I have been contacted by Iamaphoney for the first time in a very long time. My hope and expectation is that some of what we have been enjoying for free for years will soon be commercially available in high quality. Some of my readers (if I still have readers) may cry foul, but I expect that some great stuff that we have not seen before may come out of it. So, I for one, am excited.

I'm not paying for Paul is Dead clues. Nothing short of a DVD recording of IAAP cruising down the highway in the yellow LOVEmobile in search of Paul McCartney's burial site, WITH THE LIVING JOHN LENNON in tow will get me to send my hard-earned cash to IAAP.
Foul, FOUL!
commercially available, as in all you need is cash?
foul indeed
for years the skeptics accused Phoney of using Paul's name and fake sites to promote his music and videos, and told by his fans and cohorts that it was not Phoney's intention, and that it was an honest crusade of sorts.
why does the quality of the videos really matter? so it really is/was just another project to make that Illuminati-based money these anti-NWO types keep harping on?
Available commercially???!!?!?
Not interested.
Thanks for the entertainment Iamaphoney.
uh, so what is the purpose of a countdown clock, which keeps time to the second, only to have it run out and nothing happens?
good one, guys.
Arron, you're already well-off, why do you need more money, anyway?
It's time!
I just dropped my kraft dinner all over my keyboard.
Blue-ray Rotten Apple, sign me up!
I cant believe you people wont tip Iamaphoney for all of his hard work. I bet you dont tip your wait staff when you go out to dinner either.
Think about how you short change people, all the time. No wonder you think Macca was replaced. You are cheap!
Me and my friend MikeNL will be first and second in line for the new Iamablueray Rotten Apple videos and Rotten Album
boy these kids really are into impersonating Paul, right down to wanting all that Paul money.
Someone could order the "commercially" available swag from iaap with say, a credit card... and then dispute the charges and gain info as to who iamaphoney is.
Credit card companies are good like that.
Hi, how are you doing?
Anonymous said...
November 9, 2010 9:47 AM
awesome comment my friend
it's the Alex Jones and David Icke school of crusading (a fave of these guys, btw).
Show the world how evil the PTB are and how the banks control the money, and charge your followers to listen to you accuse them.
Televangelism gone YouTube.
Anonymous said...
boy these kids really are into impersonating Paul, right down to wanting all that Paul money.
November 9, 2010 9:46 AM
Now I am starting to think Paul is in on this thing.
- iaap have serious timing issues.
- i will torrent the dvd when it's out
- foul
he delivered exactly what he promised:
whole lotta zero
The iamablueray rotten apple box set comes packaged in its very own suitcase, after you order it you have to go pick it up in the Santa Suzanna Pass, or at CERN, in a bush.
Like eating while camping, it just tastes better being outside. If you have to work for your clues you will like it better.
Taf should get a comp copy for all the diligence. Maybe a MikeNL style "in depth analysis" for old times sake. You know, one last time.
Taf, how much longer we going to keep doing this?
The answer?
Las Vegas.
- iaap have serious timing issues.
- i will torrent the dvd when it's out
- foul
November 9, 2010 9:52 AM
Put it up on Youtube and let iaap file a copyright claim..
another way to figure out exactly who iamaphoney is
Put it up on Youtube and let iaap file a copyright claim..
another way to figure out exactly who iamaphoney is
November 9, 2010 9:56 AM
I thought iamaphoney owned all the rights to the old Beatle and Paul video footage?
Who cares who iaap is?
So what happened?
Hey, he asked me if I wanted the red pill or the blue pill and well...
On November 11, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada there will be a *special* performance of Circque Du Soleil's LOVE: All You Need Is Love will segue into Carnival of Light, the truth will be told, a solar flare will scorch the Earth, and all hell will break loose.
Or I could be bullshitting you. Some people like to be strung along, endlessly waiting for a payoff that never comes: right, Tafultong?
Oh, I'm sorry: November 9. Does it really matter, though? I doubt anything of PID-significance will occur in Las Vegas in 2012.
All the nation stars staring above my house.
