With apologies, I must note that the second installment of the Iamaphoney subscription series surprised me in some ways. My impression was that the first avalanche was intended to be a jump start for subscribers, but I thought after that, I would just be paying for new Rotten Apple episodes. Imagine my reaction to the unexpected digital truckload of stuff that appeared in the Private Cloud restricted area of the ARE3RA web site.
As hinted at previously, it looks like the plan was to include subscribers in the "inner circle" to some degree. The "raw evidence" is being presented so that we can do our own research and come to our own conclusions, as long as we are willing to turn over our free will when the time comes. So, the second installment included independently produced features shared to subscribers For Research Purposes Only. One item in particular that I will not name was a relatively recent commercial release. That item gets my vote for the stupidest entry in the "Paul Is Dead" genre. That, along with a certain book that reads like a bad term paper cause me to scratch my head and ask why these things can be in stores when Iamaphoney is relegated to YouTube and Vimeo. Other supporting documents included a film that gives insight into who buried Paul McCartney and made Russ Gibb freak, a compilation of Crowley moments, and Brian MoriARTy's "Who Buried Paul" lecture (Sorry, couldn't resist).

But it doesn't stop there. One of the most interesting features was about two minutes of Victor Spinetti interview footage. Unlike the Emilio Lari footage, I can't say that this can be considered raw or unedited. It appears to be deliberately edited to correspond to the Iamaphoney agenda, but it's still quite fun to watch.

One other item is the fourth "oldies" compilation in documentary format. Much of this footage was pulled from YouTube at one point, but then uploaded by others.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was satisfied with this second installment of the subscription series. We'll see where it goes from here.
A couple other videos of interest have appeared on YouTube recently.
Grandfather Aleister is back with Helter Skelter 2011 - Part 1. You can find it by clicking the link or following the hand signals of your third base coach.
And for those obsessed with the life of one Arron Swaffar, we have Project Consciousness: 02 My journey so far. He really seems to want to slip you the answer.
I'm afraid I must go. You have the rest of your lives, but I have an hour to catch a plane. Happy New Year.
1 – 200 of 2501 Newer› Newest»Happy New Year Tafultong!
The Revolution Revelation will not be televised. It is in the "private cloud", and requires a $6.66 donation
You know Tafultong, I'm 100% glad you created a new blog post to completely ruin that conversation that was going on in the last post. Really, I do.. Next time there's a man on a roof about to jump, I have my full confidence that you'll run up behind the guy and push him right off.
And relax everyone, that was just a metaphor.. Nobody is going to be jumping any buildings.. o,O
lived live backwards is evil devil.. anyone else find that a little strange?
I have a message to the one who likes to make posts under the names of Out Cider and Sion..
Now, I know you're fooling everyone here darling but you don't seem to remember what I told you. Great minds think alike, remember that. We are who we are, like you said.
Relax, I ain't going back to that now. All I'm trying to say is Get Back.
It's about time one of you two finally figured it out. Now apologize to one another and start over!!
Now come Home!
And you know that can't be bad.
We'll walk this road together.
So take my hand.
See the Sunlight break the ice, for the birds of paradise.
thunder and lightning
How is that supposed to help?
Hey Macca,
Take a little trip out to the heart of the country so I can Apollogise to you.
I Apollo Guise! REALLY!
Take a little trip and see, take a little trip with me-e!
All these years I've been wandering around,
Wondering how come nobody told me
All that I was looking for was somebody
Who looked like you!
You know, I would really hate to miss the train.
Ev'rybody saw the sun shine, still they prefer to sit in the dark.
go figure
The Revolver around the center of the Milky Way takes a long long long long time.
Thank God we're almost there, huh?
I know what "23" means and so do you, Macca, so let's speed this up a little.
Mean Mister Mustard sleeps in the park
Shaves in the dark trying to save paper
Sleeps in a hole in the road
Saving up to buy some clothes
Keeps a ten bob note up his nose
Such a mean old man
Such a mean old man
Was he really that mean? The guy that took all those mustard seeds and made a paste from them?
