Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Turn Me On, Dead Man" Movie

Scheduled for release tomorrow is a short film entitled "Turn Me On, Dead Man."

According to the Frayed Edge Films website, "This is a high concept period piece serving as an allegory for the Paul McCartney 'Paul is dead' conspiracy theory/hoax."

The 22-minute film stars Joe Reegan and David Moscow. The director, Adam Blake Carver opted to create a fictional band with Beatle haircuts. Carver's description of his inspiration for the film reveals that he is not a first generation fan, or even that much of a fan in general. He spoke of discovering the clue of Lennon singing "He's dead, he's dead" when the song "Let It Be" is played backwards. Not many would attribute the vocal of "Let It Be" to Lennon unless he or she truly believed that John was "the man of a thousand voices." There is some evidence that Tyler Knell, the Co-Writer and Co-Producer of the film actually listened to and enjoyed the Beatles music, sometimes even playing it forwards.

The film contains original music by the Bumblebees based on various styles reflecting the time period. I don't think they quite nailed the Beatles sound, but they seem to have all of the tools necessary for a Rutles tribute band. If you go to the backstage section of the film's website, you can see and hear them in action. They state in the music section that they are willing to make music "in exchange for anything" so I would imagine that you could get them to play "Paul Is Dead" music at your next backyard cookout.

Based on the advanced information, I believe the film does have at least one redeeming feature----A Volkswagen.

With a release date of June 18, 2009, I assume that "Turn Me On, Dead Man" can be seen somewhere tomorrow.

Perhaps Iamaphoney has gone about this thing in the wrong way...


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Anonymous said...

Ev'rybody taf along!

Anonymous said...

I saw Dick Cheney Jr. walking with the Queen.

LaChoy said...

Ev'rybody Wang Chung tonight.

Anonymous said...

No thanks; I don't like Chinese food.

Paris Jackson, lying her arse off said...

"I just wanted to say, ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine! I just wanted to say I love him so much."

Anonymous said...

1420 WACK Newark NY

Anonymous said...

"You should have seen me with the poker, man"

Anonymous said...

At the Houses of Parliament
Ev'rybody's talking 'bout the President,
We all chip in for a bag of cement.

Jr's Farmer said...

The price is higher than the time before

Anonymous said...

Just to put this in perspective for you Mikey. Several videos have appeared since July 3rd claiming to see Michael Jackson's ghost in this CNN report.

This one alone has more views than all of Iamaphoney's videos put together.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting that into the perspective

Anonymous said...


MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
Just to put this in perspective for you Mikey. Several videos have appeared since July 3rd claiming to see Michael Jackson's ghost in this CNN report.

This one alone has more views than all of Iamaphoney's videos put together.

July 7, 2009 1:27 PM

that's because Michael Jackson died recently.

Jacob Marley said...

Well of course! How could people see Michael Jackson's ghost if he was still alive?

Bob Marley said...

Good point!

Anonymous said...

1430 WENE Endicott NY
(weanie radio)

witness said...

I saw tafultong's ghost at iamaphoney's funeral.

hey yo!w said...

witness said...
I saw tafultong's ghost at iamaphoney's funeral.

I saw the witness's death at the funeral in the park.

Mc Mann, ED said...

And The Ring At The End Of My Nose Makes Me Look Rather Pretty
Its A Pity There's Nobody Here To Witness The End
Save For My Dear Old Friend And Confidante - Madamoiselle Kitty
What's That Man Movin' To And Fro?
That Decibel Meter Doesn't Seem To Be Reading Low.
But They Was Louder At The Rainbow
Could Be . . . . . Oo-Ee . . . . . .

(Bob Dylan Marley) said...

won love!

Faul was Rasputin said...

On the night of December 16-17, 1916, they tried to kill Rasputin.
The plan was relatively simple. Felix Yusupov was to befriend Rasputin and then lure Rasputin to the Yusupov palace to be killed.
...Rasputin had been living in fear. He had been drinking even more heavily than usual and constantly dancing to Gypsy music to try to forget his terror. Numerous times, Rasputin mentioned to people that he was going to be killed.
While supposedly waiting for Irina, Felix offered Rasputin one of the poisoned pastries. Rasputin refused, saying they were too sweet....
Rasputin for some reason had changed his mind and agreed to a few pastries. Then they started drinking the wine.

