Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Emilio Lari Facebook Post

There was an unusual comment on Emilio Lari's Facebook page after a Beatles Link:

Google Translation from Italian to English: Emilio Lari was and is a great photographer. Intuitive and sophisticated gave us pictures that tell the long process of many of us. Soon everyone will see a big surprise. I have only one worry: he has used my image. Patience :-)

Be sure to subscribe to the Iamaphoney fan page on Facebook to get some great information that you can't find anywhere else.

Unbelievably, there is a YouTube channel with the name EmilioLari that posted a video in 2008. It is the scene for "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" from the movie "Help." There is a quick cut of an Apple logo around the middle. How many other Iamaphoney videos that we haven't seen are still hidden somewhere on YouTube?

I think most people will understand that there is an embargo on the previews that Iamaphoney sent me, which included unreleased video that will likely be part of his subscription service. I am not the only one who has received these previews. I would imagine that they went to several others who have helped him along the way. It would be foolish of me to bite the hand that is feeding me information that I have been seeking for years. I will do my best to be as complete and accurate as possible. Don't worry. No BIG revelation yet. Don't succumb to Superstone disease.


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Anonymous said...

goodbye ruby tuesday

Anonymous said...


Thank You for the Birthday wishes.


Anonymous said...

Falco said...

November 23, 2010 12:34 AM

there is definitely a virus in this, probably why taf hasnt fixed it IT CRASHED HIS COMPUTER!

also, that donate button????? FULL OF VIRUS!


so far I have donated $10,000 WHEN I DIDNT WANT TO!!!


Now I cant feed my family turkey, hope you are happy in your private iamaphoney jet you horrible criminal!

it's your birthday too yeah! said...



Anonymous said...

so far I have donated $10,000 WHEN I DIDNT WANT TO!!!

I haven't seen a bloody dime. Are you sure you are donating to the right people?

Oh, and get a Mac and a decent browser, eh?

the walrus was magneto said...

Magneto said

"the time has come!

to gather our Trojan Horses and run."

In his early appearances, his motives were bent on megalomania, but writers have since fleshed out his character and origin, revealing him to be a Jewish Holocaust survivor whose actions are driven by the purpose of protecting the mutant race from suffering a similar fate

His role in comics have varied from supervillain to antihero to even hero.

the face that launched a 1000 said...

Ain't NOBODY else gonna know the way she feels.

say bye bye!


Anonymous said...

so far I have donated $10,000 WHEN I DIDNT WANT TO!!!

He's with the gubmint?!

get her out of town! said...

Dude, He IS the government!

Anonymous said...

Those freak was right/wrong when they said you was dead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can we get back to the VERY REAL POSSIBILITY that the singer from Pupil is a TIME TRAVELER?!?

why would he sing a song about 1882 unless he had been there???????

1882 said...

the singer from Pupil

Eye see the connection!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen a bloody dime. Are you sure you are donating to the right people?

Oh, and get a Mac and a decent browser, eh?

November 23, 2010 6:03 PM

YOU ARE NIGERIAN FROM NAIROBI, so yes it is you for sure

I will take your advice about the Mac and browser, though in the back of my mind it occurs to me that this too may be advice of virus!

you are a cold person, and a stealer of old woman pensioners!
there is shame in that, give me back my money from the donation I DIDNT MEAN TO GIVE YOU $10,000!!!
You are starving my children, how will they attend college? They could have been doctors and cured your cancer
THINK ABOUT THAT! Would you trade my $10,000 for a cure?
I think you would
search your heart

Anonymous said...

can we get back to the VERY REAL POSSIBILITY that the singer from Pupil is a TIME TRAVELER?!?

why would he sing a song about 1882 unless he had been there???????

November 23, 2010 7:39 PM

HELLO!? EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!

The only independent way we can verify this is to ask the singer from Pupil a question in the past AND the future, then meet in the middle, ask again, compare the answers.


