Those other video makers are continuing to give Iamaphoney a run for his money with some compelling videos. I am still reeling from the JohnCharles/YouKnowMyName231 revelation. I have not received confirmation about YKMN's identity, but it is perfectly reasonable to me that it would be the same person who has posted here under the name JohnCharles. I have always appreciated his wisdom, even when we did not agree.
Check out the new video Paul Is Dead 11:11 from PIDgame.
Paul McCartney played "Hey Jude" on his harmonica for a 4-month-old named Jude.
John Lennon's killer was denied parole again, thankfully.
The Chicago Sun Times had a report about Paul McCartney attending a Native American ceremonial event on his Route 66 trip.
This Route 66 trip by the 66-year-old McCartney has been a real Public Relations success. Despite all of the 6's, I still maintain that the only people who ever accused McCartney of being anti-Christ are Derek Taylor and David Noebel.
One small item on the Abbeyrd Beatles News Page caught my eye. Apparently Paul is using the name "Martin" as an alias on this Route 66 trip. I know what you're thinking. Didn't somebody say that Iamaphoney is a guy named Ian Martin Jr.? Didn't somebody else say that Iamaphoney's music is done by a guy named Martin Lind? Didn't Paul McCartney use the name Billy Martin in 1970 and wasn't it printed on his suitcase? Hey, for all I know, the second suitcase contained a Dean Martin L.P.
Anyway, I hope that Nancy and "Martin" are having a wonderful time and I look forward to his next concert, the next Fireman album and whatever else he has up his sleeve to keep us all fascinated.
Here is a picture within a picture from the Daily Mail.

Good to see a post from you! And good to see Paul/Faul/"Paul" having a good time! Hope you are having a good time as well!
Let's talk about that Paul Is Dead 11:11 video for a minute. It seems to be saying that Macca is behind the iamaphoney series, and I for one have always suspected as much. A great deal of time and effort has been put into it, and is far too costly to be someone's hobby. It is viral marketing, and Paul is having a lot of fun at our expense.
If Macca does not at least give the project his approval, then how is it allowed to go on? Hell, Paul invented viral marketing himself with the original 'Paul Is Dead' rumor. Now, he's having fun with the David Noebels of the world, and giving them something to think about.
Somewhere, John Lennon is shaking his head and smiling.
PS Taf, did you read all those posts.
Boy, did we go crazy w/o you or what?
Oh yes, thank goodness the patsy, er, I mean, "John Lennon's killer" has been denied parole once more. He's only been in there 28 perfectly-behaved years. Who knows what horrors he would unleash upon this world if he were released! The man is a demon I say, etc., etc....
Interesting to note that video
Paul Is Dead 11:11 by PIDgame
shows in print from the New Yorker Magazine that Paul McCartney has Web Teams that post videos on YouTube.
I think that explains a lot of what has been going on around here, and how and why the frequency and longevity of these videos (not removed by copyright).
Also, Macca traveling
Taf is traveling
gfa/PIDgame? traveling
ever notice that you don't see any of them in the same room at the same time?
Remember when they said?
Elvis has left the building
he was there all along
and hey Mojo L Likins
Paul is in TEXAS
SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY played the harmonica for a tot - after the singer learned he was named after his hit BEATLES track HEY JUDE.
The former Beatles legend met four-month-old Jude's parents Lori and Don Dunavin during a trip to Amarillo, Texas
Route 66 doesn't go to Vegas, does it?
Ah, poo(k)
(for all you Burroughs fans out there)
hey Paul and Nancy,
when your done with route 66, head yourselves up North to see the 2008 faul foliage. Lots of red and yellow to LOOK at.
Pid and Nancy ;)
That was a cool video by PID game, which fits in with PID game's theory. I wonder if PID game is Miles Deo, not that it matters. Of course Paul has web teams who try to cook up marketing ideas. He's with a major label. That's how you market things these days--he's got a YouTube site for cripes sake. What ideas would these 20-something web viral marketing guys come up with to promote Paul? What else? Paul is Dead stuff. It's a no brainer.
Tafultong, have fun on the road and say "hi" to Macca for us.
Did anyone notice the tags on "Revelation"? ROUTE 66 you were only waiting for this moment to arise.
What are the odds that Paul is 66 and celebrating with the Route 66 trip and that YKMNs video is about the 66 books of the Bible and the 66th book is Revelation and that
"James Paul McCartney He die" = 231and that 11+22+33+44+55+66=231?
The question is: is this part of the viral marketing, intentional, crazy coincidence, or something else?
Stanley Kubrick didn’t just randomly alter things from the novel (as many viewers think), he's reversed them.
red and yellow
There's a very strong chance IAAP is part of a viral campaign, but it seems as though IAAP approached MPL, ("Billy" did say he was "looking for investors") and said, this PID thing is kind of a semi-warm topic on the web, and we could blow it up some more. The IAAP videos make use of ALL of Paul's solo album covers (including the obviously hyped "Love" album) and much of his solo work, including material from his recent videos and plugs for the McCartney Years DVD, clear indications it's putting Macca's solo work (in context of his Beatle legacy) top-of-mind among PIDers and Beatle fans.
The YKMN series is almost certainly not a viral campaign, since it doesn't reference Paul's solo career or albums and never makes any attempt to draw in viewers or even subscribers. To my knowledge, YKMN has never even posted anything as a video response, and his tags never use Beatles or McCartney or anything that might bring a wider audience. Until very recently, all of the YKMN videos had the embedding feature disabled, hardly something you would do if you wanted attention. One could tally up every view and comment from YKMNs site and they wouldn't come to squat.