Though potassium cyanide was supposed to have an immediate effect, nothing happened. Felix continued to chat with Rasputin waiting for something to happen. Noticing a guitar in the corner, Rasputin asked Felix to play...
The time wore on and Rasputin wasn't showing any effects from the poison.
Rasputin didn't notice that Felix had returned with a gun behind his back. While Rasputin was looking at a beautiful ebony cabinet, Felix said, "(Raspy, baby), you would do better to look at the Crucifix and pray to It. Felix raised the pistol and shot.
(Rasputin appeared to drop to his death.)
When Felix starting turning away, he noticed Rasputin's left eye start to flutter open. He was still alive!

Rasputin sprang to his feet and rushed at Felix, grabbing his shoulders and neck. Felix struggled to get free and finally did so. He rushed upstairs shouting, "He's still alive!"

Purishkevich was chasing after him. While running, he fired his gun, but missed. He fired again, but missed again.... Again he fired. This time the bullet found its mark, hitting Rasputin in the back. Rasputin stopped and Purishkevich fired again. This time the bullet hit Rasputin in the head. Rasputin fell. His head was jerking but he tried to crawl. Purishkevich had caught up now and kicked Rasputin in the head.
Felix grabbed a two-pound dumbbell and began indiscriminately hitting Rasputin with it.
It was amazing and shocking, but after being poisoned, shot three times, and having been beaten with a dumbbell, Rasputin was still alive.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

previous post an abbreviated version of:

The Murder of Rasputin
By Jennifer Rosenberg,

Faul was Rasputin said...


The moral of the story is:
You can't keep a dead man down!

Anonymous said...

Anastasia screamed in Vain.

Anonymous said...

" The moral of the story is:
You can't keep a dead man down!"

ok, whatever

Anonymous said...

Careful with that axe, Eugene

Anonymous said...



anast aja said...

I'm bored

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Damn, I wish! I was on a Taffy Vacation too!

Tafultong's Mexican Vacation said...

Mexican Joyride

Plot Summary
Taffy Duck drives to Mexico for a vacation, and after a harrowing experience with the local cuisine that literally sets his mouth afire, Taffy goes to a bullfight ring to observe the spectacle. When Taffy jeers at the bull, the horned beast removes the clothes from the human matador and puts them on Taffy as a challenge to the duck to fight the bull in the ring. Taffy foils the bull with a proposed wager on a hat trick, betting the bull to guess which of three sombreros Taffy is hiding under. Taffy sees to it that the bull guesses wrong and supplies a machine gun for the impoverished bull to commit suicide. The bull realizes that he is being fooled and, firing the machine gun, chases Taffy out of the bullfight ring. Taffy scrambles to his car to leave Mexico, thinking he has escaped the belligerent bull. But the bull is riding in the back seat of Taffy's vehicle, unbeknownst to Taffy.

Anonymous said...

En route, to a destination only the bull knows, the car is pulled over by a gang of rebellious youths brandishing orange capped plastic guns and soft tipped switch blades. Taffy panics, prematurely, and gives up the loot. All hell breaks loose. Feathers fly. Flies fly. It's an ugly scene.

When the smoke clears, we see Taffy and bull alone, unscathed, but lost in a corn field maze deep in the heart of crop circle land. They wander forty days and forty one nights, feeding and drinking only off what the land provides. Exhausted, they collaspe upon a hill and sleep deadfast....until...

Anonymous said...

until this very special upcoming station identification

Anonymous said...

WFMB 1450

Any damn place we choose said...

Now and Then
(iamaphoney version)

Just hours away said...

At five minutes and six seconds after 4 AM on the

8th of July this year, the time and date will be:

04:05:06 07/08/09

Jeff Leland said...

[i]Too high, can't come down. You see my head spinnin' round and round.[/i]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jeff, you do italics like this

Anonymous said...


