But this is not the first time that someone has suggested that watching Rotten Apple videos can be bad for you. There have been stories about sigil magic, mind control, and some reasonable concerns, unfortunately often leading to illogical leaps and unfounded conclusions by others. I admit, that in order for Iamaphoney to be a guilty pleasure for me, there must be some guilt. But, I don't think that all of the Rotten Apple videos together are nearly as bad for my soul as the movie "Satan's Bed" starring Yoko Ono, which I watched recently for "research purposes." And I don't think that Iamaphoney has done nearly as much harm to Paul McCartney's reputation as people like Heather Mills and even Yoko Ono.
If Rotten Apple videos are causing you to have anxiety-producing dreams or unwanted thoughts, please don't watch them. The reactions to the Trilogy of long form Iamaphoney videos lead me to believe that people are not sitting in front of Rotten Apple videos all day long. I started this blog because I was intrigued by the sudden transformation of amateur videos into something so polished that some even believed McCartney himself was involved. Thelema Schmelema, I got pulled in by the prospect of finding out more about the four ARTists that I have adored collectively and individually since I first heard "I Want To Hold Your Hand."
But the argument that was presented suggesting that "ART = Magick" is certainly worth exploring. I agree that "The Rotten Apple" and "The Right Album" and other curious capitalizations within words beginning with T, R, or A suggest that the Iamaphoney is intentionally referring to the backwards spelling of the word "ART." ART does seem to be the way that souls communicate. And ART certainly does influence people's thoughts, emotions and actions. This is an example of a video that was created for the purpose of influencing people. Is this Magick?

There is no question in my mind that ART has power and can manipulate. But that doesn't make it evil. But could ART be used for evil? I knew as soon as I started using money that ART was trying to influence me to spend it. I knew as soon as I started making my own ART that I would have to make unwanted compromises if I wanted to share my ART with others. Is that the kind of evil we are talking about? Believe me, playing in a cover band or writing songs to order is a little bit like selling your soul to the devil.
Is it really possible that Paul is into Magick? Most reasonable people would say of course not, but what do reasonable people know? I had the pleasure of meeting a reasonable person recently named Ken Mansfield.

Ken was the guy wearing the white raincoat on the Apple rooftop during the Beatles final live performance as a group. He ran the American branch of Apple Records, worked with the Beatles from 1965 onwards, led a promotional tour for Apple artist Jackie Lomax, became a major record producer for several artists including Outlaws Waylon, Willie and Jessi, assembled Ringo's band for the "Time Takes Time" album (without credit), hit rock bottom, re-emerged as a Christian and wrote three terrific books that he autographed for me.

Ken is often invited by churches to share his testimony of how despite having all of the advantages one would expect living the Rock and Roll Lifestyle, he felt empty inside until he hit rock bottom and committed himself to a life as a Christian.

Ken's presentations about his faith journey are usually split into three parts. In Part 1, he shares his reminiscences of his time in the music business with a heavy emphasis on his work with the Beatles. Part 2 is Question and Answer with the host. Part 3 features questions from the audience. Interestingly, in the session that I attended, the very first question from the church host in Part 2 dealt with "Paul Is Dead." Ken responded with the typical "You can gather evidence to prove Hitler was a nun if you look hard enough." I have looked and I have not found any evidence to suggest that Hitler was a nun. If I find any, I will make YouTube videos about it and you can write a blog about me. Ken followed with the "American Explanation" of the "I Buried Paul" at the end of "Strawberry Fields Forever." Like Allen Klein said in 1969, Ken thought that John meant that his sound "buried" Paul's sound in the mix. This of course conflicts with explanations given by Derek Taylor, as well and Paul McCartney and John Lennon himself. A member of the audience mentioned the "Cranberry Sauce" explanation. Ken said he was aware of that, but that it didn't make any sense. Um hum.
The "Paul Is Dead" subject reappeared in Part 3 when a member of the audience commented that Ken described in his books that even though he was not a fan of the Beatles' music initially, his appreciation for it grew over time. When Ken acknowledged the accuracy of the comment, the audience member asked what Ken's take was on people, many of whom are Christians, who suggest that there is something sinister in the music of the Beatles. Ken paused reflectively and said, "There was a darkness in their music at a certain point because of various things that they were doing at the time, but it wasn't sinister. They were nice people."
But what about Mr. McCartney? Is it sacrilegious to ask the question, "Could he be a devotee of Aleister Crowley?" No one has explained away to my satisfaction the presence of Aleister Crowley in the background screen when Paul plays "Helter Skelter" on tour.

And why does that one segment that initially appeared on Paul's Official Channel for the new "Band On The Run" Remastered CD, and is included in the accompanying DVD seem like an Iamaphoney video?

And why does the "original" video for the song "Band On The Run" itself contain such strange imagery?

And that interview where Paul refers to "Magick with a K" is very strange to me.
And I must admit that I find the cover of Paul's "Liverpool Sound Collage" a little disturbing.

Isn't it also interesting that the George Harrison spoken phrase from the recording session for the song "Think For Yourself," that Paul chose to incorporate repeatedly in the Collage, happened to be "Do What You Want To Do," which sure seems to me to be synonymous with Crowley's famous phrase, "Do What Thou Wilt"???
