Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Turn Me On, Dead Man" Movie

Scheduled for release tomorrow is a short film entitled "Turn Me On, Dead Man."

According to the Frayed Edge Films website, "This is a high concept period piece serving as an allegory for the Paul McCartney 'Paul is dead' conspiracy theory/hoax."

The 22-minute film stars Joe Reegan and David Moscow. The director, Adam Blake Carver opted to create a fictional band with Beatle haircuts. Carver's description of his inspiration for the film reveals that he is not a first generation fan, or even that much of a fan in general. He spoke of discovering the clue of Lennon singing "He's dead, he's dead" when the song "Let It Be" is played backwards. Not many would attribute the vocal of "Let It Be" to Lennon unless he or she truly believed that John was "the man of a thousand voices." There is some evidence that Tyler Knell, the Co-Writer and Co-Producer of the film actually listened to and enjoyed the Beatles music, sometimes even playing it forwards.

The film contains original music by the Bumblebees based on various styles reflecting the time period. I don't think they quite nailed the Beatles sound, but they seem to have all of the tools necessary for a Rutles tribute band. If you go to the backstage section of the film's website, you can see and hear them in action. They state in the music section that they are willing to make music "in exchange for anything" so I would imagine that you could get them to play "Paul Is Dead" music at your next backyard cookout.

Based on the advanced information, I believe the film does have at least one redeeming feature----A Volkswagen.

With a release date of June 18, 2009, I assume that "Turn Me On, Dead Man" can be seen somewhere tomorrow.

Perhaps Iamaphoney has gone about this thing in the wrong way...


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Anonymous said...

in for a penny, in for a pound

Anonymous said...

even the journey of 2,500 comments begins with a single comment

taftagopher the cable moron said...

Then let's get 'er done!

Anonymous said...

Who'll be first?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

During the 2007 season, the Los Angeles Dodgers added an infielder named Chin-Lung Hu. After Hu singled in a game against the San Diego Padres, Dodgers announcer Vin Scully remarked "And Hu's on first."

Anonymous said...

Only this time, no cut and paste jokes

old school comments. this time the 2,500 comments that will get us a shot at the big time, Oprah or Springer, OR BOTH, will have to be done the right way.

We're talking character development, we're talking classic character fights, we're talking choreographed dance sequences, we're talking the whole enchilada ppl. No shortcuts, no compromises. Bring the "A" game and keep it there till 2,500.

Taf would've wanted it that way

Anonymous said...


duck said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

During the 2007 season, the Los Angeles Dodgers added an infielder named Chin-Lung Hu. After Hu singled in a game against the San Diego Padres, Dodgers announcer Vin Scully remarked "And Hu's on first."

July 5, 2009 10:11 PM

Well played!

Anonymous said...

we will only need half the comments if we just cut and paste and comment on the comments we have made... here let me show you...

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

we will only need half the comments if we just cut and paste and comment on the comments we have made... here let me show you...

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"

Like this....

Anonymous said...

""Anonymous said...

we will only need half the comments if we just cut and paste and comment on the comments we have made... here let me show you...

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"

Like this...."

and THIS

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

""Anonymous said...

we will only need half the comments if we just cut and paste and comment on the comments we have made... here let me show you...

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"

Like this...."

and THIS

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

""Anonymous said...

we will only need half the comments if we just cut and paste and comment on the comments we have made... here let me show you...

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"

Like this...."

and THIS

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"


July 5, 2009 10:15 PM

and so on...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

""Anonymous said...

we will only need half the comments if we just cut and paste and comment on the comments we have made... here let me show you...

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"

Like this...."

and THIS

July 5, 2009 10:14 PM"


July 5, 2009 10:15 PM

and so on...


Anonymous said...

6 comments for the price of one

phoneyblogposters union said...

OK, ok.
New material, eh? Let's see....
Trouble is there's not much new under the sun.

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know.

No, no, no. That's been done already.
Gosh, can't we just steal stuff from Sarah Palin?
No one will ever know!

This is too hard...

Anonymous said...

phoneyblogposters union said...

OK, ok.
New material, eh? Let's see....
Trouble is there's not much new under the sun.

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know.

No, no, no. That's been done already.
Gosh, can't we just steal stuff from Sarah Palin?
No one will ever know!

This is too hard...

