One particular thing that Ken Mansfield deserves credit for was securing a record deal for Ringo Starr at a point when Ringo's prospects were finally starting to rise after a period at rock bottom. That deal resulted in one of my favorite albums "Time Takes Time."

To this day Mansfield continues to tell his story, including the religious parts, as a paid speaker in Christian-friendly gatherings. He has also been appearing at the Fest for Beatles Fans and was featured in a recent issue (#172) of Beatlefan Magazine. That's not bad for someone who was told about a dozen years ago when he was diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer that he had only one to three years to live. His non-denominational presentation is honest, humorous and engaging. It was a Pastor that pushed him away from spiritual matters when he was young and George Harrison who awakened his hunger later in life. Eventually he moved from Gurus and the writings of Carlos Castaneda to Jesus Christ. You can see him in action in this video.
His testimony is usually preceded by a band that plays several of the more "spiritual" Beatles songs (e.g. "Let It Be" and "Got To Get You Into My Life" -- Yes, I know that Paul admitted that the latter was about Pot!)

It is an odd contrast to see a band dressed like this playing in front of a Sgt. Pepper-like background (utilizing some of the same images) at a church event.

Despite the fact that he was rarely mentioned in books, Ken was a real Beatles insider. I would rank him in the tier just below Neil, Mal and Derek, in that group with Tony Bramwell, Peter Asher, Peter Brown, and Ron Kass. In fact, Ken claims that other than the "Anthology," his book is the only one approved by the Beatles.
Possibly because of his religious orientation, Ken seems to resist saying anything negative about anyone. He didn't seem to have anything good to say about Yoko Ono (or Linda McCartney) but he didn't disparage them either. His only stinging criticism was directed toward the police officers who shot and killed his dear friend, Mal Evans.
One would think that an individual who so closely aligns himself with Jesus Christ would have nothing to say of a mysterious nature, but there were a couple of things that raised my curiosity. About the "White Album" Ken wrote: Parts of it were about things we will never understand, and there were even bits about things in their lives purposely left to be diciphered, including the sweet, mysterious mixture that comprised their uniqueness and togetherness. I was there during the course of this magic time, and I got the feeling that the White Album project had a lot to do with the things that were shaking the complicated world they were living in.
Iamaphoney fans would be familiar with Ken's chilling description of his last conversation with Mal Evans. In a chapter dedicated to Mal in "The White Book" Ken writes:
I answered [the phone] and it was Mal. I asked him how he was doing, and he started rambling on about how well everything was going. Something seemed peculiar even though he was professing optimism, and in the middle of his good news, I asked him what was wrong. "Nothing is wrong," he said. "Paul and I just worked out some problems, and he is going to give me credit for some of the things I wrote with him--" I interrupted again, asking him what was wrong. "Nothing," he continued, "and besides that, I am signing a production deal with Atlantic Records and my book is going great and because you were left out of all the other books, I am making sure you are all over it and--" I had known Mal too well and for too long, and somewhere beneath all the good news I sensed something I had never felt with Mal before.
Something was horribly wrong. "Mal...Mal," I said. "Stop and listen to me for a second. Something's wrong, isn't it?" There was silence on his end. "We need to talk, don't we?" I asked. Momentary silence.
"Yes," he said softly.
They agreed to meet the following day to talk because Ken was on his way to the Billboard Music awards with an acceptance speech ready just in case Jessi Colter, an artist he produced, happened to win the award for best new artist. Just prior to the announcement that Colter had in fact won, Ken was given the news that Mal had been shot.
In a very uncharacteristic moment of dark humor mixed with anger, reborn Christian Ken Mansfield wrote: "I am told that, for whatever reason, they [the police] shot six warning shots into his head to keep him from hurting himself."
This is a picture of Ken Mansfield and Mal Evans.

1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»nice post Tafultong
thank you
: )
Vince, here.
Thanks for this.
As you might've guessed, I shy away from anyone who has 'gone all Christian', so your writing this was a real eye opener.
Ug, that 'Something's wrong, isn't it?' line.
Sounds like a bad movie.
He knows something.
Thanks again.
Excellent stuff, Tafultong!
Well if Ken knows something, no one's stopping him from saying it. He's a Christian, so he can't be afraid of no Illuminatis.
6 warning shots to the head !
there's more to the picture then meets the eye
If Ken had any insider info that Paul died, and that some major cover up took place and that Paul was an impostor, I don't think that he as a Christian in good conscience would have that Beatle band playing anything written or sung by Faul. I also don't think that Mal, if he knew the same, would imagine he could break a conspiracy of such proportion by writing what he knew in a book and selling it to a publisher.
The "something wrong" was Mal's marriage breaking up.
There's nothing mysterious about police shooting someone brandishing a gun. They're not usually the brightest bulbs, and obviously over-reacted to the situation. To say that Paul McCartney somehow persuaded the L.A. police to kill Mal is ridiculous.
who said Paul McCartney somehow persuaded the L.A. police to kill Mal ??
Someone had to be Judas
Someone has gone all Christian
"He's a Christian, so he can't be afraid of no Illuminatis."
I am afraid of them
"I am afraid of them"
you shouldnt be if you are christian
"you shouldnt be if you are christian"
I am not that good of a Christian
"He talks about how Capitol Records handled the "Paul Is Dead" rumors which swirled about after the release of Abbey Road. They eventually got a handwriting expert to verify that everything Paul had signed for Capitol came from the same man."
This is an excerpt from a review of Mansfield's book. It's interesting to learn that Capitol Records took the PID rumor very seriously, and felt to need to verify Paul's identity.