In spite of the fragments of evidence to the contrary, I am still content to agree with Ken Mansfield comment that the Beatles were nice people, and not sinister at all. I am inclined to believe the same about Iamaphoney.

I am told that the next update for subscribers will be on December 7.
1 – 200 of 1566 Newer› Newest»first?
First post in a long time that I actually had read!
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
It's quite cold out
Not much to do
In the midst of the night
The Fire is just right
To cook up a story
Involving yours truely
Christmas is coming
It's right around the corner
That spirit is back in town
In it's new owner
Good post, Taf.
Is it possible that Iamaphoney is not really going after Paul McCartney, but is instead using Paul McCartney to go after us? Is Iamaphoney using me and you to spread a belief in Thelema?
May be.
"Do What You Want To Do," which sure seems to me to be synonymous with Crowley's famous phrase, "Do What Thou Wilt"???
The two sayings are not synonymous.
Very good post, Tafultong. Good to see a well-thought out post from you again, always enjoy those. However, can you please edit your 'Is your breath baited?' thewingedbeatle.com link, because the loading for it almost makes my browser crash (and certainly makes everything go slower than usual).
Always thrilled to see a new post on here. Thanks Taf.
"December 7th, a day that will live in infamy!" - FDR
Post of excellence Tafultong!
Thank you
Falco said...
Very good post, Tafultong, can you please edit your 'Is your breath baited?' thewingedbeatle.com link, because the loading for it almost makes my browser crash
November 28, 2010 10:36 PM
yeah, it is virus full
Still on for pizza!
taf, what is the rumor about grandfatheraleister and dilithium crystal helter skelter 2011?
is it true that we are all going to Capt. James T Kirk have our way with sexy green alien women?
god i hope so, that would be better then vegas pizza, BUT NOT QUITE AS GOOD AS DONATE!
you know what I am sayin'?
~fake vince
ps- mikeNL??????
HOW WAS ICKE!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Falco said...
Very good post, Tafultong, can you please edit your 'Is your breath baited?' thewingedbeatle.com link, because the loading for it almost makes my browser crash
November 28, 2010 10:36 PM
dont listen to them taf, MY BROWSER RUNS FASTER WITH IT.
I am on point with a Mac.
so gfaNL is mating with aliens now?
mike is gfather? huh.... who knew?
Taf! Best post since 2009!
blue link is nemesis to serious reading of this blog.
well done on post Taf, I feel like a time traveler to AWESOME
back in the day before the interview/suitcase/9question/delaaaay fiasco
Ringo Peace and Love to all the Peeps
Regarding Magick & ART, I think the lyrics to Lennon's "Mind Games" spell it out pretty well.
The Mind is the fundamental animating principle of the universe.
...or is it Will, if you wilt?
(Like a flower!)
Anonymous said...
mike is gfather? huh.... who knew?
November 28, 2010 11:22 PM
nope, he is iamafunny.
Companies:I work for iamaphoney
Pizza is one of the benefits of employment, when you let the cat out of the bag
Taf! Best post since 2009!
November 28, 2010 11:23 PM
since 2008
Whats goin' on in this thr.....
it's not ART. It's RAT!
Who's the RAT?
bunny hop!
They're waiting for you.
The winged globe, the starry blue,
Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
means: (the truth that has crossed over}
Write this in whiter words But go forth on.
The Spirit's up, this time of year!
The Black Santa knows the bunny hop too, but he's a little slower,
beautyful post!
With my little stick of Blackpool Rock, along the promenade I stroll.
The Black Virgin is Isis and her name is Notre Dame de Lumiere [Our Lady of the Lights]
Hidden in the yard. Underneath the wall
Buried deep below a thousand layers lay
the answer to it all
ok, so what if iaap already told you this on one of his vids? Would that ease your mind?
Miles and miles of English garden, stretching past the willow tree...
Let it be Naked!
There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death: this is none of me.
nice post. love ya taf
Taf, you are correct. This notion that the Phoney team are themselves occultists or attempting to manipulate through art is not new. I’ve been re-reading some of your older posts to see how this whole thing developed. Check out this post on your blog from 11/21/2008:
The PID game=a sweet way to invite Satan into your heart.
Target=Christians/conspiracy buffs
Effect=watch them fall like dominos into the pit
And this (also from 2008):
“I'd like to hear more from our friend Miles about how Iamaphoney is an occultist/magickian using magick/subliminals to indoctrinate young people into the occcult. If you observe what has happened you see a group of teenagers who now share an interest in the occult/Crowley that is enthusiastic. There is an absence of God in all of this that is troubling.”
But again you are falling back on the “Of course it’s all silly and yet. . .” stance on whether Paul is a Crowleyite or a replacement. So if Paul is involved in the series I don’t understand his logic. It would mean he wants people to think he’s a Thelemite through associations. And worse. You mentioned in a previous post that Phoney latched onto the second Crowley image on the Pepper cover after Jarvitronics mentioned it at NIR. So it strains credulity to insinuate that Macca is behind the series when he would know better than Jarv or anyone else about that second image, and not have to take cues from some dude on a PID forum. And if it’s Paul involved, why oh why would he employ an impersonator to read some of the lines? You are aware, Taf, that some of those statements are not being said by Paul (it’s an impersonator), you just haven’t mentioned it here for some reason. There are three snippets in the Phoney videos that are clearly not Paul McCartney and in fact sound like an American putting on an exaggerated Liverpudlian accent.