July 5, 2009 10:17 PM

Since we are now unionized, lets strike!

Anonymous said...

This is too hard.

That's what she said!

Anonymous said...

phoneyblogposters union said...

Since we are now unionized, lets strike!

July 5, 2009 10:18 PM

They will just bring in scab blog posters....

Anonymous said...

Will we end up like GM?

from being unionized?

get it?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Strike!

uh...psst, what are we striking for this time?

Oh, you know, the usual.
Health care benefits, more pay, less hours, vacation..

iamageneralblogger said...

The legacy costs per comment is now $500 per union blog comment. How can we compete in a global environment with that kind of cost drag on our product?

Anonymous said...

We get all that?!
No one told me!

Anonymous said...

Tafultong is union.

Tubby the Tuber said...

Have we been banned at YouTube yet?
You know you've arrived when you're banned at YouTube!

Anonymous said...

1240 WBAX btw

Anonymous said...

iaap is banned???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

1240 WBAX btw

July 5, 2009 10:25 PM


Paul Lanka said...

Faulfultong has shipped all the posting to Sri Lanka.

Anonymous said...

that was a terrible pun!

Anonymous said...

That's Sir Lanka to you!

Anonymous said...

Tubby the Tuber said...

Have we been banned at YouTube yet?
You know you've arrived when you're banned at YouTube!

July 5, 2009 10:24 PM

They can't ban Oprah!
They can't ban JERRY SPRINGER!

Just think of the recruiting for union members we can do with that exposure! We get enough members and WE WILL NEVER HAVE TO WORK A JOB AGAIN AS LONG AS WE LIVE!

scab blog posters said...

Is this the place?
What a dump!

Anonymous said...

1250 WMTR

Sri Sanka said...

Sri Sanka is a brand of decaffeinated coffee, sold around the world, and was one of the earliest decaffeinated varieties. Sanka is distributed in the United States by Kraft Foods.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1250 WMTR

July 5, 2009 10:31 PM


scab blog posters said...

Sanka Sux!

Anonymous said...

1,252 down

1,248 to go!

Lucky Strikers said...

We're striking for real coffee!

Anonymous said...

scab blog posters said...

Sanka Sux!

July 5, 2009 10:33 PM

Join a union, get better coffee buddy

The Vice Roys said...

Yeah, and real wages!
(And real cigarettes too!)

Old Gold Filters said...

And payment in gold!

Union Strong said...

Join a union, get better coffee buddy

July 5, 2009 10:34 PM


you think they give out coffee breaks to scabs?

you gotta fight for that right, and the unions can do it!

Anonymous said...

1300 uh, WAVZ again I guess.

Anonymous said...

Old Gold Filters said...

And payment in gold!

July 5, 2009 10:35 PM


Anonymous said...

1260? WNSS in Syracuse!

Anonymous said...

And gold bricks too!

Anonymous said...

Do we get gold lunch boxes in the union? If yes, sign me up!

scab blog posters said...

We don't want your stinkin' coffee, 'buddy'.

Anonymous said...

The union will fight for your gold bricks and gold lunchboxes!

You think the scabs will just get that?

Anonymous said...

scab blog posters said...

We don't want your stinkin' coffee, 'buddy'.

July 5, 2009 10:39 PM

what kind of beverage would you like?

Damn Straight! said...

gold lunch boxes?!
What do you think this is, kindygarden?
We want the Golden Arches any damn place and time we choose!

Anonymous said...

1270 WLBR

Anonymous said...

I jumped the gun.
And now I have two little ones on the way.

Anonymous said...

what kind of beverage would you like?

Orgy in a Can!

linky poo:

Anonymous said...

Now we're a shoe-in for Jerry Springer!

Boo Boo said...

I don't think Oprah's going to like this, Yogi.

Yogi Berra said...

It ain't over 'til the fat -
er - that is to say:
It ain't over 'til it's over!

Oprah! said...

I'm singin' Ya bastards!
I wouldn't let you on my show if it was the last show on TV!
And if I have anything to say about it, it will be!

scab blog posters said...

guess it's Jerry Springer then...

Jerry Springer said...

No way, Jose!
Oprah's my friend, and if she says no, then it's NO!

scab blog posters said...

Ah, who needs those has-beens anyhow?
Entertainment Tonight! Here we come!