The Beatles kept this PR stunt very close to home. They knew it could blow up in their faces just like the 'bigger than Jesus' comment had before. If the public learned that the Beatles were fucking with them to keep their record sales up, their legacy might have been tarnished for a good long time.
I find the whole thing hilarious. The Beatles were, after all, a 'team', and they were bloody well going to go out on top. No Rolling Stones or whoever were going to wrest the cup from them while they were still together, and no one did.
The Beatles were, after all, a 'team', and they were bloody well going to go out on top. No Rolling Stones or whoever were going to wrest the cup from them while they were still together, and no one did.
"As you might've guessed, I shy away from anyone who has 'gone all Christian"
- A Christian Iamaphoney fan
You see Macca's rugby trophy on the cover of Sgt. Pepper, don't you?
Back off, Stones, or we'll cripple ya.
People that fu*k** with the Beatles ended up like "Paul"
Paul may or may not be dead, but there are people who most certainly are
some of the meanest people I have met have been Christians
myself included
Here's a link to an excerpt from Ken's book:
It should be obvious now that Alan Klein, and not Yoko Ono, broke up The Beatles.
"People that fu*k** with the Beatles ended up like "Paul"
Paul may or may not be dead, but there are people who most certainly are"
Oh what utter bullshit. People who fu*k** with the Beatles either got sued or made a ton of money ripping them off.
remember rotten apple 101 who shot mal evans?
who gave the order?
charles higbie LAPD
now google him
A Christian iamaphony fan said,
Well, first, here in Vegas, most people who turn to 'the Jesus' have been rowdy people who hit rock bottom in one way or another, and then become very 'self-rightious'. Instead of love, they seem ready to 'lay down the law', assuming that YOU have done all the awful things that THEY have done, and you need to be 'saved'.
Second, see the "Run, Christian, Run" video from Super Furry Animals "Rings Around The World" DVD.
your pal,
Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
Six Degrees of Occult Separation
Without further ado, we begin this journey - for no particular reason - with the aforementioned Phil Hartman, who was a highschool friend of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who later became a disciple of Charlie Manson, a jailhouse correspondent of John Hinckley, and the attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford, who was once a roommate of modeling entrepreneur Harry Conover, whose wife was the infamous Candy Jones, who was 'treated' by CIA-linked hypnotist William Jennings Bryan, who also 'treated' the purported Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, whose name was written repetitively throughout the diaries of Sirhan Sirhan, who was also 'treated' by Bryan, who served as the technical director on The Manchurian Candidate, which was directed by John Frankenheimer, at whose beach house a dinner was held on June 5, 1968 whose attendees included "Mama" Cass Elliot, Roman Polanski, and Sharon Tate, who was killed just over a year later by followers of Charlie Manson, whose music was recorded by Doris Day's son, music producer Terry Melcher, who lived with girlfriend Candace Bergen at 10050 Cielo Drive the year before it became a slaughterhouse after being rented by Polanski, who initially was slated to pen the screenplay for Day of the Dolphin, which purported to tell the story of Dr. John Lilly, who was a friend of Timothy Leary, whose Mellon family-owned Millbrook estate was frequently visited by Dr. Max "Feelgood" Jacobson, who once 'treated' Judy Garland and who served as the personal physician of John Kennedy, whose assassination prompted the shelving of the film The Manchurian Candidate by its star, Frank Sinatra, who was a frequent companion of fellow 'Brat Packer' Sammy Davis, Jr., who was an acknowledged member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, from where Manson recruited killers Bobby "Cupid" Beausoleil and Susan "Sexy Sadie" Atkins, who confessed to her cellmates that she had stabbed to death actress Sharon Tate, who was inducted into witchcraft on the set of the Polanski-directed film The Fearless Vampire Killers by Alexander "King of the Witches" Saunders, who received 'training' as a child from Aleister Crowley, whose followers included Anton LaVey and fellow Church of Satan member Kenneth Anger, who was the roommate (and probable lover) of Family member Bobby Beausoleil, who once appeared in an underground film titled Mondo Hollywood, which also featured hairdresser and Manson victim Jay Sebring, who was a former lover of Sharon Tate, who was a friend of a wealthy widow named Charlene Caffritz, who played host to - and filmed the exploits of - Charlie and some of his girls, who also lived for a time with Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, who recorded a song penned by Charlie, who was an occasional member of the entourage of Mama Cass, who was listed as a defense witness for Charlie's trial (but never called), as was her Mamas and the Papas band-mate John Phillips, who was close to Polanski, Tate, Melcher, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Cass Elliot, and film producer Robert Evans, who was working with - and very likely contracted the execution killing of - Roy Radin, whose assistant was Michael DeVinko aka Mickie DeVinko aka Mickie Deans, who married - just a few months before her untimely death - Wizard of Oz star Judy Garland, who as a teen was flooded with phone messages and telegrams by admirer Oscar Levant, whose dead body was found by Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist for Life magazine - covered the preempted presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy, who was romantically linked to Marilyn Monroe, who was also linked to Anton LaVey, who appeared in Kenneth Anger's Invocation of My Demon Brother (released in August of 1969) along with Bobby Beausoleil, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who was a guest at the 1968 London wedding of Sharon Tate to Roman Polanski, who - during a nude photo shoot - molested a thirteen-year-old girl at the home of Jack Nicholson, who was a friend of Cass Elliot, as were Robert Evans and Manson victims Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, who provided funding for the Himalayan Academy, which Kenneth Anger helped form with Timothy Leary, who was at the side of the stage at the 1969 Altamont concert where - while the Rolling Stones played the Process Church-inspired Sympathy for the Devil* - a fan was killed on film by the Hell's Angels, who had been romanticized and transformed into anti-establishment