Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Unnecessary Evil?

Recently, one reader eloquently offered a third explanation (I think we are way beyond the number 3, but I get the point) for the motives behind The Rotten Apple Series by drawing parallels between ART and Magick. Iamaphoney has offered several videos that seem to suggest that Paul McCartney was involved in the occult. But I think it is fair to say that Iamaphoney's videos don't appear to be from a perspective of one who is outraged that Paul McCartney or his "just a good replica" would be a practitioner of "Magic with a K." In fact, Iamaphoney seems to embrace Thelema and Aleister Crowley himself to a certain degree. I have been repeatedly given warnings with peace and love about the time and energy I have spent promoting and analyzing Iamaphoney and his Rotten Apple videos. Is it possible that Iamaphoney is not really going after Paul McCartney, but is instead using Paul McCartney to go after us? Is Iamaphoney using me and you to spread a belief in Thelema? I find that to be a humorous thought because we are not that big of a group, and I have personally not seen a shred of evidence that suggests that any two people who visit this site can agree on anything (and that includes subscribing to the same anti-religion). Of course, I was the guy who was criticized recently for suggesting that we all go out for pizza. That was actually a face saving measure that I employed after Iamafunny let that cat out of the bag. [Is that the "face saving" thing that you were talking about Rian? I'm still a fan of yours]

But this is not the first time that someone has suggested that watching Rotten Apple videos can be bad for you. There have been stories about sigil magic, mind control, and some reasonable concerns, unfortunately often leading to illogical leaps and unfounded conclusions by others. I admit, that in order for Iamaphoney to be a guilty pleasure for me, there must be some guilt. But, I don't think that all of the Rotten Apple videos together are nearly as bad for my soul as the movie "Satan's Bed" starring Yoko Ono, which I watched recently for "research purposes." And I don't think that Iamaphoney has done nearly as much harm to Paul McCartney's reputation as people like Heather Mills and even Yoko Ono.

If Rotten Apple videos are causing you to have anxiety-producing dreams or unwanted thoughts, please don't watch them. The reactions to the Trilogy of long form Iamaphoney videos lead me to believe that people are not sitting in front of Rotten Apple videos all day long. I started this blog because I was intrigued by the sudden transformation of amateur videos into something so polished that some even believed McCartney himself was involved. Thelema Schmelema, I got pulled in by the prospect of finding out more about the four ARTists that I have adored collectively and individually since I first heard "I Want To Hold Your Hand."

But the argument that was presented suggesting that "ART = Magick" is certainly worth exploring. I agree that "The Rotten Apple" and "The Right Album" and other curious capitalizations within words beginning with T, R, or A suggest that the Iamaphoney is intentionally referring to the backwards spelling of the word "ART." ART does seem to be the way that souls communicate. And ART certainly does influence people's thoughts, emotions and actions. This is an example of a video that was created for the purpose of influencing people. Is this Magick?

There is no question in my mind that ART has power and can manipulate. But that doesn't make it evil. But could ART be used for evil? I knew as soon as I started using money that ART was trying to influence me to spend it. I knew as soon as I started making my own ART that I would have to make unwanted compromises if I wanted to share my ART with others. Is that the kind of evil we are talking about? Believe me, playing in a cover band or writing songs to order is a little bit like selling your soul to the devil.

Is it really possible that Paul is into Magick? Most reasonable people would say of course not, but what do reasonable people know? I had the pleasure of meeting a reasonable person recently named Ken Mansfield.

Ken was the guy wearing the white raincoat on the Apple rooftop during the Beatles final live performance as a group. He ran the American branch of Apple Records, worked with the Beatles from 1965 onwards, led a promotional tour for Apple artist Jackie Lomax, became a major record producer for several artists including Outlaws Waylon, Willie and Jessi, assembled Ringo's band for the "Time Takes Time" album (without credit), hit rock bottom, re-emerged as a Christian and wrote three terrific books that he autographed for me.

Ken is often invited by churches to share his testimony of how despite having all of the advantages one would expect living the Rock and Roll Lifestyle, he felt empty inside until he hit rock bottom and committed himself to a life as a Christian.

Ken's presentations about his faith journey are usually split into three parts. In Part 1, he shares his reminiscences of his time in the music business with a heavy emphasis on his work with the Beatles. Part 2 is Question and Answer with the host. Part 3 features questions from the audience. Interestingly, in the session that I attended, the very first question from the church host in Part 2 dealt with "Paul Is Dead." Ken responded with the typical "You can gather evidence to prove Hitler was a nun if you look hard enough." I have looked and I have not found any evidence to suggest that Hitler was a nun. If I find any, I will make YouTube videos about it and you can write a blog about me. Ken followed with the "American Explanation" of the "I Buried Paul" at the end of "Strawberry Fields Forever." Like Allen Klein said in 1969, Ken thought that John meant that his sound "buried" Paul's sound in the mix. This of course conflicts with explanations given by Derek Taylor, as well and Paul McCartney and John Lennon himself. A member of the audience mentioned the "Cranberry Sauce" explanation. Ken said he was aware of that, but that it didn't make any sense. Um hum.

