Thanks to commenters, who seem to know a lot more about this stuff than I do, we have identified the individual lovingly referred to as "Eurodude" in the Rotten Apple videos. He is the Italian movie stills photographer Emilio Lari. According to Wikipedia, Lari "bluffed" his way on to the set of "A Hard Days Night" by impersonating a photographer from a magazine. From there he developed a pretty impressive resume taking shots for several motion pictures including the Beatles' film "Help" and the 1968 Ringo Starr film "Candy."

It is possible that the "revelation" of this individual's identity was a calculated plan by Iamaphoney. I say that because one of the things I received in my preview package was raw footage of interviews with the individual who I now realize was Emilio Lari. Guess what. None of the interview footage appears to have been taken out of context. He may be lying. He may be acting. But, he is not a victim of Iamaphoney out of context editing.
Lari is usually seen with a shot of Paul from the movie "Help" nearby. In one of the segments he commented on the difference in height between the original Paul and the replacement.

Even if this man is not acting, that doesn't mean that the original Paul McCartney was killed in a car accident and was replaced by the devil. But this character has certainly made things more interesting. I suggest we fasten our seat belts.
1 – 200 of 411 Newer› Newest»Cheers, Taf. I thought you'd given up on reading these comments.
Well, I always read yours.
I love Euroblur!
Thanks Taf!
Oh, and h8ters.......
apology accepted in advance.
now if only Jude or someone credible would email Emilio Lari and find out who iamaphoney is we can get this wrapped up before lunch tomorrow.
I just spoke with Emilio, he was very interested that he is being mentioned here.
He said, and I quote
"Esss ze blogga of de sossa? Esss it of de car crasha? An it has of me? I must zee de blogga! Tell me!"
At which point he picked up his iPhone and learned that we have been calling him "Euroblur". He reacted this way, and I quote...
"Who is dis Euroblura? Why they calling me of dis?"
When I informed him that iamaphoney intentionally blurred out his face in the interviews he sat quietly for a moment and then he said
"He did this to protecting me... What have they done by disclosing?"
Then he hastily dialed a number and spoke rapidly while I noticed profuse sweat forming on his forehead.
Taf, could you please remove this post, for the love of all that is good and Holy!??!?
Care to place your bets here for how long it takes Euroblur to be replaced by a sossa?
Taf, is there a way you can transcribe Emilio's interview?
I don't recall him saying Paul died or anything like that, I only recall him talking about a "crash" but was that about Paul?
that would be awesome if you could post
"Esss ze blogga of de sossa? Esss it of de car crasha? An it has of me? I must zee de blogga! Tell me!"
November 12, 2010 11:04 AM
And then he asked for a plate of pasta, a slice of pizza, a glass of vino and another pretty girl on his arm.
Euroblur is the second best thing about the rotten apple videos from iamaphoney. The first best thing was the suitcases. The third best thing was Shoes. The forth best thing was the WingedBeatle sound. You know what I am talking about
i think Emilio Lari is iamafunny, the broken engrish and all
How about posting the uncut interview?
Would love to hear who is asking the questions to Emilio Lari.....
Engrish said...
i think Emilio Lari is iamafunny, the broken engrish and all
November 12, 2010 11:13 AM
They are both drunk time travelers as well
Engrish said...
i think Emilio Lari is iamafunny, the broken engrish and all
November 12, 2010 11:13 AM
They are both drunk time travelers as well
Anonymous said...
How about posting the uncut interview?
Would love to hear who is asking the questions to Emilio Lari.....
November 12, 2010 11:15 AM
who cares who is asking the questions? why do you want to know? do you watch a movie and say, "boy I wish I could see the director, and the camera man"
I would have preferred to see the uncut interview rather than the flashy video stuff.
Ladies and Gentlemen... I think it's time to author a third theory - one that combines some of what we know and presupposes a different motive for Iamaphoney's videos.
Most of us got sucked in by the 'Paul is Dead' stuff, and then later had our eyes opened to Paul's fascination and 'practice' of Thelema.
At a certain point in The Rotten Apple Series, we start getting less and less new information revealed, and more and more repeated images, repeated motifs (number 9, number 9, number 9) Satanic/magickal images/content and NEW backwards material. BTW - I submit to you that by the time you finish reading this, you'll realize that even 'number 9' repeated 3 times at the beginning of each video is not a coincidence or even a 'production stamp.' It has purpose.
Is there the possibility that Iamaphoney knows so much about the 'dark' stuff because he himself is involved with Thelema? A Crowleyite?
And if so, what is the purpose of these videos. Why drag out 'revelations' and 'secret information' for YEARS when he could easily have a major motion picture or a Discovery/History/VH1 show (hell, probably even ABC) at the snap of his fingers? There's little monetary gain in what he's doing now. He could make millions if he went mainstream.
What do his viewers (not very many left at this point that continue to expose themselves) get from the videos and repeated images and sounds?
The videos themselves may be conduits of magick. Someone a while back on the YouTube comments section called out hearing 'spells' in 'The Winged Beatle 3'
How do you recognize a spell? Originally magic = arts. (Search Alan Moore's explanation of magic and 'arts' on YouTube) Symbols and sounds put together for the express purpose of conjuring, changing the will/behavior of people, or contacting unseen forces.
So the new documentary feature just arrived on 11.9 (coincidence that we have the 9's and 11's show up again considering their considerable occult/magick significance? Also the supposed date of Paul's accident.) And what do we have? Mostly the same info we've heard before. One or two new little gems to keep us hanging on. Oh and over an hour of background backmasked music and sound clips. And subliminal still images that last only a few frames.
You can't hear the narrator without the sound on and the background 'noise' is always going. To what end? To what purpose? A good editor would tell you to back off that stuff while other people are talking because it's distracting and makes your ears strain. But it's all throughout the doc. Eventually you tune it out and focus on the narration, but it's subliminally getting through.