Taf, you mean well, I'm sure, but you have stated repeatedly that the RA series is free entertainment not tainted with the stain of ulterior motives involving a promotion or marketing.
so these guys for years have been recklessly insinuating that Macca is a Crowleyite, etc, and a fraud, coinciding with far greater evidence that they are themselves hustlers.
Taf, you are now a shill helping promote these dudes?
My hope and expectation is that some of what we have been enjoying for free for years will soon be commercially available in high quality.
your hope is that you'd rather pay?
for what, to see rapid-fire images of Ram's heads in HQ?
hey Bluelink, cat got your tongue?
Hey, I just woke up. Did the world end?
Seriously, in that fog before you're fully awake, I grabbed my phone to call Paul.
Then my heart sank a little.
my hope is that I can buy stuff I can already get off the internet.
I hope, I hope, I hope
so first we get the non-interview after weeks of hype, then the non-suitcase thing after months of hype, then the non-revelatory Winged Beatle after years of hype, and now a non-video after the biggest hype yet?
at this point, they're going to have to demonstrate that Paul is a god at 00 GMT or that's pretty much the swan song for Phoney.
Order the two knives for just $19.95 and we'll give you two iamaphoney videos for FREE!
And so, dear friends, you'll just have to carry on.
It will be just like starting over!
distortion of facts in High Quality!!!
Sign us up!
I ate all those worms for nothing?!
I thought it would be a good time to revisit this comment from a few days back:
Anonymous said...
Here's a great question:
Where are all the Little phonies that so readily jumped on the bandwagon throughout the years TODAY?
Didn't think the Day would really come? is that it?Perhaps now is a good time to rethink this lackadaisical
attitude you have going on. I know I did.
October 31, 2010 6:14 PM
These kooks that are so consumed with arrogance and post on here with such venom are routinely humiliated again and again, not by Iamaphoney (who's really got nothing to do with them) but by their own warped perception of him and their grandiose fantasies about what he's doing.
....and yet they'll come back in a few days and they'll claim Iamaphoney is a mystical prophet and is signaling Christ's return or that he's secretly Paul or Faul or whatever else and all this will be forgotten. The fact that Iamaphoney never claimed to be any of these things is beside the point. He didn't even promise anything with his countdown, the lofty expectations came from the realm of fantasy.
Iamaphoney said when he started his goal was to put out a DVD. Like Tafultong, I'm interested in the DVD or streaming media or whatever it'll be. Iamaphoney has been consistent. His "followers" have been out to lunch.
"Well, I just had to laugh..."
Oh, well. I doesn't matter.
This was a great weekend for FREE SHIT!
They streamed the Zappa-weekend at the Roundhouse, and, even though the 'blacked-out' certain bits with Frank video on it.... FREE is FREE!
I had a ball.
He didn't even promise anything with his countdown, the lofty expectations came from the realm of fantasy.
Iamaphoney said when he started his goal was to put out a DVD. Like Tafultong, I'm interested in the DVD or streaming media or whatever it'll be. Iamaphoney has been consistent. His "followers" have been out to lunch.
uh, pretty sure the grandiosity came directly from Phoney in the form of a ridiculously grandiose "Countdown Clock" which, by it's very nature, promises something of importance at a particular time. Sort of like what happened with the grandiose promise of an interview at a specific time (and as hyped on his channel) with set questions coming from a grandiose egomaniac who never followed through.
The hallmark of his channel is a series of calendar dates, which he alone is responsible for hyping as though they are of importance even though he botched up on delivering on quite a few of those dates.
Phoney at the outset promised a DVD? Really? I'm pretty sure his first 60 videos promised the Love Code, which he said he wanted to claim for a prize from Apple.
wow, dude.
when in doubt, BLAME THE AUDIENCE!!!
it's the audience that has gotten it all wrong.
nothing grandiose about a group of dudes that never respond to their own fans and talk in quasi-mysterious language to intermediate shills like a 19-year old Mikey and a blogger named Taf, fanning the flames with their silence to encourage fans to believe they are Paul McCartney or some other Beatle insider. Not to mention all the other fake Beatle tie-ins they have been involved in from the outset.
Phoney never promised anything other than a DVD for $19.99.