The "Paul Is Dead" subject reappeared in Part 3 when a member of the audience commented that Ken described in his books that even though he was not a fan of the Beatles' music initially, his appreciation for it grew over time. When Ken acknowledged the accuracy of the comment, the audience member asked what Ken's take was on people, many of whom are Christians, who suggest that there is something sinister in the music of the Beatles. Ken paused reflectively and said, "There was a darkness in their music at a certain point because of various things that they were doing at the time, but it wasn't sinister. They were nice people."

But what about Mr. McCartney? Is it sacrilegious to ask the question, "Could he be a devotee of Aleister Crowley?" No one has explained away to my satisfaction the presence of Aleister Crowley in the background screen when Paul plays "Helter Skelter" on tour.

And why does that one segment that initially appeared on Paul's Official Channel for the new "Band On The Run" Remastered CD, and is included in the accompanying DVD seem like an Iamaphoney video?

And why does the "original" video for the song "Band On The Run" itself contain such strange imagery?

And that interview where Paul refers to "Magick with a K" is very strange to me.

And I must admit that I find the cover of Paul's "Liverpool Sound Collage" a little disturbing.

Isn't it also interesting that the George Harrison spoken phrase from the recording session for the song "Think For Yourself," that Paul chose to incorporate repeatedly in the Collage, happened to be "Do What You Want To Do," which sure seems to me to be synonymous with Crowley's famous phrase, "Do What Thou Wilt"???

In spite of the fragments of evidence to the contrary, I am still content to agree with Ken Mansfield comment that the Beatles were nice people, and not sinister at all. I am inclined to believe the same about Iamaphoney.

I am told that the next update for subscribers will be on December 7.


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Scrooge/Santa Claus said...


What's wrong with this picture?

Santa the Bastard! said...

You've all been very bad!
Even you, MikeyNL!
No soup for you!

Plea Bargainer said...

What about Vince, your royal Santahood?
He's been putting out 7 videos a day for weeks now!

D Bunker said...

Bah! How could they be any good?

We Don't Believe! said...

We'll have our soup and eat it too!

The Nutter Crackers said...

*dances the dance of The Corn Syrup Dried Plum Fairy*

Swansong TV dinner said...

If you haven't got a turkey wing, may God bless you!

Beggars Banquet Chicken Pot Pie said...

If you haven't got a turkey wing, a little leg will do!

Kraft Dinner said...

Macca Roni and Cheesy it is, then.

The Little Dummer Boy said...

Shall I make a play for you?

Tiny Dick said...

Chris Miss ain't what it usta be!

Gobble less us, every one!

Putin on the Ritz said...

(ghosties in the machine!)

(naughty version!) said...

Oh my!

Anonymous said...

I want the tofu wings. With hot sauce.

naughty version sung! said...

Rain deer god!

Anonymous said...

Veni, Son. Veni.

Putin on the Ritz (4 real!) said...

We're out of Tofu wings, but how about some Tofultongs?

Anonymous said...

It's been lit for days, hasn't it?

Not that tree. The one inside. In the Basement.

ever green photosynthsisizer said...

That tree is in illustrious company, really!


Veni, Son said...

Rude Olaf, the red nosed, drunken elf.

His eyes - how they twinkled!
His nose - like a cherry!
And I laughed when I saw him, and that really pissed him off!
And I gave mys-elf away in The Process.

Anonymous said...

I've been lit for daze too!

lam said...

Lastly through a hog's head of real fire.

Anonymous said...

Back Chat, Back Chat
You burn all my energy

Edison DD Record! said...

on Victor 10-50 Orthophoney Victrola

A Snappy, Peppy Ditty!

Anonymous said...

a little lam

Anonymous said...

Aliester Crowley and LAM

Lam, (whose name derives from the Tibetan word for "way" or "path")



Flee As A Bird said...

Whatever happened to
the life that we once knew?

PopeTalk said...

Lam of God, you take away the sins of the world.

The Last Castrato (Ouch!) said...


mint jelly said...

can we really live without each other?

Hello Dolly Lam Ma said...

get baaaacck!

Anonymous said...

lam, the other light meet.

Anonymous said...

Sirius Moonlight

Anonymous said...

Come home

Anonymous said...

tonight i'll sing my songs again
i'll play the game
and pretend

Anonymous said...

...pretend that you're still around.

Anonymous said...

it's WAR!

Anonymous said...

Somewhere over the rainbow, a shiney bluebird is played by Natalie Portman and the mailman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aliester Crowley and LAM

Lam, (whose name derives from the Tibetan word for "way" or "path")



sorry, dude.

that's what happens when you put your faith in the wrong concept.