The recent Macca video does look a bit like IAAP’s style, but again, IAAP’s style looks to be directly influenced by the “Real Love” video at the end. So chicken or the egg?
As for Ken Mansfield, he’s no different than you or I, and interpreted the “I buried Paul” thing on his own, believing that’s what was said. I used to think it was “I buried Paul,” too, until I heard about Cranberry Sauce and heard it for myself.
The Crowley image during Helter Skelter doesn’t strike me as freaky at all. First off, you might want to ask the director who creates all the video images for Paul, a guy named Paul Becher. I can see Macca saying, “Hey this song is kind of creepy and metal so I want some badass darker images for it,” and Crowley was on Pepper so why not? And let us not forget that Hitler and Jesus were all going to be on Pepper as well but didn’t make the cut. One fact that can be demonstrated is that Paul carries a statue of Buddha with him everywhere he goes on tour. Based on that alone I could make a stronger case that he’s more of a Buddhist or even a Hindu based on his stint in India. Yes, if he did mention “Magic with a K” that’s a Crowley thing, but he knows about that stuff and so do I, and I’ve said similar things about how life works without necessarily being an adherent. Paul knows as well as anyone how one’s will or desire to create can manifest itself and change reality for others. Call it magick but perhaps it’s just psychology. We all have influence over others in some respect. It doesn’t require a supernatural element to make it so. Bottom line: Crowley wasn't actually sinister either. He was a well-educated dude with some esoteric philosophical ideas that were deliberately provocative.
When do we get the Gden Dawn ticket?
Taf, nice post and one of your best.
Quick question: what the f is up with these bluelink dudes and why do they say they have your blessing to clutter it up?
It's sort of an Elephant in the Blog that you've never addressed.
Also, Mikey posted that Pupil video with TPF. Thoughts? Also, we still remember that Phoney took down the Formermedia and Pupil video links after they were busted. Thoughts?
watch them fall like dominos into the pit.
I think the majority of original Phoney watchers probably turned and became PIA, but a few in the minority got all creeped out like S3AN L3NNON and those sorts of paranoid types. But those guys were already probably like that and already well into David Icke and other crap so Phoney didn't push them over the edge, maybe just fed some fuel to the fire.
but over and over dudes were posting "Let the magic happen" and similar insinuations that the videos are part of some bogus magickal operation. Clearly they are into Crowley and mistakenly believed they could set up some worldwide mass-consciousness altering or awakening (like everybody else on the New Age Illuminati bandwagon), but it pretty much flopped.
Hitler and Jesus were all going to be on Pepper as well but didn’t make the cut. One fact that can be demons
Jesus and Hitler didn't make the cut?!
Well excuuuuuuuuuse me!
Quick question: what the f is up with these bluelink dudes and why do they say they have your blessing to clutter it up?
It's sort of an Elephant in the Blog that you've never addressed.
Aw, poor baby! Do you always push for censorship? Macca would not approve!
all in all, art project or magickal operation, clearly the underlying narrative of the videos, especially the later ones, is a New World Order sort of deal. It all falls in line with your standard conspiracy theory. I don't think the dudes making the videos were/are sure how Paul fits into the whole thing so they threw the kitchen sink in there with Rams and Egyptian scarabs. But clearly it's Crowley and the reverse stuff they are interested in, and this idea that he is Crowley's son or reincarnation.
Aw, poor baby! Do you always push for censorship? Macca would not approve!
who said anything about censorship?
Fair question for Taf: the bluelink thing is ongoing and he hasn't so much said a word about it. He still follows Phoney and looks for answers, so whatever the bluelink dudes say they have discovered or accomplished it's clear Taf doesn't seem to think it's worth mentioning.
So Taf, Ken Mansfield knew Paul in 1965 and on through the break up. So he would be in a position to know whether he was the same guy, right? Only people that knew/know Paul personally can judge that sort of thing fairly because celebrities do tend to look quite different up close.
Yet you don't honestly believe Ken is a liar or was paid off by the Illuminati, do you? And that his life as a devoted Christian is a sham?
if you can ask why Paul uses an image of Crowley then why not ask why he also uses Christian images (e.g. the cross) in his concerts.
I guess there are some people who are just freaked out by anything unusual in art and think if it isn't some simplistic mainstream idea therefore it must be evil. The fact that Taf was disturbed by the Liverpool Sound Collage album cover (which is absurd to me) says a lot about why this blog is here in the first place and why people would be continually fascinated by a video series that both thrills and repulses them.
Thanks for removing the thewingedbeatle link, Tafultong.
who said anything about censorship?
Fair question for Taf: the bluelink thing is ongoing and he hasn't so much said a word about it. He still follows Phoney and looks for answers, so whatever the bluelink dudes say they have discovered or accomplished it's clear Taf doesn't seem to think it's worth mentioning.
First of all there is only one blue link.
And Taf will never bite the hand that feeds him.
This is the same hand that feeds "PHoney" that feeds "Tafultong" that feeds "you"
One Hand. Five winged fingers....
Macca would not approve!
Spoiler alert
do we have to watch the whole thing?
it was a little long
The PID game=a sweet way to invite Satan into your heart.
In the same way the '9/11 was an inside job' game is too.