Was anyone else really, really annoyed by the repetitive sound effect used in PID Game?
I mean, the same sound effect over and over...
Was anyone else really, really annoyed by the repetitive sound effect used in PID Game?
I mean, the same sound effect over and over...
Sorry for the double post.
I thought you were making a joke!
My wife was.
She woke up this morning to it, and was quite annoyed!
If 'iamaphoney' is a viral marketing campaign it's not a very good one. I mean, it's only entered the consciousness of a few thousand peole around the world - about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
Why do people keep posting comments like 'I KNOW PAUL IS BEHIND IAMAPHONEY' and then fail to elaborate? Pointless.
or even 'people'.
I don't see how the Rotten Apple Series is too costly. The person obviously has an occupation that allows him to travel.
Maybe he is a musician/producer that works at a television company based in Denmark. ;)
"Why do people keep posting comments like 'I KNOW PAUL IS BEHIND IAMAPHONEY' and then fail to elaborate? Pointless."
...said the person from the Rotten Apple team whose name may or may not be Ritchie.
maybe the idea is to keep it underground till the revelation comes?it is kind of designed to be underground, wouldn't you agree?
He lives in california
Remember, iamaphoney is PREPARING us for the revelation. It was never said that iamaphoney will be who reveals it.
it is designed to be trigging very clever people and nutcases,to keep it underground untill macca is ready i think this bE bb ers means be 66 years dont ya think?
The idea behind IAAP is/was to draw in as many Beatle/Macca fans as possible, it's just that it hasn't worked. Why else would IAAP counterfeit Macca's YouTube site down to small details if he wasn't trying to bait and switch Macca fans? IAAP consistently attempts to parasite off of McCartney videos with video responses. The team has created a slew of sock puppet accounts under various Beatle people names in order to draw in viewers. Beyond the "team" videotaping and editing, you have the confederates like Jude, Mikey, and several others who keep posting on NIR, here, and elsewhere under their and many other accounts in order to control and monitor the proceedings. Nearly every post here, it is obvious, comes from IAAP, his confederates, and friends. It's nearly a closed system--reminds me of this theater group I used to work with that only put on plays for their friends. I asked them why they didn't try to bring in an actual outside audience, and they said, "No one else gets our in-jokes."
,,,, or The Residents old 'theory of obscurity'!
thats why Paul booked a hotel in the name Ian Martin?
Where my homies at?
"Why else would IAAP counterfeit Macca's YouTube site down to small details if he wasn't trying to bait and switch Macca fans?"
Speaking of which...
I can't say if Paul is dead or not. I can say, from looking at that picture, that Nancy has a much nicer pair of legs than Heather does.
so tafultong, you're on the road huh? and paul is riding route 66 as of saturday.. intristing, intristing
That makes it official.
Tafultong is Paul. Case closed.
Vince Homies Cardholder #66
right here
can I get a woot-woot?
Oh boy, here we go-
I'll spell it finally out for everyone.
If you end the lies, you will live.
Not that any dead rockstar's got anything on me.
tee hee deedle dee
-silly willy
where's Beatrice?
Hi, Paulie-Paul. Nice legs on that gal. Glad you're having fun again. Do the kids like her?
You old devil, you. You had us, hook, line, and sinker. I hope you enjoyed yourself.
Thanks for the well-wishes! Bea is with her well-paid nanny. Nancy says "hi" and she laughed out loud on the legs comment. Glad you enjoyed the show.
In case there are any hurt feelings . . .I wasn't being dishonest. Like it says, You Know My Name.
did we just get a McCartney drive by!
are you dead?
do you mind if I call you Faul?
This whole thing is fractured and boring now. Everybody want to be "in" on it. Everyone has insider information..
I have written a lot of stuff without one lick of inside information.
I have made a bunch of videos without any inside information as well
; )
I think what anonymous means is that he/she has grown weary of the videomakers implying some insider knowledge of what's really going on with Macca, IAAP, YKMN, or whomever.
Yay! I'm still alive.
actually, i'm dead.
now you know...
just like in the sixth sense...
but i don't really know yet.
phony hasn't locked in for a week
on holiday???
The article in question:
How did we all miss this?
Just like everyone missed the handyshakes.
Vince, here.
mikenl said...
actually, i'm dead.
now you know...
just like in the sixth sense...
but i don't really know yet.
Well, well, well.
This is funny 'coz one of the previews before "Tropic Thunder" was for Ricky Gervais' movie. Forgot the title but it's a total "Sixth Sense"-type of movie where he can see dead people.
The song they use is........ "I'm Looking Through You"!
if mccartney isn't involved with iamaphony then why is iaap on the mccartney years cover?
If someone at Apple or MPL or Macca isn't involved how come all of these videos are allowed to be on Youtube?
Wouldnt it be copyright issues?
also the mccartney years video and the iamaphony video about mccartney years was released at the exact same time
good point sir !
someone didn't miss it
; )
MilesDeo's video DOES NOT prove that is Iamaphoney on the McCartney Years cover, nor does it EVEN COME CLOSE. More wishful thinking, more people seeing what they want to see.
Open your eyes.
So, was that Macca here last night, or what?
I don't think he 'egg' us on.