It seems they are also on the vimeo site. with there old stunt film footage from before phony found them!


the walrus was arron said...

aha! TNP

Anonymous said...

sorry, dude.

that's what happens when you put your faith in the wrong concept.

what part is wrong?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Turns out pot cuts off blood flow to the part of the brain that shows more activity (in CAT scans) when people are praying.

Or so I heard.

Anonymous said...

And that's the opposite of what alcohol does, alcohol increases blood flow to that part of the brain.

Harlem Globe Trotter said...

The fire escape from the HELP! movie is actually the fire escape of the Hammersmith Apollo Theatre.

Excitement Builds for Paul McCartney's Apollo Theater Performance on SIRIUS said...

It's showtime!

lastly thru a hog's head said...

Knock 'em dead, Macca!

Anonymous said...


the nutters productions
nutters three
kirsty-louiza parks
andy salter
arron swaffar
alice bagnel
chenine martin
george cox
daniel davies
joey davis
zoe parks
hattie bury
rob vacher
isle of wight

Anonymous said...

The fire escape from the HELP! movie is actually the fire escape of the Hammersmith Apollo Theatre.

I believe you mean the fire escape from the film "Hard Day's Night."

Fire Exit to the Stairs said...

Yes, of course. A hard day's night. How could I forget?

Anonymous said...

O U T Spells OUT!

RingoRama said...

We're OUT!

Anonymous said...

Eye To Eye

Prince of wales said...

I love you, Duchess of Cornwall!

Prince of Wales said...

I love you, Duchess of Cornwall!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peace and Love

Anonymous said...

and the theater was the Hammersmith Odeon when they filmed. Not the Apollo.

Anonymous said...

so, anyone in the PWR/PID camp care to explain how it is that "both" Paul's have the same frikkin' BODY?


same "inny" bellybutton, same frame, shoulders, neck, elbows, knuckles, same bowed thighs, same distance from the old nipple to nipple?

time for a new hobby, kids.

it;s the Apollo now, isn't it? said...

she HMV Hammersmith Apollo (sometimes stylized as hmvapollo) is a major entertainment venue located in Hammersmith, London. Designed by Robert Cromie in Art Deco style, it opened in 1932 as the Gaumont Palace cinema, being re-named the Hammersmith Odeon in 1962. In 2007, the building was purchased by the MAMA Group. On 14 January 2009, it was announced the Hammersmith Apollo is to be renamed the HMV Hammersmith Apollo.[

Anonymous said...

45 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9QH, United Kingdom

Anonymous said...

Max Well

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now and then, I miss you.

Anonymous said...

It's all because of you. And if I make it through, it's all because of you.

Anonymous said...

Stella McCartney is the ANTICHRIST...just look her face, and her reptil eyes.

Anonymous said...

so, anyone in the PWR/PID camp care to explain how it is that "both" Paul's have the same frikkin' BODY?


same "inny" bellybutton, same frame, shoulders, neck, elbows, knuckles, same bowed thighs, same distance from the old nipple to nipple?

time for a new hobby, kids.

Uh, he was cloned, dude. Or a close relative. That's why he's so similar body-wise. And why his son looks like a McCartney.

Anonymous said...

For old time's sake I'll contribute a comment to get this up to 5000 but this blog hasn't been nearly as much fun since Jimmy Kimmel's ex-writer supposedly found another job.

WRKO Boston said...

680 WRKO Boston

thats what she said...


Anonymous said...

Look at him working.

Anonymous said...

Darning his socks in the night
when there's nobody there.

What does he care?

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

The Buddha described nirvāna as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger, and other afflicting states (kilesas). It is also the "end of the world;" there is no identity left and no boundaries for the mind. The subject is at peace with the world, has compassion for all, and gives up obsessions and fixations. This peace is achieved when the existing volitional formations are pacified and the conditions for the production of new ones are eradicated. In nirvāṇa, the root causes of craving and aversion have been extinguished, so that one is no longer subject to human suffering (Pali: dukkha) or further rebirth in samsāra.
The Pāli Canon also contains other perspectives on nirvāna; for one, it is linked to seeing the empty nature of all phenomena. It is also presented as a radical reordering of consciousness and unleashing of awareness. Scholar Herbert Guenther states that with nirvāṇa "the ideal personality, the true human being" becomes reality.

Magik with the YOLKKKK said...

The Whites Only Book.

An insider's look from the Egg.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think the yoker laughs at you?

we would be there said...

Carnival of Apollo

the message in lights said...

Read the sign. It says HOME

which came first? said...

The one the white lam is holding? that one?

Anonymous said...

The subject is at peace with the world, has compassion for all, and gives up obsessions and fixations.

okay, well that rules out everyone at NIR, everyone here, Phoney, the RA crew, and all the subscribers.

no home for you, kiddies!