No, he was a bloody hero.
Av (father) + Ram (large, great), or: "Great Father".
It appears to be deliberately edited to correspond to the Iamaphoney agenda
I know what "23" means and so do you, Macca, so let's speed this up a little.
see you at Border's Books (metaphysics for goofballs section)!
Go home, Mr. Vermouth.
SOON! right away!
hey, can I address Macca on this blog and pretend he actually reads this nonsense, too?
dance, Macca! dance for my Home Depot coworkers and come Home!
will you be on the 910? that's one after 909, get it?
your lyrics hold the secret to my life!
see you at Border's Books (metaphysics for goofballs section)!
Nope, you will never find that information in a book, per say. And BTW Goofball, you're a fucking drag. Really.
hey, can I address Macca on this blog and pretend he actually reads this nonsense, too?
I highly doubt he's interested in you, goofy.
and NOW look at the very first post on this blog and think what we have got after 3 years of promises http://iamaphoney.blogspot.com/2007/07/introduction.html
top secret info you won't find in any book! Come home to me! Let me give you money! I hold the secret!
hmmm those sorts of grandiose pronouncements have never been considered highly dubious by intelligent persons throughout the course of history.
Future Man said...
Hello from the future.
Now here we know that Paul is not dead.
Magick isnt real.
Beatles are not satanic guys..
so.. think before you will turn and stay in phony's game.
December 27, 2010 3:48 PM
since when did iamaphoney start charging money to show others copyrighted materials? Kind of like how his videos never seem to get pulled off Youtube. Is it just me, or is that kind of odd that he can do this without legal troubles.
Maybe private clouds are ok to do that in.
speaking of pulled videos, that grandfatheraleister/999nowhereman jerk , WHO CARES ABOUT THAT IDIOT?? he makes the most pathetic videos anyways. wish gfa videos would go to some "private cloud" so that they couldnt be seen anymore and Tafultong wouldn't feel the need to comment on them. Baseball handsigns and rock anthem indeed!
that guy not only has issues.. HE HAS SUBSCRIPTIONS. Next thing you know there will be gfa videos with people in VW Beetles showing the "handsigns" and he will claim its the end of the world or some such nonsense.
I claimed it first, so get off of my cloud.
The Fireman is the De-veils only friend.
See you at clam me calm, Macca. Ya goofball.
Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing, Goofus.
Alas, poor Goofball, we knew ye well.
dubious is the key word here
Paul MccARTney
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Buy the painting, Paul!
A bit of a peyot thing going on there.
dubious is the key word here
work it out, it's really not that complicated.
Do, be us.
from duo "two"
get it?
Twin freaks is the operative word, Dr.
See the peyot?
He was the cute Jew.
Nowadays, we call it the double helix.
I'm letting her under my skin. Are you ready?
We're gonna all talk about Judy now.
Judy has a triple helix on each side.
We'll get to that later.
anOnymous said,
You know Tafultong, I'm 100% glad you created a new blog post to completely ruin that conversation that was going on in the last post
Hypochristian Trolls
1400+ confusing comments, that's alright. But if one person says something like.. oh.. "We're bigger than Jesus." people start flipping out.
Alrighty then. I'll just become an Anonymous like you .. that way I don't have any responsibility for what I say. Ye coward! Ye coward ye! Har
Let me roll it to you.
Hypochristian Trolls?
I just trolled in Judaism, so that kinda cancels that thought, huh?
"a future Jewish King from the Davidic line, will be "anointed" with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age."
Peace and Love, Baby. Peace and Love.
Colored oils draw the water.
Trolling is fun, but trawling catches more fish.
Fish food.
From Yahoo! News:
"....is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin May 21, 2011."
Now I see where all this is coming from.
Happy New Year Tafultong!
Hay this is where Arron Swaffars Video is coming from. And its free to subscribe to this one ;)
Sorry bluelinked^^^^
Now I see where all this is coming from.
No, you do not. If you did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Did you have a nice flight, Taf?
Now I see where all this is coming from.