heroes in the film Scorpio Rising by Kenneth Anger and the book Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson, both of whom have been accused of making snuff films** for private collectors, which was also a favorite pastime of Charlie Manson, one of whose underage recruits was Didi Lansbury, who had written permission to travel with Charlie from her mother, Angela Lansbury, who starred as the control agent in The Manchurian Candidate, which was based on the novel of the same name by Richard Condon, who once served as a publicist for Walt Disney, who once owned the home where the Manson Family slaughtered Leno LaBianca and wife Rosemary, who was involved in the trafficking of drugs, as were many of those in this twisted saga, including Charles Manson, victims Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, John Phillips and Kenneth Anger, who was a huge fan of the dark and violent imagery of the Rosicrucian-inspired, L. Frank Baum-penned Oz books, which inspired the band The Magick Powerhouse of Oz, which was led by Bobby Beausoleil, who was also at one time in the band Love with Arthur Lee, four of whose members later turned up dead or missing and presumed dead, as did Charlene Caffritz, Cass Elliot (who allegedly choked on a sandwich in 1974), Dennis Wilson (who allegedly drowned on December 28, 1983), and Gram Parsons, whose corpse was stolen and burned at Joshua Tree on the autumnal equinox of 1973 by his band's road manager, Phil Kaufman, who was a good friend from prison of Charlie Manson, who met (at Cass Elliot's house) and received money from victim Abigail Folger, who also funded Kenneth Anger, who at various times lived with both Jimmy Page (who purchased Crowley's home and many of his artifacts) and Keith Richards & Anita Pallenberg, whose home - in 1979 - yielded the body of a teenager who had been shot to death, as was John Lennon the next year by Mark David Chapman, who shortly before doing so met with - and offered a gift of live bullets to - Kenneth Anger, whose films were cited as a major influence by photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, who was implicated by witnesses in the Halloween 1981 execution killing of New York photographer Ronald Sisman (a close associate of Roy Radin), who was reportedly in possession of a snuff film of one of the Son of Sam murders, which were allegedly committed by David Berkowitz, who from prison accurately described the Sisman killing before it happened and who took the fall for the Son of Sam murders to cover up the involvement of others, including possibly Roy Radin and wealthy art dealer Andrew Crispo, who admitted being present at the site of a ritual murder which was committed by a man named Bernard LeGeros, who was the son of a State Department official, as was Pic Dawson, who was a regular member of the entourage of Cass Elliot, as was a one-time bodyguard of publisher Larry Flynt named Bill Mentzer, who was convicted of killing Radin and who was suspected of involvement in numerous other contract murders, including some of those attributed to David Berkowitz, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Daniel Schwartz, as was Mark David Chapman, who was obsessed with the film The Wizard of Oz and the book The Catcher in the Rye, which was written by reclusive author J.D. Salinger, who served in the OSS with Henry Kissinger, who was a close adviser to Gerald Ford, who once met and shook hands with Mark David Chapman, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Bernard Diamond, who also 'examined' Sirhan Sirhan, who had connections to the Process Church, as did many of those ensnared in this sordid web, including Kenneth Anger, John Phillips, Roy Radin, David Berkowitz and Charlie Manson, who attended a New Year's Eve party at the home of John Phillips, who wrote the siren song of the 'Summer of Love,' bringing thousands of hippies and flower children streaming into San Francisco and into the hands of such figures as Louis "Dr. Jolly" West, Anton LaVey, Charlie Manson, Bobby Beausoleil, Timothy Leary and Kenneth Anger, who - just three days after the suspicious death of Rolling Stone Brian Jones - filmed the Hell's Angels stomping the crowd at a 1969 Stones concert in London, just five months before they did the very same thing to the crowd at Altamont, which was organized by San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, who consulted with F. Lee Bailey whilst the latter was busily railroading Albert DeSalvo and later consulted with Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez, who was offered an honorary membership in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey's daughter Zeena, who along with boyfriend Nickolas Schreck staged an event on 8-8-88 celebrating the slaughter of the victims of the Manson Family, who some researchers believe were involved in the murders attributed to the "Zodiac," who called and sent correspondence to Melvin Belli, whose clients included the widow of Hermann Goering and Jack Ruby, who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, the purported assassin of John Kennedy, whose brother Robert was romantically linked to Jayne Mansfield, as was Anton LaVey, who served as Roman Polanski's technical director on the 1968 film Rosemary's Baby, which was set in New York's Dakota Apartments, where John Lennon was gunned down by Mark David Chapman, who shared a fixation on The Catcher in the Rye with failed assassin John Hinckley, Jr., who stalked actress Jodie Foster, who is working on a film biography of Leni Riefenstahl, who was met by - and admired by - fellow filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who laced his film Scorpio Rising with Nazi imagery, including the prominent use of swastikas, not unlike the one carved into the forehead of Charlie Manson, who - at the Cielo Drive home of Polanski and Tate - had a chance meeting with Nancy Sinatra, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, who was married to actress Mia Farrow, who starred in the Polanski-directed Rosemary's Baby, which was produced by Robert Evans, a friend of Henry Kissinger, who was the righthand man of President Richard Nixon, whose election was ensured by the assassination of Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan, who was yet another client of Melvin Belli, as were the Hell's Angels and Nazi-collaborator Errol Flynn, who made two films with Ronald Reagan, who was an occasional visitor to the childhood home of Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist - chronicled the short-lived administration of Gerald Ford, who married one of his friend Harry Conover's 'Covergirls,' who later opened the Betty Ford Center, where various celebrities in and out of this web routinely check in for tune-ups.