Paul hasn't changed a bit. He loves attention, and he likes to play. In the early days, he used to make up all kinds of nonsense when being interviewed. He knows how to turn lemons into lemonade.
In spite of it all, many people will carry on believing that Paul is dead. He can hardly complain about it, since he started the whole thing himself. Some of our creations take on a life of their own, don't they, Dr. F?
Hello my fellow "conspirators". (SHHH hehehe .w.i.n.k.)
Well I don't really know what else to say so I am goingto try some automatic typing....
OFe lasdf f Uf leksidf dlfk jwersodif keeel dkfjanvdkdorekdcfdjwodk ekekdjf erodk fjdkwelfksifodddk jek jfdkso. Damn that shit just doesn't work the same without pen and paper. (maybe it's a shift cipher)
OK oK , I joke, I kid...that's what a rodeo clown does, they entertain the audience while flirting with death in order to distract the rampaging bull that could easily "horn" the now defenseless rider,"risk-taker"...who can usually be found rolling in the dirt and scampering behind the rodeo clown until they can get safe passage under the gate...NOT THAT I FEEL LIKE I AM FLIRTING WITH DEATH (some of you need to reread that until you actually see it)...but in a way you are right, whoever you are because I do not know a threat in this "arena".
If Paul McCartney is hiding a dark secret, well, what does that really fucking mean to me? Do we not look up on YouTube and other websites Charlie Manson's vids and other sick twisted shit in order to satisfy our own morbid curiosity? Would it really be that much of a surprise if it were so? If it was a surprise, why would it be? That is not a commentary on JPM himself, it is a commentary on humanity (assuming that JPM is human)Call me apathetic, cynical, etc. but the one thing that recurs to me throughout this whole damn thing is that one hand doesn't clap, guys. I have the interest, I seek the answer using assumptions, chosen avenues, I guess the answer, and I make the story. It isn't a story unless I say it's one.
That said, what exactly does the story mean to me? The government has never told us the truth the first time, and sometimes the 66th time. The need for people to oppress others continues to thrive and LOVE is not even allowed to make an appearance in public anymore unless it's been coached,dressed and scripted. Until it seems that noone remembers what love really is. SO, to me the story is something along the lines of experiencing a new era, obeserving the struggle between the belief in LOVE and the dis-belief in LOVE. (To me the Beatles were love ,through thick and thin, alone and together, with others and with even the lowly fans.) And sometimes nervously questioning my own standards and practices when it comes to love. After all I think for myself and noone explains my role to me, I choose my role based on the information I perceive....information I a rational way. Ok NM I guess automatic typing does work.
Welp frenz, Iam going out for a drinkand a smoke.
I told you he was only sleeping.
And, I don't *think* I am up to something
And, JPM in Texas...yay for Texas.
lessee what else...
Oh yeah!! Viral marketing: To me it would seem (LOL) that it very well could be plausible, I know Taf's blog's been visited by annoying little blurb bugs that leave little stinky messages like "IT IS VIRAL MARKETING" and "I KNOW THAT PAUL IS BEHIND IAMAPHONEY" and "GREAT CAMPHORUS CREEPING SENSATION, PEOPLE! YOU ARE MELTING MY PANTS WITH PSYCHIC RESONANCE" ...oh, wait that last one is a different blog. So what if it viral marketing, and Paul's behind? got credit didn't you? LMAO. They are gonna have to really work on it if it is to edge up sales though, or maybe it did but the other fans didn't feel the need to incessantly discuss and thoroughly repudiate every tiny detail like I like to. If that is at MY "expense" then, um, I guess I'll "pay" it because I am having a hell of a time, pretty darn cheaply....Oh that reminds me, if one isn't having a hell of a time, wouldn't one want to change activities? It's a humongous, ginourmous, great big, internet universe. You could go do some research so we have something to discuss that you like. :P (Iamjustsayin')
Ok One more thing...
Vince, **ME TOO** totally Westwood One Radio...Dr. Demento, where Weird "Al" wasn't really all that weird. I guess we are about the same age, old.
"But be not wroth, my lord, because I play;
Full oft in jest have I heard truth, I say.” The Monk's Prologue-Chaucer
Umm . . .was that your book you were talking about Vince?
Vince, here.
Whoa, Moj!
I know this area is only for fun when I listen to THIS:
Jello's still fighting!
Yeah, I was told to find myself a literary agent.
Not the best time for a 'first-time' author to unleash his work.
Anyone that can spend months and years discussing Klaatu albums and Neil Aspinall's eye color obviously have found their calling with PID. Even if they didn't think Paul was dead, they'd be discussing something along those lines anyway. I've noticed people like to bring to PID their favorite pop cultural subjects, movies, bands, and TV shows in effort to work them into the narrative and make them seem more relevant, like Dr. Who, Twin Peaks, Kubrick, etc. I'm surprised people haven't tried to work in Lord of the Rings or Star Trek somehow. Maybe they have. I enjoy the "canonical" PID clues and discussion on anything Beatle, but I'll stick with Tafultong's associations 'cause they're fun and the conversation is usually pretty good.
Part of my original theory:
Keeping The Beatles out of the dying (if not DEAD) music industry, and moving it into a near-religious 'thingy'!
Makes perfect sense to me.
I think PID is no different than boy scouts telling ghost stories around the campfire, trying to outscare each other, or pretending not to secretly push the Ouija pointer. It's human nature to create scary stories with secret powers in charge. Anyone remember the big bad wolf? Beowulf? Hansel and Gretel? Mary Worth? Medusa? Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
You hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what PID is, a ghost story.