Happy Crimble!

Anonymous said...

The editing style is very similer to the rotten apple videos, Arron is friends with Mikenl on facebook, there all in on it somewhere along the line...

maybe in some fashion, but it's a slam dunk that it's Martin Lind (Formermedia) and that crew. The cameraman dude is with Formermedia, you can tell, he's at least in his late 20s early 30s, maybe older.

they aren't using high end equipment, based on the looks of that consumer quality camera.

Anonymous said...

Macca carries a statue of Buddha wherever he goes on tour to calm his nerves, and he still meditates once in awhile.

those are the facts.

he's not a Buddhist, nor is he an Eastern religion type; like most celebrities, it's more about keeping his mind and body centered rather than following any particular religious doctrine.

sorry, Crowley wannabees.

Anonymous said...

they aren't using high end equipment, based on the looks of that consumer quality camera.

it looks like it's possibly "prosumer" quality, which is not high-end, broadcast quality stuff. Editing looks like your basic iMovie, maybe some post production at a studio but nothing too fancy. Website definitely not the work of professionals. Most of the recordings I would say are also home studio, mostly digital, lots of compression, not a lot of analog stuff going on there.

Anonymous said...

sorry for what? you really had no point.

Anonymous said...

Editing looks like your basic iMovie, maybe some post production at a studio but nothing too fancy. Website definitely not the work of professionals.

Well the low quality minuscule titles alone are a giveaway that whomever is editing has never edited for television/film, hard to believe they done commercials with such poor titling and doesn't seem to know that even on YouTube you need larger fonts.

Anonymous said...

sorry for what? you really had no point.

uh, yeah, I had a point. The point is that these weak attempta to link Macca to Crowley is epic fail.

it's pretty much the genetic fallacy in action. Doesn't hold water.

Anonymous said...

like most celebrities, it's more about keeping his mind and body centered rather than following any particular religious doctrine.

do you think he lugs it around the World personally? packs and unpacks it everywhere he goes? is that how you view his relationship with Big Buddha? keeping his mind and body centered?


(This is magik trick question)

Anonymous said...

Can you take me back where I came from? Buddha can you take me back?

Anonymous said...

do you think he lugs it around the World personally? packs and unpacks it everywhere he goes? is that how you view his relationship with Big Buddha? keeping his mind and body centered?


(This is magik trick question)

yeah, he carries it on his person in the limo and backstage and in his carry on. Centered meaning when you have wacko fans everywhere screaming at you, wanting a piece of you, it's nice to have a little good luck token or some consistency, even if it's just a little statue. MLB pitchers tend to do the same thing with lucky socks or tokens.

you can't actually "center" your mind and body, anyway, since the whole chakra thing (not to mention mind/body) is b.s.

Anonymous said...

uh, yeah, I had a point. The point is that these weak attempta to link Macca to Crowley is epic fail.

The first criteria would be knowing what exactly Crowley actually wrote about. How can you decide beforehand without complete knowledge of the matter?

Anonymous said...

you can't actually "center" your mind and body, anyway,

I did. It's on fire.

Anonymous said...

well people here at and NIR can gossip and speculate till they're blue in the face, but nothing changes the fact that it makes no difference whether Paulie is into Crowley or Buddha for that matter. It's his life, and anyone that obsesses over his religious life or life itself needs one of his or her own.

vanish in the air said...


Anonymous said...

The first criteria would be knowing what exactly Crowley actually wrote about. How can you decide beforehand without complete knowledge of the matter?

no one has complete knowledge of anything, but to the extent that one can have knowledge of Crowley's philosophy, yeah, got it. I've read his crap. And the crap from which he nicked it.

Anonymous said...

to the extent that one can have knowledge of Crowley's philosophy, yeah, got it

and what basically would that be?

Anonymous said...

his public or private philosophy?

Anonymous said...

Crowley's basic idea, which is not new, and the basis of most occult tradition (and esoteric tradition), is the Will reigns supreme, and can, through inner work or some other route, achieve apotheosis, or exaltation to the divine.

didn't work for him.

lil said...

uh, there's way more to it than that .....

Anonymous said...

Crowley was a man of his time. Occultism, alchemy, and Astrology in Victorian England were all the rage among the erudite who were bored and repressed, and he fell for all that nonsense (and because of his f-d up childhood) just as people in the US at that time were falling for spirit mediums, miracle cures, Christian Science, and quackery of all sorts.

Funny how it's always the opposite, like Lennon said. The trust funders and upper middle class kids liked Springsteen, whereas the actual union guys and blue collar guys wanted Heavy Metal. They wanted to escape while the wealthy like to slum it and pretend they're poor--like the hipsters today.

