The Rotten Apple 2007 Movie consists of some of the best moments from the first 35 videos from the Rotten Apple series presented in the slickest documentary format yet. Although some of the captions might make you cringe a little, it is neatly edited and serves as a nice review of the early days of Iamaphoney. We all agree that the videos became more "trippy" at one point, but seeing these early clips edited together shows a surprising continuity from the developmental days of the series to where we are now.
From the glimpses I have seen, there are some exciting things to come. In my little introductory package, I was able to see some items in a new context and got some of my questions answered. The BIG revelation, if there is one, has not been presented to me. But I am quite happy with what I have seen so far and will be reporting on it in the coming weeks. I would imagine that others who have contributed to the Iamaphoney legend have seen the same things I have seen or probably more, so I expect that they will share their impressions too.
For now we have the full length Rotten Apple 2007. As far as I can tell, no pop stars were harmed during the making of this film. Enjoy this quite entertaining piece.

fathom (n.)
O.E. fæðm "length of the outstretched arm" (a measure of about six feet), also "arms, grasp," and, figuratively "power," from P.Gmc. *fathmaz "embrace" (cf. O.N. faðmr "embrace, bosom," O.S. fathmos "the outstretched arms," Du. vadem "a measure of six feet"), from PIE *pete- "to spread, stretch out" (cf. Gk. petalon "leaf," L. patere "to be open"). There are apparent cognates in O.Fris. fethem, Ger. faden "thread," which OED explains by reference to "spreading out."
Obviously not.
Las Vegas? But I thought Comicon was in San Diego?
I'll chip in for a slice of pizza though.
So... this is it?
Zak Starkey got grounded by his dad and was forced to give this shit to the only kid that cared.
Alone on a hill, the man with the foolish grin fathoms perfectly still.
So the premature prediction of taffy bailing on phoeney really tanked, huh? Nope, taf sounds pretty reved up for the revelation. Even saving UP pizza money for the party.
Yea taf!
Do we get to see the little introductory package too, Taf?
Pretty please?
Some dudes had a band, had descent salaries, had time to waste, got into PID. They made some pretty cool shit during their "project" but it was only for fun.
Having taken it as far as they could and having a dumb kid from the netherlands worship them as a demi-god, they passed the torch to the dumb obsessed kid. Now kid; who emulated iaap and bought iaap's stories hook-line-&-sinker, has been passed the torch after the original creators got tired of trying to run a long con.
Quite a miserable failure.
Tafultong pretty much proved he's in on this shit too trying to sell this rehashed garbage.
well the movie has gotten 80 plays, not a total failure.
I'm happy that Taf is happy about it, because he never expected anything more than Beatle-related entertainment, even if he is in on it, and the only person, apparently, who is hyping it at this point. I'm not even seeing "fan" reaction other than a couple of compliments/comments on his channels.
looks as though, at least in terms of popularity/excitement, this thing definitely jumped the shark.
but it was good times and there were at least 10-15 excellent PID/Beatle freak out videos, more than worth my while, so I thank the various people involved for putting it together, especially "Shoes" (not kidding).
and see you at Comicon!
well the movie has gotten 80 plays, not a total failure.
I'm happy that Taf is happy about it, because he never expected anything more than Beatle-related entertainment, even if he is in on it, and the only person, apparently, who is hyping it at this point. I'm not even seeing "fan" reaction other than a couple of compliments/comments on his channels.
Thanks Judge Allseeingallbeing,
will you take a look at iamaphoney channels views, then you will see that within a month they had 100.000 views and all in all 2.210.000 views..
10 freaks, I doubt it.
blah blah blah...but nothing happened...we all are waiting to get the big revelation that paul is dead or the beatles were satanic..I don´t need clues , I need facts....INSTEAD NOTHING HAPPENED. Of course he is a phoney...but his promises never touch the shore.
Billy Martin 8 days ago
It really pisses me off. What is this? I paid almost 60 $ and now this!!!
hahahahahaahahhahaha....lets face it...definitivly Paul is not behind this.(giggles)
Oh, he's behind it. Just not in the way you think.
This really pisses me off. What is this? I waited almost 4 years and now this!!!
I'll see you in Vegas!!!™
On the hill, fathoming.
We are He? Am I fathoming?
The Fool on the hill sees the Sun going down.
That's probably not the best case scenario. I'd rather watch the Sun rise..but hey, I guess I'm outnumbered.