In a way, Iamaphoney is the "ghost" of the original Paul coming back to haunt the people who covered up his death. Is that Iamaphoney's intnet? Probably not, but that's one of the ways you could read it.
This PID thing has been around for a long time. IAAP has given it a breath of new life. Kudos to him. Joseph Campbell himself said it's time for people to create new myths. And that is what I think everyone is now doing. Wether( it be reptillian politicians or John Lennon faking his death.
Thanks for all of the comments, everyone. Some really great ones in there.
I love the names being dropped: Burroughs, Kubrick, Campbell, Iamaphoney....
Check out this fascinating blog for more information about Kubrick's reversals in "The Shining."
Iamaphoney's "McCartney Years" promo was released very quickly AFTER the Official one, (same thing with the Amoeba show clip) however, an earlier Iamaphoney video that opened with a stack of film reels actually was released BEFORE the Official "McCartney Years" promo, which had a very similar opening.
"John Lennon's killer was denied parole again, thankfully."
Mark David Chapman is a sane, reformed man and has long since served his sentence. This man will likely spend the rest of his life in prison not because he killed a man but he killed JOHN LENNON...*gasp*!
It's time to let it be, for Gods sakes. I thought you were a reasonable enough guy, Tafultong, not one of those crazed Lennon fans who think MDC will go after Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono if he were released.
useless troll, be gone
Why am I a useless troll? Because I think a man with an impeccable record of good behavior, a reformed man who must weep every single night for the childish actions he took 28 years ago...that such a man deserves to be free? Go to hell.
bern, you are right...
he did hurt us by killing john.
but what if, john is still alive??? then what..
how can we give him 28 years back?
and i still think he didn't do it. the fact still is that he didn't even remember shooting him. and the wounds were on the wrong side of his body. there are a lot of other anomalies.
how can you explain yoko's weird behavior. the weird flap on his face in the morgue picture, that julian and sean never got to see him, that we don't know where his remains are. that these weird videos are showing up from after his death in IAAP videos.. and more (which i don't have time to bring up right now) but you get the point.
i do know that WEIRD SHIT is happening... and MDC might have been a victim of mind control. and stuff beyond that.
Whatever gets you through your life 'salright, 'salright
Do it wrong or do it right 'salright, 'salright
Some call it Magick
the search for the Grail
LOVE is the answer
you are reading my mind, miles :P
Well many think that MDC did in fact shoot and kill John Lennon and if he was released from prison I'm sure that he would see the same fate. And it could come from the same reasons that he did it. To be the man that actually did it. To forever be associated with the man that killed John.. which is sad. How many people HATE the fact that John was killed/"killed"? Millions. How many would want to rid the world of the man that "did it"? A lot I'm sure. If somehow he is innocent it's almost better that he is locked up. He would not last a day on the outside. Many would think "how cool would it be to kill the man that killed John?". He would have such a large target on his head. He did it or not. Right or wrong. He will never be the same man. I'd bet a ton of money that he couldn't make it a week on the streets. In fact I'm surprised that no one has "taken care" of him yet.. Not to say that I advocate that or anything or be the one to do it. I'm just saying that John meant and means a lot to a lot of people and some would want to do something about the man that took him away....
And sorry for the long post....
Suitcase anyone? or are we past that? lol
suitcase is still there, unfortunately...
I bet it been rained on a lot and is very soggy... I wonder why no one has gotten it? Last one was snatched up kinda quickly but this one... Maybe people have thought that it has nothing of importance in it and have no desire to find it.. kinda sucks... if someone would "find it" maybe something would happen in this crazy world..
well, for a starter... we get a new video
second.. the suitcase contains the next piece to this puzzle...
third.. we can move on...
fourth... i get some sleep
fifth... jacob's anus stops smelling like cheese.. :D
Paul sure is having fun with this. He can even post here, knowing that most won't believe it's him.
Another suitcase and video? What's the point? No one made heads or tail of the contents in the first suitcase. You could watch that Blair Witch snippet a hundred times and it won't add to your understanding. I don't think anyone's made heads or tails of the 100 or so videos already out there. If the other videos were like puzzle pieces that had been at least partially set into place, I could understand. But no one has a single piece in place, and the effect of that is it dulls the appetite for cryptic stuff.
Hmmmm. I don't see that there's any way for IAAP's "revelation" to trump the YKMN thesis that God is the one who left the clues (not just in Beatles but everywhere) to get people to look more deeply into things. That's a lot more difficult to believe than Lennon did it as a joke. It's also hard to believe that God would have some hand in the Beatles, otherwise he would have made sure Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane made it onto Sgt Pepper and Within you Without You would have been dropped (or maybe "Good Morning"). Maybe it's too big of an idea, and I suppose we'd rather stick to the more immediately appealing idea of plastic surgery and the meaning of LILY. If we're all out in a field that's got some doggie doo on the surface even though gold is buried beneath, we might actually find the doggie doo (Satan, serial murderers, conspiracies), but that doesn't mean the gold isn't still there.
For Pete(Best?)'s sake, someone get me already! I'm in the same damn spot---THE EXACT SAME DAMN SPOT, AND IT'S RAINING ON ME NIGHT AND DAY.
Here, here on the 'vibes' I get from YKMN231's vids!
Suitcase, SCHMOOT-case!