No, you do not. If you did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
You see, this fella would like to steal the thunder from Phoney with his own little "I know the secret" type assertion, which is common in conspiracy, UFO, and even Paul is Dead circles.
I'll wait to see if/when his subjective ideas are worthy enough to be featured in any reputable journal such as Nature, Science, or even Newsweek hahaha.
anyway, there are a half dozen kids here and at NIR (e.g. Iameye. . .hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)who've been saying much the same for a few years now.
nothing new.
the end of the world will begin May 21, 2011.
maybe for YOU, for me it started a while ago.
I've done the work for you, unworthy haters!
it's so simple, all you have to do is LOOK.
why do I have to be such a messianic figure around here? I hate that. I'd rather be ignored and do my spiritual work in solitude.
You see, this fella would like to steal the thunder from Phoney with his own little "I know the secret" type assertion, which is common in conspiracy, UFO, and even Paul is Dead circles.
steal the thunder?
you really are a fucking idiot.
you should be grateful I know, but you aren't so that's really your problem.
I've done the work for you, unworthy haters!
it's so simple, all you have to do is LOOK.
why do I have to be such a messianic figure around here? I hate that. I'd rather be ignored and do my spiritual work in solitude.
it is simple, and be careful who you mock. Might just bite you in the ass later.
I'll wait to see if/when his subjective ideas are worthy enough to be featured in any reputable journal such as Nature, Science, or even Newsweek hahaha.
have fun waiting
this fella would like to steal the thunder from Phoney
I would like you to ask Phoney where he got his thunder, and Ian, I would really like you to give this person a straight answer.
This much you can do.
I am not happy with the way you have "prepared for the revelation" iaap, and I want you to make immediate amends to the situation.
Anonymous said...
I've done the work for you, unworthy haters!
it's so simple, all you have to do is LOOK.
why do I have to be such a messianic figure around here? I hate that. I'd rather be ignored and do my spiritual work in solitude.
it is simple, and be careful who you mock. Might just bite you in the ass later.
January 3, 2011 2:47 PM
Dude, I already sent you the link to the Rapture Ready forum. Don't you think these people would be interested in your theories? What's preventing you from joining?
The rapture is here, moron.
and obviously. the two posts you glommed together were not written by the same person.
I hate when they glom like that.
The rapture is here, moron.
time to pull up that "after revelation" blog, taffy.
See how they run like pigs from a gun.
Don't be a fucking asshole Ian.
Give them what they want.
If you're insinuating that Iamaphoney got all of his "thunder" from you then that's laughable.
I'll say this. The subscription idea is a HUGE mistake. If it's not free and not accessible to everyone at a place where millions flock to (like YouTube) then watch your audience dwindle to nothing. Get rid of the subscription stuff. Stick it all up on YouTube for everybody and don't expect $$$.
Anonymous said...
The rapture is here, moron.
January 3, 2011 3:22 PM
Thanks for that info, Mel Gibson, and by the way...Happy Birthday!
Yes, I've been glomed together with other people's postings a bit too...
The guy who called himself Out Cider never referred to himself as Sion, not that I can recall.
And I stopped using my account name here strictly when I got the impression it was uncool to use it strictly, but my impressions are known to be pretty weak.
(And this is my first post in this thread so far.)
(And this might be my last post again, lots of laughs.)
If you're insinuating that Iamaphoney got all of his "thunder" from you then that's laughable.
I will definitely insinuate this.
If you can figure out the premise of the story by now, then laughter is all you have. At lest that's something.
They glom because they are losing distractors. Don't fall for it.
Get rid of the subscription stuff. Stick it all up on YouTube for everybody and don't expect $$$.
check please
Anonymous said...
They glom because they are losing distractors. Don't fall for it.
January 3, 2011 3:54 PM
Yeah, it's a real conspiracy. Gotta love those MFH Disinfo agents.
All hail the Illuminati!
I dont think arron is trying to steay anyones thunder, i think he and the Nutters trying to help people with the consciousness stuff. Am i allowed to say such a thing like suggest Helping people around here? Peace did seem to be one of the beatles main goals after all.