MikeNL said...

MikeNL is going to Elvis In Concert

MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ohohohohoo were is TAF


MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
ohohohohoo were is TAF


July 8, 2009 1:25 PM


Tea After Five....


wait till after five to do your after five tea.... then you're good to go.

Anonymous said...

Dear friends,

I sincerely hope all is well with you and yours.

Indeed, this is an unexpected mass-mailer. Please forgive the unsolicited rambles that follow.

To start, there are many of you who have outstanding orders with me at this time. Some of you have been waiting for a while, and I wish to apologize for that. Please don't worry. Each and every one of these outstanding orders will be tended to this week. You have my word.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Second, there has been considerable buzz surrounding the new Beatles remasters, due for release in September. There should be. We have all been waiting for this day, and it is about to arrive - finally! Thanks to a long-time supporter and friend to this project, I have had the opportunity to hear genuine samples of the new remasters due out in two months.

They are good.

Very good.

Those of you who will be buying them - and those of you who have already preordered - will not be disappointed.

In fact, I will venture to guess than many of you will be more than pleasantly surprised at how good they sound.

And with what promises to be outstanding packaging all around, it will be a collector's nirvana.

From the outset of the Dr. Ebbetts Sound Systems project, I swore that once EMI did the right thing and released remasters to be proud of, I would not continue doing what I was doing. After all, the only reason I did this was because Apple/EMI/Capitol would not - and because I so very much love the Beatles.

While my love for the band has not changed, everything else has.

EMI/Capitol began their release of the American LPs on compact disc a few years ago, and now EMI has tackled the British catalogue in fullest detail.

It's what we all wanted. As Beatles fans, it's what we've prayed for.

To that end - and with the heaviest of hearts - effective immediately, Dr. Ebbetts Sound Systems will cease operations.

Anonymous said...

Dear friends,

I sincerely hope all is well with you and yours.

Indeed, this is an unexpected mass-mailer. Please forgive the unsolicited rambles that follow.

To start, there are many of you who have outstanding orders with me at this time. Some of you have been waiting for a while, and I wish to apologize for that. Please don't worry. Each and every one of these outstanding orders will be tended to this week. You have my word.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Second, there has been considerable buzz surrounding the new Beatles remasters, due for release in September. There should be. We have all been waiting for this day, and it is about to arrive - finally! Thanks to a long-time supporter and friend to this project, I have had the opportunity to hear genuine samples of the new remasters due out in two months.

They are good.

Very good.

Those of you who will be buying them - and those of you who have already preordered - will not be disappointed.

In fact, I will venture to guess than many of you will be more than pleasantly surprised at how good they sound.

And with what promises to be outstanding packaging all around, it will be a collector's nirvana.

From the outset of the Dr. Ebbetts Sound Systems project, I swore that once EMI did the right thing and released remasters to be proud of, I would not continue doing what I was doing. After all, the only reason I did this was because Apple/EMI/Capitol would not - and because I so very much love the Beatles.

While my love for the band has not changed, everything else has.

EMI/Capitol began their release of the American LPs on compact disc a few years ago, and now EMI has tackled the British catalogue in fullest detail.

It's what we all wanted. As Beatles fans, it's what we've prayed for.

To that end - and with the heaviest of hearts - effective immediately, Dr. Ebbetts Sound Systems will cease operations.

Anonymous said...

Paul Is Dead - Who Is He Now 1

HEY LOOK! said...

Turn Me On, Dead Man Official Teaser

Anonymous said...

Paul Is Dead - Who Is He Now 1

Thanks, Einstein.

I smoke cigarettes. Sometimes I hold them in my right hand. Sometimes I hold them in my left.

Einstein said...

E = MCC artney

Anonymous said...

1470 WSAN

Anonymous said...

"I smoke cigarettes. Sometimes I hold them in my right hand. Sometimes I hold them in my left."

Yeah, so do I. They should have talked to a smoker before they made that video. How stupid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1278 more posts to go!

we cant do it......

1474 said...