Am We, I mean?
We are He? Am I fathoming?
I dunno. Try it. See what happens.
We are all Iamaphoney now.
OH Noes!
I am not a phoney!
We are all Iamaphoney now.
Huh? Why? Did I miss something?
Am We, I mean?
Yes. Am we. It's a package deal.
" Yes, we may have to buy a ticket, but we have also been handed a tambourine at the door."
Shake the FN tambourines already. PLEASE!
will you take a look at iamaphoney channels views, then you will see that within a month they had 100.000 views and all in all 2.210.000 views..
that's not too bad for YouTube but 2,000,000 over a period of years isn't very hot at all. Teenagers get hundreds of thousands, even millions of hits with goofy stuff.
also, the nature of the videos is such that a lot of people (myself included) watch them at least 2-3 times, so you can cut that number in half easily.
not bad, not exactly hot though
Hold you in his arms till you can feel his disease.
In a way we have all been invited to be a part of the Iamaphoney experience. Think of it like the John Lennon "You are the Plastic Ono Band" campaign. Yes, we may have to buy a ticket, but we have also been handed a tambourine at the door. We are all Iamaphoney now. The great thing is that I still have all of my memories.
What happened to you? I miss the old you, the one that would always give it to us straight and wouldn't dream of making so much as a single cryptic statement; is it just my imagination, or have you been drinkin' the old Iamaphoney kool-aid? Stop this Las Vegas 2012 nonsense. Please go back to honestly and openly reporting the IAAP news and not threatening, jokingly or not, to put a price on this blog.
also everytime you enter the channel a video starts playing.
I would imagine that others who have contributed to the Iamaphoney legend have seen the same things I have seen or probably more, so I expect that they will share their impressions too.
You can start anytime, folks. really
I would imagine that others who have contributed to the Iamaphoney legend have seen the same things I have seen or probably more, so I expect that they will share their impressions too.
You can start anytime, folks. really
so here's the thing. Years of videos, countless 1,000s of comments here, usually not relating to Phoney's videos (interestingly enough), and now the Big Payoff and no one is commenting on the content, as usual.
obviously it's a dud. I think the miscalculation by the Phoney guys (among many we won't go into) is that they strung along mostly those who were looking for some major PID/PWR scoop when the Phonies were only trying to provide entertainment and maybe make a little profit or defray their costs. Even a revelation that Paul had a hand in it would have pleased them, but that's clearly not the case, either. So they undercut the core of their audience by not delivering
what they implicitly promised, and I think most of the "believers" were secretly hoping it was Paul, even though they think he's an impostor hahahaha.
so now that the dream is over, it's just going to be more videos, more music, and there will be no startling proof of anything.
if you haven't caught onto that by now even a batty conk won't help you.
what's to discuss?
same old same old.
and Taf, you pretty much sold out your audience. Maybe it's to save face since you were the one holding the flame, but you have to admit it's a big zero substance-wise.
She'll walk out naked.
I have been around the world,
Lookin' for that woman/girl,
Who knows love can endure.
And you know it will.
And you know it will.
I have been around the world,
Lookin' for that woman/girl,
Who knows love can endure.
And you know it will.
And you know it will.
this sort of crap. It's going to be very quiet around here a month from now.
Have a nice show tonight, Macca.
That sort of crap is what's gonna put your though night school. But if you don't like it, then drop out.
Is someone forcing you to stay around just to make the same old nasty comments over and over? Are they?
If you have such a problem with it, convince all your little likeminded friends and Taf simply to move to a new address. I won't follow. I don't need to.
If you collectively decide you can't stand it so much, it will vanish away in a split second. So there's your answer. Love it or leave it.
Angry Jesus Guy Said:
If you have such a problem with it, convince all your little likeminded friends and Taf simply to move to a new address. I won't follow. I don't need to.
If you collectively decide you can't stand it so much, it will vanish away in a split second. So there's your answer. Love it or leave it.
nyah nyah!
There was no anger involved it those statements. I'm just pointing out your option to solve this big "problem" you seem to have. If you want me to go, go. If you want me to stay, shut the hell up and enjoy the views.
There was no anger involved it those statements. I'm just pointing out your option to solve this big "problem" you seem to have. If you want me to go, go. If you want me to stay, shut the hell up and enjoy the views.