Anonymous said...

"choreographed dance sequences"?????

Entertainment Tonight! said...

I'm sorry; we can only air union child molesters, theives and scoundrels.

Anonymous said...

1280 WADO

scab blog posters said...

How about American Idol then?
What do you say fellas?

Anonymous said...


Simon "Crowelly" Cowell said...

Sorry guys and gals.
I mean, we've had many contestants here; some good, some not.
But I have to tell you honestly, you guys are the suckiest bunch of loozers that have ever even tried to be on this show!

scab blog posters said...

Where there's a will there's a way!

That's it!
We'll fake Faulfultong's death, and the poparazzi will be all over us like mustard on hot dogs!

Anonymous said...

Oh sure! There's a horse that will fly! (rolls eyes)

Faul said...

The legacy costs per comment is now $500 per union blog comment. How can we compete in a global environment with that kind of cost drag on our product?

'S a drag, innit?

Faulfultong said...

I already faked my own death!

AFL-CIO Bloggers said...

Well, we're off to a good start anyway.
I mean, it's a holiday weekend, and everything.
It's not as if it was Monday morning, and we were all sitting at our blog desks all bright eyed and bushy tailed!

Anonymous said...

1290 WNBF and WCCC!

Anonymous said...

2,500 by July 16th???

How about early next week?

Anonymous said...

never make it, Taf will come back before that and put an end to this nonsense...

Anonymous said...

Faulfultong said...

I already faked my own death!

July 5, 2009 11:11 PM


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


July 5, 2009 11:00 PM


Bleary eyed and dragon tailed said...

it's a holiday weekend, and everything.
It's not as if it was Monday morning, and we were all sitting at our blog desks all bright eyed and bushy tailed!

(Groan) Oh no! Why'd ya haf to remind me?

Anonymous said...

Werewolves of London said...


July 5, 2009 10:00 PM

enjoy every sandwhich

Paulfultong said...

I'm calling in dead!

Anonymous said...

We're talking character development, we're talking classic character fights, we're talking choreographed dance sequences, we're talking the whole enchilada ppl. No shortcuts, no compromises. Bring the "A" game and keep it there till 2,500.
Taf would've wanted it that way.

Let's win one for the taffer!

Anonymous said...

the taffer?!

Nose Alot said...

For the third time:
WAVZ 1300 New Haven Connecticut!
(Home of Skull n Bones
The Knights of Columbus!)

Eli said...

Know matter how much you Know,
Yale never know as much as Eli do!

the poor little sheeple said...

Bah, bah, bah.

Screwedge said...


Phaulfultong said...

One day you'll find out when I'm gone,
I was the best one you had,
I was the one who gave you love.

Who'll be the next in line?
Who'll be the next in line for heartaches?
Who'll make the same mistakes I made over you?

Anonymous said...

1305.... not even a dent in 2,500

you will NEVER make it

They Say said...


It's Gone with the Wind.
Blowin' in the wind as they say.

Momma Obama said...

you will NEVER make it

Yes we can!!!

Wee Willy Winky said...

Yes we will!

The Little Engine that was Delusional said...

I think we can!

Anonymous said...

1400 WICK!

I can't count said...

1310 WEMG

Not the Comode Odors said...

Signing off to the Night Shift.

Commodores - Nightshift

The New View Review said...

Old school, summer school, filling you up with it's rulz

Anonymous said...


iCarly Simon said...

Mock (yeah)
ing (yeah)
bird (yeah)
yeah (yeah)
Mockin'bird, now
Everybody have you heard?

James Taylor said...

Hey , I sang half that song!!

Anonymous said...

In 2009:

Phil Spector = in prison for life
Michael Jackson = dead
Allen Klein = dead

Does anybody else get the feeling that Macca's crossing names off his enemies list?

Anonymous said...

1318 comments, never make it too 2500
give up!

Anonymous said...

i give up, we will never make it

MikeNL said...

one day... we'll see the iamaphoney blog flooded with beatles fans...

i'd love to see that day.

Anonymous said...

man i hope you are right mikenl

Anonymous said...

and on that fine day, they will know how bat crazy this is

Anonymous said...

Why are you so invested in this mike?

MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
Why are you so invested in this mike?