Ironically (or deliberately) Higbie was the head of the LA
OIS (Officer Involved Shootings) UNIT.
Lots of connections there, to Wizard of Oz and LA celebrities and all, but, of course, billions of people have enjoyed the Wiz of Oz and Catcher in the Rye without being Manchurian Candidates. Everyone's separated, as we know, by only six degrees, although related research demonstrates the number is actually 2.
Lots of connections there, to Wizard of Oz and LA celebrities and all, but, of course, billions of people have enjoyed the Wiz of Oz and Catcher in the Rye without being Manchurian Candidates. Everyone's separated, as we know, by only six degrees, although related research demonstrates the number is actually 2.
Billions of people weren't those people
Roman Polanski, who - during a nude photo shoot - molested a thirteen-year-old girl at the home of Jack Nicholson?
How beastlie! (anagram: beatlies)
"Billions of people weren't those people," yes, but it would be impossible to be anyone without being connected to thousands of other people, or to have attended parties without other connections to people, or to be involved in law enforcement without being connected to people, or to be in showbiz without having connections to people. One could also make a vast chart of all the Beatle/Manson/Kennedy/Chapman/FrankBaum/Mark Twain connections to devout Christians or to scientists or to whatever topic and/or other people you choose. When one is famous, in particular, the connections increase exponentially. Of course, some of those occultist connections you brought up are direct and genuine. Sirhan Sirhan was a member of AMORC, for example.
Wow, I just wasted 10 minuets of my life reading that.
And yes, Polanski is a fucking pedophile.
the singer paul chose
when we where young - south america
Six Degrees of Occult Separation
Six degrees . . .you're on the ball, Tafultong!
who have the pass word for this one?
Did anyone see this video?
Hey 10:40
"This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request."
Stupid fucking paranoid idiots.
Someone from IAAP is breaking away and posting 9 parts of the revelation....
but it is still private video:
G, I'm going to reveal it all right here and there is nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't have told Him.
24 hours.
so i think it's 24 hours till all the 9 parts are released...
G,I'm going to reveal it all right here and there is nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't have told Him.
24 hours.
Only 9 parts? Eh, what's a part here and there? The apostle John managed his Revelation in just 22 chapters.
The video is two minutes and twenty two seconds long. Posting it here and making it private is a great way to stir everybody up. There doesn't have to be anything at all on the video it's sole purpose may be just to get us all on our feet and walking around it circles. Hopefully though there is something in it and we will be able to view it soon.
2 cents
I bet it gets taken down before view, like that I AM REVEALING MYSELF FLESYM GNILAEVER AM I videos
clever, very clever
least thats the way John Wayne would have done it
Someone from IAAP is breaking away and posting 9 parts of the revelation....
but it is still private video:
G, I'm going to reveal it all right here and there is nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't have told Him.
24 hours.
so i think it's 24 hours till all the 9 parts are released...
That doesn't make much sense.
Where will the 9 videos be found?
hey though, that song
when we where young - south america
really sounds like that guy from the iamaphoney videos Rotten apple series
the production values are consistent
so maybe this is really is something and not some wannabe thing
or the wannabe's have got better and can phoney the phoney
a la F is for FAKE
putting that song on my MP3 player
"reveal it all right here"
and then "Video not available. Friends only" Imagine that.
i think he's uploading them, and then releasing them in once...
WINDOW>ACTIVITY>BIGGEST MB FILE>DOWNLOAD AND KEEP (but first put &fmt=18 after the link so we get best quality.)
"Well, first, here in Vegas, most people who turn to 'the Jesus' have been rowdy people who hit rock bottom in one way or another, and then become very 'self-rightious'. Instead of love, they seem ready to 'lay down the law', assuming that YOU have done all the awful things that THEY have done, and you need to be 'saved'."
First off, why did you say "the Jesus" instead of just Jesus? I highly doubt that anyone in Vegas talks like that. Seems like you're trying harder to make those Christians seem bad than you need to. No need to hateful just for the sake of it.
Second, I have never seen anyone "law down the law" in my 20+ years of being a born-again Christian. If that's what you call proselytizing, well....there's really nothing wrong with that, is there? Who said someone had to have to lived a nasty life to need being saved? We Christians don't buy that "be good and you'll go to heaven" nonsense. Now, if someone is preaching to you and you don't want to be preached to, fine. But it's no reason to go hating on us because of our feeble attempts at "going into all the world and preaching the gospel", as Jesus said to do in the New Testament. As for the "self-righteous" bit...I don't know if these particular Vegas Christians really think they are better than everyone else, but speaking for myself I'm pretty sick of hearing people use that as a smear term for Christians. The Bible says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"----the religious and the atheist alike.
Thanks for taking the time to respond,
- Matt (the Christian IAAP fan from earlier)
That better not be a YT video id.
gt8Y93k0pB0 a youtube password
you are wrong.
Private video, huh? When do we get the secret bigfoot footage?
Nice fake drama. "Dude, I know!"
OMG, "someone from IAAP is breaking away and posting 9 parts of the revelation." So what? What difference did the other 125 parts make? Lessee. . .what could possibly be in these videos? Maybe more quick images of documents, more London Eye stuff, quick shots of Jim Morrison, a phone conversation edited out of context, and maybe the dude walking backward in the ocean. Oh, yeah, and some IAAP tunes or, if we're lucky, a remixed Paul tune, or, if we're really lucky, some new Fireman stuff. We're over the satan thing, guys, and we're onto the real fireman: Macca!