I submit to you that the videos are 'arts' as in 'magick' itself. There's a reason why The Rotten Apple Series, The Right Album, and The RevelAtion all have the T,R,A capitalized. Because when you put those letters backwards, it's ART. As in 'magickal arts.' What these videos actually are are labeled at the beginning of each one.
Are there questions we don't have answered? Sure. How does Iamaphoney know all this? Is he really Paul? What does Mal Evans' diary say?
Here's the thing: the word 'occult' literally translates to 'search for hidden information.' (Isn't that what we're all doing here?) By continuing to view these things and actively seek out the answers, we move from being casual detectives to 'actively exposing ourselves to the occult and magick.' This can have consequences.
Ladies and Gentlemen... I think it's time to author a third theory - one that combines some of what we know and presupposes a different motive for Iamaphoney's videos.
Most of us got sucked in by the 'Paul is Dead' stuff, and then later had our eyes opened to Paul's fascination and 'practice' of Thelema.
At a certain point in The Rotten Apple Series, we start getting less and less new information revealed, and more and more repeated images, repeated motifs (number 9, number 9, number 9) Satanic/magickal images/content and NEW backwards material. BTW - I submit to you that by the time you finish reading this, you'll realize that even 'number 9' repeated 3 times at the beginning of each video is not a coincidence or even a 'production stamp.' It has purpose.
Is there the possibility that Iamaphoney knows so much about the 'dark' stuff because he himself is involved with Thelema? A Crowleyite?
And if so, what is the purpose of these videos. Why drag out 'revelations' and 'secret information' for YEARS when he could easily have a major motion picture or a Discovery/History/VH1 show (hell, probably even ABC) at the snap of his fingers? There's little monetary gain in what he's doing now. He could make millions if he went mainstream.
What do his viewers (not very many left at this point that continue to expose themselves) get from the videos and repeated images and sounds?
The videos themselves may be conduits of magick. Someone a while back on the YouTube comments section called out hearing 'spells' in 'The Winged Beatle 3'
How do you recognize a spell? Originally magic = arts. (Search Alan Moore's explanation of magic and 'arts' on YouTube) Symbols and sounds put together for the express purpose of conjuring, changing the will/behavior of people, or contacting unseen forces.
So the new documentary feature just arrived on 11.9 (coincidence that we have the 9's and 11's show up again considering their considerable occult/magick significance? Also the supposed date of Paul's accident.) And what do we have? Mostly the same info we've heard before. One or two new little gems to keep us hanging on. Oh and over an hour of background backmasked music and sound clips. And subliminal still images that last only a few frames.
You can't hear the narrator without the sound on and the background 'noise' is always going. To what end? To what purpose? A good editor would tell you to back off that stuff while other people are talking because it's distracting and makes your ears strain. But it's all throughout the doc. Eventually you tune it out and focus on the narration, but it's subliminally getting through.
I submit to you that the videos are 'arts' as in 'magick' itself. There's a reason why The Rotten Apple Series, The Right Album, and The RevelAtion all have the T,R,A capitalized. Because when you put those letters backwards, it's ART. As in 'magickal arts.' What these videos actually are are labeled at the beginning of each one.
Are there questions we don't have answered? Sure. How does Iamaphoney know all this? Is he really Paul? What does Mal Evans' diary say?
Here's the thing: the word 'occult' literally translates to 'search for hidden information.' (Isn't that what we're all doing here?) By continuing to view these things and actively seek out the answers, we move from being casual detectives to 'actively exposing ourselves to the occult and magick.' This can have consequences.
(PT1.)Ladies and Gentlemen... I think it's time to author a third theory - one that combines some of what we know and presupposes a different motive for Iamaphoney's videos.
Most of us got sucked in by the 'Paul is Dead' stuff, and then later had our eyes opened to Paul's fascination and 'practice' of Thelema.
At a certain point in The Rotten Apple Series, we start getting less and less new information revealed, and more and more repeated images, repeated motifs (number 9, number 9, number 9) Satanic/magickal images/content and NEW backwards material. BTW - I submit to you that by the time you finish reading this, you'll realize that even 'number 9' repeated 3 times at the beginning of each video is not a coincidence or even a 'production stamp.' It has purpose.
(PT2)Is there the possibility that Iamaphoney knows so much about the 'dark' stuff because he himself is involved with Thelema? A Crowleyite?
And if so, what is the purpose of these videos. Why drag out 'revelations' and 'secret information' for YEARS when he could easily have a major motion picture or a Discovery/History/VH1 show (hell, probably even ABC) at the snap of his fingers? There's little monetary gain in what he's doing now. He could make millions if he went mainstream.
What do his viewers (not very many left at this point that continue to expose themselves) get from the videos and repeated images and sounds?
The videos themselves may be conduits of magick. Someone a while back on the YouTube comments section called out hearing 'spells' in 'The Winged Beatle 3'
How do you recognize a spell? Originally magic = arts. (Search Alan Moore's explanation of magic and 'arts' on YouTube) Symbols and sounds put together for the express purpose of conjuring, changing the will/behavior of people, or contacting unseen forces.
So the new documentary feature just arrived on 11.9 (coincidence that we have the 9's and 11's show up again considering their considerable occult/magick significance? Also the supposed date of Paul's accident.) And what do we have? Mostly the same info we've heard before. One or two new little gems to keep us hanging on. Oh and over an hour of background backmasked music and sound clips. And subliminal still images that last only a few frames.
(PT3) You can't hear the narrator without the sound on and the background 'noise' is always going. To what end? To what purpose? A good editor would tell you to back off that stuff while other people are talking because it's distracting and makes your ears strain. But it's all throughout the doc. Eventually you tune it out and focus on the narration, but it's subliminally getting through.
I submit to you that the videos are 'arts' as in 'magick' itself. There's a reason why The Rotten Apple Series, The Right Album, and The RevelAtion all have the T,R,A capitalized. Because when you put those letters backwards, it's ART. As in 'magickal arts.' What these videos actually are are labeled at the beginning of each one.
Are there questions we don't have answered? Sure. How does Iamaphoney know all this? Is he really Paul? What does Mal Evans' diary say?