All hail the Illuminati!
It's a lonely crowd. A table for two will do.
Gotta love those MFH Disinfo agents.
All I know is that you are trying to spoil everything to no purpose, and I suppose someday that will catch up to you.
ok, it will catch up to you, I was just trying to be nice about it. Enjoy!
eace did seem to be one of the beatles main goals after all.
They were excellent at making goals.
"P" is for goodbye!
Your fucked if peace on earth leaves.
Please tell me you are aware of that.
You are. You. Are.
Hey BOB, I thought we were going to do a song last summer. WTF?
et tu Bob, my Northern man?
The High Chief is not happy with your sudden silence, Bob. Are you dead?
O, but I don't mean to single you out Bobby D. You have been a good man.
It's just time to pay your piper, children.
Quid pro quo, darling.
It's just business. I'm sure you understand.
That goes for you too, Jakob.
Don't worry. Payback is a joy. Really.
Well, perhaps we will close those donation doors and start exacting the FEE.
I mean, it had to happen right?
and it's not like I didn't ask real nice like a couple of million times fist, so don't look at me with that deer in the headlight face.
So we will begin with the list, starting with who owes the most and haven't paid yet. Um. nobody has paid anything so far, soooooo it's a mighty long list.
I wish the list was shorter.
oh well, que sera sera. Right?
first! oopps!
It's just business. I'm sure you understand.
It's what you signed onto, right?
Yeah, you did.
Court is now in session.
I second that ruling.
Three times is the charm.
Begin proceedings, Your Honor.
First case:
Present thyself.
Order! Order! WE MUST HAVE order!
I'll go first. I am guilty. I am sorry. I'll never do it again. I love you. OK?
Excused. Next case.
Jolly good. Next.
Love is the Law. Thou ART Pardoned. Next case.
whew, that was easier than I thought it would be.
William S. Burroughs: "Do not offer sympathy to the mentally ill. Tell them firmly, "I am not paid to listen to this drivel. You are a terminal fool."
Thanks Bill. Soundest advice I've ever heard. Glad I found it.
With that, I leave all 3 of you to continue on. God bless and see you at Comicon.
With that, I leave all 3 of you to continue on. God bless and see you at Comicon.
good go away letter b
The second I meet you, I'm gonna shove that comicon right up your fat ass. Really.
I've done the work for you, unworthy haters!
it's so simple, all you have to do is LOOK.
why do I have to be such a messianic figure around here? I hate that. I'd rather be ignored and do my spiritual work in solitude.
it is simple, and be careful who you mock. Might just bite you in the ass later.
on schedule, angry bible guy with the warnings. hahahahahaha
dudes, if you're concerned that your Dungeons and Dragons game for five people is spoiled you're a little late.
someone needs a buddha hug. . .
And I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinking
But I'll know my song well before I start singing
Sorry for what?
Only mama knows.
Explain it to us, why is a public apology in order?
Ba baaaa O'really important
Stupid bloody Tuesday.
I'll say this. The subscription idea is a HUGE mistake. If it's not free and not accessible to everyone at a place where millions flock to (like YouTube) then watch your audience dwindle to nothing.
January 3, 2011 3:41 PM
Howard Stern
all the cool kids are going to a asubscription based format. Small audiences yes, but content is not free. So pony up cheap b^stards!
Mama knows Jack.
Double lol
What is that supposed to mean? Are you diss'n Mama?
look at all these cheap bastards
I'll say this. The subscription idea is a HUGE mistake. If it's not free and not accessible to everyone at a place where millions flock to (like YouTube) then watch your audience dwindle to nothing.
uh, the whole idea was a huge mistake.
fewer and fewer people watched the videos and it ended up being a hoax as was prophesied.