A rigorous time traveler will pass the test with flying colors and will answer all question differently. The reason for this is known to the in crowd as Hindsight.
The science behind this is the rule of 20/20


This other Michael Broekmeulen said...

All my worst fears confirmed.
I was flying a kite at the beach, and these two beautiful girls were talking and giggling, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Anonymous said...


The Manson connection!

Lamaphonics! said...

Angelina Jolie is filming her directorial debut, a controversial love story between a Muslim woman and a Serbian man, in two different languages: English and the Eastern European dialect many of her actors speak.

Thanksgiving dinner can be deadly! said...

Eating a huge meal of carbs, fat, and salt can quadruple the chance of a heart attack.
» Details - washingtonpost.com

Yass, every year at Thankgivings I hear thousands of peoples going into the big sleep after eats.

Quetzalcoatl said...

DOD tries to uncover secret of flying snakes

Cheyney had no comment.

DICK said...

Cheney to you, buster!

flying serpent video said...

You could touch me with a feather, but you know it's not allowed.

Sam Snake said...

We flew better when we had WINGS!

Anonymous said...

Having a wank while looking at your baby pictures.

I was a Plumed Serpent said...

late 14c., "a feather" (especially a large and conspicuous one), from O.Fr. plume, from L. pluma "feather, down," from PIE base *pleus- "to pluck, a feather, fleece" (cf. O.E. fleos "fleece"). Meaning "a long streamer of smoke, etc." is first attested 1878. The verb meaning "to dress the feathers" is from 1702.

caresses fleeced you in the morning light ; )

Anonymous said...

we was a plumbed serpent!

Anonymous said...

I was you, you was I.

grab your coat and your hat said...

The double symbolism used in its name is considered allegoric to the dual nature of the deity, where being feathered represents its divine nature or ability to fly to reach the skies and being a serpent represents its human nature or ability to creep on the ground among other animals of the Earth, a dualism very common in Mesoamerican deities.

Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time
his is the force that lies within
Ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find
SHe is a feather in the wind

Anonymous said...

At last the arm is straight, the hand to the loom
Is this to end or just begin?

Anonymous said...

Or are you just happy to see me?

Anonymous said...

Within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight
There moves a thread that has no end.

I want it my way said...

You have graciously come on earth, you have graciously approached your water, your high place of Mexico, you have come down to your mat, your throne, which I have briefly kept for you, I who used to keep it for you,

Anonymous said...

It's alive

when we're finished driving said...

we can say we were late in arriving!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving ;]

Anonymous said...

That would really be something to be thankful for!

Dance higher Macca!

Anonymous said...

These people always have peacocks. Hope I get a cup of tea out of it.....

Anonymous said...

Look at that
Look at her walking
Turning my head
Taking my breath away

Come on to me

Anonymous said...

The male has the plumage.

Anonymous said...

Come Home.

Anonymous said...

Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe

Anonymous said...

everybody dance NOW!

Anonymous said...

Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe

pick the diamonds up, and you'll be RICH!

Anonymous said...

Make 'em shine

Anonymous said...

I get high with a little help from my friends.

Anonymous said...

And in the middle of no go see/sea A tions, I breaks down.

what does it matter to ya? said...

When you got a job to do, ya gotta do it well.

Anonymous said...

Live, and let Die.

Anonymous said...

Live and let Lost

Anonymous said...

Live and Let 3D Rock

Anonymous said...

Live and Let Fireman Come Home.

Anonymous said...

Live and let live.

Anonymous said...

The other stands before the Cave, dressed in black.

On the King's Highway.

IAMALiverPoolian said...

Die, live, and give thanks.

Anonymous said...


empathasize me said...

Hey, remember that rumor how Ringo and Paul painted their bodies black at a recording session?

Now, why would that be?

Anonymous said...

What's this ?

Anonymous said...

Standing in the doorway of a little black shop
Lifting up a pin light and ringing up a cop
Running down the street
Everybody sees
What she's got is what she needs
And what she loves is me

If I never did it said...

