Sunday, January 2, 2011

Subscription Issue #2

Wooh, I'm feeling like Derek Taylor writing the liner notes to "Pussycats." Sorry, I have not been around due to personal and professional commitments. But, I do intend to keep writing this blog as long as it continues to save lives. Oh my dear stars. I am living in a nether nether world. Sorry Gloria.

With apologies, I must note that the second installment of the Iamaphoney subscription series surprised me in some ways. My impression was that the first avalanche was intended to be a jump start for subscribers, but I thought after that, I would just be paying for new Rotten Apple episodes. Imagine my reaction to the unexpected digital truckload of stuff that appeared in the Private Cloud restricted area of the ARE3RA web site.

As hinted at previously, it looks like the plan was to include subscribers in the "inner circle" to some degree. The "raw evidence" is being presented so that we can do our own research and come to our own conclusions, as long as we are willing to turn over our free will when the time comes. So, the second installment included independently produced features shared to subscribers For Research Purposes Only. One item in particular that I will not name was a relatively recent commercial release. That item gets my vote for the stupidest entry in the "Paul Is Dead" genre. That, along with a certain book that reads like a bad term paper cause me to scratch my head and ask why these things can be in stores when Iamaphoney is relegated to YouTube and Vimeo. Other supporting documents included a film that gives insight into who buried Paul McCartney and made Russ Gibb freak, a compilation of Crowley moments, and Brian MoriARTy's "Who Buried Paul" lecture (Sorry, couldn't resist).

But it doesn't stop there. One of the most interesting features was about two minutes of Victor Spinetti interview footage. Unlike the Emilio Lari footage, I can't say that this can be considered raw or unedited. It appears to be deliberately edited to correspond to the Iamaphoney agenda, but it's still quite fun to watch.

One other item is the fourth "oldies" compilation in documentary format. Much of this footage was pulled from YouTube at one point, but then uploaded by others.

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was satisfied with this second installment of the subscription series. We'll see where it goes from here.

A couple other videos of interest have appeared on YouTube recently.

Grandfather Aleister is back with Helter Skelter 2011 - Part 1. You can find it by clicking the link or following the hand signals of your third base coach.

And for those obsessed with the life of one Arron Swaffar, we have Project Consciousness: 02 My journey so far. He really seems to want to slip you the answer.

I'm afraid I must go. You have the rest of your lives, but I have an hour to catch a plane. Happy New Year.


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Anonymous said...

The Fireman cometh.

Trans Lunar Rising said...

Hark, listen, here he comes!

Geoff Peterson said...

harmonic mandibular oscillations


Anonymous said...

I sense the the situation.

Anonymous said...

It's peaceful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Behold thy Mother.

Anonymous said...

You'll find that looking glass in Mt Carmel.

Anonymous said...

Walk In Through the Out Door

Anonymous said...

Well, it's Groundhog Day... again... and that must mean that we're up here at Gobbler's Knob waiting for the forecast from the world's most famous groundhog weatherman, Punxsutawney Phil, who's just about to tell us how much more winter we can expect.

rise and shine, campers said...

No tengáis miedo mientras volvemos.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh! And a giant snowstorm too! What if there is no tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

There wasn't one today!

Anonymous said...

I told me Bronco.

white courtesy phone said...

Come on, *all* the long distance lines are down? What about the satellite? Is it snowing in space? Don't you have some kind of a line that you keep open for emergencies or for celebrities? I'm both. I'm a celebrity in an emergency.

Anonymous said...

Prima Donnas.

Spring Is Here said...

Yay Phil!

Anonymous said...

Phil's a good egg.

Anonymous said...

I, I, I, I, I.

Do a Ground Hog.

eye can imitate everything you see said...

Eye, picked a moon dog.

Eye rolled a stoney.

Eye can can radiate ev'rything I am
Yes Eye can radiate ev'rything I am--

be Cause

Anonymous said...

We It I told you so!

Bing! said...

Eye can indicate ev'rything I see. Really.

Anonymous said...

Eye can celebrate anything Eye want.

Anonymous said...

Eye can syndicate any boat Eye row.

They told me so!

and all I want is.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm flatter, really..

Anonymous said...

How flat are you!

Keep on your toes said...

Eye would hate to miss the train.

I got a feeling said...

Everybody saw the Sun Shine.

oh yeah

Anonymous said...


Tip Top Khufu said...


Anonymous said...

Dig it.

Clues on Higher ground Hog.

Anonymous said...


wrong vid

Anonymous said...

No Top Hat for you, Aaron!

Anonymous said...