Gotta love those MFH Disinfo agents.
hahah are you pretending you're a grown up playing Spy Games, perhaps?
dude, the only people around here are Beatle fans, a few Paul haters, a few religious self-righteous nuts, and a Tafultong.
nothing you could ever do or say with respect to "Paul is Dead" is important to anyone except a few nutcases. PID/PWR has to rank among the stupidest of all urban legends. And there are a lot of stupid urban legends.
so where does the nutters come into this, they apparently are not charging subscription for there side of the rainbow
so where does the nutters come into this, they apparently are not charging subscription for there side of the rainbow
considering the "information" given out by both parties is equally valueless, why bother with either of them?
you'd get more out of reading Horton Hears a Who than three years of RA videos.
For entertainment sake i guess, But you do know that if you put a mirror across the front cover of Horton Hears a Who the universe will implode
Also if you put a mirror across the word NUTTERS it says DIIIEDS
Whatever the hell that means
"Who Die....Nutter Die
wow has this thing ever taken a dive since I last checked in.
The High Chief is not happy with your sudden silence, Bob. Are you dead?
O, but I don't mean to single you out Bobby D. You have been a good man.
It's just time to pay your piper, children. Quid pro quo, darling.
It's just business. I'm sure you understand.
That goes for you too, Jakob.
Don't worry. Payback is a joy. Really.
hahah wow. Someone is in full-out Rock and Roll Fantasy Team Land.
Hey Hey Hey!
let's establish a new rule:
Quoting some one else requires italics or another mode to separate your thoughts from another's,
Sound reasonable?
Here's how you do it:
hahah wow. Someone is in full-out Rock and Roll Fantasy Team Land.
Fuck off and die.
See? Now everybody understands what we are talking about.
What a fool believes?
I believe she's never gone away.
She has returned.
As she rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
You can watch her go, or you can welcome her arrival.
Not much of a welcome, so Hello She must be leaving.
When Mother Earth hides her nourishment, It's OVER.
If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Dude look like a Lady.
For wisdom is more moving than any motion: she passeth and goeth through all things by reason of her pureness. .
"My Mother the Holy Ghost"
Misogyny is a waste of TIME.
“Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”
It's a clean machine.
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
I'll wait to see if/when his subjective ideas are worthy enough to be featured in any reputable journal such as Nature, Science, or even Newsweek hahaha.
ohhhhh reallllllllyaaaaahhh?
to be sure, guess what? i will be checking out Nature, Science, or even Newsweek to find out who you are speaking of.
Ah Mater, want Jet to always love me
Ah Mater, want Jet to always love me
Ah Mater…much later
And Jet, I thought the MAJOR was a Little Lady
to be sure, guess what? i will be checking out Nature, Science, or even Newsweek to find out who you are speaking of.
go for it
I thought the only lonely place was on the moon..
Add Taf's place to the list.
later is now!
Last year we were exposed.
This year we kick ass.
I'm miles above you, to always love you.
Jet is the Holy Spirit?
Wow, that's pretty cool.
The KING called his Jet fighters.
Said you better earn your pay.
Now over at the temple
Oh! They really pack 'em in
The in crowd say it's cool
To dig this chanting thing
The muezzin was a' standing
On the radiator grille
A division Volkswagen, mais oui.
gameface said...
Yes, I've been glomed together with other people's postings a bit too...
The guy who called himself Out Cider never referred to himself as Sion, not that I can recall.
And I stopped using my account name here strictly when I got the impression it was uncool to use it strictly, but my impressions are known to be pretty weak.
(And this is my first post in this thread so far.)
(And this might be my last post again, lots of laughs.)
I like "lots of laughs" since it's another form of lol.. I don't blame you for stopping the use of your blog account because it's no fun!
The only reason I'm going to continue making posts as the "In Cider" is to be the buzzkill. I'm sure everyone here that takes Pro Zach knows what I'm talking about LOL
Oh no! He did not just go there.
show 'em how to move in a room full of voltures
It is pure signal confusion because it will automatically make decisions based on past experiences and this do not necessarily correspond to the position you stand in when you do need the experience.