I guess there are some people who are just freaked out by anything unusual in art and think if it isn't some simplistic mainstream idea therefore it must be evil. The fact that Taf was disturbed by the Liverpool Sound Collage album cover (which is absurd to me) says a lot about why this blog is here in the first place and why people would be continually fascinated by a video series that both thrills and repulses them.
Never truer words spoken here. Paul has to go out of his way to even appear edgy, so I'm not surprised the sound collage bore mildly freaky cover art. It's amazing how banal the religious mind has become over the centuries. In the second century people could point to a Cesar and the unspeakable brutalities and wickedness that oppressed them at every turn. Today, evil wears leather and listens to Heavy Metal. Worse, it's Paul f-ing McCartney hahahahaha. If there is a Devil, a Joker, don't you think he laughs at you?
Jesus, people. Raise the bar.
First of all there is only one blue link.
And Taf will never bite the hand that feeds him.
This is the same hand that feeds "PHoney" that feeds "Tafultong" that feeds "you"
One Hand. Five winged fingers....
are you saying that Taf is a bought man? Sure sounds like it. Sounds like all of you are paid for.
For what it's worth, the Lagos footage mentioned in Taf's post is also on the Wingspan DVD. It has a lot of weird edits of footage and music that could be Phoney worthy or is that the other way around? Yeah, I guess it is. Wingspan came out 6 years before Phoney.
Nothing scary on it unless anything remotely esoteric freaks you out.
Crowley wasn't actually sinister either. He was a well-educated dude with some esoteric philosophical ideas that were deliberately provocative.
November 29, 2010 9:43 AM
Crowley was actually Bambi, most people don't know that. He volunteered for Meals on Wheels. He sang at nursing homes and worked for world peace.
The whole thing about calling himself the great Beast 666, the most wicked man in the world, and all that nonsense was a joke played on simple minded people.
I am not simple minded, there is no connection to Aleister Crowley and anything satanic, at all.
Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
In what way do you feed us blue linker?
Thank you for removing that link Tafultong, good blog post thanks
The whole thing about calling himself the great Beast 666, the most wicked man in the world, and all that nonsense was a joke played on simple minded people.
You are unintentionally correct. Crowley was a provocateur, but he was a joke himself. Only a goofball that isn't even close to being Satan would be stupid enough to call himself the Great Beast 666. Apparently he didn't read Revelation, which says that the Beast will speak as a lamb and deceive the very elect, not out himself so everyone knows hahahaha.
he was a goofball.
"Why does the video for Band on the Run contain such strange imagery?"
Taf, have you lost your motherf**ing mind?!?? hahahaha
I don't know, maybe it's ARTISTIC?
have you seen that freak show they call "Yellow Submarine?"
why is it so. . .STRANGE?!?!?!
what is happening to the world?!?!? Why do those boys have such long hair???
Taf you are sounding like my grandmother on a porch right now.
Seriously. Maybe you should take your own advice and stop watching Phoney videos. I think you're getting a little carried away now.
Crowley's so called pact with Satan didn't end too well for him. That should be a lesson right there. He became a notorious celebrity in England while he was alive and then later on a rebel icon for pretentious teenagers and a boogyman for religious folks who, if they were sincere or smart or both, would realize a dead celebrity is the least of their worries.
None of these subsequent results helped Crowley in the end.
You are unintentionally correct. Crowley was a provocateur
November 29, 2010 7:14
I was intentionally correct.
I am on your side buddy, these people are goofballs. And if you continue to be dumb I will make fun of you too.
Anyone who thinks that Crowley and his Scientology pal are not the biggest joke ever, needs to apply for a goofball license. And I will continue here, amongst the goofballs, until every goofball sees this.
Satanism isn't real.
nanny nanny boo boo
Taf you are sounding like my grandmother on a porch right now.
November 29, 2010 7:34 PM
dont make fun of grandMotheraleisterNL!
or Taf!!
seriously, the whole trailer park will be against you.
Taf you are sounding like my grandmother on a porch right now.
Seriously. Maybe you should take your own advice and stop watching Phoney videos. I think you're getting a little carried away now.
November 29, 2010 7:34 PM
why dont you go away and leave us crazies
Anonymous said...
Crowley's so called pact with Satan didn't end too well for him. That should be a lesson right there. He became a notorious celebrity in England while he was alive and then later on a rebel icon for pretentious teenagers and a boogyman for religious folks who, if they were sincere or smart or both, would realize a dead celebrity is the least of their worries.
None of these subsequent results helped Crowley in the end.
November 29, 2010 7:40 PM
hmmmmm, change the name, same results???
Lennon's so called pact with Satan didn't end too well for him. That should be a lesson right there. He became a notorious celebrity in England while he was alive and then later on a rebel icon for pretentious teenagers and a boogyman for religious folks(imagine theres no heaven!) who, if they were sincere or smart or both, would realize a dead celebrity is the least of their worries.
None of these subsequent results helped Lennon in the end
Yoko on the other hand....
I like how bluelink now actually refers to himself as bluelink. We named him and he ran with it. lol
Subconcious Magickian
She'll be back
Nomar said...
She'll be back
You tell 'em, Nomar!
Hey bluelink..
Be more Pacific!
yeah yeah yeah
Dig the man in uniform!