So you sometimes find among the wealthy (who are often the most gullible) these dabblings in occultism, and you always find among the very poor and oppressed greater levels of superstition (and/or religion). They're all about voodoo in Haiti and in Eastern bloc areas they're all about Astrology and New Age.

Anonymous said...

Let's just solve the puzzle, ok?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous lil said...

uh, there's way more to it than that .....

you're barking up the wrong tree dude.

you can pretend you know something of esoteric value on this blog, but if you have any admiration for Crowley's bone-headed and obvious spiritual ideas no one will take you seriously.

Anonymous said...

Flashes of lightning are playing in the Stone, at the top; and at the bottom of the Stone there is a black pyramid, and at the top thereof is a vesica piscis. The vesica piscis is of colourless brilliance.

Anonymous said...

Let's just solve the puzzle, ok?

in occultism, Egypt represents the lower mind and mysteries to be solved. Like the tradition of the Sphinx, enigmas, puzzles, riddles, are all the stuff of obsession and desire.

This idea that there are others with "greater" or "higher" knowledge that can be gotten (the "Hidden Masters" scam) is symbolized in Masonry by the Worshipful Master, who represents this youthful, Garden of Eden-like desire for secret knowledge bestowed by superiors at a higher level. The Mason later learns that the Masters were only illusions, projections of his own naivete and selfish need for answers.

This is why, even when threatened with death, the Grandmaster will not reveal his secrets to the unworthy, the profane.

Anonymous said...

what's been puzzling you is just the nature of my game.

go ahead and puzzle.

I'll walk around the maze, thanks.

Anonymous said...

but if you have any admiration for Crowley's bone-headed and obvious spiritual ideas no one will take you seriously.

Hey, some and more than a few people take Crowley very seriously. So, I'm catering to them today. I'm on diet patrol.

You missed the sock demo, and we had to keep moving along. There's a virtual Smörgåsbord for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, some and more than a few people take Crowley very seriously. So, I'm catering to them today. I'm on diet patrol.

well, diet patrol go ahead and lead those 5 kids astray, if that's your gig.

people who are lost in the first place always look in the wrong places for answers. That's why the cults recruit runaways and drug addicts and impressionable types looking for something more.

YouTube is a good place for that.

maybe try train and bus stations. Look for dudes with backpacks.

Anonymous said...

There's a virtual Smörgåsbord for everyone.

lots of Kool Aid and Kraft Dinner, I trust?

pretty please with sugar and glueten n said...

yeah, definitely trust the kool aid and the maccaroni.

Order it, too.

Dine N' Dasher said...

This one's on me.

Anonymous said...

The Mason later learns that the Masters were only illusions, projections of his own naivete and selfish need for answers.

hey! I'm a subscriber! Don't bring me down, mason man.

Anonymous said...

The Nutters are not part of the org. The org seems to make there video's very dark and often deals with evil concepts. But the Nutters do not appere to be that way, you only have to read some of arrons facebook messages to realise this guy is a child of nature and very much at one with the world.

Anonymous said...

The Nutters are not part of the org. The org seems to make there video's very dark and often deals with evil concepts. But the Nutters do not appere to be that way, you only have to read some of arrons facebook messages to realise this guy is a child of nature and very much at one with the world.

Dude, Arron is A) a big fan of Crowley, B) into conspiracies and the New World Order crap, C) making dark, obscure, and otherwise surrealistic videos, not to mention he's a huge Beatle fan and video editor.

You can't base someone's work on Facebook posts. I'm sure if you were a FB friend with the Phoney crew, you'd have no idea what they were doing in their spare time, either.

iamafunny is STUPID said...

another terribly stupid video from "iamafunny" who is neither funny nor a good video maker.

you will want your 3 minutes back, but you wont get it.

I can save you the time..
it says
Paul is a clone, an alien hybrid clone

and there are horrible special effects to prove the point, with oogly eye balls and backward speaking.

Just the kind of stuff you would expect from yhshvh, who comments all over the video about how great it is.

Not funny guys, not even well done.

Keep your job at McDonalds, you will need it when the welfare runs out

Anonymous said...

lets hope there is not a part 2!

add some cats, boost ratings said...

lets hope there is not a part 2!

December 14, 2010 3:45 PM

that is part two, the first one is even worse. dont watch that one either. or watch it, and laugh about how bad it is not because its funny.

86 pathetic views? cat videos get more people watching!

Anonymous said...


nothing worse said...

I can save you the time..
it says
Paul is a clone, an alien hybrid clone

December 14, 2010 3:45 PM

and gay?

blowing it? hard? sheesh...

shame on you VH1!

yhshVH1 said...

shame on you VH1!

December 14, 2010 3:59 PM


Anonymous said...

Uh, he was cloned, dude. Or a close relative. That's why he's so similar body-wise. And why his son looks like a McCartney.

December 13, 2010 2:41 PM

time traveling clones, iamafunny you are silly

Anonymous said...