July 6, 2009 11:36 AM

how do you draw that conclusion?

i just say that i like to see that one day... where we'll read in the newspapers and see on tv about the "good replica"... and discussing everything about iamaphoney. whether it's true or not...

Anonymous said...

MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
Why are you so invested in this mike?

July 6, 2009 11:36 AM

how do you draw that conclusion?

i just say that i like to see that one day... where we'll read in the newspapers and see on tv about the "good replica"... and discussing everything about iamaphoney. whether it's true or not...

July 6, 2009 12:15 PM

Sorry to hear that Mikey. Not gonna happen. You need to get over your hero worship. Go out, meet girls, enjoy yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm a loser.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry to hear that Mikey. Not gonna happen. You need to get over your hero worship. Go out, meet girls, enjoy yourself."


Anonymous said...

uh, really?

Nancy Reagan said...

just say NO!

Anonymous said...


Yoko Ono said...


NYT said...

Bowman trumps Klein. Go figure.

AG said...

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix;
Angel-headed hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection
to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.

Anonymous said...

MikeNL said...
one day... we'll see the iamaphoney blog flooded with beatles fans...

i'd love to see that day.

Won't happen as long as you and your other 4chan buddies are polluting the comments section.

Stop Pollution NOW said...

Won't happen as long as you and your other 4chan buddies are polluting the comments section.

4cahn cookie!

The Beats said...

Beat poetry evolved during the 1940s in both New York City and on the west coast, although San Francisco became the heart of the movement in the early 1950s. The end of World War II left poets like Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Gregory Corso questioning mainstream politics and culture. These poets would become known as the Beat generation, a group of writers interested in changing consciousness and defying conventional writing. The Beats were also closely intertwined with poets of the San Francisco Renaissance movement, such as Kenneth Rexroth and Robert Duncan.

Blondie said...

Eat to the Beat!

Anonymous said...

Besides publishing the Pocket Poets Series, Ferlinghetti also founded the legendary San Francisco bookstore City Lights. Still in operation today, City Lights is an important landmark of Beat generation history. Several of the surrounding streets have been renamed after Beat poets as well, commemorating their important contribution to the cultural landscape of San Francisco.

Other Beat poets included Diane di Prima, Neal Cassady, Anne Waldman and Michael McClure. Although William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac are often best remembered for works of fiction such as Naked Lunch and On the Road, respectively, they also wrote poetry and were very much part of the Beats as well; Kerouac is said to have coined the term "Beat generation," describing the down-and-out status of himself and his peers during the post-war years.


Wheat Chex said...

That is so William Rice Burroughs.

Anonymous said...

1340 WHAT (Philadelphia)

King of Beat said...

Hey Jack Kerouac, we're On the Road Again!

Oh blah dee, Oh blah dah said...


It's either: Edgar Rice Burroughs
or William S. Burroughs

Billy Tarzan, Esq. said...


Willie Nelson said...

And I can't wait to get on the road again.

Anonymous said...

Arctic Monkeys
The Killers
Sigur Ros
Tokio Hotel
(Bill = Grrrrr)

Anonymous said...

we'll see the iamaphoney blog flooded with beatles fans...

isn't it now?

Roger Miller said...

I'm a man of means;
By no means: King of the Road
(My uncle used to love me, but she died)

You Know who said...

Well, The Rain Was A-Failin'
And The Ground Turned To Mud
I Was Watching All The People
Running From The Flood
So I Started To Payin'
Though I Ain't No Prayin' Man
For The Lord To Come A Helpin'
Knowing He'd Understand
Deliver Your Children To
The Good Good Life
Give'em Peace And Shelter
And A Fork And Knife
Shine A Light In The Morning
And A Light At Night
And If A Thing Goes Wrong You'd
Better Make It Right

Well, I Had me A Woman
She Was Good And Clean
She Spent All Day With
The Washing Machine
But When It Come To Lovin'
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
She Was Never Around
She Was Out Getting Dirty
All Over Town


Well, I Was Low On Money
And My Truck Broke Down
I Was On My Way To The Lost And Found
So I Took It To A Dealer
I Said Make It Run
Well, I Ain't Got No Money
But I Got Me A Gun

I Said You Robbed Me Before
So I'm Robbing You Back
And If It Don't Put You Straight
It'll Put You On The Right Track
Well, I Ain't No Devil
And I Ain't No Saint
But I Can Tell A Dealer By The
Colour Of His Paint