We should discard the experience along
and be careful not to rule out anything
because that immediately marks an anxiousness.
thanks for nothing
Punctuation is always to first to go.
idiots, come home.
the fool is waiting for you.
your failure is complete.
and you missed Comicon.
its not what you think
its what you think
O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye cease.
let Zion rejoice, for this is Zion
Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money.
Not your smartest decision..
Let Zion rejoice, while all the wicked shall mourn at Comicon.
No C, I mock.
you are witnessing textbook dynmaic of what happens when a cult groups' expectations have been dashed or thrown into doubt. Particularly those who cling to calendar date predictions.
with each disappointment, the group tends to splinter off into smaller fragments. The hard liners reinterpret their prophecies to save face and to give them more buffer time for the next prediction.
the moderates, who weren't totally on board, often learn from their mistakes and return as vocal opponents of the remaining group members.
the rest laugh it off and say something to the effect that "It wasn't what you thought we were saying" or some other face-saving tactic.
the greater emotional/mental investment a group member makes determines his or her reaction to failure. Generally those most invested are last to admit failure, often resorting to increasingly bizarre or grandiose explanations and substituting a new expectation/belief for the original.
see you at Comicon!
the greater emotional/mental investment a group member makes determines his or her reaction to failure. Generally those most invested are last to admit failure, often resorting to increasingly bizarre or grandiose explanations and substituting a new expectation/belief for the original.
see you at Comicon!
Yeah? We'll don't say we didn't give you the ANSWER JERK OFF. Just because you're too dense to figure out what WE HAVE LAID OUT FOR YOU CLEARLY A MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS isn't our fault, is it?
Go ahead, lose your chance. See if we care. Really.
"Yeah? We'll don't say we didn't give you the ANSWER JERK OFF. Just because you're too dense to figure out what WE HAVE LAID OUT FOR YOU CLEARLY A MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS isn't our fault, is it?
Go ahead, lose your chance. See if we care. Really."
Uh, WTF is going on!?!?! I'M angry fake insider bluelink guy, not you.
"Uh, WTF is going on!?!?! I'M angry fake insider bluelink guy, not you."
Yeah, I know. But your responses are so predictable and we all know the routine at this point so I saved you the bother.
So I'll be bluelink for awhile and you can be the skeptic.
see you at Comicon!
"Yeah, I know. But your responses are so predictable and we all know the routine at this point so I saved you the bother.
So I'll be bluelink for awhile and you can be the skeptic."
I know you're secretly Paul McCartney and you've been paying close attention to all my bluelinks. Because I'm your number one fan. And you know that I know that you know what's really going on--all the messages you left for me are there in your lyrics and when I play "This One" backward i could sort of hear my name.
Anybody else think Taf's "when it comes time we agree to give up our free will" line is beyond creepy? Probably emblematic of where this whole thing is leading.
To state: Paul is into Crowley. Deep. Maybe more than Crowley. Maybe Luciferian stuff period. They think 'The End' is coming soon. And according to their take, you either side with Lucifer or you side with Adonai. You have free will now, but what if you choose to pledge allegiance to whom for all intents and purposes over millenia have been portrayed to be the bad guy? Where does that free will go?
Think it's a coincidence that there's so much 'pineal gland' 'third eye' stuff? The videos are being manufactured for that. Some of the Beatles music might've been as well. Crowley and the Beatles were advocates of using drugs and altered states to produce 'trips.'
It has long been noted that the combination of altered states/drugs and occult materials are a great way to invite 'possession.' As in demonic possession.
If you are 'possessed', what happens to your free will?
Uh, WTF is going on!?!?! I'M angry fake insider bluelink guy, not you.
You're not blue. You aren't even close.
At what point are you guys going going to come out and declare that you're part of The Process church? There's been enough allusions to it the past few years. The philosophy is obvious. The connections undeniable.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
And according to their take, you either side with Lucifer or you side with Adonai.
this statement is illogical. totally.
At what point are you guys going going to come out and declare that you're part of The Process church? There's been enough allusions to it the past few years. The philosophy is obvious. The connections undeniable.
I'm not. So there.
There's been enough allusions to it the past few years.
name one?