Editing looks like your basic iMovie, maybe some post production at a studio but nothing too fancy.

December 14, 2010 7:29 AM

lets see your movies.

Anonymous said...

No one knows what the hell they are talking about

because if you REALLY DID, this is NOT the conversation we would be having now. You will be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No one knows what the hell they are talking about

because if you REALLY DID, this is NOT the conversation we would be having now. You will be ashamed.

December 14, 2010 4:57 PM

Well, here's an idea. Why don't YOU start the conversation on here? Make a contribution instead of your typical vague warnings and doubletalk. Engage people. Try making an effort instead of sitting back and complaining. Maybe the "conversation" isn't going where you want it to go because you don't add anything to it. It's called making an effort.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No one knows what the hell they are talking about

because if you REALLY DID, this is NOT the conversation we would be having now. You will be ashamed.

ashamed? hahahaha.

you mean, like I'd be ashamed if I didn't know how to create proper titles for YouTube or ashamed like, Jesus reads this blog and he's working with Bluelink to bring us to the Kingdom and we're all going to hell or ashamed like you think Lennon is alive and Paul is Jesus and we're not impressed?

Anonymous said...

shamed like you think Lennon is alive?

i don't think that or ever said anything like that , that he's alive, for one thing.

Anonymous said...

shamed like you think Lennon is alive?

i don't think that or ever said anything like that , that he's alive, for one thing.

no, but from your tone you sound like the kind of dude that would think that. This is just a fun blog about nothing in particular. Sometimes we talk about Phoney's videos, but not much, because there's not much to talk about.

sometimes we talk about time travel and Kraft Dinner.

it's all pretty set the way it is now, we know the pattern, and then there's the occasional person saying "You'll be sorry" or "Any damn place we choose!" or "You don't know what you're talking about" or "you should be ashamed" or "Paul is going to die" or "White courtesy phone" or "Formermedia is Phoney."

Yeah, I do know what I'm talking about and I'm not ashamed at all.

so there's that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the "conversation" isn't going where you want it to go because you don't add anything to it. It's called making an effort.

I make plenty of effort.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I do know what I'm talking about and I'm not ashamed at all.

Mostly, you will be ashamed by that statement.

Anonymous said...

so there's that

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Iamaphoney is not really going after Paul McCartney, but is instead using Paul McCartney to go after us?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe the "conversation" isn't going where you want it to go because you don't add anything to it. It's called making an effort.

I make plenty of effort.

December 14, 2010 6:04 PM

No,you really don't. You just respond here and there to other comments but never begin anything. I'll help you learn how to start a conversation.

"Hey guys,I think ________ is really __________ and I believe this to be true because I once read _________ and it said that __________ so when I think about __________ I can't help but wonder if ________ is somehow connected to _____________. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that subject. let's have a spirited conversation about what I've just laid out for you."

You'll find that something like the framework I just gave you will be far more effective than links that nobody looks at,complaints that nobody wants to look at them and vague warnings to people they don't care about links.

illustrious company said...

it's all pretty set the way it is now, we know the pattern

if you knew the pattern, we wouldn't be having this conversation now.

Now we get to watch the the mice scurry around like when the lights go on, saying nothing significant ever happened here.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

You'll find that something like the framework I just gave you will be far more effective than links that nobody looks at,complaints that nobody wants to look at them and vague warnings to people they don't care about links.

Someday when the links get to be too many, we're gonna take ALL the links and fashion a chain and wrap it all around you Houdini style and push you into a body of water and toss the key in with you. And you can complain about it there.

I hope you know magic.

ghost of Good Evening XMAS said...

let's have a spirited conversation about what I've just laid out for you

ok. lets

Anonymous said...

where did it go?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Someday when the links get to be too many, we're gonna take ALL the links and fashion a chain and wrap it all around you Houdini style and push you into a body of water and toss the key in with you. And you can complain about it there.

I hope you know magic.

December 14, 2010 6:30 PM

And as predictable as ever, he makes another vague threat rather then even try to have a conversation. Useless.

Anonymous said...

That's not a threat.

It's a parable. See. It's you that lack the conversation skills and I who do not call you useless.

Anonymous said...

if you knew the pattern, we wouldn't be having this conversation now.

Now we get to watch the the mice scurry around like when the lights go on, saying nothing significant ever happened here.

ha ha ha

Mice? Scurrying? "You'll see! You'll wish you never taunted me! Because I AM SIGNIFICANT on this blog that only seven people read!!!!

Dude, seven people read this blog.

and I'm two of 'em.

Outside her said...

If really only seven people read this blog (heck, even seventy), and if McCartney is any of them, and if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

That's pretty cool for us.

And I'm so ashamed.

Code take me down to the streets.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That's not a threat.

It's a parable. See. It's you that lack the conversation skills and I who do not call you useless.