That's a steal.
a Nutter on bites the dust
and another one's gone
and another one's gone
and another one bites...
"one" that is
one and one and one is
one and one and one
These kooks that are so consumed with arrogance and post on here with such venom are routinely humiliated again and again, not by Iamaphoney (who's really got nothing to do with them) but by their own warped perception of him and their grandiose fantasies about what he's doing.
hahaha I believe it was Phoney that humiliated himself again and again. Nothing grandiose about a YouTube videomaker saying, "I am preparing the world for a revelation" and "the love code will blow your mind."
No revelation.
Mind not blown.
I think if you are honest you will realize it is "Phoney" that has warped perceptions about what it is "he's" been doing.
Anonymous said...
Phoney at the outset promised a DVD? Really? I'm pretty sure his first 60 videos promised the Love Code, which he said he wanted to claim for a prize from Apple.
wow, dude.
November 9, 2010 1:31 PM
Plenty of websites have a countdown clock before they launch. I gather you haven't been following this since the beginning. Iamaphoney stated implicitly that he wanted to put out a DVD. "I'm preparing the world for the revelation". Yeah, a revelation that you'll find on the DVD you buy from him. Did he let his fame in conspiracy wackjob circles go to his head? Sure he did. Who wouldn't?
You're missing the point again. You want to blame Iamaphoney. I'm saying why would you put faith in a guy who makes videos on YouTube and look to him for imparting any kind of "revelation" regardless of what he might promise? The fact that anyone would take a guy on YouTube making promises of celestial importance seriously is stupid to begin with. You have no one but yourselves to blame.
You want to blame Iamaphoney. I'm saying why would you put faith in a guy who makes videos on YouTube and look to him for imparting any kind of "revelation" regardless of what he might promise? The fact that anyone would take a guy on YouTube making promises of celestial importance seriously is stupid to begin with. You have no one but yourselves to blame.
I don't disagree that anybody that believe some YouTube dude would do anything of importance is deluded, but it was indeed Phoney who from Day 1 worked every possible internet angle to promote not just himself but what Jude (and others who might be in a position to know) believes is actual evidence that Paul was Replaced. The RA guys are believers, by all available evidence.
So that makes them just as stupid, no?
Anonymous said...
You want to blame Iamaphoney. I'm saying why would you put faith in a guy who makes videos on YouTube and look to him for imparting any kind of "revelation" regardless of what he might promise? The fact that anyone would take a guy on YouTube making promises of celestial importance seriously is stupid to begin with. You have no one but yourselves to blame.
I don't disagree that anybody that believe some YouTube dude would do anything of importance is deluded, but it was indeed Phoney who from Day 1 worked every possible internet angle to promote not just himself but what Jude (and others who might be in a position to know) believes is actual evidence that Paul was Replaced. The RA guys are believers, by all available evidence.
So that makes them just as stupid, no?
November 9, 2010 2:19 PM
If you want to get into semantics, who's more stupid? The guy who makes a stupid claim or the people who should know better than to believe stupid claims? Are Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker as dumb as the people who sent them millions?
Plenty of websites have a countdown clock before they launch. I gather you haven't been following this since the beginning. Iamaphoney stated implicitly that he wanted to put out a DVD.
as a matter of fact, I have been around since the beginning, which in fact was when "Phoney" (AKA "Bill") was a regular at NIR, which just happens to be populated by the very same mindset that you say is overinflating Phoney. If you read his early posts, it is clear that he was and probably still is a believer in this whole PWR b.s.
But here was his master plan, when responding to accolades for his early videos
"glad you guys likes it...
There is so much more on its way...
trying to get some investers to help me out.
...hopefully it will be the big revalation film,
The film that tells the true,and the final answer from the dead man himself."
He goes on to say he's going to Europe to do interviews.
He was not an "insider," because he asks another goofball at NIR if they are an insider (gullibility at NIR is rampant), and asks for their help putting together his case that Paul was a Crowleyite and all the reverse stuff was intentional magick rather just being cool and wacky.