For those of you interested in who the "team" is, all you have to do is look at the subscribers to johnonolennon's channel. It's a new channel without any prior videos, and yet looky who's there--all the usual suspects, including, of course, GOO3Joob (Suspect #1), Jude (Suspect #2 if not the same person of one of the others listed), Mikey, Sharksandtoe (suspect goes under dozens of aliases), IONEXHEDIE, etc.
IAAP camp usually doesn't favorite football videos O_o
They did this time
Iamaphoney's Christian followers are beginning to wake up and see that they have been USED like grist for the mill. Iamaphoney's blasphemy is coming down fast.
G,I'm going to reveal it all right here and there is nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't have told Him.
24 hours.
By using the page identity, you are giving the misleading impression to fans that these videos are being posted and hosted by John Lennon and The Beatles.
You have hijacked not only John's identity and copyrighted videos, but have also re-edited them.
John Lennon has not sanctioned you to use his name and/or copyrighted materials.
As much as we support freedom of speech and fan support, we cannot accept misleading impersonation, identity & copyright theft and fraud, and request your assistance in a rapid resolution of this matter by immediate deletion of this account.
all His little soldiers are running
He is furious
and I Keep Laughing
How can they remove profiles ? Who has the power to do that ? Why is it legal ?
damn, his account was closed
rapidshare that shit then
It is legal because you can not try to pass yourself off as a trademarked personality. You can't call yourself Chrissie Hynde and create a profile telling everyone that you're Chrissie Hynde and put up reedited Pretenders videos because you are then infringing on copyright laws. Artists and record labels hire watchdog groups to monitor accounts to ensure that their rights are not violated. Remember the Prince news item from last year where his lawyers were going around shutting down accounts that used Prince songs and videos? Iamaphoney should feel fortunate that EMI/Capitol have been incredibly lazy up to this point. If this account was closed as a result of a watchdog group it was most likely one hired by Yoko Ono who owns the trademark to Lennon's name and likeness. There is always the possibility that the account was closed on purpose by the account owner to give the impression that YouTube was being directed to close it by it's lawyers.
the account now says account closed, not suspended.
so i think he did it himself.
Polanski-directed film The Fearless Vampire Killers by Alexander "King of the Witches" Saunders, who received 'training' as a child from Aleister Crowley,
I read that book, quite a few years ago.. If I'm remembering correctly, he found himself destitute at some point when he was a young man and so used some kind of "power of visualization" to attract money/success or some such. In a short time, he met an older couple who were quite rich, and since he reminded them of their dead son to the point of being a doppel, they took him in and gave him anything he wanted.
He eventually saw this as wrong after a friend or relative saw him as "surrounded by evil"
My best recollection, never forget that title "king of the witches" though..
Did anyone see the private video?
What was in it?
- Jude
The lyrics, as well as I could decipher them:
When we were young
Light shone in your eyes just like the sun
When we were young
Everything was open and to come
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young
Absolutely nothing you can do
When you turn from God to Irish stew
Seen the sick and lost without a clue
(If profanity?)
When we were young
Light shone in your eyes just like the sun
When we were young
Everything was open and to come
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young
(I remember?) troubleless and free
That's a secret answer and the key
Just to let it go and let it be
When we were young
Light shone in your eyes just like the sun
When we were young
Everything was open and to come
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young
Suck you dry and leave you on a dream
Wishing you could vanish on a beam
Waking fun and fresh and pure and clean
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young
I put the parts I wasn't sure about in parentheses. Can anyone help me here?
Aside from his accent, which I find makes what he is singing difficult understand at times, he is a terrific singer and I have no doubt in my mind that this song was written by McCartney himself.
- Jude
Then again, it could also be John's writing. All in all, the song seems to sum up the Beatles' experience (as seen from their own eyes) quite nicely.
"Suck you dry and leave you on a dream
Wishing you could vanish on a beam
Waking fun and fresh and pure and clean
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
Life was so much easier to live
When we were young"
At the very least, I think these lyrics speak volumes about John. Maybe Paul, too. But what do I know? I'm just a spectator in this game they are playing...
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
When I was younger so much younger than today.
When you were young and your heart was an open book.
what does tafultong mean anyway?
The meaning of Tafultong is part of IAAPs revelation.
what about my second point?
your pal,
"The Beatles kept this PR stunt very close to home. They knew it could blow up in their faces just like the 'bigger than Jesus' comment had before. If the public learned that the Beatles were fucking with them to keep their record sales up, their legacy might have been tarnished for a good long time."
If there is a "revelation," it would be some admission from Mal or even Paul that they initiated the PID rumours as a publicity stunt. They certainly didn't have to plant all of the clues, because people can make those up for themselves, witness the NIR thread PID/PWR songs. Apparently every song and movie is about PID, even today.
Paul would probably tell you that many synchronicities sprang up around this stunt. Many of the best "clues" were not intentional at all.
He did, however, tell us to "read the record mirror". I hope to find out just what we are reading. He gave us a second chance at the end of the Day In The Life clip in the Anthology series. We simply must find out.
Eleanor Rigby hidden messages from television Cartoon series
That's quite a subliminal to be put into a children's cartoon.
It furthers my theory that The Beatles were exploited by the powers-that-be. MK-Ultra and the Tavistock Institute come to mind.
oh great!
another cartoon!
so predictable ! ! !
Almost as predictable as your negative comments!
Why do you watch them if you don't like them?
There is no one forcing you to watch
Unrelated to this discussion; lively animation to a rare Lennon interview.
Related to this discussion: if true, multiple shots TO THE HEAD are close to impossible to have occured in the official version of events.
That's what is commonly referred to as an "execution-style killing".
~ km artlu
By using the page identity, you are giving the misleading impression to fans that these videos are being posted and hosted by John Lennon and The Beatles.