Within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight
There moves a thread that has no end.

This One

if you really love me said...

Anonymous said...
What's this ?

November 24, 2010 7:03 AM

A blue link?

Anonymous said...

Close, but no cigar

Anonymous said...

Ma'assu FN Christ, just come home.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ma'assu FN Christ, just come home.

I'm not ready yet. Unfinished business here.

Anonymous said...

The only independent way we can verify this is to ask the singer from Pupil a question in the past AND the future, then meet in the middle, ask again, compare the answers.



Anonymous said...

Hey, remember that rumor how Ringo and Paul painted their bodies black at a recording session?


Anonymous said...

Hey, remember that rumor how Ringo and Paul painted their bodies black at a recording session?


Was that rumor started at NIR? That would make sense.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said:

Pupil CPH is the band Iamaphoney is in. He had a lot of videos on his YT profile when he first started. When Taf first pointed this out, Iamaphoney removed all the videos but it was too late. People sent him questions about Pupil CPH which prompted some nasty responses from Iamaphoney. Later the drummer of the band put up another video for a song called "Superstone" and everyone at NIR recognized the key players in the RA series in the video (the actor, etc.). Iamaphoney asked Taf to take the video off his blog which Taf did.

Anonymous said...

Tafultong said...

Iamaphoney put up the "Superstone" video. He took it down after a period of something like two weeks. Letter B of NIR asked if someone could put it back up. Since I had it, I said sure and posted the link on NIR.

Then a week or so later, Iamaphoney messaged me via YouTube and asked me if I would consider taking it down. It had been a week since I put it up, so I figured that Letter B probably had enough time to see the video. So, I said, sure, but then I asked Iamaphoney if he would do something for me in return.

I gave him three options and he picked one of them, which was allowing me to print his letter in its entirety so that my readers would know why I complied and took the video down. End of story. I have told it many times and yet it continues to haunt me -- not because I made a bad deal but because I refused to go back on my word.

Now for the first time, I will go into a little more detail. I have already said that there is not a frame, I repeat NOT A FRAME in the "Superstone" video that has not been in other videos. It is your typical Iamaphoney actor, and soundtrack (The "Let It Be" backwards recording by Iamaphoney, I believe) and the same old tired quick pictures that you have seen a million times.

Now, here is the thing that I have not said yet. I think it is possible that Iamaphoney used this little non-event to his advantage. Oh yeah, big whoop, a part of the revelation was prematurely released in the "Superstone" video.

Shortly after I took it down, MikeNL private messaged me via NIR and asked if I would give him the video. I politely said that I would not be able to do that because I had made the deal with Iamaphoney that I could print his letter if I took down "Superstone."

A few weeks later, both MikeNL and Jude posted comments here saying something like, "There are just a few frames in the 'Superstone' video that contain the revelation. In other words, they left me hanging out to dry and, to only Iamaphoney's benefit (and possibly their own), made it seem like "Superstone" contained something major.

Anonymous said...

Taf said. . .(continued)

Now, I am okay with Mike and Jude, but maybe that's why I don't exactly rush to their defense every time somebody puts them down here. I guess only my therapist knows for sure.

Now, I don't really care who is behind this latest strain of nasty comments, but at least I do see a strategy now. Maybe the end game is for Iamaphoney to say, "Yes, I am Pupil Copulagen, so buy my album." Maybe MikeNL and Jude are trying to deflect all of the negative vibes on to me. I wouldn't like that, but now that I have experienced how cruel and unfair a couple of the comments have been, I have more sympathy for what they have been enduring. Any maybe it's just a few troublemakers trying to bring me down over the Christmas holidays because I have allowed myself to be a little too vulnerable on this blog.

Whatever it is, something smells in America. You can't have it both ways. If Iamaphoney is a fake (as his name implies for goodness sake) then how can you possibly think that this "Superstone" video contains a revelation? I'm telling you it was the same old crap: The Abbey Road wall, "Let It Be" backwards and a bunch of still pictures that you have all seen before.