It's easy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LONDON - British scientists claimed Wednesday to have created human sperm from embryonic stem cells for the first time, an accomplishment they say may someday help infertile men father children.

The technique could in 10 years allow researchers to use the basic knowledge of how sperm develop to design treatments to enable infertile men the chance to have biological children, said lead researcher Karim Nayernia, of Newcastle University, whose team earlier produced baby mice from sperm derived in a similar way.

The research, published in the journal Stem Cells and Development, was conducted by scientists at Newcastle and the NorthEast England Stem Cell Institute.

Stem cells can become any cell in the body, and scientists have previously turned them into a variety of new entities, including cells from the brain, pancreas, heart and blood vessels.

Some experts challenged the research, saying they weren't convinced Nayernia and his colleagues had actually produced sperm cells. Several critics also said the sperm cells they created were clearly abnormal.

"I am unconvinced from the data presented in this paper that the cells produced by Professor Nayernia's group from embryonic stem cells can be accurately called 'spermatazoa," said Allan Pacey, a senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield.

Pacey said in a statement that the sperm created by Nayernia did not have the specific shape, movement and function of real sperm.

Sperm the toad sprocket said...

It ain't easy being green.

Anonymous said...

Of course you know, this means war!

Anonymous said...

Love Love Love

Anonymous said...

1480 WZRC

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle said...

Love is all you need

Apocolypse Now said...

There's nothing you can see that isn't shown!"

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of posting in the morning!

Anonymous said...

Apocalypse Now - smell of napalm

The End said...

Intro Apocalypse Now

Anonymous said...

Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.

Anonymous said...

The End said...
Intro Apocalypse Now

July 9, 2009 6:28 AM

GFA is Oliver Stone!

Anonymous said...

Francis Ford Coppola, opps...

Frayed Edge Films said...

Turn Me On, Dead Man is set to open at the LA Shorts Fest July 24th at 10:00PM (in program 9) Join us online at and on Facebook at:

Anonymous said...

1490 WBCB Trenton/Levitown


All My Trials

Anonymous said...

fuck, taf is dead............ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... i think i will not be here anymore

Anonymous said...

It seems that PAULMCCARTNEY uses the same video techniques as iamaphoney.
Notice word passage at 0:18

the astral plane said...

fuck, taf is dead............

No,no, no, no, he's outside, looking in.

tafflespoon said...

You could find better things to do
Than to break my heart again
This time I will try to show that I'm
Not trying to pretend

I thought that you would realize
That if I run away from you
that you would want me to
But I got a big surprise

You, if you break my heart I'll go
But I'll be back again

Anonymous said...

Sgt Peppers' Ghost!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It seems that PAULMCCARTNEY uses the same video techniques as iamaphoney.
Notice word passage at 0:18

Yeah, Paul learned everything he knows from Martin.

George and Steve said...

Martin who?

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney = Martin Lind

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rare Moon Walk!

Intermission to 2.5K said...

1,2, 3, 4

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

July 9, 2009 4:19 PM

Your kidding right? There can't be anyone left who does not know Iamaphoney's identity by now.

Anonymous said...

Tsk. Tsk.
Faully promoting violence in that ballroom dancing video!
And Linda as Buster Poindexter?!

Faul McCartney - No Values [1984]

Taffuldong said...

Barring something really big, good or bad, this site will be on its second ever vacation (Hawaii and the slopes of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea). Back in early September.


Anonymous said...

^ bogus post ^

Apocolypse Now said...

Mayan 'apocalypse' crop circle appears at Silbury Hill

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a coincidence. I found my thrill on Silbury Hill!

Anonymous said...

GET A LIFE. all of you.

Anonymous said...

Let's give it to Mikey!
He'll try anything!

Yes We Can! said...

I figure Tafulstrong will be back on Saturday, so we have about one more day to get to 2500.

Anonymous said...

"I found my thrill on Silbury Hill!"

I gather it's kind of a thrilling place.

silbury hill ufo

Anonymous said...

Martin Lind:

Mild Inn Rat
Damn ritLin!

Anonymous said...

