The author, Will Stewart, interviewed former WKNR in Detroit Disc Jockey Russ Gibb, who was featured in RA #77 saying, "There is one piece of information that somebody gave me in London about this whole story that, I'm not sure that it's key, but it certainly is important." Gibb said this in the film "Who Buried Paul McCartney?"

Gibb disappointed me in the article by using the word "flipped" instead of "freaked" but nevertheless his first experience in hearing "Revelation 9" backwards had a lasting impression on him.
Like many people, Gibb suspects the Beatles were in fact the cause of the Paul Is Dead rumors in the first place by intentionally putting clues in their songs.
The article did however contain one surprise. Gibb claimed that Paul McCartney himself sent word that he wanted to meet with him several years ago during a tour stop in Detroit. Amazingly, Gibb declined the invitation.
Happy belated birthday to John Lennon. October 9 passed by rather quietly this year, but I suspect there are revelations just beyond the horizon.
John Pic was borrowed from the Beatle Photo Blog.
Me first!
I hope you're having fun
"The article did however contain one surprise. Gibb claimed that Paul McCartney himself sent word that he wanted to meet with him several years ago during a tour stop in Detroit. Amazingly, Gibb declined the invitation."
what a dweeb! or maybe macca was gunna pop him one in the nose!
No! He declined to make a reservation for the invitation!
Taf! (hugs hugs) We thought you waz dead!
Anonymous said...
Taf! (hugs hugs) We thought you waz dead!
Hugs right back to you!
It's a party!
a Happy B-day to John!
Welcome back Taf! No revelations on the horizon, but we missed you talking about revelations on the horizon.
So where's the Right Album bootleg?
Anonymous said...
So where's the Right Album bootleg?
October 10, 2009 3:19 PM
on my PC.
Blogger MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
So where's the Right Album bootleg?
October 10, 2009 3:19 PM
on my PC.
October 10, 2009 3:44 PM
So when is going to be on my PC?
/also...I though you rocked an Apple computer?
Thanks Taf!
Anyone ask Russ Gibb if he likes being misquoted in a Youtube video without his permission?
Some Anonymous person sent an email to him last month...
Blogger MikeNL said...
on my PC.
October 10, 2009 3:44 PM
So when is going to be on my PC?
October 10, 2009 4:26 PM
"Gibb claimed that Paul McCartney himself sent word that he wanted to meet with him several years ago during a tour stop in Detroit. Amazingly, Gibb declined the invitation."
Why wouldn't he meet with him?
October 10, 2009 4:32 PM
oh brother....
Anonymous said...
Anyone ask Russ Gibb if he likes being misquoted in a Youtube video without his permission?
Some Anonymous person sent an email to him last month...
October 10, 2009 4:31 PM
Russ Gibb declined to meet with the email.
So when is going to be on my PC?
/also...I though you rocked an Apple computer?
October 10, 2009 4:26 PM
PC stands for "Personal Computer"
of which an Apple is!
Russ Gibb declined to meet with the email.
October 10, 2009 4:42 PM
Why would he do that????
Anonymous said...
Russ Gibb declined to meet with the email.
October 10, 2009 4:42 PM
Russ Gibb does not have a PC....
is this his email?
Blogger MikeNL said..
on my PC.
October 10, 2009 3:44 PM
So when is going to be on my PC?
prolly never with an attitude like that mister....
How about asking nicely!
You never learn manners in your parents basement?
is this his email?
October 10, 2009 4:47 PM
WRONG RUSS GIBB! No wonder you never heard back from him
PC stands for "Personal Computer"
of which an Apple is!
October 10, 2009 4:43 PM
a pc in the u.s is a windows computer, an apple is always portrayed as a hip dude, and a pc is always portrayed as a nerd... in the commercials
Russ Gibb doesn't know what You Tube is
crack 'er open fer christmas; it's a pepper mint, dublin yer pleasure, dublin yer fun.
cider for the inciders. corks for the inciters. me? i'm just a bottle.
How many freaking days till Xmas? I got blue balls!!!
a pc in the u.s is a windows computer
True. For whatever reason, a pc (personal computer) means one operationg on windows, in the US.
Apple computers are not considered PCs. Why? I don't know.
I think it was an easy way to reference which computer system was being addressed in the nerd literature, and it just stuck.
apple vs pc
as opposed to having to say: DEll, Emachines, Hewlett-Packer, etc.
Russ Gibb dissed McCartney's invite, and where did that leave him ?
With a bloody PC and YouTube illiterate! See !
Ding! Fries ready!
The Shoshone "Ladies Fancy Shawl Dance" Butterfly Legend
Many, many years ago when the Earth was still quite new, there was a beautiful butterfly who lost her mate in battle. To show her grief, she took off her beautiful wings and wrapped herself in a drab cocoon. In her sadness, she could not eat and she could not sleep and her relatives kept coming to her lodge to see if she was okay.
Of course she wasn't, but she didn't want to be a burden on her people so she packed up her wings and her medicine bundle and took off on a long journey. She wandered about for many days and months, until finally she had gone all around the world.