The Bi0-Logical clock Ticks.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

Micky Hendrix said...

not too shabby

Peter Tork said...

now it can be told

Jimi Hendrix arrives said...

wut can I say?

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

all the news that fits said...

miss 'em miss 'em miss 'em

A wasted time said...

you like?

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be home.

Anonymous said...

Due to lack of interest, the rest of the TOUR is pending cancelation.

Anonymous said...


Swee om Al bam said...

That about sums it up...

Anonymous said...

sums what up? someone's actually coming Home?

Anonymous said...

Allah! Allah! in come free!

Flaming Blue said...

Words are getting higher, everybody FIRE!

Anonymous said...

They can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk?

aparantly not

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"cus I don't see NO ONE.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

*apparantly thay kant spel

WSHU said...

1260 It's what you've got to choose

(9 watt night time pattern)

9-watt night time pattern said...


^j^ ^j^ ^j^ said...

remember november for it is angel awareness month

^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Ariel, Azrael, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Jeremiel, Archangel Jophiel,Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Raziel, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Zadkiel

Euro-blur guy said...

let him learn to walk backwards

Some international conspiracy said...

a lie (stir) adds up

1:42 said...

oh well
it was red anyway.
life draining
uncertain dea-

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

2:56 said...

I wrote Please Please Me alone.
It was recorded in the exact .C
sequence in which I wrote it.
John + Yuko

Anonymous said...

The international conspiracy to waste time is a big big bigmistake.

Anonymous said...

life draining

What is this code? said...

What a waste of time.

Imagine time is coming down fast

the third song said...

the rotten apple 58 A

Fromme to you said...

oh well
it was red anyway.
life draining
uncertain dea-

So the blood blended in.

Anonymous said...

Imagine you stop FN around because it's getting real old.

We'd like to take u home with us said...

the rotten apple 59 P

Dues-bury said...

Imagine you stop FN around because it's getting real old.

10 miles

Anonymous said...

the land of milk and honey

stop wasting time

Area 51 said...

It really is just too bad, you know.

the rotten apple 43 reversed said...

I feel bad for the guy.

Anonymous said...

oh well, maybe the next one will be good.

We're a fraternal order, you see said...

died in a car crash in 1966

Anonymous said...

We're a fraternal order, you see.

No, I don't see any of them, anywhere. But I DO see a lot of people wasting time.

St Paul said...

Why don't you find the cancelled check McCartney made out to Terry Knights?

Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

Not only wasting time, but abusing it.

How very sad.

Beyond belief said...

Something so awful happened

i'm crying said...

Beyond belief? yes


66,6 P said...

in the Bible, man!

Anonymous said...

Obstruction of justice is not advised.

Anonymous said...

Can we please end the game now?

That could have been my life said...

little things for fans

I'll give you everything I got said...


stay KALM said...

1290 Thayer, MO

Anonymous said...

What, to waste more precious time?


Anonymous said...

The international conspiracy to obstruct of Old Justice gets last warning.

Anonymous said...

We mean it, Man.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Let it Be

SaToGa said...

Culminating with the Babalon Working:

Farzm iaidon Mad…
Zamran micalzo ohorela tooat!
Ozazm Urelp teloch
Qmospleh lap homil Luciftian AOMORYBN lonsa!
Quiin toltorg brgda
Zacar ca od zamran odo cicle qaa
Eol balzarg lonsa homil
Ananael qaan aziagiar avavago!
Acocasb allar qtiIlg bab bransg bogpa!
Bahal vohim gah od Babalond Babalon od Choronzon
Teloch Vovin od gah-l:
Semihazah Artqoph Ramtel Kokabel Ramel Danieal
Zeqiel Baraqel Asael Hermoni Matarel Ananel Stawel
Samsiel Sahriel Tummiel Turiel Yomiel Yhaddiel!
Od vi zixlai zocha:
Bahal vohim gah od Babalond Babalon od Choronzon
Teloch Vovin od gah-l-
Samyaza Urakabarameel Akibeel Tamiel Ramuel Danel
Azkeel Saraknyal Asael Armers Batraal Anane Zavebe
Samsaveel Ertael Turel Yomyael Arazyal!”

Under the deserts, now free

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I quit. This is pointless.

WFFG said...

1300 Key West

Ivan said...