Dewsberry Road
@ :59 a salute to blue
Dear Tafultong..this is the kind of material that I was waiting for.Looks like those old iamaphoney post.Youre back in the game baby.
About Paul in Magik you have to ask to wikileaks.
I don't think that Iamaphoney has done nearly as much harm to Paul McCartney's reputation as people like Heather Mills and even Yoko Ono.
Phoney is an unknown YouTube videomaker so of course he hasn't done any harm other than to evangelical goofballs who already think rock music is evil. Had this RA crew been able to grab the audience they were hoping to by tricking Paul fans into thinking his channels were legit, perhaps they could have done a little more damage.
Phoney is on the side of Heather Mills, Taf. He's used her interviews to make his point (albeit a different point she was making) but the bottom line is we are supposed to believe Heather is honest and Paul is a liar.
If you want to ignore that, it's your prerogative.
And maybe these kids want to practice their bogus magick on the viewers. Maybe they want to save the world from the NWO headed by Paul McCartney hahaha. But more than anything else, their into promoting their songs, dude.
Taf is busy being fed by bluelink
You are aware, Taf, that some of those statements are not being said by Paul (it’s an impersonator)
You are aware that, including the Fireman albums, there are 24 albums that are not being sung by Paul (it's an impersonator), right?
You are aware that, including the Fireman albums, there are 24 albums that are not being sung by Paul (it's an impersonator), right?
Think so, eh?
What's your evidence?
Find me ONE Macca impersonator that could fool me. Anywhere in the world. I'd like to hear his speaking voice, and I'd like to hear him sing Hey Jude, Oh Darling, and Maybe I'm Amazed.
oh, and I'm already familiar with all the best-knowns.
Good luck, goofball!
You are aware that, including the Fireman albums, there are 24 albums that are not being sung by Paul (it's an impersonator), right?
Oooh! Someone got burned!
the impersonator on the Phoney videos (and that bad Harrison impersonation in that hoax DVD) sticks out like a sore thumb.
surprised you Sherlock's who think you know Paul's voice so well didn't notice.
Not so easy to do, kids.
Never heard anyone do it perfectly.
I've heard some decent John Lennon mimics, even getting the speaking voice pretty close (much harder to do that the singing voice, FYI) but not close enough.
You are aware that, including the Fireman albums, there are 24 albums that are not being sung by Paul (it's an impersonator), right?
Think so, eh?
What's your evidence?
Find me ONE Macca impersonator that could fool me. Anywhere in the world. I'd like to hear his speaking voice, and I'd like to hear him sing Hey Jude, Oh Darling, and Maybe I'm Amazed.
oh, and I'm already familiar with all the best-knowns.
Good luck, goofball!
No Mr Caps. Not all the readers here are. The assholes are the idiots who think THEY know everything and claim Paul McCartney is an impersonator. Make a claim, back it up, or don't make it at all.
it appears that the first bluelinker was Miles Deo.
Hi Miles.
Are you feeding Phoney and Taf?
purplemelon guest band
Elias Crowe/Miles Deo
B-I-N-G-O said:
Paul's singing voice isn't the hardest in the world to emulate. Don't believe me? Listen to Chris O' Neil, fools: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7654930.stm
Paul's singing voice isn't the hardest in the world to emulate. Don't believe me? Listen to Chris O' Neil, fools: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7654930.stm
hahahahaha yeah, right.
The brightest wish
That I could wish
Upon this lovely day
Is just a wish
Until I give
Some lovely thing away
Sacrifice is the name of the game, folks.
I actually kinda hope Macca is all into Thelema at this point. Even though it's crackpot stuff, it's his life so what does anyone care? If he wants to chant incantations and run around like a goofball then good for him. It's not going to change anything.
You used to say live and let live.
you know you did.
Sacrifice is the name of the game, folks.
so I should DONATE to WingedBeetle?
Donations shod start immediately to the benefit of the Winged Beatle. Really!
Should, shod, shoes.
Since we're into speculation, how about this: let's say, for the sake of argument, it could be proved beyond all doubt that Paul McCartney didn't die, he wasn't replaced, and he's not a practicing magickian. I know it's crazy speculation but go with it for a second.
If all the speculation at NIR and here and elsewhere is all unfounded, then what?
will anyone admit failure? wrongdoing? false accusations? anything at all?
will people just go back to their normal lives or start in on another conspiracy?
I'm curious as to what people think would happen.
so I should DONATE to WingedBeetle?
yes, most definitely.
To be or not to be?
Hands across the Water. Water.
Heads across the Sky
I hope you remember that i am not usually one for flight of fancy (unless its stealth blimps).
However -intentional (to seem mysterious) or not this series is very VERY suspect.
The editing is extremley slick. Completely proffesional which is a worry considering the fringe nature of the subject matter. Normally this kind of shit does not attract top level video editors (or teams of them).
The music is also very hynotic.
It is FULL, and i mean FULL of phycological imagery and FLASHES of a subliminal nature, and possibly also heavily employing semiotics.
Again - i am not one for flights of fancy usually - but i do know enough about influence techniques and the power of suggestibilty and SUBLIMINAL effects to be very wary of this video.
Just incase it is really is an INFLUENCE peice, and not just something pretending to be one.
No one, and i mean no one is above influence techniques.