I sure not many of you saw that Super Furry Animals DVD that has this statement after the list of major crimes done by a major religion.
Brings tears to my eyes.
If anything, I thank Paul for pointing my in the direction of that band!
your pal,
Isn't there people on this blog who lives in LA?
Go Get The Darn Suitcase.
Sorry, I'm unemployed AND I don't drive!
Maybe Paul can get it for us!
There's nothing in that suitcase that will satisfy your curiosity. Remember how hyped up everyone was to see what was in the "Briefcase"? Or what would happen on June 9 (or whenever it was) or on February 7? Remember the interview? Remember Jude's announcement that on (fill in date here) "The McCartney Myth will be Shattered?" Remember Mikey guaranteeing the usually a good indication of the future.
Sorry, "remember Mikey guaranteeing an interview on such and such a date, and then later saying it would happen for sure within a month?" Not Mikey's fault but c'mon.
well, i did indeed thought that the interview would happen as soon as possible after april 10th.. but we made other arrangements.
The point is the whole thing has been all style and no substance. All hype and nothing to back it up. All hints but no answers. All promises and no delivery.
The point is the whole thing has been all style and no substance. All hype and nothing to back it up. All hints but no answers. All promises and no delivery.
A Cadillac without a motor
It's like 10,000 forks when all you need is a knife.
Vince, again.
i've given up on asking "Where's the beef?" to the PHONY family a long time ago.
I like that phrase, THE PHONY FAMILY!
All you can do is assimilate the information, and, if the talented people behind it want to give us some proof, they'll do it when they feel like it.
Just chill.
Fart on it!
Are we waiting for the Beatles iTunes release?
Hi everyone.It's getting crowded in here!I think Tafultong has a hit on his hands.
If this fake Rolling Stones YouTube account is Iamaphoney's it looks like he's moved on to that Jagger and Richards killed Brian Jones in a satanic ritual murder plot story.
LOL...ahh I love potty humor, when all else fails it does seem to have some sort of glorious magic.
Like cheese on the anus,
So are the days of our lives.
So, I got into a conversation witha newspaper man at the local watering hole. He was a self described old queen in his 60's and quite shocked that anyone still gave a lick of attention to the old PID hubbub. I wish I could offer a soundbyte, he kept me in stiches and bought me a few rounds of Glenfiddich doubles so I must have kept him entertained. But he did say that he'd known for years that Paul was bisexual. I asked him how and he mentioned some "get-togethers" in Dallas he'd been privy to. I dunno, I don't think he meant that he'd banged him, I didn't push, old queens can be quite fussy,and I was up for another round.
Too bad they can't plant a suitcase @ the Grassy Knoll...I could get that one.
Very hilarious the grassy knoll, with lots of tourists in sundresses and khakis snapshots and big 'ol smiles. There is an interesting view from the air. It's not easy to get. BUT I digress. XX's and OO's Y'all
Fart on it!
Fart on it!
Fart on it!
but weird things happens
no art fit
Then again, I've known a lot of old queens who like to think and state that practically every celebrity is bisexual.
Well, of COURSE Paul is bi. Just listen to English Tea.
When the gang did that TV special to promote the Cirque Beatles thing, and had Paul, Ringo, Yoko and Olivia on to be interviewed by Larry King, they had a replica of the Sgt. Pepper drum-head. It was different, though- instead of saying "he die" when mirrored, it said "he bie". Gee, what a coincidence.
Could Polythene Pam really be PAULythene Pam? Could Ringo's song Lady Gaye be addressed to Paul? Was George Michael's Heal The Pain be for Paul?
Sure, Paul swings both ways, just like so many other rock stars do, or did. So what- let's get back to the work of uncovering the holy grail. Hopefully, Paul can and will help us.
Remember that old black n white video
with the masks?
that was trippy.
Well gee whiz.. IF you've ever hung out with the theater majors in college, it almost becomes surprising that any male actor is straight. Whether that extends to music.. well who knows, but Paul does come across as a bit "light" sometimes. But he's cool, I love Paul.
oh man'o'war odd fellers,
I'm jes' relatin' a story...
I ain' sayin' he is or he ain't. Pokes the likes of the "Mr. Bryce" get a little loose after some alkeehol.
I just thought it was interestin' he would offer up a tidbit like that but then again, great googly moogly gosh a molly...there is a large community of swingin' celebs.
No, but really, I didn't mean to spark a fire,man. Gay, bi, or goat love, JPM is ok by me.
Vince, here.
The gay 'thing' never bothered me.
Hell, if it wasn't for a gay man having the 'hots' for John, we all wouldn't be talking about The Beatles AT ALL!
Of, course.
After I wrote that, I turned on the TV, and the Simpsons episode with JOHN WATERS came on.
Interestin'... just checking out Dark Side of the Rainbow.
(taps her fingers and looks around anxiously for Mr. Ultong)
Nightnight, all. I don't feel that it's to "crowded in here". Maybe alot of anons pitchin' in their 2 cents, but that is the byooty of the innernet...annonnimmittee. Usually I jest skip over 'em. Except when they say "FART ON IT" LOL, now I'm sorry that's funny, I don't care who y' are. I must pay attention, then. It just gives me the feeling something really good is about to happen. Really.
Sleep tight, and stuff.
Like everything else, Paul leaves clues about his sexuality. He's surely more than a little ambivalent about outing himself, but the clues are there, nonetheless.