If You Want Good Eggs
You Gotta Feed That Hen
And If You Wanna Hear Some More
Well I'll sing it again.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Valiant: You crazy rabbit! I'm out there risking my neck for you, and what are you doing? Singing and dancing!
Roger Rabbit: But I'm a toon. Toons are supposed to make people laugh.
Eddie Valiant: Sit down!
Roger Rabbit: You don't understand. Those people needed to laugh.
Eddie Valiant: Then when they're done laughing, they'll call the cops. That guy Angelo would rat on you for a nickel.
Roger Rabbit: Not Angelo. He'd never turn me in.
Eddie Valiant: Why? Because you made him laugh?
Roger Rabbit: That's right! A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have.

Anonymous said...

1350 WHWH Princeton!
(Take that, Eli!)

Sonny and Cher said...

The beat goes on

Anonymous said...

So I guess now Terrie Suit can strumpet her Republican ass up and down the Halls as being the sandbox bully who killed that silly little Democrat bill. Grrrrr……. Damn this makes me made!

Anonymous said...

Electrically they keep a baseball score

The Committed of 2500 said...

Are we there yet?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Electrically they keep a baseball score

!So that's what that line is!

Prince Valiant said...


Allen Ginsberg Jr. said...

Anna Beat goes on!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! The next radio station's a BIGGIE!

Admit it; you listened! said...

The legendary WDRC Hartford!

Anonymous said...

tune in, drop out

Anonymous said...

1360 of course

Anonymous said...

tune in, drop out

Elvis Precisely!

Anonymous said...

Ham radio is better!

Anonymous said...

one thousand three hindred and sixty-five degrees!

Anonymous said...

Hindred! HA!!!

Anonymous said...

We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes

Draco Malfoy said...

Hogwarts Graduate Contracts Swine Flu!

Actor Rupert Grint, who plays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films, spoke Monday of his fears after contracting swine flu, saying he initially thought he might die.

Grint described contracting the A(H1N1) virus, which has spread around the world, as "quite scary" but he recovered after spending a few days in bed.
"It was quite scary when I first found out I had swine flu," he said at a press conference with other Potter actors including Emma Watson in London.
"I thought 'Am I going to die?' But it was just like any other flu really."
"I had a sore throat and I went to bed for a few days."
Grint was speaking ahead of the world premiere in London on Tuesday of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the sixth instalment of the phenomenally successful Harry Potter films.
The 20-year-old's publicist confirmed on Saturday that he had suffered from the virus, taking several days off filming the next movie in the blockbuster series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."
Four people have died in Britain of swine flu, and the country has Europe's highest number of reported cases with nearly 7,500.
The government has warned that figure could rise to over 100,000 new cases a day by the end of August.

Hermione Jean "Ooooh-la-la" Granger said...

It's a spell!
The Swine Flu is a black magic spell!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a dizzy spell

Anonymous said...

1370 WFEA Manchester NH

Vert- a - go said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Zzzzzat so!

Irepeat said...

Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Brother John?
Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing.
Morning bells are ringing.
Ding Ding Dong!
Ding Ding Dong!

Kumbia Kings said...

This is a song dedicated to all the people who talk a lot

Anonymous said...

100,000 new cases a day by the end of August.

Say what?!


Anonymous said...

1380 WMLP

scab blog posters said... said...

Ted Striker: Mayday! Mayday!
Steve McCroskey: What the heck is that?
Johnny: Why, that's the Russian New Year. We can have a parade and serve hot hors d'oeuvres...

Anonymous said...

[Elaine is relaying what Ted is saying to Kramer]
Ted Striker: It's a damn good thing he doesn't know how much I hate his guts.
Elaine Dickinson: It's a damn good thing you don't know how much he hates your guts.

Coming Down Fast said...

Let's see... altitude: 21,000 feet. Speed: 520 knots. Level flight. Course: zero-niner-zero. Trim and mixture: wash, soak, rinse, spin.

Jack Kirkpatrick: What's going on here? We have a right to know the truth!
Rumack: [to Mr. Hammen and the rest of the passengers] All right, I'm going to level with you all. But what's most important now is that you remain calm. There is no reason to panic.
[Rumack's nose grows an inch long]
Rumack: Now, it's true that one of the crew members is ill... slightly ill.
[Rumack's nose continues to grow longer and longer; al la Pinocchio]
Rumack: But the other two pilots... they're just fine. They're at the controls flying the plane... free to peruse a life of religious fulfillment.