I only got half way through the first vid before just saying - ' nah fuck this, serious risk of subliminal twisting in this video'
If you don't believe me watch it again. Slowly
> See the ultra slick - labour intensive editting,
> See the ridiculous amount of SUBLIMINAL flashes.
> Check out the heavy use of religous and primal imagery.
> Check out the speed of the information feed. That is also important.
The only thing that makes me think it could be a fake pretending to be a real subliminal control peice is that the subliminal flashes are blatant, at least to me, and do not seem to be blended, and the imagery is not hidden well.
Although subliminals do not need to be blended or imagery well hidden to be effective- normally they are in order to be harder to 'discover' when disguised in such a way.
I look forward to studying this vid in more detail.
But just incase it is really a sophisticated peice of media influence (mind contol shit) i will not be watching it in real time just yet, and will instead view it in small bite sized bits. Don't wish to have my head fucked with by influence experts if i can avoid it. Although most likely this is not one - still its just not worth the risk.
In fact i may just not go back to it at all. Feels way dodgy to me,
Just in case it is not a fake - and is just pretending to be an influence piece (for the drama of it all), and is not actually an genuine subliminal influence piece- i would advise people to exersise caution if they choose to watch this crazy as fuck video.
I hope you remember that i am not usually one for flight of fancy (unless its stealth blimps).
However -intentional (to seem mysterious) or not this series is very VERY suspect.
The editing is extremley slick. Completely proffesional which is a worry considering the fringe nature of the subject matter. Normally this kind of shit does not attract top level video editors (or teams of them).
The music is also very hynotic.
It is FULL, and i mean FULL of phycological imagery and FLASHES of a subliminal nature, and possibly also heavily employing semiotics.
Again - i am not one for flights of fancy usually - but i do know enough about influence techniques and the power of suggestibilty and SUBLIMINAL effects to be very wary of this video.
Just incase it is really is an INFLUENCE peice, and not just something pretending to be one.
No one, and i mean no one is above influence techniques.
I only got half way through the first vid before just saying - ' nah fuck this, serious risk of subliminal twisting in this video'
If you don't believe me watch it again. Slowly
> See the ultra slick - labour intensive editting,
> See the ridiculous amount of SUBLIMINAL flashes.
> Check out the heavy use of religous and primal imagery.
> Check out the speed of the information feed. That is also important.
The only thing that makes me think it could be a fake pretending to be a real subliminal control peice is that the subliminal flashes are blatant, at least to me, and do not seem to be blended, and the imagery is not hidden well.
Although subliminals do not need to be blended or imagery well hidden to be effective- normally they are in order to be harder to 'discover' when disguised in such a way.
I look forward to studying this vid in more detail.
But just incase it is really a sophisticated peice of media influence (mind contol shit) i will not be watching it in real time just yet, and will instead view it in small bite sized bits. Don't wish to have my head fucked with by influence experts if i can avoid it. Although most likely this is not one - still its just not worth the risk.
In fact i may just not go back to it at all. Feels way dodgy to me,
Just in case it is not a fake - and is just pretending to be an influence piece (for the drama of it all), and is not actually an genuine subliminal influence piece- i would advise people to exersise caution if they choose to watch this crazy as fuck video.
Check out the speed of the information feed. That is also important.
Have you guys been watching any of these brainvisionfilms lately?
I think he might actually be onto something with the Kim Fowley links. Beatles, Laurel Canyon, experimental films, pop cult oddities...it all fits in.
I would say it's full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I think he might actually be onto something with the Kim Fowley links. Beatles, Laurel Canyon, experimental films, pop cult oddities...it all fits in.
yeah, go jump down that rabbit hole. Not like you can't find "links" at NIR over the course of 5,000 threads.
I don't know...have you looked at all the stuff this guy has been involved in?
"They all think Manson is Jesus.
They think Brian Wilson is Santa Claus."
Anonymous said...
Elias Crowe/Miles Deo
Sure I'm a Kentuckian.. but what is a pseudolennon?
Opting out from phoney beatlemania,
Opting out from the LIES LIES LIES.
EliasCrowe said...
Sure I'm a Kentuckian.. but what is a pseudolennon?
OK, here's a guess:
Anonymous said...
Anybody figure out who is doing these iamaphoney videos?
Yeah. A collaboration with Ian from Formermedia and his euro buddy and the Nutters Production crew, with some help from Elias Crowe (Whaledreamers/Lewis Carrol), who plays the role of the "Lennon" figure that's supposed to be alive.
AUGUST 5, 2009 9:39 AM
Diamonds and pearls,
its all blood money.
Paul McCartney is an ALIEN
new from iamafunny
clearly fake, totally stupid and completely unwatchable
Paul is an ALIEN said...
Paul McCartney is an ALIEN
new from iamafunny
clearly fake, totally stupid and completely unwatchable
December 1, 2010 3:19 AM
totally bogus, photoshopped
nice going MikeNL, incorporating time travel, David Icke, and ambigrams...... how about an alien autopsy? forgot that didnt you?!
Looks like the donations have been going for equpiment. 480p? pleeze, it looks 240p at MOST
Can aliens donate too?
Aleister Crowley died today...
at the age of 135.
Happy Birthday, Al!
I know Im late to the party, but excellent post!!! Sounds fully plausible and I agree with all your ideas / theories.
Keep up the good work.