On her journey she kept her eyes downcast and stepped on each stone she came to as she crossed fields and creeks and streams. Finally, one day as she was looking down, she happened to notice the stone beneath her feet, and it was so beautiful that it healed her sorrow.
She then cast aside her cocoon, shook the dust from her wings, and donned them once more. She was so happy she began to dance to give thanks for another chance to begin her life anew. Then she went home and told The People about her long journey and how it had healed her.
To this day,The People dance this dance as an expression of renewal, and to give thanks for new seasons, new life, and new beginnings.
35 and a third
shoshoney phoney baloney
The butter wouldn't melt so I put it in the Pie.
but the kettle's on the boil!
The butterfly effect.
Huh. In this alternate world of PID, a world where people chat incessantly about old Beatle cartoon clips and Egyptian symbols as though they have some PID relevance, it is most telling that no one wants to address the pertinent info in the article Taf posted. You see, the PID phenomenon will never get more press than recently, because it is the anniversary, and this means that this little blurb Taf posted is pretty much the pinnacle of PID related news. And yet not a mention of Iamaphoney. More important, La Bour said he perpetrated clues (including the car crash concept) to demonstrate how people foolishly read into things. He thought the whole enterprise was funny. No one wants to discuss that of course. Gibb thinks the Beatles put in some clues deliberately to boost album sales. Sure doesn't think Paul actually died. There you have it. No mystery at all. Just people looking for and finding whatever clues they subjectively believe fit the premise. That's why no further evidence ever comes forward. There isn't any. But "Shoes" was a cool mix and I do like the editing.
Good night, sleep tight PID world.
Don't waste too much more of your lives on it, though. All you'll end up with is fewer moments to spend on yourselves.
I am.
Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been
Nothing to do it's up to you
I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.
It's all good, it's all good, it's all good.
So at NIR they posted the Russ Gibb interview. ANd even though Gibb and LaBour both made extremely clear that Paul is not Dead, and that, in fact, both contributed to what they say was a rumor or deliberate hoax, the desperate NIR folk have to cling to one sentence, when Gibb said of McCartney "He's already with the immortals anyway," as if this is a wink wink about his being dead. Duh. He means that Paul is a legendary immortal recording artist because his music will live on after his death. He is with the immortals, and one probably could have said that about him in 1966 as well. Folks, when you can't even accept what the principal parties themselves say about PID, you are delusional. Would you prefer someone take their statements out of context to make it look as though they believe PID? Would that make you feel better about your losing battle?
At least accept what they say and then hypothesize that the Illuminati paid them to say it; anything. But stop with this "aha, he didn't really mean what he said" b.s. that only zealots cling to when their beliefs have been shattered. It's stubborn, juvenile and embarrassing.
Anonymous said...
So at NIR they posted the Russ Gibb interview. ANd even though Gibb and LaBour both made extremely clear that Paul is not Dead, and that, in fact, both contributed to what they say was a rumor or deliberate hoax, the desperate NIR folk have to cling to one sentence, when Gibb said of McCartney "He's already with the immortals anyway," as if this is a wink wink about his being dead. Duh. He means that Paul is a legendary immortal recording artist because his music will live on after his death. He is with the immortals, and one probably could have said that about him in 1966 as well. Folks, when you can't even accept what the principal parties themselves say about PID, you are delusional. Would you prefer someone take their statements out of context to make it look as though they believe PID? Would that make you feel better about your losing battle?
At least accept what they say and then hypothesize that the Illuminati paid them to say it; anything. But stop with this "aha, he didn't really mean what he said" b.s. that only zealots cling to when their beliefs have been shattered. It's stubborn, juvenile and embarrassing.
October 11, 2009 12:18 AM
you aren't really saying what you are saying, am i right?
At least accept what they say and then hypothesize that the Illuminati paid them to say it; anything. .......It's stubborn, juvenile and embarrassing
We didn't pay anybody anything! Now stick my head back in the freezer!
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Harmles game an english game hm-hm-m gave me luck some real and, know, we felt in ussssss
Care to expound on that?
Bla bla bla
Bill Shepherd - there are seven levels
Bill Gates - no one will need more than 737 kb on a personal computer.
Jack Shepherd - i'm lost in the w00ds.
Jack Daniels - drink me
William FriedPotato - eat me
William Campbell - i am a phony!
Where's my invitation?
Arch: Ian d' Ruse
I declare! Three shillings!
foreign florin
Hear, O Israel: Hero is real.
O Really?
Your mother should know. She ma, after all. She so ma!
Ma's stocking the cubboards.
Just got myself the Iamaphoney DVD. High quality hoaxing! Any reviews yet?
It's puree of Huntz Ketchup in the War Hall; next day, down goes Marilyn.
Ring my Bells and bust my Bermans!
Blogger MikeNL said..
on my PC.
October 10, 2009 3:44 PM
So when is going to be on my PC?
prolly never with an attitude like that mister....
