Sunday, January 2, 2011

Subscription Issue #2

Wooh, I'm feeling like Derek Taylor writing the liner notes to "Pussycats." Sorry, I have not been around due to personal and professional commitments. But, I do intend to keep writing this blog as long as it continues to save lives. Oh my dear stars. I am living in a nether nether world. Sorry Gloria.

With apologies, I must note that the second installment of the Iamaphoney subscription series surprised me in some ways. My impression was that the first avalanche was intended to be a jump start for subscribers, but I thought after that, I would just be paying for new Rotten Apple episodes. Imagine my reaction to the unexpected digital truckload of stuff that appeared in the Private Cloud restricted area of the ARE3RA web site.

As hinted at previously, it looks like the plan was to include subscribers in the "inner circle" to some degree. The "raw evidence" is being presented so that we can do our own research and come to our own conclusions, as long as we are willing to turn over our free will when the time comes. So, the second installment included independently produced features shared to subscribers For Research Purposes Only. One item in particular that I will not name was a relatively recent commercial release. That item gets my vote for the stupidest entry in the "Paul Is Dead" genre. That, along with a certain book that reads like a bad term paper cause me to scratch my head and ask why these things can be in stores when Iamaphoney is relegated to YouTube and Vimeo. Other supporting documents included a film that gives insight into who buried Paul McCartney and made Russ Gibb freak, a compilation of Crowley moments, and Brian MoriARTy's "Who Buried Paul" lecture (Sorry, couldn't resist).

But it doesn't stop there. One of the most interesting features was about two minutes of Victor Spinetti interview footage. Unlike the Emilio Lari footage, I can't say that this can be considered raw or unedited. It appears to be deliberately edited to correspond to the Iamaphoney agenda, but it's still quite fun to watch.

One other item is the fourth "oldies" compilation in documentary format. Much of this footage was pulled from YouTube at one point, but then uploaded by others.

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was satisfied with this second installment of the subscription series. We'll see where it goes from here.

A couple other videos of interest have appeared on YouTube recently.

Grandfather Aleister is back with Helter Skelter 2011 - Part 1. You can find it by clicking the link or following the hand signals of your third base coach.

And for those obsessed with the life of one Arron Swaffar, we have Project Consciousness: 02 My journey so far. He really seems to want to slip you the answer.

I'm afraid I must go. You have the rest of your lives, but I have an hour to catch a plane. Happy New Year.


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Anonymous said...

Oh no! You left out the Yuko stuff.

Spin Ach said...


It was a fake eye-patch said...

lots of clues in that one ;-D

I Am What I AM said...

Y Not?

I'll fight to the finish,

Anonymous said...

..........because I eat my SPINach.

Olive Oyl said...

What I am is what I am

Anonymous said...

It's what they call FAIL-your

Castor Oil said...

There's only One.

Anonymous said...

I'm not aware of too many things.

Semper Fidel said...

Who Concord space with fine design?
Who saved you money all the time?
The tops in the convertible line:
Castor Oil convertible!

Anonymous said...

Get aware, then. It's not really that complicated.

Anonymous said...

Oh, God. WHY?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get aware, then. It's not really that complicated.

Thanks Einstein!

The Nobel Commission will be touch SOON.


Anonymous said...

what's that supposed to mean?

In Touch said...

Oh no!

Anonymous said...

This is taking way too long.

Anonymous said...

what's that supposed to mean?

uh, that's what we been saying about Bluelink

seamstress for the band said...

this Bluelink?

Anonymous said...

or this bluelink?

L7 said...

E = MACCA Squared

Anonymous said...

Or this Blue link?

The Nobel Commission said...

Blue Meanies !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's what we should been saying about Bluelink, alas, we did not.

WOWW! said...

1430 Walking in Memphis

Anonymous said...

That's what she said.

Anonymous said...

Tafultong plays Bluelink.

Anonymous said...

Masons play Bluelink.

Anonymous said...

Crowley plays Bluelink.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Macca plays Bluelink

Anonymous said...

The Virgin Mary plays Bluelink

Anonymous said...

Blue bloods play Bluelink.

Anonymous said...

Jews play Bluelink.

Anonymous said...

Krishna plays Bluelink.

Anonymous said...

'Blue Buddha' plays Bluelink.

Anonymous said...

I play Bluelink too.

Lapis Lazuli said...

Lost inside
Adorable illusion and I cannot hide
I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside
We coulda made it cruising, yeah
Riding high on love's true bluish light

Milly said...

Put on a gown that touches the ground, ah ooh
Float down a river forever and ever, Emily, Emily

Blue EYE said...