Clearly he found some allies at NIR and that's how the little team formed.
anyway, it's all b.s. so unless you're interested in HQ versions of pretty much everything already on NIR somewhere go ahead.
anyway, it's all b.s. so unless you're interested in HQ versions of pretty much everything already on NIR somewhere go ahead.
ha ha ha ha
go ahead and find it there, mr Knowitall. SMF
2MoreYears LOL
Anonymous said...
go ahead and find it there, mr Knowitall. SMF
November 9, 2010 2:50 PM
See? It didn't take long. Not even a day before the followers start coming out of the woodwork and go right back to defending IAAP.
Let's hope these same people are willing to pay for the subscription service Iamaphoney is now putting together. Oh..and like the h8ters were saying all along, he's going to be streaming The Wingedbeetle movie on his website. Some followers said they would bail if he did that...but you know they won't.
"If you liked the old crap, heres the old crap again repackaged"
If you liked the first 35 videos from The Rotten Apple Series
you are going to love this movie.
Prior to The Rotten Apple Series, this full length movie was done. We borrowed a small amount of audio from 1969 radio broadcasts, we also used small fragments of an interview from a Dutch documentary on Russ Gibb and the Detroit rumor and some audio clips from a Mr. Dr. Lev.
A special thanks to Apple Corps.
Friends from Denmark, Holland, Germany, UK, USA, Mozambique and Portugal helped us by pointing out or providing, for us, valuable video clips.
so nobody noticed that CERN created mini big bangs today by colliding lead ions together?
Kind of coincidental that the iamaphoney count down clock reached zero when the first ions were smashed creating tiny black holes that each sucked in tiny Paul McCartneys and secretly replaced them with tiny Faul McEvils!!!!!1
Rest well you blind sheeple, all the wool in the world is being pulled over your eyes!!!111!!!
I think a tiny Faul McEvil just turned off my television, probably stole my remote control.
Damn you tiny Faul....
Damn you to a tiny hell....
"Prior to The Rotten Apple Series, this full length movie was done" (suckers!)
Damn you tiny Faul....
Damn you to a tiny hell....
(...goes off to play "teeny lucifer")
I think a little Tiny Faul McEvil just stole my credit card and is buying up hundreds of "Paul is Dead" T-shirts and Rotten Apple Albums and DVD's
Funny how evil needs money almost as much as God does.
i think tiny faul mcEvil just stole my Venture Bros. dvd box set and replaced it with this Rotten Apple DVD
if you are listening out there faul mcEvil, I WANT MY SH*T BACK
fake ~vince
Tafultong, are you sure that red pill/blue pills that iamaphoney offered you were not just tiny Fauls dressed in pill suits?!?
i think maybe you are now full of tiny Fauls controlling your brain making you type that you are looking forward to spending money on iamaphoney products.
hang on, got to take my daily multi vitamin...
i swear this little vitamin is holding up a Paul picture on a stick in front of its little pill face, just like iamaphoney did on that rotten apple video. i moved the picture, the stick broke, and now the pill is yelling at me.
i flushed him down the toilet, i can hear him gurgle yelling still.
just wanted to get this in before the blue linking began. i like to leave before that
Tafultong, are you sure that red pill/blue pills that iamaphoney offered you were not just tiny Fauls dressed in pill suits?!?
i think maybe you are now full of tiny Fauls controlling your brain making you type that you are looking forward to spending money on iamaphoney products.
hang on, got to take my daily multi vitamin...
i swear this little vitamin is holding up a Paul picture on a stick in front of its little pill face, just like iamaphoney did on that rotten apple video. i moved the picture, the stick broke, and now the pill is yelling at me.
i flushed him down the toilet, i can hear him gurgle yelling still.
just wanted to get this in before the blue linking began. i like to leave before that
I'll let people just guess at what it is. Until I put it down on paper...I may never see it, and the Beatles may not be around, but someday it will come out.
just wanted to get this in before the blue linking began. i like to leave before that
consider yourself gone
^ 70
cat got your tongue?
Here's a real link for ya, Gov't issue.
cat got your tongue?