Would the best way to time travel be in a time capsule?
at Montauk they sat in a chair!
for a quick Planet X cover up from your 'friends' at NASA
You can plan on me.
yes, I think it would be a worthwhile use of time to investigate all of the links/possibilities mentioned, including time travel, Sirius, Lewis Carroll, Macca as Thelemite, and the rest.
the worst that can happen is you're totally wrong and waste a few years following red herrings and illogical leaps.
oh, wait, they've been doing that here and on NIR for four years.
attn "researchers":
if you are serious, and not given to flights of unproved fancy (which one can never investigate), then before getting all cuckoo and wasting your life start with one thing.
first, prove to your satisfaction that in 1966 any reconstructive/plastic surgeon could create a double so perfect that his eyes/pupils are in the same place, not to mention everything else.
if you can't get past that detail, no reason to go further.
I've asked around. Not possible. Not even today.
story over.
've asked around. Not possible. Not even today.
story over.
Check into it (google reconstructive surgery, ask a Dr Friend, whatever you have to do, find another example of such a thing) and get back to me.
forget the singing, talking, playing, blah blah. just stick with the physical aspect for starters.
otherwise, why would you waste your time?
There are a handful of people who've paid countless thousands of dollars to the very best surgeons (nowadays mind you) to look like stars (Michael Jackson, Barbie the doll, Angelina Jolie, Streisand). In all cases they required multiple surgeries over periods of years.
Check out the results. Not encouraging.
we still can't do simple nick-tucks without everyone and their daughter knowing. They look like the Joker hahahaha.
Naysayers, all you need is:
world's best example of plastic surgery
world's best actor (playing a role with accent/dialect every day, every minute for decades, able to fool close friends and relatives)
world's best Paul mimic (all styles including mellow, rock, and falsetto breaking in same place, perfect pitch, and same range of 3.5 octaves)
world's best bass player (also plays piano, guitar and a few other instruments)
world's best rock/pop singer
world's best songwriter
world's best cover-up of the switch without a single leak even by enemies like Allen Klein, Yoko's ex, and innumerable others
why is that not plausible?
can you say "twin freaks"?
Anonymous said...
Diamonds and pearls,
its all blood money.
December 1, 2010 2:21 AM
Diamonds are Forever
get your diaper on again
can you say "twin freaks"?
hahahah sure, I'd believe he had a twin brother who ALSO sang, wrote, played, etc. as well, except that Paul was already world famous in 1965 and if there was a twin we would have heard about it.
we can't stop a 22 year old from downloading diplomatic cables but a record company covered up Macca's death?
hahahaha none of you have ever worked in gov't or any large corp. I can see. Info like that would be out the door in days and you'd never put the cap back on it.
hahahaha none of you have ever worked in gov't or any large corp. I can see. Info like that would be out the door in days and you'd never put the cap back on it.
Even the MK Ultra program, far more damaging and politically sensitive than a dead pop star, came to light.
Go ahead, click on it.
I think yule be surprised.
iamafunny is awful, macca the alien????
More like Macca the anime bambi.
Havent seen eyes like that since my last trip to Japan.
Hey goofball, next time remember, ALIENS DONT LOOK LIKE JAPANESE ANIME
Cowboys vs. Asians
More like Macca the anime bambi.
Havent seen eyes like that since my last trip to Japan.
Hey goofball, next time remember, ALIENS DONT LOOK LIKE JAPANESE ANIME
No! Now they look like little green men! Ha Ha!
La dee dee
One two three
Eric the Half-A-Bee
Eric the Half-A-Bee
Does it suffer Maccaular Degeneration?
No No Sam
Eye want to come home!
liquideyes! said...
More like Macca the anime bambi.
Havent seen eyes like that since my last trip to Japan.
Hey goofball, next time remember, ALIENS DONT LOOK LIKE JAPANESE ANIME
No! Now they look like little green men! Ha Ha!
December 1, 2010 5:18 PM
god, i am really starting to think that he really is an alien...
good lord, bambi has faul eyes
it has to be true...
bones22j (10 hours ago) Spam Marked as spam @therewegomagick: You said it bro. The White Album has it all. I often wonder about the Beatles personal lives. John said "by 2012 the masses will be where we are today and Paul should be Jesus by then." What if The Beatles had cell phones n shit back then? What if they had all the things we have today, but back in the 60's? It wouldn't surpise me too much considering the FACT that WE are 25-50 years behind in technology compared to the gov't and the elite. So maybe they had laptops and things back then...of course this is gonna sound crazy to some...but if you knew how far behind the masses are in technology compared to the elite you'd think a different thought.
That has to be the funniest thing going on right now besides this blog post. People that THINK they know what is going on, but they don't have a damn clue.
To correct you, Lennon said HE would be Jesus by 2012, NOT Paul.
If you're going to have a round table discussion about some joke youtube site, atleast get the facts that you do have straight.
You're one cool motherfucking cat.
they could have silicon face masks back then, could have impersonated people, using recordings. IT COULD BE POSSIBLE, maybe unlikely, but not completely out of the realm of reality. Even if it was only 1 out of 1,000,000 chance, it could have happened, i mean, look at the tapes man. they could have been faked. look what iamafunny did dude, gave paul freaky bambi eyes man. if that could be done now by some freak, who knows what the elite could have done back then. they could have faked the moon landing, or the jfk assassination, or let nazi take over americ...... whatever man, time to watch dancing with stars
wink wink wink wink
To correct you, Lennon said HE would be Jesus by 2012, NOT Paul.