English Tea is so obvious, it goes right over everyone's head. It's one of Paul's favorite tricks to show the obvious, but have you miss it entirely, just like he did with Youknowmyname231. Son of the magickian, indeed.
If English Tea is what you say it is, then what statement was he making by beaming it to the space station? Coming out to the whole universe?
...And couldn't he have chosen a better beard than Heather??
I am reminded of a Boston Beatles convention in the 1970s when featured guest and former Apple House Hippie, Richard Dilello was speaking about a meeting involving the Beatles. Someone had told Paul McCartney that all the Beatles needed to do was "fart on a table" and they would have a hit record. Paul protested that even if that statement were true, the Beatles would always try to do something more artistically valuable than farting on a table. To this day, although I know what a fart is and I know what a table is, I cannot fathom what it means to "fart on a table."
Some excerpts from Dilello's presentation (including the farting thing and some other things that were not too complementary to Paul McCartney) were released on a flexi-disc by Strawberry Fields Forever magazine.
The song "Lady Gaye" was written by Clifford T. Ward, who died in 2001. The song may be a sequel to Ward's biggest hit, "Gaye" which sold over a million copies in Europe.
The song "Gaye" has an interesting history. I am quoting from Wikipedia:
In 1990, it was reported that Ward was reputed to have had an affair with a French girl named Gaye, while on tour in France. The story suggested that Gaye was killed in a high speed car crash (possibly as an act of suicide) after Ward, refusing to stay with Gaye in France, had returned home to Pat. It was said this episode led to the composition of Ward's hit song, Gaye. A biography by Dave Cartwright has revealed that there never was a 'Gaye' and that such stories were wholly fictitious.
I can think of at least two of Ringo's songs directed at Macca- Back Off, Boogaloo, and Don't Pass Me By. Lady Gaye is a nice sentiment, but who it's for is debatable.
I don't think of Paul's women as beards- he likes men and loves women. He's a randy devil, and the world has long been his oyster. Good on him.
P is for goodbye
they had tape decks, and they recorded and played backwards things for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours
some things were a wink and a nod,
some things were magick
ignore this at your own peril dear and gentle viewers
this may be free, but eventually all bills get paid
from the iamaphoney channel
MikeyNL1038 | August 15, 2008
annnd we're back on the iamaphoney being gay discussion. : ]
but, really.. IAAP isn't gay... he has a girlfriend.
you seem to know an AWFUL LOT about iamaphoney MikeyNL1038
you have said that you are in contact with him
you know he has a girlfriend?
you know that the suitcase is still in place?
would you please MikeyNL1038, share some more of your knowledge here?
and if NO, the question I ask you is
why NOT?
MikeyNL1038, this may seem like I am giving you shit, so I am going to admit to giving you complete and utter shit and because of your comments I find I have an axe to grind with you
Seriously, what is it you know?
You, MikeyNL1038, have been a de facto spokesperson for IAMAPHONEY for a while here,
Producing videos, setting up interviews, posting comments with "knowledge", etc.
I notice that your comments are usually 1st or pretty close to it on many of these videos that appear as of late, at all hours of the day and night
Do you go to school, work or sleep?
Is the answer to those questions yes, no and no?
What is it that you know?
How is it you "know" that when the second one is "found" that another video will appear on the IAMAPHONEY account?
Did IAMAPHONEY tell you this?
I have also seen your comments,
MikeyNL1038 | August 13, 2008
any news on that suitcase? anyone actually planning on getting it yet???"
The first suitcase was found and the information put up for public display, didn't seem to do any good
The second was to do what?
Didn't someone already go get or look at the second suitcase already?
Then you say that you "know" that the suitcase is still in place, and when it is found a new IAMAPHONEY video will appear
from this blog
MikeNL said...
suitcase is still there, unfortunately...
August 15, 2008 2:04 AM
How do YOU,
a KID from the Netherlands,
know that the second suitcase is still there?
How do you know from all the way in the Netherlands?
The total distance from amsterdam to los angeles is 5,569 miles.
This is equivalent to 8,963 kilometers or 4,840 nautical miles.
HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT The suitcase is still there?
IAMAPHONEY told you?
Why does IAMAPHONEY choose to tell YOU?
Who are you to IAMAPHONEY?
You ever ask him any other questions while you speak with him?
What is it that you know?
Blogger MikeNL said...
well, for a starter... we get a new video
second.. the suitcase contains the next piece to this puzzle...
third.. we can move on...
fourth... i get some sleep
fifth... jacob's anus stops smelling like cheese.. :D
August 15, 2008 3:23 AM
Are you a wolf?
A wolf in sheep's clothing?
A Shepherd ?
A sheep in wolf's clothing?
A kid from named Mike from the Netherlands?
Blogger MikeNL said...
well, i did indeed thought that the interview would happen as soon as possible after april 10th.. but we made other arrangements.
I am posting this as ANONYMOUS,
ironic? you may say
I know nothing, and I am not, like you, presenting myself as some type of insider with special knowledge.
I am a nobody from nowhere who knows nothing
but I am asking YOU
YOU, MikeNL1038
someone who presents themself as an insider with inside information
IAMAPHONEY told you?
Why does IAMAPHONEY choose to tell YOU?
Who are you to IAMAPHONEY?
Yes, irritating isn't it? I would love to know the answer to all those questions too but I doubt they will be forthcoming.
If you want to communicate with phony, simply drop him a mail, that's what Mike did. The knowledge he has is not inside information, he just mail the phony accounts..