You have hijacked not only John's identity and copyrighted videos, but have also re-edited them.
John Lennon has not sanctioned you to use his name and/or copyrighted materials.
As much as we support freedom of speech and fan support, we cannot accept misleading impersonation, identity & copyright theft and fraud, and request your assistance in a rapid resolution of this matter by immediate deletion of this account.
That isn't a YouTube DMCA takedown notice (Believe me I've a couple). They do not provide personized messages which use words like "Hijacked".
There was a heartbeat and it never really died,
Yes it never really died.
Oh will you swallow your pride?
All I ever wanted was to know that you were dreaming...
Perfect Pitch
Impersonation of an impersonation?
"If there is a revelation, it would be some admission from Mal or even Paul that they initiated the PID rumours as a publicity stunt. They certainly didn't have to plant all of the clues, because people can make those up for themselves, witness the NIR thread PID/PWR songs. Apparently every song and movie is about PID, even today."
Odd, isn't it? Somethings are so 'eternal'.
Or, the revelation could be that the Beatles were used for a sinister purpose.
Was Mal executed to block the release of his memoirs?
The team behind IAAP are obviously huge Beatle and Macca fans. They are also very into the music that some folks seem to think is "demonic." That's why they upload Beatle covers and even re-record them with loving care. If the team thought Paul or the Beatles were part of some sinister plot to write classic songs, I doubt they'd put forth the series in such a way, and they wouldn't label it "entertainment," and if it was so sinister that Mal was murdered over it, they wouldn't be putting videos on YouTube and they wouldn't risk the life of Mikey, a schoolkid from the Netherlands. Hey Mikey, I'm guessing you've got to be about the coolest kid in school what with all this attention. When I think of you over there, glued to your monitor, headphones on, Beatle albums lining your bedroom walls, putting together your latest PID videos while awaiting word from IAAP, I think to myself, "This is a fun thing for this guy to be involved in." It's an experience you'll never forget. Since people are wondering Mikey, let me ask you: Do you fear for your life from some all-powerful secret society or from Apple Corps hit men? Is the revelation something that would endanger you?
I thought not.
Rock on.
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
thank you plugfive
must be pick on MikeyNL1038 week, poor lad
they are hard on them apostles
no man... not much young people like the beatles these days... they listen to hip hop stuff, i hate most of it, there are some good hip hop records, but that was in the 90's/ early 00's. it's all about gangster rap nowadays. it's awful.
but i do have a couple of friends that like the beatles, and even some that are into PID. Fritjof(badboyrae) lives close to my home and he's obsessed with it.
everything is cool, i don't fear for my life. though i'm cautious.
"Wow, I just wasted 10 minuets of my life reading that.
And yes, Polanski is a fucking pedophile."
wow do you seem angry!
whats going on?
hey Mikey?
whats up with the aiwass tag at the end there?
hey mr rock on,
i would like you to try to do everything Mikey does, english isn't even his mother tongue mate!
lets see you converse in his language
what if Mikey wasn't real?
a made up figure from the McCartney webteam
yeah they have school over there in the Netherlands?
Got any homework?
the 11:11 McCartney Youtube Webteam
patent pending
Anonymous said...
The meaning of Tafultong is part of IAAPs revelation.
August 20, 2008 8:36 PM
Tafultong has something to do with IAAP?
Vince = Tafultong
"everything is cool, i don't fear for my life. though i'm cautious.
How are you cautious?
what precautions are you taking?
Mikey, it's cool that you and Bad Boy and Formermedia and basically everyone in the Netherlands that's into the Beatles are having a good time with this fan project, but I wouldn't get too deep into the aiwass nonsense. Wouldn't want to see the older guys indoctrinating you into some bogus new age Themelite cult.
"Tafultong has something to do with IAAP? Really?"
Was that sarcasm or a genuine question?
Vince here. The rumors of me being Tafultong are greatly exaggerated!
Hey guys, just wanna say that I don't care about this proof or revelation stuff! Me no likey the revelations, just the art!
Art rules and puzzles stink!
Your friend,
Some other poster pretending to be Vince.
Pretty good, huh?
Let me try my To761983 impression:
Mikey is obviously a psy-op useful idiot. His channel has "left wing loon" written all over it. Tafultong's blog is being monitored by Zionist fronts such as Home Depot and HGTV.
Here's my Jude impression:
If you guys would ever just stop to look more closely, you would realize that IAAP has given us everything we need to know about the revelation. More than I even know, even though I already sort of know, but I might not know for all you know.
Shine on.
HOw about Sanguine? (is he Vince?)
Hey dudz. . .alls I know is ths is a grate groop of people and deftly I wanna text all of you best wizhes!
Iamaphoney subscriber breakdown
Subscribers: 794
Thesis: there are not many actually unique subscribers
I will let you fill in the blanks
sharksadtoe accounts
wifebeater007, resbesbee, RIPdopeyanddoc, RoomTwelveTwentyTwo, taffyfan1000, TechSupportAD, telapathy83, TheGoodRatBoy, tiptapdough, prayformojo1985, pillowfeud, saltsandsun, SpookyGhost21, stopandgogoboots, DiamondsBack, FatherOShaunessy, fishingforbait, foundmygoat, GiftGrifter, Hewasalibra, KingsCup57, LetItHeal, lochnesscoolster, lostandfoundthief, ChadMichaelMurray700, beerbaitedfish,
25 and a good percentage of them had listed as sole subscribers to IAAP
so 794 - 25 = 769
grandfather wannabe accounts = 14-50
so 769-50 = 719
Mikey accounts.... ?
other people multiple accounts... ?
iamaphoney sub-accounts
= ??? A BUNCH
something rotten is in denmark
The URL contained a malformed video ID.
could you re-shine on?