So Taf has to move, not you? hahaha
what a goofball you are. Seriously, dude. It's a BLOG about videos, remember? It's not about you. It's certainly isn't about you teaching people anything. And why would anyone listen to someone as obstinate and thin-skinned anyway?
the way one conducts oneself is usually a pretty good indication of their personality, and on that score you come off as a petulant teen or late twenty-something at most.
Is someone forcing you to stay around just to make the same old nasty comments over and over? Are they?
is someone forcing you to troll Taf's site with bluelinks that no one whatsoever has ever mentioned caring about?
you mistake honest observations about the RA series and its decline (and not fulfilling its promises) with "nasty" comments.
you are trying to defend the series and yourself by cryptically stating that everyone but you has missed the point. Oh, and you're really rich, money in the bank.
if you have something of value to say, of substance, rather than continually making cryptic statements, which are always suspect for obvious reasons, then come out and say what it is that everyone has missed.
people might actually listen to you.
otherwise we have every reason to believe you are full of it, and only pretending to know something, and not making any definite clear statements for fear they can be put to the test.
Take it to the director of the board of Tafultong.
Settle it once and for all. I double dare you.
Take it to the director of the board of Tafultong.
Settle it once and for all. I double dare you.
Taf doesn't censor anyone here, and he sold out to MikeyNL who took over. He's let the biggest crazies post on here day and night at will for years. You're no different.
bottom line: post all you like, and, like the RA series, nothing will ever come of it.
I, like many others, have no real reason to return because it doesn't look like there will be any new videos or countdowns for two years, and I'm not paying a subscription and definitely not counting on you to deliver anything other than angry S3AN L3NNON type cryptic puns and comments.
I and some other skeptics will check back in a few months from now so we can confirm your fail and point it out to you.
that's your punishment hahahaha
A three month countdown? We've already seen all the material. That was really retarded.
Tonight ...Paul gonna play in my country ..ARGENTINA ¡¡¡..Im gonna take with me a big sign paper with IMAPAHONEY LOGO.
Tonight ...Paul gonna play in my country ..ARGENTINA ¡¡¡..Im gonna take with me a big sign paper with IMAPAHONEY LOGO.
nice disrespect there, Argentina.
here's an idea: how about a big sign that says "Paul McCartney."
and if you think the iMovie-making Phoney kids with the amateur website who entered the Band on the Run contest are Macca, you're cuckoo.
A three month countdown? We've already seen all the material. That was really retarded.
yeah, that "movie" should have come out years ago, if ever.
even though they are mostly insane at NIR, at least they were entirely skeptical of Phoney from about the suitcases on, if not before.
That's kind of interesting, when you think about it, especially considering how quick so many of them are to accept the flimsiest of evidence.
Anonymous said...
even though they are mostly insane at NIR, at least they were entirely skeptical of Phoney from about the suitcases on, if not before.
That's kind of interesting, when you think about it, especially considering how quick so many of them are to accept the flimsiest of evidence.
November 10, 2010 11:04 AM
Notice how the countdown, probably the most hyped up Iamaphoney event in years, garnered interest from a whopping 3 people at NIR. They bailed on him during the suitcase fiasco and the 65If smear job (and rightly so).
Notice how the countdown, probably the most hyped up Iamaphoney event in years, garnered interest from a whopping 3 people at NIR. They bailed on him during the suitcase fiasco and the 65If smear job (and rightly so).
yeah, that Phoney crew always had a tendency to throw their fans under the bus like Mikey with the interview and majorly with 65If.
always blame the audience, blame the fans for not getting it, now charge the fans.
what a bunch of jerks when you think about it.
always the first to accuse everyone from Paul to Lennon to Yoko to whomever.
instant Karma's a bitch
Hey you ANONYMUS November 10, 2010 10:54 AM...i was just kidding...imagine that im gonna spend u$s500 to say HI IAMAPHONEY....
Very touching guy are you eh ?
let's not forget the website "Like More Wizards" stupidity as well.
add it to the list
RockXLight said...
In a way we have all been invited to be a part of the Iamaphoney experience. Think of it like the John Lennon "You are the Plastic Ono Band" campaign. Yes, we may have to buy a ticket, but we have also been handed a tambourine at the door. We are all Iamaphoney now. The great thing is that I still have all of my memories.
What happened to you? I miss the old you, the one that would always give it to us straight and wouldn't dream of making so much as a single cryptic statement; is it just my imagination, or have you been drinkin' the old Iamaphoney kool-aid? Stop this Las Vegas 2012 nonsense. Please go back to honestly and openly reporting the IAAP news and not threatening, jokingly or not, to put a price on this blog.