Anonymous said...

The airplane stays up because it doesn't have the time to fall.
Orville Wright

Anonymous said...

The term 'serious actor' is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Like 'Republican party' or 'airplane food.'
Johnny Depp

Anonymous said...

We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.
Bill Maher

Anonymous said...

We went on stage with the Jefferson Airplane, Jim started singing with Grace Slick and hugging her. Then he danced off the stage, went back into the dressing room and passed out cold.
Ray Manzarek

't was ever thus said...

As far as your love life is concerned, the wheel's turning but it's turning in the wrong direction. Your lightheartedness and flights of fancy lead you straight into some sort of emotional stalemate: standoffs, setbacks, missed dates. Nothing's going right today! With the Hanged Man casting a shadow over the emotional sphere today, things can't go as you'd hoped in matters of the heart. You're not short of energy and effort, but it's no good, luck isn't on your side.

Anonymous said...

The pods are overloading now, the dilithium crystals are spent!

We'll make it, just the same.

Anonymous said...

1390 WLAN

Anonymous said...

i just say that i like to see that one day... where we'll read in the newspapers and see on tv about the "good replica"... and discussing everything about iamaphoney. whether it's true or not...

Why would a newspaper or television program take up the Paul is Dead story from 40 years ago? If you want to hang out with and discuss PID with the only 4 people in the world who actually believe it, go to the NIR site.

Anonymous said...

Stick a fork in this blog

JPM Tafultong said...

Rumors of this blog's death have been greatly premature.

Anonymous said...

John Keel, author of "The Mothman Prophecies" and "UFOs - Operation Trojan Horse", has died.
He was a casual friend of mine, and a wonderful host.

John A. Keel has Died

Article is too long and picture-intense to post here.

Anonymous said...

MikeNL said...

i just say that i like to see that one day... where we'll read in the newspapers and see on tv about the "good replica"... and discussing everything about iamaphoney. whether it's true or not...

July 6, 2009 12:15 PM

I'm just like you MikeNL. I want to see Iamaphoney come down from heaven and go on American Idol and make Simon Cowell smile just like Susan Boyle did. Then Iamaphoney will reunite the Backstreet Boys and they'll go on tour in space and we'll all have to buy jetpacks and fly into space too to see the show. I'm just like YOU MikeNL! I have a friend in my mind.

The Thriller said...

Michael Myers Jackson returns!

John Walrus Carpenter said...

The Night He Came Home!

Right? said...

Today is going to be the best day ever!

Urban Spaceman said...

produced by:

Apollo C Vermouth

Lincoln - KLIN - 1400 AM said...


London Bridges said...

I saw Lon Cheney Jr. walking with the Queen

Anonymous said...

I'll bet a 100 bucks, there won't be a new IAAP video before Tafultongs return...

100 Bucks said...

Here it is!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Come Home Taffy

Curtain Caller said...

He's not coming back, don't you SEE?

MikeNL said...

Some time ago, the media came up with the idea that Michael Jackson was going to leave his share in the Beatles songs to me in his will which was completely made up and something I didn’t believe for a second.

Now the report is that I am devastated to find that he didn’t leave the songs to me. This is completely untrue. I had not thought for one minute that the original report was true and therefore, the report that I’m devastated is also totally false, so don’t believe everything you read folks!

In fact, though Michael and I drifted apart over the years, we never really fell out, and I have fond memories of our time together.

At times like this, the press do tend to make things up, so occasionally, I feel the need to put the record straight.



so occasionally, I feel the need to put the record straight..

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll drop by here and set the record straight, someday!

Anonymous said...

We'll give back all the songs too!

Anonymous said...

The record is already straight, yo. Paul never died. Would you like him to mention that one more time--that would make the count, what, 2,ooo times by now?

Anonymous said...

Not that record, silly!

Anonymous said...

I was talking to an eskimo
Said he was hoping for a fall of snow
When out popped a sea lion ready to go.

Play the Game said...

Ev'rybody tag along!

Anonymous said...

Why would Michael Jackson leave the Beatle songs to Mike NL?

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