Anonymous said...

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Some Unusual Links for Research Purposes

Anonymous said...

Boy, those were the days... thanks for the trip down memory lame.

Anonymous said...

Boy, those were the days... thanks for the trip down memory lame.

no problem! that was among the most heated exchanges ever to occur on this blog.

Anonymous said...

A few weeks later, both MikeNL and Jude posted comments here saying something like, "There are just a few frames in the 'Superstone' video that contain the revelation. In other words, they left me hanging out to dry and, to only Iamaphoney's benefit (and possibly their own), made it seem like "Superstone" contained something major.

So Mikey and Jude: did that video contain "the revelation?" and why did both of you say that it did?

couldn't have been that impressive.

Anonymous said...

Tafultong said...

Anonymous said...

Back to Pupil Copenhagen.

I guess that people forget that I was the one who did a post on NIR (before this blog existed) about Pupil Copenhagen and it was right after that when all of their videos and all of Iamaphoney's favorites disappeared from YouTube.

I strongly believe that they are involved in some way, if not at the center of the Iamaphoney music.

The line in my little skit (which you are welcome to perform at home) about the Sgt. Pepper poster behind Ian was based on something I saw in a Pupil video.

Anonymous said...

Back to the Future Said. . . .

January 8, 2008

(Taf's intro)
Some people have complained that there wasn't much of a revelation. As we all sat in front of our PCs on November 12, all we saw were news reports of the London fire, some strange backgrounds on the IAAP YouTube page and three versions of Rotten Apple #65, all of which were taken down rapidly. But the fact is that Iamaphoney has been talking about a big revelation in 2008 for at least a year. Also, you have to admit that it's possible that we did not see it. Perhaps the fire, was actually a smoke screen to cover up what actually did happen on November 12. Some day, we will know.

Anonymous said...

Was that rumor started at NIR? That would make sense.


Anonymous said...

It's Time.

Anonymous said...

the revelation: it's time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some day, we will know.

Some day, you'll know: I was the One.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the end game is for Iamaphoney to say, "Yes, I am Pupil Copenhagen, so buy my album."

pretty close!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone said...

Phoney's latest 'theme' video.

MikeNL said...

So yeah, at the time, Jude and i thought that a couple of frames at the end of the video, mirroring the Beatles Anthology, was something major.

I haven't really looked into that part yet, since i saw it.
But now that i'm reminded of the superstone video, i will look into it this weekend.

Jude left us a long time ago. the person who maintains the accounts now is an ex-friend who broke every communication with the original jude.

There've been some developments on my part.
I spent a couple of days searching for that iamaphoney actor.
I basically found him. i know who the guy is.
i know who he's connected to.
i found the people who worked with him in the past.

He is just a part of it all. my suspicion is, that he was picked up by The0rg in 2006. he already had a lot figured out on his own.
he moved from Denmark to the place wherever iamaphoney his.

He also has some brothers and sisters, maybe... i'm still trying to figure out. he has a wife and daughter.
and maybe even 3 sons.

He has been in a couple of bands. I bought 3 cd's of him, and one LP single. the LP single is from 1982.
It looks like he hasn't changed much, really.. in those 30 years, looking at the cover pictures. Then the other cd's are from 1997, 1999 and 2003.

One other strange thing i found is that the bassist of his 90's band died tragically at the end of the 90's. Maybe it triggered his search into the Paul is Dead stuff, who knows?

it's funny, they even had a couple of hits in Denmark... and after all this time, people still don't know who the guy is.

Again, i stress. this is just a small part of it.
Don't think that The Phoney Figure is all of iamaphoney.

TPF is the one who created The Rotten Apple series, the first 35, and the original 2007 movie. then The0rg took over.

That's as much as i can tell you, really... without revealing names or anything. Let's just say that there've been people who'd rather not have me spill the beans. And they are serious. So i won't.