December 14, 2010 7:06 PM

No, you're not giving me anything to work with. It's like saying "someday my cheeseburgers will rule the world". Well, why? What makes your cheeseburgers so special? How could a cheeseburger rule over anything? Explain yourself.

You're right about one thing though. I'm useful to you if I've helped you achieve your goal of 5000 comments. Good luck with that and Merry Christmas. I'll be back to see what's shakin' in Phoneyville sometime after the new year,I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

New topic:

Are there any Bible believing believers here who agree with the valid truths of the Bible who know what what 'sorcery' meant when the Bible wroters wrote of it in it?

Because, according to them, there are likely as many sorcerers around in end times as there are drunkards and fornicators.

I meant old topic.

Come on, lucky seven.

Anonymous said...

The only clue I have is that the root word for sorcery is the same as the root word for pharmaceuticals, or drugs.

Anonymous said...

and I'm two of 'em.

December 14, 2010 7:15 PM

I may be four of them. I will try to be less.

iamaphoney said...

goal of 5000 comments. Good luck with that and Merry Christmas. I'll be back to see what's shakin' in Phoneyville sometime after the new year,I'm sure.

December 14, 2010 7:33 PM

Me too, not going to help much on the 5,000 comments. See you all next year!


Anonymous said...

has iaap left till next year?

it wont be xmas with you iaap!

Anonymous said...

...snake eyes.

private cloud? said...

so why did the revelation need to be done in the "private cloud" ?

ummmmm, private cloud???

unfriendly said...

Did a comment get deleted or am I hallucinating things?

I always thought that was a myth.

I'm looking at John Lennon on the cover of LIFE.

Anonymous said...

The Hammersmith Odeon escape.

Parker Poesies said...

Any damn place we choose.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Standing on the cast iron shore-yeah,

Anonymous said...

I tell you man he living there still.

Anonymous said...

the two uses of "sorcerer" in the NT are in Acts ("magi") and Revelation (from the word for "pharmacy" or drugs).

Magi were usually astrologers, not magicians in the sense of conjuring or that sort of thing. The other form of the word was probably closer to the sort of magic Jesus practiced, which involved a mixture of "medicine" and ritual (applying mud to someone's eyes to cure blindness0, speaking magic words, and exorcism.

So today's doctors could in a sense be called "magicians," and if they went back in time they would be considered gods.

reality is there are far more people living today than in the first century. There were maybe some 400 million in the whole world whereas we have 6 billion now, so there are more of everything today, meaning more magicians, more Christians, more believers, more disbelievers, although recent studies/polling shows that people are more "religious" today than ever before(believe it or not), especially Christians.

Even so, there are only 7 people who read this blog.

some kids of Druid dude said...

drycræft, from dry "magician," from Ir. drui "priest, magician" (see druid).

derwos "true" and *dru- "tree" (especially oak) + *wid- "to know" (cf. vision). Hence, lit., perhaps, "they who know the oak"

Fireman History said...

Prometheus was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals

Anonymous said...

Even so, there are only 7 people who read this blog.

Anonymous said...

Walking in slow motion.
Walking in slow motion.

Anonymous said...

Stella McCartney is the ANTICHRIST...just look her face, and her reptil eyes.

That´s a big true

Anonymous said...


Roy Orbison singing for the lonely said...

We got one last chance to make it real
To trade in these wings on some wheels
Climb in back
Heaven's waiting on down the tracks
Oh-oh come take my hand
We're riding out tonight to case the promised land
Oh-oh Thunder Road oh Thunder Road
Lying out there like a killer in the sun

Anonymous said...

They'll meet 'neath that giant Exxon sign
That brings this fair city light

Anonymous said...

Someday I'm gonna make her mine, oh yeah.

Someday I'm gonna make her mine!

Anonymous said...

Looking through a glass onion.

You are the Apple of my eye said...

In France, they call it the Mac Royale,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Join us!

Anonymous said...

The part where Macca and the swan go behind the screen to play is one of the best

a hike in tuition fees said...

The weekend update and coming tour.

Anonymous said...

Paul’s most intimate gig this century sold out in mere seconds at 10 am today.

Anonymous said...

Those lucky enough to have got their hands on one of the must have rock ‘n’ roll tickets this year will experience a once in a lifetime experience to witness one of the world’s most loved icons in his smallest solo performance ever.

Anonymous said...

Cus I'm tall, you see.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why are you deleting my posts, Taf? Is there something wrong with the link?

Anonymous said...

Would you prefer me to give you the Facebook page instead?

Anonymous said...

PHOTO 1: The Cavern Club-era Beatles, standing in front of a van with a (partially obscured) license plate reading "33"; an inset photo to the right zooms in on "33" for emphasis.

The image is captioned with the longitude/latitude reading of 33° 11' 12" N, 35° 37' 9" E.