Some other poster pretending to be Vince.
Pretty good, huh?
August 21, 2008 6:49 PM
Very Good!
"Hey dudz. . .alls I know is ths is a grate groop of people and deftly I wanna text all of you best wizhes!"
yeah i wondered about sanguine111
poor spelling seemed forced
Maybe there is only 10 real people !
what a mind trip!
Maybe we will all raise a glass in Vallhalla
; )
"could you re-shine on?"
Aha! Now yer catchin' on! IAAP has only 25 unique subscribers, and of those 25, 24 are on the team. The "Rotten in Denmark" is the meaning of the "Rotten Apple Series" and the Hamlet tie-ins (Miles Deo, etc) are all manufactured.
"How are you cautious?
what precautions are you taking?"
Yeah! I want to be precautious too!
how is it that : R0LLlNGSTONES can stay up but that Phoney singer JohnYoko whatever gets taken down !?!?!?
thank you for reposting that shine on
HEY! sanguine111
are you real?
! Me no likey the revelations, just the art!
Art rules and puzzles stink!
LOL you are awesome!
Are you one of the team?
Lesse, am I real? I cant spel but I chose SANGUINE111 as a screen name.
I've been accused of being on the "team." I suppose I am, just not the team to which you refer.
"Wouldn't want to see the older guys indoctrinating you into some bogus new age Themelite cult."
Yeah no doubt! If you are real MikeyNL1038, don't do it!
"Lesse, am I real? I cant spel but I chose SANGUINE111 as a screen name."
I wish someone would invite me into a cult. I am bored
"how is it that : R0LLlNGSTONES can stay up but that Phoney singer JohnYoko whatever gets taken down !?!?!?"
Because J0HN0N0LENN0N was taken down by J0HN0N0LENN0N.
No one cares about copyright issues. There aren't copyright police looking through every video that gets uploaded to youtube.
I am still waiting for Bern to take down all the videos
like the maytag repair man, i just keep waiting and waiting
Because J0HN0N0LENN0N was taken down by J0HN0N0LENN0N.
you are trolling this blog.
for a couple of hours, there were only like.. 5 comments posted. and in 10 minutes time, about 50!
it's impossible
exactly, otherwise there would be a whole bunch others taken down
actually it has to be 2 people, because I am not doing all of them
well, 3 people unless you Mike are the other person
weird shit is happening!
Although your "impersonations" of other posters here are not without merit, and indeed, although you may or may not be the actual posters, there is no verifiable means of empirical study that would decide the matter to the satisfaction of any peer-reviewed journal.
JGuildersleeve impression
(Just trying to put Aja in a good mood)
hi mike
so what precautions are you taking?
nehh, i'm not doing it...
i'm too lazy tonight to login every minute.
login, logout, login, logout.
i can't even imagine how the youtube trollers must feel about logging in.
Hey, 'fake Vince',
Have YOU seen that Super Furry Animals video I keep bringing up?
may the farce be with you,
yeah i wondered if that to761983 was real, i kept thinking... could someone really be like this?
Mikey, I've just fallen back into my old chat-room habits, sorry bloke!
This is indeed a blog, not a chat-room, but it's so much cozier here than on IAAPs channel.
Mike said
"weird shit is happening!"
Exactly !
i thought that cautious meant that you were being carefull...
not that i'm taking precautions. ;- )
PS; phoney has logged in again since 2 weeks, must be back from a long holiday or something.
"Tafultong has something to do with IAAP? Really?"
Was that sarcasm or a genuine question?
a genuine question, do you know?
i signed in.
maybe phoney is here phoneying us
Do I HAVE to watch this Super Furry Animals thing, Vince? I haven't even read For Whom the Bell Tolls yet, and I have to watch this thing?
After that 'fake Vince' incident.
You don't have to do anything you don't wanna do.
"I am still waiting for Bern to take down all the video"
Bern wasn't taking down the videos, the FBI was!
"for a couple of hours, there were only like.. 5 comments posted. and in 10 minutes time, about 50!
it's impossible"
Maybe people just got home from work, school, or whatever it is they were doing and are now here.
Mikey, the premeire PID'er is saying THAT'S impossible. And replacing a world reknown celebrity with a look and sound alike is easy as pie.
Lesse, Tafultong has a blog DEDICATED to Iamaphoney. Iamaphoney is in contact with Tafultong, and indeed asks Tafultong to post certain pictures, documents, etc. IAAP used this forum to address the Camden Yard fire issue when it was getting hot. IAAP asked Tafultong to remove a certain video, which he did.
It's not impossible that Tafultong is IAAP or a team member.
yeah, it just seemed not logical to me...
but yeah it is possible...
it's just STRANGE.
anonymous said...
I wish someone would invite me into a cult. I am bored
C'mon Aj,
This is just as good as any cult....
at least, we don't have to pay!
a street, it's completely empty for 10 days.
you blink... and then there are cars everywhere
"Mikey, the premeire PID'er is saying THAT'S impossible. And replacing a world reknown celebrity with a look and sound alike is easy as pie."
your JGuildersleeve impression is ACE!
Interestingly, Mikey isn't a PIDer. Isn't that right, Mikey?
Who would've known Ken fuckin' Mansfield would have sparked such a discussion!
its not a proper troll till someone named NosdrahcirBocaj shows up.. until then, its just a conversation between 2, maybe 3 people
Mikey isn't a PIDer ?
a street, it's completely empty for 10 days.
you blink... and then there are cars everywhere"
the last several Tafultong posts have gotten more traffic indeed
I'm not sure about Paul being dead.