No. He's too busy flying circles around you. Feel the breeze?
the almost unpronounceable
how to
put it down on paper
70-perfect spiritual order carried out with all spiritual power and significance. Both spirit and order are greatly empha-sized.
na na na na na na na
T He
the almost unpronounceable
how to
put it down on paper
Don't you speak the Queen's English?
Is that a question or a comment or what?
Prior to The Rotten Apple Series, this full length movie was done. We borrowed a small amount of audio from 1969 radio broadcasts, we also used small fragments of an interview from a Dutch documentary on Russ Gibb and the Detroit rumor and some audio clips from a Mr. Dr. Lev.
ah yes, Dr Lev. As was pointed out long long ago, Phoney's basic storyline derives from that dude.
check it out.
anyway, spend your money watching more film clips.
see you in 2013.
you got some really long vacations huh?
so where are all of you who scoffed when it was pointed out that Phoney was looking to promote something (e.g. a film, his music) with the object being MONEY?
apologies, anyone?
hahahah didn't think so.
If you liked the first 35 videos from The Rotten Apple Series
you are going to love this movie.
damn. I didn't think the series got good until about RA40 so I don't think I'm gonna like it.
anyway, it's all b.s. so unless you're interested in HQ versions of pretty much everything already on NIR somewhere go ahead.
ha ha ha ha
go ahead and find it there, mr Knowitall. SMF
why even bother to look at NIR? Anyone can look for and invent clues. Hello?
We've been making up our own on this blog for years. We should have been charging people to read them.
Anonymous said...
cat got your tongue?
No. He's too busy flying circles around you. Feel the breeze?
November 9, 2010 4:19 PM
Wow! No matter what, huh? Iamaphoney could be selling CD's on a street corner and these guys would still be posting here like "Oh I know what's coming. Iamaphoney will show the way. You'll be sorry."
It's over, dude. It's been over for a long time but feel free to hype up the next non event so we can all look forward to another big laugh.
Step right up! Step right up!
Getcher Phoney movies here! Listen to Beatle songs backwards and hear things that vaguely sound like sentences! If that isn't worth yer money, gang, I don't know what is!
Seek and ye shall find
yeah it's over.
they've played their hand, which is yet another PID movie and subscriptions.
hate to say "told you so"
anyway, Bluelink was busy taking it all so seriously he forgot to charge money every time you clicked.
if you're paranoid of the Illuminati you might not want to subscribe, kids. They'll know your name and they'll look up your number.
that's right.
I still wonder why all you guys who hates iamaphoney is around. I simply don't get it! maybe you have fun putting iamaphoney down, but He has one thing you do not have.
Hey, he won a Beetle New Car 2009 edition , right? ..for free..right? If he needs money, then he must sale that car.
He's L-Ayin.
I still wonder why all you guys who hates iamaphoney is around. I simply don't get it! maybe you have fun putting iamaphoney down, but He has one thing you do not have.
we like Phoney, we just get a kick out of seeing his fans get played.
Anonymous said...
I still wonder why all you guys who hates iamaphoney is around. I simply don't get it! maybe you have fun putting iamaphoney down, but He has one thing you do not have.
November 9, 2010 5:21 PM
Yeah, He has followers who worship him so much they capitalize the "h" in "He" like they're referring to God.
I still wonder why all you guys who hates iamaphoney is around. I simply don't get it! maybe you have fun putting iamaphoney down, but He has one thing you do not have.
well let's face it, there are probably only 4 or 5 dudes that think Phoney is all that, and I think a few of these comments with capitalized "He" are fakes. Just people trying to stir the pot.
The vast majority of pro-Phoney posts here are from Phoney and his friends. He's probably on here more than anyone.
the new video is closing in on 300 views, so no danger of a worldwide revolution.
well let's face it, there are probably only 4 or 5 dudes that think Phoney is all that, and I think a few of these comments with capitalized "He" are fakes. Just people trying to stir the pot.
The vast majority of pro-Phoney posts here are from Phoney and his friends. He's probably on here more than anyone.
the new video is closing in on 300 views, so no danger of a worldwide revolution.
Good to have a guy like you around, you know everything but have no sexlife at all. oh yeah, with your mother
Good to have a guy like you around, you know everything but have no sexlife at all. oh yeah, with your mother
November 9, 2010 5:36 PM
lol someone let a 5 year old comment.