This is not a game. --- This is a game.

all the best,

Anonymous said...

That's as much as i can tell you, really... without revealing names or anything. Let's just say that there've been people who'd rather not have me spill the beans. And they are serious. So i won't.

This is not a game. --- This is a game.

Thanks for the inside dirt, Mike. When you say these people are serious, though, what are you really implying? Is this a harmless game, after all, or is there something actually rotten at the bottom of it? I haven't always understood where you're coming from in all this, but I appreciate these random bouts of candor when they come.

A week and a few days said...

It is so not a game. And we are VERY serious to WIN.

Everybody knows that some players really aren't having that much fun and all these delays are starting to rack up negative penalty time.

MikeNL said...

it's still outside dirt. ; )

one other thing i can tell you is, on october 9th i made a video called; "paul is dead - nothing is real 7 - who is iamaphoney?".

It was a small part of a documentary i found about TPF. the raw footage of it is on ThePrivateCloud section of iamaphoney.com, if you're interested.

But so yeah, i made everything proper.. added some effects and uploaded.

20 minutes later i got a message from Them, asking me if i could remove it, so i privatized it. I thought, all right, yeah i understand why it was asked of me.

Then i couple of days later, i receive a shared video in my inbox. It was uploaded on october 3rd. clicked it... and basically watched the same video i made, with the same black overlayed on the same place... and the same edit piece as i made.

But how? i made this thing on october 9th.
Then They show me the same video, only on october 3rd.

it's not like they hacked me, saw AHA! Mikey made a video... so we'll do the same thing. that's impossible, because i found the video on october 8th, made the video on that same day, and uploaded it on the 9th.

I think that's part of the revelation, really... The3Eye.
Access All Key, We'll All Be Magick Supermen... Pineal Gland, what they showed us in the 40-50 range of The Rotten Apple series. What if the whole world had access to all that? in 2012.

all the best,

there will be an answer.
there are people waiting.

MikeNL said...

I also have to add... that this video has been online for a couple of years. Anyone could've grabbed it... and put it on YouTube.

But it was me who did.
And They also did it.
A week earlier.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty amazing if true. They could be using some sort of hack to mess with the time stamp, but I guess that adds some mystery to the crazy time travel talk we've encountered on this blog of late.

I do recall the TARDIS imagery from earlier in the series...and that strange interlude with all the fires...

Anonymous said...

That's pretty amazing if true. They could be using some sort of hack to mess with the time stamp, but I guess that adds some mystery to the crazy time travel talk we've encountered on this blog of late.

not to state the obvious, Mikey, but it's highly unlikely someone with the ability to TIME TRAVEL would squander even thirty minutes uploading your remix video that they didn't even want you posting. Hello?

And we've seen far more evidence of "them" taking PID ideas from other after, not before, the fact.

Anonymous said...

hahah well the pineal gland time traveling astral projection b.s. is easily disproved by the countless examples of Phoney uploading and then deleting videos. Superstone is another example. If they knew things in advance, duh, they wouldn't keep screwing stuff up, including spelling, encoding, and other errors.

prince said...

or MAYBE they wanted it to happen. I have had a simuliar experience. I saw the actual big bang picture from CERN . which was the same pic phoney has been posting for years. Wierd? Time travel? I don't know! there is something super natural going on, thats for sure.

Anonymous said...

Kom op Mike, je lult uit je nek. Tijdreizen bestaat niet. Als het al zou kunnen bestaan, denk je dan echt dat een stel stonede Beatles-fans dit hebben ontdekt? Tijdreizen naar het verleden is onmogelijk. Tijdreizen naar de toekomst zou eventueel nog mogelijk kunnen zijn, maar dan zou je niet terug kunnen. Ik weet waar ik het over heb.

Anonymous said...

or MAYBE they wanted it to happen. I have had a simuliar experience. I saw the actual big bang picture from CERN . which was the same pic phoney has been posting for years. Wierd? Time travel? I don't know! there is something super natural going on, thats for sure.