Art Mind Nil
Darlin Mint

George Harrison said...

GET A LIFE. all of you.

What is Life?

Quick Joey Small said...

I'm in for life!
This is my link to sanity!

Lifers 4 Phoney said...

Stuck inside these four walls
Sent inside forever
Never seeing no one nice again like you
Mama you, mama you

If I ever get out of here
Thought of giving it all away
To a registered charity
All I need is a pint a day
If I ever get out of here

If we ever get out of here

Ah yes, I remember it well said...

Flying A (seriously)

Old Gold

Chicken Delight

Pallisades Amusement Park

Old Frothingslosh

Henry J


Anonymous said...

1520 WWKB Buffalo (formerly WKBW)

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney releases 3 videos in one day... 232 comments

There are 1520 comments here...

Iaap must be pissed, I would be if I went to all that trouble.

Anonymous said...

I figure Tafulstrong will be back on Saturday, so we have about one more day to get to 2500.

July 9, 2009 9:37 PM

I wager we wont make it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wonder what will happen on august 2?
3 more movies, and 233 comments?

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Iamaphoney?

This is the TAFULTONG blog!!

Anonymous said...

TAFULTONG's blog about IAAP.

1527 said...

KTAF Hawaii

MilesDeo said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
iamaphoney releases 3 videos in one day... 232 comments

There are 1520 comments here...

Iaap must be pissed, I would be if I went to all that trouble.

July 9, 2009 11:54 PM

There may have been a falling out between Tafultong and Iamaphoney. No more "I love him and he loves me" which was kind of a strange thing for Tafultong to say anyway.

Anonymous said...

T's presence was simply required elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

How ya doin' Miles? Feeling better?

Anonymous said...

More loose lips from the Iamaphoney group. Meet some of the young folks who handle the video portion:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The FCC said...

There is neither a KTAF nor a WTAF,
which is surprising, really.

The FCC said...

There is a WFNY ("Phoney") in Gloversville, New York, but no KFNY anywhere.

Air Studios said...

WPNY-LP Channel 11

City: Utica, NY

Anonymous said...

Frequency 102.1 FM
Cheyenne WY

Anonymous said...

I dig a KPNY.

Anonymous said...

1540 WECZ "The Groundhog AM 1540"
guess where that one is! :-)

Puxatawney Phil said...

"rise and shine, campers"

Anonymous said...

Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher, radio
Turn it up, thats enough, so you know its got soul
Radio, radio turn it up, hum
La, la, la, la...

Bill Murray said...

You gots it.

Sunny and Cher said...

I got you babe!

iamaSony said...

er - Sonny

Anonymous said...

Radio play me a danceable ode

Anonymous said...

whats the haps?

mike is too lazy to login said...

Anonymous said...

is that Zack & Cody?

Anonymous said...

Twin Freaks

mapples3b said...

please comment
please come back tafultong

Tafultong Update said...

Taf is on an extended Holiday.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's happening August 2?

Anonymous said...


OTG said...

Fly around!

la la la la said...

Off the Ground

Anonymous said...

Hear The Sound.
Off The Ground.

Anonymous said...

What's happening August 2?

Off the Ground

Anonymous said...

1560 WQEW the big apple

Anonymous said...
please comment

Awesome piano playing. Love it, but "they" won't be successful.

Anonymous said...

Apple Trashed the first hideout

Anonymous said...

I love the artsy ones.

Anonymous said...

What's happening August 2?

Off the Ground

what is?

Anonymous said...

What's up with the dead body at the end?

Chris Farley said...

I wasn't really dead

Iamiphone said...

Wait a minute...

The Iaamaphoney crew is supossed to be in Nairobi right now.

ANd this happens to be just in time with Tafultongs "vacation" absense?


we all chipped in for a bag of cement said...

Is that Taf in the video? The guy in the white shirt?

taffypul said...

Nope, not me.

meow said...

1570 KTAT Frederick OK

Anonymous said...

NUTTERS PRODUCTIONS has nothing to do with Iamaphoney. Someone wants you to think they do.

Arrive On Time said...