Here's the thing: the word 'occult' literally translates to 'search for hidden information.' (Isn't that what we're all doing here?) By continuing to view these things and actively seek out the answers, we move from being casual detectives to 'actively exposing ourselves to the occult and magick.' This can have consequences.
I doubt that I'm alone, in fact I know I'm not. A few friends and I sat down and watched the ART series over a couple days back to back. Really focusing. Playing certain videos back over and over to catch the subliminals and figure stuff out. We ALL experienced what the mainstream would call 'haunting experiences', I prefer to call it 'oppression' or recognition of 'unseen forces' around us in the days that followed.
(PT4)Images and backwards speech invaded our dreams. There were things we literally couldn't get out of our heads without group prayer. I am able to pick out anagrams and backwards speech incredbily fast now, something I could never do before... and oh yeah, creepily I could've sworn I heard my co-workers speaking backwards the other day. That and the 'evil presence' I used to sense on very rare occasions used to be nebulous, just a dark feeling, but recently I've felt it's a spirit in particular. One 'The Fine Ram' would be oh so happy to hear about. The 'Walrus' on the right side of the Sgt. Pepper's album... (if you put the mirror in the right place - it's why he keeps showing the black and white numbered inset of the Sgt. Pepper's cover in the way he does.) known as Baphomet.
And here's the sick thing - after ALL THAT, we're still 'drawn' to the search. "Well, maybe I'll just watch these things on mute." "Maybe I'll just check the blog. Can't be any harm in that, right?" Like moths to the flame or a dog to his own vomit, my friends and I are almost COMPELLED to return. There is something 'not normal' about the sway/pull/influence/temptation of this series.
It's an odd feeling to say the least, and one that I find as I'm typing this 'sounds crazy.' But then I think, well... Manson? Zodiac? Did they experience this weirdness too? On a larger scale? If the music is 'magick?' Maybe. (and in case you didn't think the Beatles' music was magick- or at least attempts at magick - take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO5RJVkaC0M ) -'yes i think he's reaching with the Ringo Starr thing too, but the coats as cloaks and the hand positioning thing is dead on.' Those aren't semiphore flags or sign language for HELP. Look up the actual signs.
(PT5) I'm not here to proselytyze, but I do think we should be aware of what's going on.
Is Iamaphoney here to actively recruit new occultists? Or is he seeking to release 'magick' into the world through his ART.
All I can tell you is, there's very real danger in some of this. You've been warned. "Fireman likes Youtube" indeed.
well I don't think it's a secret that at least one of the Phoney guys is into Crowley. If Arron Swaffar is one of them, he's into crowley so that would make sense.
the phoney people like to say "let the magick work" and all that, so yeah, it's been supposed that the videos are attempting to do something along the lines of "magick" or at least force of will sort of thing.
but magick is stupid and if anything it's just psychology.
It's an odd feeling to say the least, and one that I find as I'm typing this 'sounds crazy.' But then I think, well... Manson? Zodiac? Did they experience this weirdness too? On a larger scale? If the music is 'magick?' Maybe. (and in case you didn't think the Beatles' music was magick- or at least attempts at magick - take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO5RJVkaC0M ) -'yes i think he's reaching with the Ringo Starr thing too, but the coats as cloaks and the hand positioning thing is dead on.' Those aren't semiphore flags or sign language for HELP. Look up the actual signs.
that's just you, dude. I've watched quite a few phoney videos but have no compulsion or need to see them all. I didn't even make it through the WingedBeetle I was bored.
you are a certain type of person that can believe in these things, therefore it's self-fulfilling.
if it wasn't through Phoney it would be David Icke or whatever that would draw you in because you're looking for alternative answers and that's what you'll get.
no danger though. Except to yourself.
Well, it's more than just psychology. :) Magic and misdirection is 'psychology.' There's something to 'magick' that dates back to pre-Biblical times. I believe in God. Therefore I also believe in the devil. That means there's a lot of angels and principalities on either side, and Egyptian gods and demigods were just that. Representations of those gods and demigods. Thelema was all about Egyptian magick.
Now if you don't believe in God or spirits or anything, I realize this can be a tough sell. From someone who's experienced what I experienced, it's the truth.
Who's this Swazzer guy? And has anybody ever asked the question 'how can Paul allude to this stuff all these years and never have the press get past 'Paul is Dead' and on to the bigger and darker questions?'
looks like ge gets a lot of women
Listen, I'm not one of those David Icke guys. I don't buy into the conspiracy theories. I don't believe there's demons hiding under every bush or chemtrails or most things you'd hear on Coast to Coast or Alex Jones. But there's something to this.
Part of the genius is as soon as you say 'Paul is Dead' you're dismissed as a crazy kook who can't get past a riddle (that was never solved) in the 1960s.
There's some intentionality here. On Paul's part. On the Beatles' part. On Iamaphoney's part. Just as there may have been for Jimmy Page and Kenneth Anger and countless others. To varying degress of success, I might add.
Perhaps there was something about the environment or the way I watched it that affected us more. But it's more than pure psychology. I'm pretty well versed in those kind of things.
"And here's the sick thing - after ALL THAT, we're still 'drawn' to the search. "Well, maybe I'll just watch these things on mute." "Maybe I'll just check the blog. Can't be any harm in that, right?" Like moths to the flame or a dog to his own vomit, my friends and I are almost COMPELLED to return. There is something 'not normal' about the sway/pull/influence/temptation of this series."
Hmm...that depends on what you mean. I stopped watching the videos a long long time ago so you may be speaking more for yourself there, but I am intrigued by people's hysterical reactions to them which are rooted in a deep need for SOMETHING to happen in order to justify their own psychosis. Reading these reacions which range from the curious to the comical to the downright insane ARE addictive.
I'm very glad that the fellow known as euroblur has been identified as this is the first dent in Iamaphoney's veil of secrecy. Tafultong knows that if several reputable Beatles websites and blogs were to finally pick up on the Iamaphoney videos the whole thing would fold like a pack of cards. Emilio Lari gives us something to work with for once.