Baby's got blue eyes

Vince's work place said...

no more steak

Peace Love and Chicken Fried Steak said...

OMG!!! Watch for Yoko at 2:18!

Old Justice said...

A box. A big Blue one. Can't miss it, really.
@ 2:57

Neon Blue Boxer said...

Broad Street

Road Tree

Anonymous said...

The guiding light, day or night.

And I won't go away 'till you tell me so.


Anonymous said...

Eye say hello.

Anonymous said...

Dig them Fireman shoes.


Anonymous said...

See how it really works.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is real.

Big Blue Buddha said...

Be Home soon.

Anonymous said...

When night takes over in the afternoon,
One thing keeps me staring at the moon,
It smiles,
And tells me that I,
Will be home soon,
I'll be home soon.

It calls for dreamers as it calls for time,
But those real dreamers do not sleep at night,
They burn,
As they yearn,
To be home soon.

I will be home soon,
You will see me coming down your road,
And you'll greet me.

I'll be home soon!

When night falls down and slowly makes a womb,
I close my petals and I start to bloom,
I burn,
As I yearn!


When you see me goin',
Coming down your road, (I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
I'm coming home, (I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
I'm coming home! (I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon)

Guitar Solo

(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon)

(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon soon soon soon)
(I'll be home soon)

Anonymous said...

Let's go, Fireman. Sing the Blues. Really!

Anonymous said...

Out of the Blue and into the Black.

Anonymous said...



hey bull WDOG said...

1460 Barnwell South Carolina

mark of the beast said...

tattoo you

Anonymous said...

댓글 페이지에서 답글을 달 수 있습니다.

Anonymous said...




still nothing.

no one's home.

no one's going home.

no revelation.

Phoney blinked.

Mikey stopped caring.

Taf stopped caring.

no surprise. When you have nothing to offer, nothing happens.

and that's what happened.

accept failure and save your brave face.

Anonymous said...

난 심장 이안

Anonymous said...

no surprise. When you have nothing to offer, nothing happens.

that would be you, babe

Anonymous said...

brave face

brave heart

brave heart

brave face

Anonymous said...

Hillmen hillmen hillmen hillmen
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh.
Hillmen come down from the lava
Forge across the mighty river flow oh-oh.

Anonymous said...

Hillmen are sworn to allegiance
Living a life of silent dignity oh-oh.
For your protection

Only so you don't worry

Your pretty little head, your brave face, your pretty big heart

Jimmy said...

And the sign said...

Poe Luv said...

And chicken fried steak!

Finnegans Wake said...

And chicken fried steak!

who finds the money? said...

Listen to the music playing in my pretty little head.

Anonymous said...

And If I have to walk, I'm going there just the same.

in the strawberry fields said...

chicken fried tofurkey

Anonymous said...

Pluck you.

Anonymous said...

Hillmen are sworn to allegiance.

J P said...

Good God! Pluck me!

it's part of the trick said...


Socks said...

It's what you got to choose

Paul Likes said...

Castor Oil said...
There's only One.

Leave it to Wynona!

Nona Beaver said...

That ball must have jarred his face good!

Beetle Sergeant said...

Killer Diller dressed to the hilt.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Criss cross Applesauce

Oh eye said...

No one ever left alive
in 14 hundred and eight five
will ever do

And Chicken Fried Steak! said...

What a waste of time.

I recommend you stop wasting it then; come join us at the cafe!

Anonymous said...

Get plucked. Really.

Anonymous said...

are you a hater? I don't dine with haters.

Anonymous said...

You're only a hater if you spell it "h8ter"

Anonymous said...

where have all the good diplomats gone?

that's what I want to know, really.

You're all chicken said...

How can you be a diplomat if you don't get your diploma?

Anonymous said...

Oh Eye, ohh Eye.

IAM A Phoenix said...

I'm not chicken, are you kidding me?

as if we would even be here if I was.

Anonymous said...

Eye is around to see it all comes true.

Phone 9 said...

Have a peace of CHICKEN FRIED STEAK pizza!

Everyone Knew Her As said...

Chicken Fried Steak!

wen ur life in on the BLINK said...

what's the use of worrying?

TKIN said...

Ok, enough.

Get plucked.

Anonymous said...

worry enough to get your plucking ass home.

Back to the egg said...


Tom Bodett said...

We'll leave the chicken fried steak out for ya.

Cookie Monster Aliens said...

on your computer!

Anonymous said...

We should have been back ages ago.

D'OH! said...

It didn't work.

Jimmie's Chicken Shack said...

Gonna skip it?

Tim Gunn said...

Make it work

Anonymous said...

mother superior says so.

Anonymous said...

