But for now we have Paul is Dead - Abrahadabra from wizardofpaul
did i do that? where???
mikenl wrote:
I have corrected the entry and I regret the error.
Actually, in Nothing Is Real, you wrote, "This is a new Paul McCartney song, i think phoney might use it in his latest video."
Oh that, well yeah... he also used Lifelong Passion (Sail Away) in RA111.
I thought you meant that i said something like "Tomorrow there will be a new rotten apple."
no problem :-)
how come all of these videos that are put on youtube raise questions yet no answers. we're alway being told to wait because something is happening "soon."
now theres a ufo attached to all of this??
'Paul Is Alive is too simple'.
Ah, Occam's Razor - a principle ignored by most conspiracy theorists.
If irrefutable evidence came to light that he never died and was never replaced at any point ( purely hypothetical, just try to imagine it) - how would believers feel?
a) Disappointed.
b) Unmoved by the evidence, however compelling.
c) Relieved and happy that you were wrong.
I sincerely hope the answer is c.
I hope he is alive
I am just wondering why Paul chose to create a campaign, advertising or otherwise, that he was dead in the 60's.
All for money?
He had plenty at that time
Could he have been more famous at that time in the 1960's?
What's the purpose of the Paul is Dead campaign now?
Or just crazy people with too much time on their hands? Crazy crazy fans...
and who is crazier, those fans, or the people who watch those people being crazy?
or those people who watch everybody, like me, and then come on here and make these comments?
I think this has been taking a little too much of my time these last few days and nights and weeks and months since I found this topic
If Paul is not in on it now, would all of these videos featuring COPYRIGHTED material be allowed to used?
Some lawyer somewhere would put a stop to it.....? Some drummer like that Metalica guy, some business interest, some fan would complain?
Living the Bea T les legend?
trademarked? Registered? probably not.... ?
Didn't Apple Ltd sue and win against Apple Computers?
Yeah but there was money involved with that....
So there is no money in this PID video thing, or not many are actually watching it... 766+ subscribers to IAMAPHONEY... not many people, but videos are being taken down all the time for much less "Fair Use" usages of tiny snips of videos, let alone the huge portions being used in these videos
and those examples aren't making money either...
Cui Bono (who benefits)?
The people/person/corporation making these videos?
the fame of 700 subscribers?
Cui Bono (who benefits)?
Cui Bono (who benefits)?
a record company?
viral marketing?
crazy people?
Cui Bono (who benefits)?
Dang, maybe I really am Paul McCartney, dead to the world with the mirror reflection of my own self absorption, with a Mal Evens suitcase containing a Living the Bea T Les Legend tablet notebook secretly copied by Mal's own wife LILY (still on the payroll BY THE WAY) and 10,000 other clues from albums and stories and movies and conjecture and interpretation of backwards music examples, tied up with a neat ribbon emblazoned with IONEIXHEDIE and stashed in bushes near Charles Manson hideouts, found and left by galavanting millionaire recluses jetting around the country driving multicolored Mustangs(who conveniently NEVER get in car accidents like Paul did), hounded by reincarnated risen sons of John Lennon reading well worn copies of CATCHER IN THE RYE casting spells sipping from Macbethian cauldrons of Polanski Witch covens while SOME KIND OF DRUID DUDE IS LIFTING THE VEIL that Paul is really the grandson of aleister frea-king crowley,
but wait don't answer yet!
they usually throw in a bonus on these infomercial things
wait for it, wait for it..
hang on let me flip the channel...
(dang kids)
whats wrong with this thing
Oh No!
Got to wait till 292008
Thats it... I can't take anymore...
I am done.....
That is,
Until the next video comes out!
Actually this story sounds pretty damn good!
Damn Good! Like that twin peaks Pie!
Forget what I said ! Maybe there is oil in hell ! *
Got another book idea Vince, if we can just get around these lawyers
Someone call those viral video guys and see how they do it
John Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I need a shave after that long post...
Burma shave
where is Occam's Razor when you need it?
Yeah, Mr. Deeeeeeeeeeeeee,
You don't need to write a NOVEL here!
Keep it simple, and you'll get by.
"..766+ subscribers to IAMAPHONEY..."
Oh no! We're the new 700 Club! :O
I'm sure there's lots of 'hanger-ons', like me, who choose NOT to subscribe, for fear of THEM coming to take me to GITMO!
"Ha, ha, ha...... Joke No. 1." - Paul from "The McCartney Interview" (1980)
Just saw both vids.....
Isn't it weird:
YouKnowMyName's vids are somewhat uplifting and I can't figure out why.
The wiz vid is spooky and eerie and.... what's the music from anyway?
One things for sure, I don't think anybody has THE ANSWER!
That still doesn't mean I'm gonna stop hanging out with you guys.
Have a happy day,
I believe this was the first video from "wizardofpaul." The gfa camp had a YouTube channel with a similar name, but I don't know if this one is a relative or not. My guess is that we are all being invited down in the rabbit hole.