Unless Tafultong is working with Iamaphoney which I think he is. At the very least, an accomplice.
Anonymous said...
Unless Tafultong is working with Iamaphoney which I think he is. At the very least, an accomplice.
November 12, 2010 1:29 PM
For you to come along and throw a random statement like that out there either tells us
- You're tafultong and you work for/with Iamaphoney and you're just posting this to start a conversation
- You're tafultong and you don't work with Iamaphoney, but you posted that to make us believe the thought
Anonymous said...
Unless Tafultong is working with Iamaphoney which I think he is. At the very least, an accomplice.
November 12, 2010 1:29 PM
I have no doubt he is but not in the way one might expect. I may be working with Iamaphoney too. In fact I know I am. The difference is that I (we) am giving you my impression of what Iamaphoney is doing, that it's bunk dressed up in slick artifice, whereas Tafultong is giving you his impression which is more along the lines of wide eyed wonder with a healthy dose of skepticism.
50% of Iamphoney's art is our reaction to it. If a painting is locked in a basement and is never seen by anyone is it truly art? Without the participation of the viewer, art is meaningless.
We are all Iamaphoney indeed.
"I don't believe there's demons hiding under every bush or chemtrails or most things you'd hear on Coast to Coast or Alex Jones."
I hate to get off topic here, but I marvel at people who can say that they "don't believe" in chemtrails.
It's not a "belief" thing. You can just go out and LOOK! You can watch them being sprayed in most places! Often in patterns that no conventional flight would undertake.
And if that weren't enough, you can read about the measurable increases in levels of barium and other toxic chemicals in the soil and water of the sprayed areas,
and you can google to see all the patents for Aerosol spraying and weather modification.
But noooo.
Living is easy with eyes closed, I guess.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Unless Tafultong is working with Iamaphoney which I think he is. At the very least, an accomplice.
November 12, 2010 1:29 PM
I have no doubt he is but not in the way one might expect. I may be working with Iamaphoney too. In fact I know I am. The difference is that I (we) am giving you my impression of what Iamaphoney is doing, that it's bunk dressed up in slick artifice, whereas Tafultong is giving you his impression which is more along the lines of wide eyed wonder with a healthy dose of skepticism.
50% of Iamphoney's art is our reaction to it. If a painting is locked in a basement and is never seen by anyone is it truly art? Without the participation of the viewer, art is meaningless.
We are all Iamaphoney indeed.
November 12, 2010 1:42 PM
Yeah! I work for Iamaphoney too lol
Listen, I'm not one of those David Icke guys. I don't buy into the conspiracy theories. I don't believe there's demons hiding under every bush or chemtrails or most things you'd hear on Coast to Coast or Alex Jones. But there's something to this.
well I appreciate your honesty in admitting you believe in a devil--I don't but that's me. But if you think about it, once you believe in a devil you are pretty much open to believing just about anything, including conspiracy theories, which you don't, which I find interesting. I say that because the God/Devil war from the NT (and mostly from the middle ages) is itself a conspiracy theory, from which most contemporary C Theories stem.
I don't think there's anything to the PID thing or to Phoney. Neither is very compelling, neither can be taken very seriously on the merits. I think if you believe in ghosts you are far more likely to think you've seen one.
Who's this Swazzer guy? And has anybody ever asked the question 'how can Paul allude to this stuff all these years and never have the press get past 'Paul is Dead' and on to the bigger and darker questions?'
Arron Swaffer from the Nutters Productions and JamJar films. He was making PID videos before Phoney that display all the editing hallmarks of the RA series. He's also into Crowley and NWO theories, all of which are in the RA series. The Nutters later showed footage of the RA actor dude being filmed. So they have raw Phoney footage and the lame explanation is that Phoney gave it to them to make people think the Nutters were behind it.
That doesn't really hold water.
Who's this Swazzer guy? And has anybody ever asked the question 'how can Paul allude to this stuff all these years and never have the press get past 'Paul is Dead' and on to the bigger and darker questions?'
What stuff has Paul been alluding to?
Why would anybody ask Macca a dark question? He's a lightweight ex Beatle, dude. Nothing creepy going on there.
it's so obvious based on content that it's this same crew of 2 or 3 dudes like LEWIS CARROL, GnikNus, and all that. Here's some of the nutters footage, oh, and Arron Swaffer is big into Lewis Carroll.
So there's all your rabbit hole people.
Interesting with the whole 'Nutters' thing. Thanks for the tip.
The stuff 'lightweight ex-Beatle' is alluding to is his use of 'The Ram', symbols of Horus, the numbers adding up to 666, the sun worship stuff, and the other crowley stuff (backwards iachimoe, anagrams, L.I.L.Y. etc.) and it's all there and it's BEEN THERE. Power or not. Real spirits or not. It's there. How does the media overlook this? It's limited to the smallest of small 'conspiracy/special interest' groups online.
The stuff 'lightweight ex-Beatle' is alluding to is his use of 'The Ram', symbols of Horus, the numbers adding up to 666, the sun worship stuff, and the other crowley stuff (backwards iachimoe, anagrams, L.I.L.Y. etc.) and it's all there and it's BEEN THERE.
what sun worship stuff? The Horus symbols, you mean during his concerts? There are thousands of other kinds of images, I don't find that odd, it's just artsy and that's probably why he does anything mildly creepy just to try to look hip or regain his edge.
The backwards thing isn't a Crowley thing specifically. The Beatles played with sounds, the most obvious trick doing stuff backwards or all mixed up. And even if Paul played his name backward on a tape because he'd read about reversing things from a Crowley book it doesn't mean he's a thelemite. I've done it myself for fun. I think his interest in that is purely for fun, nothing insidious about it.
and the LILY thing is Linda I Love You, so what? It's not an anagram, it's just initials. The Memory Almost Full thing wasn't an intentional anagram, and it isn't an evil message even if it was: For My SoullMate LLM.