Since IAAP never suggested or insinuated anything about the countdown I think it's pretty obvious what he was counting down to....
...the Denmark area premiere of Conan O'Brien's new talk show.
Wow! No matter what, huh? Iamaphoney could be selling CD's on a street corner and these guys would still be posting here like "Oh I know what's coming. Iamaphoney will show the way. You'll be sorry."
I didn't mention anything about iamaphoney. Did I?
Your cognitive skills are a little lacking, dear.
97 RA videos
50 miscellaneous videos
5 Winged Beetle videos
a new video on which the first 35 videos were based
more videos to come!
there's an old maxim in writing: if it takes too long to say it, you don't know what it is you're saying.
Then there's an even old maxim in writing: if the reader cannot understand simple story structure, you beat them about the brain with a batty conk until they do.
older, older, older!
so since Phoney has only a few hundred actual subscribers for the free YouTube channel, why did they think they would gain any more for subscriptions?
anyway, tonight marks the end of the debate.
Phoney and his gang were looking to make a buck, as was prophesied here.
you don't have to like it, or you might enjoy the colorful videos and the soundtrack. That's fine.
but let's drop the whole biblical conceit, shall we?
you get what you pay for.
now you get to pay for the same thing you didn't pay for.
aaaaaaaand that's all folks.
so are all you Phonies home?
or do you have to pay a cover charge to get into heaven?
The Biblical point of reference is only one tool in the arsenal. Consider it just a little gateway to all the other goodies you failed to see first time around.
And by the way, don't confuse conceit with patience.
Blah Blah Blah,,,but nothing happened
She could steal but she could not rob, Dimas.
Tuesday's on the iphoney to you.
Anonymous said...
The Biblical point of reference is only one tool in the arsenal. Consider it just a little gateway to all the other goodies you failed to see first time around.
And by the way, don't confuse conceit with patience.
November 9, 2010 6:42 PM
Well, look it at this way. When Iamaphoney.com finally launches and has it's own forum you can look forward to never having anyone question your theories ever again. I, as a skeptic, will not take part in a subscription based service and I doubt anyone other than the hardcore phoneyites will part with the $$$ so you guys can have all the uninterrupted fun you want. ;)
But I never asked you or anyone for money. I have more cash in the bank than you can possibly imagine and it's all there for your taking. Get it?
The Biblical point of reference is only one tool in the arsenal. Consider it just a little gateway to all the other goodies you failed to see first time around.
And by the way, don't confuse conceit with patience.
Who are you to question what people see or don't see? You see yourself as the teller of truth? You must be a Lennon fan.
Have you considered that perhaps you have been duped? Or fail to see something important? This attitude you've adopted, which says, "I am the enlightened one showing you fooling flock to way to the treasure" is the oldest conceit in the book, and yes, it's in the Bible as well.
Pay your subscription and good luck with your arsenal.
It's alright, she says it's alright,
Take anything you want from me,
Fly on little wing.
But I never asked you or anyone for money. I have more cash in the bank than you can possibly imagine and it's all there for your taking. Get it?
thanks Satan!
This attitude you've adopted, which says, "I am the enlightened one showing you fooling flock to way to the treasure" is the oldest conceit in the book, and yes, it's in the Bible as well.
ok, well, think what you want. Doesn't mean I will say or do anything more or less than I will.
Anonymous said...
But I never asked you or anyone for money. I have more cash in the bank than you can possibly imagine and it's all there for your taking. Get it?
November 9, 2010 7:17 PM
Try to stay on topic for a change. You were hyping this countdown like the revelation was coming when it hit zero and nothing happened and now you'd rather not talk about that, eh?
With all that cash in the bank maybe you can hit Iamaphoney's "donate" button a few times while you're at it.
thanks Satan?
That's really not the correct name, ok?
Otherwise, you are welcome. Plenty of cash in the vaults. Help yourself. I left the door open for you.
what's with "Billy Martin's" comment on his Vimeo channel that he's pissed off about tne 500mb limit when he paid $60 to be a "plus" member?
really weird
Try to stay on topic for a change. You were hyping this countdown like the revelation was coming when it hit zero and nothing happened and now you'd rather not talk about that, eh?