In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.
The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down what seemed to be a very deep well. - Lewis Carroll
yeah man, the other one was
that youtube one is still up
wizard awful ? LOL
When you look down the rabbit-hole,
the rabbit-hole looks back!
A, ha!
My first quote mash-up!
Vince you are a well read man!
Battle not with monsters lest ye become one;for when you look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into you. -- Nietzsche
John Deeeeeeeeeee,
you referring to this joke ?
An oil prospector, moving on to his heavenly reward, was met by St.Peter with some bad news. "You're qualified for residence, " St. Peter said, "but as you can see, the compound for oil men is
packed. There's no way to squeeze you in."
After thinking for a moment, the prospector asked if he might say just four words to the present occupants. That seemed harmless to St. Peter, so the prospector cupped his hands and yelled, "Oil discovered in Hell."
Immediately the gate to the compound opened and all the oil men marched out to head for the nether regions. Impressed, St. Peter invited the prospector to move in and make himself comfortable. But
the prospector paused, then said:
"On second thought, I think I'll go along with the rest of the boys. There might be some truth to that rumor after all."
; )
Not really,
I know the quote from the beginning of that stupid movie, "The Abyss"
It came out when my wife and I were first dating; our joke was: "What are they gonna call the sequel? "Son of Abyss!"
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
??? wha ???
Dear Member:
This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by ******************** * claiming that this material is infringing:
video? or what is it?
In any process, the total energy of the universe remains the same. 1st law of thermodynamics
The first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics are sometimes expressed, rather jokingly, as:
1: You can't win.
2: You can't break even.
3: You can't get out of the game.
Most of people here aren't really thinking 'game'.
(or maybe I'm wrong about this).
If your like me (Vince), I look at the video makers as John Belushi, giving that speech in "Animal House", and we're the rest of the house members, staring, and thinking, "Shh. Maybe he's going somewhere with this."
HOLA! Hiya guys 'n gals...well, it took me about a freakeekin' WEEK to digest the multitude of vids, comments, and other miscellaneous stuff that I have missed, and ya know what?? It's been like boiling out a hundred thousand lilies for a drop of perfume. LOL...I see that we are going down a rabbit hole...I think Mikey's stuff has been the most intriguing stuff yet.
OH! my Starrs, I am so glad the extremely rare brushfire was quelled and everything is happy and peaceful again. This place is just so informative and cool-headed I hate to see that corrupted for long. Nice diffusion, Aja ;)
I love the pundits that come out of this lovely gathering when frustration reaches boiling point. John Deeeeeeeeee, that was fun.
Vince, I am LMFAO...the other day I was watching the 5 o'clock news. I was totally vegged out buhcuz of the intense , searing, brain-melting, hot, hot heat here in Texas. Some yokel was giving a soundbyte to an on-location anchor when my WTF? radar made a blip..he said-and I quote:
"I thank it's jes' like a wolf tryin' to pull the sheep up over the eye-skin"
Now that is a quote mash-up if I ever did see one. I TRY to do that and can't get near the absurdity. Yes, I shit you not, after all you are my favorite turd. It still brings tears to our eyes and makes me laugh like Smedley, yes, even now.
In regards to PID/PIA/PWR/P812...it's extremely confusing if I try to take it too seriously. I tend to believe that Paul/Faul DID in FACT eat one too. Because the caterpillar is such a sly fellow, that it tends to make one quite desperate. Until, eating his seat sounds like a simple, refreshing concept in order to have control (once again) of the situation. Of course, if Paul/Faul wanted to eat my seat, even at his age, I dare say that I would most likely not discourage him. Butt, that is neither here nor there...
WHooo arreeee yooooo? Is a very intense question and I think it requires some well discussed and thoroughly repudiated answers. It puts one in the hot seat... and makes one's seat hot, which often tempts others contemplate the deliciousness of it. So you see, Paul/Faul probably 812.
@ )-Mojollikins (gone so long I forgot my password LOL, erggh)
Hey Mojollikins,
I was just thinking about you today. xoxoxoxoxo right back at you. We need your cool head around here. The rabbit hole is a little scary. Some very nice people have been trying to help me get from Point A to Point 7. I think there will be some interesting stuff ahead.
Wow. Your comments have gone thru the roof. In 07, I'd be lucky to only see a couple..
Anonymous said...
Wow. Your comments have gone thru the roof.
Yes, and that's a great thing too. I have learned a lot from several readers' insights, and I have made quite a few friends.
As i was walking up the stair
I met a man who wasnt there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away
"Im a glossy magazine/an advert on the tube/I'm the urban spaceman baby/now here's a twist: I don't exist"
Apollo = NASA = phoney = "paul"
Have any of you considerered the notion that macca is a false front ?
Investigate the Scottish peerage name of MacArtney for possible illumination
maybe im a maze
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