I have tried messaging the phoney accounts, no answers at all, and certainly none like MikeyNL1038 seems to get.
I have asked nicely, and with respect. I think the videos he/she/they make are good.
And I will help out to spread wide the news of any revelation he/she/they make to the world.
I am on their side!
I am not the only one to ask and get no responses as well
"the knowledge he has is not inside information, he just mail the phony accounts.."
not insider information?
not insider information?!?!
why have suitcases and videos at all?
shouldnt "messaging him" be enough then?
Whats up with Mal's suitcase?
What are the answers to the nine questions we originally asked you?
Are you gay, or do you really have a girlfriend?
Better yet, MikeyNL1038 could you just ask the questions and then report back here?
I am serious !
Really, really serious!
"If you want to communicate with phony, simply drop him a mail, that's what Mike did. The knowledge he has is not inside information, he just mail the phony accounts.."
are you MikeyNL1038, or did you ask him how he gets his information?
It's that easy? Why all this fuss then from me and from others? NOBODY messaged him before? NOBODY made comments on his videos or on the comment section on his channel asking him for answers?
If you are not MikeyNL1038, would you please message Iamaphoney yourself and see if you can get some answers?
Seriously! Prove me wrong! PLEASE!
I really mean it!
I don't care to be the one to get some glory or attach myself to anyone's fame, and I will help in anyway that I can!
I just heard from IAAP!
I asked " Are you MikeyNL1038?"
He said
There you have it!
That "he just mail the phony accounts.." WORKS!
Aja could you please try mailing IAAP?
He might listen to you, you seem impartially skeptical
Anonymous: "I am He" is the stock answer that you'd receive to any question concerning IAAP's identity. Maybe you should think long and hard about who "he" is.
Jude, correct. i got that answer sometimes too.
anonymous, you may have an axe to grind with me, but that doesn't really matter... what matters is that it's all there, and you have to figure out yourself. it's what i did.
Thank you for your answer MikeyNL1038
If you judge people, you have no time to love them
; )
Oh, my farts!
"what matters is that it's all there, and you have to figure out yourself. it's what i did."
This is what Mike and Jude have been saying for awhile now. But if you look closely at their comments here and elsewhere you realize that they really don't know shit.
ok, dude : ] whatever suits you!
btw; if you would look closer, you would have known by now... obviously you haven't looked, because you are an disinformant. how would i know you're not one of them.. oehh let's start an investigation on that one, :D !
Ann Onymous wrote:
"You hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what PID is, a ghost story.
In a way, Iamaphoney is the "ghost" of the original Paul coming back to haunt the people who covered up his death. Is that Iamaphoney's intent? Probably not, but that's one of the ways you could read it."
Probably not? That's exactly the way I see it!
He's in the role of Horus, avenging the death of Osiris, brought on by the hand of Set. (Read: Paul's offspring IAAP, avenging his father's 'death', which was engineered by IAAP's uncle, Faul, in cahoots with Paul's brother Mike.)
Remember the deleted Rotten Apple episode about "a tied up affair"?
Of course, I could be wrong.
Not saying Faul & Mike were the actual henchmen.
They would have been Mal & Manson.
Something like that.
Come to think of it, Polanski and Sharon Tate did the dastardly deed.
At the behest of Yoko.
Who was the girl friend of the Hillside Strangler.
So there you have it. The whole truth and nothing but.
And don't let Miles off the hook with this one either.
He went back to the scene of the crime to recover the
evidensce. (Just sayin'.)
I should hope that if I were ever murdered or wronged by someone, that my avenger wouldn't go about avenging me with a YouTube series that labels itself "entertainment."
mojollikins said:
"But he did say that he'd known for years that Paul was bisexual. I asked him how and he mentioned some "get-togethers" in Dallas he'd been privy to."
Which Paul? Dallas?!
I'm bored.
Decided to watch "Gray Gardens"today.
Those Maysles really INVENTED reality TV!
From The Beatles to The Beales !!!!!
Have a happy day,
Anonymous: Assuming you're the same anonymous coward who repeatedly demanded Mike tell you how he knows the suitcase is still's actually YOU who doesn't know shit:
Now gee, anonymous, what do you think would have tipped Mike off?
Maybe it's the fact that the description for noos 92 reads: "suitcase is still on location"?
If MikeNL1038 has a privileged insider connection to IAAP then this is all a joke... seriously, all he did to become part of the "crew" was email IAAP. HE'S A FAN.
Just to refresh the cast of IAAP as we can see it now:
Mikey, Jude, Deceptionist and I would also like to add Plastic Paul.
The truth is that without this blog and NIR forums, most people wouldn't be keeping up with all of this. We all know how well the rotten apple forums turned out....
I'm quite dissapointed with the NIR and rottenapple forums as of late. There used to be such in-depth anaylysis of the different videos and an overall positive experiance. Now it seems everyone is tired and wants to go home. NIR seems to have fallen off the earth regarding anything to do with iamaphoney. I figured there would be more of that old striving pursuit that was once on NIR regarding the rottenapple at the rottenapple forum. But sadly this isn't so. And I don't believe that to be the fault of Jude or Mike but once again, it may be that people may be fed up with this wild goose chase. This blog is the one beakon that's left in this community of misfits. Unfortunatly there is always the occasional twat that comes around and adds their bile but that is to be expected. Kudos to Taf, Mike, Jude, and everyone else that keeps their mind afloat in all of this without losing their head.