November 10, 2010 6:52 AM
Well said Jude, I missed the old you too.
In a way we have all been invited to be a part of the Iamaphoney experience.
what the F is the Iamaphoney experience? Does this mean I should promise to show up in Vegas and then tell Mikey my plane was delayed?
What happened to you? I miss the old you, the one that would always give it to us straight and wouldn't dream of making so much as a single cryptic statement; is it just my imagination, or have you been drinkin' the old Iamaphoney kool-aid? .
Looks to me like he's delivering the news as straight up as he can.
and the the old Iamaphoney kool-aid? is MIGHTY tasty.
immediately put it towards the pizza
I for one welcome the opportunity to give both iaap and taf a much needed boost economically for all the hard work and entertainment over the years.
Just let me know who to make the check out to and where to send it boys!
yeah whats wrong with giving a little money to all the entertainment you cheap bastards!
Revelations cost money!
luggage is expensive...
i.e suitcases/briefcases
Once more for old time's sake!
<--- LOOK!
Mikey, let's just hope you did your schoolwork inbetween re-editing Phoney videos backwards and bootlegging bootlegs.
maybe we can help get you to college now.
but in the future, maybe avoid Eurostrangers wearing Nuremberg eagle tats who make satanic PID videos. Just sayin'
What's a fire baptism?
Anonymous said...
I for one welcome the opportunity to give both iaap and taf a much needed boost economically for all the hard work and entertainment over the years.
Just let me know who to make the check out to and where to send it boys!
November 10, 2010 6:36 PM
I second that.Iamaphoney has gone to tremendous expense to bring to us these Paul clues and if you were sincere in wanting the revalation of what they all add up to you should think nothing of paying a little money for it.You people have had a free ride for a long time.If you really cared you would pay.
I think I'd be more willing to shell out cash for the phoneys if they hadn't prefaced their donation drive with that whole "Magic Christian" tangent.
I think I'd be more willing to shell out cash for the phoneys if they hadn't prefaced their donation drive with that whole "Magic Christian" tangent.
hahahahaha yeah, they know what's up. Don't forget that song where in the background they're saying "We're just fucking with their heads" hahaha.
Because I can't think straight most of the time.
910 11th st. NE, Washington DC
(Thank you very much!)
Paul doesn't need money, he needs love! And some money.
If I had anything, I'd give it to you for a little piece of mind.
I second that.Iamaphoney has gone to tremendous expense to bring to us these Paul clues and if you were sincere in wanting the revalation of what they all add up to you should think nothing of paying a little money for it.You people have had a free ride for a long time.If you really cared you would pay.
November 10, 2010 7:29 PM
I third this. Just give us an address and a name and we will start sending checks! YOU DESERVE MONEY IAMAPHONEY!!!! YOU TAUGHT US THE SECRETS!
I third this. Just give us an address and a name and we will start sending checks! YOU DESERVE MONEY IAMAPHONEY!!!! YOU TAUGHT US THE SECRETS!
November 10, 2010 10:17 PM
god damn it, i forth this! got a bunch of change laying around, will send you a steamer trunk full of pennies iaap!
you cheap bastard
donate now..
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Support the United Mikey Cawledge Fun
Send Lamaphoney to Film Skule!
Hey! What about us?!
He can't. He knows certain people won't participate if he does.
The iamaphoney org was formed by Neil Aspinall in 1990 to set the record straight about the death of Paul McCartney in 1966. Knowing it might scare most fans they decided to tell the truth (the revelation) over a decade.
Neil Aspinall died in 2008 and left the org without any directions and a true false flag operation was planned. Now in 2009 the rotten apple series are runned by MPL, Paul McCartneys own firm.
ohhh taf's deleting comments!
The iamaphoney org was formed by Neil Aspinall in 1990 to set the record straight about the death of Paul McCartney in 1966. Knowing it might scare most fans they decided to tell the truth (the revelation) over a decade.
wow dude you are in fantasyland. Worried that it would scare fans? Oh, brother. If Neil or anyone else wanted to set the record straight, goofball, he or they wouldn't undermine their credibility, being custodians of so profound a revelation, by dropping even more lame-ass clues through the medium of homemade iMovie videos shown on f-ing YouTube, using teenage boys as intermediaries or signing up on a brain-dead forum like NIR that no intelligent person could take seriously. And dude, WTF does the whole bogus Egyptian and Crowley crap have to do with whether Paul McCartney died?