The same picture? Really? If you are referring to the "fire ring" then you're making shit up because it's not the same at all. You're a goofball and a Phoney plant, dude.

Anonymous said...

Want to be a Phoney or seen as clairvoyant? Here's how you do it (try it at home!)

1. Read the papers in a paranoid manner with an eye toward major world happenings, events, or possible calamities (asteroids, sunspots, etc).
2. Read conspiracy theory books about impending apocalyptic events (star alignments like 5/5/1000, Y2K problem, CERN's LHC experiments).
3. Force fit ancient prophecies (Mayans, Christian, Hopi, Nostradamus) with the coming event (it's easy as hell because they're all so vague).
4. Make videos hinting at (choose a conspiracy theory here) and watch the kids tremble! Even better, throw in multiple theories, bettering your chances of a "hit."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, conspiracy theorists, scientists, magazines, and television have been showing artist renderings and videos for YEARS about the LHC experiments, which, if you look at the LHC, is a giant ass CIRCLE that emits RADIATION, sort of like, hmmmm, THE SUN!?!?!?!?!?!!

What a coincidence!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, the CERN thing has been a favorite of apocalyptic believers for a long time now. Go on YouTube and hit CERN and Prophecy and BOOOM!!! Look what you'll find. Nostradamus, 2012, End of the World, blah blah.

Old news.

I remember when it was all about Y2K. When nothing happens, they look for the next BIG THING and go on about that for another few years. This cycle has been repeating now for 2,000 years.

As Woody Allen once said of the Second Coming, "there ought to be a statute of limitations on this thing."

Anonymous said...

Oh, there is. Don't worry about THAT!

finish the business asap said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ma'assu FN Christ, just come home.

I'm not ready yet. Unfinished business here.

November 24, 2010 8:11 AM

Wrap it up. MIL

I want to come home.

Anonymous said...

f you look at the LHC, is a giant ass CIRCLE that emits RADIATION, sort of like, hmmmm, THE SUN!?!?!?!?!?!!

What a coincidence!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Now on facebook, apparently.

Can you tell us anything about this one, Mike? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

"TheRevelation is the giant leap to the SuperStone."

There's THAT superstone, and then there's the OTHER super -super stone. In the Valley of the Kings.

Macca come Home!

Anonymous said...

BTW, you are totally dreaming if you continue to think this is playing until 2012,

NFW, really

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Manson connection!

November 23, 2010 8:59 PM


Do you see?? Do you really see???

add another superstone to the list said...

Edgar Casey predicted the Hall of Records would be found under the paw of the sphinx at Giza.

Anonymous said...

so many images projected on walls of stone....

Anonymous said...

TIA is a way to, slowly but surely, let the people have access to worktapes, N23G demos, educational works, sourcetapes, and a possible communication between The0rg and the small crowd of persistent supporters . Let them know they are loved and give them a glimpse of knowledge on what is to be expected in under and after TheRevelAtion2012.
The Membership, being a part of The0rg, will encrease the crowd, and those who chooses ThePrivateCloud will be mentally more open and stronger.
At TheRevelAtion day enough persons will be educated and therefore prepared for the change of consciousness that inevitably will take place. TheWingedBeatle gives, as wished, a few more viewers who have more understanding and acceptance every day and they will consciously or unconsciously follow the right path.

No fucking way is this playing until 2012.

Anonymous said...

A week and a few days will be my final commitment .

paul fauls down said...

Watch Paul Faul down....

Tombo do Paul McCartney (Paul´s Falling)



This one single youtube video has more views then all of iamaphoney's combined, because all of iaap's early stuff was view count inflated

Also, search "rotten apple" by view count.... iamaphoneys vids dont even register.

good job guys, make people pay for it. almost nobody is watching.

$6.66 per day can feed a child said...

Who is paying for MikeNL's college?

Anonymous said...

Time travel? Really? What's next? Leprechauns?