Вначале они имеют очень большой заряд энергии. Этой энергии хватает чтобы преодолеть пространство и время и попасть в наш мир . Они израсходовали свою энергию и поэтому они очень маленькие . Их размер в диаметре вместе с вращающимися элементами равен примерно 10 сантиметров .Теперь они должны брать энергию для своей жизни и репродукции от нашего мира .На Земле они берут любые доступные им виды энергии . Конечно,это электроэнергия,которая имеет плохую изоляционую защиту (высоковольтные линии ЛЭП,электрички). Конечно,Солнечная энергия,особенно энергия отражений. Их очень интересует энергия,которая присутствует в архитектуре зданий и в ландшафте . Духовная энергия . Энергия музыки ...Человек . Враги они или друзья?...Я не знаю . Здесь что-то другое ..

Anonymous said...

рыб я воняю очень много угодите помогите мне пахнуть чисто снова, и возблагодарите вас для очень вкусный стейка!

Anonymous said...

St Paul isn't a Paul is Dead song.

keep up the failure!

Anonymous said...

St Paul isn't a Paul is Dead song.

OK, what is it?

Hey there, Paul, what's new? said...

He saw the writing on the wall.

Anonymous said...

keep up the failure!

that would be you, babe.

you, babe said...

A little ray of sunshine
A little bit of soul
Add just a touch of MAGICK

(and voila!)

You got the greatest thing since Rock and Roll!

Anonymous said...

Get Back to Mono.

There must have been a LOT of magic said...

You got the greatest thing since Rock and Roll!

Anonymous said...

t's gonna change, baby doll,
It's gonna change, honey ball,
It's gonna change, sugar cane,
It's gonna change, sweetie legs.

Ram Rod said...

Last one in is a wiener!

Steely Dan said...

She's got style she's got grace, she's...

Anonymous said...

That St Paul song, had it wanted to be about Paul dying, could have done a much better job because it sounds just like he's talking about the Beatles breaking up and Apple Corps folding, which it did around the time he wrote it. He wrote it just after seeing Ringo walk out of the White Album sessions and that was pretty much considered by everyone to be the death knell not of Paul but of the band. Terry Knight himself said that's why he wrote it--the Beatles "were over," he said.

Indeed, he sings that the Beatles "saw he writing on the wall," and that line refers to the famous biblical quote about the end of an empire (Apple, The Beatles). Paul also got in his clues about Apple in You Never Give Me Your Money. the Issac Newton reference to the Apple "falling" obviously is Apple the company, not Paul.

Maclen music pretty much had to publish it or Knight wouldn't have been able to release it because it contains so many Beatle lyrics verbatim, so the Beatles made money off of it.

Anonymous said...

1313 Evergreen Terrace

Anonymous said...

She's got the right dynamics for the new frontier ...

He's an artist, a pioneer

Anonymous said...

Jo would you love to scAapple
She'll never say no

Shine up the battle Apple

We'll shake'em all down tonight
We're gonna mix in the street
Strike at the stroke of midnight
Dance on the bones till the girls say when
Pick up whats's left by daylight
When Josie comes home

Anonymous said...

Indeed, he sings that the Beatles "saw he writing on the wall," and that line refers to the famous biblical quote about the end of an empire

that's not what it means

i me mine said...

Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin

Anonymous said...

Sorry goofball.

This is how Daniel interpreted the mysterious writing on the wall:

And this is the writing that was inscribed: mina, mina, shekel, half-mina. This is the interpretation of the matter: mina, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; shekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; half-mina, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

End of the empire.

enjoy your failure at Comicon!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to see you anywhere, man.

Anonymous said...

and it's Comic-on, moron.

Anonymous said...

opps, dropped the c on that one


Anonymous said...

you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting;

try the veal, tip your waitresses

Com Icon said...

tee hee

Anonymous said...


the revolution will be TVised said...

The CIA and MI6 got thier pro-mubarak supporters on to the streets, to start the violence that will lead to a new leader installed, as opposed to having a fair election that would see a non-usa/uk puppet installed.

This uprising was by the people, but its now being run and orchestrated from Washington, just so they can put in thier puppet leader, El Baradei

Anonymous said...

Comicom People!

The Puppet Master said...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, we/it/i will really get it right tis time.

oh yeah
oh yeah
oh yeah

Even More Comicon People said...

don'tcha think?

fireman likes youtube said...

The Revelation, on the other Hand, will not be televised.

Anonymous said...

don'tcha think?

all the Time.

Raise it to the Sky.

ADPWC 231 said...

I'm tellin' ya!

insurance said...

any damn place I choose.

Anonymous said...

Comicon people let the fun begin!

Anonymous said...

The Revelation, on the other Hand, will not be televised. Or require cash. Not the kind you're used to, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Less Chaos, more Creation.

texting 231 said...

move it, macca

let's go1

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would also take John's word over Mccartneys any day of the week, as would the majority of the population presented with the facts.