This is the exact same conspiracy theory UFO types promote. The public would be frightened of the truth so the govt reveals the truth slowly over time dropping clues in movies and blah blah.
And Neill died, leaving these kids with no direction? How bogus. Really smart plan, huh? So what's with the Euro dude in his shirt on the beach all about? And the home studio recordings of Phoney songs? You actually take that as some serious attempt to set the record straight? You take that stuff seriously?
Sorry, it's an urban legend and you fell for it.
see you at Comicon!
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
Comicon's comments are boring and not even funny.
Everybody just chill and enjoy the show.
Comicon's comments are boring and not even funny.
What's funny is that last Comicon comment was posted by Iamaphoney.
The movie is closing in on 400 views, almost 30 views in a single day.
that should show you h8erts who has the last laugh.
Don't you think the comicon laughs at.....YOU?
He does, really.
Comicon should answer his email, really Man.
I've always liked checking into this blog but now that it's over and no more videos or important countdowns for two years, and nothing left to discuss about IAAP, what's the point?
wait, I forgot, we never discussed IAAP in the first place!
bring on the in-jokes and random asides!
You wish.
I've always liked checking into this blog but now that it's over and no more videos or important countdowns for two years, and nothing left to discuss about IAAP, what's the point?
wait, I forgot, we never discussed IAAP in the first place!
well, to be fair, let's face it: Taf stopped commenting on the videos in anything more than a superficial way a long time ago.
he used to put together highly detailed blog posts on minutest points in the individual RA videos but then with something as momentous at the actual films (WingedBeetle and the new one) it's basically, "Nothing new here. Filled in a few gaps for me."
I think he's kind of over it.
Figure that one out!
No, it a lever.
Levitate, ya freaks! C'MON!
Big Enough for ya?
Behold, I show you the mystery.
Anonymous said...
Behold, I show you the mystery.
only $9.99 while supplies last!
"And the disciples said, 'Why do you speak to them in parables [riddles]'" and Jesus said, "Because unto you it has been given to know the mystery of PID but unto them I speak in parables, unless they want to buy a subscription to my website and vimeo channel. Duh. You guys know very little about how this religion thing works, apparently."
I've seen religion from Jesus to Phoney.
bring on the in-jokes and random asides
How many phoneys does it take to change the world?
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Phoney who?
That'll be five dollars.
What's green and white and dead all over?
The Rotten Apple!
Your mama's so heavy...
No, there is no "five dollars" involved or a "cash mastercard donation".
Because unto you it has been given to know the mystery of PID FREE of charge.
Always was and Always will be.
I told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you and told you
ad infinitum
for the Love of God, I told you.
As far as I know, I'm the only one who's remarked on the following, publicly:
When the "Aunt" character is dreaming of "food" -- remember, in death, we are "food of the universe" -- she cries twice. The first time, at 0:21 , a decapitated head is superimposed, with body bag or medical sheet buttons or snaps showing on the left side. It has Paul's browridge shape. The 2nd time, at 0:31 , some religious regalia are superimposed on her
Shortly after, the Aunt is crying while laughing sounds play, and a man is shovelling spaghetti (implying brains? guts?) onto her table. Meanwhile "Mr. Buster [bust a?] Bloodvessel" character, sits opposite, eating. The man who shovels has "MC" insignia on his jacket (the same letters in Sir Paul's fancier-designed insignia).
The MMT movie was first going to be called "Loot", after Joe Orton's play about a coffin, etc. The original title page (with "Loot" crossed out), is shown in a flashing image in one of the iamaphoney videos, which are filled with original documents and photos, and purports to be a leak, to be fully revealed next year. (MMT = Magical Mystery Tour)
Comments in sympathy with the Beatles &c., creators of the movie:
Now, would they have shown Paul's death head this way and why? How respectful is that? ... Well, they were
a) mourning in secret,
b) avant garde artists, so acknowledging death was okay and important, and not necessarily pornographic (exploitative),
c) though no-one wants to be remembered for how they looked in death, if you can face it, that's a respect.
Clearest copy of the movie segment on Youtube, to which the specific time signatures in this e-mail refer, is at , posted by "gx5ar" as "part 5".
there is no way to make 4885 more comments here to block this thread, I give up...
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