How about asking nicely!
Mike, would you please upload the Right Album Bootleg? Thanks.
An eye view from the bridge.
Mike, would you please upload the Right Album Bootleg? Thanks.
October 11, 2009 10:15 AM
Yes Mike, I second that.
Could you please make the Right Album available? Thank you
After these things the LORD appointed other seventy also...
Where is the Holy Grail now and who owned it last time?
Why would what is assumed to be a pot have importance? The words were a code, which as the Da Vinci Code movies portray to be the body of the wife of Jesus. It in fact is neither of those things, but was a code nonetheless. Irrelevant to your life in this active and challenging time! Have you nothing more important to do with your time and energy?
Vera: Nicker Lodge
that was really lame
Taf said....Happy belated birthday to John Lennon. October 9 passed by rather quietly this year, but I suspect there are revelations just beyond the horizon.
Taf you'll just have to go on waiting. If you haven't wised up by now then there's no hope for you. Might as well just wait for your inheritance money from that bank in Nigeria while you're at it.
exciting stuff dead ahead!
Semper ubi sub ubi. On your head.
beyond the blue
whore eyes on lies
a wry sing song
In an episode of "Frasier," the father finds the phrase "Semper ubi sub ubi" carved into the hearth in a mountain cabin the family rents, and Niles explains it to him.
Anonymous said...
Mike, would you please upload the Right Album Bootleg? Thanks.
October 11, 2009 10:15 AM
Yes Mike, I second that.
Could you please make the Right Album available? Thank you
October 11, 2009 12:35 PM
right album BOOTLEG.
and no.
Mikes hands be TIED AND TRUE!
Moon Dag's child has learned to tie? Woof!
"No revelations on the horizon, but we missed you talking about revelations on the horizon."
Sucker Sucker
You are Mike and E-girl
Last warning? Two minutes?
does that Help?
Goody two shoes
First time last timer: what a skankey crew we got here!
Dang You! H8ters.! Always ruining a good thing!
The tent people have left the building.....
cue the wheelchairs....
Hiram Lodge? Arch Key? Moose Mason?
Forsooth! Mister Jones!
You raise up your head
And you ask, "Is this where it is?"
And somebody points to you and says
"It's his"
And you say, "What's mine?"
And somebody else says, "Where what is?"
And you say, "Oh my God
Am I here all alone?"
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
ninety 5
what more do you really really want?
seeing is denying
one oh THREE
le bra: it's a boobie underwear
libra: it's a boobie under-weigher
You think anyone's gonna make heads or tails of this someday?
wont's really happen
skip! Skip!
where is our conductor?
Tomorrow is A.C.'s birthday. Happy birthday, ye olde beastie.
The universe appears and disappears every four-quadrillionths of a second.
99 44/100% Pure" said...
what more do you really really want?
the square of 777 1/6
minus the square of 1/6
divided by mdY
is one cent
over and over and over
six millenia will pass
before the next Annum Big Ram
"ate thou sand? oh, wait!"
what does it mean?
not a gee dee thing
poppin' fresh dough...
(mastering the anointment is all in the 'rist)
Blogger MikeNL said...
Yes Mike, I second that.
Could you please make the Right Album available? Thank you
October 11, 2009 12:35 PM
right album BOOTLEG.
and no.
October 11, 2009 4:50 PM
An important portent for the Poe lease? B Sirius Dog!
Timekeeper Jughead Jones, III
too much spring
cross words
cross my heart
what's in a name?
Today was National Coming Out Day in the United States; as expected, nothing came out.
Another mystery is the meaning of the "S" on his sweatshirt, which has still not been revealed to this day, though many stories have come close.
I'm crying.
see how easy it is to make nonsense?
by the way, what about RA76 review?
Liverpool 8
Liverpool 4
Live R Pool
Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air
Happy Columbus Day!
Required to have a BBQ today?
звезды на небе есть всегда,
даже тогда, когда
облака загораживают их ночью,
а солнце ослепляет нас днем.
Today's The Day!
by Like More Wizards
how did mike "bootleg" the right album???
"stars before the sky exist always, even when clouds enclose them at night, and the sun dazzles us in the daytime."
wear it
why do they always throw in the monster movies?
Defending Your Life
Defending your Liver Pool!
Defending your Liver Pool!
lɐəɹ sı ƃuıɥʇou
The Satellite Of Love
more unreleased nutters footage from the game of five's guy
Tek de neegle an sow de piece of clawt.
Dat eye fell in dat peenywally mansion!
wake up!
did someone say UP?
hey, your next, UP!
let's go!
Eye fell in-to a burning ring of fire.
Well, the clock says its time to close now
I guess Id better go now
Id really like to stay here all night
The cars crawl past all stuffed with eyes
Street lights share their hollow glow
Your brain seems bruised with numb surprise
Still one place to go
Still one place to go
Sign of the Dove said...
Happy Columbus Day!
Freda People
just a cake walk
Is that John Lennon or Robert Plant?
I see Norman Mailer.
all good things
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