Nothing happened? Are you sure about that?
Try to stay on topic for a change. You were hyping this countdown like the revelation was coming when it hit zero and nothing happened and now you'd rather not talk about that, eh?
Nothing happened? Are you sure about that?
are you?
what do you mean nothing happened?
he released a "movie" of the crappy part of RA before the new editors came in.
that's nothing?
I'd call that something. Something very funny, mind you, but something.
I don't care too much for money
Arron and Moses Swaffar are going to account for this travesty.
The Nutters too!
And MikeNL!
They'll be held accountable, and payment will be forthcoming!
Try to stay on topic for a change.
That's exactly what I am doing, knucklehead.
so with wingedbeetle and now this thing obviously he's paying homage to himself, ie. Greatest Hits or your basic repackaging scheme.
gotta say I'm disappointed. Thought he would throw SOMETHING juicy out there after years of hype.
give it up. this game is over. everything you post now is going to look even more ridiculous than before because the whole "soon" thing is a total joke at this point.
I don't even think Taf is going to stick around after this round of fail.
the cuckoos will all move over to Iamaphoney.com and that's the end of that.
I'm all Paul is Dead'd out.
Why did he die in the first place?
Anonymous said...
Nothing happened? Are you sure about that?
November 9, 2010 7:46 PM
Yes. Nothing EVER happens. When you hitch your wagon to a guy on YouTube and expect supernatural events to unfold because of him nothing ever will happen.
I get it. this whole thing is an allegory on Paul's career.
showed a lot of promise, got ambitious, then broke up with his mates, sold out and sucked.
it's close but missing the whole "kicked ass, took over the world and became the greatest songwriter in history" part, but otherwise pretty close.
"everything you post now is going to look even more ridiculous than before because the whole "soon" thing is a total joke at this point."
No, more like comments like yourswill be the joke. But hey, why start listening now, huh? it would ruin your perfect broken record.
I get it. this whole thing is an allegory on Paul's career.
showed a lot of promise, got ambitious, then broke up with his mates, sold out and sucked.
hahah so by my estimation we're at the London Town or Back to the Egg stage. God knows how bad it will get during the Pipes of Peace era.
"everything you post now is going to look even more ridiculous than before because the whole "soon" thing is a total joke at this point."
No, more like comments like yourswill be the joke. But hey, why start listening now, huh? it would ruin your perfect broken record.
huh, cause thus far, the skeptics have a perfect record and the believers have a big box of fail Kraft Dinner.
Skeptics = 1000
Believers = (+ donate)
only two more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow what suckers. And the Mayan calendar calculation they now know is off by, like, 100 years, and isn't supposed to represent the end of time or the end of anything.
see you at Comicon!
"When you hitch your wagon to a guy on YouTube and expect supernatural events to unfold because of him nothing ever will happen.
I wouldn't assume that if I was you.
My choice to be here is based on variables you can't fathom, simply because you can't. Fathom, that is. So I'm helping you. And I don't care if you want my help or not. You are getting it anyway.
at least with the briefcase fail it was exciting and everyone was really into it, and it was hilarious and fun to make fun of and it had drama and all that. Those were the days!
this fail is just corporate and boring and not even worth mocking it's so goofy.
My choice to be here is based on variables you can't fathom, simply because you can't. Fathom, that is. So I'm helping you. And I don't care if you want my help or not. You are getting it anyway.
You sound an awful lot like Charles Manson right now. But if you'd like to give me actual cash, not metaphorical heaven treasure, I'd be happy to take it so I can see for myself how money doesn't bring you happiness.
Anonymous said...
"everything you post now is going to look even more ridiculous than before because the whole "soon" thing is a total joke at this point."
No, more like comments like yourswill be the joke. But hey, why start listening now, huh? it would ruin your perfect broken record.