I think he was replaced at times.
But on the other hand...
Maybe he is dead.
In time, we'll know. :- )
maybe this is leading up to the 02092008 revelation?
its ok mike
i am not really a PID'er either, been making alot of videos about it tho
why am i the only person logged in?
people, come on, just make an account so we know who's who.
wait that isn't right.
I consider PID'er amd a PIW'er the same thing, even though it's not. sorry for the mix up.
I hope when this whole phoney trip is over he'll come out and drop the whole mystery man thing show a little sense of humor and have a chat with all us fans.
That was off topic. This sure does feel like a chat room tonight.
Mikey wants to know who's who? Mikey, you want to know who's who? Mr. Iamaphoney spokesperson wants to know who is actually who? Does the fact that you don't know other people's true identities bother you a bit? Why would anyone hide behind anonymous or false accounts or pass themselves off as PAU1 McCartney? Why don't people just come clean and say exactly who they are?
But maybe he's dead.
We'll find out.
Tafultong has a blog DEDICATED to Iamaphoney.
Iamaphoney is in contact with Tafultong, and indeed asks Tafultong to post certain pictures, documents, etc.
IAAP used this forum to address the Camden Yard fire issue when it was getting hot.
IAAP asked Tafultong to remove a certain video, which he did.
It's not impossible that Tafultong is IAAP or a team member.
Sherlock Holmes says
Quote - "I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I received a scoop of sorts from someone I believe to be a credible"
; )
alright, i'll post as anonymous from now on : ]
let's see how that goes!
There's just nothing doing on TV
(summer repeat)
"Why don't people just come clean and say exactly who they are? "
YES! Like Iamaphoney et al
"alright, i'll post as anonymous from now on : ]
let's see how that goes!"
Ahhhahahahaha too funny!
I can't remember my Goddamn password.
How dare Faul hide behind a false identity! How does he sleep ? What kind of sicko Luciferian would pretend to be someone else? Oh yeah, everyone in Iamaphoney land. They do it every day.
Who's the impostor, indeed?
Who's here?
Do you figure?
"though i'm cautious."
what cautions are you taking?
making videos?
because people have things to hide.
your pal,
where's Aja when you need him/her?
or mojolillikins?
"If you guys would ever just stop to look more closely, you would realize that IAAP has given us everything we need to know about the revelation. More than I even know, even though I already sort of know, but I might not know for all you know."
Exactly! I couldn't have said it better myself.
I think now there is 4 people here
you said it yourself.
put a gun against my head
your vince,
MikeNL the anti-Anonymous paragon
FaulMcCartney | August 19, 2008
lol, nobody ever thought about getting FaulMcCartney :P?
well, i have it now :D :- )
yes, i do register good usernames when i see them.
but i don't use them for trolling.
"I don't mean I'm cautious like looking over my shoulder or anything!
I'm not trying to be mysterious, I want to know the answer same as you guys :) I never said Paul was dead, I meant that he was replaced with a stand-in for lighting sessions during MMT.
Fake Mikey
"C'mon Aj,
This is just as good as any cult....
at least, we don't have to pay!"
Thats right , you're unemployed Vince!
Well we've certainly had a healthy (if not a bit convoluted) discussion here tonight. I thank all of you for your thoughtful debate, which had me wondering if I was actually myself for a minute!
Someone once said that you can fool all of the people some of the time, and fridapeople all of the time.
Well, I've got to get to sleep. After tonight's chat, I hope I'm not counting sheeple!
Fake Tafultong
"Bern wasn't taking down the videos, the FBI was!"
I wish the FBI would hurry
Well, that sucks.
That was ME!
And, if it was, 'ja got any money.
(our lives, could be sunny, too...... wooo)
To quote another famous Liverpool band.
Oh, yeah, and though I'll gladly talk of riddles and ravens, but if you ask me about the meaning of "Tafultong," you'll find I am the Sphinx.
Goodnight Jimbob
Goodnight Beckysue
Goodnight Fake Tafultong !
- walton's reference
My precious "Venture Bros." went FULL STOP:
A satire on "The League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen" that features Oscar Wilde AND Alistar Crowely!
A post-op tranny Hunter S. Thompson,
AND The Frick Museum: A place where some of the action in MY NOVEL takes place!
I'd be mad if it wasn't so FREAKIN' FUNNY!
I heard Bern is in Switzerland now.
"and fridapeople all of the time. "
I LOVE Fake Tafultong !
Love ya, Vince, but I hope you don't use that CAPS LOCK mode of expression in your novel. As you know, ONLY CONSPIRACY THEORISTS use CAPS LOCK to overstate their AWE and AMAZEMENT at the breadth of the DECEPTION.
"Ahhhahahahaha too funny!
I can't remember my Goddamn password."
"Love ya, Vince, but I hope you don't use that CAPS LOCK mode of expression in your novel. As you know, ONLY CONSPIRACY THEORISTS use CAPS LOCK to overstate their AWE and AMAZEMENT at the breadth of the DECEPTION."
Paul is Dead?
how about
does Vince really have a book?
Vince's book is dead
How about fake Tafultong out-of-character?
You know, I'm really fed up with all of you f-in leeches hanging around my f-in blog to show off or to get your jollies on my time. This is MY f-in blog, losers!!! What part of MY didn't you get?
If you guys actually thought that I thought Paul was dead then you need to get the F out of your mother's basements.
Iamaphoney can kiss my a**. You haven't seen awful until you've seen pissed off Taful!
(sorry, Tafultong!)
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