Anonymous said...

Can iamaphoney scrape the dead skin off my feet?

iaap subscription ideas said...

Anonymous said...
Time travel? Really? What's next? Leprechauns?

November 24, 2010 9:24 PM

god damn i hope so, with suitcases.
i might pay for that

Freudian Slip said...

obviously iamaphoney is a time traveler. he made the exact same video that mikenl did BEFORE mikeNL did.

think about that.

first rule of fight club is, dont tell mikey he is iamaphoney.

drugs sell themselves said...

yeah, no wonder he knows everything and "found" the TPF...

does this really surprise you?

Tafultong, please, next time iamaphoney or mikeNL asks you to do anything, please don't. The "insider" information will come out without your compliance to their wishes. They make these videos to be watched. They want them to be watched.

saw it on videodrome said...

They make these videos to be watched. They want them to be watched.

November 24, 2010 9:47 PM

Making people pay to watch them will cause people not to watch them.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of TheRevelAtion we only operate with facts, really. The existence of SuperStone will at the very first send waves of horror and denial to every man and woman of this earth,
realization and commitment will then follow.

SuperStone would be aware.

However there is a reason why TRA started november 9 2006 and is going to finish in 2012. In 2012 TRA will leave the underground and hit the surface, but you are one of the chosen ones who have been given the opportunity to study TRA closely and when you do that you will see that the truth is already there. I can only say the answer is buried in the question.

Anonymous said...

aka TheCosmanianDogma?

It is always good to cite your sources, sort your spices and visa versa.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was relevant

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I knew you were going to say that.. Kind of went into the future and found that out lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I knew that

Anonymous said...

cagefame (6 hours ago) Spam Marked as spam If The Beatles were/are the/like the four living creatures from Ezekiel and the Revelation, which do you think is which?
Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle.

If you're going on a face basis, the Lion would be John. The Ox would be George. The Man would be Paul, and the Eagle would be Ringo..

Of course I had no idea what you were talking about until I googled it, but when I did the descriptions fit all of them..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tah on I

Anonymous said...

Alright, I am you!

Yes, he is me!

Now, fuck off!

How shall we fuck off, oh me?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

llicK zub as,eh?

A Fucking Timetraveler said...

I knew you were going to say that...

You know why?

Because I'm a fucking timetraveler, that's why!

Anonymous said...

A Fucking Timetraveler said...
I knew you were going to say that...

You know why?

Because I'm a fucking timetraveler, that's why!

November 24, 2010 11:23 PM

Relax, don't shit your pants.. Wait, you probably did already because I'm ahead of you.. BITCH GET ON MY LeveL

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Sally sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore..

A Fucking Timetraveler said...

Anonymous said...

Relax, don't shit your pants.. Wait, you probably did already because I'm ahead of you.. BITCH GET ON MY LeveL

November 24, 2010 11:25 PM

STOP IT! You're hurting with me with your words and your magnificent body.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

daaaah roy, done?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


A Fucking Timetraveler said...

I want to go forward in time and have your babies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so we all come back as supermen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The Sharper Image said...

I was you, you was I.

The White House Press Corps said...

"Rarely is it composed with an eye towards standing the test of time. Rarer still does it actually achieve that distinction. And that's what makes Paul's career so legendary."

Anonymous said...


jammie said...

Tafultong UPDATE please!!!

Let do this again said...

Loose, footloose kick off your Sunday shoes
Please, Louise pull me off a my knees
Mac, get back c'mon before we crack
Lose your blues everybody cut footloose

Anonymous said...


Sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

it's coming down FAST

MilesDeo said...


Anonymous said...

Name it.

Anonymous said...

There've been some developments on my part.
I spent a couple of days searching for that iamaphoney actor.
I basically found him. i know who the guy is.
i know who he's connected to.
i found the people who worked with him in the past.

He is just a part of it all. my suspicion is, that he was picked up by The0rg in 2006. he already had a lot figured out on his own.