So august 2 is just another bogus date?

Anonymous said...

Rivers of ash, urns of gold

timekeeper said...

August 2 will be a Sunday!

rivers of pee said...

any damn place we choose!

yuck said...

urns of brown

EliasCrowe said...

do you want to play a game?

Rule 42: No one shall speak to the Man at the Helm.

Anonymous said...

And the Man at the Helm shall speak to no one.

Anonymous said...

During these bewildering intervals the ship usually sailed backwards.

Guess Who? said...

Hey, Did You Know That I'm
Always Going Back In Time
Rhyming Slang, Auld Lang Syne My Dears
Through The Years
I Am The Backwards Traveller
Ancient Wool Unraveller
Sailng Songs, Wailing On The Moon
And We Were Sailing Songs, Wailing On The Moon
Wailing On The Moon.

wings said...

backwards traveler

Anonymous said...

Thats is all ? Iamaphoney has gone away? ....Looks like the final scene of Truman Show

Anonymous said...

The Truman Show ending / spoiler
Truman learns that every aspect of his life is staged, and overcomes his fear of water and sails away to find Sylvia, the girl who tried to tell him that his life was fake. Ed Harris tries to kill him by creating a very violent storm, but he survives. After the storm, Truman reaches the end of the set/dome. Ed Harris tries to talk Truman into not leaving but Truman walks out...
Submitted by Lifesava

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

July 12, 2009 5:32 PM
Anonymous Arrive On Time said...

So august 2 is just another bogus date?

July 12, 2009 5:37 PM

Yeah it actually means 08.02. meaning February 8th in europe..

thats 2010 then. But I AM 100 % SURE THATS THE DATE OF THE BIG REVELATION!!!!!


Rabid Librarians Committee said...

We'll just have THE BIG REVELATION!!!!! any damn time we choose!

Anonymous said...

Why not NOW, then?

MikeyNL Fan said...

Now and Then

Anonymous said...

1590 WSMN Nashua NH

Anonymous said...

Now and then
I miss tafultong

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2009 5:32 PM
Anonymous Arrive On Time said...

So august 2 is just another bogus date?

July 12, 2009 5:37 PM

Yeah it actually means 08.02. meaning February 8th in europe..

thats 2010 then. But I AM 100 % SURE THATS THE DATE OF THE BIG REVELATION!!!!!




Anonymous said...


THEN everyone has to get those suitcases so they can claim the cash prize

FINALLY the revelation once we come up with a good one


you could all line up and we could masturbate in front of you

Travelin' Wilbury Phoney said...

More suitcases!

Anonymous said...

The first annual Rotten Apple Masturbationathon!

Anonymous said...

There will absolutely be NO interviews!

Anonymous said...

the new woodystock!

Anonymous said...

a spendidit time is guaranteed for all!

Anonymous said...

1600 WWRL

Anonymous said...

radio, radio

Anonymous said...

899 to go!

Juliett Electronics said...

Why for art thou radio?

Juliette said...

Wherefore i didst mean to say.

Romeo said...

Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

Anonymous said...

It says

August 2, 2009

Jules said...

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy:
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot,
Nor arm nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he iamaphoney call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
and for thy name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.

Anonymous said...

way too funny!

Anonymous said...

Mike, what do you know about the Aug 2 date?

Julie said...

Come, gentle night, — come, loving black brow'd night,
Give me my Alpha Romeo; and when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of Heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night,
And pay no worship to the garish sun.

Anonymous said...

There WILL be an interview. IAAP promised all 12 of us he would do it. He would NOT bag on the interview and make his chosen one Mikey look like a fool. That will NEVER happen.

Oh shit. It did. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

it didn't really work out for them.....

Anonymous said...

There WILL be an interview. IAAP promised all 12 of us he would do it. He would NOT bag on the interview and make his chosen one Mikey look like a fool. That will NEVER happen.

Oh shit. It did. Never mind.

all 12? who?what?

Jack Klugman (still alive) said...

12 angry men ready to interview!

Anonymous said...

interview for what?

Mikey said...

Leave Me Alone

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