If you're going to have a round table discussion about some joke youtube site, atleast get the facts that you do have straight.
December 1, 2010 10:55 PM
hi there
Does anyone here know where John Winston Ono Lennon is buried?
Somewhere deep down in the Dakota Building?
Would he forgive the devil and Holden Caulfield?
Makes me sad to think about the mess.
don't be sad!
You can't even imagine what's behind this.
If you're going to have a round table discussion ...
at least get the facts that you do have straight.
'Since we're into speculation, how about this: let's say, for the sake of argument, it could be proved beyond all doubt that Paul McCartney didn't die, he wasn't replaced, and he's not a practicing magickian. I know it's crazy speculation but go with it for a second.
If all the speculation at NIR and here and elsewhere is all unfounded, then what?
will anyone admit failure? wrongdoing? false accusations? anything at all?
will people just go back to their normal lives or start in on another conspiracy?
I'm curious as to what people think would happen.'
They'd not accept it was 'proven beyond all doubt' and carry on regardless.
If all the speculation at NIR and here and elsewhere is all unfounded, then what?
If all the speculation at NIR and here and elsewhere is all founded, then what?
then we win the big jack pot! :0)
The English Army has just won the jackpot!
What if The Beatles had cell phones n shit back then? What if they had all the things we have today, but back in the 60's? It wouldn't surpise me too much considering the FACT that WE are 25-50 years behind in technology compared to the gov't and the elite. So maybe they had laptops and things back then..
No, they didn't have laptops and cellphones. They were still using land lines and even sending cables on occasion, something you wouldn't bother with if you had today's technology. And even if the Beatles had laptops, what programs would they run? The Chinese were taking apart PacMan machines in the 80s because their chips were the most advanced at the time and they are nothing compared to today.
The "elite" universities had internet and PCs but they were still primitive because the networks weren't in place. The satellites weren't in place for cellphones, and what use in a cell phone in the 60s if your friends didn't have them?
To correct you, Lennon said HE would be Jesus by 2012, NOT Paul.
use your imagination!
what use in a cell phone in the 60s if your friends didn't have them?
Or the 1920s for that matter?
The Phoney expectations, which dovetail nicely with PID/PWR expectations, is a study in human nature. Studies on groups with expectations that are disconfirmed (evidence never materializes, no smoking gun, prophecy/prediction doesn't come true) show that confirmation of the belief is not nearly as important as sharing the belief with others, which is why NIR can go along happily for years without proving anything, even to its own satisfaction. As long as the believer can encourage others to believe, the belief is then validated ("it must be true if others also believe it").
The most famous case in the early study of cognitive dissonance was described by Leon Festinger and others in the book When Prophecy Fails. The authors infiltrated a group that was expecting the imminent end of the world on a certain date. When that prediction failed, the movement did not disintegrate, but grew instead. By sharing cult beliefs with others, they gained acceptance and thus reduced their own dissonance.
No group has experienced more belief disconfirmation than Christians. For thousands of years various predictions have not come to pass, but in every generation new expectations arise. The new generation ignores the failures of all previous generations and repeats the cycle until they, too, belong to the "previous generation" and the next group takes over.
The Prophecy didn't fail!
so there still is that issue.
The Prophecy didn't fail!
so there still is that issue.
Interestingly, the same book reveals that a common rationalization to disconfirmed predictions was to state that their prophecy did not fail, but took on another form not anticipated by the initial group.
You fall into that category.
The very same thing happened with the Parousia or Second Coming. Obviously, this did not happen literally by any fair estimation, but various Christian cults have over the centuries rationalized their beliefs by saying that it already took place in a form more subtle or unknown to the larger group ("Realized Eschatology").
You fall into that category.
I know.
You fall into that category.
I know.
yeah and it's a cowardly position because you don't have to demonstrate anything, just say "It happened" and go on your merry way.
anyone can, and has, made those kinds of statements. In other words, nothing new.
so Elias/Whaledreamers/LewisCarrol/Miles
what's a boy from KY doing with raw footage of the Phoney shoots?
and why do you look just like the supposed "Lennon is still Alive" shots in the RA videos?
So, how many people are actually coming to the pizza party? Elias/Whaledreamers/LewisCarrol/Miles is that just one of you? or are you a party of four? Will Mr. Lennon incarnate and be joining you? Does he have the five dollars?
Instant carnation's gonna get ya.
burning matches!
lifting latches!
We're on our way home!
THE FIREMAN (The Early Years)
confirmation of the belief is not nearly as important as sharing the belief with others
that explains A LOT
Macca set a condom on fire?
Fire on the mountain, run boy run...
Can we get Angelo's Pizza? It's the BEST!
OR IS IT???????
it looks like Ken with the obnoxious autograph
is doing
"Magick with a K"
very strange to me.
I don't know. I just work here.
The first film that proves, once and for all, that there is death after life.
Supper's ready!
run boy
You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe when you're with them?
"Они приняли у меня десять долларов. И все время спрашивали, могу ли я
себе это позволить. Я им сказал, что денег у меня достаточно, но они
как-то не верили. Но деньги все же взяли. И так они обе меня благодарили,
что мне стало неловко." (с) Над пропастью во ржи
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