And the Son of the Magickian probably wasn't an intentional anagram, either, and a true anagram uses all the words, so it was really His Royal Highness the King of Cosmania.
guys, it's like this: you confuse show biz with real life.
everything he does as a musician he knows the public will see and pick apart. If he was some serious magickian dude or satan worshiper he'd do that stuff at home in privacy. what does he care whether Tony from Jersey sees a Horus symbol?
like, he's secretly indoctrinating his aging fans? C'mon.
anything he does on album covers and songs is art and for fun like the ambigram.
ambigrams aren't satanic unless you think they are. I can guarantee you Macca doesn't believe in a devil and would therefore be the last to worship him.
give the guy some credit for all the good things he's done and for being a family man when he could have been the ultimate bachelor whooping it up. He was always a sentimentalist (with a schoolboy bad streak) and his songs and life pretty much reflect that.
Oh my gosh. Right. The use of the Ram repeatedly. No point there. The symbology is not just in concert, the horus stuff is all over the McCartney/Martin stuff and his albums. The backwards stuff with the magick stuff (everything from the magical symbols to the picture of baphomet on Sgt. Peppers to 'son of the magickian') that's all coincidence?
YOU KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND, FOO! Too many coincidences...
Family man or not, Paul... you got some splaining to do!
the big 40
I love Lucy! ;-)
Oh my gosh. Right. The use of the Ram repeatedly. No point there. The symbology is not just in concert, the horus stuff is all over the McCartney/Martin stuff and his albums. The backwards stuff with the magick stuff (everything from the magical symbols to the picture of baphomet on Sgt. Peppers to 'son of the magickian') that's all coincidence?
what use of the Ram? He had an album called Ram, he lived on a farm, you know and Linda took that picture of him with a ram. That's supposed to be something magical? What Horus stuff is "all over the McCartney/Martin" stuff? I'd like to see that. And what magical symbols? And where is Baphomet on Pepper? You mean Crowley?
there are countless evangelical Christian websites making these same tired allegations, which is right up your alley
these "Satan is everywhere" paranoids are worse than the PID people, but they use the same logic and "find" the same kinds of clues in everything they see from advertisements to shampoo bottles.
Emilio Lari = Bernard Purdie
Emilio Lari = Bernard Purdie
hahah good call.
I just went to see Alejandro Jodorowsky he came to chile to speak about tarot (among other things). He said the devil in the tarot is the creative force, I think is hard to be really creative if you follow the rules and you're a "normal" guy, you must think and live outside the box.
Paul for sure is a creative guy, he must have the "devil" somewhere in his heart
Olimpicus said...
I just went to see Alejandro Jodorowsky he came to chile to speak about tarot (among other things). He said the devil in the tarot is the creative force, I think is hard to be really creative if you follow the rules and you're a "normal" guy, you must think and live outside the box.
Paul for sure is a creative guy, he must have the "devil" somewhere in his heart
November 12, 2010 4:01 PM
Nonsense. Using that logic then John Newton, who wrote "Amazing Grace" in 1779 must have had the "devil" is in his heart to create a piece of music that has lasted this long and has proven to be far more durable than any Beatles song.
I just went to see Alejandro Jodorowsky he came to chile to speak about tarot (among other things). He said the devil in the tarot is the creative force, I think is hard to be really creative if you follow the rules and you're a "normal" guy, you must think and live outside the box.
Paul for sure is a creative guy, he must have the "devil" somewhere in his heart.
uh, dude, just because some goofball interprets the devil in tarot to be the creative force doesn't make it true. There are countless creative people who are ordinary and vice versa. Creative people, intellectually, artistically, and scientifically, are the most valuable people on the planet. That's why we don't have to worry about polio or the plague or taking a hot shower or innumerable other things we take for granted.
and has proven to be far more durable than any Beatles song.
Too soon to say that, isn't it?
bottom line is the bible thumpers and conspiracy theorists are basically negative people who always want to blame everything on someone or something else.
The original use of "Satan" in the bible meant "accuser," and in the OT accusations were among the most serious of offenses. So the irony is that people who have no trouble demonizing others are little satans.
"Amazing Grace" will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than John Newton now; I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or "Amazing Grace" . John Newton was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me."
OK, he didn't really say that.
I lied.
(I'm sorry ian.)
the Devil in the tarot is a good thing, if you got that card it can be a good thing cause is related to creativity. With that in mind if you are a creative guy you must have or be the devil, I'm not talking about the devil of christianism. Peace.
be sure you want this
I think one type of person who believes in God on faith doesn't need evidence and has faith that God knows what He's doing so they don't get all worked up over the small stuff.
the other type of believer maybe isn't as strong in this faith and looks for proof. So they can't prove there's a God so instead they look for evidence of evil (Satan), so that through inference, by seeing God's shadow, they can know it's true.
because if they don't find evil all around them and see the Devil's works, then their theory is wrong and there is no God.
they want to believe so much, that they look at rock bands as something extraordinary or even biblical, to put it into a larger context so everything makes sense, but luckily the world is far too complicated to wrap it up in a neat little bow like that.
but luckily the world is far too complicated to wrap it up in a neat little bow like that.
they look at rock bands as something extraordinary or even biblical
nothing extraordinary or biblical here
nothing extraordinary or biblical here
nothing extraordinary or biblical here
you get the point
"Paul" said...
I love Lucy! ;-)
November 12, 2010 3:49 PM
best comment all day
from Lucy
blue link
Sorry and thank you
We flying HOME!!!!!
Sorry and thank you
that should mean everything and I really hope it does.
Anonymous said...
blue link
that was a false link
this was the intended LINK
Take US home.
forget all the BS
it's TIME!
Genesis said...
they look at rock bands as something extraordinary or even biblical
November 12, 2010 5:02 PM
Well gee y'know it's only the most famous book ever written and our entire judicial system is based on it. Not to mention endless books, films and cartoons. There are more references to scripture in animated films than in music.
I find it funny that these nutjobs have to reach back into the 60's and 70's for their "rock is heralding the end times" theory because rock music has since fallen off so much in favor of hip hop. Of course they could easily make the same argument using hip hop but they're scared to do that.