Why did you lose the Way, insiders? Why?

Snoqualmie Falls, Tafulton said...

On the Wings of Chicken Fried Steak

Anonymous said...

You have to crack a few eggs to make an OM EL ETTE .

That much is fer sure.

Anonymous said...

If you KFC, tell her "I love her."

Anonymous said...

I want my Wings back.

Anonymous said...

Crown Jewel

Anonymous said...

Stamp your feet and come home, Anonymous,

Out and in said...

Why did you lose the Way, insiders? Why?

Wasn't us; must have been you!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't us?

I was you, remember?

Anonymous said...

I just had a hummus, chipotle, and alfalfa on whole wheat pita, but IT'S NOT MONDAY! am I going to hell?

Anonymous said...

OMG my mouth is on fire!

Anonymous said...

Fireman to the rescue!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I just had a hummus, chipotle, and alfalfa on whole wheat pita, but IT'S NOT MONDAY! am I going to hell?

No pudding for you!

Isn't it a pita? said...

I just had a hummus, chipotle, and alfalfa on whole wheat pita, but IT'S NOT MONDAY! am I going to hell?

Probably, but not because of that.

Roofus Wainwright said...

the roof!
the roof!
the roof of my mouth is on fire!

Tuesday's child said...

I don't like Mondays

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

(There, I posted it for you!)

in a handbasket said...

it is what it is - worst new saying

behold a pale horse said...

Ghost - Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse MSNBC - Egyptian Riots Full Video

Michael D Archangel said...

Why did you lose the Way, insiders? Why?

If you are serious, click on link for reassurance.

Michael said...

It gets silly, I know, but the first part is what matters.

KQSP said...

1530 St. Paul MN

Whose side are you on? said...

That would be telling!

The Magick at Litherland said...

On Tuesday, December 27, 1960, The Beatles played the Town Hall Ballroom in Litherland, Liverpool. On this night they evoked a response from the crowd noticeably different from anything in their past. The response was so unusual it was documented in their history ‘Beatles’ Anthology’ and described in Mark Lewisohn’s book ‘The Complete Beatles Chronicle' - part 2.

Ballroom Dancing said...

With a recipe for a lovely day sticking out of my back pocket

Anonymous said...

No kidding.

Anonymous said...

honest injun!

Doctor Living Stone said...

I presume?

All I've got is this photograph said...

dead ringoer

Foolin said...

on the hillin

Rocket said...

they show Sgt Pepper in the video

WECZ said...

1540 Punxsutawney Pa.

get your phil

Women said...

save the world from reptillians in this song

along with the def leppards of course

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh... What happens if you forget the safeword?

Anonymous said...

Not a problem. I didn't forget for you.

Anonymous said...

Rise up! Gather round
Rock this place to the ground
Burn it up let's go for broke

Now listen to me
I'm Burnin', burnin', I got the fever
I know for sure, there ain't no cure
So feel it, don't fight it, go with the flow
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme one more for the road

We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah!
Say yeah!
We're gonna burn this damn place down, woo hoo
Down to the ground

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fireman, you're late.

Fireman said...

Sorry sorry sorry!!! There was a wreck on the L.I.E. and I couldn't get through.

Anonymous said...

Is this blog posted by the real Iamaphoney? Who is Tafultong? Is that Iamaphoney's real name?

Anonymous said...

Take the BQE , then.

Anonymous said...

Break on through to the other side.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Invisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.

The Lincoln Tunnel said...

Is this blog posted by the real Iamaphoney? Who is Tafultong? Is that Iamaphoney's real name?

don't No

It's a sin to take the LIE said...

There was a wreck on the L.I.E.

Always better to take the Surekill Expressway.

Red Blood Speeding Way said...

Sub Rosa Parks

Love Me Do? said...

Paul must be spinning in his grave

Who will win the Toilet Bowl? said...

Post your guesses and comments here!

I say the bears in the third quarter.

Anonymous said...

Bet on the Bay.

Anonymous said...

I Had a Feeling Love Code

WMBH said...

1560 Joplin Mo.

Fergie said...

I Had a Feeling Love Code

So far, this looks like the best bet.

Anonymous said...

who's the psycho posting all that pun stuff no one reads and no one links to?

not only is he posting to himself, but commenting on his own posts lol!

any ideas?