Call me old fashioned.

KSGT Pepper said...

1340 Jackson Wyoming

Anonymous said...

So, then, take Joh'n word.

Anonymous said...

* John's

a drop of golden sun said...

Take whatever word works for you. It's all from the same Place. Re ally.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Less Chaos, more Creation


Anonymous said...

Plenty of other mugs.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Move forward.

Anonymous said...

Ain't no mug like the mug i got.

Anonymous said...


And who's faults that?

Carry on playin with fire my friend.

Anonymous said...

You carry on sunny Jim only one person gonna be fucked when the day is done, and it aint gonna be me.


Anonymous said...

this sucks

Anonymous said...

Less Chaos, more Creation

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Move forward.

Jump back!
Try to detect it!

Anonymous said...

It's too late.

Anonymous said...

the night is young!

Nancy Lieder said...

Taf must have gone to his underground bunker.

The Year of the Rabbit... said...


Alice said...


Honest Abe said...

with Malice toward none
with charity for all,
with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in.

Anonymous said...

hear! hear!

Anonymous said...

It's just way too late.

Anonymous said...

Carry on playin with fire my friend

Playing with fire is fun, and contrary to the drivel of nannybooboo snottypantses can be practiced safely and with great satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Fire is AWESOME for grilling steak! (I recommend the Plasticine Porterhouse).

Anonymous said...

Does the fire come with the Fireman?

Anonymous said...

You carry on sunny Jim only one person gonna be fucked when the day is done, and it aint gonna be me.

Sorry for ya mate; gettin' fucked ROOLZ!

Anonymous said...

Here's a question: does the Fireman come fire when he's gettin' fucked?

Anonymous said...

Jesus FN Christ.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did we get from STEAK to SEX? Why is it so hard to stay ON TOPIC?? Where does the Fireman store his cheese? When will the beets finally get ripe? Who is going to shave off my mutton chops? Which of you bum rubbers swiped my Clapper(tm)? Does anyone know the right size screw to use for fastening paint?

Anonymous said...

I like Corn Chex. Rice Chex are okay. Wheat Chex blow.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

That's what they said about CHAIN SMOKING, but they were proved wrong, dead wrong! I might add that scissors have TWO pieces, but I won't add that, I'll divide it instead, that way there will be enough for everyone AND everyone else. Gosh why didn't I think of that the last time I was wasting time?

Chain smoking divided by scissors equals more time! Genius!!!

Anonymous said...

Fireman to the recsue?


Anonymous said...

but theres no way out.

Anonymous said...

Try the FIRE EXIT.

Anonymous said...

The Fireman's out of the job if there's no fire. Really.

Anonymous said...

You call this rushing in?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There will be an answer.

Anonymous said...

Who let the raven out?

Anonymous said...

Good question. Let's ask Botcherstein.

"Botcherstein! Who let the raven out?"

Botcherstein doesn't know.

Set Fezzes on Stun said...

It's old school, really..

Anonymous said...

You know who I saw yesterday? I'll give you a hint: her name starts with gooey purple stuff and she has three pairs of wafer. It's not who you thought it was, but it might be now; keep checking.

Purity of Essence said...


Fireman meanders around said...

You call this rushing in?


Anonymous said...

keep checking what?

Anonymous said...

Think! Just ten years ago this very day in America it was all 2 fer 1 but now it's all 2 fer 11, which is a crummy deal!

NOW do you see????

Anonymous said...

Fireman has quite a blaze on his hands.

Anonymous said...

NOW do you see????


Anonymous said...

keep checking what?

The opposing king, mate!

Hey! Somebody took my Schnapps shot and now it's a pitcher!

what a waste of time said...

oh, the date


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Bartender said...

Hail Mary a cab; she's pissed.

Catcher in the Rhino said...

If the Common Cold is so common, why is there only one?

Anonymous said...

Fail will be an answer

let it be

Forget Steak! said...

Guess what I learned at NIR today? I learned that John Lennon was reincarnated as a CHICKEN! Can you believe it? Now we finally know what Lennon tastes like! It tastes like chicken!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to Popeye's this instant and ordering a three-piece Lennon meal!

K-EYE said...

1400 Perryton, TX

Once upon a time said...

Starting from scratch....

Key E said...


Romeo said...

Happy to be or not to be!

Give it a Chance said...

Starting from scratch....

From CHICKEN scratch!

Popeye's Drive Thru said...

I'm going to Popeye's this instant and ordering a three-piece Lennon meal!

Come again!

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