This is why I can't leave too long. All the crap infiltrates again..,,,
pare it down, use your hearts and minds.
we can work it out. now would be better than then.
they look at rock bands as something extraordinary or even biblical
John wrote Across the Universe from basically automatic dictation. or whatever?
He said so.
so who inspired him? was it just a story? or something else?? or just a dam excellent stoke of luck?
we will never know.
Or will we?
hi Paul!
; )
All, of the Above said...
they look at rock bands as something extraordinary or even biblical
John wrote Across the Universe from basically automatic dictation. or whatever?
He said so.
so who inspired him? was it just a story? or something else?? or just a dam excellent stoke of luck?
we will never know.
Or will we?
November 12, 2010 5:53 PM
Wow! You know nothing about the creative process. I'm assuming you've never attempted to create anything yourself. Walt Disney said Mickey Mouse "just came to him". Hmm...could SATAN have been involved??????????
Cue Dana Carvey as the church lady >
A coin, a Sheep, a Favorite Sun were welcome Guests when Day was DONE.
Wow! You know nothing about the creative process. I'm assuming you've never attempted to create anything yourself. Walt Disney said Mickey Mouse "just came to him". Hmm...could SATAN have been involved??????????
dude, you are soooooooooooooooooo lame
satan? are you fn serious?
you people are more afraid of your own shadows
than anything satan could throw at you. really
unless you are in harms way of an out of control messenger, and that's another story. lol
"Well gee y'know it's only the most famous book ever written and our entire judicial system is based on it...etc etc etc"
this poster is a fool, projecting their own views on how the world should work onto other people's opinions. and failing
Of course they could easily make the same argument using hip hop but they're scared to do that.
of what?
this is what we call a pointless comment made with a pointelss statement.
opps. pointless
we don;t need no water let the motherfucker burn
rush in!!! c'mpn!!!
typo city tonight, really
bottom line is the bible thumpers and conspiracy theorists are basically negative people who always want to blame everything on someone or something else.
um, that's the sort of blanket statement that will get ya in trouble. I'm not in the mood to debate your obvious weak points on that.
"I suggest we fasten our seat belts"
I suggested we fasten them a long long long time ago.
You just were not listening, Taf.
Perhaps you'll listen now.
Funny how I offered you help then, too.
Maccca and the lighter in that photo, eh?
always the fireman, always the fire.
get back
Anonymous said...
bottom line is the bible thumpers and conspiracy theorists are basically negative people who always want to blame everything on someone or something else.
um, that's the sort of blanket statement that will get ya in trouble. I'm not in the mood to debate your obvious weak points on that.
November 12, 2010 6:38 PM
Uh yeah. I'd probably be called a bible thumper and take offense. That said, this teeny weeny world of PID lunatics is more a symptom on mental illness than bible thumping.
waiting is the hardest part
Uh yeah. I'd probably be called a bible thumper and take offense. That said, this teeny weeny world of PID lunatics is more a symptom on mental illness than bible thumping.
I don't even get that. What is your actual statement in there?
How come no one ever says Qur'an thumper?
I'm an Equal Opportunity thumper. Gimme something to thump and I'll show ya how to thump it.
I'm a rabbit. Gonna grab it.
Anonymous said...
Uh yeah. I'd probably be called a bible thumper and take offense. That said, this teeny weeny world of PID lunatics is more a symptom on mental illness than bible thumping.
I don't even get that. What is your actual statement in there?
November 12, 2010 7:09 PM
Think about it. Use your head. To categorize a bible thumper as someone who would be easily seduced by Iamaphoney's art is insulting. Iamaphoney is not doing the Lord's work in my opinion. The Lord's work isn't done with character assassination and faked evidence, scary music and quotes taken out of context.
This is the one area where Tafultong has been a major disappointment to me.
Maybe someone else is doing the Lord's work.
I can thump in any language you choose. To Keep it Simple, Stupid, and for you, I'll speak Geoff Baker...
wrong link, lol
this, my apollogies
Baker Speak
I told you Darlin' , what it can mean.
The Lord is in the House. Thump it!
The Lord's work isn't done with character assassination and faked evidence, scary music and quotes taken out of context.
you are obviously not much of an expert on the Lord's work.
The Fool on the Hill is more like the fool on the mountain these days, and the longer this goes on, the higher you must climb. How many step do you still need? That is the BIG QUESTION.
Need O2? I got plenty of that.
If you don't want to hear me now, tell me darlin', what is really going on in this photo?
Hurry! Before paul's heir catches on FIRE!
This swan matches fire
A better moment has come.
A fire needs oxygen to survive, everybody knows that.
Hey bible thumpers, God said he would end the world with what? fire?
Come Home Fireman. It's over.
A fire needs oxygen to survive, everybody knows that.
oxygene pt 1
The Fool on the Hill is more like the fool on the mountain these days, and the longer this goes on, the higher you must climb. How many step do you still need?
Jump Into The Fire
You can climb a mountain
You can swim the sea
You can jump into the fire
But you'll never be free
Who is holding the flame in that picture? Is it Paul or Emilio?
Emilio's Lari's comments need to be publicized more. It can't just be known to the few people who follow Iamaphoney. SPREAD THE WORD!
Ok I spilled the beans it was lari. I have known it was lari for some time because the actor in the phony series, according to some website was making a documentary on him. This info came through I search I made on the actor who will remain nameless. Where did taf get these photos of lari? Several searches proved unsuccessful for recent pictures of the man. I am now convinced of tafs involvement in all of this.
Curiouser and curiouser. A Lari documentary? Hmmm..
Fr. -gène "something that produces" (from Gk. -genes "formation, creation;" see -gen).
Master link.
Everybody fire.
(a) harmless game that will continue long after the principles and their first generation fans are gone. The art is that good.
No, the game is not harmless, and we will never, ever play it again...despite the fact if the Art is fantastic, children.
However, We will play a New game.
And you will love/code it.
you better hurry, 'cus it's going fast.