November 9, 2010 8:10 PM
You do realize that you're pretty much alone on that view here at this point. The skeptics will go back to their daily lives tomorrow and you'll go back to flooding this blog with more hype and hooey for the next inevitable "wow" moment that never comes. Even MikeNL isn't as enthusiastic as you are. I hope the donate button works out for Iamaphoney and they cut you in for a piece of the action. You've certainly earned it!
Taf, are we still calling this historical fiction?
No, more like comments like yourswill be the joke. But hey, why start listening now, huh? it would ruin your perfect broken record.
In a week, bluelink, you'll be the only one left.
we know you were trying to help, but God helps those who help themselves.
you latched onto a huckster, maybe for genuine spiritual or other reasons, but you're on the losing team if you stay on that crew's side.
know how to choose your battles. This one is a loser.
Anonymous said...
only two more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow what suckers. And the Mayan calendar calculation they now know is off by, like, 100 years, and isn't supposed to represent the end of time or the end of anything.
see you at Comicon!
November 9, 2010 8:16 PM
LOL From now on I'm going to end every comment with "see you at Comicon". Hope you don't mind. Effing brilliant! Sums up the vibe of this whole thing perfectly.
it all seemed so plausible!!!!!
oh well, back to work.
LOL From now on I'm going to end every comment with "see you at Comicon". Hope you don't mind. Effing brilliant! Sums up the vibe of this whole thing perfectly.
hahaha no copyright, use away.
"If you enjoyed the first 35 episodes of Rotten Apple you'll LOVE this movie!"
taking marketing cues from Amazon.com and Facebook?
You sound an awful lot like Charles Manson right now. But if you'd like to give me actual cash, not metaphorical heaven treasure, I'd be happy to take it so I can see for myself how money doesn't bring you happiness.
dude, I sound nothing like Manson. Don't insult me with such nonsense.
dude, I sound nothing like Manson. Don't insult me with such nonsense.
don't think so? he played ego games, and told his followers that he knew and understood things their little minds couldn't fathom, and he was going to teach them.
very similar dynamic, actually. Typical of conspiracy theorists and fanatical religious types.
I'm helping YOU. That sort of thing. Hello? This is a BLOG.
You know that, right? It's a blog about videos.
You can't FATHOM what I know, that sort of thing. Doesn't look good, dude. Even if you do know something worthwhile, you aren't very convincing and your presentation is off-putting to say the least.
Anonymous said...
My choice to be here is based on variables you can't fathom, simply because you can't. Fathom, that is. So I'm helping you. And I don't care if you want my help or not. You are getting it anyway.
November 9, 2010 8:18 PM
What you continually fail to understand, bluelink, is that I'm trying to help YOU. You don't want the help. You don't appreciate the help but that's okay. I only comment on here every month or so. It's no big deal to me.
When you assign supernatural significance to a flawed mortal, all you get back is flawed information. One day you'll eventually realize that and what a damned glorious day that will be!
See you at Comicon!
you know what Einstein would never say?
You have NO IDEA what I know! You can't FATHOM the variables.
of course, he probably thought this to himself, and deservedly so, but would never actually say it.
that's because he was humble.
humility is a hallmark of pretty much every religious tradition, even esoteric initiation.
and see you at Comicon!!!!!
Some dudes had a band, had descent salaries, had time to waste, got into PID. They made some pretty cool shit during their "project" but it was only for fun.
Having taken it as far as they could and having a dumb kid from the netherlands worship them as a demi-god, they passed the torch to the dumb obsessed kid. Now kid; who emulated iaap and bought iaap's stories hook-line-&-sinker, has been passed the torch after the original creators got tired of trying to run a long con.
Quite a miserable failure.
Tafultong pretty much proved he's in on this shit too trying to sell this rehashed garbage.
Oh and said kid had no other motive than to discovery luxury too.
Nothing happened...we all are waiting to get the big revelation that paul is dead or the beatles were satanic....SO...NOTHING HAPPENED. Of course he is a phoney...but his promises never touch the shore.
I think this about says it:
They carried on.
So, is it time?
So, is it time?
October 13, 2011 8:57 AM
Anonymous said...
So, is it time?
October 13, 2011 8:57 AM
January 12, 2012 8:53 PM
hey, sorry
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