Mikey, what's with you, dude? Seriously. The Pupil singer figured out a lot on his own? You know damn well Paul McCartney didn't die and he wasn't replaced. What are you on about?

You can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Criss Cross

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sit! Bull Dog! Sit!

Anonymous said...

You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
If you're lonely you can talk to me
Hey Bulldog

A big turkey said...

Thanks, Anonymous, for the 'four beasts' reply.

Also, the mushroom will be here soon.

Also, running low on bourbon.

... said...

And not that it's important, but it might be important (not to know, but to ask),

Could there be any correlation between the 'four living creatures' and the four Gospels? I've heard some preachers make the connection. Is that too interpretive?

The song Taxman brought to mind Matthew, the tax collector.
The song Dr. Robert brought to mind Luke, the doctor.
John reminds me of John, because of the name John. And they were both pretty out there, lyrically.
Also, Mark. ?

Anonymous said...


IamsoglAd said...

H'e'z my little girl.

He's so glad that he's telling all the world.

Rutles said...

I feel good
I feel bad
I feel happy
I feel sad
Am I in love?
Aaaah aaaah
I must be in love

Eugene Puchalski said...

Iama Eugene-Puchalski?

I weet said...

Kom op Mike, je lult uit je nek. Tijdreizen bestaat niet. Als het al zou kunnen bestaan, denk je dan echt dat een stel stonede Beatles-fans dit hebben ontdekt? Tijdreizen naar het verleden is onmogelijk. Tijdreizen naar de toekomst zou eventueel nog mogelijk kunnen zijn, maar dan zou je niet terug kunnen. Ik weet waar ik het over heb.

Bowl on Mike, you talks bullshit from your ring. time travel do not exist. If it could exist already, do you think then real that a couple stonede Beatles-fans has discovered this? time travel to the past are impossible. time travel to the future possibly still possible are able be, but then you are not possible. I weet where I have it concerning.

Beetle with an A - Magic with a K said...

MurrAy the k - self proclaimed 5th beatle

Anonymous said...

The song Taxman brought to mind Matthew, the tax collector.
The song Dr. Robert brought to mind Luke, the doctor.
John reminds me of John, because of the name John. And they were both pretty out there, lyrically.
Also, Mark. ?

Beatle fans.

I thought they were smarter than that. I thought they had learned to think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Hele goeie vertaling, I weet. Probeer dit eens zonder babelfish te doen. Maar goed, speciaal voor jou hier een Engels bericht.

Yes, indeed, the translation says what I meant. You see, time travel to the past is not, ever, going to be possible. To the future however, is a different story, but even then, it would not be time travel for reasons too complicated to go into right now.

Anonymous said...

If you are not ready for the truth, you can't see it

Anonymous said...

Beetle with an A - Magic with a K


Beatle with an A - Magick with a K


Beatle Magic

Anonymous said...

It's time to go

Anonymous said...

beatle magic

Anonymous said...

It's time to go

Anonymous said...

Jesus F King Christ

Anonymous said...

Shake it up, Baby.

been there done that said...

time travel to the past is not, ever, going to be possible.


play 'em today! said...

798 lucky lotto numbers

Anonymous said...

$799 plus tax

Anonymous said...


Let's start all over again! said...

take one down...

She Changes from Day to Day said...

Get a belly full of wine.

Anonymous said...

Come Home Son of the Majusion!

Anonymous said...

Every ladder leads to Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Seven steps or nine steps, it goes only to One Place.


Nothing Isreal said...

The land of Milk and I am a map, honey.

Anonymous said...

I wants to tell you and now's time.

Memory time traveler said...

time travel to the past is not, ever, going to be possible.


November 26, 2010 5:31 AM

going to have to stop having memories

Anonymous said...

hey bluelink, if you want people to start caring, you have to be in a Danish pop band, make cool videos, and time travel.

sorry dude!

Eugene Puchalski said...

I does all of that and you still not pay attention!

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