So I'll be bluelink for awhile and you can be the skeptic.
You want to be bluelink?
You couldn't handle it for even five seconds, believe me. And this is why there is only One.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
guess what?
it IS.
Yeah? We'll don't say we didn't give you the ANSWER JERK OFF. Just because you're too dense to figure out what WE HAVE LAID OUT FOR YOU CLEARLY A MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS isn't our fault, is it?
Go ahead, lose your chance. See if we care. Really.
This much is true.
Except the part about not caring about you. I do care.
But we really got to get home, ok?
Any of this sound familiar? Explains the Jesus/Lucifer thing. Explains get off the planet. Let's go. Explains the "Mother Mary" thing. The Sol-AR gods. Isis, Osiris etc. etc. Explains the 'Twins' concepts. The sacred feminine.
“The Process”, the philosophy of founder, Robert De Grimston (”The Teacher”) and “the belief-system”of the followers of “The Process Church of Final Judgement”:
Jesus, YHVH, Satan and Lucifer are one in the same. Members honored a total of four deities: Jehovah, Jesus, Lucifer and Satan. They were urged to pick one that they could identify with and devote themselves to that deity.
Denoting ONE being inside of EACH BEING and or APART of each other. Because of them being solar,or ILLUMINARY bodies being or containing the light,full of lux (the ultimate light). The Saints, Shamans, Guides, Spiritual Teachers and Buddhas and All the SOL-AR gods are of this realm. This realm has been given an identity as the “Great White Brotherhood”, part of the ALL. These buddhas or enlightened Masters are given several names though out history, but they are THEE ” ASCENDED MASTERS”.”All SEEING. The GREAT I AM. They are the ones who have became part of the great light of creation. They are pure and ONE with the universe or MULTI-VERSE.
Whether you worship the SOL-AR GODS–Jesus and Lucifer included, or you are a buddhist, trying to reach the Nirvana or just an “extra-terrestrial enthusiast-chaos magician” like me and trying to get into the “Great White Brotherhood”.
The only thing I don't get the connection with is Crowley. Where does he fit into the Process?
Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
But they don't have it made, at all, not if they don't join in the parade.
Any of this sound familiar? Explains the Jesus/Lucifer thing. Explains 'go home.' Explains the "Mother Mary" thing. The Sol-AR gods. Isis, Osiris etc. etc. Explains the 'Twins' concepts. The sacred feminine.
“The Process”, the philosophy of founder, Robert De Grimston (”The Teacher”) and “the belief-system”of the followers of “The Process Church of Final Judgement”:
Jesus, YHVH, Satan and Lucifer are one in the same. Members honored a total of four deities: Jehovah, Jesus, Lucifer and Satan. They were urged to pick one that they could identify with and devote themselves to that deity.
Denoting ONE being inside of EACH BEING and or APART of each other. Because of them being solar,or ILLUMINARY bodies being or containing the light,full of lux (the ultimate light). The Saints, Shamans, Guides, Spiritual Teachers and Buddhas and All the SOL-AR gods are of this realm. This realm has been given an identity as the “Great White Brotherhood”, part of the ALL. These buddhas or enlightened Masters are given several names though out history, but they are THEE ” ASCENDED MASTERS”.”All SEEING. The GREAT I AM. They are the ones who have became part of the great light of creation. They are pure and ONE with the universe or MULTI-VERSE.
Whether you worship the SOL-AR GODS–Jesus and Lucifer included, or you are a buddhist, trying to reach the Nirvana or just an “extra-terrestrial enthusiast-chaos magician” trying to get into the “Great White Brotherhood”.
Process Church connection seems to explain all the "Great White Way" stuff that iamaeye has been dropping on NothingIsReal lately.
These buddhas or enlightened Masters are given several names though out history, but they are THEE ” ASCENDED MASTERS”.”All SEEING. The GREAT I AM.
what? no
good go away letter b
What?! I haven't even been here since Christmas!
(Family issues taking precedence.)
Whoever that was, it wasn't me!
Carry on!
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