There must be a catch.
............taking you higher everyday
Looking for some PayDaddy that will maybe come around
Come Home, PayDaddy.
it's easy
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
"Wow! You know nothing about the creative process. I'm assuming you've never attempted to create anything yourself. Walt Disney said Mickey Mouse "just came to him". Hmm...could SATAN have been involved??????????"
wow, you know nothing about cartoons....It didn't "just come to him" in that way. He took credit from Iwerks' animation creation. So, yeah, I guess Satan was involved.
You mean Iwerks created Steamboat Willie? whoa, that's deep man.
I can't fathom a single thing your sayin' cus I'm six feet under the twin freaks, really.
Maybe Tom Sawer will help out after he gets us to white wash the fence.
Ok I spilled the beans it was lari. I have known it was lari for some time because the actor in the phony series, according to some website was making a documentary on him. This info came through I search I made on the actor who will remain nameless. Where did taf get these photos of lari? Several searches proved unsuccessful for recent pictures of the man. I am now convinced of tafs involvement in all of this.
I alerted Taf to the Lari photos, which I would not have been able to find had you not first alerted me to his name and wikipedia page, Anonymous. (Check the previous comment page to see what is shown.) Google is our friend.
Why your reticence to reveal the actor's name, though? I'm sure you'd be quite popular around here if you provided some hints, at least, to his identity. As it is, I am not yet unconvinced of your involvement in all this...
It's YOU! You, reading this! You've been in on it the whole time, haven't you?
I knew it! I just knew it!
Jason Solomons
The Observer,
Sunday 16 April 2006
His secret's out
Owen Kline is the young actor earning praise for his performance as Frank - or Pickle - in The Squid and the Whale. The film company has tried to keep him out of the limelight, but Trash can reveal that Owen is, in fact, the son of Kevin Kline and actress Phoebe Cates. The couple, I understand, only let him appear as a favour to the film-maker Noah Baumbach, who is married to Jennifer Jason Leigh, opposite whom Cates made her movie debut in 1982 in Amy Heckerling's Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Cates now runs an upmarket clothes boutique in New York and, despite numerous tempting offers, is determined that her son, now 14, stays out of more films and completes his education. His younger sister, Greta, also had a brief role in the film.
Doubles all round
Years of doing a Woody Allen impression have clearly paid off for actor David Krumholtz. He's just landed a part in Allen's Paris film, alongside Michelle Williams. The actor, who first appeared in 10 Things I Hate About You as the wise-cracking but nerdy Jewish friend, is likely to play the Woody-substitute-trying-not-to-do-a-Woody-impersonation, following such actors as Will Ferrell in Melinda and Melinda, Jason Biggs in Anything Else and, most famously, Kenneth Branagh in Celebrity
Meanwhile, in news of life after Woody, his most recent female muse, Scarlett Johansson, will play a working-class New Jersey girl who gets a job as nanny to a wealthy Manhattan family in The Nanny Diaries. Her best friend will be played by soul singer Alicia Keys, making her movie debut.
Bardot, you minx
Photographer Emilio Lari came to Britain in 1965, initially to play rugby. 'I quickly discovered that it was a lot rougher here than in Italy,' he recalls. So he turned to his other passion - taking pictures. He camped outside director Dick Lester's house and begged him to allow him on the set of Help! Lari became the first Italian to capture the Beatles, snapping hundreds of candid moments of the Fab Four at their most playful. The photos can be seen for the first time in a sparkling new exhibition, Back to Help, from 14 April to 14 May at the Proud Gallery in Camden. 'I couldn't sell a single shot back then,' he tells me. 'The magazines in Italy wanted colour and they wanted the four Beatles together, not fooling around alone.' Lari's career took off but the Beatles negatives lay hidden in his Rome house for 35 years, along with thousands of other pictures of Marcello Mastroianni, Federico Fellini, Brigitte Bardot, Jane Fonda, Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. Lari spills stories of shooting Raging Bull with Scorsese and the Italian segments of The Godfather; of weekends of debauchery with De Niro during Once Upon a Time in America
But it's the women who hold a special place in his heart, as the sexy portraits in the exhibition prove. 'Bardot was a tease, always provoking men,' he recalls mistily. 'She was pure sex. I tried to photograph her on a bed and she insisted on being naked and putting her hand on her vagina. It was hard to concentrate and she loved that power. Raquel Welch was even sexier though, even more beautiful in life than on camera.'
(To be continued...)
"Dailies" (2006)
Featuring Emilio Lari as Himself
"In Coda Ai Titoli"
Are we getting warmer, Anony?
They are two brothers. One of them owns a company. The other is doing this "iamaphoney" thing. I would say that they both suffer from being borderline sociopath/psychopaths having met them both briefly while working for the company.
Ah, yes. The two strapping lads walking from the ocean making the odd hand gestures? Luxuriating in a bathtub with their faces painted up? These are the brothers of whom you speak?
Post a link and I see if I can help you out.
Here you go: DOGMA IAMGOD
Can't find the tub one at the moment, but you get the idea.
Oh ! that´s not his brother. That´s his son.
Thanks for the manipumation.
John wrote Across the Universe from basically automatic dictation. or whatever?
He said so.
so who inspired him? was it just a story? or something else?? or just a dam excellent stoke of luck?
oh brother.
okay, dude, it's magical. Feel validated? hahahah it's a fucking song. Did you think it was something other than a song?
Maxwell's Silver Hammer made sure that John was dead.
The lights changed, remember?
Who ya gonna blame
Taf was wondering about that over a year ago.
Quote: "hur he he-phoney"
yeah but that kid isn't the same as the actor dude.
so Taf knows who the actor guy is but who cares? he's just a dude walking around in some videos, nothing to do with anything.
where is the uncut footage?
I can't believe Taf would admit he had it and then not post?
Paul didn't die in a car crash so whatever he was saying he was either acting or saying something else. And Taf, you were talking about Paul's replacement, you know Paul wasn't replaced. C'mon.