Anonymous said...

yes it is you

Anonymous said...

iameye is one of them,

Miles Deo is probably the psycho bluelink guy

for YEARS he's acted like he knows something and that he's connected to phoney and an "insider" although none of those dudes are inside anything. Taf at least spoke to Paul's manager who informed him Paul wasn't into Crowley.

and Deo definitely likes to hear himself talk, even when no one listens.

it's kinda his MO.

who cares, though?

you can get a subscription to Phoney and get nothing or you can scroll endlessly past the bluelinks, and clearly bluelink turned virtually everyone off this blog. Too bad, because Taf used to enjoy posting but he's seen what a crap house it's become and that's unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Is Miles Deo the guy who thinks the sky is falling or is that Stevie Jebus? I can never remember which diptard is which.

Anonymous said...

Tafultong, this, is mojollikins, as someone whole has pretty musch watched this shit go down from the get I must commend your BALLS OF STEEL these brats keep kicking. Holy crap, this is a blog about, iamaphoney, whom you (like most everyone else) ,despite even having contact with the fellow, and a vast paul / beatles collection, and being a musician yourself, do not know what to expect xxx

Hilarious, however that, though you get enjoyment tracking his work and reporting/ chronicling on the people, places, details, making it so much easier for these ravenous iaap addicts to have a place to pool ideas( but few do any legwork except you) & ya get to still be the whipping boy, because you haven't SOLVED IT YET, ASSHOLE..LOL. (((((hugs))))) well screw that. People maybe frustrated with iaap, maybe, they should do some other things and realize life is what you make it for your self. Even if Paul died in a car crash and was replaced with AC's illegitimate son, entrusted with the spiritual heirlooms of black majick, and set up in the fab four deliberately or not to immanentize the eschaton. In what fucking way is that tafultong's fault or mojollikins or iaap's ....allwe're all bozos on this bus.
Like Maynard said, " before you point your finger youshould know that I'm the man, I'm the man, and youre the man, and he's the the fucking man, as well, so your can point a loaded rimshot Ring of Stars....thats not an exact quote.
In Other words quiet your bitching your homkies. Yes,
All your need is...something...I cant seem to remember, I am too busy...
Hi Rockxlight Vince and others

another blue link! said...

Back atcha.

All you need is water said...

First you must shine with positive, high-spirited vibrations, and be full of love. In order to do that, I think its important to love, thank, and respect yourself. If thats the case, then each of those vibrations will be sent out into the world and the cosmos, and the great symphony of that harmonic vibration will wrap our planet in waves of love that serve to cherish our Heaven-granted lives. This is the message from water.
Masaru Emoto

Anonymous said...

All I need is to pee!

WeCu said the eye said...

1570 Winterville, NC

Anonymous said...

Masaru Emoto is a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Masaru Emoto is a fraud.

Masaru Emoto is a Phoney!
(Haven't you learned to play the game yet?)

It's E Z ! said...

You can drive my car!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen my tar pencil?

Anonymous said...

What be that?

Anonymous said...

Masaru Emoto is a fraud.

Masaru Emoto is a Phoney!
(Haven't you learned to play the game yet?)

dude, you are the only one playing your Dungeons and Beatles game and it's lame.


Anonymous said...

May your inner Bonobo subdue your inner Chimpanzee.

Christina Aguilera said...

yes we're going to really going to get it right this time

Anonymous said...


take my WIFE said...

1580 Connersville, IN

"T" Secedes From Alphabe! said...

I shi you no!

Anonymous said...

It is truly amazing to watch the nonsense evolve. This week we get Long Island expressways and chicken fried steak. (Funny how there is always a food product in there somewhere; next week it will be haggis or umbles).

What will the diptards fixate on next?

FUNNY YOU SHOULD ask said...

What is this code?

Anonymous said...

Kraf dinners, wha else?

Anonymous said...

oh stop with the code b.s.

the only thing any of us has learned is that the best PID videos are made by kids after eating Kraft Dinner.

Anonymous said...

that's why The Brotherhood is also known as The Kraft.

Anonymous said...

It's no longer called Kraft Dinner except in Canada.

It's known as Kraft Macca-roni and Cheese.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what a great word

Anonymous said...

i shall have it tattooed upon my buttocks

butt seriously said...

It's a bird!
It's a plane!

Kelloggs (food reference) said...

It's Supperman with Kraf dinners!

Anonymous said...

It's a bird!
It's a plane!

a Mylar balloon!

jesus people.

jesus people said...


Haole Lou said...

Can you find Miles Deo?

Smile Ode said...

Who is Miles Deo?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I mean, "Wha?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get Back to where you Once belonged.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Loretta Martian

Anonymous said...

Martian isn't sweet, tastes more like chicken.

Anonymous said...

I don't really want to stop the shew but I thought you'd might like to know.

The singer's gonna sing a song, and he'd like you all to sing along!

Pablo Fanque said...

Get Back to where you Once belonged.

Get Back to where you Eleven belonged?

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