Love is the law. So start fucking loving each other
Don't forget me, moj, and Aj!
"but, really.. IAAP isn't gay... he has a girlfriend."
We weren't talking about IAAP, we were talking about Macca. So, Mike is telling us that IAAP is Macca!
Gotcha, young lad!
yes yes yes, it's 31 years ago that Elvis died.
"She was practiced at the art of deception"
-Mick Jagger
There's a YKMN video seemingly about UFOs that may actually be about IAAP, or that applies to IAAP. It contains a quote from a book that I recognized immediately called "Messengers of Deception" written by Jacques Vallee (great book by the way). The quote is from an intelligence operative who told Jacques that if he wanted to find the "manipulators" behind the "phenomenon" that he should look for the symbolic content underneath UFOs. If UFOs were elaborate propaganda, you'd be able to find the manipulators by simply tracing the propaganda to the source most likely to be promoting it. Well, if you look at some of IAAPs videos, especially that one with Kucinich and the Lennon Imagine tower of light, you'll find that they carry what is clearly an anti-NWO slant. This is true also of the Grandfather ALeister videos and his other accounts like Son of Whom and the rest (all of these videomakers present what they think is evidence of NWO-masonic clues in Beatle lyrics and images). Well, this would mean whoever IAAP is, he might well have an anti-NWO agenda (at least in part). Who are the anti-NWO people around these parts? Try the "Beatles and the Occult" channel for starters. There you'll find the source or inspiration for the GA and related accounts. The IAAP crew might even include yhshvh, another anti-NWO crusader, as well as, believe it or not, that white supremacist guy to761983. Some anti-NWO types like this "to76" character see the NWO as a Jewish conspiracy(i.e. "The Jews run the world"), not so much pro-"Jesus" and "love thy enemy" as they are about dislike and try to defeat the enemy. T.
I already told you people the deal.
iamaphoney is YOU! You little liar you. Stop the lies, kill Paul and Paul lives. Get it? Got it? GOOD!
- Justin Peace
All ya gotta do is go on back and read every word, and see who phoney really is............have fun!
This shit is a joke now. The game is over.
The 5 people who cared (and still care), are the fools.
Its about time for everyone to lend no more mind to this ridiculous charade.
Enjoy your failure.
PID is no Game.
It's hard to argue against the 'ridiculous charade' comment. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has just stumbled upon the iamaphoney/pid phenomenon and is intrigued enough to find out more - there could be hundreds, perhaps thousands who discover it every day. He/she may ask a straight question (perfectly reasonable) but it will always be met with tiresome cryptic subterfuge from those apparently 'in the know'. Result - instant assumption that it is just another silly conspiracy theory. Why would anyone, when faced with all the cryptic nonsense, think any differently?
As long as this approach continues iamaphoney will remain a tiny clique interest and Mr McCartney, if he is indeed an imposter, will have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Wasn't the whole point supposed to be getting this out in the open?
remember: the rotten apple has only just begun.
Only just begun?
Well in that case these 'in the know' types should stop continually asserting that some big revelation is about to shock the world 'soon'. If it's only just begun after two years of the rotten apple then we could be well into the next decade before anything of note develops.
the rotten apple series started on november 11, 2006.
today is the 17th of august 2008.
1 year and 9 months the series exists now.
---Well in that case these 'in the know' types should stop continually asserting that some big revelation is about to shock the world 'soon'.---
that's your interpretation.
Any day now.... :-D
Lie lie lie lie liar you lie
lie lie lie lie tell me why tell me why
Why d'you have to lie
should've realised that
you should've told the truth
should've realised
you know what I'll do
You're in suspension
you're a liar
How I wanna know know know know
I wanna know why you never look me
in the face
Broke a confidence just to please
your ego
Should've realised
you know what I know
You're in suspension
you're a liar
I know where you go everybody you know
I know everything that you do or say
So when you tell lies
I'll always be in your way
I'm nobody's fool
and I know all 'cos I know
what I know
you're in suspension
you're a liar you're a liar you're a liar
A lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Lie lie lie lie
Liar you lie lie lie lie lie
I think you're funny
you're funny ha ha
I don't need it don't need your blah blah
should've realised
I know what you are
you're in suspension
you're a liar you're a liar
you're a lie
Johnny Rotten
Oh, quiet your mouth, now.
-Shitdog King
No one said it would be an easy sell, hence the viral marketing.
J Rotten
Relevant Quotes
by Vince.
"Yes, well, that's the sort of philsitine pig ignorance I've come to expect from you non-creative garbage.
You whinning, hypicritical toadies with your colour TV stes, and you Tony Jacqulin golf-clubs, and your secret bleeding masonic hand-shakes.
You wouldn't ME join, would ya', you black-balling BASTARDS!
"Sigh, It was a nice secret society we had once."
- Carl.
how do you feel about paul be iamaphoney?
i think it's good.
and john alive???????? whattts that all about?!!! that's awesome man.
John's alive and living as a miner in Russia.
WHat is the truth?
Is Paul the phony?
Do You Figure
I Am A Phony
"I Am He"
And you are me.
It's the truth, really.
dig a p(h)ony.
Well, you can radiate everything you are,
Yes, you can radiate everything you are"
By love, we are one :)
paul is a phoney
Paul is Dead - 11:11
@ 00:59seconds
"based I join sin"(anagram)
=Ian's Inside job
Paul is Dead - Ian's Inside Job
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