I looked it up here:

Anonymous said...

PHOTO 2:(Bottom) George, Paul, Pete & John perform in the Cavern Club. An inset photo (Top) zooms in on an area of graffiti on the back wall, which reads (in part) "IAN & THE ZODIACS".

The caption for this image reads:

Double or nothing said...

Anonymous said...

the two uses of "sorcerer" in the NT are in Acts ("magi") and Revelation (from the word for "pharmacy" or drugs).

Magi were usually astrologers, not magicians in the sense of conjuring or that sort of thing. The other form of the word was probably closer to the sort of magic Jesus practiced, which involved a mixture of "medicine" and ritual (applying mud to someone's eyes to cure blindness0, speaking magic words, and exorcism.

So today's doctors could in a sense be called "magicians," and if they went back in time they would be considered gods.

reality is there are far more people living today than in the first century. There were maybe some 400 million in the whole world whereas we have 6 billion now, so there are more of everything today, meaning more magicians, more Christians, more believers, more disbelievers, although recent studies/polling shows that people are more "religious" today than ever before(believe it or not), especially Christians.

Even so, there are only 7 people who read this blog.

December 15, 2010 3:06 AM

Thank you for the reply. So, getting to the bottom of this...

Why would John (being guided by God in his writings) warn us that "the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

Why would he include a practice that Jesus Christ (and other priests of the time) regularly practiced on this list of things that, if not repented of, will land a person in hell???

See, I always thought that when Jesus applied mud to that guy's eyes to cure his blindness it was nothing but mud and the power of God that did it. I didn't imagine Jesus needed medicinal substances or anything like that. I always thought that Jesus' casting out of demons was strictly the power of God, and that the people who thought it was magic just didn't understand.

Because if Jesus Christ practiced the sort of sorcery that God tells us is SO BAD that He will send you to hell if you don't repent of it ... that just doesn't ring true.

I'm not coming from a place of accusery or stubborn doubtery, I really would just like to know the truth of the matter so that I can act accordingly and possibly share it with others, whatever the truth may be.

Anonymous said...

Where is the fancy bread? I would posit that both Johns in question were transcribing vivid trips.

Anonymous said...

Christ knows it ain't easy, either.

Anonymous said...

It's not

Anonymous said...

Where is the fancy bread?


let me roll it to you

Anonymous said...

I want to come home.

Anonymous said...

For the love of God, come home.

Anonymous said...

Free as a bird phoney's reversed lyrics

(heeeeeee was my brother.
heee was such a NUTTER?

Who is the father of evil?)

Phoney and nutters are brothers
following the work of the father of evil....crowley?

what ja think?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever bothered to read Crowley?

There are no Crowley experts here.

I am out in the cold said...

Home, to the place where truth lies waiting.

Bullfrog said...

"I would posit that both Johns in question were transcribing vivid trips."

Then why would John of Patmos tell us that sorcery is bad? Why would he group that in with whoremongering and murder and idolatry? Believing that Jesus Christ used sorcery would be as hard as believing that Jesus Christ was a drunk who worshiped wooden statues and had sex with prostitutes.

Look, I wouldn't tell a child that drinking alcohol is bad, though I would warn against the excessive consumption of it. And that's exactly what the Bible does, concerning alcohol. But if the blanket term "sorcery" is used to refer to the use and administration of mind altering drugs like cannabis and mushrooms, then I don't understand how anyone who believes the Bible could doubtlessly use those things.

If they were able to differentiate between appropriate/healthy alcohol consumption and drunkenness, then why wouldn't they be able to differentiate between appropriate drug use and sorcery? I submit that they could have but didn't because there isn't such a thing as appropriate drug use because it's all sorcery and it's all bad.

And if that isn't the case then I don't feel it's anybody's fault for seeing it that way.
And if that IS the case, then it would be the fault of those who twist it a different way for doing so.

Anonymous said...

I always took sorcery in today's terms as Scientology,Wiccan,Angel Worship,New Age,etc. That's what John is talking about to me.

hog' head academy said...

Cilvilians must know magic exists.

c.1300, from O.Fr. sorcerie, from sorcier "sorcerer," from V.L. *sortiarius, lit. "one who influences, fate, fortune," from L. sors (gen. sortis) "lot, fate, fortune" (see sort).

sort (n.)
late 14c., from O.Fr. sorte "class, kind," from L. sortem (nom. sors) "lot, fate, share, portion, rank, category," from PIE base *ser- "to line up" (cf. L. serere "to arrange, attach, join;" see series). The sense evolution in V.L. is from "what is allotted to one by fate," to "fortune, condition," to "rank, class, order."

C'mon, take a guess as to what is the philosopher's /sorcerer's stone is!

Anonymous said...

A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words.

to the North of Katmandu said...

It's a nice day for a white wedding.

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