If you know Paul McCartney you know he's unreplaceable. And as talented as John and Paul were, neither of them could have impersonated the other and fooled anyone.
This info came through I search I made on the actor who will remain nameless. Where did taf get these photos of lari?
November 12, 2010 9:05 PM
Why must the name of the actor remain nameless?? Who is the actor? Aaron Swarferino?
His name is Jim not Paul btw
The Fireman was the Only friend.
"Shoes - it's what you've got to choose",
say half of them that works this out.
are you experienced?
Enough people out there and in here know the true nature of the game we played (past tense, people) and yet they continue to operate as if blind to the revation at hand. Yes, the BIG mystery took a considerable amount of time and effort to solve, but really, none of it was done by the sweat of your own brows, no,and all results were given to as they emerged. Free and clear. If you know the game, you know what to have looked for.
Why you are more interested in the Euroblur saga and phoney actors absolutely blows my mind. And not in a very good way, either.
Let the fire begin.
oh Paul McCartney. You had no idea what you were in for when you picked up your first guitar.
fans are hilarious.
Yeah, right. And he still sings the song even to this very day. But not for you. You're what we call the "fly over people"
see you next time, except there will be no next time.
For you. Choke on it dude.
Did you know that there are wings on those shoes?
Ya should have choosed the shoes.
House'ton, we have lift off.
I thought the only lonely place was on the moon jet
Enough people out there and in here know the true nature of the game we played (past tense, people) and yet they continue to operate as if blind to the revation at hand. Yes, the BIG mystery took a considerable amount of time and effort to solve, but really, none of it was done by the sweat of your own brows, no,and all results were given to as they emerged. Free and clear. If you know the game, you know what to have looked for.
Why you are more interested in the Euroblur saga and phoney actors absolutely blows my mind. And not in a very good way, either.
Let the fire begin.
thanks, Einstein.
defensive, much?
hahah whatever this BIG MYSTERY was that you "solved," it apparently had nothing to do with being cool to other people.
I second that.
No, not true. I'm the one around here with the compassion to put it on the LINE to get this ball rolling. think about that statement for just one little second.
Dude, you need to lean to read without injecting your preconceived perceptions to what I'm saying. What was it that frightened you? fire? that's just another word to help you visualize.
It's all good, all good. 'm here to help.
"When that occurs
(November 14th, 2010 at 6:50 AM Pacific Coast of the USofA time),
(7:50 AM Mountain,
8:50 AM Central,
9:50 AM Eastern)
the night is young
0Ne hour to party time!
Heather Nova
Chris Isaak
It's not wicked. I, I promise you.
And the game is really cool. So cool.
With you. It's all on fire, but no one's heart breaks anymore with....what if...it's cool?
Sweet banana won the contest, ya know. It's so true.
Ask Emillio the HARD questions, man. Like "Who is the midday Sun?"
and BTW. Bardot? mmm could be, ohhhh oiu! a little bit HI HI HI er, lol
what can I say? Come home? lol
Oak LA Home-a was never like this/
but it is now
Ok, enough of that.
There's more to the message..........
Something about a Carnival of Light?
It's talking in blue light.
Kiss Me Quick!
This is War.
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication
Get sick, get well
Hang around a ink well
Ring bell, hard to tell
If anything is goin’ to sell
Try hard, get barred
Get back, write braille
Get jailed, jump bail
Join the rotten army army, if you fail
I Know the recipe.
3 C Milk
5 egg yolks
3/4 c sugar
1 Vanilla bean
Pinch of One Winged Beatle
Blanche, temper, coat back of spoon
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
I'm on the pavement, thinking 'bout the Government.
Bob's your man from Uncle Ernie.
Let 'em in.
graduated from Aiwass U
sweet banana
I find it funny that these nutjobs have to reach back into the 60's and 70's for their "rock is heralding the end times" theory because rock music has since fallen off so much in favor of hip hop. Of course they could easily make the same argument using hip hop but they're scared to do that.
November 12, 2010 5:42 PM
oh god damn it now youve done it....
see around here when that is mentioned, someone... i wont say who.... starts talking about Jay Z and we run this town and there is all this blue linking, and then the blog really extra sucks to read.
you have added 4-5 minutes extra to read the blog.
they did really talk about the devil and hip hop, and i was kind of hoping we wouldnt have to go back to talking about that and could stick with the magick 60-70's, but if you really have to go ahead.
let me kick it off, beastie boys.... REVERSE THEIR SONGS.. do it now, you will hear it. and dont tell me that they are not rappers, snoop dog loves the fu*k out of them, dr dre has mad respect for them, son
reverse "sabotage" ITS SPOOKY AS ALL HELL, i dont really hear it, but it MUST be satanic.
if you listened to it right now i promise to be your friend you crazy fucker
yes i am drinking
hahah whatever this BIG MYSTERY was that you "solved," it apparently had nothing to do with being cool to other people.
November 13, 2010 2:48 PM
good point man, look i am dumb as hell and could really use you spelling it out for me. I think i speak for myself on this one, if you really figured it out, please think of me as your dumb younger brother, the one you are really annoyed with but still love. write it in crayon and make sure not to make it as scary, i mean put some witch craft in there, but add a puppy too.
but tell me, since my dog died last year i haven't been able to concentrate.
bring it down to my level, which is stupid and lazy.
i am your younger lazy stupid brother, tell me before mom comes home and asks who broke the lamp.
i really am lazy and stupid
Glue the lamp back together, and Mom won't be mad at you, lazy bones. And take out the trash, you know she's a lot happier when you help out around the house.
I am dumb as hell and could really use you spelling it out for me. I think i speak for myself on this one, if you really figured it out, please think of me as your dumb younger brother, the one you are really annoyed with but still love. write it in crayon and make sure not to make it as scary, i mean put some witch craft in there, but add a puppy too.
would a map help you? ask the puppy to help read it for you - just remember- he's a little bit color blind.
wow the films are up again at vimeo, i dont know how to download them in case you know
..............with Love, from the Mc“cartographer”.
Go Fish.
Well i think that Paul is Police
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